Edith de Roos
Medewerker Bibliotheekservices
- Naam
- E.M. de Roos
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 6738
- e.m.de.roos@asc.leidenuniv.nl

Edith de Roos is verantwoordelijk voor de acquisitie van tijdschriften en tijdschriftbeheer, open access en catalogisering van African Library-(schenkingen).
Medewerker Bibliotheekservices
- Afrika-Studiecentrum
- Bibliotheek, Documentatie en Informatie
- Roos E.M. de & Damen J.C.M. (red.) (2017), Walking guide to African Leiden = Wandelgids door Afrikaans Leiden. Leiden: Brill.
- Roos E.M. de, Oberst U. & Dietz A.J. (2016), Annotated bibliography for the Scoping study “Improving the perspective for regional trade and investment in West-Africa: the key to food security, economic development and stability in the region?”. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL).
- Faber L.A. (2015), 'More than just an object': a material analysis of the return and retention of Namibian skulls from Germany. Utrecht: University Utrecht.
- Dietz A.J. (2015), A postal history of the First World War in Africa and its aftermath - German colonies: I German Togo. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 116. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Kazimierczuk A.H. (2015), Overview of development policies in the Netherlands (2010-2015) in the context of private sector development, CII analyses bulletin (6): 16-26.
- Mann L.E. & Nzayisenga E. (2015), Sellers on the street: the human infrastructure of the mobile phone network in Kigali, Rwanda, Critical African Studies 7(1): 26-46.
- Leegwater M. (2015), Sharing scarcity: land access and social relations in Southeast Rwanda. African Studies Collection nr. 60. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Leliveld A.H.M. (2015), Social entrepreneurship in Uganda: exploring a different approach in development. ASC occasional publications nr. 23. Leiden [etc.]: African Studies Centre [etc.].
- Dietz A.J. (2015), A postal history of the First World War in Africa and its aftermath - German colonies: II Kamerun. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 117. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Dietz A.J. (2015), A postal history of the First World War in Africa and its aftermath - German colonies: IV Deutsch-Ostafrika / German East Africa (GEA). ASC Working Paper Series nr. 119. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Dietz A.J. (2015), A postal history of the First World War in Africa and its aftermath - German colonies: III Deutsch-Sdwestafrika (SWA). ASC Working Paper Series nr. 118. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Damen J.C.M. & Verheul I. (2015), Samenwerking met Wikipedia werpt vruchten af: meer publiek bereiken met online encyclopedie, IP: vakblad voor Informatieprofessionals (3): 24-28.
- Nasongo S.A.A., Zaal F., Dietz A.J. & Okeyo-Owuor J.B. (2015), Institutional pluralism, access and use of wetland resources in the Nyando Papyrus Wetland, Kenya, Journal of ecology and the natural environment 7(3): 56-71.
- Grubben G., Klaver W., Nono-Womdim R., Everaarts A., Fondio L., Nugteren J.A. & Corrado M. (2014), Vegetables to combat the hidden hunger in Africa, Chronica Horticulturae 54(1): 24-32.
- Barringer T., Damen J.C.M., Limb J. & Wallace M. (2014), Introduction. In: Barringer T. & Wallace M. (red.), African studies in the digital age: DisConnects?. Leiden [etc.]: Brill. 1-14.
- Wout M.L. van 't & Dekker M. (2014), Navigating through times of scarcity: the intensification of a gift-giving economy after dollarization in rural Zimbabwe. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 115. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Abbink G.J. (2014), Religion and politics in Africa : the future of "the secular", Africa Spectrum 49(3): 83-106.
- Abbink G.J. (2014), Religious freedom and the political order: the Ethiopian 'secular state' and the containment of Muslim identity politics, Journal of Eastern African Studies 8(3): 346-365.
- Vlaminck Z., Huyse H. & Peels R. (2014), Trade unions' views on working with donor governments in the development sector: a review of 18 donor governments' support mechanisms. Leuven: HIVA - Research Institute for Work and Society, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
- Muller H. & Damen J.C.M. (2014), Wikipedia for Africanists, African Research & Documentation 2014(124): 3-9.
- Amha A. (2014), Complex predicates in Zargulla. In: Meyer R., Treis Y. & Amha A. (red.), Explorations in Ethiopian linguistics: complex predicates, finiteness and interrogativity. Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes nr. 91. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 91-119.
- Mann L.E., Graham M. & Friederici N. (2014), The internet and business process outsourcing in East Africa: value chains and connectivity-based enterprises in Kenya and Rwanda. Oxford: Oxford Internet Institute.
- Dietz A.J., Jarawura F., Seuren G. & Veldkamp F. (2014), Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus: Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan: report on Ghana. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Mann L.E. (2014), Wasta! The long-term implications of education expansion and economic liberalization on politics in Sudan, Review of African Political Economy 41(142): 561-578.
- Sahla S. (2014), Mali: broedplaats voor extremisme, terrorisme en criminaliteit?, Militaire Spectator 183(3): 104-117.
- Kessel W.M.J. van (2014) Review of Philipps J.: 'Ambivalent rage: youth gangs and urban protest in Conakry, Guinea'. Bespreking van: Philipps J. (2013), Ambivalent rage: youth gangs and urban protest in Conakry, Guinea. Paris: L'Harmattan. Africa Spectrum 49(3): 161-163.
- Vlaminck Z., Dekker M., Leliveld A.H.M. & Oberst U. (2014), Rome wasn't built in a day: the accessibility of social protection for informal workers: a mapping of 5 West African countries. Utrecht: CNV Internationaal.
- Dietz A.J., Hemsteede R., Seuren G. & Veldkamp F. (2014), Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus: Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan: report on Mozambique. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Rutten M.M.E.M., Dietz A.J., Foeken D.W.J., Seuren G. & Veldkamp F. (2014), Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus: Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan: report on Kenya. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Dietz A.J., Hees S., Seuren G. & Veldkamp F. (2014), Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus: Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan: report on Rwanda. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Yilma Z., Mebratie A., Sparrow R., Abebaw D., Dekker M., Alemu G. & Bedi A.S. (2014), Shocks and coping strategies in rural Ethiopia: a policy brief. ASCL Infosheet nr. 22. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Rutten M.M.E.M., Dietz A.J., Seuren G. & Veldkamp F. (2014), Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus: Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan: report on South Sudan. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Abbink G.J., Askew K., Dori D.F., Fratkin E., Gabbert E.C., Galaty J., LaTosky S., Lydall J., Mahmoud H.A., Markakis J., Schlee G., Strecker I. & Turton D. (2014), Lands of the future: transforming pastoral lands and livelihoods in Eastern Africa. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology working papers nr. 154. Halle / Saale: Max Planck Institute. [working paper].
