Elena Rossi
Hoogleraar Theoretische astrofysica
- Naam
- Prof.dr. E.M. Rossi
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5877
- emr@strw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-0587-6680

Elena Maria Rossi obtained her PhD at the University of Cambridge with her thesis “Structure and energy content of gamma-ray burst jets”. She held a Chandra Fellowship at University of Colorado and a postdoctoral fellowship at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Currently, she is Full Professor at the Leiden Observatory.
Meer informatie over Elena Rossi
Former PhD Candidates
Hoogleraar Theoretische astrofysica
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Sterrewacht
- Sterrewacht
- Jin S., Trager S.C., Dalton G.B., Aguerri J.A.L., Drew J.E., Falcón-Barroso J., Gänsicke B.T., Hill V., Iovino A., Pieri M.M., Poggianti B.M., Smith D.J.B., Vallenari A., Abrams D.C., Aguado D.S., Antoja T., Aragón-Salamanca A., Ascasibar Y., Babusiaux C., Balcells M., Barrena R., Battaglia G., Belokurov V., Bensby T., Bonifacio P., Bragaglia A., Carrasco E., Carrera R., Cornwell D.J., Domínguez-Palmero L., Duncan K.J., Famaey B., Fariña C., Gonzalez O.A., Guest S., Hatch N.A., Hess K.M., Hoskin M.J., Irwin M., Knapen J.H., Koposov S.E., Kuchner U., Laigle C., Lewis J., Longhetti M., Lucatello S., Méndez-Abreu J., Mercurio A., Molaeinezhad A., Monguió M., Morrison S., Murphy D.N.A., Peralta de Arriba L., Pérez I., Pérez-Ràfols I., Picó S., Raddi R., Romero-Gómez M., Royer F., Siebert A., Seabroke G.M., Som D., Terrett D., Thomas G., Wesson R., Worley C.C., Alfaro E.J., Allende Prieto C., Alonso-Santiago J., Amos N.J., Ashley R.P., Balaguer-Nú nez L., Balbinot E., Bellazzini M., Benn C.R., Berlanas S.R., Bernard E.J., Best P., Bettoni D., Bianco A., Bishop G., Blomqvist M., Boeche C., Bolzonella M., Bonoli S., Bosma A., Britavskiy N., Busarello G., Caffau E., Cantat-Gaudin T., Castro-Ginard A., Couto G., Carbajo-Hijarrubia J., Carter D., Casamiquela L., Conrado A.M., Corcho-Caballero P., Costantin L., Deason A., de Burgos A., De Grandi S., Di Matteo P., Domínguez-Gómez J., Dorda R., Drake A., Dutta R., Erkal D., Feltzing S., Ferré-Mateu A., Feuillet D., Figueras F., Fossati M., Franciosini E., Frasca A., Fumagalli M., Gallazzi A., García-Benito R., Fusillo N.G., Gebran M., Gilbert J., Gledhill T.M., González Delgado R.M., Greimel R., Guarcello M.G., Guerra J., Gullieuszik M., Haines C.P., Hardcastle M.J., Harris A., Haywood M., Helmi A., Hernandez N., Herrero A., Hughes S., Irsic V., Jablonka P., Jarvis M.J., Jordi C., Kondapally R., Kordopatis G., Krogager J.-K., La Barbera F., Lam M.I., Larsen S.S., Lemasle B., Lewis I.J., Lhomé E., Lind K., Lodi M., Longobardi A., Lonoce I., Magrini L., Maíz Apellániz J., Marchal O., Marco A., Martin N.F., Matsuno T., Maurogordato S., Merluzzi P., Miralda-Escudé J., Molinari E., Monari G., Morelli L., Mottram C.J., Naylor T., Negueruela I., Onorbe J., Pancino E., Peirani S., Peletier R.F., Pozzetti L., Rainer M., Ramos P., Read S.C., Rossi E.M., Röttgering H.J.A., Rubiño-Martín J.A., Sabater Montes J., San Juan J., Sanna N., Schallig E., Schiavon R.P., Schultheis M., Serra P., Shimwell T.W., Simón-Díaz S., Smith R.J., Sordo R., Sorini D., Soubiran C., Starkenburg E., Steele I.A., Stott J., Stuik R., Tolstoy E., Tortora C., Tsantaki M., Van der Swaelmen M., Weeren R.J. van, Vergani D., Verheijen M.A.W., Verro K., Vink J.S., Vioque M., Walcher C.J., Walton N.A., Wegg C., Weijmans A.-M., Williams W.L., Wilson A.J., Wright N.J., Xylakis-Dornbusch T., Youakim K., Zibetti S. & Zurita C. (2024), The wide-field, multiplexed, spectroscopic facility WEAVE: survey design, overview, and simulated implementation, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 530(3): 2688-2730.
