Eric Snijder
Hoogleraar Medische Microbiologie, in het bijzonder de moleculaire virologie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. E.J. Snijder
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 1657
- 0000-0003-3297-2309

Eric J. Snijder is Hoogleraar Moleculaire Virologie en onderzoeksleider van de coronavirus-groep bij het Leiden University Center of Infectious Diseases (LUCID) van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC), waar hij tevens bestuurslid is van het onderzoeksthema Infectie. In 2000 ontving Snijder de C.J. Kok-prijs voor zijn werk op het gebied van de moleculaire biologie van coronavirussen en aanverwante virussen. In 2012 werd hij verkozen tot lid van de American Academy of Microbiology
Meer informatie over Eric Snijder
Eric J. Snijder is Hoogleraar Moleculaire Virologie en onderzoeksleider van de coronavirus-groep bij het Leiden University Center of Infectious Diseases (LUCID) van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC), waar hij tevens bestuurslid is van het onderzoeksthema Infectie.
In 2000 ontving Snijder de C.J. Kok-prijs voor zijn werk op het gebied van de moleculaire biologie van coronavirussen en aanverwante virussen. In 2012 werd hij verkozen tot lid van de American Academy of Microbiology
Moleculaire virologie
Virussen zijn gespecialiseerd in het misbruiken van de infrastructuur van hun gastheercel ten behoeve van de replicatie en expressie van het virale genoom en de productie van nieuwe virusdeeltjes. Op allerlei fronten is bovendien sprake van een moleculaire wapenwedloop tussen virus en gastheer, waarbij virussen er steeds weer in slagen cellulaire verdedigingsmechanismen te ontduiken of te ontregelen. Virussen met een RNA-genoom kunnen hierbij profiteren van een bijzondere eigenschap: een hoge mutatiefrequentie die ervoor zorgt dat het virale nageslacht in essentie kan worden beschouwd als een ‘zwerm mutanten’ (ook wel bekend als ‘quasi-species’). Hoewel dit op het eerste gezicht een nadeel zou kunnen lijken, benutten RNA-virussen deze genetische variatie om te ontsnappen aan bijvoorbeeld het immuunsysteem van hun gastheer of antivirale therapie. Verder kan het hen in staat stellen zich aan te passen aan nieuwe gastheersoorten, een spraakmakend fenomeen aangezien veel (op)nieuw uitbrekende virussen worden overgedragen door dierlijke bronnen (zoönotische infecties). Basale kennis over virusreplicatie en virusevolutie kan worden gebruikt voor het ontwikkelen van nieuwe antivirale strategieën, die essentieel zullen zijn om ons voor te bereiden op toekomstige virusuitbraken.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Eric Snijder (1962) studeerde biologie aan de Universiteit van Utrecht waar hij in 1986 (cum laude afstudeerde, na een specialisatie in moleculaire biologie, elektronenmicroscopie en moleculaire virologie. Vervolgens startte hij zijn promotieonderzoek bij de Afdeling Virologie van de Utrechtse veterinaire faculteit, hetgeen resulteerde in een cum laude promotie in 1991 (proefschrift: 'Berne virus – replication and evolution of the torovirus prototype'). In 1990, verhuisde Snijder naar de Afdeling Medische Microbiologie van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC), waar hij universitair docent werd, en vervolgens universitair hoofddocent en projectleider van het nidovirus-onderzoek. In 2000, werd hem de C.J. Kok prijs toegekend voor zijn werk aan de moleculaire biologie van nidovirussen (arteri- en coronavirussen). In 2007, werd Snijder benoemd tot hoogleraar moleculaire virologie. Zijn oratie was getiteld ‘Virus evolutie: klaar terwijl u wacht’.
Eric Snijder bestudeert de moleculaire biologie en evolutie van virussen met een positiefstrengig RNA-genoom, in het bijzonder nidovirussen als de coronavirussen die SARS en MERS veroorzaken. De (moleculaire) interacties tussen virussen en hun gastheercel zijn een centraal en terugkerend thema in zijn onderzoek, dat werd en wordt ondersteund door een aantal subsidies van de Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) en de Europese Unie (EU). Snijder heeft meer dan 235 wetenschappelijke publicaties op zijn naam staan. Hij is voormalig Editor van the Journal of General Virology, lid van de Editorial Board van the Journal of Virology en Virus Research, en lid van de Adviescommissie van het Beijerinck Virologie Fonds. Voor het LUMC-curriculum Biomedische Wetenschappen coördineert hij de mastercursus 'Molecular Virology of RNA viruses' en is hij betrokken in een aantal andere onderwijsactiviteiten.
Prijzen en eervolle benoemingen
In 2000 ontving Eric Snijder de C.J. Kok-prijs voor zijn moleculair-virologisch onderzoek aan nidovirussen. In 2012 werd hij gekozen tot lid van de American Academy of Microbiology.
Hoogleraar Medische Microbiologie, in het bijzonder de moleculaire virologie
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Medische Microbiologie
- Beijer, N.L. de; Snijder, E.J. & Bárcena, M. (2024), A Cool Look at Positive-Strand RNA Virus Replication Organelles: New Insights from Cryo-Electron Microscopy, Annual Review of Biochemistry 93: 163-187.
- Salgado-Benvindo, C.; Tas, A.; Zevenhoven-Dobbe, J.C.; Meer, Y. van der; Sidorov, I.A.; Leijs, A.A.; Wanningen, P.; Gelderloos, A.T.; Kasteren, P.B. van; Snijder, E.J. & Hemert, M.J. van (2024), Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 replication in human H1299/ACE2 cells, Antiviral Research 227.
- Böszörményi, K.P.; Stammes, M.A.; Fagrouch, Z.; Acar, F.; Niphuis, H.; Kayere, G.K.; Meijer, L.; Snijder, E.J.; Hoek, L. van der; Berkhout, B.; Bogers, W.M.; Brand, J.M.A. van den; Kondova, I.; Verstrepen, B.E. & Verschoor, E.J. (2024), Prolonged fecal shedding of replication-competent virus, lasting immune activation, and intestinal inflammation in a rhesus macaque after experimental SARS-CoV-2 infection, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 14.
- Thaler, M.; Ofman, T.P.; Kok, K.; Heming, J.J.A.; Moran, E.; Pickles, I.; Leijs, A.A.; Nieuwendijk, A.M.C.H. van den; Berg, R.J.B.H.N. van den; Ruijgrok, G.; Armstrong, Z.; Salgado-Benvindo, C.; Ninaber, D.K.; Snijder, E.J.; Boeckel, C.A.A. van; Artola, M.; Davies, G.J.; Overkleeft, H.S. & Hemert, M.J. van (2024), Epi-cyclophellitol cyclosulfate, a mechanism-based endoplasmic reticulum α-glucosidase II inhibitor, blocks replication of SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses, ACS Central Science 10(8): 1594-1608.
- Huizen, M. van; Vendrell, X.M.; Gruyter, H.L.M. de; Zanden, A.L. van der; Meer, Y. van der; Snijder, E.J.; Kikkert, M. & Myeni, S.K. (2024), The main protease of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus induces cleavage of mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein to antagonize the innate immune response, Viruses 16(2).
- Huizen, M. van; Bloeme-ter Horst; Gruyter, H.L.M. de; Geurink, P.P.; Noort, G.J.V. van; Knaap, R.C.M.; Nelemans, T.; Ogando, N.S.; Leijs, A.A.; Urakova, N.; Mark, B.L.; Snijder, E.J.; Myeni, S.K. & Kikkert, M. (2024), Deubiquitinating activity of SARS-CoV-2 papain-like protease does not influence virus replication or innate immune responses in vivo, PLoS Pathogens 20(3).
- Thaler, M.; Salgado-Benvindo, C.; Leijs, A.; Tas, A.; Ninaber, D.K.; Arbiser, J.L.; Snijder, E.J. & Hemert, M.J. van (2023), R-propranolol has broad-spectrum anti-coronavirus activity and suppresses factors involved in pathogenic angiogenesis, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(5).
- Thaler, M.; Wang, Y.; Does, A.M. van der; Faiz, A.; Ninaber, D.K.; Ogando, N.S.; Beckert, H.; Taube, C.; Salgado-Benvindo, C.; Snijder, E.J.; Bredenbeek, P.J.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Hemert, M.J. van (2023), Impact of changes in human airway epithelial cellular composition and differentiation on SARS-CoV-2 infection biology, Journal of Innate Immunity 15(1).
- Salgado-Benvindo, C.; Leijs, A.A.; Thaler, M.; Tas, A.; Arbiser, J.L.; Snijder, E.J. & Hemert, M.J. van (2023), Honokiol inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication in cell culture at a post-entry step, Microbiology Spectrum 11(3).
- Myeni, S.K.; Bredenbeek, P.J.; Knaap, R.C.M.; Dalebout, T.J.; Morales, S.T.; Sidorov, I.A.; Linger, M.E.; Oreshkova, N.; Zanen-Gerhardt, S. van; Zander, S.A.L.; Enjuanes, L.; Sola, I.; Snijder, E.J. & Kikkert, M. (2023), Engineering potent live attenuated coronavirus vaccines by targeted inactivation of the immune evasive viral deubiquitinase, Nature Communications 14(1).
- Arends, E.J.; Meziyerh, S.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Kamerling, S.W.A.; Kooy, S. van der; Ogando, N.S.; Snijder, E.J.; Hemert, M. van; Visser, L.G.; Feltkamp, M.C.W.; Claas, E.C.J.; Rabelink, T.J.; Kooten, C. van; Vries, A.P.J. de & Teng, Y.K.O. (2023), Voclosporin and the antiviral effect against SARS-CoV-2 in immunocompromised kidney patients, Kidney International Reports 8(12): 2654-2664.
- Treffers, E.E.; Tas, A.; Scholte, F.E.M.; Ru, A.H. de; Snijder, E.J.; Veelen, P.A. van & Hemert, M.J. van (2023), The alphavirus nonstructural protein 2 NTPase induces a host translational shut-off through phosphorylation of eEF2 via cAMP-PKA-eEF2K signaling, PLoS Pathogens 19(2).