- Abbink G.J. (2014), Stabiele instabiliteit: Somalië, Al Shabaab en de wijdere regio, Internationale Spectator 68(11): 4-8.
- Dietz A.J., Bergh M. van den, Seuren G. & Veldkamp F. (2014), Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus: Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan: report on Mali. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Dietz A.J., Nijzink L., Seuren G. & Veldkamp F. (2014), Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus: Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan: report on Benin. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Dietz A.J., Veldkamp F. & Vink N. de (2014), No-go gebieden 2014. ASC themakaart nr. 13. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Ntewusu S.A. (2014), The road to development: the construction and use of 'the Great North Road' in Gold Coast Ghana. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 114. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Meyer R., Treis A. & Amha A. (red.) (2014), Explorations in Ethiopian linguistics: complex predicates, finiteness and interrogativity. Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes nr. 91. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
- Dietz A.J., Rutten M.M.E.M., Bergh M. van den, Foeken D.W.J., Hees S., Hemsteede R., Jarawura F., Nijzink L., Seuren G. & Veldkamp F. (2014), Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus: Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan: general report and pressing needs. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Amha A. (2013), Directives to humans and to domestic animals: the imperative and some interjections in Zargulla. In: Simeone-Senelle M.C. & Vanhove M. (red.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cushitic and Omotic languages, Paris, 16-18 April 2008. Cushitic and Omotic Studies nr. 3. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. 211-229.
- Ross R.J., Hinfelaar M. & Pesa I. (2013), The objects of life in Central Africa: the history of consumption and social change, 1840-1980. Afrika-Studiecentrum series nr. 30. Leiden: Brill.
- Vlasblom D. (2013), The richer harvest: economic development in Africa and Southeast Asia compared: the 'Tracking Development' study 2006-2011. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Maedza P. (2013), Theatre of testimony: an investigation in devising asylum. S.l.: s.n..
- Foeken D.W.J., Ching Chung H., Mutune T.N. & Owuor S. (2013), Urban water interventions and livelihoods in low-income neighbourhoods in Kisumu, Kenya. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 112. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Beek W.E.A. van (2013), The West African sports official: an insider's view of sports administration, Paideuma: Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde 59: 77-101.
- Dietz A.J., Geest K. van der & Obeng F. (2013), Local perceptions of development and change in Northern Ghana. In: Yaro J.A. (red.), Rural development in Northern Ghana. New York: Nova Science Publishers. 17-36.
- Bruijn M.E. de, Nyamnjoh F. & Brinkman I. (2013), Side@Ways: mobile margins and the dynamics of communication in Africa. Langaa / ASC Series. Leiden [etc.]: African Studies CentreandLangaa Publishers.
- Walraven K. van (2013), The yearning for relief: a history of the Sawaba movement in Niger. Afrika-Studiecentrum series nr. 25. Leiden [etc.]: Brill.
- Dietz A.J. (2013), The PADev Story: PADev 2007-2013 End-of-Project Report. ASC occasional publication nr. 16. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Dekker M. (2013), Promoting gender equality and female empowerment: a systematic review of the evidence on property rights, labour markets, political participation and violence against women. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 111. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Foeken D.W.J., Rutten M.M.E.M. & Vink N. de (2013), Sanitation in Africa: access to improved sanitation facility and improvement index. ASC themakaart nr. 8. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Kurian M., Ratna Reddy V., Dietz A.J. & Brdjanovic D. (2013), Wastewater re-use for peri-urban agriculture: a viable option for adaptive water management?, Sustainability science 8(1): 47-59.
- Derkyi M., Ros-Tonen M.A.F., Dietz A.J. & Kyereh B. (2012), Interactive forest governance to conflict management in Ghana, ETFRN NEWS (53): 19-28.
- Ntewusu S.A. (2012), Settling in and holding on: a socio-economic history of northern traders and transporters in Accra's Tudu, 1908-2008. African Studies Collection nr. 40. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Gewald J.B., Leliveld A.H.M. & Pesa I. (2012), Transforming innovations in Africa: explorative studies on appropriation in African societies. African dynamics nr. 11. Leiden: Brill.
- Kamanzi A. (2012), Unequal catch: gender and fisheries on the Lake Victoria landing sites in Tanzania. African Studies Collection nr. 42. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Bruijn M.E. de (2012), Mobiele telefoniecultuur in Afrika: internationaal vakmanschap in Kameroen, Internationale Spectator 66(5): 245-249.
- Dietz A.J. (2012), Landbouw loont: Zuidoost-Azië als spiegel voor Afrika?, Internationale Spectator 66(5): 259-263.
- Kamanzi A. (2012), "They needed an ethnographer: that is why they missed it!" Exploring the value of bananas among the Haya people of Bukoba, northwestern Tanzania. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 104. Leiden: Afrika-Studiecentrum. [working paper].
- Ellis S. (2012), Nigeria: corrupt, chaotisch, maar nog steeds Afrika's slapende reus, Internationale Spectator 66(5): 250-252.
- Owuor S. & Foeken D.W.J. (2012), Water interventions for the urban poor: the case of Homa Bay, Kenya. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 107. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Owuor S. & Foeken D.W.J. (2012), The Wandiege Community Water Supply Project (Kisumu, Kenya): from self-help group to water company. ASCL Infosheet nr. 14. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Roos E.M. de & Damen J.C.M. (2012), Safari in Leiden: wandeling en fietstocht. ASC occasional publications nr. 13. Leiden: Afrika-Studiecentrum.
- Norder S., Rijsdijk K., Dietz A.J. & Rughooputh S. (2012), Mauritius: ruimtegebrek en suikerriet, Geografie: vaktijdschrift voor geografen 21(2): 25-27.
- Kamanzi A. (2012), Power analysis: a study of participation at the local level in Tanzania. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 105. Leiden: Afrika-Studiecentrum. [working paper].
- Merolla D. (2012), Introduction. In: , Multimedia research and documentation of oral genres in Africa. Afrikanische Studien nr. 45. Munchen [etc.]: Lit Verlag. vii-xv.
- Kaag M.M.A. (2011), Islam et engagements au Sénégal: résultats d'un programme de recherche demandé par l'Ambassade du Royaume des Pay-Bas à Dakar. ASC occasional publications nr. 11. Leiden: Centre d'Etudes Africaines.
- Gewald J.B., Hinfelaar M. & Macola G. (2011), Living the end of empire: politics and society in late colonial Zambia. Afrika-Studiecentrum series nr. 21. Leiden: Brill.
- Dietz A.J. (2011), Manifest voor een echt kennisbeleid, Vice Versa 45(3): 16-19.
