Eric Vermetten
Hoogleraar medisch-biologische en psychiatrische aspecten van psychotrauma's
- Naam
- Prof.dr. H.G.J.M. Vermetten
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 9111
- 0000-0003-0579-4404

Prof. dr. HGJM (Eric) Vermetten is als bijzonder hoogleraar verbonden aan het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum. Hij is gespecialiseerd in de behandeling van psychotrauma’s en is vanuit die functie verbonden aan de ARQ Psychotrauma Research Groep. Daarnaast is hij verbonden aan de afdeling Psychiatrie van de New York University Medical School. Prof. dr. Vermetten is ook werkzaam als psychiater, kolonel en strategische adviseur wetenschappelijk onderzoek bij de Militaire Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg van Defensie. Hij is zowel in Nederland als in de VS opgeleid in psychiatrie en neurowetenschappen (Stanford, Yale en Emory University). Hij heeft zowel een klinische als onderzoeksposities met een focus op medische / biologische en psychiatrische aspecten van complexe psychotrauma processen bij zowel militaire als burgerbevolking. Hij heeft meer dan 200 artikelen, meer dan 30 boekhoofdstukken gepubliceerd en verschillende boeken over dit onderwerp bewerkt. Zijn onderzoek ligt op het gebied van stress, trauma, complexe PTSS en neurowetenschappen. Hij is geïnteresseerd in de geschiedenis van oorlog en heeft speciale aandacht voor het combineren van biologische interventies in de psychotraumatologie met nieuwe technologie en nieuwe geneesmiddelenontwikkelingen, in bijzonder MDMA, psilocybine, ketamine en medicinale cannabis. Hij is PI van een 10-jarige longitudinale cohortstudie van prospectief onderzoek in militaire operaties, PRISMO. Prof Vermetten is ad hoc recensent voor tal van tijdschriften en subsidieverstrekkers. Hij geeft lezingen over de hele wereld over PTSS, trauma, veerkracht, neurowetenbschappen en ook over doelgroespecifieke veteranenkwesties en over nieuwe benaderingen van therapie voor PTSS.
Medische psychotraumatologie
De leerstoel kenmerkt zich door kennisopbouw op gebied van medische psychotraumatologie via multidisciplinariteit en via translationele en klinische neurowetenschappen. Waar het kennisdomein bij Defensie en ARQ al goed geprogrammeerd is door inrichting in een expertisecentrum (voormalig onderzoekscentrum) (Defensie) en research tracks (ARQ), is dit nu ook in de onderzoekvisie op de afdeling psychiatrie van het LUMC zichtbaar (deelprogramma ‘stress en trauma in de levensloop’). De onderwijs- en onderzoeksactiviteiten worden met een de grote groep van promovendi, onderzoekers, en instellingen, in Nederland en daarbuiten uitgevoerd, en kenmerken zich door academische samenwerking maar ook met partners in civiel-militaire wetenschappelijke samenwerking (Landelijke Zorglijn Veteranen, Veteraneninstituut, Politie, TNO, Programma Adviesraad Defensie, NATO Science and Technology Organisation) en beleidskaders, bedrijfsleven en organisaties (Ministeries, Motek, CleVR, MAPS, Sensiks).
De onderzoekslijn richt zich op de twee hoofdthema’s: A. Beloopsstudies: Fundamentele kennisopbouw op gebied van predictie van beloopsfactoren bij veerkracht en PTSS en B. Behandelstudies: Empirische validering van innovatieve augmentatie van farmaco- en psychotherapeutische interventies bij PTSS
Op 23 mei 2014 sprak hij zijn oratie uit, getiteld: “Strijd van binnen”
Hoogleraar medisch-biologische en psychiatrische aspecten van psychotrauma's
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 3
- Psychiatrie
- Plas, X.; Bruinsma, B.; Lissa, C.J. van; Vermetten, E.; Lutterveld, R. van & Geuze, E. (2024), Long-term trajectories of depressive symptoms in deployed military personnel: A 10-year prospective study, Journal of Affective Disorders 354: 702-711.
- Wani, A.H.; Katrinli, S.; Zhao, X.; Daskalakis, N.P.; Zannas, A.S.; Aiello, A.E.; Baker, D.G.; Boks, M.P.; Brick, L.A.; Chen, C.Y.; Dalvie, S.; Fortier, C.; Geuze, E.; Hayes, J.P.; Kessler, R.C.; King, A.P.; Koen, N.; Liberzon, I.; Lori, A.; Luykx, J.J.; Maihofer, A.X.; Milberg, W.; Miller, M.W.; Mufford, M.S.; Nugent, N.R.; Rauch, S.; Ressler, K.J.; Risbrough, V.B.; Rutten, B.P.F.; Stein, D.J.; Stein, M.B.; Ursano, R.J.; Verfaellie, M.H.; Vermetten, E.; Vinkers, C.H.; Ware, E.B.; Wildman, D.E.; Wolf, E.J.; Nievergelt, C.M.; Logue, M.W.; Smith, A.K. & Uddin, M. (2024), Blood-based DNA methylation and exposure risk scores predict PTSD with high accuracy in military and civilian cohorts, Journal Title BMC Medical Genomics 17(1).
- Yu, Z.J.; Burback, L.; Winkler, O.; Xu, L.J.; Dennett, L.; Vermetten, E.; Greenshaw, A.; Li, X.M.; Milne, M.; Wang, F.; Cao, B.; Winship, I.R.; Zhang, Y.B. & Chan, A.W. (2024), Alterations in brain network connectivity and subjective experience induced by psychedelics: a scoping review, Frontiers in Psychiatry 15.
- Dunn, W.; Bershad, A.; Krantz, D.E. & Vermetten, E. (2024), MDMA for treatment of PTSD and neurorehabilitation in military populations, NeuroRehabilitation 55(3): 357-368.
- Geuzinge, R.; Visse, M.; Duyndam, J. & Vermetten, E. (2024), The Role of Group Formation and Interpersonal Connections in Support: A Qualitative Analysis of Social Structures in Emergency Services Organizations and Hospital-Based Emergency Settings, SAGE OPEN 14(4).
- Breeksema, J.J.; Niemeijer, A.; Krediet, E.; Karsten, T.; Kamphuis, J.; Vermetten, E.; Brink, W. van den & Schoevers, R. (2024), Patient perspectives and experiences with psilocybin treatment for treatment-resistant depression: a qualitative study, Scientific Reports 14(1).
- Harwood-Gross, A.; Brom, D.; Schramm-Yavin, S.; Fruchter, E. & Vermetten, E. (2024), Trauma care in crisis: war trauma and mental health funding, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOTRAUMATOLOGY 15(1).
- Marx, B.P.; Rothbaum, B.O. & Vermetten, E. (2024), What I was thinking/what I would do differently: Technology-enabled traumatic stress support, Journal of Traumatic Stress 37(5): 739-745.
- Kitano, M.; Does, F.H.S. van der; Saito, T.; Giltay, E.J.; Chiba, T.; Edo, N.; Waki, F.; Tachimori, H.; Koga, M.; Wee, N.J. van der; Vermetten, E. & Nagamine, M. (2024), Self-compassion as a protective factor against post-traumatic stress symptoms induced by adverse childhood experiences: A cross-sectional study among Japan air self-defense force new recruits, Journal of Psychiatric Research 180: 204-212.
- Kitano, M.; Giltay, E.J.; Saito, T.; Does, F.H.S. van der; Chiba, T.; Vermetten, E.; Edo, N.; Waki, F.; Koga, M.; Toda, H.; Wee, N.J. van der & Nagamine, M. (2024), Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Japanese Peacekeepers Deployed in South Sudan, Jama Network Open 7(7).
- Herpers, J.; Maximets, N.; Dongen, N.N.N. van; Zijlmans, J. & Vermetten, E. (2024), Expert opinions on implementation of MDMA-assisted therapy in Europe: critical appraisal towards training, clinical practice, and regulation, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOTRAUMATOLOGY 15(1).
- Geuzinge, R.; Visse, M.; Vermetten, E. & Duyndam, J. (2024), Differentiating social environments of high-risk professionals and specialised nurses: a qualitative empirical study on social embeddedness, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOTRAUMATOLOGY 15(1).
- Yap, S.; Allen, R.R.; Aquin, C.R.; Bright, K.S.; Brown, M.R.G.; Burback, L.; Winkler, O.; Jones, C.; Hayward, J.; Wells, K.; Vermetten, E.; Greenshaw, A.J. & Bremault-Phillips, S. (2024), Current and Future Implementation of Digitally Delivered Psychotherapies: An Exploratory Mixed-Methods Investigation of Client, Clinician, and Community Partner Perspectives, Healthcare 12(19).