- Dauksaite, V.; Tas, A.; Wachowius, F.; Spruit, A.; Hemert, M.J. van; Snijder, E.J.; Veer, E.P. van der & Zonneveld, A.J. van (2023), Highly potent antisense oligonucleotides: locked nucleic acid gapmers targeting the SARS-CoV-2 RNA genome, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 33(6): 381-385.
- Ahmed-Belkacem, R.; Hausdorff, M.; Delpal, A.; Sutto-Ortiz, P.; Colmant, A.M.G.; Touret, F.; Ogando, N.S.; Snijder, E.J.; Canard, B.; Coutard, B.; Vasseur, J.J.; Decroly, E. & Debart, F. (2022), Potent inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 nsp14 N7-methyltransferase by sulfonamide-based bisubstrate analogues, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 65(8): 6231-6249.
- Bardiot, D.; Vangeel, L.; Koukni, M.; Arzel, P.; Zwaagstra, M.; Lyoo, H.; Wanningen, P.; Ahmad, S.; Zhang, L.L.; Sun, X.Y.Y.; Delpal, A.; Eydoux, C.; Guillemot, J.C.; Lescrinier, E.; Klaassen, H.; Leyssen, P.; Jochmans, D.; Castermans, K.; Hilgenfeld, R.; Robinson, C.; Decroly, E.; Canard, B.; Snijder, E.J.; Hemert, M.J. van; Kuppeveld, F. van; Chaltin, P.; Neyts, J.; Jonghe, S. de & Marchand, A. (2022), Synthesis, structure-activity relationships, and antiviral profiling of 1-heteroaryl-2-alkoxyphenyl analogs as inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 replication, Molecules 27(3).
- Ogando, N.S.; Metscher, E.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Arends, E.J.; Tas, A.; Cross, J.; Snijder, E.J.; Teng, Y.K.O.; Vries, A.P.J. de & Hemert, M.J. van (2022), The cyclophilin-dependent calcineurin inhibitor voclosporin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication in cell culture, Transplant International 35.
- Malone, B.; Urakova, N.; Snijder, E.J. & Campbell, E.A. (2021), Structures and functions of coronavirus replication-transcription complexes and their relevance for SARS-CoV-2 drug design, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 23.
- Lin, J.W.; Tang, C.; Wei, H.C.; , B.W. du; Chen, C.; Wang, M.J.; Zhou, Y.Z.; Yu, M.X.; Cheng, L.; Kuivanen, S.; Ogando, N.S.; Levanov, L.; Zhao, Y.C.; Li, C.L.; Zhou, R.; Li, Z.D.; Zhang, Y.M.; Sun, K.; Wang, C.D.; Chen, L.; Xiao, X.; Zheng, X.R.; Chen, S.S.; Zhou, Z.; Yang, R.R.; Zhang, D.; Xu, M.Y.; Song, J.W.; Wang, D.R.; Li, Y.P.; Lei, S.K.; Zeng, W.Q.; Yang, Q.X.; He, P.; Zhang, Y.Y.; Zhou, L.F.; Cao, L.; Luo, F.; Liu, H.Y.; Wang, L.P.; Ye, F.; Zhang, M.; Li, M.J.; Fan, W.; Li, X.Q.; Li, K.J.; Ke, B.W.; Xu, J.N.; Yang, H.P.; He, S.S.; Pan, M.; Yan, Y.C.; Zha, Y.; Jiang, L.Y.; Yu, C.X.; Liu, Y.F.; Xu, Z.Y.; Li, Q.F.; Jiang, Y.M.; Sun, J.F.; Hong, W.; Wei, H.P.; Lu, G.W.; Vapalahti, O.; Luo, Y.Z.; Wei, Y.Q.; Connor, T.; Tan, W.J.; Snijder, E.J.; Smura, T.; Li, W.M.; Geng, J.; Ying, B.W. & Chen, L. (2021), Genomic monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 uncovers an Nsp1 deletion variant that modulates type I interferon response, Cell Host & Microbe 29(3).
- Oreshkova, N.; Myeni, S.K.; Mishra, N.; Albulescu, I.C.; Dalebout, T.J.; Snijder, E.J.; Bredenbeek, P.J.; Dallmeier, K. & Kikkert, M. (2021), A Yellow Fever 17D virus replicon-based vaccine platform for emerging Coronaviruses, Vaccines 9(12).
- Ogando, N.S.; Kazzi, P. el; Zevenhoven-Dobbe, J.C.; Bontes, B.W.; Decombe, A.; Posthuma, C.C.; Thiel, V.; Canard, B.; Ferron, F.; Decroly, E. & Snijder, E.J. (2021), Structure-function analysis of the nsp14 N7-guanine methyltransferase reveals an essential role in Betacoronavirus replication, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(49).
- Kovacikova, K.; Gonzalez, M.G.; Jones, R.; Reguera, J.; Gigante, A.; Perez-Perez, M.J.; Purstinger, G.; Moesslacher, J.; Langer, T.; Jeong, L.S.; Delang, L.; Neyts, J.; Snijder, E.J.; Westen, G.J.P. van & Hemert, M.J. van (2021), Structural insights into the mechanisms of action of functionally distinct classes of Chikungunya virus nonstructural protein 1 inhibitors, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 65(7).
- Boogaard, B.; Tas, A.; Nijssen, J.; Broeren, F.; Dobbelsteen, J. van den; Verhoeven, V.; Pluim, J.; Dekker, S.; Snijder, E.J.; Hemert, M.J. van & Herfst, S. (2021), Efficacy assessment of newly-designed filtering facemasks during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, Aerosol and Air Quality Research 21(3).
- Solforosi, L.; Kuipers, H.; Jongeneelen, M.; Huber, S.K.R.; Lubbe, J.E.M. van der; Dekking, L.; Czapska-Casey, D.N.; Gil, A.I.; Baert, M.R.M.; Drijver, J.; Vaneman, J.; Huizen, E. van; Choi, Y.; Vreugdenhil, J.; Kroos, S.; Wilde, A.H. de; Kourkouta, E.; Custers, J.; Vlugt, R. van der; Veldman, D.; Huizingh, J.; Kaszas, K.; Dalebout, T.J.; Myeni, S.K.; Kikkert, M.; Snijder, E.J.; Barouch, D.H.; Boszormenyi, K.P.; Stammes, M.A.; Kondova, I.; Verschoor, E.J.; Verstrepen, B.E.; Koopman, G.; Mooij, P.; Bogers, W.M.J.M.; Heerden, M. van; Muchene, L.; Tolboom, J.T.B.M.; Roozendaal, R.; Brandenburg, B.; Schuitemaker, H.; Wegmann, F. & Zahn, R.C. (2021), Immunogenicity and efficacy of one and two doses of Ad26.COV2.S COVID vaccine in adult and aged NHP, Journal of Experimental Medicine 218(7).
- Guo, R.; Yan, X.Y.; Li, Y.H.; Cui, J.; Misra, S.; Firth, A.E.; Snijder, E.J. & Fang, Y. (2021), A swine arterivirus deubiquitinase stabilizes two major envelope proteins and promotes production of viral progeny, PLoS Pathogens 17(3).
- Lubbe, J.E.M. van der; Huber, S.K.R.; Vijayan, A.; Dekking, L.; Huizen, E. van; Vreugdenhil, J.; Choi, Y.; Baert, M.R.M.; Feddes-de Boer, K.; Gil, A.I.; Heerden, M. van; Dalebout, T.J.; Myeni, S.K.; Kikkert, M.; Snijder, E.J.; Waal, L. de; Stittelaar, K.J.; Tolboom, J.T.B.M.; Serroyen, J.; Muchene, L.; Fits, L. van der; Rutten, L.; Langedijk, J.P.M.; Barouch, D.H.; Schuitemaker, H.; Zahn, R.C. & Wegmann, F. (2021), Ad26.COV2.S protects Syrian hamsters against G614 spike variant SARS-CoV-2 and does not enhance respiratory disease, npj Vaccines 6(1).
- Patel, A.; Treffers, E.E.; Meier, M.; Patel, T.R.; Stetefeld, J.; Snijder, E.J. & Mark, B.L. (2020), Molecular characterization of the RNA-protein complex directing-2/-1 programmed ribosomal frameshifting during arterivirus replicase expression, Journal of Biological Chemistry 295(52): 17904-17921.
- Ogando, N.S.; Dalebout, T.J.; Zevenhoven-Dobbe, J.C.; Limpens, R.W.A.L.; Meer, Y. van der; Caly, L.; Druce, J.; Vries, J.J.C. de; Kikkert, M.; Barcena, M.; Sidorov, I. & Snijder, E.J. (2020), SARS-coronavirus-2 replication in Vero E6 cells, Journal of General Virology 101(9): 925-940.
- Schurink, B.; Roos, E.; Radonic, T.; Barbe, E.; Bouman, C.S.C.; Boer, H.H. de; Bree, G.J. de; Bulle, E.B.; Aronica, E.M.; Florquin, S.; Fronczek, J.; Heunks, L.M.A.; Jong, M.D. de; Guo, L.H.; Long, R. du; Lutter, R.; Molenaar, P.C.G.; Neefjes-Borst, E.A.; Niessen, H.W.M.; Noesel, C.J.M. van; Roelofs, J.J.T.H.; Snijder, P.E.J.; Soer, E.C.; Verheij, J.; Vlaar, A.P.J.; Vos, W.; Wel, N.N. van der; Wal, A.C. van der; Valk, P. van der & Bugiani, M. (2020), Viral presence and immunopathology in patients with lethal COVID-19, The Lancet Microbe 1(7): E290-E299.
- Salgado-Benvindo, C.; Thaler, M.; Tas, A.; Ogando, N.S.; Bredenbeek, P.J.; Ninaber, D.K.; Wang, Y.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Snijder, E.J. & Hemert, M.J. van (2020), Suramin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection in cell culture by interfering with early steps of the replication cycle, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 64(8).
