Eelco de Koning
Hoogleraar Diabetologie, in het bijzonder bètaceltransplantatie en -regeneratie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. E.J.P. de Koning
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 2085
- 0000-0002-1232-7022
Eelco de Koning is hoogleraar diabetologie aan het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum. Hij is hoofd van het diabetescentrum in het LUMC en coördineert het eilandjes transplantatie programma dat een nationale functie heeft. Hij leidt tevens het nationale expertisecentrum Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY). Zijn onderzoek richt zich op innovatieve celvervangingstherapieën met insulineproducerende cellen als behandeling voor patiënten met diabetes mellitus.
Meer informatie over Eelco de Koning
Website videos
2016 Leiden University MOOC Clinical kidney transplantation – Lecture 2.7: Simultaneous kidney pancreas and islet transplantation (Engels)
2016 Leiden University MOOC MOOC Clinical kidney transplantation – Lecture 4.4: Late challenges after pancreas and islet transplantation (Engels)
2015 Bontius Stichting (LUMC) – Eilandjes transplantatie bij type 1 diabetes
2014 Ééndiabetes – Interview Eelco de Koning
2012 Diabetes Fonds – Stamcellen voor diabetes in kader van prijsvraag
De behandeling van type 1 diabetes richt zich op symptoombestrijding met insuline. Er is momenteel geen genezing. Behandeling met (nieuwe) insulineproducerende cellen leidt er wél toe dat insuline niet meer nodig is. Het onderzoek van Eelco de Koning richt zich op het begrijpen van de ontwikkeling en identiteit van insulineproducerende cellen, manieren om deze cellen in het laboratorium te maken uit stamcellen en methoden om insulineproducerende cellen te transplanteren bij patiënten met diabetes mellitus. Het onderzoek vindt plaats in het kader van zijn leerstoel “Diabetologie, in het bijzonder betacelregeneratie en transplantatie” en sluit aan bij de route “Regeneratieve Geneeskunde” vanuit de Nationale Wetenschapsagenda (2015).
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Eelco de Koning studeerde geneeskunde aan de Universiteit van Utrecht en behaalde zijn artsexamen in 1991. Vervolgens verhuisde hij naar Engeland om onderzoek te doen aan de Diabetes Research Laboratories in Oxford onder de supervisie van Anne Clark en Robert Turner. Hij verkreeg hiervoor een Training Fellowship van de Medical Research Council in Engeland, en dit onderzoek resulteerde in een proefschrift getiteld “Islet amyloid and islet amyloid polypeptide in diabetes” aan de Universiteit van Utrecht in 1994.
In dat jaar begon hij zijn opleiding tot internist gevolgd door het aandachtsgebied endocrinologie aan het Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht (UMCU). Zijn registratie tot endocrinoloog vond plaats in 2001. In het UMCU deed hij aanvankelijk onderzoek naar vasculaire complicaties van diabetes mellitus binnen de onderzoeksgroep van Ton Rabelink. Een Career Development Grant van het Diabetes Fonds en een overgang naar het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC) stelde hem in staat om een nationaal klinisch eilandjes transplantatie op te zetten. Hij verkreeg een fellowship van het Joslin Diabetes Center (Harvard Medical School) in Boston waardoor hij aldaar ervaring kon opdoen in klinische beta-cel therapie en de basis kon leggen voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek in humane eilandjes en stamcelbiologie. In 2006 keerde hij terug naar het LUMC en zette een klinisch eilandjes isolatie en transplantatie programma op. Van 2010-2021 was hij ook groepsleider aan het Hubrecht Instituut voor Ontwikkelings biologie en Stamcelonderzoek in Utrecht. Met de combinatie van fundamenteel en klinisch translationeel onderzoek leidt hij meerdere (inter)nationale onderzoeken naar eilandjesbiologie, eilandjestransplantatie en het gebruik van stamcellen bij innovatieve eilandjes vervangingstherapie voor patienten met diabetes mellitus. Hij is professor diabetologie aan de Universiteit van Leiden sinds 2011. De titel van zijn oratie was “Van cel naar archipel”.
Hoogleraar Diabetologie, in het bijzonder bètaceltransplantatie en -regeneratie
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 2
- Interne Geneeskunde
- Nierziekten
- Tienhoven, R. van; Kracht, M.J.L.; Slik, A.R. van der; Thomaidou, S.; Wolters, A.H.G.; Giepmans, B.G.; Riojas, J.P.R.; Nelson, M.S.; Carlotti, F.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Hoeben, R.C.; Zaldumbide, A. & Roep, B.O. (2023), Presence of immunogenic alternatively spliced insulin gene product in human pancreatic delta cells, Diabetologia 66(5): 884-896.
- Rooden, R. van; Doppenberg, J.B.; Dijk, M.C. van; Goeij, F.H.C. de; Heijden, F.J. van der; Alwayn, I.P.J.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Jonge, J. de; Engelse, M.A. & Huurman, V.A.L. (2023), Improved pancreatic islet isolation yield after abdominal normothermic regional perfusion of controlled donation after circulatory death donors, Transplantation 107(10): 83-83.
- Ruissen, M.M.; Montori, V.M.; Hargraves, I.G.; Branda, M.E.; Garcia, M.L.; Koning, E.J. de & Kunneman, M. (2023), Problem-based shared decision-making in diabetes care, BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine 28.
- Paz-Barba, M.; Garcia, A.M.; Winter, T.J.J. de; Graaf, N. de; Agen, M. van; Sar, E. van der; Lambregtse, F.; Daleman, L.; Slik, A. van der; Zaldumbide, A.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Carlotti, F. (2023), Apolipoprotein L genes are novel mediators of inflammation in beta cells, Diabetologia 67.
- Veltkamp, D.M.J.; Nijhoff, M.F.; Broek, D.A.J. van den; Buntinx, M.; Kers, J.; Engelse, M.A.; Huurman, V.A.L.; Roelen, D.L.; Heidt, S.; Alwayn, I.P.J.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Vries, A.P.J. de (2023), Chronic pancreas allograft rejection followed by successful HLA-incompatible islet alloautotransplantation, Transplant International 36.
- Ruissen, M.M.; Torres-Peña, J.D.; Uitbeijerse, B.S.; Larriva, A.P.A. de; Huisman, S.D.; Namli, T.; Salzsieder, E.; Vogt, L.; Ploessnig, M.; Putte, B. van der; Merle, A.; Serra, G.; Rodríguez, G.; Graaf, A.A. de; Koning, E.J.P. de; Delgado-Lista, J.; Sont, J.K. & POWER2DM Consortium (2023), Clinical impact of an integrated e-health system for diabetes self-management support and shared decision making (POWER2DM), Diabetologia 66(12): 2213-2225.
- Landstra, C.P.; Nijhoff, M.F.; Roelen, D.L.; Vries, A.P.J. de & Koning, E.J.P. de (2023), Diagnosis and treatment of allograft rejection in islet transplantation, American Journal of Transplantation 23(9): 1425-1433.
- Koning, E.J.P. de & Carlotti, F. (2023), Human stomach tissue as alternative source of insulin-producing cells, Nature Reviews Endocrinology 19(9): 503-504.
- Jansen, T.J.P.; Buitinga, M.; Boss, M.; Nijhoff, M.F.; Brom, M.; Galan, B.E. de; Graaf, M. van der; Koeverden, S. van; Vantyghem, M.C.; Beron, A.; Pattou, F.; Engelse, M.A.; Velikyan, I.; Eriksson, O.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Gotthardt, M. (2023), Monitoring β-cell survival after intrahepatic islet transplantation using dynamic exendin PET imaging, Diabetes 72(7): 898-907.
- Tol, M.C.; Bont, D.F.A. de; Boon, W.P.C.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Apeldoorn, A.A. van (2023), Preferred islet delivery device characteristics and implantation strategies of patients with type 1 diabetes, Transplant International 36.
- Landstra, C.; Ruissen, M.M.; Nijhoff, M.F.; Tol, M.C.; Sont, J.K.; Carlotti, F.; Engelse, M.A. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2023), TNF-alpha blockade during islet transplantation in immunosuppressed recipients: a study on in vitro, clinical, and CITR registry-derived data, Transplantation 107(10): 38-38.
- Berney, T.; Andres, A.; Bellin, M.D.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Johnson, P.R.V.; Kay, T.W.H.; Lundgren, T.; Rickels, M.R.; Scholz, H.; Stock, P.G. & White, S. (2022), A worldwide survey of activities and practices in clinical islet of Langerhans Transplantation, Transplant International 35.
- Landstra, C.P.; Ruissen, M.M.; Regeer, H.; Nijhoff, M.F.; Ballieux, B.E.P.; Boog, P.J.M. van der; Vries, A.P.J. de; Huisman, S.D. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2022), Impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on behaviour, stress, anxiety and glycaemic control in patients with beta cell transplantation for type 1 diabetes, Diabetologia 65(SUPPL 1): S211-S211.
- Berney, T.; Andres, A.; Bellin, M.D.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Johnson, P.R.V.; Kay, T.W.H.; Lundgren, T.; Rickels, M.R.; Scholz, H.; White, S. & Stock, P.G. (2022), A Worldwide Survey of Activities and Practices in Clinical Islet of Langerhans Transplantation, Transplantation 106(9): S126-S126.
- Regeer, H.; Empelen, P. van; Bilo, H.J.G.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Huisman, S.D. (2022), Change is possible, Patient Education and Counseling 105(4): 821-827.
- Atla, G.; Bonas-Guarch, S.; Cuenca-Ardura, M.; Beucher, A.; Crouch, D.J.M.; Garcia-Hurtado, J.; Moran, I.; Irimia, M.; Prasad, R.B.; Gloyn, A.L.; Marselli, L.; Suleiman, M.; Berney, T.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Kerr-Conte, J.; Pattou, F.; Todd, J.A.; Piemonti, L.; Ferrer, J. & T2DSyst Consortium (2022), Genetic regulation of RNA splicing in human pancreatic islets, Genome Biology 23(1).
- Ward, C.; Odorico, J.S.; Rickels, M.R.; Berney, T.; Burke, G.W.; Kay, T.W.H.; Thaunat, O.; Uva, P.D.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Arbogast, H.; Scholz, H.; Cattral, M.S.; Stratta, R.J.; Stock, P.G. & International Pancreas and Islet Transplant Association Beta-Cell Replacement Therapy Monitoring Task Force (2022), International survey of clinical monitoring practices in pancreas and islet transplantation, Transplantation 106(8): 1647-1655.
- Ruissen, M.M.; Sont, J.K.; Vugt, H.A. van; Kunneman, M.; Rutten, G.E.H.M. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2022), Key factors relevant for healthcare decisions of patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in secondary care according to healthcare professionals, Patient Preference and Adherence 16: 809-819.
- Noordstra, I.; Berg, C.M. van den; Boot, F.W.J.; Katrukha, E.A.; Yu, K.L.; Tas, R.P.; Portegies, S.; Viergever, B.J.; Graaff, E. de; Hoogenraad, C.C.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Carlotti, F.; Kapitein, L.C. & Akhmanova, A. (2022), Organization and dynamics of the cortical complexes controlling insulin secretion in beta-cells, Journal of Cell Science 135(3).
- Doppenberg, J.B.; Engelse, M.A. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2022), PRISM: a novel human islet isolation technique, Transplantation 106(6): 1271-1278.
- Leemkolk, F.E.M. van de; Nell, R.J.; Versluis, M.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Huurman, V.A.L.; Alwayn, I.P.J.; Ploeg, R.J.; Velden, P.A. van der & Engelse, M.A. (2022), Quantification of unmethylated insulin DNA using methylation sensitive restriction enzyme digital polymerase chain reaction, Transplant International 35.
- Morrissey, E.C.; Dinneen, S.F.; Lowry, M.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Kunneman, M. (2022), Reimagining care for young adults living with type 1 diabetes, Journal of Diabetes Investigation 13(8): 1294-1299.
- Perez-Corral, I.; Gomez-Delgado, F.; Ruissen, M.M.; Torres-Pena, J.D.; Arenas-de Larriva, A.P.; Sont, J.K.; Graaf, A.A. de; Uitbeijerse, B.S.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Delgado-Lista, J. (2022), Sleep duration and lipid metabolism in patients with diabetes mellitus, Sleep and Biological Rhythms 20(4): 595-599.
- Kukla, A.; Ventura-Aguiar, P.; Cooper, M.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Goodman, D.J.; Johnson, P.R.; Han, D.J.; Mandelbrot, D.A.; Pavlakis, M.; Saudek, F.; Vantyghem, M.C.; Augustine, T. & Rickels, M.R. (2021), Transplant options for patients with diabetes and advanced kidney disease: a review, American Journal of Kidney Diseases 78(3): 418-428.
- Landstra, C.P.; Andres, A.; Chetboun, M.; Conte, C.; Kelly, Y.; Berney, T.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Piemonti, L.; Stock, P.G.; Pattou, F.; Vantyghem, M.C.; Bellin, M.D. & Rickels, M.R. (2021), Examination of the Igls Criteria for Defining Functional Outcomes of beta-cell Replacement Therapy: IPITA Symposium Report, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 106(10): 3049-3059.
- Regeer, H.; Nieuwenhuijse, E.A.; Vos, R.C.; Jong, J.C.K.D.; Empelen, P.; Koning, E.J.P.; Bilo, H.J.G. & Huisman, S.D. (2021), Psychological factors associated with changes in physical activity in Dutch people with type 2 diabetes under societal lockdown, ENDOCRINOLOGY DIABETES & METABOLISM 4(3).