- Bruijn M.E. de, Oostrum K. van, Obono O., Oumarou A. & Boureima D. (2011), Mobilités nouvelles et insécurités dans les sociétés nomades Fulbé (peules): étude de plusieurs pays en Afrique Centrale de l'ouest (Niger-Nigeria). ASC Working Paper Series nr. 97. Leiden: Afrika-Studiecentrum. [working paper].
- Gewald J.B. (2011), On becoming a chief in the Kaokoveld, colonial Namibia, 1916-25, Journal of African History 52(1): 23-42.
- Abbink G.J. (2011), Religion in public spaces: emerging Muslim-Christian polemics in Ethiopia, African Affairs 110(439): 253-274.
- Akinyoade A. (2011), The man in his house: marriage, gender relation and childbearing in Ghana, African Affairs 30(8): 133-152.
- Pelckmans L. (2011), Travelling hierarchies: roads in and out of slave status in a Central Malian Fulbe network. African Studies Collection nr. 34. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Evers S.J.T.M., Notermans C. & Ommering E. van (2011), Not just a victim: the child as catalyst and witness of contemporary Africa. Afrika-Studiecentrum series nr. 20.
- Kepe T. & Ntsebeza L. (2011), Rural resistance in South Africa: the Mpondo Revolts after fifty years. Afrika-Studiecentrum series nr. 22. Leiden: Brill.
- Winden M.C.A. van & Dalen D.A.M.E. van (2011), Inzicht in Afrika (Understanding Africa). Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Konings P.J.J. (2011), The politics of neoliberal reforms in Africa: State and civil society in Cameroon. Langaa / ASC Series. Leiden: African Studies Centre and Langaa Publishers.
- Nkwi W.G. (2011), Kfaang and its technologies: towards a social history of mobility in Kom, Cameroon, 1928-1998. African Studies Collection, ISSN 1876-018X ; 26 nr. 30. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Abbink G.J. & Bruijn M.E. de (2011), Land, law and politics in Africa: mediating conflict and reshaping the state. African dynamics nr. 10. Leiden: Brill.
- Bruijn M.E. de & Damen J.C.M. (2011), Whose archives? Conservation and creation of Africanist archives in the post-colonial era. CODESRIA General Assembly.
- Itika J., Ridder K. de & Tollenaar A. (2011), Theories and stories in African public administration. African Public Administration and Management series. Leiden: African Studies Centre / University of Groningen / Mzumbe University.
- Bruijn M.E. de, Oostrum K. van, Obono O., Oumarou A. & Boureima D. (2011), New mobilities and insecurities in Fulbe nomadic societies: a multi-country study in west-central Africa (Niger-Nigeria). ASC Working Paper Series nr. 96. Leiden: Afrika-Studiecentrum. [working paper].
- Kessel W.M.J. van (2011), Zuid-Afrika: reus in Afrika, dwerg in BRICS, Internationale Spectator 65(4): 201-203.
- Abbink G.J. (2011), 'Land to the foreigners': economic, legal, and socio-cultural aspects of new land acquisition schemes in Ethiopia, Journal of Contemporary African Studies 29(4): 513-539.
- Nyamnjoh H. (2010), "We get nothing from fishing": fishing for boat opportunities amongst Senegalese fisher migrants. Langaa / ASC Series. Bamenda, Cameroon: African Studies Centre and Langaa Publishers.
- Egbo O., Nwakoby I., Onwumere J. & Uche C.U. (2010), Legitimizing corruption in government: Security votes in Nigeria. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 91. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Klaver W. (2010), Underweight or stunting as an indicator of the MDG on poverty and hunger. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 92. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Haan L.J. de (2010), Perspectives on African Studies and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Africa Spectrum 45(1): 95-116.
- Enweremadu D.U. (2010), La société civile et la lutte contre la corruption au Nigeria: Le cas des ONG anti-corruption. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 89. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Bruijn M.E. de & Merolla D. (2010), Researching Africa: Explorations of everyday African encounters. African Studies Collection nr. 26. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Dietz A.J. (2010), Klimaatoorlogen?, Geografie: vaktijdschrift voor geografen 19(1): 20-21.
- Dekker M. & Dijk R.A. van (2010), Markets of well-being: navigating health and healing in Africa. African dynamics nr. 9. Leiden: Brill.
- Dietz A.J. (2010), Tracking Development: Summary of some major points during the panel sessions of the first (public) day of the third conference (in Putrajaya, Malaysia, May 2010). Tracking Development.
- Abbink G.J. (2010), Political culture in Ethiopia: a balance sheet of post-1991 ethnically-based federalism. ASCL Infosheet nr. 8. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Ellis S. & Kessel W.M.J. van (2009), Movers and shakers: social movements in Africa. African dynamics nr. 8. Leiden: Brill.
- Dietz A.J. (2009), Participatory, holistic evaluation of development initiatives in Sandema (Builsa District) Upper East Region Ghana. Amsterdam.
- Djedjebi T.S. (2009), Pastoralistes et la ville au Bénin: Livelihoods en questionnement. African Studies Collection nr. 17. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Adano W.R., Witsenburg K. & Dietz A.J. (2009), Scarcity of natural resources and pastoral conflicts in northern Kenya: an inquiry, Horn of Africa Bulletin 21(1): 1-5.
- Abbink G.J. (2009), The Islamic Courts Union: the ebb and flow of a Somali Islamist movement. In: Ellis S. & Kessel W.M.J. van (red.), Movers and shakers: social movements in Africa. African dynamics nr. 8. Leiden: Brill. 87-113.
- Gewald J.B., Luning S.W.J. & Walraven K. van (2009), The speed of change: motor vehicles and people in Africa, 1890-2000. Afrika-Studiecentrum series nr. 13. Leiden: Brill.
- Damen J.C.M. (2009), Waarom een prinses uit Zanzibar trouwde met een Duitse koopman (en hoe haar bibliotheek in Leiden terechtkwam), De Boekenwereld 25(3): 231-236.
- Prince R., Denis P. & Dijk R.A. van (2009), Introduction to special issue: engaging christianities: negotiating HIV/AIDS, health, and social relations in east and southern Africa, Africa Today 56(1): v-xviii.
- Rutten M.M.E.M. (2009), Why De Soto's land-tenure ideas of formalized property rights are failing to benefit Africa's poor. ASCL Infosheet nr. 6. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Abbink G.J. (2009), Law against reality? Contextualizing the Ethiopian-Eritrean border problem. In: Grutty A. de, Post H. & Venturini G. (red.), The 1998-2000 war between Eritrea and Ethiopia: an international legal perspective. The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press. 141-158.
