Edo de Kloet
Hoogleraar / gast
- Naam
- Prof.dr. E.R. de Kloet
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- e.kloet@lacdr.leidenuniv.nl

Hormonen zijn cruciaal voor gezondheid en ziekte. In ons onderzoek zijn wij geïnteresseerd in de werking van hormonen die afgegeven worden na stress. Deze stresshormonen programmeren vroeg in het leven hersencircuits die ten grondslag liggen aan emotie en cognitie, ze beschermen de hersenen en regelen het verouderingsproces. Stresshormonen bepalen de kwetsbaarheid voor depressie en schizofrenie afhankelijk van erfelijke aanleg, en zijn van belang voor de aanvang en progressie van neurodegeneratieve processen. Om te begrijpen hoe dit in zijn werk gaat is een unieke geïntegreerde benadering van gen tot gedrag toegepast.
Op 1 november 1991 sprak hij zijn oratie uit, getiteld: 'Evenwicht in een veranderende wereld'.
De Kloet ER, Joëls M, Holsboer F (2005) Stress and the brain: from adaptation to disease. Nature Rev Neurosci. 6: 463-475.
Hoogleraar / gast
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- LACDR/Algemeen
- Hamstra D., De Kloet E., Quataert I., Jansen M. & Van der Does A.J.W. (2017), Mineralocorticoid receptor haplotype, estradiol, progesterone and emotional information processing, Psychoneuroendocrinology 76: 162–173.
- Hamstra D., Kloet E. de, Rover M. de & Does A.J.W. van der (2017), Oral contraceptives positively affect mood in healthy PMS-free women: A longitudinal study, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 103: 119-126.
- Polyakova M., Schroeter M.L., Elzinga B.M., Holiga S., Schoenknecht P., De Kloet E.R. & Molendijk M.L. (2015), Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and antidepressive effect of electroconvulsive therapy: Systematic review and meta-analyses of the preclinical and clinical literature, PLoS ONE 3(10): e0141564.
- Molendijk M.L. & De Kloet E.R. (2015), Immobility in the forced swim test is adaptive and does not reflect depression, Psychoneuroendocrinology 62: 389-391.
- Hamstra D.A., De Kloet E.R., Tollenaar M., Verkuil B., Manai M., Putman P. & Van der Does W. (2015), Mineralocorticoid receptor haplotype moderates the influence of female hormones and oral contraceptives on cognition, Biological Psychiatry, vol. 77, 9 Supplement. 70th Annual Scientific Meeting Society of Biologic Psychiatry 14 mei 2015 - 16 mei 2015. Biological Psychiatry.
- Hamstra D.A., De Kloet E.R., Van Hemert A.M., De Rijk R.H. & Van der Does A.J.W. (2015), Mineralocorticoid receptor haplotype, oral contraceptives and emotional information processing, Neuroscience 286: 412-422.
- Groeneweg F.L., Royen M.E. van, Fenz F.S., Keizer V.I.P., Geverts B., Prins J., Kloet E.R. de, Houtsmuller A.B., Schmidt T. & Schaaf M.J.M. (2014), Quantitation of Glucocorticoid Receptor DNA-Binding Dynamics by Single-Molecule Microscopy and FRAP, PLoS ONE 9(3): 90532.
- Fitzsimons C.P., Hooijdonk L.W.A. van, Schouten M., Zalachoras I., Brinks V., Zheng T., Schouten T.G., Saaltink D.J., Dijkmans T., Steindler D.A., Verhaagen J., Verbeek F.J., Lucassen P.J., Kloet E.R. de, Meijer O.C., Karst H., Joels M., Oitzl M.S. & Vreugdenhil E. (2013), Knockdown of the glucocorticoid receptor alters functional integration of newborn neurons in the adult hippocampus and impairs fear-motivated behavior, Molecular Psychiatry 18(9): 993-1005.
- Klok M.D., Giltay E.J., Does A.J.W. van der, Geleijnse J.M., Antypa N., Penninx B.W.J.H., Geus E.J.C. de, Willemsen F., Boomsma D.I., Leeuwen N. van, Zitman F.G., Kloet E.R. de & Rijk R.H. de (2011), A common and functional mineralocorticoid receptor haplotype enhances optimism and protects against depression in females, Translational Psychiatry 1: e62.
- Oitzl M.S., Champagne D.L., Veen R. van der & Kloet E.R. de (2010), Brain development under stress: hypotheses of glucocorticoid actions revisited, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 34(6): 853-866.
- Sarabdjitsingh R.A., Meijer O.C., Schaaf M.J.M. & Kloet E.R. de (2009), Subregion-specific differences in translocation patterns of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors in rat hippocampus, Brain Res. 1249: 43-53.
- Brittijn S.A., Duivesteijn S.J., Belmamoune M., Bertens L.M.F., Bitter W., Bruijn J.D. de, Champagne D.L., Cuppen E., Flik G., Broucke-Grauls C.M. van den, Janssen R., Jong I.E.M. de, Kloet E.R. de, Kros A., Meijer A., Metz J.R., Sar A.M. van der, Schaaf M.J., Schulte-Merker S., Spaink H.P., Tak P.P., Verbeek F.J., Vervoordeldonk M.J., Vonk F., Witte F., Yuan H. & Richardson M.K. (2009), Zebrafish development and regeneration: new tools for biomedical research, The International Journal of Developmental Biology 53(5-6): 835-850.
- Jong I.E.M. de, Steenbergen P.J. & Kloet E.R. de (2008), Strain differences in the effects of adrenalectomy on the midbrain dopamine system: Implication for behavioral sensitization to cocaine, Neuroscience 153(3): 594-604.
- Rijk R.H. de & Kloet E.R. de (2008), Corticosteroid receptor polymorphisms: determinants of vulnerability and resilience, European Journal of Pharmacology 583(2-3): 303-311.
- Fitzsimons C.P., Ahmed S., Wittevrongel C., Schouten T.G., Dijkmans T.F., Scheenen W.J., Schaaf M.J.M., Kloet E.R. de & Vreugdenhil E. (2008), The microtubule associated protein Doublecortin-like regulates the transport of the glucocorticoid receptor in neuronal progenitor cells, Molecular Endocrinology 22: 248-262.
- Champagne D., Bagot R.C., Hasselt F. van, Ramakers G., Meaney M.J., Kloet E.R. de & et al (2008), Maternal care and hippocampal plasticity: evidence for experience-dependent structural plasticity, altered synaptic functioning, and differential responsiveness to glucocorticoids and stress, Journal of Neuroscience 28(23): 6037-6045.
- Laan S. van der, Lachize S.B., Vreugdenhil E., Kloet E.R. de & Meijer O.C. (2008), Nuclear receptor coregulators differentially modulate induction and glucocorticoid receptor-mediated repression of the corticotropin-releasing hormone gene, Endocrinology 149(2): 725-732.
- Kloet E.R. de & Sarabdjitsingh R.A. (2008), Everything has rhythm: focus on glucocorticoid pulsatility, Endocrinology 149(7): 3241-3243.
- Olijslagers J.E., Kloet E.R. de, Elgersma Y., Woerden G.M. van, Joels M. & Karst H. (2008), Rapid changes in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cell function via pre- as well as postsynaptic membrane mineralocorticoid receptors, European Journal of Neuroscience 27(10): 2542-2550.
- Revsin Y., Wijk D. van, Saravia F., Oitzl M.S., Nicola A.F. de & Kloet E.R. de (2008), Adrenal hypersensitivity precedes chronic hypercorticism in Streptozotocin-induced diabetes mice, Endocrinology 149(7): 3531-3539.
- Kloet E.R. de (2008), About Stress Hormones and Resilience to Psychopathology, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 20(6): 885-892.
- Enthoven L., Kloet E.R. de & Oitzl M.S. (2008), Differential development of stress system (re)activity at weaning dependent on time of disruption of maternal care, Brain Research 1217: 62-69.
- Brinks V., Kloet E.R. de & Oitzl M.S. (2008), Strain specific fear behaviour and glucocorticoid response to aversive events: modelling PTSD in mice, Progress in Brain Research 167: 257-261.
- Kloet E.R. de, Han F. & Meijer O.C. (2008), From the stalk to down under about brain glucocorticoid receptors, stress and development, Neurochemical Research 33(4): 637-642.
- Enthoven L., Kloet E.R. de & Oitzl M.S. (2008), Effects of maternal deprivation of CD1 mice on performance in the water maze and swim stress, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 187: 195-199.