- Boggi, U.; Vistoli, F.; Andres, A.; Arbogast, H.P.; Badet, L.; Baronti, W.; Bartlett, S.T.; Benedetti, E.; Branchereau, J.; Burke, G.W.; Buron, F.; Caldara, R.; Cardillo, M.; Casanova, D.; Cipriani, F.; Cooper, M.; Cupisti, A.; Davide, J.; Drachenberg, C.; Koning, E.J.P.; Ettorre, G.M.; Cruz, L.F.; Fridell, J.A.; Friend, P.J.; Furian, L.; Gaber, O.A.; Gruessner, A.C.; Gruessner, R.W.G.; Gunton, J.E.; Han, D.J.; Iacopi, S.; Kauffmann, E.F.; Kaufman, D.; Kenmochi, T.; Khambalia, H.A.; Lai, Q.; Langer, R.M.; Maffi, P.; Marselli, L.; Menichetti, F.; Miccoli, M.; Mittal, S.; Morelon, E.; Napoli, N.; Neri, F.; Oberholzer, J.; Odorico, J.S.; Ollinger, R.; Oniscu, G.; Orlando, G.; Ortenzi, M.; Perosa, M.; Perrone, V.G.; Pleass, H.; Redfield, R.R.; Ricci, C.; Rigotti, P.; Robertson, R.; Ross, L.F.; Rossi, M.; Saudek, F.; Scalea, J.R.; Schenker, P.; Secchi, A.; Socci, C.; Silva, D.S.; Squifflet, J.P.; Stock, P.G.; Stratta, R.J.; Terrenzio, C.; Uva, P.; Watson, C.C.E.; White, S.A.; Marchetti, P.; Kandaswamy, R. & Berney, T. (2021), First World Consensus Conference on pancreas transplantation, American Journal of Transplantation 21: 17-59.
- Groen, N.; Leenders, F.; Mahfouz, A.; Munoz-Garcia, A.; Muraro, M.J.; Graaf, N. de; Rabelink, T.J.; Hoeben, R.; Oudenaarden, A. van; Zaldumbide, A.; Reinders, M.J.T.; Koning, E.J.P.D. & Carlotti, F. (2021), Single-cell transcriptomics links loss of human pancreatic beta-cell identity to ER stress, Cells 10(12).
- Rajaei, B.; Roelofsen, A.L.; Shokrollahi, E.; Brinkhof, B.; Naumovska, E.; Sluis, R.J. van der; Nieveen, M.; Engelse, M.; Koning, E. de & Carlotti, F. (2021), Towards a GMP-Compliant Protocol for the Differentiation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells to Beta-like Cells for the Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes, Transplantation 105(12): S26-S26.
- Steffen, A.; Graaf, N. de; Engelse, M. & Koning, E. de (2021), Altered Glucose Response in Human Beta Cells Following Modulation of Muscarinic Receptor, Transplantation 105(12): S43-S43.
- Schroijen, M.A.; Mutsert, R. de; Dekker, F.W.; Vries, A.P.J. de; Koning, E.J.P. de; Rabelink, T.J.; Rosendaal, F.R. & Dekkers, O.M. (2021), The association of glucose metabolism and kidney function in middle-aged adults, CLINICAL KIDNEY JOURNAL 14(11): 2383-2390.
- Koning, E.J.P. de & Carlotti, F. (2021), Stem cell-based islet replacement therapy in diabetes: A road trip that reached the clinic, Cell Stem Cell 28(12): 2044-2046.
- Nijhoff, M.; Pierik, L.H.; Rijswijk, C.S.P. van; Erkel, A.R. van; Meer, R.W. van der; Koning, E.J.P. de & Burgmans, M.C. (2021), Safety and Efficacy of a Percutaneous Intraportal Islet Transplantation Procedure Using Tract Embolization With Gelatine Foam Pledgets, Transplantation 105(12): S36-S36.
- Leenders, F.; Groen, N.; Graaf, N. de; Engelse, M.A.; Rabelink, T.J.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Carlotti, F. (2021), Oxidative stress leads to beta-cell dysfunction through loss of beta-cell identity, Frontiers in Immunology 12.
- Landstra, C.P.; Ruissen, M.M.; Regeer, H.; Nijhoff, M.F.; Ballieux, B.E.P.B.; Boog, P.J.M. van der; Vries, A.P.J. de; Huisman, S.D. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2021), Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Behavior, Stress, Anxiety and Glycemic Control in Patients With Beta Cell Transplantation, Transplantation 105(12): S3-S3.
- Balak, J.R.A.; Doppenberg, J.B.; Nijhoff, M.F.; Engelse, M.A.; Dekkers, O.M. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2021), Impact of Islet Purity on Short- and Long-term Graft Function in Islet Allotransplantation, Transplantation 105(12): S35-S35.
- Piemonti, L.; Andres, A.; Casey, J.; Koning, E. de; Engelse, M.; Hilbrands, R.; Johnson, P.; Keymeulen, B.; Kerr-Conte, J.; Korsgren, O.; Lehmann, R.; Lundgren, T.; Maffi, P.; Pattou, F.; Saudek, F.; Shaw, J.; Scholz, H.; White, S. & Berney, T. (2021), US food and drug administration (FDA) panel endorses islet cell treatment for type 1 diabetes: A pyrrhic victory?, Transplant International 34(7): 1182-1186.
- Doppenberg, J.B.; Leemkuil, M.; Engelse, M.A.; Krikke, C.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Leuvenink, H.G.D. (2021), Hypothermic oxygenated machine perfusion of the human pancreas for clinical islet isolation, Transplant International 34(8).
- Landstra, C.P. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2021), COVID-19 and diabetes: understanding the interrelationship and risks for a severe course, Frontiers in Endocrinology 12.
- Boer, A.W. de; Blom, J.W.; Waal, M.W.M. de; Rippe, R.C.A.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Jazet, I.M.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Heijer, M. den; Numans, M.E. & Mutsert, R. de (2021), Coded diagnoses from general practice electronic health records are a feasible and valid alternative to self-report to define diabetes cases in research, Primary Care Diabetes 15(2): 234-239.
- Doppenberg, J.B.; Nijhoff, M.F.; Engelse, M.A. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2021), Clinical use of donation after circulatory death pancreas for islet transplantation, American Journal of Transplantation 21(9).
- Marsee, A.; Roos, F.J.M.; Verstegen, M.M.A.; Gehart, H.; Koning, E. de; Lemaigre, F.; Forbes, S.J.; Peng, W.C.; Huch, M.; Takebe, T.; Vallier, L.; Clevers, H.; Laan, L.J.W. van der; Spee, B. & HPB Organoid Consortium (2021), Building consensus on definition and nomenclature of hepatic, pancreatic, and biliary organoids, Cell Stem Cell 28(5): 816-832.
- Desai, C.S.; Szempruch, K.R.; Vonderau, J.S.; Chetboun, M.; Pattou, F.; Coates, T.; Paep, D.L. de; Hawthorne, W.J.; Khan, K.M.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Naziruddin, B.; Posselt, A.; Schrope, B.A.; Wijkstrom, M.; Witkowski, P. & Shapiro, A.M.J. (2021), Anticoagulation practices in total pancreatectomy with autologous islet cell transplant patients: an international survey of clinical programs, Transplant International.
- Uitbeijerse, B.S.; Nijhoff, M.F.; Sont, J.K. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2021), Fasting parameters for estimation of stimulated beta cell function in islet transplant recipients with or without basal insulin treatment, American Journal of Transplantation 21(1): 297-306.
- Sthijns, M.M.J.P.E.; Jetten, M.J.; Mohammed, S.G.; Claessen, S.M.H.; Vries, R.H.W. de; Stell, A.; Bont, D.F.A. de; Engelse, M.A.; Mumcuoglu, D.; Blitterswijk, C.A. van; Dankers, P.Y.W.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Apeldoorn, A.A. van & LaPointe, V.L.S. (2021), Oxidative stress in pancreatic alpha and beta cells as a selection criterion for biocompatible biomaterials, Biomaterials 267.
- Ruissen, M.M.; Regeer, H.; Landstra, C.P.; Schroijen, M.; Jazet, I.; Nijhoff, M.F.; Pijl, H.; Ballieux, B.E.P.B.; Dekkers, O.; Huisman, S.D. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2021), Increased stress, weight gain and less exercise in relation to glycemic control in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic, BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 9(1).
- Jansen, T.J.P.; Buitinga, M.; Boss, M.; Graaf, M. van der; Koning, E.J.P. de; Engelse, M.A.; Nijhoff, M.F.; Velikyan, I.; Korsgren, O.; Eriksson, O.; Brom, M. & Gotthardt, M. (2020), The Assessment of Intrahepatic Islet Transplantation with Dynamic Exendin PET Imaging, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 47(SUPPL 1): S248-S249.
- Jansen, T.J.P.; Buitinga, M.; Boss, M.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Engelse, M.A.; Nijhoff, M.F.; Velikyan, I.; Korsgren, O.; Eriksson, O.; Brom, M. & Gotthardt, M. (2020), The assessment of intrahepatic islet transplantation using exendin PET imaging, Diabetologia 63(SUPPL 1): S179-S180.
- Skrzypek, K.; Nibbelink, M.G.; Liefers-Visser, J.; Smink, A.M.; Stoimenou, E.; Engelse, M.A.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Karperien, M.; Vos, P. de; Apeldoorn, A. van & Stamatialis, D. (2020), A high cell-bearing capacity multibore hollow fiber device for macroencapsulation of islets of Langerhans, Macromolecular Bioscience 20(8).
- Nano, R.; Kerr-Conte, J.A.; Scholz, H.; Engelse, M.; Karlsson, M.; Saudek, F.; Bosco, D.; Antonioli, B.; Bertuzzi, F.; Johnson, P.R.V.; Ludwing, B.; Ling, Z.D.; Paep, D.L. de; Keymeulen, B.; Pattou, F.; Berney, T.; Korsgren, O.; Koning, E. de & Piemonti, L. (2020), Heterogeneity of human pancreatic islet isolation around Europe, Transplantation 104(1): 190-196.
- Trinanes, J.; Dijke, P. ten; Groen, N.; Hanegraaf, M.; Porrini, E.; Rodriguez-Rodriguez, A.E.; Drachenberg, C.; Rabelink, T.J.; Koning, E. de; Carlotti, F. & Vries, A.P.J. de (2020), Tacrolimus-Induced BMP/SMAD Signaling Associates With Metabolic Stress-Activated FOXO1 to Trigger beta-Cell Failure, Diabetes 69(2): 193-204.
- Nikolic, T.; Zwaginga, J.J.; Uitbeijerse, B.S.; Woittiez, N.J.; Koning, E.J. de; Aanstoot, H.J. & Roep, B.O. (2020), Safety and feasibility of intradermal injection with tolerogenic dendritic cells pulsed with proinsulin peptide-for type 1 diabetes.
- Nijhoff, M.F.; Hovens, J.G.F.M.; Huisman, S.D.; Ringers, J.; Rabelink, T.A.J.; Fijter, H.J.W. de; Boog, P.J.M. van der & Koning, E.J.P. de (2020), Psychological symptoms and quality of life after simultaneous kidney and pancreas transplantation, Transplantation Direct 6(5).
- (2020), Pancreatic islet isolation from donation after circulatory death pancreas.
- Rutten, G.E.H.M.; Vugt, H. van & Koning, E. de (2020), Person-centered diabetes care and patient activation in people with type 2 diabetes, BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 8(2).
- Lund, M.L.; Sorrentino, G.; Egerod, K.L.; Kroone, C.; Mortensen, B.; Knop, F.K.; Reimann, F.; Gribble, F.M.; Drucker, D.J.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Schoonjans, K.; Backhed, F.; Schwartz, T.W. & Petersen, N. (2020), L-cell differentiation is induced by bile acids through GPBAR1 and paracrine GLP-1 and serotonin signaling, Diabetes 69(4): 614-623.
- Thomaidou, S.; Kracht, M.J.L.; Slik, A. van der; Laban, S.; Koning, E.J. de; Carlotti, F.; Hoeben, R.C.; Roep, B.O. & Zaldumbide, A. (2020), beta-Cell Stress Shapes CTL Immune Recognition of Preproinsulin Signal Peptide by Posttranscriptional Regulation of Endoplasmic Reticulum Aminopeptidase 1, Diabetes 69(4): 670-680.
- Nederstigt, C.; Uitbeijerse, B.S.; Janssen, L.G.M.; Corssmit, E.P.M.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Dekkers, O.M. (2019), Associated auto-immune disease in type 1 diabetes patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis, European Journal of Endocrinology 180(2): 137-146.
- Vugt, H.A. van; Boels, A.M.; Weerdt, I. de; Koning, E.J.P. de & Rutten, G.E.H.M. (2019), Patient activation in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus: associated factors and the role of insulin, Patient Preference and Adherence 13: 73-81.
- Hadavi, E.; Leijten, J.; Engelse, M.; Koning, E. de; Jonkheijm, P.; Karperien, M. & Apeldoorn, A. van (2019), Microwell Scaffolds Using Collagen-IV and Laminin-111 Lead to Improved Insulin Secretion of Human Islets, Tissue Engineering Part C Methods 25(2): 71-81.
- Berg, B. van den; Wang, G.Q.; Boels, M.; Avramut, C.; Jansen, E.; Sol, W.; Lebrin, F.; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Koning, E. de; Vink, H.; Grone, H.J.; Carmeliet, P.; Vlag, J. van der & Rabelink, T. (2019), Glomerular Function and Structural Integrity Depend Upon Endothelial Hyaluronan Synthesis, Journal of Vascular Research 56: 115-115.
- Jansen, T.; Buitinga, M.; Boss, M.; Koning, E. de; Engelse, M.; Nijhoff, M.; Korsgren, O.; Eriksson, O.; Brom, M. & Gotthardt, M. (2019), Assessment of Intrahepatic Transplantation of Islet of Langerhans Grafts using Dynamic [Ga-68]Ga-NODAGA-exendin-4 PET Imaging, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 46(SUPPL 1): S487-S488.
- Bijkerk, R.; Esguerra, J.L.S.; Ellenbroek, J.H.; Au, Y.W.; Hanegraaf, M.A.J.; Koning, E.J. de; Eliasson, L. & Zonneveld, A.J. van (2019), In Vivo Silencing of MicroRNA-132 Reduces Blood Glucose and Improves Insulin Secretion, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 29(2): 67-72.
- Trinanes, J.; Dijke, P. ten; Rabelink, T.J.; Koning, E.J. de; Carlotti, F. & Vries, A.P. de (2019), Tacrolimus Activated BMP Signaling Acts in Synergy with Stress-Activated FOXO1 to Induce Loss of Beta-Cell Function and Identity, American Journal of Transplantation 19: 960-961.