- Rossi E.M (2024), Testing the AGN channel for black hole binary mergers, EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting. EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 1 juli 2024 - 5 juli 2024. Padova, Italy 843.
- Rossi E.M (2024), Constraints on the Galactic Centre's content from hypervelocity stars, EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting. EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 1 juli 2024 - 5 juli 2024. Padova, Italy 841.
- Verberne S., Rossi E.M., Koposov S.E., Marchetti T., Kuijken K.H., Penoyre J.M., Evans F.A., Souropanis D. & Tohill C.-B. (2024), Improved constraints on Galactic Centre ejection of hypervelocity stars based on novel search method, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 533(3): 2747-2761.
- Verberne S., Koposov S.E., Rossi E.M., Marchetti T., Kuijken K.H. & Penoyre J.M. (2024), Radial velocities from Gaia BP/RP spectra, Astronomy & Astrophysics 684: A29.
- Veronesi N., Velzen S. van & Rossi E.M. (2024), AGN flares as counterparts to LIGO/Virgo mergers: No confident causal connection in spatial correlation analysis, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 536(3): 3112-3122.
- Balaudo A., Rossi E.M. & Barausse E. (2024), Tidal disruption events' constraints on the origin of massive black holes, EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting. EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 1 juli 2024 - 5 juli 2024. Geneva: European Astronomical Society. 2158.
- Evans F.A., Rasskazov A., Remmelzwaal A., Marchetti T., Castro-Ginard A., Rossi E.M. & Bovy J. (2023), Constraints on the Galactic centre environment from Gaia hypervelocity stars: III: insights on a possible companion to Sgr A*, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 525(1): 561-576.
- Toscani M., Rossi E.M., Tamanini N. & Cusin G. (2023), Lensing of gravitational waves from tidal disruption events, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 523(3): 3863-3873.
- Piro L., Colpi M., Aird J., Mangiagli A., Fabian A.C., Guainazzi M., Marsat S., Sesana A., McNamara P., Bonetti M., Rossi E.M., Tanvir N.R., Baker J.G., Belanger G., Dal Canton T., Jennrich O., Katz M.L. & Luetzgendorf N. (2023), Chasing supermassive black hole merging events with Athena and LISA, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 521(2): 2577-2592.
- Keim M.A., Korol V. & Rossi E.M. (2023), The large magellanic cloud revealed in gravitational waves with LISA, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 521(1): 1088-1098.
- Veronesi N., Rossi E.M. & Velzen S. van (2023), The most luminous AGN do not produce the majority of the detected stellar-mass black hole binary mergers in the local universe, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526(4): 6031-6040.
- Pfister H., Toscani M., Wong T.H.T., Dai J.L., Lodato G. & Rossi E.M. (2022), Observable gravitational waves from tidal disruption events and their electromagnetic counterpart, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510(2): 2025-2040.
- Evans F.A.F., Marchetti T. & Rossi E.M. (2022), Constraints on the Galactic Centre environment from Gaia hypervelocity stars II: The evolved population, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517(3): 3469-3484.