- Nievergelt, C.M.; Maihofer, A.X.; Atkinson, E.G.; Chen, C.Y.; Choi, K.W.; Coleman, J.R.I.; Daskalakis, N.P.; Duncan, L.E.; Polimanti, R.; Aaronson, C.; Ananda, B.A.; Andersen, S.B.; Andreassen, O.A.; Arbisi, P.A.; Ashley-Koch, A.E.; Austin, S.B.; Avdibegoviç, E.; Babic, D.; Bacanu, S.A.; Baker, D.G.; Batzler, A.; Beckham, J.C.; Belangero, S.; Benjet, C.; Bergner, C.; Bierer, L.M.; Biernacka, J.M.; Bierut, L.J.; Bisson, J.I.; Boks, M.P.; Bolger, E.A.; Brandolino, A.; Breen, G.; Bressan, R.A.; Bryant, R.A.; Bustamante, A.C.; Bybjerg-Grauholm, J.; Bækvad-Hansen, M.; Borglum, A.D.; Borte, S.; Cahn, L.; Calabrese, J.R.; Caldas-De-Almeida, J.M.; Chatzinakos, C.; Cheema, S.; Clouston, S.A.P.; Colodro-Conde, L.; Coombes, B.J.; Cruz-Fuentes, C.S.; Dale, A.M.; Dalvie, S.; Davis, L.K.; Deckert, J.; Delahanty, D.L.; Dennis, M.F.; Desarnaud, F.; DiPietro, C.P.; Disner, S.G.; Docherty, A.R.; Domschke, K.; Dyb, G.; Kulenovic, A.D.; Edenberg, H.J.; Evans, A.; Fabbri, C.; Fani, N.; Farrer, L.A.; Feder, A.; Feeny, N.C.; Flory, J.D.; Forbes, D.; Franz, C.E.; Galea, S.; Garrett, M.E.; Gelaye, B.; Gelernter, J.; Geuze, E.; Gillespie, C.F.; Goleva, S.B.; Gordon, S.D.; Goçi, A.; Grasser, L.R.; Guindalini, C.; Haas, M.; Hagenaars, S.; Hauser, M.A.; Heath, A.C.; Hemmings, S.M.J.; Hesselbrock, V.; Hickie, I.B.; Hogan, K.; Hougaard, D.M.; Huang, H.; Huckins, L.M.; Hveem, K.; Jakovljevic, M.; Javanbakht, A.; Jenkins, G.D.; Johnson, J.; Jones, I.; Jovanovic, T.; Karstoft, K.I.; Kaufman, M.L.; Kennedy, J.L.; Kessler, R.C.; Khan, A.; Kimbrel, N.A.; King, A.P.; Koen, N.; Kotov, R.; Kranzler, H.R.; Krebs, K.; Kremen, W.S.; Kuan, P.F.; Lawford, B.R.; Lebois, L.A.M.; Lehto, K.; Levey, D.F.; Lewis, C.; Liberzon, I.; Linnstaedt, S.D.; Logue, M.W.; Lori, A.; Lu, Y.; Luft, B.J.; Lupton, M.K.; Luykx, J.J.; Makotkine, I.; Maples-Keller, J.L.; Marchese, S.; Marmar, C.; Martin, N.G.; Martínez-Levy, G.A.; McAloney, K.; McFarlane, A.; McLaughlin, K.A.; McLean, S.A.; Medland, S.E.; Mehta, D.; Meyers, J.; Michopoulos, V.; Mikita, E.A.; Milani, L.; Milberg, W.; Miller, M.W.; Morey, R.A.; Morris, C.P.; Mors, O.; Mortensen, P.B.; Mufford, M.S.; Nelson, E.C.; Nordentoft, M.; Norman, S.B.; Nugent, N.R.; O'Donnell, M.; Orcutt, H.K.; Pan, P.M.; Panizzon, M.S.; Pathak, G.A.; Peters, E.S.; Peterson, A.L.; Peverill, M.; Pietrzak, R.H.; Polusny, M.A.; Porjesz, B.; Powers, A.; Qin, X.J.; Ratanatharathorn, A.; Risbrough, V.B.; Roberts, A.L.; Rothbaum, A.O.; Rothbaum, B.O.; Roy-Byrne, P.; Ruggiero, K.J.; Rung, A.; Runz, H.; Rutten, B.P.F.; Viteri, S.S. de; Salum, G.A.; Sampson, L.; Sanchez, S.E.; Santoro, M.; Seah, C.; Seedat, S.; Seng, J.S.; Shabalin, A.; Sheerin, C.M.; Silove, D.; Smith, A.K.; Smoller, J.W.; Sponheim, S.R.; Stein, D.J.; Stensland, S.; Stevens, J.S.; Sumner, J.A.; Teicher, M.H.; Thompson, W.K.; Tiwari, A.K.; Trapido, E.; Uddin, M.; Ursano, R.J.; Valdimarsdóttir, U.; Hooff, M. van; Vermetten, E.; Vinkers, C.H.; Voisey, J.; Wang, Y.P.; Wang, Z.W.; Waszczuk, M.; Weber, H.; Wendt, F.R.; Werge, T.; Williams, M.A.; Williamson, D.E.; Winsvold, B.S.; Winternitz, S.; Wolf, C.; Wolf, E.J.; Xia, Y.; Xiong, Y.; Yehuda, R.; Young, K.A.; Young, R.M.; Zai, C.C.; Zai, G.C.; Zervas, M.; Zhao, H.Y.; Zoellner, L.A.; Zwart, J.A.; DeRoon-Cassini, T.; Rooij, S.J.H. van; Heuvel, L.L. van den; Stein, M.B.; Ressler, K.J.; Koenen, K.C.; Aurora Study; Estonian Biobank Res Team; FinnGen Investigators & Hunt All-In Psychiat (2024), Genome-wide association analyses identify 95 risk loci and provide insights into the neurobiology of post-traumatic stress disorder, Nature Genetics 56(5).
- Burback, L.; Brémault-Phillips, S.; Nijdam, M.J.; McFarlane, A. & Vermetten, E. (2024), Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A State-of-the-art Review, CURRENT NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 22(4): 557-635.
- Zijderveld, R. van; Geuze, E.; Avazverdi, N.; Koningsbrugge, S. van; Dort, E. van; Weijer, A. de; Vermetten, E. & Bruinsma, B. (2024), IMMERSE, a Virtual-Reality Application for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Biological Psychiatry 95(10): S247-S247.
- Nijdam, M.J.; Vermetten, E. & McFarlane, A.C. (2023), Toward staging differentiation for posttraumatic stress disorder treatment, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 147(1): 65-80.
- Goeree, N.; Dekker, N.L.; Reuver, Y. de; Haagen, J.F.G. & Vermetten, E. (2023), Shaping hope in everyday life, Ethos 51(4).
- Gerrmann, J.; Boeschoten, M.; Nijdam, M.J.; Aa, N. van der; Eidhof, M.B.; Hoeboer, C.M.; Jongh, A. de; Olff, M.; Schoorl, M.; Vliet, N.I. van; Vermetten, E. & Heide, F.J.J. ter (2023), Psychometric evaluation of the Dutch International Trauma Questionnaire for ICD-11 PTSD and complex PTSD, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 14.
- Reichelt, A.C.; Vermetten, E. & Dunkley, B.T. (2023), Psychedelic and nutraceutical interventions as therapeutic strategies for military-related mild traumatic brain injuries, Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health 9(5).
- Breeksema, J.J.; Niemeijer, A.; Kuin, B.; Veraart, J.; Vermetten, E.; Kamphuis, J.; Brink, W. van den & Schoevers, R. (2023), Phenomenology and therapeutic potential of patient experiences during oral esketamine treatment for treatment-resistant depression, Psychopharmacology 240(7): 1547-1560.
- Godes, M.; Lucas, J. & Vermetten, E. (2023), Perceived key change phenomena of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for the treatment of severe PTSD, Frontiers in Psychiatry 14.
- Harwood-Gross, A.; Vermetten, E. & Zasiekina, L. (2023), Moral injury in Europe and beyond. Understanding the societal and cultural backdrop to the moral injury experience, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 14.
- Wal, S.J. van der; Geuze, E. & Vermetten, E. (2023), Long-term risk for mental health symptoms in Dutch ISAF veterans, Psychological Medicine 53(8): 3355-3365.
- Houtert, E.A.E. van; Endenburg, N.; Vermetten, E. & Rodenburg, T.B. (2023), Hair cortisol in service dogs for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder compared to companion dogs (Canis Familiaris), Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 26(4): 623-633.
- Vermetten, E.; Jones, C.; MacDonald, L.S.; Heide, J.J. ter; Greenshaw, A.J. & Brémault-Phillips, S. (2023), Editorial: Emerging treatments and approaches for moral injury and moral distress, Frontiers in Psychiatry 14.