- Berry A., Greco A., Giorgio M., Pelicci P.G., Kloet E.R. de, Alleva E. & et al (2008), Deletion of the lifespan determinant p66(Shc) improves performance in a spatial memory task, decreases levels of oxidative stress markers in the hippocampus and increases levels of the neurotrophin BDNF in adult mice, Experimental Gerontology 43(3): 200-208.
- Revsin Y., Rekers N.V., Louwe M., Saravia F., Nicola A.F. de, Kloet E.R. de & et al (2008), Glucocorticoid Receptor Blockade Normalizes Hippocampal Alterations and Cognitive Impairment in Streptozotocin-Induced Type 1 Diabetes Mice, Neuropsychopharmacology 10(1038): 136.
- Enthoven L., Oitzl M.S., Koning N. de, Mark M. van der & Kloet E.R. de (2008), HPA axis activity of newborn mice rapidly desensitizes to repeated maternal absence, but becomes highly responsive to novelty, Endocrinology 149(12): 6366-6377.
- Sarabdjitsingh R.A., Meijer O.C., Schaaf M. & Kloet E.R. de (2008), Subregion-specific differences in translocation patterns of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors in rat hippocampus, Brain Research : .
- Kloet E.R. de, Karst H. & Joels M. (2008), Corticosteroid hormones in the central stress response: quick-and-slow, Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 29(2): 268-272.
- Kloet E.R. de, Oitzl M.S. & Vermetten E. (2008), Stress hormones and post traumatic stress disorder basic studies and clinical perspectives. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Kloet E.R. de, Oitzl M.S. & Vermetten E. (2008), Stress hormones and post traumatic stress disorder basic studies and clinical perspectives. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Kloet E.R. de, Datson N.A., Revsin Y., Champagne D. & Oitzl M.S. (2008), Brain Corticosteroid Receptor Function in Response to Psychosocial Stressors. In: Pfaff D.W., Kordon C., Chanson P. & Christen Y. (red.), Hormones and Social Behaviour. New York; Paris; Tokyo: Springer. 131-150.
- Kloet E.R. de, Datson N.A., Revsin Y., Champagne D. & Oitzl M.S. (2008), Brain Corticosteroid Receptor Function in Response to Psychosocial Stressors. In: Pfaff D.W., Kordon C., Chanson P. & Christen Y. (red.), Hormones and Social Behaviour. New York; Paris; Tokyo: Springer. 131-150.
- Meijer O.C. & Kloet E.R. de (2008), Coregulators in CNS Function and Disease. In: Kumar R. & O'Malley B.W. (red.), Receptor Coregulators and Human Diseases: World Scientific Publishing.
- Datson N.A., Morsink M.C., Meijer O.C. & Kloet E.R. de (2008), Central corticosteroid actions: Search for gene targets, European Journal of Pharmacology 583(2-3): 272-289.
- Dalm S., Brinks V., Mark M. van der, Kloet E.R. de & Oitzl M.S. (2008), Non-invasive stress-free application of glucocorticoid ligands in mice, Journal of Neuroscience Methods 170(1): 77-84.
- Veen R. van der, Abrous D.N., Kloet E.R. de, Piazza P.V. & Koehl M. (2008), Impact of intra- and interstrain cross-fostering on mouse maternal care, Genes Brain and Behavior 7(2): 184-192.
- Veen R. van der, Koehl M., Abrous D.N., Kloet E.R. de, Piazza P.V. & Roche-Gamonet V. (2008), Maternal environment influences cocaine intake in adulthood in a genotype-dependent manner, PLoS ONE 3(5): 2245.
- Kloet E.R. de (2008), Commentary: neuroendocrine basis, Progress in Brain Research 167: 53-62.
- Joels M., Karst H., Rijk R.H. de & Kloet E.R. de (2008), The coming out of the brain mineralocorticoid receptor, Trends in Neurosciences 31(1): 1-7.
- Kloet E.R. de, Jong I.E.M. de & Oitzl M.S. (2008), Neuropharmacology of glucocorticoids: Focus on emotion, cognition and cocaine, European Journal of Pharmacology 585(2-3): 473-482.
- Joels M., Karst H., Rijk R.H. de & Kloet E.R. de (2007), The coming out of the brain mineralocorticoid, Trends in Neurosciences : .
- Datson N.A., Morsink M.C., Atanasova A., Armstrong V.W., Zischler H., Schlumbohm C., Dutilh B.E., Huynen M.A., Waegele B., Ruepp A., Kloet E.R. de & Fuchs E. (2007), Development of the first marmoset-specific DNA microarray (EUMAMA): a new genetic tool for large-scale expression profiling in a non-human primate, BMC Genomics 25: 190.
- Schmidt M., Oitzl M.S., Steenbergen P.J., Lachize S.B., Wurst W., Müller M.B., Kloet E.R. de & Meijer O.C. (2007), Ontogeny of steroid receptor co-activators in the hippocampus and their role in regulating postnatal HPA axis function, Brain Research 12: 1-6.
- Conway-Campbell B.L., McKenna M.A., Wiles C.C., Atkinson H.C., Kloet E.R. de & Lightman S.L. (2007), Proteasome-dependent down-regulation of activated nuclear hippocampal glucocorticoid receptors determines dynamic responses to corticosterone, Endocrinology 148: 5470-5477.
- Schoonman G.G., Evers D.J., Ballieux B.E.P.B., Geus E.J. de, Kloet E.R. de & Terwindt G.M. (2007), Is stress a trigger factor for migraine?, Psychoneuroendocrinology 32(5): 532-538.
- Veenema A.H., Kloet E.R. de, Wilde M.C. de, Roelofs A.J., Kawata M., Buwalda B., Neumann I.D., Koolhaas J.M. & Lucassen P.J. (2007), Differential effects of stress on adult hippocampal cell proliferation in low and high aggressive mice, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 19: 489-498.
- Schoonman G.G., Evers D.J., Ballieux BE, Geus E.J. de, Kloet E.R. de, Terwindt G.M., Dijk J.G. van & Ferrari M.D. (2007), Is stress a trigger factor for migraine?, Psychoneuroendocrinology 32(5): 532-538.
- Sibug R., Datson N.A., Tijsssen A.M., Morsink M.C., Koning J. de, Kloet E.R. de & Helmerhorst F.M. (2007), Effects of urinary and recombinant gonadotrophins on gene expression profiles during the murine peri-implantation period, Human Reproduction 22(1): 75-82.
- Jong I.E.M. de, Oitzl M.S. & Kloet E.R. de (2007), Adrenalectomy prevents behavioural sensitisation of mice to cocaine in a genotype-dependent manner, Behavioural Brain Research 177: 329-339.
- Han F., Ozawa H., Matsuda K.I., Lu H., Kloet E.R. de & Kawata M. (2007), Changes in the expression of corticotrophin-releasing hormone, mineralocorticoid receptor and glucocorticoid receptor mRNAs in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus induced by fornix transection and adrenalectomy, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 19: 229-238.
- Kloet E.R. de, Rijk R.H. de & Meijer O.C. (2007), Therapy Insight: is there an imbalanced response of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors in depression?, Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology & Metabolism 3: 168-179.
- Rijk R.H. de & Kloet E.R. de (2007), Mineralocorticoid Receptor Polymorphisms. In: George F. (red.), Encyclopedia of Stress: Academic Press. 744-748.
- Meijer O.C., Kloet E.R. de & McEwen B.S. (2007), Corticosteroid Receptors. In: Fink G. (red.), Encyclopedia of Stress, 2nd edition: Elsevier Inc., Academic Press. 594-605.
- Kloet E.R. de (2007), Stress System Balance Hypothesis. In: Fink G. (red.), Encyclopedia of Stress: Elsevier Inc./Academic Press. 646-650.
- Kloet E.R. de (2007), Stress Hormones and Post Traumatic Stress Disorders. In: Kloet E.R. de, Oitzl M.S. & Vermetten E. (red.), Basic Studies and Clinical Perspectives: Elsvier B.V..
- Helmerhorst F.M., Siburg R.M. & Kloet E.R. de (2007), Stress Effect of Assisted Reproduction. In: Fink G. (red.), Encyclopedia of Stress: Elsevier Inc./Academic Press. 596-598.
- Kloet E.R. de, Oitzl M.S. & Vermetten E. (2007), Preface, Progress in Brain Research 167: ix-xi.
- Kloet E.R. de (2007), Commentary: Neuroendocribe basis, Progress in Brain Research 167: 53-62.
- Morsink M.C., Gemert N.G., Steenbergen P.J., Joëls M., Kloet E.R. de & Datson N.A. (2007), Rapid glucocorticoid effects on the expression of hippocampal neurotransmission-related genes, Brain Research 30: 14-20.