- Marchetti T., Evans F.A.F. & Rossi E.M. (2022), Gaia DR3 in 6D: the search for fast hypervelocity stars and constraints on the galactic centre environment, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515(1): 767-774.
- Evans F.A.F., Marchetti T. & Rossi E.M. (2022), Constraints on the Galactic Centre environment from Gaia hyper-velocity stars, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512(2): 2350-2364.
- Reino S., Rossi E.M., Sanderson R.E., Sellentin E., Helmi A., Koppelman H.H. & Sharma S. (2022), Erratum: Galactic potential constraints from clustering in action space of combined stellar stream data, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512(3): 4455-4463.
- Reino S., Sanderson R.E., Panithanpaisal N., Rossi E.M. & Kuijken K.H. (2022), Orbital phase-driven biases in galactic mass constraints from stellar streams, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509(4): 5365-5381.
- Yi S.-X., Nelemans G., Brinkerink C., Kostrzewa Z.P., Timmer S.T., Stoppa F., Rossi E.M. & Portegies Zwart S.F. (2022), The Gravitational Wave Universe Toolbox: a software package to simulate observations of the gravitational wave universe with different detectors, Astronomy and Astrophysics 663: A155.
- Bayle J.-B., Bonga B., Caprini C., Doneva D., Muratore M., Petiteau A., Rossi E. & Shao L. (2022), Overview and progress on the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna mission, Nature Astronomy 6: 1334-1338.
- Piro L., Ahlers M., Coleiro A., Colpi M., de Oña Wilhelmi E., Guainazzi M., Jonker P.G., Namara P.M., Nichols D.A., O'Brien P., Troja E., Vink J., Aird J., Amati L., Anand S., Bozzo E., Carrera F.J., Fabian A.C., Fryer C., Hall E., Korobkin O., Korol V., Mangiagli A., Martínez-Núñez S., Nissanke S., Osborne J., Padovani P., Rossi E.M., Ryan G., Sesana A., Stratta G., Tanvir N. & Eerten H. van (2022), Athena synergies in the multi-messenger and transient universe, Experimental Astronomy 54(1): 23-117.
- Veronesi N., Rossi E.M., Velzen S. van & Buscicchio R. (2022), Detectability of a spatial correlation between stellar mass black hole mergers and active galactic nuclei in the local Universe, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514(2): 2092-2097.
- Evans F.A.F., Marchetti T., Rossi E.M., Baggen J.F.W. & Bloot S. (2021), Comparing hypervelocity star populations from the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Milky Way, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 507(4): 4997-5012.
- Reino S., Rossi E.M., Sanderson R.E., Sellentin E., Helmi A., Koppelman H.H. & Sharma S. (2021), Galactic potential constraints from clustering in action space of combined stellar stream data, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502(3): 4170-4193.
- Jonker P.G., Arcavi I., Sterl Phinney E., Rossi E.M., Stone N.C. & Velzen S. van (2021), Editorial to the topical collection: the tidal disruption of stars by massive black holes, Space Science Reviews 217(5): 62.
- Rossi E.M., Stone N.C., Law-Smith J.A.P., Macleod M., Lodato G., Dai J.L. & Mandel I. (2021), The process of stellar tidal disruption by supermassive black holes, Space Science Reviews 217(3): 40.
- Wilhelm M.J.C., Korol V., Rossi E.M. & D'Onghia E. (2021), The Milky Way's bar structural properties from gravitational waves, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 500(4): 4958-4971.
- Piro L., Ahlers M., Coleiro A., Colpi M., de Oña Wilhelmi E., Guainazzi M., Jonker P.G., Mc Namara P., Nichols D.A., O'Brien P., Troja E., Vink J., Aird J., Amati L., Anand S., Bozzo E., Carrera F.J., Fabian A.C., Fryer C., Hall E., Korobkin O., Korol V., Mangiagli A., Martínez-Núñez S., Nissanke S., Osborne J., Padovani P., Rossi E.M., Ryan G., Sesana A., Stratta G., Tanvir N. & Eerten H. van (2021), Multi-messenger-Athena synergy white paper. [white paper].