- Owuor S. & Foeken D.W.J. (2009), Water reforms and interventions in urban Kenya: institutional set-up, emerging impact and challenges. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 83. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- February V.A. (2009), Koekemakranke: die pad van Vernie February (1938-2002). ASC occasional publications nr. 7. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Bruijn M.E. de, Nyamnjoh F. & Brinkman I. (2009), Mobile phones: the new talking drums of everyday Africa. Langaa / ASC Series. Bamenda, Cameroon: Langaa Publishers.
- Dietz A.J., Gunning J.W., Bos A.K. & Zuiderwijk A. (2009), Optimistic determinism or explaining a miracle. In: Burger K. & Zaal A.F.M. (red.), Sustainable land management in the tropics: explaining the miracle. Farnham: Ashgate. 1-20.
- Dietz A.J. (2009), Ingenieursland Nederland kan nog heel wat leren van andere delta's: interview met Ton Dietz n.a.v. de conferentie "People and the sea", Nieuwsbrief Duurzame Aarde : .
- Ellis S. (2009), West Africa's international drug trade, African Affairs 108(431): 171-196.
- Dietz A.J. (2009), Wat wil de minister? Juist minister Koenders zou pal moeten staan voor de Nederlandse civilaterale traditie, maar dat doet hij niet, Vice Versa Oktober 2009: 8.
- Konings P.J.J. (2009), Neoliberal bandwagonism: civil society and the politics of belonging in Anglophone Cameroon. Langaa / ASC Series. Bamenda, Cameroon: African Studies Centre and Langaa Publishers.
- Abbink G.J. (2009), The Total Somali Clan Genealogy (second edition). ASC Working Paper Series nr. 84. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Dietz A.J. & Haastrecht A. van (2008), Restaurant guide for Simon's Town and around.
- Dietz A.J. & Rutten M.M.E.M. (2008), Kenia en de 'stammenstrijd', Geografie: vaktijdschrift voor geografen 17(2): 6-10.
- Dalen D.A.M.E. van (2008), Kleurrijk Afrika: veelzijdig onderzoek. ASC occasional publications nr. 8. Leiden: Afrika-Studiecentrum.
- Abbink G.J. (2008), Muslim monasteries? Some aspects of religious culture in Northern Ethiopia, Aethiopica: international journal of Ethiopian studies 11: 117-133.
- Barr A., Dekker M. & Fafchamps M. (2008), Risk sharing relations and enforcement mechanisms. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 80. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Bieckmann F. & Dietz A.J. (2008), Til ontwikkelingsdebat naar hoger niveau, Vice Versa : .
- Beek W.E.A. van, Rutten M.M.E.M. & Spierenburg M. (2008), Tourism in Africa. ASCL Infosheet nr. 3. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Kessel W.M.J. van (2008), Zo simpel ligt het niet in Afrika. De Volkskrant: 11.
- Gewald J.B., Hinfelaar M. & Macola G. (2008), One Zambia, many histories: towards a history of post-colonial Zambia. Afrika-Studiecentrum series nr. 12. Leiden: Brill.
- Abbink G.J. (2008), Violence and survival in Ethiopia: a comparative anthropology of the Suri people. ASCL Infosheet nr. 4. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Andiema R., Dietz A.J. & Kotomei A. (2008), Participatory evaluation of development interventions for poverty alleviation among (former) pastoralists in West Pokot, Kenya. In: Bryant C.R., Makhanya E. & Herrmann T.M. (red.), The sustainability of rural systems in developing countries. Montreal: Laboratoire de Développement durable et dynamique territoriale / Département de Geographie / Université de Montreal. 117-131.
- Klaver W. & Nubé M. (2008), The MDG on poverty and hunger: how reliable are the hunger estimates?. In: Rutten M.M.E.M., Leliveld A.H.M. & Foeken D.W.J. (red.), Inside poverty and development in Africa: critical reflections on pro-poor policies. African dynamics nr. 7. Leiden: Brill. 273-302.
- Kabki M., Mazzucato V. & Dietz A.J. (2008), Migrant involvement in community development: the case of the rural Ashanti Region, Ghana. In: Naerssen A.L. van, Spaan E. & Zoomers A. (red.), Global migration and development. New York/London: Routledge/Taylor and Francis. 150-171.
- Haan L.J. de (2008), Livelihoods and the articulation of space. In: Hebinck P., Slootweg S. & Smith L. (red.), Tales of Development: People, Power and Space.. Assen: Van Gorcum. 51-60.
- Obure J., Dietz A.J. & Zaal A.F.M. (2008), Participatory monitoring and evaluation: lessons from anti-poverty interventions in Northern Ghana. American Evaluation Association.
- Barr A., Dekker M. & Fafchamps M. (2008), Risk sharing relations and enforcement mechanisms. CSAE Working Paper Series nr. 14. Oxford: Centre for the Study of African Economies. [working paper].
- Vries K.C.M. de (2008), Toenemende buitenlandse directe investeringen in Afrika in kaart gebracht. ASC themakaart nr. 1. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Abdalla M.A. (2008), Poverty and inequality in urban Sudan: policies, institutions and governance. African Studies Collection nr. 13. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Rutten M.M.E.M., Leliveld A.H.M. & Foeken D.W.J. (2008), Inside poverty and development in Africa: critical reflections on pro-poor policies. African dynamics nr. 7. Leiden: Brill.
- Kamanzi A. (2007), "Our way": responding to the Dutch aid in the District Rural Development Programme of Bukoba, Tanzania. African Studies Collection nr. 4. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Hebinck P. & Lent P.C. (2007), Livelihoods and landscapes: the people of Guquka and Koloni and their resources. Afrika-Studiecentrum series nr. 9. Leiden: Brill.
- Bergh M. van den (2007), Nestbouwende graszanger(s) bij het Kennemermeer, Fitis 43(4): 175-177.
- Ellis S. (2007) Review of Nativel D.: 'Maisons royales, demeures des grands à Madagascar: l'inscription de la réussite sociale dans l'espace urbain de Tananarive au XIXe siècle'. Bespreking van: Nativel D. (2005), Maisons royales, demeures des grands à Madagascar: l'inscription de la réussite sociale dans l'espace urbain de Tananarive au XIXe siècle. Paris: Karthala. Africa 76(4): 601-602.
- Bakker N., Dietz A.J. & Wolsink M. (2007), Ruimte voor milieu!. In: Bakker N., Dietz A.J. & Wolsink M. (red.), Ruimte voor milieu: inzichten van milieugeografen en -planologen. Utrecht: Jan van Arkel. 9-16.