- Jansen TJP, Buitinga M, Boss M, de Koning EJP, Engelse MA, Nijhoff MF, Korsgren O, Eriksson O, Brom M & Gotthardt M (2019), Assessment of intrahepatic islet of Langerhans grafts using Ga-68-exendin PET imaging, Diabetologia 62: S197-S197.
- Li-Gao, R.F.; Carlotti, F.; Mutsert, R. de; Vlieg, A.V.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Jukema, J.W.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Dijk, K.W. van & Mook-Kanamori, D.O. (2019), Genome-Wide Association Study on the Early-Phase Insulin Response to a Liquid Mixed Meal: Results From the NEO Study, Diabetes 68(12): 2327-2336.
- Balak, J.R.A.; Graaf, N. de; Zaldumbide, A.; Rabelink, T.J.; Hoeben, R.C.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Carlotti, F. (2019), Highly efficient ex vivo lentiviral transduction of primary human pancreatic exocrine cells, Scientific Reports 9.
- Wit, L. de; Rademaker, D.; Voormolen, D.N.; Akerboom, B.M.C.; Kiewiet-Kemper, R.M.; Soeters, M.R.; Verwij-Didden, M.A.L.; Assouiki, F.; Schippers, D.H.; Vermeulen, M.A.R.; Kuppens, S.M.I.; Oosterwerff, M.M.; Zwart, J.J.; Diekman, M.J.M.; Vogelvang, T.E.; Gallas, P.R.J.; Galjaard, S.; Visser, W.; Horree, N.; Klooker, T.K.; Laan, R.; Heijligenberg, R.; Huisjes, A.J.M.; Bemmel, T. van; Meir, C.A. van; Beld, A.W. van den; Hermes, W.; Vidarsdottir, S.; Veldhuis-Vlug, A.G.; Dullemond, R.C.; Jansen, H.J.; Sueters, M.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Laar, J.O.E.H. van; Wouters-van Poppel, P.; Sanson-van Praag, M.E.; Akker, E.S. van den; Brouwer, C.B.; Hermsen, B.B.; Potter van Loon, B.J.; Heijden, O.W.H. van der; Galan, B.E. de; Leeuwen, M. van; Wijbenga, J.A.M.; Boer, K. de; Bon, A.C. van; Made, F.W. van der; Eskes, S.A.; Zandstra, M.; Houtum, W.H. van; Braams-Lisman, B.A.M.; Daemen-Gubbels, C.R.G.M.; Wouters, M.G.A.J.; IJzerman, R.G.; Charante, N.A.M. van; Zwertbroek, R.; Bosmans, J.E.; Evers, I.M.; Mol, B.W.; Valk, H.W. de; Groenendaal, F.; Naaktgeboren, C.A.; Painter, R.C.; deVries, J.H.; Franx, A. & Rijn, B.B. van (2019), SUGAR-DIP trial: oral medication strategy versus insulin for diabetes in pregnancy, study protocol for a multicentre, open-label, non-inferiority, randomised controlled trial, BMJ Open 9(8).
- Balak, J.R.A.; Juksar, J.; Carlotti, F.; Nigro, A. lo & Koning, E.J.P. de (2019), Organoids from the Human Fetal and Adult Pancreas, Current Diabetes Reports 19(12).
- Miguel-Escalada, I.; Bonas-Guarch, S.; Cebola, I.; Ponsa-Cobas, J.; Mendieta-Esteban, J.; Atla, G.; Javierre, B.M.; Rolando, D.M.Y.; Farabella, I.; Morgan, C.C.; Garcia-Hurtado, J.; Beucher, A.; Moran, I.; Pasquali, L.; Ramos-Rodriguez, M.; Appel, E.V.R.; Linneberg, A.; Gjesing, A.P.; Witte, D.R.; Pedersen, O.; Grarup, N.; Ravassard, P.; Torrents, D.; Mercader, J.M.; Piemonti, L.; Berney, T.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Kerr-Conte, J.; Pattou, F.; Fedko, I.O.; Groop, L.; Prokopenko, I.; Hansen, T.; Marti-Renom, M.A.; Fraser, P. & Ferrer, J. (2019), Human pancreatic islet three-dimensional chromatin architecture provides insights into the genetics of type 2 diabetes, Nature Genetics 51(7): 1137-+.
- Berg, B.M. van den; Wang, G.Q.; Boels, M.G.S.; Avramut, M.C.; Jansen, E.; Sol, W.M.P.J.; Lebrin, F.; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Koning, E.J.P. de; Vink, H.; Grone, H.J.; Carmeliet, P.; Vlag, J. van der & Rabelink, T.J. (2019), Glomerular Function and Structural Integrity Depend on Hyaluronan Synthesis by Glomerular Endothelium, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 30(10): 1886-1897.
- Vugt, H.A. van; Heijmans, M.J.W.M.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Rutten, G.E.H.M. (2019), Factors that influence the intended intensity of diabetes care in a person-centred setting, Diabetic Medicine.
- Baron, C.S.; Barve, A.; Muraro, M.J.; Linden, R. van der; Dharmadhikari, G.; Lyubimova, A.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Oudenaarden, A. van (2019), Cell Type Purification by Single-Cell Transcriptome-Trained Sorting, Cell 179(2): 527-+.
- Gurp, L. van; Muraro, M.J.; Dielen, T.; Seneby, L.; Dharmadhikari, G.; Gradwohl, G.; Oudenaarden, A. van & Koning, E.J.P. de (2019), A transcriptomic roadmap to alpha- and beta-cell differentiation in the embryonic pancreas, Development 146(12).
- Wit, L. de; Rademaker, D.; Voormolen, D.N.; Akerboom, B.M.C.; Kiewiet-Kemper, R.M.; Soeters, M.R.; Verwij-Didden, M.A.L.; Assouiki, F.; Schippers, D.H.; Vermeulen, M.A.R.; Kuppens, S.M.I.; Oosterwerff, M.M.; Zwart, J.J.; Diekman, M.J.M.; Vogelvang, T.E.; Gallas, P.R.J.; Galjaard, S.; Visser, W.; Horree, N.; Klooker, T.K.; Laan, R.; Heijligenberg, R.; Huisjes, A.J.M.; Bemmel, T. van; Meir, C.A. van; Beld, A.W. van den; Hermes, W.; Vidarsdottir, S.; Veldhuis-Vlug, A.G.; Dullemond, R.C.; Jansen, H.J.; Sueters, M.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Laar, J.O.E.H. van; Wouters-van Poppel, P.; Sanson-van Praag, M.E.; Akker, E.S. van den; Brouwer, C.B.; Hermsen, B.B.; Potter van Loon, B.J.; Heijden, O.W.H. van der; Galan, B.E. de; Leeuwen, M. van; Wijbenga, J.A.M.; Boer, K. de; Bon, A.C. van; Made, F.W. van der; Eskes, S.A.; Zandstra, M.; Houtum, W.H. van; Braams-Lisman, B.A.M.; Daemen-Gubbels, C.R.G.M.; Wouters, M.G.A.J.; IJzerman, R.G.; Charante, N.A.M. van; Zwertbroek, R.; Bosmans, J.E.; Evers, I.M.; Mol, B.W.; Valk, H.W. de; Groenendaal, F.; Naaktgeboren, C.A.; Painter, R.C.; deVries, J.H.; Franx, A. & Rijn, B.B. van (2019), SUGAR-DIP trial: oral medication strategy versus insulin for diabetes in pregnancy, study protocol for a multicentre, open-label, non-inferiority, randomised controlled trial, BMJ Open 9(8).
- Balak, J.R.A.; Juksar, J.; Carlotti, F.; Nigro, A. lo & Koning, E.J.P. de (2019), Organoids from the Human Fetal and Adult Pancreas, Current Diabetes Reports 19(12).
- Miguel-Escalada, I.; Bonas-Guarch, S.; Cebola, I.; Ponsa-Cobas, J.; Mendieta-Esteban, J.; Atla, G.; Javierre, B.M.; Rolando, D.M.Y.; Farabella, I.; Morgan, C.C.; Garcia-Hurtado, J.; Beucher, A.; Moran, I.; Pasquali, L.; Ramos-Rodriguez, M.; Appel, E.V.R.; Linneberg, A.; Gjesing, A.P.; Witte, D.R.; Pedersen, O.; Grarup, N.; Ravassard, P.; Torrents, D.; Mercader, J.M.; Piemonti, L.; Berney, T.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Kerr-Conte, J.; Pattou, F.; Fedko, I.O.; Groop, L.; Prokopenko, I.; Hansen, T.; Marti-Renom, M.A.; Fraser, P. & Ferrer, J. (2019), Human pancreatic islet three-dimensional chromatin architecture provides insights into the genetics of type 2 diabetes, Nature Genetics 51(7): 1137-+.
- Balak, J.R.A.; Graaf, N. de; Zaldumbide, A.; Rabelink, T.J.; Hoeben, R.C.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Carlotti, F. (2019), Highly efficient ex vivo lentiviral transduction of primary human pancreatic exocrine cells, Scientific Reports 9.
- Berg, B.M. van den; Wang, G.Q.; Boels, M.G.S.; Avramut, M.C.; Jansen, E.; Sol, W.M.P.J.; Lebrin, F.; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Koning, E.J.P. de; Vink, H.; Grone, H.J.; Carmeliet, P.; Vlag, J. van der & Rabelink, T.J. (2019), Glomerular Function and Structural Integrity Depend on Hyaluronan Synthesis by Glomerular Endothelium, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 30(10): 1886-1897.
- Li-Gao, R.F.; Carlotti, F.; Mutsert, R. de; Vlieg, A.V.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Jukema, J.W.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Dijk, K.W. van & Mook-Kanamori, D.O. (2019), Genome-Wide Association Study on the Early-Phase Insulin Response to a Liquid Mixed Meal: Results From the NEO Study, Diabetes 68(12): 2327-2336.
- Vugt, H.A. van; Heijmans, M.J.W.M.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Rutten, G.E.H.M. (2019), Factors that influence the intended intensity of diabetes care in a person-centred setting, Diabetic Medicine.
- Baron, C.S.; Barve, A.; Muraro, M.J.; Linden, R. van der; Dharmadhikari, G.; Lyubimova, A.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Oudenaarden, A. van (2019), Cell Type Purification by Single-Cell Transcriptome-Trained Sorting, Cell 179(2): 527-+.
- Gurp, L. van; Muraro, M.J.; Dielen, T.; Seneby, L.; Dharmadhikari, G.; Gradwohl, G.; Oudenaarden, A. van & Koning, E.J.P. de (2019), A transcriptomic roadmap to alpha- and beta-cell differentiation in the embryonic pancreas, Development 146(12).
- Vugt, H.A. van; Koning, E.J.P. de & Rutten, G.E.H.M. (2019), Association between person and disease related factors and the planned diabetes care in people who receive person-centered type 2 diabetes care: An implementation study, PLoS ONE 14(7).
- Jansen TJP, Buitinga M, Boss M, de Koning EJP, Engelse MA, Nijhoff MF, Korsgren O, Eriksson O, Brom M & Gotthardt M (2019), Assessment of intrahepatic islet of Langerhans grafts using Ga-68-exendin PET imaging, Diabetologia 62: S197-S197.
- Vantyghem, M.C.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Pattou, F. & Rickels, M.R. (2019), Advances in beta-cell replacement therapy for the treatment of type 1 diabetes, Lancet 394(10205): 1274-1285.
- Vugt, H.A. van; Koning, E.J.P. de & Rutten, G.E.H.M. (2019), Association between person and disease related factors and the planned diabetes care in people who receive person-centered type 2 diabetes care: An implementation study, PLoS ONE 14(7).
- Vantyghem, M.C.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Pattou, F. & Rickels, M.R. (2019), Advances in beta-cell replacement therapy for the treatment of type 1 diabetes, Lancet 394(10205): 1274-1285.
- Nederstigt, C.; Uitbeijerse, B.S.; Janssen, L.G.M.; Corssmit, E.P.M.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Dekkers, O.M. (2019), Associated auto-immune disease in type 1 diabetes patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis, European Journal of Endocrinology 180(2): 137-146.
- Vugt, H.A. van; Boels, A.M.; Weerdt, I. de; Koning, E.J.P. de & Rutten, G.E.H.M. (2019), Patient activation in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus: associated factors and the role of insulin, Patient Preference and Adherence 13: 73-81.
- Kopp, W.H.; Lam, H.D.; Schaapherder, A.F.M.; Huurman, V.A.L.; Boog, P.J.M. van der; Koning, E.J.P. de; Fijter, J.W. de; Baranski, A. & Braat, A.E. (2018), Pancreas Transplantation With Grafts From Donors Deceased After Circulatory Death: 5 Years Single-Center Experience, Transplantation 102(2): 333-339.
- Nijhoff, M.F.; Huurman V.A.L.; Dubbeld, J.; Erkel, A.R. van; Rabelink T.A.; Engelse, M.A. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2018), Transplantatie van eilandjes van Langerhans, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 162.
- Nijhoff, M.F. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2018), Artificial Pancreas or Novel Beta-Cell Replacement Therapies: a Race for Optimal Glycemic Control?, Current Diabetes Reports 18(11).
- Kracht, M.J.L.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Hoeben, R.C.; Roep, B.O. & Zaldumbide, A. (2018), Bioluminescent reporter assay for monitoring ER stress in human beta cells, Scientific Reports 8.
- Benjamens Stan, Margreiter Christian, de Koning Eelco J. R., Leuvenink Henri G. D. & Pol Robert A. (2018), Decline in Pancreas Transplantation Numbers is Accompaniedwith Lower Publication Rates, Transplantation 102: S78-S79.
- Benjamens S., Margreiter C., de Koning E., Leuvenink H. & Pol R. (2018), Decline in Pancreas Transplantation Numbers is Accompanied with Lower Publication Rates., American Journal of Transplantation 18: 593-594.
- Piemonti, L.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Berney, T.; Odorico, J.S.; Markmann, J.F.; Stock, P.G. & Rickels, M.R. (2018), Defining outcomes for beta cell replacement therapy: a work in progress, Diabetologia 61(6): 1273-1276.