- Bos, R.; Rutten, L.; Lubbe, J.E.M. van der; Bakkers, M.J.G.; Hardenberg, G.; Wegmann, F.; Zuijdgeest, D.; Wilde, A.H. de; Koornneef, A.; Verwilligen, A.; Manen, D. van; Kwaks, T.; Vogels, R.; Dalebout, T.J.; Myeni, S.K.; Kikkert, M.; Snijder, E.J.; Li, Z.F.; Barouch, D.H.; Vellinga, J.; Langedijk, J.P.M.; Zahn, R.C.; Custers, J. & Schuitemaker, H. (2020), Ad26 vector-based COVID-19 vaccine encoding a prefusion-stabilized SARS-CoV-2 Spike immunogen induces potent humoral and cellular immune responses, npj Vaccines 5(1).
- Dalmann, A.; Wernike, K.; Snijder, E.J.; Oreshkova, N.; Reimann, I. & Beer, M. (2020), Single-round infectious particle production by DNA-launched infectious clones of bungowannah pestivirus, Viruses 12(8).
- Ogando, N.S.; Zevenhoven-Dobbe, J.C.; Meer, Y. van der; Bredenbeek, P.J.; Posthuma, C.C. & Snijder, E.J. (2020), The enzymatic activity of the nsp14 exoribonuclease is critical for replication of MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2, Journal of Virology 94(23).
- Wolff, G.; Limpens, R.W.A.L.; Zevenhoven-Dobbe, J.C.; Laugks, U.; Zheng, S.; Jong, A.W.M. de; Koning, R.I.; Agard, D.A.; Grunewald, K.; Koster, A.J.; Snijder, E.J. & Barcena, M. (2020), A molecular pore spans the double membrane of the coronavirus replication organelle, Science 369(6509): 1395-+.
- Snijder, E.J.; Limpens, R.W.A.L.; Wilde, A.H. de; Jong, A.W.M. de; Zevenhoven-Dobbe, J.C.; Maier, H.J.; Faas, F.F.G.A.; Koster, A.J. & Barcena, M. (2020), A unifying structural and functional model of the coronavirus replication organelle, PLoS Biology 18(6).
- Carbo, E.C.; Sidorov, I.A.; Zevenhoven-Dobbe, J.C.; Snijder, E.J.; Claas, E.C.; Laros, J.F.J.; Kroes, A.C.M. & Vries, J.J.C. de (2020), Coronavirus discovery by metagenomic sequencing, Journal of Clinical Virology 131.
- Manfredonia, I.; Nithin, C.; Ponce-Salvatierra, A.; Ghosh, P.; Wirecki, T.K.; Marinus, T.; Ogando, N.S.; Snijder, E.J.; Hemert, M.J. van; Bujnicki, J.M. & Incarnato, D. (2020), Genome-wide mapping of SARS-CoV-2 RNA structures identifies therapeutically-relevant elements, Nucleic Acids Research 48(22): 12436-12452.
- Hoogen, B. van den; Santoni, A.; Sciume, G.; Bowie, A.; O'Farrelly, C.; O'Neill, L.; Anthonsen, M.; Pardali, K.; Young, S.; Bergthaler, A.; Manel, N.; Zahn, R.; Kikkert, M.; Snijder, E.; Kuppeveld, F. van; Fouchier, R. & Hiscott, J. (2020), Immunometabolism pathways as the basis for innovative anti-viral strategies (INITIATE), Virus Research 287.
- Wolff, G.; Melia, C.E.; Snijder, E.J. & Barcena, M. (2020), Double-membrane vesicles as platforms for viral replication, Trends in Microbiology 28(12): 1022-1033.
- Kovacikova, K.; Morren, B.M.; Tas, A.; Albulescu, I.C.; Rijswijk, R. van; Jarhad, D.B.; Shin, Y.S.; Jang, M.H.; Kim, G.; Lee, H.W.; Jeong, L.S.; Snijder, E.J. & Hemert, M.J. van (2020), 6 '-beta-fluoro-homoaristeromycin and 6 '-fluoro-homoneplanocin a are potent inhibitors of Chikungunya virus replication through their direct effect on viral nonstructural protein 1, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 64(4).
- Zhang, L.L.; Lin, D.Z.; Kusov, Y.; Nian, Y.; Ma, Q.J.; Wang, J.; Brunn, A. von; Leyssen, P.; Lanko, K.; Neyts, J.; Wilde, A. de; Snijder, E.J.; Liu, H. & Hilgenfeld, R. (2020), Alpha-ketoamides as broad-spectrum inhibitors of coronavirus and enterovirus replication, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 63(9): 4562-4578.
- Albulescu, I.C.; White-Scholten, L.; Tas, A.; Hoornweg, T.E.; Ferla, S.; Kovacikova, K.; Smit, J.M.; Brancale, A.; Snijder, E.J. & Hemert, M.J. van (2020), Suramin inhibits chikungunya virus replication by interacting with virions and blocking the early steps of infection, VIRUSES-BASEL 12(3).
- Ogando, N.S.; Ferron, F.; Decroly, E.; Canard, B.; Posthuma, C.C. & Snijder, E.J. (2019), The Curious Case of the Nidovirus Exoribonuclease: Its Role in RNA Synthesis and Replication Fidelity, Frontiers in Microbiology 10.
- Wilde, A.H. de; Boomaars-van Der Zanden, A.L.; Jong, A.W.M. de; Barcena, M.; Snijder, E.J. & Posthuma, C.C. (2019), Adaptive Mutations in Replicase Transmembrane Subunits Can Counteract Inhibition of Equine Arteritis Virus RNA Synthesis by Cyclophilin Inhibitors, Journal of Virology 93(18).
- Yoon, J.S.; Kim, G.; Jarhad, D.B.; Kim, H.R.; Shin, Y.S.; Qu, S.H.; Sahu, P.K.; Kim, H.O.; Lee, H.W.; Wan, S.B.; Kong, Y.J.; Chang, T.S.; Ogando, N.S.; Kovacikova, K.; Snijder, E.J.; Posthuma, C.C.; Hemert, M.J. van & Jeong, L.S. (2019), Design, Synthesis, and Anti-RNA Virus Activity of 6 '-Fluorinated-Aristeromycin Analogues, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 62(13): 6346-6362.
- Melia, C.E.; Peddie, C.J.; Jong, A.W.M. de; Snijder, E.J.; Collinson, L.M.; Koster, A.J.; Schaar, H.M. van der; Kuppeveld, F.J.M. van & Barcena, M. (2019), Origins of Enterovirus Replication Organelles Established by Whole-Cell Electron Microscopy, mBio 10(3).
- Wolff, G.; Limpens, R.W.A.L.; Zheng, S.; Snijder, E.J.; Agard, D.A.; Koster, A.J. & Barcena, M. (2019), Mind the gap: Micro-expansion joints drastically decrease the bending of FIB-milled cryo-lamellae, Journal of Structural Biology 208(3).
- Stewart, H.; Brown, K.; Dinan, A.M.; Irigoyen, N.; Snijder, E.J. & Firth, A.E. (2018), Transcriptional and Translational Landscape of Equine Torovirus, Journal of Virology 92(17).
- Wilde, A.H. de; Pham, U.; Posthuma, C.C. & Snijder, E.J. (2018), Cyclophilins and cyclophilin inhibitors in nidovirus replication, Virology 522: 46-55.
- Rappe, J.C.F.; Wilde, A. de; , H. di; Muller, C.; Stalder, H.; V'kovski, P.; Snijder, E.; Brinton, M.A.; Ziebuhr, J.; Ruggli, N. & Thiel, V. (2018), Antiviral activity of K22 against members of the order Nidovirales, Virus Research 246: 28-34.
- Wilde, A.H. de; Zevenhoven-Dobbe, J.C.; Beugeling, C.; Chatterji, U.; Jong, D. de; Gallay, P.; Szuhai, K.; Posthuma, C.C. & Snijder, E.J. (2018), Coronaviruses and arteriviruses display striking differences in their cyclophilin A-dependence during replication in cell culture, Virology 517: 148-156.
- Fang, Y.; Baker, S.; Snijder, E.; Gallagher, T.; Makino, S. & Nauwynck, H. (2018), Introduction to Virology special issue featuring nidovirus research, Virology 517: 1-2.
- Li, Y.; Shang, P.; Shyu, D.; Carrillo, C.; Naraghi-Arani, P.; Jaing, C.J.; Renukaradhya, G.J.; Firth, A.E.; Snijder, E.J. & Fang, Y. (2018), Nonstructural proteins nsp2TF and nsp2N of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) play important roles in suppressing host innate immune responses, Virology 517: 164-176.
- Melia, C.E.; Schaar, H.M. van der; Jong, A.W.M. de; Lyoo, H.R.; Snijder, E.J.; Koster, A.J.; Kuppeveld, F.J.M. van & Barcena, M. (2018), The Origin, Dynamic Morphology, and PI4P-Independent Formation of Encephalomyocarditis Virus Replication Organelles, mBio 9(2).
- Wilde, A.H. de; Snijder, E.J.; Kikkert, M.; Hemert, M.J. van; Tripp, R.A. & Tompkins, S.M. (2018), Host Factors in Coronavirus Replication, Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 419: 1-42.
- Melia, C.E.; Schaar, H.M. van der; Lyoo, H.; Limpens, R.W.A.L.; Feng, Q.; Wahedi, M.; Overheul, G.J.; Rij, R.P. van; Snijder, E.J.; Koster, A.J.; Barcena, M. & Kuppeveld, F.J.M. van (2017), Escaping Host Factor PI4KB Inhibition: Enterovirus Genomic RNA Replication in the Absence of Replication Organelles, Cell Reports 21(3): 587-599.
- Posthuma, C.C.; Velthuis, A.J.W. te & Snijder, E.J. (2017), Nidovirus RNA polymerases: Complex enzymes handling exceptional RNA genomes, Virus Research 234: 58-73.
- Albulescu, I.C.; Kovacikova, K.; Tas, A.; Snijder, E.J. & Hemert, M.J. van (2017), Suramin inhibits Zika virus replication by interfering with virus attachment and release of infectious particles, Antiviral Research 143: 230-236.