- Foeken D.W.J. & Owuor S. (2007), School farming and school feeding in Nakuru town, Kenya: practice and potential. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 76. Leiden: Afrika-Studiecentrum. [working paper].
- Gewald J.B. (2007), Spanish influenza in Africa: some comments regarding source material and future research. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 77. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Dijk R.A. van (2007), Testing nightscapes: Ghanaian Pentecostal politics of the nocturnal, Etnofoor 20(2): 41-57.
- Gewald J.B. (2007), Transport transforming society: towards a history of transport in Zambia, 1890-1930. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 74. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Ellis S. & Haar G. ter (2007), Religion and Politics: taking African epistemologies seriously, Journal of Modern African Studies 45(3): 385-401.
- Gewald J.B. (2007), Researching and writing in the twilight of an imagined conquest: anthropology in Northern Rhodesia 1930-1960. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 75. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Dietz A.J. (2007), Masterclass Politiek 2015: ontwikkelingssamenwerking. .
- Ellis S. (2007) Review of Arnold G.: 'Africa: A Modern History'. Bespreking van: Arnold G. (2005), Africa: A Modern History. London: Atlantic Books. Journal of African History 48: 317-318.
- Ndaya J. (2007), 'Prendre le bic': 'Le Combat Spirituel' congolais et les transformations sociales = 'Pak je pen': de Congolese 'Combat Spirituel' en maatschappelijke veranderingen. African Studies Collection nr. 7. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Bruijn M.E. de (2007), Mobility and society in the Sahel: An exploration of mobile margins and global governance. In: Hahn H. & Klute G. (red.), Cultures of Migration. Münster: Lit Verlag. 109-129.
- Ndlovu-Gatsheni S.J. (2007), Tracking the historical roots of post-apartheid citizenship problems: the Native Club, restless natives, panicking settlers and the politics of nativism in South Africa. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 72. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Foeken D.W.J. (2006), "To subsidise my income": urban farming in an East-African town. Afrika-Studiecentrum series nr. 7. Leiden: Brill.
- Rutten M.M.E.M. (2006), Is er (weer) plaats voor ontwikkelingsgeografie?, Geografie: vaktijdschrift voor geografen 15(3): 11-14.
- Versleijen N. & Hoorweg J.C. (2006), Marine conservation: the voice of the fishers. Coastal Ecology Conference IV.
- Hesseling G.S.C.M. (2006), Recht en vrede kussen elkaar, Vrede en Veiligheid. Tijdschrift voor Internationale Vraagstukken 35(4): 385-400.
- Abbink G.J. (2006), Reconstructing Haberland reconstructing the Wolaitta: writing the history and society of a former Ethiopian Kingdom, History in Africa 33: 1-15.
- Kelsall T. & Ellis S. (2006), Rethinking African development: Beyond impasse, towards alternatives, African Affairs 105(419): 295-297.
- Ellis S. (2006), The roots of African corruption, Current History 105(691): 203-208.
- Ellis S. & Haar G. ter (2006), The role of religion in development: towards a new relationship between the European Union and Africa, European Journal of Development Research 18(3): 351-367.
- Leliveld A.H.M. (2006), Van projecthulp naar sectorsteun. Evaluatie van de sectorale benadering 1998-2005. Den Haag: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.
- Hoorweg J.C., Versleijen N., Wangila B. & Degen A. (2006), Income diversification and fishing practices among artisanal fishers on the Malindi-Kilifi coast. Coastal Ecology Conference IV.
- Kessel W.M.J. van (2006), Zwarte blanken: Afrikaanse soldaten in Nederlands Oost-Indië, Geschiedenis Magazine 41(1): 8-13.
- Binsbergen W.M.J. van (2006), 'An incomprehensible miracle' - Central African clerical intellectualism versus African historic religion: A close reading of Valentin Mudimbe's Tales of Faith, Journal of African Cultural Studies 17(1): 11-65.
- Ellis S. (2006) Review of Fuglestad F.: 'The ambiguities of history'. Bespreking van: Fuglestad F. (2005), The Ambiguities of History: The problem of ethnocentrism in historical writing. Oslo: Oslo Academic Press. African Affairs 105(418): 151-153.
- Dietz A.J. (2006), Participatory evaluation of development interventions in a vulnerable environment. VARIP Conference.
- Soares B.F. (2005), Islam in Mali in the neoliberal era, African Affairs 105(418): 77-95.
- Rutten M.M.E.M. & Ombongi K.S. (2005), Kenya: nineteenth century, precolonial. In: Shillington K. (red.), Encyclopedia of African History. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn. 742-745.
- Walraven K. van (2005), Niger. In: Mehler A., Melber H. & Walraven K. van (red.), Africa Yearbook: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2004. Africa Yearbook nr. 1. Leiden: Brill. 125-132.
- Rutten M.M.E.M. (2005), Shallow wells: a sustainable and inexpensive alternative to boreholes in Kenya. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 66. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Kessel W.M.J. van (2005), Van Mossi tot Zwarte Hollander: Afrikanen in het Nederlands-Indisch Leger. Zuidelijk Afrika: Kwartaalblad over Zuidelijk Afrika: 35.
- Abbink G.J. & Kessel W.M.J. van (2005), Vanguard or vandals: youth, politics and conflict in Africa. African dynamics nr. 4. Leiden: Brill.
- Dietz A.J. (2005), World poverty. UNEP-GEO-vulnerability conference.
- Walraven K. van (2005), West Africa. In: Mehler A., Melber H. & Walraven K. van (red.), Africa Yearbook: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2004. Africa Yearbook nr. 1. Leiden: Brill. 27-38.
- Dietz A.J. (2005), World poverty as a cross-cutting issue. Cemede/RIVMworkshop about vulnerability for GEO-4 preparation.
- Gewald J.B. (2005), Learning to wage and win wars in Africa: a provisional history of German military activity in Congo, Tanzania, China and Namibia. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 60. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Gewald J.B. (2005) Review of 'Miescher, G. and Henrichsen, D.: African posters: a catalogue of the poster collection in the Basler Afrika Bibliographien'. Bespreking van: Miescher G. & Henrichsen D. (2004), African posters: a catalogue of the poster collection in the Basler Afrika Bibliographien. Basel: Basler Afrika Bibliographien. Journal of African History 46(2): 377-377.
- Ezeoha A. & Uche C.U. (2005), South Africa, NEPAD and the African Renaissance. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 64. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Beek W.E.A. van & Avontuur S. (2005), The making of an environment: ecological history of the Kapsiki/Higi of North Cameroon and North-Eastern Nigeria. In: Gausset Q., Whyte M. & Birch-Thomsen T. (red.), Beyond territory and scarcity in Africa: Exploring conflicts over natural resource management. Uppsala: Nordiska Afrika Institute. 70-89.