- Berry A., Capone F., Giorgio M., Pelicci P.G., Kloet E.R. de, Alleva E., Minghetti L. & Cirulli F. (2007), Deletion of the life span determinant p66(Shc) prevents age-dependent increases in emotionality and pain sensitivity in mice, Experimental Gerontology 42: 37-45.
- Kloet E.R. de (2006), From Punch to Profile, Neurochemical Research 31: 131-135.
- Lucassen P.J., Heine V.M., Muller M.B., Beek E.M. van der, Wiegant V.M., Kloet E.R. de, Fuchs E., Swaab D.F. & Czeh B. (2006), Stress, depression and hippocampal apoptosis, CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets 5: 531-546.
- Kloet E.R. de & Oitzl M.S. (2006), Cortisol and PTSD: animal experiments and clinical perspectives. In: , PTSD Brain Mechanisms and Clinical Implications. Tokyo: Springer Verlag. 13-27.
- Saravia F., Beauquis J., Revsin Y., Homo-Delarche F., Kloet E.R. de & Nicola A.F. de (2006), Hippocampal neuropathology of diabetes mellitus is relieved by estrogen treatment, Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology 26: 941-955.
- Herbert J.M., Goodyer I.M., Grossman A.B., Hastings M.H., Kloet E.R. de, Lightman S.L., Lupien S.J., Roozendaal B. & Seckl J.R. (2006), Do corticosteroids damage the brain?, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 18: 393-411.
- Meijer O.C., Laan S. van der, Lachize S.B., Steenbergen P.J. & Kloet E.R. de (2006), Steroid receptor coregulator diversity: what can it mean for the stressed brain?, Neuroscience 138: 891-899.
- Feldker D.E.M., Morsink M.C., Veenema A.H., Datson N.A., Proutski V., Lathouwers D., Kloet E.R. de & Vreugdenhil E. (2006), The effect of chronic exposure to highly aggressive mice on hippocampal gene expression of non-aggressive subordinates, Brain Research 1089: 10-20.
- Rijk R.H. de, Wüst S., Meijer O.C., Zennaro M.C., Federenko I.S., Hellhammer D.H., Giacchetti G., Vreugdenhil E., Zitman F.G. & Kloet E.R. de (2006), A common polymorphism in the mineralocorticoid receptor modulates stress responsiveness, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 91: 5083-5089.
- Schmidt M.V., Levine S., Alam S., Harbich D., Sterlemann V., Ganea K., Kloet E.R. de, Holsboer F. & Müller M.B. (2006), Metabolic signals modulate hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation during maternal separation of the neonatal mouse, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 18: 865-874.
- Schmidt M.V., Deussing J.M., Oitzl M.S., Ohl F., Levine S., Wurst W., Holsboer F., Müller M.B. & Kloet E.R. de (2006), Differential disinhibition of the neonatal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in brain-specific CRH receptor 1-knockout mice, European Journal of Neuroscience 24: 2291-2298.
- Mayer J.L., Klumpers L., Maslam S., Kloet E.R. de, Joëls M. & Lucassen P.J. (2006), Brief treatment with the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist Mifepristone normalises the corticosterone-induced reduction of adult hippocampal neurogenesis, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 18: 629-631.
- Morsink M.C., Steenbergen P.J., Vos J.B., Karst H., Joëls M., Kloet E.R. de & Datson N.A. (2006), Acute activation of hippocampal glucocorticoid receptors results in different waves of gene expression throughout time, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 18: 239-252.
- Morsink M.C., Joëls M., Sarabdjitsingh R.A., Meijer O.C., Kloet E.R. de & Datson N.A. (2006), The dynamic pattern of glucocorticoid receptor-mediated transcriptional responses in neuronal PC12 cells, Journal of Neurochemistry 99: 1282-1298.
- Sibug R.M., Koning J. de, Tijssen A.M.I., Ruiter M.C. de, Kloet E.R. de & Helmerhorst F.M. (2005), Urinary gonadotropins but not recombinant gonadotropins reduce expression of VEGF120 and its receptors flt-1 and flk-1 in the mouse uterus during the peri-implantation period, Human Reproduction 20: 649-656.
- Dalm S., Enthoven L., Mark M. van der, Karssen A.M., Meijer O.C., Kloet E.R. de & Oitzl M.S. (2005), Age-related changes in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity of male C57BL/6J mice, Neuroendocrinology 81: 372-380.
- Schmidt M., Levine S., Oitzl M.S., Mark M. van der, Müller M.B., Holsboer F. & Kloet E.R. de (2005), Glucocorticoid receptor blockade disinhibits pituitary-adrenal activity during the stress hyporesponsive period of the mouse, Endocrinology 146: 1458-1464.
- Kloet E.R. de, Sibug R.M., Helmerhorst F.M. & Schmidt M. (2005), Stress, genes and the mechanism of programming the brain for later life, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 29: 271-281.
- Kloet E.R. de, Sibug R., Helmerhorst F.M. & Schmidt M. (2005), Stress, genes and the mechanism of programming the brain for later life, Behavioral Neuroscience 29: 271-81.
- Laan S. van der, Lachize S.B., Schouten T.G., Vreugdenhil E., Kloet E.R. de & Meijer O.C. (2005), Neuroanatomical distribution and colocalisation of nuclear receptor corepressor (N-CoR) and silencing mediator of retinoid and thyroid receptors (SMRT) in rat brain, Brain Research 1059: 113-121.
- Rijk R.H. de & Kloet E.R. de (2005), Corticosteroid Receptor Genetic Polymorphism and Stress Responsivity, Endocrine 28: .
- Rijk R.H. de & Kloet E.R. de (2005), Nutrition, Stress and Medical Disorders. Totowa: The Human Pres Inc..
- Kloet E.R. de, Schmidt M. & Meijer O.C. (2005), Corticosteroid receptors and HPA-axis regulation. In: Steckler T., Kalin N.H. & Reul J.M.H.M. (red.), Handbook of Stress and the Brain. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 265-294.
- Rijk R.H. de & Kloet E.R. de (2005), Stress, glucocorticoids, and the brain. In: Yehuda S. & Mostofsky D.I. (red.), Nutrients, Stress, and Medical Disorders.. Totowa, NJ, USA: Humana Press. 111-135.
- Kruk M.R. & Kloet E.R. de (2005), Genen, glucocorticoïden en geweld. In: Blokland A.A.J., Bijleveld C.C.J.H., Donker A.G. & Thienpont K. (red.), Tijdschrift voor Criminologie - Biosociale perspectieven in de criminologie.. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie: Boom Juridische Uitgevers. 136-141.
- Karssen A.M., Meijer O.C. & Kloet E.R. de (2005), Corticosteroids and the blood-brain barrier. In: Steckler T., Kalin N.H. & Reul J.M.H.M. (red.), Handbook of Stress and the Brain. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 329-340.
- Kloet E.R. de, Siburg R.M., Helmerhorst F.M. & Schmidt M. (2005), Stress, genes and the mechanism of programming the brain for later life, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 29: 271-281.
- Meijer O.C., Kalkhoven E., Laan S. van der, Steenbergen P.J., Houtman S.H., Dijkmans T.F., Pearce D. & Kloet E.R. de (2005), Steroid receptor coactivator-1 splice variants differentially affect corticosteroid receptor signaling, Endocrinology 146: 1438-1448.
- Rijk R.H. de & Kloet E.R. de (2005), Corticosteroid receptor genetic polymorphisms and stress responsivity, Endocrine 28(3): 263-270.
- Kloet E.R. de, Joëls M. & Holsboer F. (2005), Stress and the Brain: from adaptation to disease, Nature Reviews/Neuroscience 6: 463-475.
- Karssen A.M., Meijer O.C., Berry A., Sanjuan Piñol R. & Kloet E.R. de (2005), Low doses of dexamethasone can produce a hypocorticosteroid state in the brain, Endocrinology 146(12): 5587-5595.
- Sibug R., Koning J. de, Ruiter M.C. de, Kloet E.R. de & Helmerhorst F.M. (2005), Urinary gonadotrophins but not recombinant gonadotrophins reduce expression of VEGF120 and its receptors flt-1 and flk-1 in the mouse uterus during the peri-implantation period, Human Reproduction 20: 649-656.
- Revsin Y., Saravia F., Roig P., Lima A., Kloet E.R. de, Homo-Delarche F. & DeNicola A.F. (2005), Neuronal and astroglial alterations in the hippocampus of a mouse model for type 1 diabetes, Brain Research 1038: 22-31.