- Bonetti M., Rasskazov A., Sesana A., Dotti M., Haardt F., Leigh N.W.C., Sedda M.A., Fragione G. & Rossi E. (2020), On the eccentricity evolution of massive black hole binaries in stellar backgrounds, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 493(1): L114-L119.
- Evans F.A.F., Renzo M. & Rossi E.M. (2020), Core-collapse supernovae in binaries as the origin of galactic hyper-runaway stars, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497(4): 5344-5363.
- Toscani M., Rossi E.M. & Lodato G. (2020), The gravitational wave background signal from tidal disruption events, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498(1): 507-516.
- Stone N.C., Vasiliev E., Kesden M., Rossi E.M., Perets H.B. & Amaro-Seoane P. (2020), Rates of stellar tidal disruption, Space Science Reviews 216(3): 35.
- Roth N., Rossi E.M., Krolik J., Piran T., Mockler B. & Kasen D. (2020), Radiative emission mechanisms, Space Science Reviews 216(7): 114.
- Korol V., Toonen S.G.M., Klein A., Belokurov V., Vincenzo F., Buscicchio R., Gerosa D., Moore C.J., Roebber E., Rossi E.M. & Vecchio A. (2020), Populations of double white dwarfs in Milky Way satellites and their detectability with LISA, Astronomy and Astrophysics 638: A153.
- Contigiani O., Rossi E.M. & Marchetti T. (2019), On measuring the Galactic dark matter halo with hypervelocity stars, Monthly Notices of the RAS (0035-8711) 487(3): 4025-4036.
- Danielski C., Korol V., Tamanini N. & Rossi E.M. (2019), Circumbinary exoplanets and brown dwarfs with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, 632: A113.
- Korol V. & Rossi E.M. (2019), Synergies between Gaia and LISA missions for Galactic multi-messenger studies. Bruijne J.H.J. de (red.), ESLAB #53: The Gaia Universe. 53rd ESLAB Symposium: the Gaia universe 8 april 2020 - 12 april 2020 56.
- Korol V., Rossi E.M. & Barausse E. (2019), A multimessenger study of the Milky Way's stellar disc and bulge with LISA, Gaia, and LSST, Monthly Notices of the RAS (0035-8711) 483(4): 5518-5533.
- Hunt L.K., De Looze I., Boquien M., Nikutta R., Rossi E.M., Bianchi S., Dale D.A., Granato G.L., Kennicutt R.C., Silva L., Ciesla L., Relaño M., Viaene S., Brandl B.R., Calzetti D., Croxall K.V., Draine B.T., Galametz M., Gordon K.D., Groves B.A., Helou G., Herrera-Camus R., Hinz J.L., Koda J., Salim S., Sandstrom K.M., Smith J.D., Wilson C.D. & Zibetti S. (2019), Comprehensive comparison of models for spectral energy distributions from 0.1 μm to 1 mm of nearby star-forming galaxies, 621: A51.
- Baker J., Haiman Z., Rossi E.M., Berger E., Brandt N., Breedt E., Breivik K., Charisi M., Derdzinski A., D'Orazio D.J., Ford S., Greene J.E., Hill J.C., Holley-Bockelmann K., Key J.S., Kocsis B., Kupfer T., Madau P., Marsh T., McKernan B., McWilliams S.T., Natarajan P., Nissanke S., Noble S., Phinney E.S., Ramsay G., Schnittman J., Sesana A., Shoemaker D., Stone N., Toonen S., Trakhtenbrot B., Vikhlinin A. & Volonteri M. (2019), Multimessenger science opportunities with mHz gravitational waves, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 51(3): 123.