- Beek W.E.A. van & Fofana M. (2005), Mali. In: Mehler A., Melber H. & Walraven K. van (red.), Africa Yearbook: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2004. Africa Yearbook nr. 1. Leiden: Brill. 111-118.
- Hesseling G.S.C.M. & Oomen B.M. (2005), La redécouverte du droit: le trajet parcouru. In: Hesseling G.S.C.M., Djiré M. & Oomen B.M. (red.), Le droit en Afrique: expériences locales au Mali et droit étatique. Leiden - Paris: African Studies Centre - Karthala. 5-28.
- Soares B.F. (2005), Mali: im Visier der Islamismus-Fahnder, Inamo (41): 16-18.
- Ellis S. (2005), Liberia. In: Mehler A., Melber H. & Walraven K. van (red.), Africa Yearbook: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2004. Africa Yearbook nr. 1. Leiden/Boston: Brill. 101-109.
- Kessel W.M.J. van (2005), The tricontinental voyage of Negro Corporal Manus Ulzen (1812-1887) from Elmina, Afrique & Histoire 4: 13-36.
- Rutten M.M.E.M. (2005), Kenya. In: Szajkowski B. (red.), Political parties of the world; an international reference guide: John Harper Publishing. 352-357.
- Kessel W.M.J. van (2005), Zwarte Hollanders: Afrikaanse soldaten in Nederlands-Indië. Amsterdam: KIT Publishers.
- Binsbergen W.M.J. van (2005), Towards an Intercultural Hermeneutics of Post-'9/11' Reconciliation: Comments on Richard Kearney's 'Thinking After Terror: An Interreligious Challenge', Journal of Interdisciplinary Crossroads 2(1): 60-72.
- Dietz A.J. (2005), PIE Workshop May 2005: experiences with capacity development.
- Hesseling G.S.C.M. (2005), Senegal. In: Mehler A., Melber H. & Walraven K. van (red.), Africa yearbook: politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2004. Africa Yearbook. Leiden/Boston: Brill. 149-157.
- Beek W.E.A. van (2005), Mormon Europeans or European Mormons? An "Afro-European" view on religious colonization, Dialogue: a Journal of Mormon Thought 38(4): 3-36.
- Kaag M.M.A. (2005), Islamic NGOs in Chad, ISIM Review 16: 30.
- Binsbergen W.M.J. van (2005), 'We are in this for the money': Commodification and the sangoma cult of Southern Africa. In: Binsbergen W.M.J. van & Geschiere P.L. (red.), Commodification: Things, Agency, and Identities (The Social Life of Things Revisited). Münster: Lit Verlag. 319-348.
- Rutten M.M.E.M. (2005), Kenya. In: Mehler A., Melber H. & Walraven K. van (red.), Africa yearbook: politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2004. Africa Yearbook. Leiden: Brill.
- Bruijn M.E. de, Kaag M.M.A., Til A. van & Dijk J.W.M. van (2005), Sahelian pathways: climate and society in Central and South Mali. ASC Research Report nr. 78. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Rutten M.M.E.M. (2005), Tourism. In: Shillington K. (red.), Encyclopedia of African History. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn. 1575-1576.
- Grillo R.D. & Soares B.F. (2005), Transnational Islam in Western Europe, ISIM Review (15): 11.
- Kessel W.M.J. van (2005), West Africans in the Dutch colonial army, Ghana Studies Council Newsletter (17/18): 2-3.
- Sender J., Oya C. & Cramer C. (2005), Unequal prospects: Disparities in the quantity and quality of labour supply in sub-Saharan Africa. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 62. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Soares B.F. (2004), Islam and public piety in Mali. In: Salvatore A. & Eickelman D.F. (red.), Public Islam and the common good. Leiden: Brill. 205-225.
- Dijk R.A. van (2004), Negotiating marriage: questions of morality and legitimacy in the Ghanaian Pentecostal diaspora, Journal of Religion in Africa 34(4): 438-467.
- Uche C.U. & Uche O.C. (2004), Oil and the politics of revenue allocation in Nigeria. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 54. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Dijk J.W.M. van, Bruijn M.E. de & Beek W.E.A. van (2004), Pathways to mitigate climate variability and climate change in Mali: the districts of Douentza and Koutiala compared. In: Dietz A.J., Ruben R. & Verhagen A. (red.), The impact of climate change on drylands. With a focus on West Africa. Dordrecht: Kluwer. 173-206.
- Dietz A.J. & Veldhuizen E. (2004), Population dynamics. In: Dietz A.J., Ruben R. & Verhagen A. (red.), The impact of climate change on drylands, with a focus on West Africa. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 79-82.
- Kurian M., Dietz A.J. & Murali K.S. (2004), Public private partnerships in watershed management: evidence from the Himalayan foothills, Water Policy 6: 131-152.
- Binsbergen W.M.J. van & Dijk R.A. van (2004), Situating globality: African agency in the appropriation of global culture. African dynamics nr. 3. Leiden: Brill.
- Binsbergen W.M.J. van, Dijk R.A. van & Gewald J.B. (2004), Situating globality: African agency in the appropriation of global culture: an introduction. In: Binsbergen W.M.J. van & Dijk R.A. van (red.), Situating globality: African agency in the appropriation of global culture. African dynamics nr. 3. Leiden: Brill. 3-54.
- Binsbergen W.M.J. van (2004), Special issue: Truth in politics. Rhetorical approaches to democratic deliberation in Africa and beyond, Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy 16(1-2): 1-274.
- Foeken D.W.J. (2004), Urban agriculture in Tanzania: issues of sustainability. ASC Research Report nr. 75. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Foeken D.W.J. (2004), Urban agriculture in East Africa as a tool for poverty reduction: a legal and policy dilemma?. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 65. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Gewald J.B. (2004), Who Killed Clemens Kapuuo?, Journal of Southern African Studies 30(3): 559-576.
- Kessel W.M.J. van (2004) Review of Gibson J.L., Gouws A.: 'Overcoming intolerance in South Africa: experiments in democratic persuasion'. Bespreking van: Gibson J.L. & Gouws A. (2003), Overcoming intolerance in South Africa: experiments in democratic persuasion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. H-Safrica : 1-3.
- Kaag M.M.A., Berkel R. van, Brons J., Bruijn M.E. de, Dijk J.W.M. van, Haan L.J. de, Nooteboom G. & Zoomers A. (2004), Poverty is Bad: Ways Forward in Livelihood Research. In: Kalb D.P., Pansters W.G. & Siebers H. (red.), Globalization and development: themes and concepts in current research. Dordrecht: Kluwer. 49-74.