- Rickels, M.R.; Stock, P.G.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Piemonti, L.; Pratschke, J.; Alejandro, R.; Bellin, M.D.; Berney, T.; Choudhary, P.; Johnson, P.R.; Kandaswamy, R.; Kay, T.W.H.; Keymeulen, B.; Kudva, Y.C.; Latres, E.; Langer, R.M.; Lehmann, R.; Ludwig, B.; Markmann, J.F.; Marinac, M.; Odorico, J.S.; Pattou, F.; Senior, P.A.; Shaw, J.A.M.; Vantyghem, M.C. & White, S. (2018), Defining outcomes for -cell replacement therapy in the treatment of diabetes: a consensus report on the Igls criteria from the IPITA/EPITA opinion leaders workshop, Transplant International 31(4): 343-352.
- Rickels, M.R.; Stock, P.G.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Piemonti, L.; Pratschke, J.; Alejandro, R.; Bellin, M.D.; Berney, T.; Choudhary, P.; Johnson, P.R.; Kandaswamy, R.; Kay, T.W.H.; Keymeulen, B.; Kudva, Y.C.; Latres, E.; Langer, R.M.; Lehmann, R.; Ludwig, B.; Markmann, J.F.; Marinac, M.; Odorico, J.S.; Pattou, F.; Senior, P.A.; Shaw, J.A.M.; Vantyghem, M.C. & White, S. (2018), Defining Outcomes for -cell Replacement Therapy in the Treatment of Diabetes: A Consensus Report on the Igls Criteria From the IPITA/EPITA Opinion Leaders Workshop, Transplantation 102(9): 1479-1486.
- Lo Nigro A., Juksar J. & De Koning E. (2018), Dissecting pancreatic exocrine heterogeneity to identify a bi-potent progenitor, Human Gene Therapy 29(12): A64-A64.
- Loomans, C.J.M.; Giuliani, N.W.; Balak, J.; Ringnalda, F.; Gurp, L. van; Huch, M.; Boj, S.F.; Sato, T.; Kester, L.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Roost, M.S.; Bonner-Weir, S.; Engelse, M.A.; Rabelink, T.J.; Heimberg, H.; Vries, R.G.J.; Oudenaarden, A. van; Carlotti, F.; Clevers, H. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2018), Expansion of Adult Human Pancreatic Tissue Yields Organoids Harboring Progenitor Cells with Endocrine Differentiation Potential, Stem Cell Reports 10(3): 712-724.
- Leemkuil, M.; Lier, G.; Engelse, M.A.; Ploeg, R.J.; Koning, E.J.P. de; t'Hart, N.A.; Krikke, C. & Leuvenink, H.G.D. (2018), Hypothermic Oxygenated Machine Perfusion of the Human Donor Pancreas, Transplantation Direct 4(10).
- Rutten, G.E.H.M.; Vugt, H.A. van; Weerdt, I. de & Koning, E. de (2018), Implementation of a Structured Diabetes Consultation Model to Facilitate a Person-Centered Approach: Results From a Nationwide Dutch Study, Diabetes Care 41(4): 688-695.
- Noordam, R.; Zwetsloot, C.P.A.; Mutsert, R. de; Mook-Kanamori, D.O.; Lamb, H.J.; Roos, A. de; Koning, E.J.P. de; Rosendaal, F.R.; Dijk, K.W. van & Heemst, D. van (2018), Interrelationship of the rs7903146 TCF7L2 gene variant with measures of glucose metabolism and adiposity: The NEO study, Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 28(2): 150-157.
- Nijhoff, M.F.; Dubbeld, J.; Erkel, A.R. van; Boog, P.J.M. van der; Rabelink, T.J.; Engelse, M.A. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2018), Islet alloautotransplantation: Allogeneic pancreas transplantation followed by transplant pancreatectomy and islet transplantation, American Journal of Transplantation 18(4): 1016-1019.
- Martinez-Sanchez, A.; Nguyen-Tu, M.S.; Cebola, I.; Yavari, A.; Marchetti, P.; Piemonti, L.; Koning, E. de; Shapiro, A.M.J.; Johnson, P.; Sakamoto, K.; Smith, D.M.; Leclerc, I.; Ashrafian, H.; Ferrer, J. & Rutter, G.A. (2018), MiR-184 expression is regulated by AMPK in pancreatic islets, FASEB Journal 32(5): 2587-2600.
- Staels, W.; Verdonck, Y.; Heremans, Y.; Leuckx, G.; Groef, S. de; Heirman, C.; Koning, E. de; Gysemans, C.; Thielemans, K.; Baeyens, L.; Heimberg, H. & Leu, N. de (2018), Vegf-A mRNA transfection as a novel approach to improve mouse and human islet graft revascularisation, Diabetologia 61(8): 1804-1810.
- Mutsert, R. de; Gast, K.; Widya, R.; Koning, E. de; Jazet, I.; Lamb, H.; Cessie, S. le; Roos, A. de; Smit, J.; Rosendaal, F. & Heijer, M. den (2018), Associations of Abdominal Subcutaneous and Visceral Fat with Insulin Resistance and Secretion Differ Between Men and Women: The Netherlands Epidemiology of Obesity Study, Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders 16(1): 54-63.
- Rickels, M.R.; Stock, P.G.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Piemonti, L.; Pratschke, J.; Alejandro, R.; Bellin, M.D.; Berney, T.; Choudhary, P.; Johnson, P.R.; Kandaswamy, R.; Kay, T.W.H.; Keymeulen, B.; Kudva, Y.C.; Latres, E.; Langer, R.M.; Lehmann, R.; Ludwig, B.; Markmann, J.F.; Marinac, M.; Odorico, J.S.; Pattou, F.; Senior, P.A.; Shaw, J.A.M.; Vantyghem, M.C. & White, S. (2018), Defining outcomes for -cell replacement therapy in the treatment of diabetes: a consensus report on the Igls criteria from the IPITA/EPITA opinion leaders workshop, Transplant International 31(4): 343-352.
- Kracht, M.J.L.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Hoeben, R.C.; Roep, B.O. & Zaldumbide, A. (2018), Bioluminescent reporter assay for monitoring ER stress in human beta cells, Scientific Reports 8.
- Benjamens Stan, Margreiter Christian, de Koning Eelco J. R., Leuvenink Henri G. D. & Pol Robert A. (2018), Decline in Pancreas Transplantation Numbers is Accompaniedwith Lower Publication Rates, Transplantation 102: S78-S79.
- Leemkuil, M.; Lier, G.; Engelse, M.A.; Ploeg, R.J.; Koning, E.J.P. de; t'Hart, N.A.; Krikke, C. & Leuvenink, H.G.D. (2018), Hypothermic Oxygenated Machine Perfusion of the Human Donor Pancreas, Transplantation Direct 4(10).
- Lo Nigro A., Juksar J. & De Koning E. (2018), Dissecting pancreatic exocrine heterogeneity to identify a bi-potent progenitor, Human Gene Therapy 29(12): A64-A64.
- Piemonti, L.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Berney, T.; Odorico, J.S.; Markmann, J.F.; Stock, P.G. & Rickels, M.R. (2018), Defining outcomes for beta cell replacement therapy: a work in progress, Diabetologia 61(6): 1273-1276.
- Nijhoff, M.F.; Dubbeld, J.; Erkel, A.R. van; Boog, P.J.M. van der; Rabelink, T.J.; Engelse, M.A. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2018), Islet alloautotransplantation: Allogeneic pancreas transplantation followed by transplant pancreatectomy and islet transplantation, American Journal of Transplantation 18(4): 1016-1019.
- Noordam, R.; Zwetsloot, C.P.A.; Mutsert, R. de; Mook-Kanamori, D.O.; Lamb, H.J.; Roos, A. de; Koning, E.J.P. de; Rosendaal, F.R.; Dijk, K.W. van & Heemst, D. van (2018), Interrelationship of the rs7903146 TCF7L2 gene variant with measures of glucose metabolism and adiposity: The NEO study, Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 28(2): 150-157.
- Nijhoff, M.F. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2018), Artificial Pancreas or Novel Beta-Cell Replacement Therapies: a Race for Optimal Glycemic Control?, Current Diabetes Reports 18(11).
- Martinez-Sanchez, A.; Nguyen-Tu, M.S.; Cebola, I.; Yavari, A.; Marchetti, P.; Piemonti, L.; Koning, E. de; Shapiro, A.M.J.; Johnson, P.; Sakamoto, K.; Smith, D.M.; Leclerc, I.; Ashrafian, H.; Ferrer, J. & Rutter, G.A. (2018), MiR-184 expression is regulated by AMPK in pancreatic islets, FASEB Journal 32(5): 2587-2600.
- Rickels, M.R.; Stock, P.G.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Piemonti, L.; Pratschke, J.; Alejandro, R.; Bellin, M.D.; Berney, T.; Choudhary, P.; Johnson, P.R.; Kandaswamy, R.; Kay, T.W.H.; Keymeulen, B.; Kudva, Y.C.; Latres, E.; Langer, R.M.; Lehmann, R.; Ludwig, B.; Markmann, J.F.; Marinac, M.; Odorico, J.S.; Pattou, F.; Senior, P.A.; Shaw, J.A.M.; Vantyghem, M.C. & White, S. (2018), Defining Outcomes for -cell Replacement Therapy in the Treatment of Diabetes: A Consensus Report on the Igls Criteria From the IPITA/EPITA Opinion Leaders Workshop, Transplantation 102(9): 1479-1486.
- Benjamens S., Margreiter C., de Koning E., Leuvenink H. & Pol R. (2018), Decline in Pancreas Transplantation Numbers is Accompanied with Lower Publication Rates., American Journal of Transplantation 18: 593-594.
- Rutten, G.E.H.M.; Vugt, H.A. van; Weerdt, I. de & Koning, E. de (2018), Implementation of a Structured Diabetes Consultation Model to Facilitate a Person-Centered Approach: Results From a Nationwide Dutch Study, Diabetes Care 41(4): 688-695.
- Loomans, C.J.M.; Giuliani, N.W.; Balak, J.; Ringnalda, F.; Gurp, L. van; Huch, M.; Boj, S.F.; Sato, T.; Kester, L.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Roost, M.S.; Bonner-Weir, S.; Engelse, M.A.; Rabelink, T.J.; Heimberg, H.; Vries, R.G.J.; Oudenaarden, A. van; Carlotti, F.; Clevers, H. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2018), Expansion of Adult Human Pancreatic Tissue Yields Organoids Harboring Progenitor Cells with Endocrine Differentiation Potential, Stem Cell Reports 10(3): 712-724.
- Staels, W.; Verdonck, Y.; Heremans, Y.; Leuckx, G.; Groef, S. de; Heirman, C.; Koning, E. de; Gysemans, C.; Thielemans, K.; Baeyens, L.; Heimberg, H. & Leu, N. de (2018), Vegf-A mRNA transfection as a novel approach to improve mouse and human islet graft revascularisation, Diabetologia 61(8): 1804-1810.
- Boer, I. de; Stam, A.H.; Buntinx, L.; Zielman, R.; Steen, I. van der; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Koning, E.J.P. de; Ferrari, M.D.; Hoon, J.N. de & Terwindt, G.M. (2018), RVCL-S and CADASIL display distinct impaired vascular function, Neurology 91(10): E956-E963.
- Neiman, D.; Moss, J.; Hecht, M.; Magenheim, J.; Piyanzin, S.; Shapiro, A.M.J.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Razin, A.; Cedar, H.; Shemer, R. & Dor, Y. (2017), Islet cells share promoter hypomethylation independently of expression, but exhibit cell-type-specific methylation in enhancers, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(51): 13525-13530.
- Smink, A.M.; Li, S.; Swart, D.H.; Hertsig, D.T.; Haan, B.J. de; Kamps, J.A.A.M.; Schwab, L.; Apeldoorn, A.A. van; Koning, E. de; Faas, M.M.; Lakey, J.R.T. & Vos, P. de (2017), Stimulation of vascularization of a subcutaneous scaffold applicable for pancreatic islet-transplantation enhances immediate post-transplant islet graft function but not long-term normoglycemia, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 105(9): 2533-2542.
- Smink, A.M.; Li, S.R.; Hertsig, D.T.; Haan, B.J. de; Schwab, L.; Apeldoorn, A.A. van; Koning, E. de; Faas, M.M.; Lakey, J.R.T. & Vos, P. de (2017), The Efficacy of a Prevascularized, Retrievable Poly(D,L,-lactide-co-epsilon-caprolactone) Subcutaneous Scaffold as Transplantation Site for Pancreatic Islets, Transplantation 101(4): E112-E119.
- Smink, A.M.; Hertsig, D.T.; Schwab, L.; Apeldoorn, A.A. van; Koning, E. de; Faas, M.M.; Haan, B.J. de & Vos, P. de (2017), A Retrievable, Efficacious Polymeric Scaffold for Subcutaneous Transplantation of Rat Pancreatic Islets, Annals of Surgery 266(1): 149-157.
- Dharmadhikari, G.; Stolz, K.; Hauke, M.; Morgan, N.G.; Varki, A.; Koning, E. de; Kelm, S. & Maedler, K. (2017), Siglec-7 restores beta-cell function and survival and reduces inflammation in pancreatic islets from patients with diabetes, Scientific Reports 7.
- Busse, N.; Paroni, F.; Richardson, S.J.; Laiho, J.E.; Oikarinen, M.; Frisk, G.; Hyoty, H.; Koning, E. de; Morgan, N.G. & Maedler, K. (2017), Detection and localization of viral infection in the pancreas of patients with type 1 diabetes using short fluorescently-labelled oligonucleotide probes, Oncotarget 8(8): 12620-12636.
- Skrzypek, K.; Nibbelink, M.G.; Lente, J. van; Buitinga, M.; Engelse, M.A.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Karperien, M.; Apeldoorn, A. van & Stamatialis, D. (2017), Pancreatic islet macroencapsulation using microwell porous membranes, Scientific Reports 7.
- Ellenbroek, J.H.; Tons, H.A.M.; Hanegraaf, M.A.J.; Rabelink, T.J.; Engelse, M.A.; Carlotti, F. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2017), Pancreatic alpha-cell mass in obesity, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 19(12): 1810-1813.
- Neiman, D.; Moss, J.; Hecht, M.; Magenheim, J.; Piyanzin, S.; Shapiro, A.M.J.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Razin, A.; Cedar, H.; Shemer, R. & Dor, Y. (2017), Islet cells share promoter hypomethylation independently of expression, but exhibit cell-type-specific methylation in enhancers, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(51): 13525-13530.