- Dayal P., Rossi E.M., Shiralilou B., Piana O., Choudhury T.R. & Volonteri M. (2019), The hierarchical assembly of galaxies and black holes in the first billion years: predictions for the era of gravitational wave astronomy, Monthly Notices of the RAS (0035-8711) 486(2): 2336-2350.
- Zand J.J.M., Bozzo E., Qu J., Li X.-D., Amati L., Chen Y., Donnarumma I., Doroshenko V., Drake S.A., Hernanz M., Jenke P.A., Maccarone T.J., Mahmoodifar S., Martino de Rosa A. de, Rossi E.M., Rowlinson A., Sala G., Stratta G., Tauris T.M., Wilms J., Wu X., Zhou P., Agudo I., Altamirano D., Atteia J.-L., Andersson N.A., Baglio M.C., Ballantyne D.R., Baykal A., Behar E., Belloni T., Bhattacharyya S., Bianchi S., Bilous A., Blay P., Braga J., Brandt S., Brown E.F., Bucciantini N., Burderi L., Cackett E.M., Campana R., Campana S., Casella P., Cavecchi Y., Chambers F., Chen L., Chen Y.-P., Chenevez J., Chernyakova M., Jin C., Ciolfi R., Costantini E., Cumming A., D'Aì A., Dai Z.-G., D'Ammando F., Pasquale M. de, Degenaar N., Santo M. del, D'Elia V, Salvo T. di, Doyle G., Falanga M., Fan X., Ferdman R.D., Feroci M., Fraschetti F., Galloway D.K., Gambino A.F., Gandhi P., Ge M., Gendre B., Gill R., Götz D., Gouiffès C., Grandi P., Granot J., Güdel M., Heger A., Heinke C.O., Homan J., Iaria R., Iwasawa K., Izzo L., Ji L., Jonker P.G., José J., Kaastra J.S., Kalemci E., Kargaltsev O., Kawai N., Keek L., Komossa S., Kreykenbohm I., Kuiper L., Kunneriath D., Li G., Liang E.-W., Linares M., Longo F., Lu F., Lutovinov A.A., Malyshev D., Malzac J., Manousakis A., McHardy I., Mehdipour M., Men Y., Méndez M., Mignani R.P., Mikusincova R., Miller M.C., Miniutti G., Motch C., Nättilä J., Nardini E., Neubert T., O'Brien P.T., Orlandini M., Osborne J.P., Pacciani L., Paltani S., Paolillo M., Papadakis I.E., Paul B., Pellizzoni A., Peretz U., Pérez Torres M.A., Perinati E., Prescod-Weinstein C., Reig P., Riggio A., Rodriguez J., Rodríguez-Gil P., Romano P., Różańska A., Sakamoto T., Salmi T., Salvaterra R., Sanna A., Santangelo A., Savolainen T., Schanne S., Schatz H., Shao L., Shearer A., Shore S.N., Stappers B.W., Strohmayer T.E., Suleimanov V.F., Svoboda J., Thielemann F.-K., Tombesi F., Torres D.F., Torresi E., Turriziani S., Vacchi A., Vercellone S., Vink J., Wang J.-M., Wang J., Watts A.L., Weng S., Weinberg N.N., Wheatley P.J., Wijnands R., Woods T.E., Woosley S.E., Xiong S., Xu Y., Yan Z., Younes G., Yu W., Yuan F., Zampieri L., Zane S., Zdziarski A.A., Zhang S.-N., Zhang S., Zhang S., Zhang X. & Zingale M. (2019), Observatory science with eXTP, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 62(2): 29506.