- Wilde, A.H. de; Falzarano, D.; Zevenhoven-Dobbe, J.C.; Beugeling, C.; Fett, C.; Martellaro, C.; Posthuma, C.C.; Feldmann, H.; Perlman, S. & Snijder, E.J. (2017), Alisporivir inhibits MERS- and SARS-coronavirus replication in cell culture, but not SARS-coronavirus infection in a mouse model, Virus Research 228: 7-13.
- Oudshoorn, D.; Rijs, K.; Limpens, R.W.A.L.; Groen, K.; Koster, A.J.; Snijder, E.J.; Kikkert, M. & Barcena, M. (2017), Expression and Cleavage of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus nsp3-4 Polyprotein Induce the Formation of Double-Membrane Vesicles That Mimic Those Associated with Coronaviral RNA Replication, mBio 8(6).
- Hoeven, B. van der; Oudshoorn, D.; Koster, A.J.; Snijder, E.J.; Kikkert, M. & Barcena, M. (2016), Biogenesis and architecture of arterivirus replication organelles, Virus Research 220: 70-90.
- Delang, L.; Li, C.; Tas, A.; Querat, G.; Albulescu, I.C.; Burghgraeve, T. de; Guerrero, N.A.S.; Gigante, A.; Piorkowski, G.; Decroly, E.; Jochmans, D.; Canard, B.; Snijder, E.J.; Perez-Perez, M.J.; Hemert, M.J. van; Coutard, B.; Leyssen, P. & Neyts, J. (2016), The viral capping enzyme nsP1: a novel target for the inhibition of chikungunya virus infection, Scientific Reports 6.
- Napthine, S.; Treffers, E.E.; Bell, S.; Goodfellow, I.; Fang, Y.; Firth, A.E.; Snijder, E.J. & Brierley, I. (2016), A novel role for poly(C) binding proteins in programmed ribosomal frameshifting, Nucleic Acids Research 44(12): 5491-5503.
- Oudshoorn, D.; Hoeven, B. van der; Limpens, R.W.A.L.; Beugeling, C.; Snijder, E.J.; Barcena, M. & Kikkert, M. (2016), Antiviral Innate Immune Response Interferes with the Formation of Replication-Associated Membrane Structures Induced by a Positive-Strand RNA Virus, mBio 7(6).
- Zeng, C.; Wu, A.D.; Wang, Y.; Xu, S.; Tang, Y.K.; Jin, X.; Wang, S.L.; Qin, L.; Sun, Y.; Fan, C.P.; Snijder, E.J.; Neuman, B.W.; Chen, Y.; Ahola, T. & Guo, D.Y. (2016), Identification and Characterization of a Ribose 2 '-O-Methyltransferase Encoded by the Ronivirus Branch of Nidovirales, Journal of Virology 90(15): 6675-6685.
- Snijder, E.J.; Decroly, E.; Ziebuhr, J. & Ziebuhr, J. (2016), The Nonstructural Proteins Directing Coronavirus RNA Synthesis and Processing, Advances in Virus Research 96: 59-126.
- Lehmann, K.C.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Snijder, E.J. & Posthuma, C.C. (2016), Arterivirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase: Vital enzymatic activity remains elusive, Virology 487: 68-74.
- Lehmann, K.C.; Gulyaeva, A.; Zevenhoven-Dobbe, J.C.; Janssen, G.M.C.; Ruben, M.; Overkleeft, H.S.; Veelen, P.A. van; Samborskiy, D.V.; Kravchenko, A.A.; Leontovich, A.M.; Sidorov, I.A.; Snijder, E.J.; Posthuma, C.C. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2015), Discovery of an essential nucleotidylating activity associated with a newly delineated conserved domain in the RNA polymerase-containing protein of all nidoviruses, Nucleic Acids Research 43(17): 8416-8434.
- Albulescu, I.C.; Hoolwerff, M. van; Wolters, L.A.; Bottaro, E.; Nastruzzi, C.; Yang, S.C.; Tsay, S.C.; Hwu, J.R.; Snijder, E.J. & Hemert, M.J. van (2015), Suramin inhibits chikungunya virus replication through multiple mechanisms, Antiviral Research 121: 39-46.
- Lehmann, K.C.; Hooghiemstra, L.; Gulyaeva, A.; Samborskiy, D.V.; Zevenhoven-Dobbe, J.C.; Snijder, E.J.; Gorbalenya, A.E. & Posthuma, C.C. (2015), Arterivirus nsp12 versus the coronavirus nsp16 2 '-O-methyltransferase: comparison of the C-terminal cleavage products of two nidovirus pp1ab polyproteins, Journal of General Virology 96: 2643-2655.
- Wilde, A.H. de; Wannee, K.F.; Scholte, F.E.M.; Goeman, J.J.; Dijke, P. ten; Snijder, E.J.; Kikkert, M. & Hemert, M.J. van (2015), A Kinome-Wide Small Interfering RNA Screen Identifies Proviral and Antiviral Host Factors in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Replication, Including Double-Stranded RNA-Activated Protein Kinase and Early Secretory Pathway Proteins, Journal of Virology 89(16): 8318-8333.
- Peters, H.L.; Jochmans, D.; Wilde, A.H. de; Posthuma, C.C.; Snijder, E.J.; Neyts, J. & Seley-Radtke, K.L. (2015), Design, synthesis and evaluation of a series of acyclic fleximer nucleoside analogues with anti-coronavirus activity, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters 25(15): 2923-2926.
- Kasteren, P.B. van; Knaap, R.C.M.; Elzen, P. van den; Snijder, E.J.; Balasuriya, U.B.R.; Born, E. van den & Kikkert, M. (2015), In vivo assessment of equine arteritis virus vaccine improvement by disabling the deubiquitinase activity of papain-like protease 2, Veterinary Microbiology 178(1-2): 132-137.
- Li, Y.H.; Tas, A.; Sun, Z.; Snijder, E.J. & Fang, Y. (2015), Proteolytic processing of the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus replicase, Virus Research 202: 48-59.
- Schoggins, J.W.; MacDuff, D.A.; Imanaka, N.; Gainey, M.D.; Shrestha, B.; Eitson, J.L.; Mar, K.B.; Richardson, R.B.; Ratushny, A.V.; Litvak, V.; Dabelic, R.; Manicassamy, B.; Aitchison, J.D.; Aderem, A.; Elliott, R.M.; Garcia-Sastre, A.; Racaniello, V.; Snijder, E.J.; Yokoyama, W.M.; Diamond, M.S.; Virgin, H.W. & Rice, C.M. (2015), Pan-viral specificity of IFN-induced genes reveals new roles for cGAS in innate immunity (vol 505, pg 691, 2014), Nature 525(7567): 144-144.
- Scholte, F.E.M.; Tas, A.; Albulescu, I.C.; Zusinaite, E.; Merits, A.; Snijder, E.J. & Hemert, M.J. van (2015), Stress Granule Components G3BP1 and G3BP2 Play a Proviral Role Early in Chikungunya Virus Replication, Journal of Virology 89(8): 4457-4469.
- Treffers, E.E.; Tas, A.; Scholte, F.E.M.; , M.N. van; Heemskerk, M.T.; Ru, A.H. de; Snijder, E.J.; Hemert, M.J. van & Veelen, P.A. van (2015), Temporal SILAC-based quantitative proteomics identifies host factors involved in chikungunya virus replication, Proteomics 15(13): 2267-2280.
- Lehmann, K.C.; Snijder, E.J.; Posthuma, C.C. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2015), What we know but do not understand about nidovirus helicases, Virus Research 202: 12-32.
- Olagnier, D.; Scholte, F.E.M.; Chiang, C.; Albulescu, I.C.; Nichols, C.; He, Z.; Lin, R.T.; Snijder, E.J.; Hemert, M.J. van & Hiscott, J. (2014), Inhibition of Dengue and Chikungunya Virus Infections by RIG-I-Mediated Type I Interferon-Independent Stimulation of the Innate Antiviral Response, Journal of Virology 88(8): 4180-4194.
- Albulescu, I.C.; Tas, A.; Scholte, F.E.M.; Snijder, E.J. & Hemert, M.J. van (2014), An in vitro assay to study chikungunya virus RNA synthesis and the mode of action of inhibitors, Journal of General Virology 95: 2683-2692.
- Deng, Z.Q.; Lehmann, K.C.; Li, X.R.; Feng, C.; Wang, G.Q.; Zhang, Q.; Qi, X.X.; Yu, L.; Zhang, X.L.; Feng, W.H.; Wu, W.; Gong, P.; Tao, Y.; Posthuma, C.C.; Snijder, E.J.; Gorbalenya, A.E. & Chen, Z.Z. (2014), Structural basis for the regulatory function of a complex zinc-binding domain in a replicative arterivirus helicase resembling a nonsense-mediated mRNA decay helicase, Nucleic Acids Research 42(5): 3464-3477.
- Matthews, K.L.; Coleman, C.M.; Meer, Y. van der; Snijder, E.J. & Frieman, M.B. (2014), The ORF4b-encoded accessory proteins of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus and two related bat coronaviruses localize to the nucleus and inhibit innate immune signalling, Journal of General Virology 95: 874-882.
- Bailey-Elkin, B.A.; Kasteren, P.B. van; Snijder, E.J.; Kikkert, M. & Mark, B.L. (2014), Viral OTU Deubiquitinases: A Structural and Functional Comparison, PLoS Pathogens 10(3).
- Delang, L.; Guerrero, N.S.; Tas, A.; Querat, G.; Pastorino, B.; Froeyen, M.; Dallmeier, K.; Jochmans, D.; Herdewijn, P.; Bello, F.; Snijder, E.J.; Lamballerie, X. de; Martina, B.; Neyts, J.; Hemert, M.J. van & Leyssen, P. (2014), Mutations in the chikungunya virus non-structural proteins cause resistance to favipiravir (T-705), a broad-spectrum antiviral, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 69(10): 2770-2784.