- Hoekstra, M.; Veelen, N. van; Leeuwen, J. van; Nijdam, M.J. & Vermetten, E. (2023), 3MDR treatment in an adolescent with PTSD, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 14(2).
- Pluck, F.; Ettema, R. & Vermetten, E. (2022), Threats and Interventions on Wellbeing in Asylum Seekers in the Netherlands: A Scoping Review, Frontiers in Psychiatry.
- Breeksema, J.J.; Kuin, B.W.; Kamphuis, J.; Brink, W. van den; Vermetten, E. & Schoevers, R.A. (2022), Adverse events in clinical treatments with serotonergic psychedelics and MDMA: A mixed-methods systematic review, Journal of Psychopharmacology 36(10): 1100-1117.
- Al-Shamali, H.F.; Winkler, O.; Talarico, F.; Greenshaw, A.J.; Forner, C.; Zhang, Y.B.; Vermetten, E. & Burback, L. (2022), A systematic scoping review of dissociation in borderline personality disorder and implications for research and clinical practice: Exploring the fog, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 56(10): 1252-1264.
- Sikharulidze, G.; Ratiani, L.; Sordia, M.; Sikharulidze, E.; Khutsishvili, T.; Lejava, K. & Vermetten, E. (2022), Comorbidity and association of posttraumatic stress, depression, anxiety, and somatic complaints in COVID-19 Georgian patients at the beginning of pandemic, Current Psychiatry Research and Reviews 18(3): 236-247.
- Frankova, I.; Vermetten, E.; Shalev, A.Y.; Sijbrandij, M.; Holmes, E.A.; Ursano, R.; Schmidt, U. & Zohar, J. (2022), Digital psychological first aid for Ukraine.
- Maihofer, A.X.; Choi, K.W.; Coleman, J.R.I.; Daskalakis, N.P.; Denckla, C.A.; Ketema, E.; Morey, R.A.; Polimanti, R.; Ratanatharathorn, A.; Torres, K.; Wingo, A.P.; Zai, C.C.; Aiello, A.E.; Almli, L.M.; Amstadter, A.B.; Andersen, S.B.; Andreassen, O.A.; Arbisi, P.A.; Ashley-Koch, A.E.; Austin, S.B.; Avdibegovic, E.; Borglum, A.D.; Babic, D.; Baekvad-Hansen, M.; Baker, D.G.; Beckham, J.C.; Bierut, L.J.; Bisson, J.I.; Boks, M.P.; Bolger, E.A.; Bradley, B.; Brashear, M.; Breen, G.; Bryant, R.A.; Bustamante, A.C.; Bybjerg-Grauholm, J.; Calabrese, J.R.; Caldas-de-Almeida, J.M.; Chen, C.Y.; Dale, A.M.; Dalvie, S.; Deckert, J.; Delahanty, D.L.; Dennis, M.F.; Disner, S.G.; Domschke, K.; Duncan, L.E.; Kulenovic, A.D.; Erbes, C.R.; Evans, A.; Farrer, L.A.; Feeny, N.C.; Flory, J.D.; Forbes, D.; Franz, C.E.; Galea, S.; Garrett, M.E.; Gautam, A.; Gelaye, B.; Gelernter, J.; Geuze, E.; Gillespie, C.F.; Goci, A.; Gordon, S.D.; Guffanti, G.; Hammamieh, R.; Hauser, M.A.; Heath, A.C.; Hemmings, S.M.J.; Hougaard, D.M.; Jakovljevic, M.; Jett, M.; Johnson, E.O.; Jones, I.; Jovanovic, T.; Qin, X.J.; Karstoft, K.I.; Kaufman, M.L.; Kessler, R.C.; Khan, A.; Kimbrel, N.A.; King, A.P.; Koen, N.; Kranzler, H.R.; Kremen, W.S.; Lawford, B.R.; Lebois, L.A.M.; Lewis, C.; Liberzon, I.; Linnstaedt, S.D.; Logue, M.W.; Lori, A.; Lugonja, B.; Luykx, J.J.; Lyons, M.J.; Maples-Keller, J.L.; Marmar, C.; Martin, N.G.; Maurer, D.; Mavissakalian, M.R.; McFarlane, A.; McGlinchey, R.E.; McLaughlin, K.A.; McLean, S.A.; Mehta, D.; Mellor, R.; Michopoulos, V.; Milberg, W.; Miller, M.W.; Morris, C.P.; Mors, O.; Mortensen, P.B.; Nelson, E.C.; Nordentoft, M.; Norman, S.B.; O'Donnell, M.; Orcutt, H.K.; Panizzon, M.S.; Peters, E.S.; Peterson, A.L.; Peverill, M.; Pietrzak, R.H.; Polusny, M.A.; Rice, J.P.; Risbrough, V.B.; Roberts, A.L.; Rothbaum, A.O.; Rothbaum, B.O.; Roy-Byrne, P.; Ruggiero, K.J.; Rung, A.; Rutten, B.P.F.; Saccone, N.L.; Sanchez, S.E.; Schijven, D.; Seedat, S.; Seligowski, A.V.; Seng, J.S.; Sheerin, C.M.; Silove, D.; Smith, A.K.; Smoller, J.W.; Sponheim, S.R.; Stein, D.J.; Stevens, J.S.; Teicher, M.H.; Thompson, W.K.; Trapido, E.; Uddin, M.; Ursano, R.J.; Heuvel, L.L. van den; Hooff, M. van; Vermetten, E.; Vinkers, C.H.; Voisey, J.; Wang, Y.P.; Wang, Z.W.; Werge, T.; Williams, M.A.; Williamson, D.E.; Winternitz, S.; Wolf, C.; Wolf, E.J.; Yehuda, R.; Young, K.A.; Young, R.M.; Zhao, H.Y.; Zoellner, L.A.; Haas, M.; Lasseter, H.; Provost, A.C.; Salem, R.M.; Sebat, J.; Shaffer, R.A.; Wu, T.Y.; Ripke, S.; Daly, M.J.; Ressler, K.J.; Koenen, K.C.; Stein, M.B. & Nievergelt, C.M. (2022), Enhancing discovery of genetic variants for posttraumatic stress disorder through integration of quantitative phenotypes and trauma exposure information, Biological Psychiatry 91(7): 626-636.
- Bremault-Phillips, S.; Cherwick, T.; Smith-MacDonald, L.A.; Huh, J. & Vermetten, E. (2022), Forgiveness, Frontiers in Psychiatry 13.
- Breeksema, J.J.; Niemeijer, A.; Kuin, B.; Veraart, J.; Kamphuis, J.; Schimmel, N.; Brink, W. van den; Vermetten, E. & Schoevers, R. (2022), Holding on or letting go? , Frontiers in Psychiatry 13.
- Jin, J.A.T.; Weiman, K.; Bremault-Phillips, S. & Vermetten, E. (2022), Moral injury and recovery in uniformed professionals: lessons from conversations among international students and experts, Frontiers in Psychiatry 13.
- Flameling, J.; Does, F. van der; Veelen, N. van & Vermetten, E. (2022), Not too quick on "Debunking the myth of 'Blue Mondays'".
- Jones, C.; Smith-MacDonald, L.; Brown, M.R.G.; Pike, A.; Vermetten, E. & Bremault-Phillips, S. (2022), Quantitative changes in mental health measures with 3MDR treatment for Canadian military members and veterans, Brain and Behavior 12(8).
- Bremault-Phillips, S.; Bright, K.S.; Phillips, A. & Vermetten, E. (2022), Scenario-based supported interventions for moral injury and posttraumatic stress disorder: Data report of film and television references for use with uniformed professionals, Frontiers in Psychiatry 13.
- Jones, C.; Cruz, A.M.; Smith-MacDonald, L.; Brown, M.R.G.; Vermetten, E. & Bremault-Phillips, S. (2022), Technology acceptance and usability of a virtual reality intervention for military members and veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder, JMIR Formative Research 6(4).
- Houtert, E.A.E. van; Rodenburg, T.B.; Vermetten, E. & Endenburg, N. (2022), The impact of service dogs on military veterans and (ex) first aid responders with post-traumatic stress disorder, Frontiers in Psychiatry 13.
- Jones, C.; Smith-MacDonald, L.; Veelen, N. van; VanderLaan, A.; Kaneva, Z.; Dunleavy, R.S.; Hamilton, T.; Vermetten, E. & Bremault-Phillips, S. (2022), Therapist and operator experiences utilizing multi-modal motion-assisted Memory Desensitization and Reconsolidation (3MDR) for treatment of combat related posttraumatic stress disorder amongst military and veteran populations, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 13(1).
- Jones, C.; Smith-MacDonald, L.; Brown, M.R.G.; VanDehy, J.; Grunnet-Jepsen, R.; Ordek, V.P.; Kruger, S.; Gerhart, A.A.; Veelen, N. van; Nijdam, M.J.; Burback, L.; Cao, B.; Roy, M.J.; Sessoms, P.; Vermetten, E. & Bremault-Phillips, S. (2022), The redesign and validation of multimodal motion-assisted memory desensitization and reconsolidation hardware and software, JMIR Human Factors 9(3).