- Meijer O.C., Kalkhoven E., Laan S. van der, Steenbergen P.J., Houtman S.H., Dijkmans T.F., Pearce D. & Kloet E.R. de (2005), Steroid receptor coactivator-1 splice variants differentially affect corticosteroid receptor signalling, Endocrinology 146: 1438-1448.
- Sibug R.M., Koning J. de, Tijssen A.M.I., Ruiter M.C. de, Kloet E.R. de & Helmerhorst F.M. (2005), Urinary gonadotrophins but not recombinant gonadotrophins reduce expression of VEGF120 and its receptors flt-1 and flk-1 in the mouse uterus during the peri-implantation period, Human Reproduction 20: 649-656.
- Veenema A.H., Sijtsma B., Koolhaas J.M. & Kloet E.R. de (2005), The stress response to sensory contact in mice: genotype effect of the stimulus animal, Psychoneuroendocrinology 30: 550-557.
- Datson N.A., Meijer L., Steenbergen P.J., Morsink M.C., Laan S. van der, Meijer O.C. & Kloet E.R. de (2004), Expression profiling in laser-microdissected hippocampal subregions in rat brain reveals large subregion-specific differences in expression, European Journal of Neuroscience 20: 2541-2554.
- Karssen A.M., Meijer O.C., Pons D. & Kloet E.R. de (2004), Localization of mRNA expression of p-glycoprotein at the blood-brain barrier and in the hippocampus, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1032: 308-311.
- Enthoven L., Dalm S., Kloet E.R. de & Oitzl M.S. (2004), Swim posture of mice does not affect performance in the water maze, Brain Research 1003: 36-41.
- Kloet E.R. de (2004), Hormones and the stressed brain, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1018: 1-15.
- Praag H.M. van, Kloet E.R. de & Os J. van (2004), Stress, the Brain and Depression. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Fauser B.C.J.M., Kloet E.R. de, Lips P., Michels R.P.J., Wiersinga W.M., Sitsen J.M.A. & Wimersma Greidanus T.B. van (2004), Hormonen. In: Sitsen J.M.A., Smits J.F.M., Smits P., Cohen A.F. & Bortel L.M. van (red.), Farmacologie. Maarssen: Elsevier gezondheidszorg. 195-224.
- Rijk R.H. de, Zitman F.G. & Kloet E.R. de (2004), Neuro-endocrinologie van de stress respons, hoofdstuk 3. In: Hovens H., Timmermans L. & Loonen A.J. (red.), Handboek neurobiologische psychiatrie. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom. 65-85.
- Rijk R.H. de, Zitman F.G. & Kloet E.R. de (2004), Neurologie van de stress respons. In: Hovens J.E., Timmermans L. & Loonen A.J.M. (red.), Handboek neurobiologische psychiatrie. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom. 65-85.
- Schmidt M., Enthoven L., Woezik J.H.G. van, Levine S., Kloet E.R. de & Oitzl M.S. (2004), The dynamics of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis during maternal deprivation, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 16: 52-57.
- Kloet E.R. de (2004), In Honour of David de Wied - Obituary, Psychoneuroendocrinology 29: 823-824.
- Jong I.E.M. & Kloet E.R. de (2004), Glucocorticoids and vulnerability to psychostimulant drugs: toward substrate and mechanism, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1018: 192-198.
- Kloet E.R. de & Rijk R.H. de (2004), Signaling Pathways in Brain Involved in Predisposition and Pathogenesis of Stress-Related Disease. Genetic and Kinetic Factors Affecting the MR/GR Balance, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (1032): 14-34.
- Mulder M.T., Jansen P.J., Janssen B.J.A., Berg W.D.J. van de, Boom H., Havekes L.M., Kloet E.R. de, Ramaekers F.C.S. & Blokland A. (2004), Low-density lipoprotein receptor-knockout mice display impaired spatial memory associated with a decreased synaptic density in the hippocampus, Neurobiology of Disease 16: 212-219.
- Grootendorst J., Enthoven L., Dalm S., Kloet E.R. de & Oitzl M.S. (2004), Increased corticosterone secretion and early-onset of cognitive decline in female apolipoprotein E-knockout mice, Behavioural Brain Research 148: 167-177.
- Karssen A.M., Meijer O.C., Pons D. & Kloet E.R. de (2004), Localization of mRNA expression of p-glycoprotein ar the blood-brain barrier and in the hippocampus, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1032: 308-311.
- Kloet E.R. de & Rijk R.H. de (2004), Signaling pathways in brain involved in predisposition and pathogenesis of stress-related disease. Genetic and kinetic factors affecting the MR/GR balance, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1032: 14-34.
- Veenema A.H., Koolhaas J.M. & Kloet E.R. de (2004), Basal and stress-induced differences in HPA axis, 5-HT responsiveness, and hippocampal cell proliferation in two mouse lines, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1018: 255-265.
- Datson N.A., Meijer L., Steenbergen P.J., Morsink M.C., Laan S. van der, Meijer O.C. & Kloet E.R. de (2004), Expression profiling in laser-microdissected hippocampal subregions in rat brain reveals large subregions-specific differences in expression, European Journal of Neuroscience 20: 2541-2554.
- Kloet E.R. de & Rijk R.H. de (2004), Signaling pathways in brain involved in predisposition and pathogenesis of stress-related disease. Genetic and kinetic factors affecting the MR/GR balance, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1032: 14-34.
- Beek E.M. van der, Wiegant V.M., Schouten W.G., Eerdenburg F.J., Loijens L.W., Plas C. van der, Benning M.A., Vries H. de, Kloet E.R. de & Lucassen P.J. (2004), Neuronal number, volume, and apoptosis of the left dentate gyrus of chronically stressed pigs correlate negatively with basal saliva cortisol levels, Hippocampus 14: 688-700.
- Rijk R.H. de, Schaaf M., Stam F.J., Jong I.E.M. de, Swaab D.F., Ravid R., Vreugdenhil E., Cilowski J.A., Kloet E.R. de & Lucassen P.J. (2003), Very low levels of the glucocorticoid receptor ß-isoform in the human hippocampus as shown by Taqman RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry, Molecular Brain Research 116: 17-26.
- Kloet E.R. de (2003), Neurosteroïden, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Klinische Chemie en Laboratoriumgeneeskunde 28: 179-182.
- Kloet E.R. de, Oitzl M.S. & et al (2003), Discussion to: “Prenatal stress and cognitive development and temperament in infants” by Kan K. Buitelaar et al. and “Who cares for a stressed brain? The mother, the kid or both?” by E. Ronald de Kloet and Melly S. Oitzl, Neurobiology of Aging 24: S67-S68.
- Kloet E.R. de (2003), Neurosteroiden, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Klinische Chemie en Laboratoriumgeneeskunde 28(4): 179-182.
- Kloet E.R. de (2003), Hormones, Brain and Stress, Endocrine Regulations 37: 51-68.
- Kloet E.R. de & Oitzl M.S. (2003), Who cares for a stressed brain? The mother, the kid or both?, Neurobiology of Aging 24: S61-S65.
- Veenema A.H., Meijer O.C., Kloet E.R. de, Koolhaas J.M. & Bohus B.G.J. (2003), Differences in basal and stress-induced HPS regulation of wild house mice selected for high and low aggression, Hormones and Behavior 43: 197-204.
- Schmidt M., Oitzl M.S., Muller B., Ohl F., Wurst W., Holsboer F., Levine S. & Kloet E.R. de (2003), Regulation of the developing hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 1-deficient mice, Neuroscience 119: 589-595.
- Kloet E.R. de & Oitzl M.S. (2003), Who cares for a stressed brain? Ther mother, the kid, or both?, Neurobiology of Aging 24: S61-S65.
- Feldker D.E.M., Datson N.A., Veenema A.H., Proutski V., Lathouwers D., Kloet E.R. de & Vreugdenhil E. (2003), GeneChip analysis of hippocampal gene expression profiles of short- and long-attack-latency mice: technical and biological implications, Journal of Neuroscience Research 74: 701-716.
- Rijk R.H. de, Schaaf M.J.M., Stam F.J., Jong I.E.M., Swaab D.F., Ravid R., Vreugdenhil E., Kloet E.R. de & Lucassen P.J. (2003), Very low levels of the glucocorticoid receptor B isoform in the human hippocampus as shown by Tagman RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry, Molecular Brain Research 116: 17-26.
- Feldker D.E.M., Datson N.A., Veenema A.H., Meulmeester E., Kloet E.R. de & Vreugdenhil E. (2003), Serial analysis of gene expression predicts structural differences in hippocampus of long attack latency and short attack latency mice, European Journal of Neuroscience 17: 379-387.