- Roefs, M.M.; Carlotti, F.; Jones, K.; Wills, H.; Hamilton, A.; Verschoor, M.; Durkin, J.M.W.; Garcia-Perez, L.; Brereton, M.F.; McCulloch, L.; Engelse, M.A.; Johnson, P.R.V.; Hansen, B.C.; Docherty, K.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Clark, A. (2017), Increased vimentin in human alpha- and beta-cells in type 2 diabetes, Journal of Endocrinology 233(3): 217-227.
- Wanders, A.J.; Alssema, M.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Cessie, S. le; Vries, J.H. de; Zock, P.L.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Heijer, M. den & Mutsert, R. de (2017), Fatty acid intake and its dietary sources in relation with markers of type 2 diabetes risk: The NEO study, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 71(2): 245-251.
- Roost, M.S.; Slieker, R.C.; Bialecka, M.; Iperen, L. van; Fernandes, M.M.G.; He, N.N.; Suchiman, H.E.D.; Szuhai, K.; Carlotti, F.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Mummery, C.L.; Heijmans, B.T. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2017), DNA methylation and transcriptional trajectories during human development and reprogramming of isogenic pluripotent stem cells, Nature Communications 8.
- Kracht, M.J.L.; Lummel, M. van; Nikolic, T.; Joosten, A.M.; Laban, S.; Slik, A.R. van der; Veelen, P.A. van; Carlotti, F.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Hoeben, R.C.; Zaldumbide, A. & Roep, B.O. (2017), Autoimmunity against a defective ribosomal insulin gene product in type 1 diabetes, Nature Medicine 23(4): 501-+.
- Marchioli, G.; Zellner, L.; Oliveira, C.; Engelse, M.; Koning, E. de; Mano, J.; Karperien; Apeldoorn, A. van & Moroni, L. (2017), Layered PEGDA hydrogel for islet of Langerhans encapsulation and improvement of vascularization, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 28(12).
- Berg, B. van den; Wang, G.Q.; Cantelmo, A.R.; Kostidis, S.; Avramut, C.; Jansen, E.; Sol, W.; Lebrin, F.; Vlag, J. van der; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Koning, E. de; Groene, H.J.; Vink, H.; Carmeliet, P. & Rabelink, T. (2017), Loss Of Endothelial Glycocalyx Hyaluronan Upon Glycolytic Activation Results In Reduced Angiopoietin-1 Signaling And Vascular Destabilization, Journal of Vascular Research 54: 66-66.
- Christen, T.; Mutsert, R. de; Gast, K.B.; Rensen, P.C.N.; Koning, E. de; Rosendaal, F.R.; Trompet, S. & Jukema, J.W. (2017), Association of fasting triglyceride concentration and postprandial triglyceride response with the carotid intima-media thickness in the middle aged: The Netherlands Epidemiology of Obesity study, Journal of Clinical Lipidology 11(2): 377-385.
- Buitinga, M.; Assen, F.; Hanegraaf, M.; Wieringa, P.; Hilderink, J.; Moroni, L.; Truckenmuller, R.; Blitterswijk, C. van; Romer, G.W.; Carlotti, F.; Koning, E. de; Karperien, M. & Apeldoorn, A. van (2017), Micro-fabricated scaffolds lead to efficient remission of diabetes in mice, Biomaterials 135: 10-22.
- Buitinga, M.; Portalska, K.J.; Cornelissen, D.J.; Plass, J.; Hanegraaf, M.; Carlotti, F.; Koning, E. de; Engelse, M.; Blitterswijk, C. van; Karperien, M.; Apeldoorn, A. van & Boer, J. de (2016), Coculturing Human Islets with Proangiogenic Support Cells to Improve Islet Revascularization at the Subcutaneous Transplantation Site, Tissue Engineering: Parts A, B, and C 22(3-4): 375-385.
- Schulte, B.M.; Kers-Rebel, E.D.; Bottino, R.; Piganelli, J.D.; Galama, J.M.D.; Engelse, M.A.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Adema, G.J. (2016), Distinct activation of primary human BDCA1(+) dendritic cells upon interaction with stressed or infected beta cells, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 184(3): 293-307.
- Nederstigt, C.; Corssmit, E.P.M.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Dekkers, O.M. (2016), Incidence and prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in type 1 diabetes, Journal of Diabetes and its Complications 30(3): 420-425.
- Smink, A.M.; Haan, B.J. de; Paredes-Juarez, G.A.; Wolters, A.H.G.; Kuipers, J.; Giepmans, B.N.G.; Schwab, L.; Engelse, M.A.; Apeldoorn, A.A. van; Koning, E. de; Faas, M.M. & Vos, P. de (2016), Selection of polymers for application in scaffolds applicable for human pancreatic islet transplantation, Biomedical Materials 11(3).
- Bijkerk, R.; Pol, P. van der; Khairoun, M.; Gijlswijk-Jansen, D.J. van; Lievers, E.; Vries, A.P.J. de; Koning, E.J. de; Fijter, H.W. de; Roelen, D.L.; Vossen, R.H.A.M.; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Kooten, C. van & Reinders, M.E.J. (2016), Simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation in patients with type 1 diabetes reverses elevated MBL levels in association with MBL2 genotype and VEGF expression, Diabetologia 59(4): 853-858.
- Nijhoff, M.F.; Engelse, M.A.; Dubbeld, J.; Braat, A.E.; Ringers, J.; Roelen, D.L.; Erkel, A.R. van; Spijker, H.S.; Bouwsma, H.; Boog, P.J.M. van der; Fijter, J.W. de; Rabelink, T.J. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2016), Glycemic Stability Through Islet-After-Kidney Transplantation Using an Alemtuzumab-Based Induction Regimen and Long-Term Triple-Maintenance Immunosuppression, American Journal of Transplantation 16(1): 246-253.
- Gurp, L. van; Loomans, C.J.M.; Krieken, P.P. van; Dharmadhikari, G.; Jansen, E.; Ringnalda, F.C.A.S.; Beerling, E.; Rheenen, J. van & Koning, E.J.P. de (2016), Sequential intravital imaging reveals in vivo dynamics of pancreatic tissue transplanted under the kidney capsule in mice, Diabetologia 59(11): 2387-2392.
- Sanders, M.F.; Blankestijn, P.J.; Voskuil, M.; Spiering, W.; Vonken, E.J.; Rotmans, J.I.; Hoeven, B.L. van der; Daemen, J.; Meiracker, A.H. van den; Kroon, A.A.; Haan, M.W. de; , M. das; Bax, M.; Meer, I.M. van der; Overhagen, H. van; Born, B.J.H. van den; Brussel, P.M. van; Valk, P.H.M. van der; Gregoor, P.J.H.S.; Meuwissen, M.; Gomes, M.E.R.; Ophuis, T.O.; Troe, E.; Tonino, W.A.L.; Konings, C.J.A.M.; Vries, P.A.M. de; Balen, A. van; Heeg, J.E.; Smit, J.J.J.; Elvan, A.; Steggerda, R.; Niamut, S.M.L.; Peels, J.O.J.; Swart, J.B.R.M. de; Wardeh, A.J.; Groeneveld, J.H.M.; Linden, E. van der; Hemmelder, M.H.; Folkeringa, R.; Stoel, M.G.; Kant, G.D.; Herrman, J.P.R.; Wissen, S. van; Deinum, J.; Westra, S.W.; Aengevaeren, W.R.M.; Parlevliet, K.J.; Schramm, A.; Jessurun, G.A.J.; Rensing, B.J.W.M.; Winkens, M.H.M.; Wierema, T.K.A.; Santegoets, E.; Lipsic, E.; Houwerzijl, E.; Kater, M.; Allaart, C.P.; Nap, A. & Bots, M.L. (2016), Safety and long-term effects of renal denervation: Rationale and design of the Dutch registry, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 74(1): 5-15.
- McLaughlin, R.J.; Haan, A. de; Zaldumbide, A.; Koning, E.J. de; Ru, A.H. de; Veelen, P.A. van; Lummel, M. van & Roep, B.O. (2016), Human islets and dendritic cells generate post-translationally modified islet autoantigens, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 185(2): 133-140.
- Grun, D.; Muraro, M.J.; Boisset, J.C.; Wiebrands, K.; Lyubimova, A.; Dharmadhikari, G.; Born, M. van den; Es, J. van; Jansen, E.; Clevers, H.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Oudenaarden, A. van (2016), De Novo Prediction of Stem Cell Identity using Single-Cell Transcriptome Data, Cell Stem Cell 19(2): 266-277.
- Muraro, M.J.; Dharmadhikari, G.; Grun, D.; Groen, N.; Dielen, T.; Jansen, E.; Gurp, L. van; Engelse, M.A.; Carlotti, F.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Oudenaarden, A. van (2016), A Single-Cell Transcriptome Atlas of the Human Pancreas, Cell Systems 3(4): 385-+.
- Trinanes, J.; Rodriguez, A.; Koning, E. de; Fijter, J. de; Carlotti, F.; Torres, A.; Vries, A. de & Porrini, E. (2016), Tacrolimus (Tac), Rather Than Cyclosporine (CsA), Interacts with Insulin Resistance (IR) to Alter Key Transcription Factors for beta-Cell Identity & Function without Altering NFAT Localization., American Journal of Transplantation 16: 717-718.
- Marchioli, G.; Luca, A. di; Koning, E. de; Engelse, M.; Blitterswijk, C.A. van; Karperien, M.; Apeldoorn, A.A. van & Moroni, L. (2016), Hybrid Polycaprolactone/Alginate Scaffolds Functionalized with VEGF to Promote de Novo Vessel Formation for the Transplantation of Islets of Langerhans, Advanced Healthcare Materials 5(13): 1606-1616.
- Petersen, N.; Reimann, F.; Es, J.H. van; Berg, B.M. van den; Kroone, C.; Pais, R.; Jansen, E.; Clevers, H.; Gribble, F.M. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2015), Targeting development of incretin-producing cells increases insulin secretion, Journal of Clinical Investigation 125(1): 379-385.
- Kopp, W.H.; Verhagen, M.J.J.; Blok, J.J.; Huurman, V.A.L.; Fijter, J.W. de; Koning, E.J. de; Putter, H.; Baranski, A.G.; Schaapherder, A.F.M.; Braat, A.E. & Ringers, J. (2015), Thirty Years of Pancreas Transplantation at Leiden University Medical Center: Long-term Follow-up in a Large Eurotransplant Center, Transplantation 99(9): E145-E151.
- Hadavi, E.; Jonkheijm, P.; Koning, E.J. de; Karperien, M. & Apeldoorn, A. van (2015), Stimulation of Beta-Cell Function by Extracellular Matrix Proteins, Tissue Engineering: Parts A, B, and C 21: S230-S230.
- Leemkuil, M.; Doppenberg, J.; Ploeg, R.; Krikke, C.; Koning, E. de; Engelse, M. & Leuvenink, H. (2015), PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF ISOLATED ISLETS AFTER HYPOTHERMIC MACHINE PERFUSION OF HUMAN DONOR PANCREATA, Transplant International 28: 178-178.
- Leemkuil, M.M.; Doppenberg, J.J.B.; Ploeg, R.R.J.; Krikke, C.C.; Koning, E.E.J.P. de; Engelse, M.M.A. & Leuvenink, H.H.G.D. (2015), PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF ISOLATED ISLETS AFTER HYPOTHERMIC MACHINE PERFUSION OF HUMAN DONOR PANCREATA, Transplantation 99(11): S229-S229.
- Leemkuil, M.M.; Doppenberg, J.J.B.; Ploeg, R.R.J.; Krikke, C.C.; Koning, E.E.J.P. de; Engelse, M.M.A. & Leuvenink, H.H.G.D. (2015), Preliminary results of isolated islets after hypothermic machine perfusion of human donor pancreata, Xenotransplantation 22: S139-S139.
- Buitinga, M.; Portalska, K.J.; Cornelissen, D.J.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Engelse, M.A.; Blitterswijk, C.A. van; Karperien, M.; Apeldoorn, A. van & Boer, J. de (2015), PRECONDITIONED HMSCS AND HUVECS BOOST REVASULARISATION OF HUMAN ISLETS IN A SUBCUTANEOUS TRANSPLANTATION SITE., Transplantation 99(11): S333-S334.
- Buitinga, M.; Portalska, K.J.; Cornelissen, D.J.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Engelse, M.A.; Blitterswijk, C.A. van; Karperien, M.; Apeldoorn, A. van & Boer, J. de (2015), Preconditioned hmscs and huvecs boost revasularisation of human islets in a subcutaneous transplantation site, Xenotransplantation 22: S200-S201.
- Spijker, H.S.; Song, H.; Ellenbroek, J.H.; Roefs, M.M.; Engelse, M.A.; Bos, E.; Koster, A.J.; Rabelink, T.J.; Hansen, B.C.; Clark, A.; Carlotti, F. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2015), Loss of beta-Cell Identity Occurs in Type 2 Diabetes and Is Associated With Islet Amyloid Deposits, Diabetes 64(8): 2928-2938.
- Leemkuil, M.; Engelse, M.M.A.; Ploeg, R.R.J.; Koning, E.E.J.P. de; Krikke, C.C. & Leuvenink, H.H.G.D. (2015), HYPOTHERMIC MACHINE PERFUSION IMPROVES THE QUALITY OF MARGINAL DONOR PANCREATA, Transplantation 99(11): S231-S231.
- Leemkuil, M.; Engelse, M.M.A.; Ploeg, R.R.J.; Koning, E.E.J.P. de; Krikke, C.C. & Leuvenink, H.H.G.D. (2015), Hypothermic machine perfusion improves the quality of marginal donor pancreata, Xenotransplantation 22: S140-S141.
- Doppenberg, J.B.; Putter, H.; Nijhoff, M.F.; Engelse, M.A. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2015), Good functionality but lower yield after islet isolation from donation after circulatory death pancreata, Xenotransplantation 22: S142-S142.
- Marchioli, G.; Gurp, L. van; Krieken, P.P. van; Stamatialis, D.; Engelse, M.; Blitterswijk, C.A. van; Karperien, M.B.J.; Koning, E. de; Alblas, J.; Moroni, L. & Apeldoorn, A.A. van (2015), Fabrication of three-dimensional bioplotted hydrogel scaffolds for islets of Langerhans transplantation, Biofabrication 7(2).