- Pluck, F.; Ettema, R. & Vermetten, E. (2022), Threats and Interventions on Wellbeing in Asylum Seekers in the Netherlands: A Scoping Review, Frontiers in Psychiatry 13.
- Roy, M.J.; Bellini, P.; Kruger, S.E.; Dunbar, K.; Atallah, H.; Haight, T. & Vermetten, E. (2022), Randomized controlled trial of motion-assisted exposure therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder after mild traumatic brain injury, with and without an eye movement task, Frontiers in Virtual Reality 3.
- Kapteijn, C.M.; Frippiat, T.; Beckhoven, C. van; Lith, H.A. van; Endenburg, N.; Vermetten, E. & Rodenburg, T.B. (2022), Measuring heart rate variability using a heart rate monitor in horses (Equus caballus) during groundwork, Frontiers in Veterinary Science 9.
- Li, X.S.; Rozendaal, M.C.; Vermetten, E.; Jansen, K. & Jonker, C. (2022), Get a grip on stress with Grippy! , International Journal of Design 16(3): 97-113.
- Katrinli, S.; Maihofer, A.X.; Wani, A.H.; Pfeiffer, J.R.; Ketema, E.; Ratanatharathorn, A.; Baker, D.G.; Boks, M.P.; Geuze, E.; Kessler, R.C.; Risbrough, V.B.; Rutten, B.P.F.; Stein, M.B.; Ursano, R.J.; Vermetten, E.; Logue, M.W.; Nievergelt, C.M.; Smith, A.K. & Uddin, M. (2022), Epigenome-wide meta-analysis of PTSD symptom severity in three military cohorts implicates DNA methylation changes in genes involved in immune system and oxidative stress, Molecular Psychiatry 27.
- Houtert, E.A.E. van; Endenburg, N.; Vermetten, E. & Rodenburg, T.B. (2022), Hair cortisol in service dogs for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder compared to companion dogs (Canis Familiaris), Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science.
- Wal, S.J. van der; Geuze, E. & Vermetten, E. (2022), Long-term risk for mental health symptoms in Dutch ISAF veterans, Psychological Medicine 53(8).
- Veelen, N. van; Boonekamp, R.C.; Schoonderwoerd, T.A.J.; Emmerik, M.L. van; Nijdam, M.J.; Bruinsma, B.; Geuze, E.; Jones, C. & Vermetten, E. (2021), Tailored immersion, Frontiers in Virtual Reality 2.
- Ponte, L.; Jerome, L.; Hamilton, S.; Mithoefer, M.C.; Yazar-Klosinski, B.B.; Vermetten, E. & Feduccia, A.A. (2021), Sleep quality improvements after MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder, Journal of Traumatic Stress 34(4): 851-863.
- Tang, E.; Jones, C.; Smith-MacDonald, L.; Brown, M.R.G.; Vermetten, E.H.G.J.M. & Bremault-Phillips, S. (2021), Decreased emotional dysregulation following multi-modal motion-assisted memory desensitization and reconsolidation therapy (3MDR), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(22).
- Houtert, E.A.E. van; Endenburg, N.; Rodenburg, T.B. & Vermetten, E. (2021), Do service dogs for veterans with PTSD mount a cortisol response in response to training?, Animals 11(3).
- Eshuis, L.V.; Gelderen, M.J. van; Zuiden, M. van; Nijdam, M.J.; Vermetten, E.; Olff, M. & Bakker, A. (2021), Efficacy of immersive PTSD treatments: a systematic review of virtual and augmented reality exposure therapy and a meta-analysis of virtual reality exposure therapy, Journal of Psychiatric Research 143: 516-527.
- Philippens, I.H.C.H.M.; Draaisma, L.; Baarends, G.; Krugers, H.J. & Vermetten, E. (2021), Ketamine treatment upon memory retrieval reduces fear memory in marmoset monkeys, European Neuropsychopharmacology 50: 1-11.
- Hamilton, T.; Burback, L.; Smith-MacDonald, L.; Jones, C.; Brown, M.R.G.; Mikolas, C.; Tang, E.M.Y.; O'Toole, K.; Vergis, P.; Merino, A.; Weiman, K.; Vermetten, E.H.G.J.M. & Bremault-Phillips, S. (2021), Moving toward and through trauma, Frontiers in Psychiatry 12.
- Blase, K.; Vermetten, E.; Lehrer, P. & Gevirtz, R. (2021), Neurophysiological approach by self-control of your stress-related autonomic nervous system with depression, stress and anxiety patients, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(7).
- Rius-Ottenheim, N.; Vermetten, E.; Giltay, E.; Boeschoten, M.; Bles, N. de; Wee, N. van der & Hemert, A. van (2021), Resilient care in times of covid: the stress buddy, European Psychiatry 64(Special Issue S1): S311-S311.
- Vinkers, C.H.; Geuze, E.; Rooij, S.J.H. van; Kennis, M.; Schur, R.R.; Nispeling, D.M.; Smith, A.K.; Nievergelt, C.M.; Uddin, M.; Rutten, B.P.F.; Vermetten, E. & Boks, M.P. (2021), Successful treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder reverses DNA methylation marks, Molecular Psychiatry 26(4): 1264-1271.
- Binsch, O.; Bottenheft, C.; Landman, A.M.; Roijendijk, L. & Vermetten, E.H.G.J.M. (2021), Testing the applicability of a virtual reality simulation platform for stress training of first responders, Military Psychology 33(3): 182-196.
- Atuel, H.R.; Barr, N.; Jones, E.; Greenberg, N.; Williamson, V.; Schumacher, M.R.; Vermetten, E.; Jetly, R. & Castro, C.A. (2021), Understanding Moral Injury From a Character Domain Perspective, Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 41(3): 155-173.
- Geuzinge, R.; Visse, M.; Duyndam, J. & Vermetten, E. (2020), Social embeddedness of firefighters, paramedics, specialized nurses, police officers, and military personnel: systematic review in relation to the risk of traumatization, Frontiers in Psychiatry 11.
- Logue, M.W.; Miller, M.W.; Wolf, E.J.; Huber, B.R.; Morrison, F.G.; Zhou, Z.W.; Zheng, Y.C.; Smith, A.K.; Daskalakis, N.P.; Ratanatharathorn, A.; Uddin, M.; Nievergelt, C.M.; Ashley-Koch, A.E.; Baker, D.G.; Beckham, J.C.; Garrett, M.E.; Boks, M.P.; Geuze, E.; Grant, G.A.; Hauser, M.A.; Kessler, R.C.; Kimbrel, N.A.; Maihofer, A.X.; Marx, C.E.; Qin, X.J.; Risbrough, V.B.; Rutten, B.P.F.; Stein, M.B.; Ursano, R.J.; Vermetten, E.; Vinkers, C.H.; Ware, E.B.; Stone, A.; Schichman, S.A.; McGlinchey, R.E.; Milberg, W.P.; Hayes, J.P.; Verfaellie, M. & Traumatic Stress Brain Study Grp (2020), An epigenome-wide association study of posttraumatic stress disorder in US veterans implicates several new DNA methylation loci, Clinical Epigenetics 12(1).
- Nagamine, M.; Giltay, E.J.; Shigemura, J.; Wee, N.J. van der; Yamamoto, T.; Takahashi, Y.; Saito, T.; Tanichi, M.; Koga, M.; Toda, H.; Shimizu, K.; Yoshino, A. & Vermetten, E. (2020), Assessment of factors associated with long-term posttraumatic stress symptoms among 56 388 first responders after the 2011 great east Japan earthquake, Jama Network Open 3(9).
- Lin, K.H.; Chen, Y.J.; Yang, S.N.; Liu, M.W.; Kao, C.C.; Nagamine, M.; Vermetten, E. & Lin, G.M. (2020), Association of psychological stress with physical fitness in a military cohort, Military Medicine 185(7-8): E1240-E1246.
- Setroikromo, S.N.W.; Bauduin, S.E.E.C.; Reesen, J.E.; Werff, S.J.A. van der; Smit, A.S.; Vermetten, E. & Wee, N.J.A. van der (2020), Cortical thickness in Dutch police officers, Journal of Traumatic Stress 33(2): 181-189.