- Bouvet, M.; Lugari, A.; Posthuma, C.C.; Zevenhoven, J.C.; Bernard, S.; Betzi, S.; Imbert, I.; Canard, B.; Guillemot, J.C.; Lecine, P.; Pfefferle, S.; Drosten, C.; Snijder, E.J.; Decroly, E. & Morelli, X. (2014), Coronavirus Nsp10, a Critical Co-factor for Activation of Multiple Replicative Enzymes, Journal of Biological Chemistry 289(37): 25783-25796.
- Wilde, A.H. de; Jochmans, D.; Posthuma, C.C.; Zevenhoven-Dobbe, J.C.; Nieuwkoop, S. van; Bestebroer, T.M.; Hoogen, B.G. van den; Neyts, J. & Snijder, E.J. (2014), Screening of an FDA-Approved Compound Library Identifies Four Small-Molecule Inhibitors of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Replication in Cell Culture, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 58(8): 4875-4884.
- Schoggins, J.W.; MacDuff, D.A.; Imanaka, N.; Gainey, M.D.; Shrestha, B.; Eitson, J.L.; Mar, K.B.; Richardson, R.B.; Ratushny, A.V.; Litvak, V.; Dabelic, R.; Manicassamy, B.; Aitchison, J.D.; Aderem, A.; Elliott, R.M.; Garcia-Sastre, A.; Racaniello, V.; Snijder, E.J.; Yokoyama, W.M.; Diamond, M.S.; Virgin, H.W. & Rice, C.M. (2014), Pan-viral specificity of IFN-induced genes reveals new roles for cGAS in innate immunity, Nature 505(7485): 691-+.
- Bailey-Elkin, B.A.; Knaap, R.C.M.; Johnson, G.G.; Dalebout, T.J.; Ninaber, D.K.; Kasteren, P.B. van; Bredenbeek, P.J.; Snijder, E.J.; Kikkert, M. & Mark, B.L. (2014), Crystal Structure of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Papain-like Protease Bound to Ubiquitin Facilitates Targeted Disruption of Deubiquitinating Activity to Demonstrate Its Role in Innate Immune Suppression, Journal of Biological Chemistry 289(50): 34667-34682.
- Li, Y.H.; Treffers, E.E.; Napthine, S.; Tas, A.; Zhu, L.C.; Sun, Z.; Bell, S.; Mark, B.L.; Veelen, P.A. van; Hemert, M.J. van; Firth, A.E.; Brierley, I.; Snijder, E.J. & Fang, Y. (2014), Transactivation of programmed ribosomal frameshifting by a viral protein, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(21): E2172-E2181.
- Subissi, L.; Posthuma, C.C.; Collet, A.; Zevenhoven-Dobbe, J.C.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Decroly, E.; Snijder, E.J.; Canard, B. & Imbert, I. (2014), One severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus protein complex integrates processive RNA polymerase and exonuclease activities, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(37): E3900-E3909.
- Snijder, E.J.; Kikkert, M. & Fang, Y. (2013), Arterivirus molecular biology and pathogenesis, Journal of General Virology 94: 2141-2163.
- Oudshoorn, D.; Beugeling, C.; Limpens, R.W.A.L.; Pronk, J.; Ruinard, J.; Snijder, E.J.; Barcena, M. & Kikkert, M. (2013), Type I interferon treatment inhibits the formation of RNA virus replication-associated membrane structures, Cytokine 63(3): 288-288.
- Wilde, A.H. de; Raj, V.S.; Oudshoorn, D.; Bestebroer, T.M.; Nieuwkoop, S. van; Limpens, R.W.A.L.; Posthuma, C.C.; Meer, Y. van der; Barcena, M.; Haagmans, B.L.; Snijder, E.J. & Hoogen, B.G. van den (2013), MERS-coronavirus replication induces severe in vitro cytopathology and is strongly inhibited by cyclosporin A or interferon-alpha treatment.
- Groot, R.J. de; Baker, S.C.; Baric, R.S.; Brown, C.S.; Drosten, C.; Enjuanes, L.; Fouchier, R.A.M.; Galiano, M.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Memish, Z.A.; Perlman, S.; Poon, L.L.M.; Snijder, E.J.; Stephens, G.M.; Woo, P.C.Y.; Zaki, A.M.; Zambon, M. & Ziebuhr, J. (2013), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV): Announcement of the Coronavirus Study Group, Journal of Virology 87(14): 7790-7792.
- Wilde, A.H. de; Li, Y.H.; Meer, Y. van der; Vuagniaux, G.; Lysek, R.; Fang, Y.; Snijder, E.J. & Hemert, M.J. van (2013), Cyclophilin Inhibitors Block Arterivirus Replication by Interfering with Viral RNA Synthesis, Journal of Virology 87(3): 1454-1464.
- Scholte, F.E.M.; Tas, A.; Martina, B.E.E.; Cordioli, P.; Narayanan, K.; Makino, S.; Snijder, E.J. & Hemert, M.J. van (2013), Characterization of Synthetic Chikungunya Viruses Based on the Consensus Sequence of Recent E1-226V Isolates, PLoS ONE 8(8).
- Lauber, C.; Goeman, J.J.; Parquet, M.D.; Nga, P.T.; Snijder, E.J.; Morita, K. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2013), The Footprint of Genome Architecture in the Largest Genome Expansion in RNA Viruses, PLoS Pathogens 9(7).
- Kasteren, P.B. van; Bailey-Elkin, B.A.; James, T.W.; Ninaber, D.K.; Beugeling, C.; Khajehpour, M.; Snijder, E.J.; Mark, B.L. & Kikkert, M. (2013), Deubiquitinase function of arterivirus papain-like protease 2 suppresses the innate immune response in infected host cells, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110(9): E838-E847.
- Slobodskaya, O.; Snijder, E.J. & Spaan, W.J.M. (2012), Organ tropism of murine coronavirus does not correlate with the expression levels of the membrane-anchored or secreted isoforms of the carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 receptor.
- Adedeji, A.O.; Marchand, B.; Velthuis, A.J.W. te; Snijder, E.J.; Weiss, S.; Eoff, R.L.; Singh, K. & Sarafianos, S.G. (2012), Mechanism of Nucleic Acid Unwinding by SARS-CoV Helicase, PLoS ONE 7(5): -.
- Sun, Z.; Li, Y.H.; Ransburgh, R.; Snijder, E.J. & Fang, Y. (2012), Nonstructural protein 2 of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus inhibits the antiviral function of interferon-stimulated gene 15, Journal of Virology 86(7): 3839-3850.
- Tian, D.B.; Wei, Z.Z.; Zevenhoven-Dobbe, J.C.; Liu, R.X.; Tong, G.Z.; Snijder, E.J. & Yuan, S.S. (2012), Arterivirus minor envelope proteins are a major determinant of viral tropism in cell culture, Journal of Virology 86(7): 3701-3712.
- Zhang, J.Q.; Go, Y.Y.; Huang, C.J.M.; Meade, B.J.; Lu, Z.C.; Snijder, E.J.; Timoney, P.J. & Balasuriya, U.B.R. (2012), Development and characterization of an infectious cDNA clone of the modified live virus vaccine strain of equine arteritis virus.
- Li, Y.H.; Tas, A.; Snijder, E.J. & Fang, Y. (2012), Identification of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus ORF1a-encoded non-structural proteins in virus-infected cells.
- Kasteren, P.B. van; Beugeling, C.; Ninaber, D.K.; Frias-Staheli, N.; Boheemen, S. van; Garcia-Sastre, A.; Snijder, E.J. & Kikkert, M. (2012), Arterivirus and nairovirus ovarian tumor domain-containing deubiquitinases target activated RIG-I to control innate immune signaling, Journal of Virology 86(2): 773-785.
- Boheemen, S. van; Graaf, M. de; Lauber, C.; Bestebroer, T.M.; Raj, V.S.; Zaki, A.M.; Osterhaus, A.D.M.E.; Haagmans, B.L.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Snijder, E.J. & Fouchier, R.A.M. (2012), Genomic characterization of a newly discovered coronavirus associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome in humans, mBio 3(6): -.
- Velthuis, A.J.W.T.; Worm, S.H.E. van den & Snijder, E.J. (2012), The SARS-coronavirus nsp7+nsp8 complex is a unique multimeric RNA polymerase capable of both de novo initiation and primer extension, Nucleic Acids Research 40(4): 1737-1747.
- Lauber, C.; Ziebuhr, J.; Junglen, S.; Drosten, C.; Zirkel, F.; Nga, P.T.; Morita, K.; Snijder, E.J. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2012), Mesoniviridae: a proposed new family in the order Nidovirales formed by a single species of mosquito-borne viruses, Archives of Virology 157(8): 1623-1628.
- Fang, Y.; Treffers, E.E.; Li, Y.H.; Tas, A.; Sun, Z.; Meer, Y. van der; Ru, A.H. de; Veelen, P.A. van; Atkins, J.F.; Snijder, E.J. & Firth, A.E. (2012), Efficient-2 frameshifting by mammalian ribosomes to synthesize an additional arterivirus protein, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109(43): E2920-E2928.
- Worm, S.H.E. van den; Eriksson, K.K.; Zevenhoven, J.C.; Weber, F.; Zust, R.; Kuri, T.; Dijkman, R.; Chang, G.H.; Siddell, S.G.; Snijder, E.J.; Thiel, V. & Davidson, A.D. (2012), Reverse Genetics of SARS-Related Coronavirus Using Vaccinia Virus-Based Recombination, PLoS ONE 7(3): -.
- Knoops, K.; Barcena, M.; Limpens, R.W.A.L.; Koster, A.J.; Mommaas, A.M. & Snijder, E.J. (2012), Ultrastructural Characterization of Arterivirus Replication Structures: Reshaping the Endoplasmic Reticulum To Accommodate Viral RNA Synthesis, Journal of Virology 86(5): 2474-2487.
- Worm, S.H.E. van den; Knoops, K.; Zevenhoven-Dobbe, J.C.; Beugeling, C.; Meer, Y. van der; Mommaas, A.M. & Snijder, E.J. (2011), Development and RNA-Synthesizing Activity of Coronavirus Replication Structures in the Absence of Protein Synthesis.