- Buitinga, M.; Assen, F.; Wieringa, P.; Hilderink, J.; Moroni, L.; Buchwald, P.; Truckenmuller, R.; Romer, G.W.; Carlotti, F.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Karperien, M. & Apeldoorn, A. van (2015), EXTRAHEPATIC ISLET TRANSPLANTATION USING BIOENGINEERED ADVANCED MICROFABRICATED THIN-FILM MACROPOROUS MICROWELL SCAFFOLDS LEADS TO RAPID RECOVERY OF NORMOGLYCEMIA IN DIABETIC MICE., Transplantation 99(11): S96-S97.
- Buitinga, M.; Assen, F.; Wieringa, P.; Hilderink, J.; Moroni, L.; Buchwald, P.; Truckenmuller, R.; Romer, G.W.; Carlotti, F.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Karperien, M. & Apeldoom, A. (2015), Extrahepatic islet transplantation using bioengineered advanced microfabricated thin-film macroporous microwell scaffolds leads to rapid recovery of normoglycemia in diabetic mice, Xenotransplantation 22: S61-S61.
- Smink, A.; Haan, B.J. de; Paredes-Juarez, G.A.; Hertsig, D.T.; Marchioli, G.; Schwab, L.; Disbergen, J.; Engelse, M.A.; Apeldoorn, A.A. van; Koning, E. de; Faas, M.M. & Vos, P. de (2015), DESIGNING A NOVEL ARTIFICIAL TRANSPLANTATION SITE FOR HUMAN PANCREATIC ISLETS, Transplantation 99(11): S284-S284.
- Smink, A.; Haan, B.J. de; Paredes-Juarez, G.A.; Hertsig, D.T.; Marchioli, G.; Schwab, L.; Disbergen, J.; Engelse, M.A.; Apeldoorn, A.A. van; Koning, E. de; Faas, M.M. & Vos, P. de (2015), Designing a novel artificial transplantation site for human pancreatic islets, Xenotransplantation 22: S171-S172.
- Hilderink, J.; Spijker, S.; Carlotti, F.; Lange, L.; Engelse, M.A.; Blitterswijk, C.A. van; Koning, E.J.P. de; Karperien, M. & Apeldoorn, A. van (2015), Controlled reassembly of human donor islet cells into well-defined organoids results in glucose-responsive and functional pseudoislets in vitro, capable of c-peptide production in a mouse kidney capsule transplant model, Xenotransplantation 22: S198-S198.
- Bijkerk, R.; Duijs, J.M.G.J.; Khairoun, M.; Horst, C.J.H. ter; Pol, P. van der; Mallat, M.J.; Rotmans, J.I.; Vries, A.P.J. de; Koning, E.J. de; Fijter, J.W. de; Rabelink, T.J.; Zonneveld, A.J. van & Reinders, M.E.J. (2015), Circulating MicroRNAs Associate With Diabetic Nephropathy and Systemic Microvascular Damage and Normalize After Simultaneous Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation, American Journal of Transplantation 15(4): 1081-1090.
- Buitinga, M.; Assen, F.; Carlotti, F.; Wieringa, P.; Romer, G.R.; Moroni, L.; Truckenmuller, R.; Blitterswijk, C. van; Koning, E.J. de; Karperien, M. & Apeldoorn, A.A. van (2015), Bioengineering of a Microfabricated Porous Bioartificial Endocrine Pancreas for Extrahepatic Islet Transplantation, Tissue Engineering: Parts A, B, and C 21: S44-S44.
- Schwede, F.; Bertinetti, D.; Langerijs, C.N.; Hadders, M.A.; Wienk, H.; Ellenbroek, J.H.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Bos, J.L.; Herberg, F.W.; Genieser, H.G.; Janssen, R.A.J. & Rehmann, H. (2015), Structure-Guided Design of Selective Epac1 and Epac2 Agonists.
- Hilderink, J.; Spijker, S.; Carlotti, F.; Lange, L.; Engelse, M.; Blitterswijk, C. van; Koning, E. de; Karperien, M. & Apeldoorn, A. van (2015), Controlled aggregation of primary human pancreatic islet cells leads to glucose-responsive pseudoislets comparable to native islets.
- Hoelen, H.; Zaldumbide, A.; Leeuwen, W.F. van; Torfs, E.C.W.; Engelse, M.A.; Hassan, C.; Lebbink, R.J.; Koning, E.J. de; Resssing, M.E.; Ru, A.H. de; Veelen, P.A. van; Hoeben, R.C.; Roep, B.O. & Wiertz, E.J.H.J. (2015), Proteasomal Degradation of Proinsulin Requires Derlin-2, HRD1 and p97, PLoS ONE 10(6).
- Roost, M.S.; Iperen, L. van; Ariyurek, Y.; Buermans, H.P.; Arindrarto, W.; Devalla, H.D.; Passier, R.; Mummery, C.L.; Carlotti, F.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Zwet, E.W. van; Goeman, J.J. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2015), KeyGenes, a Tool to Probe Tissue Differentiation Using a Human Fetal Transcriptional Atlas, Stem Cell Reports 4(6): 1112-1124.
- Slieker, R.C.; Roost, M.S.; Iperen, L. van; Suchiman, H.E.D.; Tobi, E.W.; Carlotti, F.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Slagboom, P.E.; Heijmans, B.T. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2015), DNA Methylation Landscapes of Human Fetal Development, PLoS Genetics 11(10).
- Weinreich, S.S.; Bosma, A.; Henneman, L.; Rigter, T.; Spruijt, C.M.J.; Grimbergen, A.J.E.M.A.; Breuning, M.H.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Losekoot, M. & Cornel, M.C. (2015), A decade of molecular genetic testing for MODY: a retrospective study of utilization in The Netherlands, European Journal of Human Genetics 23(1): 29-33.
- Weinreich, S.S.; Bosma, A.; Henneman, L.; Rigter, T.; Spruijt, C.M.J.; Grimbergen, A.J.E.M.A.; Breuning, M.H.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Losekoot, M. & Cornel, M.C. (2015), A decade of molecular genetic testing for MODY: a retrospective study of utilization in The Netherlands, European Journal of Human Genetics 23(1): 29-33.
- Paredes-Juarez, G.A.; Sahasrabudhe, N.M.; Tjoelker, R.S.; Haan, B.J. de; Engelse, M.A.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Faas, M.M. & Vos, P. de (2015), DAMP production by human islets under low oxygen and nutrients in the presence or absence of an immunoisolating-capsule and necrostatin-1, Scientific Reports 5.
- Petersen, N.; Reimann, F.; Es, J.H. van; Berg, B.M. van den; Kroone, C.; Pais, R.; Jansen, E.; Clevers, H.; Gribble, F.M. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2015), Targeting development of incretin-producing cells increases insulin secretion, Journal of Clinical Investigation 125(1): 379-385.
- Petersen, N.; Reimann, F.; Bartfeld, S.; Farin, H.F.; Ringnalda, F.C.; Vries, R.G.J.; Brink, S. van den; Clevers, H.; Gribble, F.M. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2014), Generation of L Cells in Mouse and Human Small Intestine Organoids, Diabetes 63(2): 410-420.
- Petersen, N.; Reimann, F.; Bartfeld, S.; Farin, H.F.; Ringnalda, F.C.; Vries, R.G.J.; Brink, S. van den; Clevers, H.; Gribble, F.M. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2014), Generation of L Cells in Mouse and Human Small Intestine Organoids, Diabetes 63(2): 410-420.
- Mol, P. de; Vries, S.T. de; Koning, E.J.P. de; Gans, R.O.B.; Bilo, H.J.G. & Tack, C.J. (2014), Physical Activity at Altitude: Challenges for People With Diabetes A Review, Diabetes Care 37(8): 2404-2413.
- Mol, P. de; Vries, S.T. de; Koning, E.J.P. de; Gans, R.O.B.; Bilo, H.J.G. & Tack, C.J. (2014), Physical Activity at Altitude: Challenges for People With Diabetes A Review, Diabetes Care 37(8): 2404-2413.
- Roos, C.J.; Delgado, V.; Koning, E.J. de; Rabelink, T.J.; Jukema, J.W.; Bax, J.J. & Scholte, A.J. (2014), Associations of atherosclerosis in the descending thoracic aorta on CTA with arterial stiffness and chronic kidney disease in asymptomatic patients with diabetes mellitus, International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging 30(6): 1151-1159.
- Bijkerk, R.; Duijs, J.; Khairoun, M.; Horst, K. ter; Mallat, M.; Rotmans, J.; Vries, A. de; Koning, E. de; Fijter, H. de; Rabelink, T.; Zonneveld, A. van & Reinders, M. (2014), Circulating MicroRNAs Associate With Pathogenesis of Diabetic Nephropathy and Normalize After Simultaneous Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation, Transplantation 98: 526-527.
- Bijkerk, R.; Duijs, J.; Khairoun, M.; Horst, K. ter; Mallat, M.; Rotmans, J.; Vries, A. de; Koning, E. de; Fijter, H. de; Rabelink, T.; Zonneveld, A. van & Reinders, M. (2014), Circulating MicroRNAs Associate With Pathogenesis of Diabetic Nephropathy and Normalize After Simultaneous Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation., American Journal of Transplantation 14: 526-527.
- Blok, J.; Verhagen, M.; Kopp, W.; Huurman, V.; Fijter, J. de; Koning, E. de; Putter, H.; Ringers, J. & Braat, A. (2014), Differences in Outcome After Pancreas Transplantation: A Plea for a Clearer Definition of Graft Survival, Transplantation 98: 858-858.
- Blok, J.; Verhagen, M.; Kopp, W.; Huurman, V.; Fijter, J. de; Koning, E. de; Putter, H.; Ringers, J. & Braat, A. (2014), Differences in Outcome After Pancreas Transplantation: A Plea for a Clearer Definition of Graft Survival, American Journal of Transplantation 14: 858-858.
- Krol, C.G.; Klok, F.A. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2014), Diplopia as the Presenting Symptom of Type 1 Diabetes, Diabetes Care 37(3): E45-E46.
- Pol, P. van der; Gijlswijk-Jansen, D. van; Bijkerk, R.; Koning, E. de; Fijter, J. de; Kooten, C. van & Reinders, M. (2014), Elevated MBL Levels in Type 1 Diabetic Patients Are Reversed After Simultaneous Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation, Transplantation 98: 219-219.
- Pol, P. van der; Gijlswijk-Jansen, D. van; Bijkerk, R.; Koning, E. de; Fijter, J. de; Kooten, C. van & Reinders, M. (2014), Elevated MBL Levels in Type 1 Diabetic Patients Are Reversed After Simultaneous Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation., American Journal of Transplantation 14: 219-219.
- Leemkuil, M.; Leuvenink, H.G.D.; Engelse, M.A.; Ploeg, R.J.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Krikke, C. (2014), HYPOTHERMIC MACHINE PERFUSION OF THE PANCREAS: A PROMISING PRESERVATION METHOD FOR ISLET ISOLATION, Transplant International 27: 14-14.
- Spijker, H.S.; Wolffenbuttel, B.H.R.; , W. van der bij; Engelse, M.A.; Rabelink, T.J. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2014), Islet-After-Lung Transplantation in a Patient With Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes, Diabetes Care 37(7): E159-E160.
- Ellenbroek, J.H.; Dijck, L. van; Tons, H.A.; Rabelink, T.J.; Carlotti, F.; Ballieux, B.E.P.B. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2014), Long-term ketogenic diet causes glucose intolerance and reduced beta- and alpha-cell mass but no weight loss in mice, AJP - Endocrinology and Metabolism 306(5): E552-E558.
- Ellenbroek, J.H.; Tons, H.A.M.; Hanegraaf, M.A.J.; Rabelink, T.J.; Engelse, M.A.; Carlotti, F. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2014), Topologically Heterogeneous Beta- and Alpha-Cell Adaptation and Maintenance of Alpha- to Beta-Cell Ratio in Obesity, Endocrine Reviews 35(3).
- Spinnler, R.; Gorski, T.; Stolz, K.; Schuster, S.; Garten, A.; Beck-Sickinger, A.G.; Engelse, M.A.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Korner, A.; Kiess, W. & Maedler, K. (2013), The Adipocytokine Nampt and Its Product NMN Have No Effect on Beta-Cell Survival but Potentiate Glucose Stimulated Insulin Secretion, PLoS ONE 8(1): -.
- Hart, L.M. 't; Fritsche, A.; Nijpels, G.; Leeuwen, N. van; Donnelly, L.A.; Dekker, J.M.; Alssema, M.; Fadista, J.; Carlotti, F.; Gjesing, A.P.; Palmer, C.N.A.; Haeften, T.W. van; Herzberg-Schafer, S.A.; Simonis-Bik, A.M.C.; Houwing-Duistermaat, J.J.; Helmer, Q.; Deelen, J.; Guigas, B.; Hansen, T.; Machicao, F.; Willemsen, G.; Heine, R.J.; Kramer, M.H.H.; Holst, J.J.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Haring, H.U.; Pedersen, O.; Groop, L.; Geus, E.J.C. de; Slagboom, P.E.; Boomsma, D.I.; Eekhoff, E.M.W.; Pearson, E.R. & Diamant, M. (2013), The CTRB1/2 Locus Affects Diabetes Susceptibility and Treatment via the Incretin Pathway, Diabetes 62(9): 3275-3281.
- Djaberi, R.; Schuijf, J.D.; Koning, E.J. de; Wijewickrama, D.C.; Pereira, A.M.; Smit, J.W.; Kroft, L.J.; Roos, A. de; Bax, J.J.; Rabelink, T.J. & Jukema, J.W. (2013), Non-invasive assessment of microcirculation by sidestream dark field imaging as a marker of coronary artery disease in diabetes, Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research 10(2): 123-134.
- Buitinga, M.; Truckenmuller, R.; Engelse, M.A.; Moroni, L.; Hoopen, H.W.M. ten; Blitterswijk, C.A. van; Koning, E.J.P. de; Apeldoorn, A.A. van & Karperien, M. (2013), Microwell Scaffolds for the Extrahepatic Transplantation of Islets of Langerhans, PLoS ONE 8(5).
