Ellen Raven
Gast universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. E.M. Raven
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- e.m.raven@hum.leidenuniv.nl

Ellen Raven was universitair docent aan het Instituut voor Regiostudies en onlangs gepensioneerd.
Gast universitair docent
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS India en Tibet
- Raven E.M. (2020), Messing up the system: Gupta gold coin forgeries. Myrdal E. (red.), South Asian archaeology and art. The twenty-second International Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art 30 juni 2014 - 4 juli 2014. New Delhi: Dev Publishers. 283-295.
- Raven E.M. (2019), From third grade to top rate: the discovery of Gupta coin styles, and a mint group study for Kumaragupta I. In: Wessels-Mevissen C., Mevissen G.J.R., Banerji A. & Gupta V.K. (red.), Indology's pulse: arts in context; essays presented to Doris Meth Srinivasan in admiration of her scholarly research. New Delhi: Aryan Books International. 195-222.
- Raven E.M. (2017), Kings of styles or the good, the bad and the ugly, Journal of Bengal Art 22: 119-132.
- Raven E.M. (2017), Bespreking van: Hegewald Julia A.B. (2014), In the Shadow of the Golden Age : Art and Identity in Asia from Gandhara to the Modern Age. Studies in Asian Art and Culture nr. 1. Berlin: EB-Verlag. Anthropos 112: 674-677.
- Raven E.M. (2016), Samudragupta's Aśvamedha coins in the patterning of early Gupta coin designs, Pratna Samiksha : A Journal of Archaeology 7: 95-126.
- Raven E.M. (2016), Beauty on the beast. Greaves L.R. & Hardy A. (red.), Religion, society, trade and kingship: archaeology and art in South Asia and along the Silk Road, 5500 BCE-5th century CE. The twenty-third conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art 4 juli 2016 - 8 juli 2016. Archaeology, Seals and Inscriptions, Iconography and Artistic Expression nr. 1. New Delhi: Dev Publishers. 261-281.
- Raven E.M. (2015), Kumara cum Kumara, Pratna Samiksha : A Journal of Archaeology New Series 6: 63-88.
- Raven E.M. (2014), Gupta coin hoards in the digital age. In: Majumdar Susmita Basu (red.), Kalighat hoard: the first Gupta coin hoard from India. Kolkata: Mira Bose. xxi-xxxiii.
- Raven E.M. (2012), Kumāra cum Kumāra, South Asian Archaeology 2010. .
- Kumar S. & Raven E.M. (2012), New type and variety in coins of Skandagupta, ONS Journal of the Oriental Numismatic Society 210: 24-26.
- Raven E.M. (2012), From Candragupta II to Kumāragupta I: styles in the patterning of Gupta coin designs, Journal of Bengal Art 17: 51-62.
- Pieris E. & Raven E.M. (2010), ABIA South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology Index, volume 3. Leiden: Brill.
- Raven E.M. (2010), The seated lady and the Gupta king. Callieri P.F. & Colliva L. (red.), South Asian Archaeology 2007: Proceedings of the 19th Meeting of the European Association of South Asian Archaeology, in Ravenna, Italy, July 2007. South Asian Archaeology 2007. Bar International Series. Oxford: Archaeopress. 259-273.
- Raven E.M. (2010), Samudragupta's King-and-Queen Type coins in the patterning of early Gupta coin designs, ONS Journal of the Oriental Numismatic Society 205(Supplement): 31-39.
- Raven E.M. (2009), Een koninklijk verbond in Sassano-Indiase verpakking?. In: , Sassanidische kunst en de beeldtaal op munten: invloed en interpretatie, by dr. Rika Gyselen. Utrecht: Geldmuseum.
- Raven E.M. (2008), A bibliography of E.C.L. During Caspers. Olijdam E. & Spoor R.H. (red.), Intercultural relations between South and Southwest Asia: studies in commemoration of E.C.L. During-Caspers (1934-1996). . Oxford: Archaeopress. 8-11.
- Romany D. & Raven E.M. (red.) (2008), A vision of splendour: Indian heritage in the photographs of Jean Philippe Vogel, 1901-1913, by Gerda Theuns-de Boer. Ahmedabad / Hidden Meadows / Leiden: Mapin / Grantha / The Kern Institute.
- Raven E.M. (red.) (2008), South Asian Archaeology 1999: proceedings of the fifteenth international conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, held at the Universiteit Leiden, 5-9 July, 1999. Groningen: Egbert Forsten.
- Theuns-de Boer G. & Raven E.M. (2007), 'On the Indo-Afghan border': the Gandhara album revisited. Krieken J. van (red.), Art and archaeology of Afghanistan: its fall and survival. . Leiden/Boston: Brill. 103-125.
- Raven E.M. (2006), A ring for the king, Journal of Bengal Art 9-10: 71-88.
- Raven E.M. (2006), Kusana echoes and the 'Indianization' of early Gupta gold coin design. De Romanis F. & Sorda S. (red.), Dal denarius al dinar: l'Oriente et la moneta Romana ; Atti dell'Incontro di Studio, Roma 16-18 settembre 2004. . Roma: Istituto Italiano di Numismatica. 201-237.
- Raven E.M. (2005), Candragupta II, the Lion-Slayer. Jarridge C. & Lefevre V. (red.), South Asian Archaeology 2001: proceedings of the sixteenth international conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, held in College de France, Paris, 2-6 July 2001. . Paris: Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations. 615-622.
- Raven E.M. (2004), Kings in copper. Bakker Hans T. (red.), The Vakataka heritage: Indian culture at the crossroads. . Groningen: Egbert Forsten. 19-31.
- Balasubramaniam R., Dass M.I. & Raven E.M. (2004), The original image atop the Delhi iron pillar, Indian Journal of History of Science 39(2): 177-203.
- Raven E.M. & Lassschuijt H.I. (red.) (2002), ABIA South and Southeast Asian art and archaeology index, volume two (in two parts). Leiden/Boston: Brill.
- Raven E.M. (2002), Afghanistan: picking up the pieces, IIAS Newsletter (Special Issue, The Asia-Pacific War 60 Years On: History and Memory) 27: 8-16.
- Raven E.M. (2001), Defining Gupta mint idioms: the Chattra (Parasol) Type coins of Candragupta II. Klokke M.J. & Kooij K.R. van (red.), Fruits of inspiration: studies in honour of prof.dr J.G. de Casparis, retired professor of the Early History and Archeology of South and Southeast Asia at the University of Leiden, The Netherlands, on the occasion of his 85th birthday. . Groningen: Egbert Forsten. 389-405.
- Raven E.M. (red.) (2001), ABIA South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology Index - online database (www.abia.net). Internet: World Wide Web.
- Raven E.M. (2001) Review. Bespreking van: Cribb Joe (2001), Magic coins of Java, Bali and the Malay Peninsula: thirteenth to twentieth century ; a catalogue based on the Raffles collection of coins-shaped charms from Java in the British Museum nr. 1. London: British Museum Press. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 157: 200-208.
- Raven E.M., Klokke M.J. & Kooij K.R. van (red.) (1998), ABIA South and Southeast Asia art and archaeology index, vol. 1. London/New York: Kegan Paul International.