- Firth, A.E.; Zevenhoven-Dobbe, J.C.; Wills, N.M.; Go, Y.Y.; Balasuriya, U.B.R.; Atkins, J.F.; Snijder, E.J. & Posthuma, C.C. (2011), Discovery of a small arterivirus gene that overlaps the GP5 coding sequence and is important for virus production, Journal of General Virology 92: 1097-1106.
- Wilde, A.H. de; Zevenhoven-Dobbe, J.C.; Meer, Y. van der; Thiel, V.; Narayanan, K.; Makino, S.; Snijder, E.J. & Hemert, M.J. van (2011), Cyclosporin A inhibits the replication of diverse coronaviruses.
- Kuppeveld, F. van; Snijder, E.; Gorbalenya, A.; Canard, B.; Bartenschlager, R.; Neyts, J.; Brancale, A. & McGuigan, C. (2011), European Training Network on (+)RNA Virus Replication and Antiviral Drug Development, Antiviral Research 90(2): A64-A64.
- Go, Y.Y.; Snijder, E.J.; Timoney, P.J. & Balasuriya, U.B.R. (2011), Characterization of Equine Humoral Antibody Response to the Nonstructural Proteins of Equine Arteritis Virus, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 18(2): 268-279.
- Manolaridis, I.; Gaudin, C.; Posthuma, C.C.; Zevenhoven-Dobbe, J.C.; Imbert, I.; Canard, B.; Kelly, G.; Tucker, P.A.; Conte, M.R. & Snijder, E.J. (2011), Structure and genetic analysis of the arterivirus nonstructural protein 7 alpha, Journal of Virology 85(14): 7449-7453.
- Nga, P.T.; Parquet, M.D.; Lauber, C.; Parida, M.; Nabeshima, T.; Yu, F.X.; Thuy, N.T.; Inoue, S.; Ito, T.; Okamoto, K.; Ichinose, A.; Snijder, E.J.; Morita, K. & Gorbalenya, A.E. (2011), Discovery of the First Insect Nidovirus, a Missing Evolutionary Link in the Emergence of the Largest RNA Virus Genomes, PLoS Pathogens 7(9): -.
- Kuri, T.; Eriksson, K.K.; Putics, A.; Zuest, R.; Snijder, E.J.; Davidson, A.D.; Siddell, S.G.; Thiel, V.; Ziebuhr, J. & Weber, F. (2011), The ADP-ribose-1''-monophosphatase domains of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and human coronavirus 229E mediate resistance to antiviral interferon responses, Journal of General Virology 92: 1899-1905.
- Posthuma, C.C.; Beek, M.T. van der; Blij-de Brouwer, C.S. van der; Heiden, P.L.J. van der; Marijt, E.W.A.; Spaan, W.J.M.; Claas, E.C.J.; Nederstigt, C.; Vossen, A.C.T.M.; Snijder, E.J. & Kroes, A.C.M. (2011), Mass spectrometry-based comparative sequencing to detect ganciclovir resistance in the UL97 gene of human cytomegalovirus., Journal of Clinical Virology 51(1): 25-30.
- Limpens, R.W.A.L.; Schaar, H.M. van der; Kumar, D.; Koster, A.J.; Snijder, E.J.; Kuppeveld, F.J.M. van & Barcena, M. (2011), The transformation of enterovirus replication structures: a three-dimensional study of single- and double-membrane compartments, mBio 2(5): -.
- (2011), Discovery of the First Insect Nidovirus, a Missing Evolutionary Link in the Emergence of the Largest RNA Virus Genomes, PLoS Pathogens.
- Fang, Y. & Snijder, E.J. (2010), The PRRSV replicase: Exploring the multifunctionality of an intriguing set of nonstructural proteins, Virus Research 154(1-2): 61-76.
- Bouvet, M.; Debarnot, C.; Imbert, I.; Selisko, B.; Snijder, E.J.; Canard, B. & Decroly, E. (2010), In vitro reconstitution of SARS-coronavirus mRNA cap methylation, PLoS Pathogens 6(4).
- Nedialkova, D.D.; Gorbalenya, A.E. & Snijder, E.J. (2010), Arterivirus Nsp1 Modulates the Accumulation of Minus-Strand Templates to Control the Relative Abundance of Viral mRNAs, PLoS Pathogens 6(2).
- Wojdyla, J.A.; Manolaridis, I.; Kasteren, P.B. van; Kikkert, M.; Snijder, E.J.; Gorbalenya, A.E. & Tucker, P.A. (2010), Papain-like protease 1 from transmissible gastroenteritis virus: crystal structure and enzymatic activity toward viral and cellular substrates, Journal of Virology 84(19): 10063-10073.
- Velthuis, A.J.W.T.; Worm, S.H.E. van den; Sims, A.C.; Baric, R.S.; Snijder, E.J. & Hemert, M.J. van (2010), Zn2+ inhibits coronavirus and arterivirus RNA polymerase activity in vitro and zinc ionophores block the replication of these viruses in cell culture, PLoS Pathogens 6(11).
- Velthuis, A.J.W.T.; Arnold, J.J.; Cameron, C.E.; Worm, S.H.E. van den & Snijder, E.J. (2010), The RNA polymerase activity of SARS-coronavirus nsp12 is primer dependent, Nucleic Acids Research 38(1): 203-214.
- Knoops, K.; Swett-Tapia, C.; Worm, S.H.E. van den; Velthuis, A.J.W.T.; Koster, A.J.; Mommaas, A.M.; Snijder, E.J. & Kikkert, M. (2010), Integrity of the early secretory pathway promotes, but Is not required for, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus RNA synthesis and virus-induced remodeling of endoplasmic reticulum membranes, Journal of Virology 84(2): 833-846.
- Raaben, M.; Posthuma, C.C.; Verheije, M.H.; Lintelo, E.G. te; Kikkert, M.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Snijder, E.J.; Rottier, P.J.M. & Haan, C.A.M. de (2010), The ubiquitin-proteasome system plays an important role during various stages of the coronavirus infection cycle, Journal of Virology 84(15): 7869-7879.
- Thaa B, Kabatek A, Zevenhoven-Dobbe JC, Snijder EJ, Herrmann A & Veit M (2009), Myristoylation of the arterivirus E protein: the fatty acid modification is not essential for membrane association but contributes significantly to virus infectivity, Journal of General Virology 90: 2704-2712.
- Piotrowski Y, Hansen G, Zanden ALBVD, Snijder EJ, Gorbalenya AE & Hilgenfeld R (2009), Crystal structures of the X-domains of a Group-1 and a Group-3 coronavirus reveal that ADP-ribose-binding may not be a conserved property, Protein Science 18(1): 6-16.
- Nedialkova DD, Ulferts R, van den Born E, Lauber C, Gorbalenya AE, Ziebuhr J & Snijder EJ (2009), Biochemical Characterization of Arterivirus Nonstructural Protein 11 Reveals the Nidovirus-Wide Conservation of a Replicative Endoribonuclease, Journal of Virology 83(11): 5671-5682.
- Wojdyla JA, Manolaridis I, Snijder EJ, Gorbalenya AE, Coutard B, Piotrowski Y, Hilgenfeld R & Tucker PA (2009), Structure of the X (ADRP) domain of nsp3 from feline coronavirus, Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 65: 1292-1300.
- Manolaridis I, Wojdyla JA, Panjikar S, Snijder EJ, Gorbalenya AE, Berglind H, Nordlund P, Coutard B & Tucker PA (2009), Structure of the C-terminal domain of nsp4 from feline coronavirus, Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 65: 839-846.
- Knoops K, Kikkert M, van den Worm SHE, Zevenhoven-Dobbe JC, van der Meer Y, Koster AJ, Mommaas AM & Snijder EJ (2008), SARS-coronavirus replication is supported by a reticulovesicular network of modified endoplasmic reticulum.
- Decroly E, Imbert I, Coutard B, Bouvet ML, Selisko B, Alvarez K, Gorbalenya AE, Snijder EJ & Canard B (2008), Coronavirus nonstructural protein 16 is a cap-0 binding enzyme possessing (nucleoside-2'O)-methyltransferase activity, Journal of Virology 82(16).
- van Hemert MJ, de Wilde AH, Gorbalenya AE & Snijder EJ (2008), The in vitro RNA synthesizing activity of the isolated arterivirus replication/transcription complex is dependent on a host factor, Journal of Biological Chemistry 283(24).
- van Hemert Martijn J., van den Worm Sjoerd H. E., Knoops Kevin, Mommaas A. Mieke, Gorbalenya Alexander E. & Snijder Eric J. (2008), SARS-coronavirus replication/transcription complexes are membrane-protected and need a host factor for activity in vitro, PLoS Pathogens 4(5).
- Imberta I, Snijder EJ, Dimitrova M, Guillemot JC, Lecine P & Canard B (2008), The SARS-coronavirus PLnc domain of nsp3 as a replication/transcription scaffolding protein, Virus Research 133(2).
- Kroese MV, Zevenhoven-Dobbe JC, Ruijter JNABD, Peeters BPH, Meulenberg JJM, Cornelissen LAHM & Snijder EJ (2008), The nsp1 alpha and nsp1 beta papain-like autoproteinases are essential for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus RNA synthesis, Journal of General Virology 89.
- Posthuma CC, Pedersen KW, Lu Z, Joosten RG, Roos N, Zevenhoven-Dobbe JC & Snijder EJ (2008), Formation of the arterivirus replication/transcription complex: a key role for nonstructural protein 3 in the remodeling of intracellular membranes, Journal of Virology 82(9).
- Coutard B, Gorbalenya AE, Snijder EJ, Leontovich AM, Poupon A, De Lamballerie X, Charrel R, Gould EA, Gunther S, Norder H, Klempa B, Bourhy H, Rohayem J, L'hermite E, Nordlund P, Stuart DI, Owens RJ, Grimes JM, Tucker PA, Bolognesi M, Mattevi A, Coll M, Jones TA, Aqvist J, Unge T, Hilgenfeld R, Bricogne G, Neyts J, La Colla P, Puerstinger G, Gonzalez JP, Leroy E, Cambillau C, Romette JL & Canard B (2008), The VIZIER project: Preparedness against pathogenic RNA viruses, Antiviral Research 78(1).