- Barack L., Cardoso V., Nissanke S., Sotiriou T.P., Askar A., Belczynski C., Bertone G., Bon E., Blas D., Brito R., Bulik T., Burrage C., Byrnes Christian.T., Caprini C., Chernyakova M., Chruściel P., Colpi M., Ferrari V., Gaggero D., Gair J., García-Bellido J., Hassan S.F., Heisenberg L., Hendry M., Heng I., Herdeiro C., Hinderer T., Horesh A., Kavanagh B.J., Kocsis B., Kramer M., Tiec A., Mingarelli C., Nardini G., Nelemans G., Palenzuela C., Pani P., Perego A., Porter E.K., Rossi Elena.M., Schmidt P., Sesana A., Sperhake U., Stamerra A., Stein Leo.C., Tamanini N., Tauris T.M., Urena-López L., Vincent F., Volonteri M., Wardell B., Wex N., Yagi K., Abdelsalhin T., Aloy M., Amaro-Seoane P., Annulli L., Arca-Sedda M., Bah I., Barausse E., Barakovic E., Benkel R., Bennett C.L., Bernard L., Bernuzzi S., Berry C.P.L., Berti E., Bezares M., Blanco-Pillado J., Blázquez-Salcedo J., Bonetti M., Bošković M., Bosnjak Z., Bricman K., Brügmann B., Capelo P.R., Carloni S., Cerdá-Durán P., Charmousis C., Chaty S., Clerici A., Coates A., Colleoni M., Collodel L.G., Compère G., Cook W., Cordero-Carrión I., Correia M., Cruz-Dombriz Á., Czinner V.G., Destounis K., Dialektopoulos K., Doneva D., Dotti M., Drew A., Eckner C., Edholm J., Emparan R., Erdem R., Ferreira M., Ferreira P.G., Finch A., Font J.A., Franchini N., Fransen K., Gal'tsov D., Ganguly A., Gerosa D., Glampedakis K., Gomboc A., Goobar A., Gualtieri L., Guendelman E., Haardt F., Harmark T., Hejda F., Hertog T., Hopper S., Husa S., Ihanec N., Ikeda T., Jaodand A., Jetzer P., Jimenez-Forteza X., Kamionkowski M., Kaplan D.E., Kazantzidis S., Kimura M., Kobayashi S., Kokkotas K., Krolik J., Kunz J., Lämmerzahl C., Lasky P., Lemos J.P.S., Said J., Liberati S., Lopes J., Luna R., Ma Y., Maggio E., Mangiagli A., Montero M., Maselli A., Mayer L., Mazumdar A., Messenger C., Ménard B., Minamitsuji M., Moore C.J., Mota D., Nampalliwar S., Nerozzi A., Nichols D., Nissimov E., Obergaulinger M., Obers N.A., Oliveri R., Pappas G., Pasic V., Peiris H., Petrushevska T., Pollney D., Pratten G., Rakic N., Racz I., Radia M., Ramazanoğlu F.M., Ramos-Buades A., Raposo G., Rogatko M., Rosca-Mead R., Rosinska D., Rosswog S., Ruiz-Morales E., Sakellariadou M., Sanchis-Gual N., Salafia O., Samajdar A., Sintes A., Smole M., Sopuerta C., Souza-Lima R., Stalevski M., Stergioulas N., Stevens C., Tamfal T., Torres-Forné A., Tsygankov S., Ünlütürk Kıvançİ., Valiante R., Meent M., Velhinho J., Verbin Y., Vercnocke B., Vernieri D., Vicente R., Vitagliano V., Weltman A., Whiting B., Williamson A., Witek H., Wojnar A., Yakut K., Yan H., Yazadjiev S., Zaharijas G. & Zilhão M. (2019), Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: a roadmap, Classical and Quantum Gravity 36(14): 143001.
- Rasskazov A., Fragione G., Leigh N.W.C., Tagawa H., Sesana A., Price-Whelan A. & Rossi E.M. (2019), Hypervelocity Stars from a Supermassive Black Hole-Intermediate-mass Black Hole Binary, 878(1): 17.
- Toscani M., Lodato G. & Rossi E.M. (2019), Discovering intermediate massive black holes through tidally disrupted stars, International Journal of Modern Physics D 28(14): 1944015.