- Kurian M. & Dietz A.J. (2004), Irrigation and collective action: a study in method with reference to the Shiwalik Hills, Haryana, Natural resources forum 28(1): 34-49.
- Walraven K. van (2004) Review of Levitt J.L. (ed.): 'Africa: Selected Documents on Constitutive, Conflict, and Security, Humanitarian and Judicial Issues'. Bespreking van: Levitt J.L. (2003), Africa: Selected Documents on Constitutive, Conflict, and Security, Humanitarian and Judicial Issues. Ardsley, N.Y.: Transnational Publishers. African Studies Review : The Journal of the African Studies Association 4: 191-192.
- Kessel W.M.J. van (2004) Review of Hart G.: 'Disabling globalization: places of power in post-apartheid South Africa'. Bespreking van: Hart G. (2002), Disabling globalization: places of power in post-apartheid South Africa. Berkeley: University of California Press. Africa 74(3): 475-477.
- Abbink G.J. (2004), Violence and state (re)formation in the African context: global and local aspects of crisis and change. In: Westerfield R.E. (red.), Current Issues in Globalization. New York: Happauge. 137-149.
- Kessel W.M.J. van (2004) Review of Henrad K.: 'Minority protection in post-apartheid South Africa: human rights, minority rights, and self-determination'. Bespreking van: Henrad K. (2002), Minority protection in post-apartheid South Africa: human rights, minority rights, and self-determination. Westport Connecticut: Praeger. African Studies Review : The Journal of the African Studies Association 47(2): 190-191.
- Konings P.J.J. (2004), President Biya and the "Anglophone Problem" in Cameroon. In: Mbaku J.M. & Takougang J. (red.), The leadership challenge in Africa: Cameroon under Paul Biya. Trenton NY: Africa World Press. 191-234.
- Abbink G.J. (2004), Reconstructing Southern Sudan in the post-war era: challenges and prospects of 'Quick Impact Programmes'. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 55. Leiden [etc.]: African Studies Centre [etc.]. [working paper].
- Gewald J.B. (2004), Ovita ovia Zürn - "Zürn's Krieg". In: Förster L. von, Henrichsen D. & Bollig M. (red.), Namibia-Deutschland: eine geteilte Geschichte: Widerstand, Gewalt, Erinnerung. Köln: Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum. 78-91.
- Hesseling G.S.C.M. (2004), Onderzoek een wapen voor vrede en veiligheid in Afrika?, Vrede en Veiligheid. Tijdschrift voor Internationale Vraagstukken 33(3): 337-341.
- Dietz A.J. & Veldhuizen E. (2004), The world's drylands: a classification. In: Dietz A.J., Ruben R. & Verhagen A. (red.), The impact of climate change on drylands, with a focus on West Africa. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 19-26.
- Konings P.J.J. (2004), Opposition and Social-Democratic Change in Africa: The Social Democratic Front in Cameroon, Commonwealth and Comparative Politics 42(3): 1-23.
- Jua N. & Konings P.J.J. (2004), Occupation of public space: anglophone nationalism in Cameroon, Cahiers d'Études Africaines 44(175): 609-633.
- Geest K. van der & Dietz A.J. (2004), A literature survey about risk and vulnerability in drylands, with a focus on the Sahel. In: Dietz A.J., Ruben R. & Verhagen A. (red.), The impact of climate change on drylands, with a focus on West Africa. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 117-146.
- Soares B.F. (2004), Notes on the anthropological study of Islam and Muslim societies in Africa, Culture and Religion: An Interdisciplinary Journal 1(2): 277-285.
- Abbink G.J. (2004) Review of Freeman D.: 'Initiating change in Highland Ethiopia: causes and consequences of cultural transformation'. Bespreking van: Freeman D. (2002), Initiating change in Highland Ethiopia: causes and consequences of cultural transformation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Africa 74(4): 700-701.
- Rutten M.M.E.M. (2004), Kenya. In: Szajkowski B. (red.), Revolutionary and dissident movements of the world. London: John Harper Publishing. 264-270.
- Kessel W.M.J. van (2004) Review of Glaser C.: 'Bo-Tsotsi: the youth gangs of Soweto, 1935-1976'. Bespreking van: Glaser C. (2000), Bo-Tsotsi: the youth gangs of Soweto, 1935-1976. Portsmouth NH: Heinemann. Africa 74(2): 294-295.
- Soares B.F. (2004), Muslim saints in the age of neoliberalism. In: Weiss B. (red.), Producing African futures: ritual and reproduction in a neoliberal age. Leiden: Brill. 79-105.
- Kessel W.M.J. van (2004), South Africa. In: Mehler A., Melber H. & Walraven K. van (red.), Africa yearbook: politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2004. Africa Yearbook. Leiden / Boston 451-466.
- Konings P.J.J. (2004), Trade union activism among university teachers during Cameroon's political liberalisation, Nordic Journal of African Studies 13(3): 289-301.
- Rutten M.M.E.M. (2004), Partnerships in community-based ecotourism projects: experiences from the Maasai Region, Kenya: volume 1. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 57. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Abbink G.J. (2004), Remembering Londósa: mediator and counterpoint in a "violent" society. In: Böll V. (red.), Studia Aethiopica: in honour of Siegbert Uhlig on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. 371-382.
- Abbink G.J. (2004), An obituary of Aberra Jembere 1928-2004, International Journal of Ethiopian Studies 7: 189-193.
- Kessel W.M.J. van (2003), Museum voor Afrikaanse KNIL-soldaten in Ghana, Historisch Nieuwsblad 12(4): 4-5.
- Ellis S. (2003), L'évolution politique de l'Afrique: les formes se renouvellent, les modèles restent à inventer, Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens 58(3000): 970-973.
- Binsbergen W.M.J. van (2003), Les chefs royaux nkoya et l'association culturelle Kazanga en Zambie: résistance, déclin ou folklorisation de la fonction du chef traditionnel?. In: Perrot C.H. & Fauvelle-Aymar F.X. (red.), Le retour des rois: les autorités traditionnelles et l'État en Afrique contemporaine. Paris: Karthala. 489-510.
- Gewald J.B. (2003), Near death in the streets of Karibib: famine, migrant labour and the coming of Ovambo to central Namibia, Journal of African History 44(2): 211-239.
- Konings P.J.J. & Nyamnjoh F.B. (2003), Negotiating an Anglophone identity: a study of the politics of recognition and representation in Cameroon. Afrika-Studiecentrum series nr. 1. Leiden: Brill.
- Konings P.J.J. (2003), Organised labour and neo-liberal economic and political reforms in West and Central Africa, Journal of Contemporary African Studies 21(3): 447-471.