- Tijms MA, Nedialkova DD, Zevenhoven-Dobbe JC, Gorbalenya AE & Snijder EJ (2007), Arterivirus subgenomic mRNA synthesis and virion biogenesis depend on the multifunctional nsp1 autoprotease, Journal of Virology 81(19).
- Frias-Staheli N, Giannakopoulos NV, Kikkert M, Taylor SL, Bridgen A, Paragas J, Richt JA, Rowland RR, Schmaljohn CS, Lenschow DJ, Snijder EJ, Garcia-Sastre A & Virgin HW (2007), Ovarian tumor domain-containing viral proteases evade ubiquitin- and ISG15-dependent innate immune responses, Cell Host and Microbe 2(6).
- Zhang JQ, Guy JS, Snijder EJ, Denniston DA, Timoney PJ & Balasuriya UBR (2007), Genomic characterization of equine coronavirus, Virology 369(1).
- Balasuriya UBR, Snijder EJ, Heidner HW, Zhang J, Zevenhoven-Dobbe JC, Boone JD, McCollum WH, Timoney PJ & MacLachlan NJ (2007), Development and characterization of an infectious cDNA clone of the virulent Bucyrus strain of equine arteritis virus, Journal of General Virology 88.
- Chen SC, van den Born E, Van den Worm SHE, Pleij CWA, Snijder EJ & Olthoorn RCL (2007), New structure model for the packaging signal in the genome of group IIa coronaviruses, Journal of Virology 81(12).
- van den Born E, Posthuma CC, Knoops K & Snijder EJ (2007), An infectious recombinant equine arteritis virus expressing green fluorescent protein from its replicase gene, Journal of General Virology 88.
- Beerens N & Snijder EJ (2007), An RNA pseudoknot in the 3 ' end of the arterivirus genome has a critical role in regulating viral RNA synthesis, Journal of Virology 81(17).
- Beerens N, Selisko B, Ricagno S, Imbert I, van der Zanden L, Snijder EJ & Canard B (2007), De novo initiation of RNA synthesis by the arterivirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, Journal of Virology 81(16).
- van Aken D, Zevenhoven-Dobbe J, Gorbalenya AE & Snijder EJ (2006), Proteolytic maturation of replicase polyprotein pp1a by the nsp4 main proteinase is essential for equine arteritis virus replication and includes internal cleavage of nsp7, Journal of General Virology 87.
- Beerens N & Snijder EJ (2006), RNA signals in the 3 ' terminus of the genome of equine arteritis virus are required for viral RNA synthesis, Journal of General Virology 87.
- van Aken D, Snijder EJ & Gorbalenya AE (2006), Mutagenesis analysis of the nsp4 main proteinase reveals determinants of arterivirus replicase polyprotein autoprocessing, Journal of Virology 80(7).
- Posthuma CC, Nedialkova DD, Zevenhoven-Dobbe JC, Blokhuis JH, Gorbalenya AE & Snijder EJ (2006), Site-directed mutagenesis of the nidovirus replicative endoribonuclease NendoU exerts pleiotropic effects on the arterivirus life cycle, Journal of Virology 80(4).
- Gorbalenya AE, Enjuanes L, Ziebuhr J & Snijder EJ (2006), Nidovirales: Evolving the largest RNA virus genome, Virus Research 117(1).
- Smits SL, Snijder EJ & de Groot RJ (2006), Characterization of a torovirus main proteinase, Journal of Virology 80(8).
- Matthes N, Mesters JR, Coutard B, Canard B, Snijder EJ, Moll R & Hilgenfeld R (2006), The non-structural protein Nsp10 of mouse hepatitis virus binds zinc ions and nucleic acids, FEBS Letters 580(17).
- van Aken D, Benckhuijsen WE, Drijfhout JW, Wassenaar ALM, Gorbalenya AE & Snijder EJ (2006), Expression, purification, and in vitro activity of an arterivirus main proteinase, Virus Research 120(1-2).
- Pasternak AO, Spaan WJM & Snijder EJ (2006), Nidovirus transcription: how to make sense ... ?, Journal of General Virology 87.
- Snijder EJ, van der Meer Y, Zevenhoven-Dobbe J, Onderwater JJM, van der Meulen J, Koerten HK & Mommaas AM (2006), Ultrastructure and origin of membrane vesicles associated with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus replication complex, Journal of Virology 80(12).
- van den Born E, Stein DA, Iversen PL & Snijder EJ (2005), Antiviral activity of morpholino oligomers designed to block various aspects of Equine arteritis virus amplification in cell culture, Journal of General Virology 86.
- Seybert A, Posthuma CC, van Dinten LC, Snijder EJ, Gorbalenya AE & Ziebuhr J (2005), A complex zinc finger controls the enzymatic activities of nidovirus helicases, Journal of Virology 79(2).
- van den Born E, Posthuma CC, Gultyaev AP & Snijder EJ (2005), Discontinuous subgenomic RNA synthesis in arteriviruses is guided by an RNA hairpin structure located in the genomic leader region, Journal of Virology 79(10).
- Zevenhoven-Dobbe JC, Greve S, van Tol H, Spaan WJM & Snijder EJ (2004), Rescue of disabled infectious single-cycle (DISC) Equine arteritis virus by using complementing cell lines that express minor structural glycoproteins.
- Oleksiewicz MB, Snijder EJ & Normann P (2004), Phage display of the Equine arteritis virus nsp1 ZF domain and examination of its metal interactions, Journal of Virological Methods 119(2): 159-169.
- Gorbalenya AE, Snijder EJ & Spaan WJM (2004), Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus phylogeny: toward consensus, Journal of Virology 78(15).
- Pasternak AO, Spaan WJM & Snijder EJ (2004), Regulation of relative abundance of Arterivirus subgenornic rnRNAs, Journal of Virology 78(15).
- Ivanov KA, Thiel V, Dobbe JC, van der Meer Y, Snijder EJ & Ziebuhr J (2004), Multiple enzymatic activities associated with Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus helicase, Journal of Virology 78(11): 5619-5632.
- Balasuriya UBR, Dobbe JC, Heidner HW, Smalley VL, Navarrette A, Snijder EJ & MacLachlan NJ (2004), Characterization of the neutralization determinants of equine arteritis virus using recombinant chimeric viruses and site-specific mutagenesis of an infectious cDNA clone, Virology 321(2).
- Balasuriya UBR, Hedges JF, Smalley VL, Navarrette A, McCollum WH, Timoney PJ, Snijder EJ & MacLachlan NJ (2004), Genetic characterization of equine arteritis virus during persistent infection of stallions.
- Egloff MP, Ferron F, Campanacci V, Longhi S, Rancurel C, Dutartre H, Snijder EJ, Gorbalenya AE, Cambillau C & Canard B (2004), The severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus replicative protein nsp9 is a single-stranded RNA-binding subunit unique in the RNA virus world, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101(11): 3792-3796.
- Wieringa R, de Vries AAF, van der Meulen J, Godeke GJ, Onderwater JJM, van Tol H, Koerten HK, Mommaas AM, Snijder EJ & Rottier PJM (2004), Structural protein requirements in equine arteritis virus assembly, Journal of Virology 78(23): 13019-13027.
- Van den Born E, Gultyaev AP & Snijder EJ (2004), Secondary structure and function of the 5 '-proximal region of the equine arteritis virus RNA genome, RNA-A PUBLICATION OF THE RNA SOCIETY 10(3): 424-437.
- Thiel V, Ivanov KA, Putics A, Hertzig T, Schelle B, Bayer S, Weissbrich B, Snijder EJ, Rabenau H, Doerr HW, Gorbalenya AE & Ziebuhr J (2003), Mechanisms and enzymes involved in SARS coronavirus genome expression.
- Campanacci V, Egloff MP, Longhi S, Ferron F, Rancurel C, Salomoni A, Durousseau C, Tocque F, Bremond N, Dobbe JC, Snijder EJ, Canard B & Cambillau C (2003), Structural genomics of the SARS coronavirus: cloning, expression, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic study of the Nsp9 protein, Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 59.
- Tijms MA & Snijder EJ (2003), Equine arteritis virus non-structural protein 1, an essential factor for viral subgenomic mRNA synthesis, interacts with the cellular transcription co-factor p100, Journal of General Virology 84.
- Snijder EJ, Dobbe JC & Spaan WJM (2003), Heterodimerization of the two major envelope proteins is essential for arterivirus infectivity, Journal of Virology 77(1).
- Snijder EJ, Bredenbeek PJ, Dobbe JC, Thiel V, Ziebuhr J, Poon LLM, Guan Y, Rozanov M, Spaan WJM & Gorbalenya AE (2003), Unique and conserved features of genome and proteome of SARS-coronavirus, an early split-off from the coronavirus group 2 lineage, Journal of Molecular Biology 331(5): 991-1004.
- Pasternak AO, van den Born E, Spaan WJM & Snijder EJ (2003), The stability of the duplex between sense and antisense transcription-regulating sequences is a crucial factor in arterivirus subgenomic mRNA synthesis, Journal of Virology 77(2): 1175-1183.
- Tijms MA, van der Meer Y & Snijder EJ (2002), Nuclear localization of non-structural protein 1 and nucleocapsid protein of equine arteritis virus, Journal of General Virology 83.
- Peng CW, Peremyslov VV, Snijder EJ & Dolja VV (2002), A replication-competent chimera of plant and animal viruses, Virology 294(1).
- Barrette-Ng IH, Ng KKS, Mark BL, van Aken D, Cherney MM, Garen C, Kolodenko Y, Gorbalenya AE, Snijder EJ & James MNG (2002), Structure of arterivirus nsp4 - The smallest chymotrypsin-like proteinase with an alpha/beta C-terminal extension and alternate conformations of the oxyanion hole, Journal of Biological Chemistry 277(42).
- Molenkamp R, Rozier BCD, Greve S, Spaan WJM & Snijder EJ (2001), Characterization of an arterivirus defective interfering RNA - Replication and homologous recombination, NIDOVIRUSES (CORONAVIRUSES AND ARTERIVIRUSES) 494: 519-525.