- Smith, A.K.; Ratanatharathorn, A.; Maihofer, A.X.; Naviaux, R.K.; Aiello, A.E.; Amstadter, A.B.; Ashley-Koch, A.E.; Baker, D.G.; Beckham, J.C.; Boks, M.P.; Bromet, E.; Dennis, M.; Galea, S.; Garrett, M.E.; Geuze, E.; Guffanti, G.; Hauser, M.A.; Katrinli, S.; Kilaru, V.; Kessler, R.C.; Kimbrel, N.A.; Koenen, K.C.; Kuan, P.F.; Li, K.F.; Logue, M.W.; Lori, A.; Luft, B.J.; Miller, M.W.; Naviaux, J.C.; Nugent, N.R.; Qin, X.J.; Ressler, K.J.; Risbrough, V.B.; Rutten, B.P.F.; Stein, M.B.; Ursano, R.J.; Vermetten, E.; Vinkers, C.H.; Wang, L.; Youssef, N.A.; Uddin, M.; Nievergelt, C.M.; INTRuST Clinical Consortium; VA Mid-Atlantic MIRECC Workgrp & PGC PTSD Epigenetics Workgrp (2020), Epigenome-wide meta-analysis of PTSD across 10 military and civilian cohorts identifies methylation changes in AHRR, Nature Communications 11(1).
- Li, X.L.; Rozendaal, M.C.; Jansen, K.; Jonker, C. & Vermetten, E. (2020), Things that help out, AI and Society 36.
- Krediet, E.; Janssen, D.G.A.; Heerdink, E.R.; Egberts, T.C.G. & Vermetten, E. (2020), Experiences with medical cannabis in the treatment of veterans with PTSD, European Neuropsychopharmacology 36: 244-254.
- Beurden, M. van; Brouwer, A.M.; Baardewijk, J.U. van; Binsch, O.; Vermetten, E. & Roijendijk, L. (2020), Towards user-adapted training paradigms, Multimedia Tools and Applications 79(47-48): 35867-35884.
- Gelderen, M.J. van; Nijdam, M.J.; Vries, F. de; Meijer, O.C. & Vermetten, E. (2020), Exposure-related cortisol predicts outcome of psychotherapy in veterans with treatment-resistant posttraumatic stress disorder, Journal of Psychiatric Research 130: 387-393.
- Gelderen, M.J. van; Nijdam, M.J.; Haagen, J.F.G. & Vermetten, E. (2020), Interactive motion-assisted exposure therapy for veterans with treatment-resistant posttraumatic stress disorder, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 89(4): 215-227.
- Boks, M.; Vinkers, C.; Wal, S. van der; Rooij, S. van; Kennis, M.; Uddin, M.; Nievergelt, C.; Smith, A.; Rutten, B.; Vermetten, E. & Geuze, E. (2020), Longitudinal Changes in DNA Methylation in Relation to the Development, Treatment and Late Onset of PTSD, Biological Psychiatry 87(9): S58-S58.
- Snijders, C.; Maihofer, A.X.; Ratanatharathorn, A.; Baker, D.G.; Boks, M.P.; Geuze, E.; Jain, S.; Kessler, R.C.; Pishva, E.; Risbrough, V.B.; Stein, M.B.; Ursano, R.J.; Vermetten, E.; Vinkers, C.H.; Smith, A.K.; Uddin, M.; Rutten, B.P.F.; Nievergelt, C.M. & PGC PTSD EWAS Consortium (2020), Longitudinal epigenome-wide association studies of three male military cohorts reveal multiple CpG sites associated with post-traumatic stress disorder, Clinical Epigenetics 12(1).
- Krediet, E.; Bostoen, T.; Breeksema, J.; Schagen, A. van; Passie, T. & Vermetten, E. (2020), Reviewing the potential of psychedelics for the treatment of PTSD, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 23(6).
- Wal, S. van der; Geuze, E. & Vermetten, E. (2020), Long-Term Trajectories and Predictors of Post-Traumatic Stress Symptom Development in Military Servicemen Deployed to Afghanistan, Neuropsychopharmacology 45(SUPPL 1): 72-73.
- Sillivan, S.E.; Jamieson, S.; Nijs, L. de; Jones, M.; Snijders, C.; Klengel, T.; Joseph, N.F.; Krauskopf, J.; Kleinjans, J.; Vinkers, C.H.; Boks, M.P.M.; Geuze, E.; Vermetten, E.; Berretta, S.; Ressler, K.J.; Rutten, B.P.F.; Rumbaugh, G. & Miller, C.A. (2020), MicroRNA regulation of persistent stress-enhanced memory, Molecular Psychiatry 25(5): 965-976.
- Sillivan, S.E.; Jamieson, S.; Nijs, L. de; Jones, M.; Snijders, C.; Klengel, T.; Joseph, N.F.; Krauskopf, J.; Kleinjans, J.; Vinkers, C.H.; Boks, M.P.M.; Geuze, E.; Vermetten, E.; Berretta, S.; Ressler, K.J.; Rutten, B.P.F.; Rumbaugh, G. & Miller, C.A. (2020), MicroRNA regulation of persistent stress-enhanced memory (vol 25, pg 965, 2019), Molecular Psychiatry 25(5): 1154-1154.
- Gelderen, M.J. van; Nijdam, M.J.; Dubbink, G.E.; Sleijpen, M. & Vermetten, E. (2020), Perceived treatment processes and effects of interactive motion-assisted exposure therapy for veterans with treatment-resistant posttraumatic stress disorder, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 11(1).
- Vermetten, E. & McFarlane, A.C. (2020), Predicting future risk of PTSD, Nature Medicine 26(7): 1012-1013.
- Breeksema, J.J.; Niemeijer, A.R.; Krediet, E.; Vermetten, E. & Schoevers, R.A. (2020), Psychedelic treatments for psychiatric disorders: a systematic review and thematic synthesis of patient experiences in qualitative studies, CNS Drugs 34(9): 925-946.
- Bisson, J.I.; Deursen, R. van; Hannigan, B.; Kitchiner, N.; Barawi, K.; Jones, K.; Pickles, T.; Skipper, J.; Young, C.; Abbott, L.R.; Gelderen, M. van; Nijdam, M.J. & Vermetten, E. (2020), Randomized controlled trial of multi-modular motion-assisted memory desensitization and reconsolidation (3MDR) for male military veterans with treatment-resistant post-traumatic stress disorder, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 142(2): 141-151.
- Krediet, E.; Bostoen, T.; Breeksema, J.; Schagen, A. van; Passie, T. & Vermetten, E. (2020), Reviewing the potential of psychedelics for the treatment of PTSD, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 23(6): 385-400.
- Vermetten, E. & Yehuda, R. (2020), MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder: a promising novel approach to treatment, Neuropsychopharmacology 45(1): 231-232.
- Vlieger, A. M. & Vermetten, E. V. (2020), Hypnose en hypnotisch taalgebruik, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 164.
- Mcfarlane, A.; Jetly, R.; Castro, C.A.; Greenberg, N. & Vermetten, E. (2020), Impact of COVID-19 on mental health care for Veterans, Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health 6(2): 17-20.
- Krediet, E.; Janssen, D.G.A.; Heerdink, E.R.; Egberts, T.C.G. & Vermetten, E. (2020), Experiences with medical cannabis in the treatment of veterans with PTSD, European Neuropsychopharmacology 36: 244-254.
- Wal, S.J. van der; Maihofer, A.X.; Vinkers, C.H.; Smith, A.K.; Nievergelt, C.M.; Cobb, D.O.; Uddin, M.; Baker, D.G.; Zuithoff, N.P.A.; Rutten, B.P.F.; Vermetten, E.; Geuze, E. & Boks, M.P. (2020), Associations between the development of PTSD symptoms and longitudinal changes in the DNA methylome of deployed military servicemen, COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 4.
- Lin, K.H.; Chen, Y.J.; Yang, S.N.; Liu, M.W.; Kao, C.C.; Nagamine, M.; Vermetten, E. & Lin, G.M. (2020), Association of psychological stress with physical fitness in a military cohort, Military Medicine 185(7-8): E1240-E1246.
- Wagemaker-Schols K, Nijdam M & Vermetten E (2019), Leveraging Technology in VRET: Enhancements in Study Design and Effectiveness in PTSD, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 10.