- Bonnerot C.A. & Rossi E.M. (2019), Streams collision as possible precursor of double tidal disruption events, Monthly Notices of the RAS (0035-8711) 484(1): 1301-1316.
- Brown H., Kobayashi S., Rossi E.M. & Sari R. (2018), Tidal disruption of inclined or eccentric binaries by massive black holes, Monthly Notices of the RAS (0035-8711) 477(4): 5682-5691.
- Korol V., Koop O. & Rossi E.M. (2018), Detectability of double white dwarfs in the local group with LISA, Astrophysical Journal Letters 866(2): L20.
- Kupfer T., Korol V., Shah S., Nelemans G., Marsh T.R., Ramsay G., Groot P.J., Steeghs D.T.H. & Rossi E.M. (2018), LISA verification binaries with updated distances from Gaia Data Release 2, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480(1): 302-309.
- Korol V., Rossi E.M. & Barausse E. (2018), A multi-messenger study of the Milky Way's stellar disc and bulge with LISA, Gaia and LSST, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483(4): 5518-5533.
- Marchetti T., Rossi E.M., Kordopatis G., Brown A.G.A., Rimoldi A., Starkenburg E., Youakim K. & Ashley R. (2018), Hypervelocity star candidates in Gaia DR1/TGAS. Recio-Blanco A., Laverny P. de, Brown A. & Prusti T. (red.), Astrometry and Astrophysics in the Gaia Sky. IAU Symposium 330: ASTROMETRY AND ASTROPHYSICS IN THE GAIA SKY 24 april 2017 - 28 april 2017 nr. S330: IAU. 181-184.
- Marchetti T., Contigiani O., Rossi E.M., Albert J.G., Brown A.G.A. & Sesana A. (2018), Predicting the hypervelocity star population in Gaia, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 476: 4697-4712.
- Marchetti T., Rossi E.M. & Brown A.G.A. (2018), Gaia DR2 in 6D: Searching for the fastest stars in the Galaxy, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490(1): 151-171.
- Middleton M.J., Casella P., Gandhi P., Bozzo E., Anderson G., Degenaar N., Donnarumma I., Israel G., Knigge C., Lohfink A., Markoff S., Marsh T., Rea N., Tingay S., Wiersema K., Altamirano D., Bhattacharya D., Brandt W.N., Carey S., Charles P., Díaz Trigo M., Done C., Kotze M., Eikenberry S., Fender R., Ferruit P., Fürst F., Greiner J., Ingram A., Heil L., Jonker P., Komossa S., Leibundgut B., Maccarone T., Malzac J., McBride V., Miller-Jones J., Page M., Rossi E.M., Russell D.M., Shahbaz T., Sivakoff G.R., Tanaka M., Thompson D.J., Uemura M., Uttley P., Moorsel G., Doesburgh M., Warner B., Wilkes B., Wilms J. & Woudt P. (2017), Paving the way to simultaneous multi-wavelength astronomy, New Astronomy Reviews 79: 26-48.
- Bonnerot C.A., Price D.J., Lodato G. & Rossi E.M. (2017), Magnetic field evolution in tidal disruption events, 469(4): 4879-4888.
- Rossi E.M., Marchetti T., Cacciato M., Kuiack M. & Sari R. (2017), Joint constraints on the Galactic dark matter halo and Galactic Centre from hypervelocity stars, 467: 1844-1856.
- Fiacconi D. & Rossi E.M. (2017), Light or heavy supermassive black hole seeds: the role of internal rotation in the fate of supermassive stars, 464(2): 2259-2269.
- Korol V., Rossi E.M., Groot P.J., Nelemans G., Toonen S.G.M. & Brown A.G.A. (2017), Prospects for detection of detached double white dwarf binaries with Gaia, LSST and LISA, 470: 1894-1910.