- Schmidt M., Enthoven L., Mark M. van der, Levine S., Kloet E.R. de & Oitzl M.S. (2003), The postnatal development of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in the mouse, International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 21: 125-132.
- Meijer O.C., Karssen A.M. & Kloet E.R. de (2003), MECHANISMS OF STEROID ACTION AND RESISTANCE IN INFLAMMATION. Cell- and tissue-specific effects of corticosteroids in relation to glucocorticoid resistance: examples from the brain, Journal of Endocrinology 178: 13-18.
- Rijk R.H. de, Schaaf M.J.M., Stam F.J., Jong I.E.M., Swaab D.F., Ravid R., Vreugdenhil E., Cidlowski J.A., Kloet E.R. de & Lucassen P.J. (2003), Very low levels of the glucocorticoid receptor beta-isoform in the human hippocampus as shown by Taqman RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry, Molecular Brain Research 116: 17-26.
- Veenema A.H., Meijer O.C., Kloet E.R. de & Koolhaas J.M. (2003), Genetic selection for coping style predicts stressor susceptibility, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 15: 256-267.
- Rijk R.H. de, Schaaf M.J.M., Stam F.J., Jong I.E.M., Swaab D.F., Ravid R., Vreugdenhil E., Cidlowski J.A., Kloet E.R. de & Lucassen P.J. (2003), Very low levels of the glucocorticoid receptor beta isoform in the human hippocampus as shown by Taqman RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry, Molecular Brain Research 116: 17-26.
- Rinne T., Kloet E.R. de, Wouters L., Goekoop J.G., Rijk R.H. de & Brink W. van den (2003), Fuvoxamine reduces hyperresponsiveness of HPA-axis in adult female BPD patients with a history of sustained childhood abuse, Neuropsychopharmacology 28: 126-132.
- Feldker D.E.M., Kloet E.R. de, Kruk M.R. & Datson N.A. (2003), Large-scale gene expression profiling of discrete brain regions: potential, limitations, and application in genetics of aggressive behavior, Behavior Genetics 33: 537548.
- Buusse M van den, Acker S.A.B.E. van, Fluttert M.F.J. & Kloet E.R. de (2002), Involvement of corticosterone in cardiovascular responses to an open-fiels novelty stressor in freely moving rats, Physiology and Behavior 75: 207-215.
- Kloet E.R. de (2002), Stress in the brain: implications for treatment of depression, Acta Neuropsychiatrica 14(4): 155-166.
- Kloet E.R. de, Grootendorst J., Karssen A.M. & Oitzl M.S. (2002), Gene X environment interaction and cognitive performance: animal studies on the role of corticosterone, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 78: 570-577.
- Joels M., Krugers H.J. & Kloet E.R. de (2002), Corticosteroid actions on electrical activity in the brain. In: Pfaff D.W., Arnold A.P., Etgen A.M., Fahrbach S.E. & Rubin R.T. (red.), Hormones, Brain and Behavior. San Diego: Academic Press/Elsevier Science. 601-626.
- Joëls M., Krugers H.J. & Kloet E.R. de (2002), Corticosteroid actions on electrical activity in the brain. In: Pfaff D.W., Arnold A.P., Etgen A.M., Fahrbach S.E. & Rubin R.T. (red.), Hormones, Brain and Behavior. San Diego, CA, USA: Academic Press/Elsevier-Science. 601-626.
- Schmidt M., Oitzl M.S., Levine S. & Kloet E.R. de (2002), The HPA system during the postnatal development of CD1 mice and the effects of maternal deprivation, Developmental Brain Research 139: 39-49.
- Rinne T., Kloet E.R. de, Wouters L., Goekoop J.G., Rijk R.H. de & Brink W. van den (2002), Hyperresponsiveness of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to combined dexamethasone/corticotropin-releasing hormone challenge in female borderline personality disorder subjects with a history of sustained childhood abuse, Biological Psychiatry 52: 1102-1112.
- Grootendorst J., Kempes M.M., Lucassen P.J., Dalm S., Kloet E.R. de & Oitzl M.S. (2002), Differential effect of corticosterone on spatial learning abilities in apolipoprotein E knockout and C57BL/6J mice, Brain Research 953: 281-285.
- Karssen A.M., Meijer O.C., Sandt I.C.J. van der, Boer A.G. de, Lange E. de & Kloet E.R. de (2002), The role of the efflux transporter P-glycoprotein in brain penetration of prednisolone, Journal of Endocrinology 175: 251-260.
- Sibug R.M., Helmerhorst F.M., Tijssen A.M.I., Kloet E.R. de & Koning J. de (2002), Gonadotrophin stimulation reduces VEGF120 expression in the mouse uterus during the peri-implantation period, Human Reproduction 17: 1643-1648.
- Kampen M. van, Kloet E.R. de, Flügge G. & Fuchs E. (2002), Blockade of glucocorticoid receptors with ORG 34116 does not normalize stress-induced symptoms in male tree shrews, European Journal of Pharmacology 457: 207-216.
- Acker S.A.B.E. van, Oitzl M.S., Fluttert M.F.J. & Kloet E.R. de (2002), Centrally regulated blood pressure response to vasoactive peptides is modulated by corticosterone, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 14: 56-63.
- Lucassen P.J., Muller M.B., Holsboer F., Holtrop A., Wouda J., Hoogendijk W.J., Kloet E.R. de & Swaab D.F. (2002), Hippocampal apoptosis in major depression is a minor event and absent from subareas at risk for glucocorticoid overexposure, The American Journal of Pathology 158: 453-468.
- Kloet E.R. de, Grootendorst J., Karssen A.M. & Oitzl M.S. (2002), Gene X environment interaction and cognitive performance: aninal studies on the role of corticosterone, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 78: 570-577.
- Sibug R.M., Helmerhorst F.M., Tijssen A.M.I., Kloet E.R. de & Koning J. de (2002), Estrogen reduces vascular endothelial growth factor 164 expression in the mouse nucleaus paraventricularis of the hypothalamus, Neuroscience Letters 333: 199-202.
- Rijk R.H. de, Schaaf M.J.M. & Kloet E.R. de (2002), Glucocorticoid receptor variants: clinical implications, Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 81: 103-122.
- Rinne T., Kloet E.R. de, Wouters L., Goekoop J.G., Rijk R.H. de & Brink W. van den (2002), Hyperresponsiveness of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to combined dexamethasone/corticotropin-releasing hormone challenge in female borderline personality disorder subjects with a history of sustained childhood abuse, Biological Psychiatry (52): 1102-1112.
- Rinne T., Kloet E.R. de, Wouters L., Goekoop J.G. & Brink W. van den (2002), Fluvoxamine reduces responsiveness of HPA axis in adult female BPD patients with a history of sustained childhood abuse, Neuropsychopharmacology 28: 126-132.
- Buuse M. van den, Acker S.A.B.E. van, Fluttert M.F.J. & Kloet E.R. de (2002), Involvement of corticosterone in cardiovascular responses to an open-field novelty stressor in freely moving rats, Physiology and Behavior 75: 207-215.
- Evans S.J., Datson N.A., Kabbaj M., Thompson R.C., Vreugdenhil E., Kloet E.R. de, Watson S.J. & Akil H. (2002), Evaluation of Affymetrix Gene Chip sensitivity in rat hippocampal tissue using SAGE analysis, European Journal of Neuroscience 16: 409-413.
- Rinne T., Kloet E.R. de, Wouters L., Goekoop J.G. & Brink W. van den (2002), Fluvoxamine reduces responsiveness of HPA axis in adult female BPD patients with a history of sustained childhood abuse, Neuropsychopharmacology 28: 126-132.
- Sibug R.M., Helmerhorst F.M., Tijssen A.M.I., Kloet E.R. de & Koning J. de (2002), Estrogen reduces vascular endothelial growth factor164 expression in the mouse nucleus paraventricularis of the hypothalamus, Neuroscience Letters 333: 199-202.
- Buuse M. van den, Acker S.A.B.E. van, Fluttert M.F.J. & Kloet E.R. de (2002), Involvement of corticosterone in cardiovascular response to an open-field novelty stressor in freely moving rats, Physiology and Behavior 75: 207-215.
- Rahmouni K., Sibug R.M., Kloet E.R. de, Barthelmebs M., Grima M., Imbs J-L & Jong W. de (2002), Effects of brain mineralocorticoid receptor blockade on blood pressure and renal functions in DOCA-salt hypertension, European Journal of Pharmacology 436: 207-216.
- Sibug R.M., Helmerhorst F.M., Tijssen A.M.I., Kloet E.R. de & Koning J. de (2002), Gonadotrophin stimulation reduces VEGF120 expression in the mouse uterus during the peri-implantation period, Human Reproduction 17: 1643-1648.