- Nievergelt, C.M.; Maihofer, A.X.; Klengel, T.; Atkinson, E.G.; Chen, C.Y.; Choi, K.W.; Coleman, J.R.I.; Dalvie, S.; Duncan, L.E.; Gelernter, J.; Levey, D.F.; Logue, M.W.; Polimanti, R.; Provost, A.C.; Ratanatharathorn, A.; Stein, M.B.; Torres, K.; Aiello, A.E.; Almli, L.M.; Amstadter, A.B.; Andersen, S.B.; Andreassen, O.A.; Arbisi, P.A.; Ashley-Koch, A.E.; Austin, S.B.; Avdibegovic, E.; Babic, D.; Baekvad-Hansen, M.; Baker, D.G.; Beckham, J.C.; Bierut, L.J.; Bisson, J.I.; Boks, M.P.; Bolger, E.A.; Brglum, A.D.; Bradley, B.; Brashear, M.; Breen, G.; Bryant, R.A.; Bustamante, A.C.; Bybjerg-Grauholm, J.; Calabrese, J.R.; Caldas-de-Almeida, J.M.; Dale, A.M.; Daly, M.J.; Daskalakis, N.P.; Deckert, J.; Delahanty, D.L.; Dennis, M.F.; Disner, S.G.; Domschke, K.; Dzubur-Kulenovic, A.; Erbes, C.R.; Evans, A.; Farrer, L.A.; Feeny, N.C.; Flory, J.D.; Forbes, D.; Franz, C.E.; Galea, S.; Garrett, M.E.; Gelaye, B.; Geuze, E.; Gillespie, C.; Uka, A.G.; Gordon, S.D.; Guffanti, G.; Hammamieh, R.; Harnal, S.; Hauser, M.A.; Heath, A.C.; Hemmings, S.M.J.; Hougaard, D.M.; Jakovljevic, M.; Jett, M.; Johnson, E.O.; Jones, I.; Jovanovic, T.; Qin, X.J.; Junglen, A.G.; Karstoft, K.I.; Kaufman, M.L.; Kessler, R.C.; Khan, A.; Kimbrel, N.A.; King, A.P.; Koen, N.; Kranzler, H.R.; Kremen, W.S.; Lawford, B.R.; Lebois, L.A.M.; Lewis, C.E.; Linnstaedt, S.D.; Lori, A.; Lugonja, B.; Luykx, J.J.; Lyons, M.J.; Maples-Keller, J.; Marmar, C.; Martin, A.R.; Martin, N.G.; Maurer, D.; Mavissakalian, M.R.; McFarlane, A.; McGlinchey, R.E.; McLaughlin, K.A.; McLean, S.A.; McLeay, S.; Mehta, D.; Milberg, W.P.; Miller, M.W.; Morey, R.A.; Morris, C.P.; Mors, O.; Mortensen, P.B.; Neale, B.M.; Nelson, E.C.; Nordentoft, M.; Norman, S.B.; O'Donnell, M.; Orcutt, H.K.; Panizzon, M.S.; Peters, E.S.; Peterson, A.L.; Peverill, M.; Pietrzak, R.H.; Polusny, M.A.; Rice, J.P.; Ripke, S.; Risbrough, V.B.; Roberts, A.L.; Rothbaum, A.O.; Rothbaum, B.O.; Roy-Byrne, P.; Ruggiero, K.; Rung, A.; Rutten, B.P.F.; Saccone, N.L.; Sanchez, S.E.; Schijven, D.; Seedat, S.; Seligowski, A.V.; Seng, J.S.; Sheerin, C.M.; Silove, D.; Smith, A.K.; Smoller, J.W.; Sponheim, S.R.; Stein, D.J.; Stevens, J.S.; Sumner, J.A.; Teicher, M.H.; Thompson, W.K.; Trapido, E.; Uddin, M.; Ursano, R.J.; Heuvel, L.L. van den; Hooff, M. van; Vermetten, E.; Vinkers, C.H.; Voisey, J.; Wang, Y.P.; Wang, Z.W.; Werge, T.; Williams, M.A.; Williamson, D.E.; Winternitz, S.; Wolf, C.; Wolf, E.J.; Wolff, J.D.; Yehuda, R.; Young, R.M.; Young, K.A.; Zhao, H.; Zoellner, L.A.; Liberzon, I.; Ressler, K.J.; Haas, M. & Koenen, K.C. (2019), International meta-analysis of PTSD genome-wide association studies identifies sex- and ancestry-specific genetic risk loci, Nature Communications 10.
- Vermetten, E. & Ambaum, A.J. (2019), Exposure to combat and deployment; reviewing the military context in The Netherlands, International Review of Psychiatry 31(1): 49-59.
- van Gelderen M, Barawi K, Wagemaker-Schols K & Vermetten E (2019), Driving PTSD Treatment forward with Virtual Exposure and Technological Enhancements, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 10.
- Mithoefer M & Vermetten E (2019), Combining psychopharmacology and psychotherapy in MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD: progress in international clinical trials, European Psychiatry 56: S598-S598.
- Wal, S.J. van der; Gorter, R.; Reijnen, A.; Geuze, E. & Vermetten, E. (2019), Cohort profile: the Prospective Research In Stress-Related Military Operations (PRISMO) study in the Dutch Armed Forces, BMJ Open 9(3).
- Snijders, C.; Krauskopf, J.; Pishva, E.; Eijssen, L.; Machiels, B.; Kleinjans, J.; Kenis, G.; Hove, D. van den; Kim, M.O.; Boks, M.P.M.; Vinkers, C.H.; Vermetten, E.; Geuze, E.; Rutten, B.P.F. & Nijs, L. de (2019), Circulating Serum MicroRNAs as Potential Diagnostic Biomarkers of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Pilot Study.
- van Gelderen M, Roberts N, Hyland P, Kitchiner N, Nijdam M, Simon N, Vermetten E & Bisson J (2019), Association between Age at Time of Trauma and Complex PTSD: Do Trauma Type and Duration Matter?, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 10.
- Dorresteijn, S.; Gladwin, T.E.; Eekhout, I.; Vermetten, E. & Geuze, E. (2019), Childhood trauma and the role of self-blame on psychological well-being after deployment in male veterans, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 10(1).
- Schur, R.R.; Schijven, D.; Boks, M.P.; Rutten, B.P.F.; Stein, M.B.; Veldink, J.H.; Joels, M.; Geuze, E.; Vermetten, E.; Luykx, J.J. & Vinkers, C.H. (2019), The effect of genetic vulnerability and military deployment on the development of post-traumatic stress disorder and depressive symptoms, European Neuropsychopharmacology 29(3): 405-415.
- Eidhof, M.B.; Heide, F.J.J. ter; Aa, N. van der; Schreckenbach, M.; Schmidt, U.; Brand, B.L.; Lanius, R.A.; Loewenstein, R.J.; Spiegel, D. & Vermetten, E. (2019), The Dissociative Subtype of PTSD Interview (DSP-I): Development and Psychometric Properties, Journal of Trauma and Dissociation 20(5): 564-581.
- van Gelderen M, Nijdam M & Vermetten E (2019), Next Generation Exposure Therapy for Veterans with Treatment-Resistant Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 10.
- Schijven, D.; Geuze, E.; Vinkers, C.H.; Pulit, S.L.; Schur, R.R.; Malgaz, M.; Bekema, E.; Medic, J.; Kust, K.E. van der; Veldink, J.H.; Boks, M.P.; Vermetten, E. & Luykx, J.J. (2019), Multivariate genome-wide analysis of stress-related quantitative phenotypes, European Neuropsychopharmacology 29(12): 1354-1364.
- Vinkers C, Geuze E, van Rooij S, Kennis M, Schur R, Nispeling D, Smith A, Nievergelt C, Uddin M, Rutten B, Vermetten E & Boks M (2019), Longitudinal Changes in Genome-Wide DNA Methylation Levels Related to Treatment Outcomes and Recovery From Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Biological Psychiatry 85(10): S122-S123.
- Binsch, O.; Wilschut, E.S.; Arns, M.; Bottenheft, C.; Valk, P.J.L. & Vermetten, E.H.G.J.M. (2018), No Effects of Successful Bidirectional SMR Feedback Training on Objective and Subjective Sleep in Healthy Subjects, Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback 43(1): 37-47.
- Nijdam, M.J. & Vermetten, E. (2018), Moving forward in treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder: innovations to exposure-based therapy, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 9(1).
- Schur Remmelt, Boks Marco, Rutten Bart, Daskalakis Nikolaos, Kahn Rene, Joels Marian, Geuze Elbert, Vermetten Eric & Vinkers Christiaan (2018), Longitudinal Changes in Glucocorticoid Receptor Exon 1F Methylation as a Biomarker for Psychopathology After Military Deployment, Biological Psychiatry 83(9): S91-S91.
- Rutten, B.P.F.; Vermetten, E.; Vinkers, C.H.; Ursini, G.; Daskalakis, N.P.; Pishva, E.; Nijs, L.; Houtepen, L.C.; Eijssen, L.; Jaffe, A.E.; Kenis, G.; Viechtbauer, W.; Hove, D. den; Schraut, K.G.; Lesch, K.P.; Kleinman, J.E.; Hyde, T.M.; Weinberger, D.R.; Schalkwyk, L.; Lunnon, K.; Mill, J.; Cohen, H.; Yehuda, R.; Baker, D.G.; Maihofer, A.X.; Nievergelt, C.M.; Geuze, E. & Boks, M.P.M. (2018), Longitudinal analyses of the DNA methylome in deployed military servicemen identify susceptibility loci for post-traumatic stress disorder, Molecular Psychiatry 23(5): 1145-1156.