- Owuor S. (2003), Rural livelihood sources for urban households: a study of Nakuru town, Kenya. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 51. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Walraven K. van (2003), Sawaba's rebellion in Niger (1964-1965): narrative and meaning. In: Abbink G.J., Bruijn M.E. de & Walraven K. van (red.), Rethinking resistance: revolt and violence in African history. African dynamics nr. 2. Leiden: Brill. 218-252.
- Hoorweg J.C. & Muthiga N. (2003), Recent advances in coastal ecology: studies from Kenya. ASC Research Report nr. 70. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Walraven K. van & Abbink G.J. (2003), Rethinking resistance in African history: an introduction. In: Abbink G.J., Bruijn M.E. de & Walraven K. van (red.), Rethinking resistance: revolt and violence in African history. African dynamics nr. 2. Leiden: Brill. 1-40.
- Kessel W.M.J. van (2003) Review of Lodge T.: 'Politics in South Africa: from Mandela to Mbeki'. Bespreking van: Lodge T. (2002), Politics in South Africa: from Mandela to Mbeki. Cape Town: David Philip/James Curry. Zuidelijk Afrika: Kwartaalblad over Zuidelijk Afrika 7(3): 47.
- Binsbergen W.M.J. van (2003), Introduction. In: , Intercultural encounters: African and anthropological lessons towards a philosophy of interculturality. Münster: LIT. 15-48.
- Wels H. (2003), Private wildlife conservation in Zimbabwe: joint ventures and reciprocity. Afrika-Studiecentrum series nr. 2. Leiden: Brill.
- Binsbergen W.M.J. van (2003), Introduction: The dynamics of power and the rule of law in Africa and beyond: Theoretical perspectives on chiefs, the state, agency, customary law, and violence. In: Binsbergen W.M.J. van (red.), The dynamics of power and the rule of law: essays on Africa and beyond, in honour of Emile Adriaan B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal. Leiden - Münster: African Studies Centre - Lit-Verlag. 9-47.
- Kessel W.M.J. van (2003), 'Mensenrechten zijn de oorzaak van onze problemen': Zuid-Afrika rechtsstaat met autoritaire wortels, Zuidelijk Afrika: Kwartaalblad over Zuidelijk Afrika 7(4): 26-27.
- Polman K. (2003) Review of Nulens G., Hafkin N., Audenhove L. van, Cammaerts B. (eds.): 'The digital divide in developing countries: towards an information society in Africa'. Bespreking van: Nulens G., Hafkin N., Audenhove L. van & Cammaerts B. (2001), The digital divide in developing countries: towards an information society in Africa. Brussels: VUB Press. Internationale Spectator 57(2): 105-106.
- Abbink G.J., Bruijn M.E. de & Walraven K. van (2003), Rethinking resistance: revolt and violence in African history. African dynamics nr. 2. Leiden: Brill.
- Abbink G.J. (2003), Love and death of cattle: the paradox in Suri attitudes toward livestock, Ethnos 68(3): 341-364.
- Kurian M. & Dietz A.J. (2003), Irrigation and collective action: a study in method with reference to the Shiwalik Hills, Haryana. ISS Working Paper Series nr. 374. The Hague: Institute of Social Studies. [working paper].
- Bruijn M.E. de & Dijk J.W.M. van (2003), Resistance to Fulbe hegemony in nineteenth-century West Africa. In: Bruijn M.E. de, Abbink G.J. & Walraven K. van (red.), Rethinking resistance: revolt and violence in African history. African dynamics nr. 2. Leiden: Brill. 43-68.
- Hoorweg J.C., Degen A. & Wangila B. (2003), Income diversification and resource conservation among artisanal fishers at the Central Kenyan Coast. NIRP Final Report. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Konings P.J.J. (2003), Religious revival in the Roman Catholic Church and the autochthony-allochthony conflict in Cameroon, Africa 73(1): 31-56.
- Gewald J.B. (2003) Review of Hellberg C.-J.: 'Mission colonialism and liberation: the Lutheran Church in Namibia 1840-1966'. Bespreking van: Hellberg C.-J. (1997), Mission colonialism and liberation: the Lutheran Church in Namibia 1840-1966. Windhoek: New Namibia Books. Journal of African History 44(3): 533-536.
- Dietz A.J. (2003), Stellingen. 'Mutual beneficiaries?' Hoger Onderwijs in Nederland en in Ontwikkelingslanden. Platform for International Education (PIE).
- Abbink G.J. (2003), Local leadership and state governance in southern Ethiopia: from charisma to bureaucracy. In: Vaughan O. (red.), Indigenous political structures and governance in Africa. Ibadan: Sefer Books. 177-207.
- Beek W.E.A. van (2002), Magie, mensenstreken, Antropologisch Tijdschrift 3(3): 8-11.
- Konings P.J.J. (2002), University students' revolt, ethnic militia, and violence during political liberalization in Cameroon, African Studies Review : The Journal of the African Studies Association 45(2): 179-204.
- Beek W.E.A. van (2002), Why a twin is not a child: symbols in Kapsiki birth rituals, Journal des Africanistes 72(1): 119-147.
- Kessel W.M.J. van (2002), Merchants, missionaries & migrants: an introduction. In: Kessel W.M.J. van (red.), Merchants, missionaries & migrants: 300 years of Dutch-Ghanaian relations. Amsterdam: KIT Publishers. 10-15.
- Kessel W.M.J. van (2002) Review of Klandermans B., Roefs M., Olivier J.: The state of the people: citizens, civil society and governance in South Africa 1994-2000. Bespreking van: Klandermans B., Roefs M. & Olivier J. (2000), Klandermans B., Roefs M., Olivier J.. Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council. Zuidelijk Afrika: Kwartaalblad over Zuidelijk Afrika 6(1): 47-47.
- Kessel W.M.J. van (2002), Van vierkante flessen, Granmans en zwarte Hollanders: culturele wisselwerking tussen Nederland, Ghana, Indonesië en Suriname. In: Tilburg B.A. van (red.), Een trapgevel in Potsdam: monumentenzorg over grenzen. Zwolle: Waanders. 21-27.
- Binsbergen W.M.J. van (2002), Postscript: Aristole in Africa - Towards a comparative africanist reading of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy 16(1-2): 238-271.
- Haan L.J. de & Quarles van Ufford P. (2002), About trade and trust: the question of livelihood and social capital in rural-urban interactions. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Dijk R.A. van (2002), Localising anxieties: Ghanaian and Malawian immigrants, rising xenophobia, and social capital in Botswana. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 49. Leiden: Afrika-Studiecentrum. [working paper].
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