- Marchetti T., Rossi E.M., Kordopatis G., Brown A.G.A., Rimoldi A.J., Starkenburg E., Youakim K. & Ashley R. (2017), An artificial neural network to discover hypervelocity stars: candidates in Gaia DR1/TGAS, 470: 1388-1403.
- Bonnerot C.A., Rossi E.M. & Lodato G. (2017), Long-term stream evolution in tidal disruption events, 464: 2816-2830.
- Korol V., Rossi E.M. & Groot P.J. (2017), Detection of Double White Dwarf Binaries with Gaia, LSST and eLISA. Tremblay P.-E., Gaensicke B. & Marsh T. (red.), 20th European Workshop on White Dwarfs (EuroWD16). 20th European Workshop on White Dwarfs (EuroWD16) 25 juli 2016 - 29 juli 2017 nr. 509: Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 529-529.
- Fiacconi D. & Rossi E.M. (2016), Bright vigorous winds as signposts of supermassive black hole birth, 455: 2-16.
- Bonnerot C.A., Rossi E.M. & Lodato G. (2016), Bad prospects for the detection of giant stars' tidal disruption: effect of the ambient medium on bound debris, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 458(3): 3324-3330.
- Rimoldi A.J., Portegies Zwart S.F. & Rossi E.M. (2016), Simulations of stripped core-collapse supernovae in close binaries, Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology 3: 2.
- Rimoldi A.J., Rossi E.M., Costantini E. & Portegies Zwart S.F. (2016), The contribution of young core-collapse supernova remnants to the X-ray emission near quiescent supermassive black holes, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 456(3): 2537-2549.
- Bonnerot C.A., Rossi E.M., Lodato G. & Price D.J. (2016), Disc formation from tidal disruptions of stars on eccentric orbits by Schwarzschild black holes, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 455: 2253-2266.
- Donnarumma I. & Rossi E.M. (2015), Radio-X-Ray Synergy to Discover and Study Jetted Tidal Disruption Events, The Astrophysical Journal 803(1): 36.
- Rimoldi A.J., Rossi E.M., Piran T. & Portegies Zwart S.F. (2015), The fate of supernova remnants near quiescent supermassive black holes, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 447(4): 3096-3114.
- Dall'Osso S. & Rossi E. (2014), Constraining white dwarf viscosity through tidal heating in detached binary systems, Monthly Notices of the RAS 443: 1057-1064.
- Rossi E., Kobayashi S. & Sari R. (2014), The Velocity Distribution of Hypervelocity Stars, 795: 125.
- Sesana A., Barausse E., Dotti M. & Rossi E. (2014), Linking the Spin Evolution of Massive Black Holes to Galaxy Kinematics, 794: 104.
- Dall'Osso S. & Rossi E. (2013), Tidal torque induced by orbital decay in compact object binaries, 428: 518-531.
- Kobayashi S., Hainick Y., Sari R. & Rossi E.M. (2012), Ejection and Capture Dynamics in Restricted Three-body Encounters, The Astrophysical Journal 748(2): 105.
- Devecchi B., Volonteri M., Rossi E.M., Colpi M. & Portegies Zwart S.F. (2012), High-redshift formation and evolution of central massive objects - II. The census of BH seeds, 421: 1465-1475.
- Dotan C., Rossi E.M. & Shaviv N.J. (2011), A lower limit on the halo mass to form supermassive black holes, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 417(4): 3035-3046.
- Campana S., Lodato G., D'Avanzo P., Panagia N., Rossi E.M., Della Valle M., Tagliaferri G., Antonelli L.A., Covino S., Ghirlanda G., Ghisellini G., Melandri A., Pian E., Salvaterra R., Cusumano G., D'Elia V., Fugazza D., Palazzi E., Sbarufatti B. & Vergani D.S. (2011), The unusual gamma-ray burst GRB 101225A explained as a minor body falling onto a neutron star, Nature 480: 69-71.