- Lanius, R.A.; Boyd, J.E.; McKinnon, M.C.; Nicholson, A.A.; Frewen, P.; Vermetten, E.; Jetly, R. & Spiegel, D. (2018), A Review of the Neurobiological Basis of Trauma-Related Dissociation and Its Relation to Cannabinoid- and Opioid-Mediated Stress Response: a Transdiagnostic, Translational Approach, Current Psychiatry Reports 20(12).
- Gelderen, M.J. van; Nijdam, M.J. & Vermetten, E. (2018), An Innovative Framework for Delivering Psychotherapy to Patients With Treatment-Resistant Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Rationale for Interactive Motion-Assisted Therapy, Frontiers in Psychiatry 9.
- Sikharulidze, G.; Geloven, N. van; Lelashvili, E.; Kalandarishvili, G.; Gugushvili, N. & Vermetten, E. (2017), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Somatic Complaints in a Deployed Cohort of Georgian Military Personnel: Mediating Effect of Depression and Anxiety, Journal of Traumatic Stress.
- Kalisch, R.; Baker, D.G.; Basten, U.; Boks, M.P.; Bonanno, G.A.; Brummelman, E.; Chmitorz, A.; Fernandez, G.; Fiebach, C.J.; Galatzer-Levy, I.; Geuze, E.; Groppa, S.; Helmreich, I.; Hendler, T.; Hermans, E.J.; Jovanovic, T.; Kubiak, T.; Lieb, K.; Lutz, B.; Muller, M.B.; Murray, R.J.; Nievergelt, C.M.; Reif, A.; Roelofs, K.; Rutten, B.P.F.; Sander, D.; Schick, A.; Tuscher, O.; Diest, I. van; Harmelen, A.L. van; Veer, I.M.; Vermetten, E.; Vinkers, C.H.; Wager, T.D.; Walter, H.; Wessa, M.; Wibral, M. & Kleim, B. (2017), The resilience framework as a strategy to combat stress-related disorders, Nature Human Behaviour 1(11): 784-790.
- Janssen, D.G.A.; Vermetten, E.; Egberts, T.C.G. & Heerdink, E.R. (2017), Prevalence of Psychotropic Medication Use Among Dutch Military Personnel Between 2003 and 2012 and Its Comparison to the Dutch General Population, Military Medicine 182(1-2).
- Sumner, J.A.; Duncan, L.E.; Wolf, E.J.; Amstadter, A.B.; Baker, D.G.; Beckham, J.C.; Gelaye, B.; Hemmings, S.; Kimbrel, N.A.; Logue, M.W.; Michopoulos, V.; Mitchell, K.S.; Nievergelt, C.; Rothbaum, A.; Seedat, S.; Shinozaki, G. & Vermetten, E. (2017), Posttraumatic stress disorder has genetic overlap with cardiometabolic traits, Psychological Medicine 47(11): 2036-2039.
- Sikharulidze, G.; Geloven, N. van; Lelashvili, E.; Kalandarishvili, G.; Gugushvili, N. & Vermetten, E. (2017), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Somatic Complaints in a Deployed Cohort of Georgian Military Personnel: Mediating Effect of Depression and Anxiety, Journal of Traumatic Stress 30(6): 626-634.
- Schur, R.R.; Boks, M.P.; Rutten, B.P.F.; Daskalakis, N.P.; Nijs, L. de; Zuiden, M. van; Kavelaars, A.; Heijnen, C.J.; Joels, M.; Kahn, R.S.; Geuze, E.; Vermetten, E. & Vinkers, C.H. (2017), Longitudinal changes in glucocorticoid receptor exon 1(F) methylation and psychopathology after military deployment, Translational Psychiatry 7.
- Reijnen, A.; Geuze, E. & Vermetten, E. (2017), Individual variation in plasma oxytocin and vasopressin levels in relation to the development of combat-related PTSD in a large military cohort, Journal of Psychiatric Research 94: 88-95.
- Ratanatharathorn, A.; Boks, M.P.; Maihofer, A.X.; Aiello, A.E.; Amstadter, A.B.; Ashley-Koch, A.E.; Baker, D.G.; Beckham, J.C.; Bromet, E.; Dennis, M.; Garrett, M.E.; Geuze, E.; Guffanti, G.; Hauser, M.A.; Kilaru, V.; Kimbrel, N.A.; Koenen, K.C.; Kuan, P.F.; Logue, M.W.; Luft, B.J.; Miller, M.W.; Mitchell, C.; Nugent, N.R.; Ressler, K.J.; Rutten, B.P.F.; Stein, M.B.; Vermetten, E.; Vinkers, C.H.; Youssef, N.A.; Uddin, M.; Nievergelt, C.M.; Smith, A.K.; VA Mid-Atlantic MIRECC Workgrp & PGC PTSD Epigenetics Workgroup (2017), Epigenome-wide association of PTSD from heterogeneous cohorts with a common multi-site analysis pipeline, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 174(6): 619-630.
- Smith, A.; Ratanatharathorn, A.; Boks, M.; Logue, M.; Maihofer, A.; Kilaru, V.; Garrett, M.; Vermetten, E.; Koenen, K.; Aiello, A.; Baker, D.; Hauser, M.; Kimbrel, N.; Luft, B.; Bromet, E.; Miller, M.; Ressler, K.; Uddin, M. & Nievergelt, C. (2017), Epigenetic Signatures of PTSD: Results from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium PTSD Epigenetics Workgroup, Biological Psychiatry 81(10): S36-S36.
- Nijs, L. de; Krauskopf, J.; Snijders, C.; Kleinjans, J.; Machiels, B.; Smeets, B.; Kenis, G.; Hove, D. van den; Vinkers, C.; Geuze, E.; Boks, M.; Vermetten, E. & Rutten, B. (2017), Circulating microRNAs as potential biomarkers of differential susceptibility to traumatic stress, European Neuropsychopharmacology 27: S986-S987.
- Vermetten, E. (2017), A Roadmap to Medication Assisted Augmentation of Psychotherapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Neuropsychopharmacology 43: S89-S89.
- Reijnen, A.; Geuze, E.; Eekhout, I.; Maihofer, A.X.; Nievergelt, C.M.; Baker, D.G. & Vermetten, E. (2016), Biological profiling of plasma neuropeptide Y in relation to posttraumatic stress symptoms in two combat cohorts, European Neuropsychopharmacology 26: S611-S612.
- Vermetten, E. & Krugers, H. (2016), A Roadmap to Golden hour intervention for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 19: 141-141.
- Reijnen, A.; Geuze, E.; Eekhout, I.; Maihofer, A.; Nievergelt, C.; Baker, D. & Vermetten, E. (2016), Biological profiling of plasma neuropeptide Yin relation posttraumatic stress symptoms in two combat cohorts, Psychoneuroendocrinology 71: 41-41.
- Vermetten, E.; Baker, D.G.; Jetly, R. & McFarlane, A.C. (2016), Concerns Over Divergent Approaches in the Diagnostics of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Psychiatric Annals 46(9): 498-509.
- Wiborg, J.F.; Rademaker, A.R.; Geuze, E.; Twisk, J.W.R.; Vermetten, E. & Knoop, H. (2016), Course and Predictors of Postdeployment Fatigue: A Prospective Cohort Study in the Dutch Armed Forces, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 77(8): 1074-1079.
- Schur, R.R.; Boks, M.P.; Geuze, E.; Prinsen, H.C.; Verhoeven-Duif, N.M.; Joels, M.; Kahn, R.S.; Vermetten, E. & Vinkers, C.H. (2016), Development of psychopathology in deployed armed forces in relation to plasma GABA levels, Psychoneuroendocrinology 73: 263-270.
- Vermetten, E.; Stein, D.J. & McFarlane, A.C. (2016), Is there a vulnerability paradox in PTSD? Pitfalls in cross-national comparisons of epidemiological data, British Journal of Psychiatry 209(6): 527-527.
- Daniels, J.K. & Vermetten, E. (2016), Odor-induced recall of emotional memories in PTSD-Review and new paradigm for research, Experimental Neurology 284: 168-180.
- Eekhout, I.; Reijnen, A.; Vermetten, E. & Geuze, E. (2016), Post-traumatic stress symptoms 5 years after military deployment to Afghanistan: an observational cohort study, Lancet Psychiatry 3(1): 58-64.
- Graaff, M.C. de; Schut, M.; Verweij, D.E.M.; Vermetten, E. & Giebels, E. (2016), Emotional Reactions and Moral Judgment: The Effects of Morally Challenging Interactions in Military Operations, Ethics and Behavior 26(1): 14-31.
- Stevanovic, A.; Franciskovic, T. & Vermetten, E. (2016), Relationship of early-life trauma, war-related trauma, personality traits, and PTSD symptom severity: a retrospective study on female civilian victims of war, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 7.