- Kloet E.R. de (2001), Corticosteroïden. In: Sitsen J.M.A., Breimer D.D., Cools A.R., Smits P., Smits J.F.M. & Wimersma Greidanus Tj.B. van (red.), Farmacologie. Maarssen: Elsevier. 194-205.
- Rijk R.H. de, Meijer O.C. & Kloet E.R. de (2001), Brain corticosteroid receptors: targets for treatment of depression. In: Thakore J. (red.), Physical Consequences of Depression 23-52.
- Rijk R.H. de, Meijer O.C. & Kloet E.R. de (2001), Brain corticosteroid receptors: targets for treatment of depression. In: Thakore J. (red.), Physical Consequences of Depression 23-52.
- Kloet E.R. de (2001), Stress in de Hersenen. In: , Natuurkundige Voordrachten 104-110.
- Grootendorst J., Kloet E.R. de, Vossen C., Dalm S. & Oitzl M.S. (2001), Repeated exposure to rats has persistent genotype-dependent effects on learning and locomotor activity of apolipoprotein E knockout and C57B1/6 mice, Behavioural Brain Research 125: 249-259.
- Vreugdenhil E., Kloet E.R. de, Schaaf M.J.M. & Datson N.A. (2001), Genetic dissection of corticosterone receptor function in the rat hippocampus, European Neuropsychopharmacology 11(6): 423-430.
- Lucassen P.J., Vollman-Honsdorf G.K., Gleisberg M., Czéh B., Kloet E.R. de & Fuchs E. (2001), Chronic psychosocial stress differentially affects apoptosis in hippocampal subregions and cortex of the adult tree shrew, European Journal of Neuroscience 14: 161-166.
- Vreugdenhil E., Engels B.M., Koningsbruggen S. van, Knol J., Veldhuisen B. & Kloet E.R. de (2001), Multiple transcripts generated by the DCAMKL gene are expressed in the rat hippocampus, Molecular Brain Research 94: 67-74.
- Sibug R.M., Oitzl M.S., Workel J.O. & Kloet E.R. de (2001), Maternal deprivation increases 5-HT-1A receptor expression in the CA1 and CA3 areas of senescent Brown Norway rats, Brain Research 912: 95-98.
- Workel J.O., Oitzl M.S., Fluttert M.F.J., Lesscher H., Karssen A.M. & Kloet E.R. de (2001), Differential and age-dependent effects on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis of Brown Norway rats from youth to senescence, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 13: 569-580.
- Acker S.A.B.E. van, Fluttert M.F.J., Sibug R.M. & Kloet E.R. de (2001), Intracerebroventricular administration of a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist enhances the cardiovascular responses tp brief restraint stress, European Journal of Pharmacology 430: 87-91.
- Mulder M., Blokland A, Berg D.J. van den, Schulten H, Bakker A.H.F., Terwel D, Honig W., Kloet E.R. de, Havekes L.M., Steinbusch HWM & Lange E.C.M. de (2001), Apolipoprotein E protect against neuropathology induced by a high-fat diet and maintains the integrity of the blood-brain barrier during aging, Laboratory Investigation 81(7): 953-960.
- Datson N.A., Perk J. van der, Kloet E.R. de & Vreugdenhil E. (2001), Identification of corticosteroid-responsive genes in rat hippocampus using serial analysis of gene expression, European Journal of Neuroscience 14: 675-689.
- Karssen A.M., Meijer O.C., Sandt I.C.J. van der, Lucassen P.J., Lange E.C.M. de, Boer A.G. de & Kloet E.R. de (2001), Multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein hampers the access of cortisol but not of corticosterone to mouse and human brain, Endocrinology 142: 2686-2694.
- Lucassen P.J., Muller M.B., Holsboer F., Bauer J., Holtrop A., Wouda J., Hoogendijk W.J., Kloet E.R. de & Swaab D.F. (2001), Hoppicampal apoptosis in major depression is a minor event and absent from subareas at risk for glucocorticoid overexposure, The American Journal of Pathology 158: 453-468.
- Rijk R.H. de, Schaaf M.J.M., Turner G., Datson N.A., Vreugdenhil E., Cidlowski J., Kloet E.R. de, Emery P., Sternberg E.M. & Detera-Wadleigh S.D. (2001), A human glucocorticoid receptor gene variant that increases the stability of the glucocorticoid receptor betaisoform mRNA is associated with rheumatoid arthritis, Journal of Rheumatology 28: 2383-2388.
- Visser J., Lentjes E.G.W.M., Haspels I., Graffelman A.W., Blauw B., Kloet E.R. de & Nagelkerken L. (2001), Increased sensitivity to glucocorticoids in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of chronic fatigue syndrome patients, without evidence for altered density or affinity of glucocorticoid receptors, Journal of Investigative Medicine 49: 195-204.
- Visser J., Graffelman A.W., Blauw B., Haspels I., Lentjes E.G.W.M., Kloet E.R. de & Nagelkerken L. (2001), LPS-induced IL-10 production in whole blood cultures from chronic fatigue syndrome patients is increased but supersensitive to inhibition by dexamethasone, Journal of Neuroimmunology 119: 343-349.
- Oitzl M.S., Reichardt H.M., Joëls M. & Kloet E.R. de (2001), Point mutation in the mouse glucocorticoid receptor preventing DNA binding impairs spatial memory, 98: 12790-12795.
- Grootendorst J., Oitzl M.S., Dalm S., Enthoven L., Schachner M. & Kloet E.R. de (2001), Stress alleviates reduced expression of cell adhesion molecules (NCAM, L1) and deficits in learning and corticosterone regulation of apolipoprotein E knockout mice, European Journal of Neuroscience 14: 1505-1514.
- Datson N.A., Perk-de Jong J., Kloet E.R. de & Vreugdenhil E. (2001), Expression profile of 30,000 genes in rat hippocampus using SAGE, Hippocampus 11: 430-444.
- Buusse M van den, Acker S.A.B.E. van, Fluttert M.F.J. & Kloet E.R. de (2001), Blood pressure, heart rate, and behavioural responses to psychological "novelty" stress in freely moving rats, Psychophysiology 38: 490-499.
- Schaaf M.J.M., Workel J.O., Lesscher H., Vreugdenhil E., Oitzl M.S. & Kloet E.R. de (2001), Correlation between hippocampal BDNF mRNA expression and memory performance in senescent rats, Brain Research 915: 227-233.
- Visser Jelle, Lentjes E.G.W.M., Haspels I, Graffelman W, Blauw B., Kloet E.R. de & Nagelkerken L. (2001), Increased sensitivity to glucocorticoids in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of chronic fatigue syndrome patients, without evidence for altered density or affinity of glucocorticoid receptors, Journal of Investigative Medicine (49): 195-204.
- Visser J., Graffelman W, Blauw B., Haspels I, Lentjes E.G.W.M., Kloet E.R. de & Nagelkerken L. (2001), LPS-induced IL-10 production in whole blood cultures from chronic fatigue syndrome patients is increased but supersensitive to inhibition by dexamethasone, Journal of Neuroimmunology (119): 343-349.
- Visser J.T.J., Lentjes E.G.W.M., Haspels I, Graffelman W, Blauw B., Kloet E.R. de & Nagelkerken A.M. (2001), Increased sensitivity to glucocorticoids in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients without evidence for altered density of affinity of glucocorticoid receptors, J Invest Med 49: 195-204.
- Grootendorst J., Kloet E.R. de, Dalm S. & Oitzl M.S. (2001), Reversal of cognitivve deficit of apolipoprotein E knockout mice after repeated exposure to a common environmental experience, Neuroscience 108: 237-247.
- Levine S., Dent G. & Kloet E.R. de (2000), Stress-Hyporesponsive Period. In: Fink G. (red.), Encyclopedia of Stress.
- Karssen A.M. & Kloet E.R. de (2000), Synthetic Glucocorticoids. In: Fink G. (red.), Encyclopedia of Stress.
- Meijer O.C., Kloet E.R. de & McEwen B.S. (2000), Corticosteroid Receptors. In: Fink G. (red.), Encyclopedia of Stress.
- Schaaf M.J.M., Kloet E.R. de & Vreugdenhil E. (2000), Corticosterone effects on BDNF expression in the hippocampus (Review), Stress 3: 201-208.
- Dalm S., Grootendorst J., Kloet E.R. de & Oitzl M.S. (2000), Quantification of swim patterns in the Morris water maze, Behavior Research Methods Instruments and Computers 32: 134-139.