- Khairoun, M.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Berg, B.M. van den; Lievers, E.; Boer, H.C. de; Schaapherder, A.F.M.; Mallat, M.J.K.; Rotmans, J.I.; Boog, P.J.M. van der; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Fijter, J.W. de; Rabelink, T.J. & Reinders, M.E.J. (2013), Microvascular Damage in Type 1 Diabetic Patients Is Reversed in the First Year After Simultaneous Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation, American Journal of Transplantation 13(5): 1272-1281.
- Hilderink, J.; Otto, C.; Slump, C.; Lenferink, A.; Engelse, M.; Blitterswijk, C. van; Koning, E. de; Karperien, M. & Apeldoorn, A. van (2013), Label-Free Detection of Insulin and Glucagon within Human Islets of Langerhans Using Raman Spectroscopy, PLoS ONE 8(10).
- Moran, A.; Bundy, B.; Becker, D.J.; DiMeglio, L.A.; Gitelman, S.E.; Goland, R.; Greenbaum, C.J.; Herold, K.C.; Marks, J.B.; Raskin, P.; Sanda, S.; Schatz, D.; Wherrett, D.K.; Wilson, D.M.; Krischer, J.P.; Skyler, J.S.; Pickersgill, L.; Koning, E. de; Ziegler, A.G.; Boehm, B.; Badenhoop, K.; Schloot, N.; Bak, J.F.; Pozzilli, P.; Mauricio, D.; Donath, M.Y.; Castano, L.; Wagner, A.; Lervang, H.H.; Perrild, H.; Mandrup-Poulsen, T.; Type 1 Diabet TrialNet Canakinumab & AIDA Study Grp (2013), Interleukin-1 antagonism in type 1 diabetes of recent onset: two multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, Lancet 381(9881): 1905-1915.
- Mourer, J.S.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Zwet, E.W. van; Mallat, M.J.K.; Rabelink, T.J. & Fijter, J.W. de (2013), Impact of Late Calcineurin Inhibitor Withdrawal on Ambulatory Blood Pressure and Carotid Intima Media Thickness in Renal Transplant Recipients, Transplantation 96(1): 49-57.
- Ellenbroek, J.H.; Tons, H.A.M.; Meeteren, M.J.A.W. van; Graaf, N. de; Hanegraaf, M.A.; Rabelink, T.J.; Carlotti, F. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2013), Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist treatment reduces beta cell mass in normoglycaemic mice, Diabetologia 56(9): 1980-1986.
- Jonker, J.T.; Mol, P. de; Vries, S.T. de; Widya, R.L.; Hammer, S.; Schinkel, L.D. van; Meer, R.W. van der; Gans, R.O.B.; Webb, A.G.; Kan, H.E.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Bilo, H.J.G. & Lamb, H.J. (2013), Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Changes in Tissue-specific Fat Distribution and Cardiac Function, Radiology 269(2): 433-441.
- Bijkerk, R.; Khairoun, M.; Duijs, J.; Horst, K. ter; Vries, A. de; Koning, E. de; Fijter, J. de; Rabelink, T.; Zonneveld, A. van & Reinders, M. (2013), Circulating MicroRNAs Correlate with Diabetic Nephropathy and Systemic Microvascular Damage and Normalize after Simultaneous Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation., American Journal of Transplantation 13: 440-440.
- Hilderink, J.; Spijker, S.; Buitinga, M.; Janeczek-Portalska, K.; Engelse, M.; Boer, J. de; Blitterswijk, C. van; Carlotti, F.; Koning, E. de; Karperien, M. & Apeldoorn, A. van (2013), Controlled Aggregation of Primary Human Pancreatic Islet Cells Using Agarose Microwell Chips, Transplantation 96(6): S138-S138.
- Loomans, C.; Williams, N.; Gurp, L. van; Ringnalda, F.; Sato, T.; Engelse, M.; Rabelink, T.; Clevers, H. & Koning, E. de (2013), Generation of Human Pancreatic Organoids in a Three-Dimensional Culture System as a Potential New Source for Beta Cells, Transplantation 96(6): S118-S118.
- Marchioli, G.; Luca, A. di; Engelse, M.; Koning, E. de; Blitterswijk, C. van; Karperien, M.; Apeldoorn, A. van & Moroni, L. (2013), Hybrid Polymer Hydrogel Scaffolds for the Improvement of Islets of Langerhans Revascularization After Transplantation, Transplantation 96(6): S70-S70.
- Marchioli, G.; Luca, A. di; Engelse, M.; Koning, E. de; Blitterswijk, C. van; Karperien, M.; Apeldoorn, A. van & Moroni, L. (2013), Hybrid Polymer Hydrogel Scaffolds for the Improvement of Islets of Langerhans Revascularization After Transplantation, Transplantation 96(6): S73-S73.
- Engelse, M.; Leemkuil, M.; Nijs, M. de; Ringers, J.; Braat, D.; Leuvenink, H.; Krikke, C. & Koning, E. de (2013), Hypothermal Machine Perfusion of Human Donor Pancreata Prior to Islet Isolation: A Pilot Study., Transplantation 96(6): S39-S39.
- Hilderink, J.; Otto, C.; Slump, C.; Lenferink, A.; Engelse, M.; Blitterswijk, C. van; Koning, E. de; Karperien, M. & Apeldoorn, A. van (2013), Label-Free Detection of Insulin and Glucagon within Islets of Langerhans using Raman Spectroscopy, Transplantation 96(6): S103-S103.
- Buitinga, M.; Engelse, M.; Truckenmuller, R.; Moroni, L.; Koning, E. de; Karperien, M. & Apeldoorn, A. van (2013), Microwell Scaffolds for Extrahepatic Transplantation of Islets of Langerhans, Transplantation 96(6): S70-S70.
- Doppenberg, J.; Engelse, M. & Koning, E. de (2013), Optimizing the Islet Cell Counter-2 for IEQ Assessment, Transplantation 96(6): S66-S66.
- Ellenbroek, J.H.; Tons, H.A.; Graaf, N. de; Loomans, C.J.; Engelse, M.A.; Vrolijk, H.; Voshol, P.J.; Rabelink, T.J.; Carlotti, F. & Koning, E.J. de (2013), Topologically Heterogeneous Beta Cell Adaptation in Response to High-Fat Diet in Mice, PLoS ONE 8(2).
- Gast, K.B.; Smit, J.W.A.; Heijer, M. den; Middeldorp, S.; Rippe, R.C.A.; Cessie, S. le; Koning, E.J.P. de; Jukema, J.W.; Rabelink, T.J.; Roos, A. de; Rosendaal, F.R.; Mutsert, R. de & NEO Study Grp (2013), Abdominal adiposity largely explains associations between insulin resistance, hyperglycemia and subclinical atherosclerosis: The NEO study, Atherosclerosis 229(2): 423-429.
- Spijker, H.S.; Ravelli, R.B.G.; Mommaas-Kienhuis, A.M.; Apeldoorn, A.A. van; Engelse, M.A.; Zaldumbide, A.; Bonner-Weir, S.; Rabelink, T.J.; Hoeben, R.C.; Clevers, H.; Mummery, C.L.; Carlotti, F. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2013), Conversion of Mature Human beta-Cells Into Glucagon-Producing alpha-Cells, Diabetes 62(7): 2471-2480.
- Roos, C.J.; Auger, D.; Djaberi, R.; Koning, E.J. de; Rabelink, T.J.; Pereira, A.M.; Bax, J.J.; Delgado, V.; Jukema, J.W. & Scholte, A.J. (2013), Relationship between left ventricular diastolic function and arterial stiffness in asymptomatic patients with diabetes mellitus, International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging 29(3): 609-616.
- Zaldumbide, A.; Alkemade, G.; Carlotti, F.; Nikolic, T.; Abreu, J.R.F.; Engelse, M.A.; Skowera, A.; Koning, E.J. de; Peakman, M.; Roep, B.O.; Hoeben, R.C. & Wiertz, E.J.H.J. (2013), Genetically Engineered Human Islets Protected From CD8-mediated Autoimmune Destruction In Vivo, Molecular Therapy 21(8): 1592-1601.
- Huch, M.; Bonfanti, P.; Boj, S.F.; Sato, T.; Loomans, C.J.M.; Wetering, M. van de; Sojoodi, M.; Li, V.S.W.; Schuijers, J.; Gracanin, A.; Ringnalda, F.; Begthel, H.; Hamer, K.; Mulder, J.; Es, J.H. van; Koning, E. de; Vries, R.G.J.; Heimberg, H. & Clevers, H. (2013), Unlimited in vitro expansion of adult bi-potent pancreas progenitors through the Lgr5/R-spondin axis, EMBO Journal 32(20): 2708-2721.
- Hart, L.M. 't; Fritsche, A.; Leeuwen, N. van; Nijpels, G.; Donnelly, L.A.; Dekker, J.M.; Fadista, J.; Groop, L.; Carlotti, F.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Boomsma, D.I.; Geus, E.J.C. de; Eekhoff, E.M.W.; Pearson, E.R. & Diamant, M. (2013), The CTRB1/CTRB2/BCAR1 locus is associated with GLP-1 stimulated insulin secretion and DPP-4 inhibitor treatment response, Diabetologia 56: S154-S154.
- Mol, P. de; Fokkert, M.J.; Vries, S.T. de; Koning, E.J.P. de; Dikkeschei, B.D.; Gans, R.O.B.; Tack, C.J. & Bilo, H.J.G. (2012), Metabolic Effects of High Altitude Trekking in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes, Diabetes Care 35(10): 2018-2020.
- Smelt, M.J.; Faas, M.M.; Haan, B.J. de; Draijer, C.; Hugenholtz, G.C.G.; Haan, A. de; Engelse, M.A.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Vos, P. de (2012), Susceptibility of Human Pancreatic beta Cells for Cytomegalovirus Infection and the Effects on Cellular Immunogenicity, Pancreas 41(1): 39-49.
- Schulte, B.M.; Lanke, K.H.W.; Piganelli, J.D.; Kers-Rebel, E.D.; Bottino, R.; Trucco, M.; Huijbens, R.J.F.; Radstake, T.R.D.J.; Engelse, M.A.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Galama, J.M.; Adema, G.J. & Kuppeveld, F.J.M. van (2012), Cytokine and Chemokine Production by Human Pancreatic Islets Upon Enterovirus Infection, Diabetes 61(8): 2030-2036.
- Mol, P. de; Fokkert, M.J.; Vries, S.T. de; Koning, E.J.P. de; Dikkeschei, B.D.; Gans, R.O.B.; Tack, C.J. & Bilo, H.J.G. (2012), Metabolic Effects of High Altitude Trekking in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes, Diabetes Care 35(10): 2018-2020.
- Ritsma, L.; Steller, E.J.A.; Beerling, E.; Loomans, C.J.M.; Zomer, A.; Gerlach, C.; Vrisekoop, N.; Seinstra, D.; Gurp, L. van; Schafer, R.; Raats, D.A.; Graaff, A. de; Schumacher, T.N.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Rinkes, I.H.B.; Kranenburg, O. & Rheenen, J. van (2012), Intravital Microscopy Through an Abdominal Imaging Window Reveals a Pre-Micrometastasis Stage During Liver Metastasis, Science Translational Medicine 4(158): -.
- Roos, C.; Auger, D.; Djaberi, R.; Koning, E.J. de; Rabelink, T.J.; Smit, J.W.; Pereira, A.M.; Bax, J.; Delgado, V.; Jukema, J. & Scholte, A. (2012), ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN LEFT VENTRICULAR DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION AND VASCULAR STIFFNESS AS ASSESSED WITH APPLANATION TONOMETRY IN ASYMPTOMATIC PATIENTS WITH DIABETES, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 59(13): E1674-E1674.
- Buitinga, M.; Janeczek-Portalska, K.K.; Hilderink, J.; Koning, E.J. de; Engelse, M.A.; Blitterswijk, C. van; Karperien, M.; Boer, J. de & Apeldoorn, A.A. van (2012), Coating Islets of Langerhans with cells improves sprout formation in vitro, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 6: 120-120.
- Schulte, B.M.; Lanke, K.H.W.; Piganelli, J.D.; Kers-Rebel, E.D.; Bottino, R.; Trucco, M.; Huijbens, R.J.F.; Radstake, T.R.D.J.; Engelse, M.A.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Galama, J.M.; Adema, G.J. & Kuppeveld, F.J.M. van (2012), Cytokine and Chemokine Production by Human Pancreatic Islets Upon Enterovirus Infection, Diabetes 61(8): 2030-2036.
- Ritsma, L.; Steller, E.J.A.; Beerling, E.; Loomans, C.J.M.; Zomer, A.; Gerlach, C.; Vrisekoop, N.; Seinstra, D.; Gurp, L. van; Schafer, R.; Raats, D.A.; Graaff, A. de; Schumacher, T.N.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Rinkes, I.H.B.; Kranenburg, O. & Rheenen, J. van (2012), Intravital Microscopy Through an Abdominal Imaging Window Reveals a Pre-Micrometastasis Stage During Liver Metastasis, Science Translational Medicine 4(158): -.
- Marchioli, G.; Hilderink, J.; Engelse, M.; Koning, E. de; Blitterswijk, C. van; Moroni, L.; Alblas, J.; Karperien, M. & Apeldoorn, A. van (2012), Pseudo-islets as an in vitro model to study biomaterials for transplantation of islets of langerhans, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 6: 121-121.
- Smelt, M.J.; Faas, M.M.; Haan, B.J. de; Draijer, C.; Hugenholtz, G.C.G.; Haan, A. de; Engelse, M.A.; Koning, E.J.P. de & Vos, P. de (2012), Susceptibility of Human Pancreatic beta Cells for Cytomegalovirus Infection and the Effects on Cellular Immunogenicity, Pancreas 41(1): 39-49.
- Ritsma, L.; Steller, E.J.A.; Beerling, E.; Loomans, C.J.M.; Zomer, A.; Gerlach, C.; Vrisekoop, N.; Seinstra, D.; Gurp, L. van; Schafer, R.; Raats, D.A.; Graaff, A. de; Schumacher, T.N.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Rinkes, I.H.B.; Kranenburg, O. & Rheenen, J. van (2012), Peering Into Cancer, Science Translational Medicine 4(158): -.