- Boks, M.P.; Rutten, B.P.F.; Geuze, E.; Houtepen, L.C.; Vermetten, E.; Kaminsky, Z. & Vinkers, C.H. (2016), SKA2 Methylation is Involved in Cortisol Stress Reactivity and Predicts the Development of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) After Military Deployment, Neuropsychopharmacology 41(5): 1350-1356.
- Jones, I.; Clive, M.; Wilcox, H.; Eaton, W.; Eck, K. van; Jovanovic, T.; Klengel, T.; Bradley, B.; Binder, E.; Geuze, E.; Rutten, B.; Houtepen, L.; Vermetten, E.; Vinkers, C.; Ressler, K.; Frokjaer, V.; Smith, A.; Osborn, L.; Payne, J.; Boks, M. & Kaminsky, Z.A. (2016), Stress vulnerability and epigenetic variation of SKA2, potential causes and consequences, Psychoneuroendocrinology 71: 11-11.
- Eekhout, I.; Geuze, E. & Vermetten, E. (2016), The long-term burden of military deployment on the health care system, Journal of Psychiatric Research 79: 78-85.
- Hoge, C.W.; Yehuda, R.; Castro, C.A.; McFarlane, A.C.; Vermetten, E.; Jetly, R.; Koenen, K.C.; Greenberg, N.; Shalev, A.Y.; Rauch, S.A.M.; Marmar, C.R. & Rothbaum, B.O. (2016), Unintended Consequences of Changing the Definition of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in DSM-5 Critique and Call for Action, JAMA Psychiatry 73(7): 750-752.
- Reijnen, A.; Geuze, E.; Eekhout, I. & Vermetten, E. (2016), Is plasma neuropeptide Y a susceptibility marker for posttraumatic stress symptoms over time?, European Neuropsychopharmacology 26: S63-S64.
- Reijnen, A.; Geuze, E. & Vermetten, E. (2015), Neuropeptide Y and the Association with Deployment to a Combat-zone and the Development of Mental Health Symptoms: A Longitudinal Prospective Military Cohort Study, Biological Psychiatry 77(9).
- Smid, G.E.; Zuiden, M. van; Geuze, E.; Kavelaars, A.; Heijnen, C.J. & Vermetten, E. (2015), Cytokine production as a putative biological mechanism underlying stress sensitization in high combat exposed soldiers, Psychoneuroendocrinology 51: 534-546.
- Rutten, B.; Vermetten, E.; Vinkers, C.; Pishva, E.; Kenis, G.; Nijs, L. de; Eijssen, L.; Viechtbauer, W.; Hove, D. van den; Schraut, K.; Lesch, K.P.; Daskalakis, N.; Yehuda, R.; Schalkwyk, L.; Lunnon, K.; Mill, J.; Nievergelt, C.; Baker, D.S.; Geuze, E. & Boks, M.P.M. (2015), Blood-based DNA Methylation Signatures of Susceptibility to Traumatic Stress; Results From A Dutch Prospective Military Cohort Study, Biological Psychiatry 77(9): 35S-36S.
- Hoencamp, R.; Idenburg, F.J.; Dongen, T.T.C.F. van; Kruijff, L.G.M. de; Huizinga, E.P.; Plat, M.C.J.; Hoencamp, E.; Leenen, L.P.H.; Hamming, J.F. & Vermetten, E. (2015), Long-Term Impact of Battle Injuries; Five-Year Follow-Up of Injured Dutch Servicemen in Afghanistan 2006-2010.
- Heesink, L.; Rademaker, A.; Vermetten, E.; Geuze, E. & Kleber, R. (2015), Longitudinal measures of hostility in deployed military personnel, Psychiatry Research 229(1-2): 479-484.
- Hoencamp, R.; Idenburg, F.J.; Vermetten, E.; Tan, E.; Plat, M.C.; Hoencamp, E.; Leenen, L.P.H. & Hamming, J.F. (2015), Impact of combat events on first responders: Experiences of the armed conflict in Uruzgan, Afghanistan, Injury 46(5): 863-869.
- Boks, M.P.; Mierlo, H.C. van; Rutten, B.P.F.; Radstake, T.R.D.J.; Witte, L. de; Geuze, E.; Horvath, S.; Schalkwyk, L.C.; Vinkers, C.H.; Broen, J.C.A. & Vermetten, E. (2015), Longitudinal changes of telomere length and epigenetic age related to traumatic stress and post-traumatic stress disorder, Psychoneuroendocrinology 51: 506-512.
- Zeylemaker, M.M.P.; Linn, F.H.H. & Vermetten, E. (2015), Blended care; development of a day treatment program for medically unexplained physical symptoms (MUPS) in the Dutch Armed Forces, WORK 50(1): 111-120.
- Yehuda Rachel, Hoge Charles W., McFarlane Alexander C., Vermetten Eric, Lanius Rutha., Nievergelt Caroline M., Hobfoll Stevan E., Koenen Karestan C., Neylan Thomas C. & Hyman Steven E. (2015), Post-traumatic stress disorder, Nature Reviews Disease Primers 1.
- Boks, M.P.M.; Mierlo, H. van; Rutten, B.P.F.; Radstake, T.R.D.J.; Witte, L.D. de; Geuze, E.; Horvath, S.; Schalkwyk, L.C.; Vinkers, C.H.; Broen, J.C.A. & Vermetten, E. (2015), Longitudinal Changes of Telomere Length and Epigenetic Age Related to Traumatic Stress and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Biological Psychiatry 77(9): 36S-36S.
- Reijnen, A.; Geuze, E. & Vermetten, E. (2015), The effect of deployment to a combat zone on testosterone levels and the association with the development of posttraumatic stress symptoms: A longitudinal prospective Dutch military cohort study, Psychoneuroendocrinology 51: 525-533.
- Reijnen, A.; Rademaker, A.R.; Vermetten, E. & Geuze, E. (2015), Prevalence of mental health symptoms in Dutch military personnel returning from deployment to Afghanistan: A 2-year longitudinal analysis, European Psychiatry 30(2).
- Zuiden, M. van; Kavelaars, A.; Vermetten, E.; Olff, M.; Geuze, E. & Heijnen, C. (2015), Pre-deployment differences in glucocorticoid sensitivity of leukocytes in soldiers developing symptoms of PTSD, depression or fatigue persist after return from military deployment, Psychoneuroendocrinology 51: 513-524.
- Vermetten, E.; Baker, D. & Yehuda, R. (2015), New findings from prospective studies, Psychoneuroendocrinology 51: 441-443.
- Vermetten, E. (2015), Fear, helplessness, and horror-if it does not stop: reflections on the evolving concept of impact of trauma, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 6.
- Vermetten, E. & Spiegel, D. (2014), Trauma and Dissociation: Implications for Borderline Personality Disorder, Current Psychiatry Reports 16(2).
- Hoencamp, R.; Vermetten, E.; Tan, E.C.T.H.; Putter, H.; Leenen, L.P.H. & Hamming, J.F. (2014), Systematic review of the prevalence and characteristics of battle casualties from NATO coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, Injury 45(7): 1028-1034.
- Yehuda, R.; Vermetten, E.; McFarlane, A.C. & Lehrner, A. (2014), PTSD in the military: special considerations for understanding prevalence, pathophysiology and treatment following deployment, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 5.
- Vermetten, E.; Zhohar, J. & Krugers, H.J. (2014), Pharmacotherapy in the Aftermath of Trauma; Opportunities in the 'Golden Hours', Current Psychiatry Reports 16(7).
- Hoencamp, R.; Idenburg, F.; Vermetten, E.; Leenen, L. & Hamming, J. (2014), Lessons Learned From Dutch Deployed Surgeons and Anesthesiologists to Afghanistan: 2006-2010, Military Medicine 179(7): 711-716.
- Spiegel, D.; Lipman, L.S.; Vermetten, E.; Marquis, R. & Scheflin, A.W. (2014), IN MEMORIAM: Edward J. Frischholz, PhD January 14, 1956-May 10, 2014, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 62(4): 395-398.
- Taal, E.M.; Vermetten, E.; Schaik, D.J.F. van & Leenstra, T. (2014), Do soldiers seek more mental health care after deployment? Analysis of mental health consultations in the Netherlands Armed Forces following deployment to Afghanistan, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 5.
- Vermetten, E.; Greenberg, N.; Boeschoten, M.A.; Delahaije, R.; Jetly, R.; Castro, C.A. & McFarlane, A.C. (2014), Deployment-related mental health support: comparative analysis of NATO and allied ISAF partners, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 5.
- Rutten, B.P.F.; Vermetten, E.; Vinkers, C.; Geuze, E. & Boks, M.P. (2014), Combat Trauma Exposure and PTSD: A Prospective DNA Methylation Study, Biological Psychiatry 75(9): 216S-216S.
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