- Cabrera R., Korte S.M., Lentjes E.G.W.M., Romijn F.P.H.T.M., Schonbaum E., Nicola A.F. de & Kloet E.R. de (2000), The amount of free corticosterone is increased during lipopolysaccharide-induced fever, Life Sciences 66: 553-562.
- Visser J.T.J., Kloet E.R. de & Nagelkerken A.M. (2000), Altered glucocorticoid regulation of the immune response in the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 917: 868-875.
- Kloet E.R. de, Meijer O.C., Vreugdenhil E. & Joëls M. (2000), The Yin and Yang of Nuclear Receptors: Symposium on Nuclear Receptors in Brain, Endocrinol Metabol II: 245-248.
- Haller J., Millar S., Schraaf J. van de, Kloet E.R. de & Kruk M.R. (2000), The active phase-related increase in corticosterone and aggression are linked, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 12: 431-436.
- Grootendorst J., Mulder M.T., Haasdijk E., Kloet E.R. de & Jaarsma D. (2000), Presence of apolipoprotein E immunoreactivity in degenerating neurones of mice is dependent on the severity of kainic acid-induced lesion, Brain Research 868: 165-175.
- Cabrera R., Korte S.M., Lentjes E.G.W.M., Romijn F., Schönbaum E., Nicola A.F. de & Kloet E.R. de (2000), The amount of free corticosterone is increased during lipopolysaccharide--induced fever, Life Sciences 66: 553-562.
- Karst H., Karten Y.J.G., Reichardt H.M., Kloet E.R. de, Schütz G. & Joëls M. (2000), Corticosteroid actions in hippocampus require DNA binding of glucocorticoid receptor homodimers, Nature Neuroscience 3: 977-978.
- Sibug R.M., Compaan J.C., Meijer O.C., Gugten J. van der, Olivier B. & Kloet E.R. de (2000), Effects on flesinoxan on corticosteroid receptor expression in the rat hippocampus, European Journal of Pharmacology 404: 111-119.
- Oitzl M.S., Workel J.O., Fluttert M.F.J., Frösch F. & Kloet E.R. de (2000), Maternal deprivation affects behaviour from youth to senescence: amplification of individual differences in spatial learning and memory in senescent Brown Norway rats, European Journal of Neuroscience 12: 3770-3780.
- Kloet E.R. de, Acker S.A.B.E. van, Sibug R.M., Oitzl M.S., Meijer O.C., Rahmouni K. & Jong W. de (2000), Brain mineralocorticoid receptors and centrally regulated functions, Kidney International 57: 1329-1336.
- Visser J.T.J., Kloet E.R. de & Nagelkerken A.M. (2000), Altered glucocorticoid regulation of the immune response in the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 917: 868-875.
- Visser J.T.J., Kloet E.R. de & Nagelkerken L. (2000), Altered glucocortiod regulation of the immune response in the chronic fatigue syndrome, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 917(868): 868-875.
- Meijer O.C., Steenbergen P.J. & Kloet E.R. de (2000), Differential expression and regional distribution of steroid receptor coactivators SRC-1 and SRC-2 in brain and pituitary, Endocrinology 141: 2192-2199.
- Kloet E.R. de (2000), Stress in the Brain, European Journal of Pharmacology 405: 1329-1336.
- Schaaf M.J., Sibug R.M., Duurland R., Fluttert M.F., Oitzl M.S., Kloet E.R. de & Vreugdenhil E. (1999), Corticosterone effects on BDNF mRNA expression in the rat hippocampus during morris water maze training, Stress 3(2): 173-183.
- Vreugdenhil E., Datson N., Engels B., Jong J. de, Koningsbruggen S. van, Schaaf M.J.M. & Kloet E.R. de (1999), Kainate-elicited seizures induce mRNA encoding a CaMK-related peptide: a putative modulator of kinase activity in rat hippocampus, Journal of Neurobiology 39(1): 41-50.
- Meijer O.C., Kortekaas R., Oitzl M.S. & Kloet E.R. de (1998), Acute rise in corticosterone facilitates 5-HT1A receptor-mediated behavioural responses, European Journal of Pharmacology 351: 7-14.
- Oers H.J.J. van, Kloet E.R. de & Levine S. (1998), The ontogeny of glucocorticoid negative feedback: influence of maternal deprivation, Endocrinology 129: 2838-2846.
- Kloet E.R. de (1998), Brain corticosteroid receptor balance in health and disease. Memorial lecture for the late prof.dr. Alfredo O Donoso.. Mendoza, Argentina. [lezing].
- Vreugdenhil E. & Kloet E.R. de (1998), Corticosteroid hormones and neuronal vulnerability: towards identification of candidate vulnerability genes. In: Leeuwen F.W. van, Salehi A., Giger R.J., Holtmaat A.J.G.D. & Verhaagen J. (red.), Progress in Brain Research: Elsevier science BV. 9-22.
- Rostène W., Nicot A., Scarcériaux V., Kloet E.R. de, Pélaprat D. & Bérod A. (1998), New Frontiers in Stress Research; Modulation of Brain Function. In: Levy A., Grauer E., Ben-Nathan D. & Kloet E.R. de (red.), Interaction between glucocorticoids and neurotensin in normal and stress responses. Amsterdam, NL: Harwood Academic Publishers. 83-94.
- Rostène W., Nicot A., Scarcriaux V., Kloet E.R. de, Laprat D.P. & Brod A. (1998), Interaction between glucocorticoids and neurotensin in normal and stress responses. In: Levy A., Grauer E., Ben-Nathan D. & Kloet E.R. de (red.), New Frontiers in Stress Research: Modulation of Brain Function.. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers. 83-94.
- Kloet E.R. de, Meijer O.C. & Haarst A.D. van (1998), Corticosteroid hormones and the organization of the stress response system. In: Levy A., Grauer E., Ben-Nathan D. & Kloet E.R. (red.), New Frontiers in Stress Research; Modulation of Brain Function. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers. 1-19.
- Griep E.N., Boersma J.W., Lentjes E.G.W.M., Prins P.A., Korst J.K. van der & Kloet E.R. de (1998), Function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in patients with fibromyalgia and low back pain, Journal of Rheumatology 25: 1374-1381.
- Meijer O.C., Lange E.C.M. de, Boer A.G. de, Workel J.O., Breimer D.D. & Kloet E.R. de (1998), Penetration of dexamethasone into brain glucocorticoid targets is enhanced in mdr1A P-glycoprotein knockout mice, Endocrinology 139: 1789-1793.
- Meijer O.C., Kortekaas R., Oitzl M.S. & Kloet E.R. de (1998), Acute rise in corticosterone facilitates 5-HT1A receptor-mediated behavioural responses, European Journal of Pharmacology 351: 7-14.
- Kloet E.R. de, Vreugdenhil E., Oitzl M.S. & Joëls M. (1998), Brain corticosteroid receptor balance in health and disease, Endocrine Reviews 19: 269-301.
- Grillo C.A., Saravia F., Ferrini M., Piroli G., Roig P., García S.I., Kloet E.R. de & Nicola A.F. de (1998), Increased expression of Magnocellular vasopressin mRNA ub rats with deoxycorticosterone-acetate induced salt appetite, Neuroendocrinology 68: 105-115.
- Griep E.N., Boersma J.W., Lentjes E.G.W.M., Prins A.P.A., Korst J.K. van der & Kloet E.R. de (1998), Function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in patients with fibromyalgia and low back pain, Journal of Rheumatology 25: 1374-1381.
- Sibug R.M., Compaan J.C., Meijer O.C., Gugten J. van der, Olivier B. & Kloet E.R. de (1998), Flesinoxan treatment reduces 5-HT1A receptor mRNA in the dentate gyrus independently of high plasma corticosterone levels, European Journal of Pharmacology 353: 207-214.
- Visser J., Blauw B., Hinloopen B., Brommer E.J.P., Kloet E.R. de, Kluft C. & Nagelkerken L. (1998), CD4 T lymphocytes from patients with chronic fatigue syndrome have decreased interferon-... production and increased sensitivity to dexamethasone, The Journal of Infectious Diseases 177: 451-454.
- Nicola A.F. de, Ferrini M., Gonzalez S.L., Gonzalez Deniselle M.C., Grillo C.A., Piroli G., Saravia F. & Kloet E.R. de (1998), Regulation of gene expression by corticoid hormones in the brain and spinal cord, Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 65: 253-272.
- Mulder M., Ravid R., Swaab D.F., Kloet E.R. de, Haasdijk E.D., Julk J., Boom J. van der & Havekes A.M. (1998), Reduced levels of cholesterol, phospholipids, and fatty acids in cerebrospinal fluid of Alzheimer disease patients are not related to apolipoprotein E4, Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders 12: 198-203.