- Roos, C.J.; Auger, D.; Djaberi, R.; Koning, E.J. de; Rabelink, T.J.; Pereira, A.M.; Bax, J.J.; Delgado, V.; Jukema, J.W. & Scholte, A.J. (2012), Relationship between left ventricular diastolic function and arterial stiffness in asymptomatic patients with diabetes mellitus.
- Ellenbroek, J.H.; Tons, H.A.; Graaf, N. de; Loomans, C.J.M.; Engelse, M.A.; Vrolijk, H.; Rabelink, T.J.; Carlotti, F. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2012), Beta cell adaptation is topologically heterogeneous throughout the pancreas, Diabetologia 55: S183-S183.
- Stolz, K.; Spinnler, R.; Gorski, T.; Laue, S.; Schuster, S.; Garten, A.; Kratzsch, J.; Kovacs, P.; Heiker, J.; Beck-Sickinger, A.; Koning, E. de; Korner, A.; Kiess, W. & Maedler, K. (2012), The adipocytokines Nampt and vaspin have no effect on beta cell survival but potentiate glucose stimulated insulin secretion, Diabetologia 55: S209-S209.
- Mol, P. de; Vries, S.T. de; Koning, E.J.P. de; Gans, R.O.B.; Tack, C.J. & Bilo, H.J.G. (2011), Increased Insulin Requirements During Exercise at Very High Altitude in Type 1 Diabetes, Diabetes Care 34(3): 591-595.
- Roos, C.J.; Djaberi, R.; Schuijf, J.D.; Koning, E.J. de; Rabelink, T.J.; Smit, J.W.; Pereira, A.M.; Younis, I. al; Hiel, B. van der; Scholte, A.J.; Bax, J.J. & Jukema, J.W. (2011), Relationship between vascular stiffness and stress myocardial perfusion imaging in asymptomatic patients with diabetes, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 38(11): 2050-2057.
- Boer, H.C. de; Hovens, M.M.; Oeveren-Rietdijk, A.M. van; Snoep, J.D.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Tamsma, J.T.; Huisman, M.V.; Rabelink, A.J. & Zonneveld, A.J. van (2011), Human CD34(+)/KDR+ Cells Are Generated From Circulating CD34(+) Cells After Immobilization on Activated Platelets, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 31(2): 408U370.
- Mol, P. de; Fokkert, M.J.; Vries, S.T. de; Koning, E.J.P. de; Dikkeschei, B.D.; Gans, R.O.B.; Tack, C.J. & Bilo, H.J.G. (2011), High altitude trekking preceded by training improves glycaemic control and insulin sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, Diabetologia 54: S249-S249.
- Carlotti F, Zaldumbide A, Ellenbroek JH, Spijker HS, Hoeben RC & de Koning EJ (2011), β-Cell Generation: Can Rodent Studies Be Translated to Humans?, Journal of Transplantation 2011: 892453.
- Buitinga, M.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Engelse, M.A.; Truckenmuller, R.; Moroni, L.; Blitterswijk, C.A. van; Karperien, M. & Apeldoorn, A.A. van (2011), MICROWELL SCAFFOLDS FOR EXTRAHEPATIC ISLET OF LANGERHANS TRANSPLANTATION IN TYPE 1 DIABETES, International Journal of Artificial Organs 34(8): 632-633.
- Mol, P. de; Vries, S.T. de; Koning, E.J.P. de; Gans, R.O.B.; Tack, C.J. & Bilo, H.J.G. (2011), Increased Insulin Requirements During Exercise at Very High Altitude in Type 1 Diabetes, Diabetes Care 34(3): 591-595.
- Jonker, J.T.; Mol, P. de; Vries, S.T. de; Widya, R.L.; Kan, H.E.; Hammer, S.; Gans, R.O.B.; Dikkeschei, L.D.; Webb, A.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Bilo, H.J.G. & Lamb, H.J. (2011), Exercise training in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus induces tissue specific changes in (ectopic) fat content, Diabetologia 54: S249-S249.
- Kort, H. de; Koning, E.J. de; Rabelink, T.J.; Bruijn, J.A. & Bajema, I.M. (2011), Islet transplantation in type 1 diabetes, British medical journal 342.
- Wijk, J.P.H. van; Hoepelman, A.I.M.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Dallinga-Thie, G.; Rabelink, T.J. & Cabezas, M.C. (2011), Differential Effects of Rosiglitazone and Metformin on Postprandial Lipemia in Patients With HIV-Lipodystrophy, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 31(1): 228-233.
- Hilderink, J.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Engelse, M.A.; Otto, C.; Blitterswijk, C.A. van; Karperien, M. & Apeldoorn, A.A. van (2011), NON-DESTRUCTIVE QUALITY CONTROL FOR ISLET TRANSPLANTATION USING RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY, International Journal of Artificial Organs 34(8): 641-641.
- Boer, H.C. de; Hovens, M.M.; Oeveren-Rietdijk, A.M. van; Snoep, J.D.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Tamsma, J.T.; Huisman, M.V.; Rabelink, A.J. & Zonneveld, A.J. van (2011), Human CD34+/KDR+ cells are generated from circulating CD34+ cells after immobilization on activated platelets.
- Kort, H. de; Munivenkatappa, R.B.; Berger, S.P.; Eikmans, M.; Wal, A. van der; Koning, E.J. de; Kooten, C. van; Heer, E. de; Barth, R.N.; Bruijn, J.A.; Philosophe, B.; Drachenberg, C.B. & Bajema, I.M. (2010), Pancreas Allograft Biopsies with Positive C4d Staining and Anti-Donor Antibodies Related to Worse Outcome for Patients, American Journal of Transplantation 10(7): 1660-1667.
- Caballero-Corbalan, J.; Brandhorst, H.; Asif, S.; Korsgren, O.; Engelse, M.; Koning, E. de; Pattou, F.; Kerr-Conte, J. & Brandhorst, D. (2010), Mammalian Tissue-Free Liberase: A New GMP-Graded Enzyme Blend for Human Islet Isolation, Transplantation 90(3): 332-333.
- Kirkpatrick, C.L.; Marchetti, P.; Purrello, F.; Piro, S.; Bugliani, M.; Bosco, D.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Engelse, M.A.; Kerr-Conte, J.; Pattou, F. & Wollheim, C.B. (2010), Type 2 Diabetes Susceptibility Gene Expression in Normal or Diabetic Sorted Human Alpha and Beta Cells: Correlations with Age or BMI of Islet Donors, PLoS ONE 5(6).
- Wijk, J.P.H. van; Hoepelman, I.M.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Dallinga-Thie, G.M.; Rabelink, T.J. & Cabezas, M.C. (2010), Differential Effects of Rosiglitazone and Metformin on Postprandial Remnant-like Particle Cholesterol and Fatty Acid Metabolism in Patients with HIV-Lipodystrophy: A Randomized Study, Atherosclerosis. Supplements 11(1): 71-72.
- Boer, H.C. de; Hovens, M.M.; Oeveren, A.M. van; Snoep, J.D.; Koning, E.J. de; Tamsma, J.T.; Huisman, M.V.; Rabelink, T.J. & Zonneveld, A.J. van (2010), CD34(+)/KDR+ Cells Are Generated from CD34(+) Cells Under Flow After Immobilization on Activated Platelets and May Serve as a Marker for Vascular Injury, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 30(11): E237E238.
- Carlotti, F.; Zaldumbide, A.; Loomans, C.J.; Rossenberg, E. van; Engelse, M.; Koning, E.J. de & Hoeben, R.C. (2010), Isolated human islets contain a distinct population of mesenchymal stem cells, Islets 2(3): 164-173.
- Roos, C.J.; Djaberi, R.; Schuijf, J.D.; Koning, E.J. de; Rabelink, A.J.; Smit, J.V.A.; Pereira, A.M.; Stokkel, M.P.M.; Jukema, J.V. & Bax, J.J. (2010), The relation between vascular stiffness measured by pulse wave velocity and augmentation index with abnormal myocardial perfusion in asymptomatic patients with diabetes mellitus, European Heart Journal 31: 521-521.
- Steeghs, N.; Rabelink, T.J.; Roodt, J.O. 't; Batman, E.; Cluitmans, F.H.M.; Weijl, N.I.; Koning, E. de & Gelderblom, H. (2010), Reversibility of capillary density after discontinuation of bevacizumab treatment, Annals of Oncology 21(5): 1100-1105.
- Steeghs, N.; Rabelink, T.J.; Roodt, J.O. 't; Batman, E.; Cluitmans, F.H.M.; Weijl, N.I.; Koning, E. de & Gelderblom, H. (2010), Reversibility of capillary density after discontinuation of bevacizumab treatment.
- Cnop, M.; Hughes, S.J.; Igoillo-Esteve, M.; Hoppa, M.B.; Sayyed, F.; Laar, L. van de; Gunter, J.H.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Walls, G.V.; Gray, D.W.G.; Johnson, P.R.V.; Hansen, B.C.; Morris, J.F.; Pipeleers-Marichal, M.; Cnop, I. & Clark, A. (2010), The long lifespan and low turnover of human islet beta cells estimated by mathematical modelling of lipofuscin accumulation, Diabetologia 53(2): 321-330.
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- Djaberi R, Schuijf JD, de Koning EJ, Rabelink TJ, Smit JW, Kroft LJM, Pereira AM, Scholte AJ, Spaans M, Romijn JA, de Roos A, van der Wall EE, Jukema JW & Bax JJ (2009), Usefulness of Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus as a Predictor of Coronary Artery Disease, American Journal of Cardiology 104(8): 1041-1046.
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- Hovens JGFM, Nijhoff MF, vander Boog PJM & de Koning EJP (2009), Evaluation of psychopathology, personality characteristics and quality of life in patients eligible for simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation., Journal of Psychosomatic Research 66(6): 565-565.
- Loomans CJ, van Haperen R, Duijs JM, Verseyden C, de Crom R, Leenen PJ, Drexhage HA, de Boer HC, de Koning EJ, Rabelink TJ, Staal FJ & van Zonneveld AJ (2009), Differentiation of bone marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells is shifted into a proinflammatory phenotype by hyperglycemia.
- Djaberi R, op 't Roodt J, Schuijf JD, Rabelink TJ, de Koning EJ, Pereira AM, Stokkel MP, Smit JW, Bax JJ & Jukema JW (2009), Endothelial Dysfunction in Diabetic Patients with Abnormal Myocardial Perfusion in the Absence of Epicardial Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 50(12): 1980-1986.
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- Carlotti, F.; Zaldumbide, A.; Loomans, C.J.; Engelse, M.; Rossenberg, E. van; Koning, E.J. de & Hoeben, R.C. (2009), Human islets contain a population of mesenchymal stem cell capable of differentiation toward the endocrine lineage, Diabetologia 52: S23S24.
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- van der Klaauw AA, Pereira AM, Rabelink TJ, Corssmit EPM, Zonneveld AJ, Pijl H, de Boer HC, Smit JWA, Romijn JA & de Koning EJP (2008), Recombinant human GH replacement increases CD34+cells and improves endothelial function in adults with GH deficiency, European Journal of Endocrinology 159(2).
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- Rabelink, T.J.; Wijewickrama, D.C. & Koning, E.J. de (2007), Peritubular endothelium: The Achilles heel of the kidney?, Kidney International 72(8).
- Carlotti, F.; Zaldumbide, A.; Charif, H.; Koning, E.J. de; Luider, T.M. & Hoeben, R.C. (2007), Generating insulin-producing cells from adult stem cells, Human Gene Therapy 18(10).
- Willemsen, J.M.; Westerink, J.W.; Dallinga-Thie, G.M.; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Gaillard, C.A.; Rabelink, T.J. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2007), Angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockade improves hyperglycemia-induced endothelial dysfunction and reduces proinflammatory cytokine release from leukocytes, Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 49(1).
- Silva, J.A.P. da; Jacobs, J.W.G.; Kirwan, J.R.; Boers, M.; Saag, K.G.; Ines, L.B.S.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Buttgereit, F.; Cutolo, M.; Capell, H.; Rau, R. & Bijlsma, J.W.J. (2006), Safety of low dose glucocorticoid treatment in rheumatoid arthritis: published evidence and prospective trial data, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 65(3).
- Martens, F.M.A.C.; Rabelink, T.J.; Roodt, J. op 't; Koning, E.J.P. de & Visseren, F.L.J. (2006), TNF-alpha induces endothelial dysfunction in diabetic adults, an effect reversible by the PPAR-gamma agonist pioglitazone, European Heart Journal 27(13).
- Wijk, J.P.H. van; Koning, E.J.P. de; Cabezas, M.C.; Joven, J.; Roodt, J.; Rabelink, T.J. & Hoepelman, A.M. (2006), Functional and structural markers of atherosclerosis in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 47(6).
- Wijk, J.P.H. van; Cabezas, M.C.; Coll, B.; Joven, J.; Rabelink, T.J. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2006), Effects of rosiglitazone on postprandial leukocytes and cytokines in type 2 diabetes, Atherosclerosis 186(1).
- Coll, B.; Wijk, J.P.H. van; Parra, S.; Cabezas, M.C.; Hoepelman, I.M.; Alonso-Villaverde, C.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Camps, J.; Ferre, N.; Rabelink, T.J.; Tous, M. & Joven, J. (2006), Effects of rosiglitazone and metformin on postprandial paraoxonase-1 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients with lipodystrophy, European Journal of Pharmacology 544(1-3).
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- Loomans, C.J.M.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Staal, F.J.T.; Rabelink, T.J. & Zonneveld, A.J. van (2005), Endothelial progenitor cell dysfunction in type I diabetes: Another consequence of oxidative stress?, Antioxidants and Redox Signaling 7(11-12).
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- Loomans, C.J.M.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Staal, F.J.T.; Rookmaaker, M.B.; Verseyden, C.; Boer, H.C. de; Verhaar, M.C.; Braam, B.; Rabelink, T.J. & Zonneveld, A.J. van (2004), Endothelial progenitor cell dysfunction - A novel concept in the pathogenesis of vascular complications of type 1 diabetes, Diabetes 53(1).
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