- Snijder EJ (2001), Arterivirus RNA synthesis issected - Nucleotides, membranes, amino acids, and a bit of zinc ..., NIDOVIRUSES (CORONAVIRUSES AND ARTERIVIRUSES) 494: 241-253.
- Dobbe JC, van der Meer Y, Spaan WJM & Snijder EJ (2001), Construction of chimeric arteriviruses reveals that the ectodomain of the major glycoprotein is not the main determinant of equine arteritis virus tropism in cell culture, Virology 288(2).
- Tijms MA, van Dinten LC, Gorbalenya AE & Snijder EJ (2001), A zinc finger-containing papain-like protease couples subgenomic mRNA synthesis to genome translation in a positive-stranded RNA virus, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98(4).
- Snijder EJ, van Tol H, Roos N & Pedersen KW (2001), Non-structural proteins 2 and 3 interact to modify host cell membranes during the formation of the arterivirus replication complex, Journal of General Virology 82.
- Pasternak AO, van den Born E, Spaan WJM & Snijder EJ (2001), Sequence requirements for RNA strand transfer during nidovirus discontinuous subgenomic RNA synthesis, EMBO Journal 20(24).
- Ziebuhr J, Snijder EJ & Gorbalenya AE (2000), Virus-encoded proteinases and proteolytic processing in the Nidovirales.
- Pasternak AO, Gultyaev AP, Spaan WJM & Snijder EJ (2000), Genetic manipulation of arterivirus alternative mRNA leader-body junction sites reveals tight regulation of structural protein expression, Journal of Virology 74(24).
- van Dinten LC, van Tol H, Gorbalenya AE & Snijder EJ (2000), The predicted metal-binding region of the arterivirus helicase protein is involved in subgenomic mRNA synthesis, genome replication, and virion biogenesis.
- Pedersen K, Snijder EJ, Schleich S, Roos N, Griffiths G & Locker JK (2000), Characterization of vaccinia virus intracellular cores: Implications for viral uncoating and core structure.
- Molenkamp R, Greve S, Spaan WJM & Snijder EJ (2000), Efficient homologous RNA recombination and requirement for an open reading frame during replication of equine arteritis virus defective interfering RNAs, Journal of Virology 74(19).
- Molenkamp R, Rozier BCD, Greve S, Spaan WJM & Snijder EJ (2000), Isolation and characterization of an arterivirus defective interfering RNA genome.
- Molenkamp R, van Tol H, Rozier BCD, van der Meer Y, Spaan WJM & Snijder EJ (2000), The arterivirus replicase is the only viral protein required for genome replication and subgenomic mRNA transcription, Journal of General Virology 81.
- Seybert A, van Dinten LC, Snijder EJ & Ziebuhr J (2000), Biochemical characterization of the equine arteritis virus helicase suggests a close functional relationship between arterivirus and coronavirus helicases, Journal of Virology 74(20).
- Pedersen KW, van der Meer Y, Roos N & Snijder EJ (1999), Open reading frame 1a-encoded subunits of the arterivirus replicase induce endoplasmic reticulum-derived double-membrane vesicles which carry the viral replication complex, Journal of Virology 73(3): 2016-2026.
- van Marle G, Dobbe JC, Gultyaev AP, Luytjes W, Spaan WJM & Snijder EJ (1999), Arterivirus discontinuous mRNA transcription is guided by base pairing between sense and antisense transcription-regulating sequences, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96(21): 12056-12061.
- van Dinten LC, Rensen S, Gorbalenya AE & Snijder EJ (1999), Proteolytic processing of the open reading frame 1b-encoded part of arterivirus replicase is mediated by nsp4 serine protease and is essential for virus replication, Journal of Virology 73(3): 2027-2037.
- van der Meer Y, Snijder EJ, Dobbe JC, Schleich S, Denison MR, Spaan WJM & Krijnse Locker J (1999), Localization of mouse hepatitis virus nonstructural proteins and RNA synthesis indicates a role for late endosomes in viral replication, Journal of Virology 73(9): 7641-7657.
- Snijder EJ, van Tol H, Pedersen KW, Raamsman MJB & de Vries AAF (1999), Identification of a novel structural protein of arteriviruses, Journal of Virology 73(8): 6335-6345.
- van Marle G, van Dinten LC, Spaan WJM, Luytjes W & Snijder EJ (1999), Characterization of an equine arteritis virus replicase mutant defective in subgenomic mRNA synthesis, Journal of Virology 73(7): 5274-5281.
- Balasuriya UBR, Snijder EJ, van Dinten LC, Heidner HW, Wilson WD, Hedges JF, Hullinger PJ & MacLachan NJ (1999), Equine arteritis virus derived from an infectious cDNA clone is attenuated and genetically stable in infected stallions, Virology 260(1): 201-208.
- Snijder EJ & Meulenberg JJM (1998), The molecular biology of arteriviruses.
- van der Meer Y, van Tol H, Krijnse Locker J & Snijder EJ (1998), ORF1a-encoded replicase subunits are involved in the membrane association of the arterivirus replication complex, Journal of Virology 72(8): 6689-6698.
- van Dinten LC, den Boon JA, Wassenaar ALM, Spaan WJM & Snijder EJ (1997), An infectious arterivirus cDNA clone: Identification of a replicase point mutation that abolishes discontinuous mRNA transcription, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94(3): 991-996.
- Wassenaar ALM, Spaan WJM, Gorbalenya AE & Snijder EJ (1997), Alternative proteolytic processing of the arterivirus replicase ORF1a polyprotein: Evidence that nsp2 acts as a cofactor for the nsp4 serine protease, Journal of Virology 71(12): 9313-9322.
- denBoon JA, Kleijnen MF, Spaan WJM & Snijder EJ (1996), Equine arteritis virus subgenomic mRNA synthesis: Analysis of leader-body junctions and replicative-form RNAs, Journal of Virology 70(7): 4291-4298.
- vanDinten LC, Wassenaar ALM, Gorbalenya AE, Spaan WJM & Snijder EJ (1996), Processing of the equine arteritis virus replicase ORF1b protein: Identification of cleavage products containing the putative viral polymerase and helicase domains, Journal of Virology 70(10): 6625-6633.
- Gorbalenya AE & Snijder EJ (1996), Viral cysteine proteinases, Perspectives in Drug Discovery and Design 6: 64-86.
- Krijnse Locker J, Schleich S, Rodriguez D, Goud B, Snijder EJ & Griffiths G (1996), The role of a 21-kDa viral membrane protein in the assembly of vaccinia virus from the intermediate compartment, Journal of Biological Chemistry 271(25): 14950-14958.
- Snijder EJ, Wassenaar ALM, vanDinten LC, Spaan WJM & Gorbalenya AE (1996), The arterivirus nsp4 protease is the prototype of a novel group of chymotrypsin-like enzymes, the 3C-like serine proteases, Journal of Biological Chemistry 271(9): 4864-4871.
- den Boon JA, Faaberg KS, Meulenberg JJM, Wassenaar ALM, Plagemann PGW, Gorbalenya AE & Snijder EJ (1995), Processing and evolution of the N-terminal region of the arterivirus replicase ORF1a protein - identification of 2 papainlike cysteine proteases, Journal of Virology 69(7): 4500-4505.
- den Boon JA, Spaan WJM & Snijder EJ (1995), Equine arteritis virus subgenomic RNA transcription - UV inactivation and translation inhibition studies, Virology 213(2): 364-372.
- Snijder EJ, Wassenaar ALM, Spaan WJM & Gorbalenya AE (1995), The arterivirus nsp2 protease - An unusual cysteine protease with primary structure similarities to both papain-like and chymotrypsin-like proteases, Journal of Biological Chemistry 270(28): 16671-16676.
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- Snijder EJ & Horzinek MC (1993), Toroviruses - Replication, evolution and comparison with other members of the coronavirus-like superfamily.
- Snijder EJ, Wassenaar ALM & Spaan WJM (1992), The 5' end of the equine arteritis virus replicase gene encodes a papain-like cysteine protease, Journal of Virology 66(12): 7040-7048.
- den Boon JA, Snijder EJ, Chirnside ED, de Vries AAF, Horzinek MC & Spaan WJM (1991), Equine arteritis virus is not a togavirus but belongs to the coronaviruslike superfamily, Journal of Virology 65(6): 2910-2920.
- den Boon JA, Snijder EJ, Krijnse Locker J, Horzinek MC & Rottier PJM (1991), Another triple-spanning envelope protein among intracellularly budding RNA viruses - the torovirus E protein, Virology 182(2): 655-663.
- Koopmans M, Snijder EJ & Horzinek MC (1991), cDNA probes for the diagnosis of bovine torovirus (Breda virus) infcetion, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 29(3): 493-497.
- Snijder EJ, den Boon JA, Horzinek MC & Spaan WJM (1991), Comparison of the genome organization of toroviruses and coronaviruses - evidence for 2 nonhomologous RNA recombination events during Berne virus evolution, Virology 180(1): 448-452.
- Snijder EJ, den Boon JA, Horzinek MC & Spaan WJM (1991), Characterization of defective interfering RNAs of Berne virus.
- Snijder EJ, den Boon JA, Bredenbeek PJ, Horzinek MC, Rijnbrand R & Spaan WJM (1990), The carboxyl-terminal part of the putative Berne virus polymerase is expressed by ribosomal frameshifting and contains sequence motifs which indicate that toro-viruses and coronaviruses are evolutionarily related, Nucleic Acids Research 18(15): 4535-4542.
- Snijder EJ, Horzinek MC & Spaan WJM (1990), A 3'-coterminal nested set of independently transcribed messenger RNAs is generated during Berne virus replication, Journal of Virology 64(1): 331-338.
- Snijder EJ, den Boon JA, Spaan WJM, Verjans GMGM & Horzinek MC (1989), Identification and primary structure of the gene encoding the Berne virus nucleocapsid protein.
- Snijder EJ, Ederveen J, Spaan WJM, Weiss M & Horzinek MC (1988), Characterization of Berne virus genomic and messenger RNAs.
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