- Oitzl M.S., Fluttert M.F.J., Sutanto W. & Kloet E.R. de (1998), Continuous blockade of brain glucocorticoid receptors facilitated spatial learning and memory in rats, European Journal of Neuroscience 10: 3759-3766.
- Schaaf M.J.M., Jong J. de, Kloet E.R. de & Vreugdenhil E. (1998), Downregulation of BDNF mRNA and protein in the rat hippocampus by corticosterone, Brain Research Bulletin 813: 112-120.
- Oers H.J.J. van, Kloet E.R. de & Levine S. (1998), Early vs. late maternal deprivation differentially alters the endocrine and hypothalamic responses to stress, Brain Research Bulletin 111: 245-253.
- Oers H.J.J. van, Kloet E.R. de, Whelan T. & Levine S. (1998), Maternal deprivation effect on the infant's neural stress markers is reversed by tactile stimulation and feeding but not by suppressing corticosterone, Journal of Neuroscience 18: 10171-10179.
- Visser J., Boxtel-Dezaire A. van, Methorst D., Bunt T., Kloet E.R. de & Nagelkerken L. (1998), Differential regulation of Interleukin-10 (IL-10) and IL-12 by glucocorticoids in vitro, Blood 91: 4255-4264.
- Betancur C., Cabrera R., Kloet E.R. de & Rostène W. (1998), Role of endogenous neurotensin in the behavorial and neuroendocrine effects of cocaine, Neuropsychopharmacology 19: 322-332.
- Oitzl M.S., Fluttert M.F.J. & Kloet E.R. de (1998), Acute blockade of hippocampal glucocorticoid receptors facilitates spatial learning in rats, Brain Research Bulletin 797: 159-162.
- Gómez F., Kloet E.R. de & Armario A. (1998), Glucocorticoid negative feedback on the HPA axis in five inbred rat strains, American Journal of Physiology 274: R420-R427.
- Meijer O.C. & Kloet E.R. de (1998), Corticosterone and serotonergic neurotransmission in the hippocampus: functional implications of the central corticosteroid receptor diversity, Critical Reviews in Neurobiology 12: 1-20.
- Kloet E.R. de (1997), Early experience, genotype and vulnerability to depressive illness. In: , De pathogenese van stoornissen in de affectregulatie; een psychobiologische integratie.. Leiden (Boerhaave cursus).
- Zant J.L., Mooij A., Griep E.N., Boersma J.W. & Kloet E.R. de (1997), Fibromyalgia in relation to the process of early attachment, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Pijn en Pijnbestrijding 17: 25-27.
- Kloet E.R. de (1997), Toekomstperspectieven in de behandeling van de ziekte van Alzheimer, Folia Pharmaceutica 9: 21-31.
- Krugers H.J., Mulder M., Korf J., Havekes A.M., Kloet E.R. de & Joels M. (1997), Altered synaptic plasticity in hippocampal CA1 area of apolipoprotein E deficient mice, Neuroreport 8: 2505-2510.
- Kloet E.R. de, Vreugdenhil E., Oitzl M.S. & Joëls M. (1997), Glucocorticoid feedback resistance, Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism 8: 26-33.
- Nicot A., Rowe W.B., Kloet E.R. de, Betancur C., Jessop D.S., Lightman S.L., Quirion R., Rostene W. & Bérod A. (1997), Endogenous neurotensin regulates hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity and peptidergic neurons in the rat hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 9: 263-269.
- Krugers H.J., Mulder M., Korf J., Havekes A.M., Kloet E.R. de & Joels M. (1997), Altered synaptic plasticity in ippocampal CA1 area of apoliprotein E deficient mice, Neuroreport 8: 2505-2510.
- Oitzl M.S., Mulder M., Lucassen P.J., Havekes A.M., Grootendorst J. & Kloet E.R. de (1997), Severe learning deficits in apolipoprotein E-knockout mice in a water maze task, Brain Research Bulletin 752: 189-196.
- Oitzl M.S., Mulder M., Lucassen P.J., Havekes A.M., Grootendorst J. & Kloet E.R. de (1997), Severe learning deficts in apolipoprotein E-knockout mice in a water maze task, Brain Research Bulletin 752: 189-196.
- Lentjes E.G.W.M., Griep E.N., Boersma J.W., Romijn F.P.H.T.M. & Kloet E.R. de (1997), Glucocoticoid receptors, fibromyalgia and low back pain, Psychoneuroendocrinology 22: 603-614.
- Bhatnagar M., Cintra A., Chadi G., Lindberg J., Oitzl M.S., Kloet E.R. de, Möller A., Agnati L.F. & Fuxe K. (1997), Neurochemical changes in the hippocampus of the Brown Norway rat during aging, Neurobiology of Aging 18: 319-327.
- Kloet E.R. de (1997), Why dexamethasone poorly penetrates in brain, Stress 2: 13-20.
- Rijk R.H. de, Sternberg E.M. & Kloet E.R. de (1997), Glucocorticoid receptor function in health and disease, Current opinion in Endocrinology and Diabetes 4: 185-193.
- Haarst A.D. van, Oitzl M.S. & Kloet E.R. de (1997), Facilitation of feedback inhibition through blockade of glucocorticoid receptors in the hippocampus, Neurochemical Research 22: 1323-1328.
- Oitzl M.S., Haarst A.D. van & Kloet E.R. de (1997), Behavioral and neuroendocrine responses controlled by the concerted action of central mineralocorticoid (MRs) and glucocorticoid receptors (GRs), Psychoneuroendocrinology 22: S87-S93.
- Meijer O.C., Oosten R.V. van & Kloet E.R. de (1997), Elevated basal trough levels of corticosterone suppress hippocampal 5-hydroxytryptamine-1A receptor expression in adrenally intact rats: implication for the pathogenesis of depression, Neuroscience 80: 419-426.
- Szuran T.F., Haarst A.D. van, Kloet E.R. de & Pliska V. (1997), Steroid receptors in the rat hippocampus: A note to the methodology of their binding assay, Journal of Receptor & Signal Transduction Research 17: 337-354.
- Oitzl M.S., Mulder M.T., Lucassen P.J., Havekes L.M., Grootendorst J. & Kloet E.R. de (1997), Severe learning deficits in apolipoprotein E-knockout mice in a water maze task, Brain Research 752: 189-196.
- Schaaf M.J.M., Hoetelmans R.W.M., Kloet E.R. de & Vreugdenhil E. (1997), Corticosterone regulates expression of BDNF and trkB but not NT-3 and trkC mRNA in the rat hippocampus, Journal of Neuroscience Research 48: 334-341.
- Ferrini M.G., Grillo C.A., Piroli G., Kloet E.R. de & Nicola A.F. de (1997), Sex difference in glucocorticoid regulation of vasopressin mRNA in the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology 17: 671-686.
- Joels M., Karten Y.J.G., Hesen W. & Kloet E.R. de (1997), Corticosteroid effects on electrical properties of brain cells: temporal aspects and role of antoglucocorticoids, Psychoneuroendocrinology 22: S81-S86.
- Karst H., Bosma A., Hendriksen E., Kamphuis W., Kloet E.R. de & Joels M. (1997), Effect of adrenalectomy in kindled rats, Neuroendocrinology 66: 348-359.
- Lentjes E.G.W.M., Griep E.N., Boersma J.W., Romijn F.P.H.T.M. & Kloet E.R. de (1997), Glucocorticoid receptors, fibromyalgia and low back pain, Psychoneuroendocrinology 22: 604-614.
- Workel J.O., Oitzl M.S., Ledeboer A. & Kloet E.R. de (1997), The Brown Norway rat displays enhanced stress-induced ACTH reactivity at day 18 after 24 h maternal deprivation at day 3, Developmental Brain Research 103: 199-203.
- Oers H.J.J. van, Kloet E.R. de & Levine S. (1997), Persistent, but paradoxical, effects on HPA regulation of infants maternally deprived at different ages, Stress 1: 249-261.
- Meijer O.C., Cole T.J., Schmid W., Schütz G., Joels M. & Kloet E.R. de (1997), Regulation of hippocampal 5-HT-1A receptor mRNA and binding in transgenic mice with a targeted disruption of the glucocorticoid receptor, Molecular Brain Research 46: 290-296.
- Oitzl M.S., Kloet E.R. de, Joels M., Schmid W. & Cole T.J. (1997), Spatial learning deficits in mice with a targeted glucocorticoid receptor gene disruption, European Journal of Neuroscience 9: 2284-2296.