Emi Yamamoto
- Naam
- E. Yamamoto MA
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 1565
- e.yamamoto@hum.leidenuniv.nl

Emi Yamamoto is vaardigheidsdocent aan het Instituut voor Regiostudies.
Meer informatie over Emi Yamamoto
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS Japan
- Yamamoto E. (2019), Teaching materials for small children who are learning Japanese as their heritage language in Japanese supplementary education. In: Kondo-Brown K., Sakamoto M. & Nishikawa T. (red.), Heritage Language Education Connecting Generations - From the Japanese perspective. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. 131-146.
- Yamamoto E., Ueno J. & Mera Y. (2018), Ohisama first steps - Japanese textbook for multilingual children. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers.
- Winkels M., Roijers D.M., Someren M. van, Yamamoto E., Pronk R., Odijk E. & Jonge M. de (2018), Challenge Balancing for a Kanji E-Tutoring System. Atzmüller M. & Duivesteijn W. (red.), 30th Benelux conference on artificial intelligence: BNAIC 2018 proceedings. 30th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC) 8 november 2018 - 9 november 2018 nr. 30. ‘s-Hertogenbosch: BNVKI.
- Yamamoto E., Mera Y. & Ueno J. (2017), Practical Report and Development of the JapaneseTextbook Ohisama for Multilingual Children. Associazione Italiana per la Didattica della Lingua Giapponese (AIDLG) & The Organising Committee of the 2016 Symposium on Japanese Language Education (Venice) c/o Paolo Calvetti (red.), Japanese Language Education in Europe. The 20th Japanese Language Symposium in Europe 7 juli 2016 - 9 juli 2016 nr. 21. Moers, Germany: The Association of Japanese Teachers in Europe. e.V. (AJE). 415-421.
- Yamamoto E. (2014), Language Aspiration of Children who are Learning Japanese as their Heritage Language. The Organising Committee of the 17th Symposium in Madrid (red.), The Proceedings of the 17th Japanese Language Symposium in Europe. The 17th Japanese Language Symposium in Europe 5 september 2013 - 7 september 2013 nr. 18. Moers, Germany: Association of Japanese Language Teachers in Europe e.V. (AJE). 267-268.