Eddy van der Meijden
Emeritus hoogleraar Ecologie van plant-dierrelaties
- Naam
- Prof.dr. E. van der Meijden
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5119
- e.van.der.meijden@biology.leidenuniv.nl

Emeritus hoogleraar Ecologie van plant-dierrelaties
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Plant Sciences
- Meijden E. van der & Hemerik L. Jacobs F.J.A. (2021), De aantalsfluctuaties van de St. Jacobsvlinder, wat zit daar achter? , Holland's Duinen (78): 16-22.
- Cheng D., Mulder P.P.J., Meijden E. van der, Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Vrieling K. (2017), The correlation between leaf-surface and leaf-tissue secondary metabolites: a case study with pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Jacobaea hybrid plants, Metabolomics 13(5): 47.
- Kirk H.E., Vrieling K., Meijden E. van der & et al (2010), Species by environment interactions affect pyrrolizidine alkaloid expression in Senecio jacobaea, Senecio aquaticus, and their hybrids, Journal of Chemical Ecology 36(4): 378-387.
- Stang M., Klinkhamer P.G.L., Waser N.M., Stang I. & Meijden E. van der (2009), Size-specific interaction patterns and size matching in a plant-pollinator interaction web, Annals of Botany 103(9): 1459-1469.
- Moshley Arany A., Jong T.J. de & Meijden E. van der (2009), Herbivory and local genetic differentiation in natural populations of Arabidopsis thaliana (Brassicaceae), Plant Ecology 201: 651-659.
- Arany A.M., Jong T.J. de, Kim H.K., Dam N.M. van, Choi Y.H., Mil H.G.J. van, Verpoorte R. & Meijden E. van der (2009), Genotype-environment interactions affect flower and fruit herbivory and plant chemistry of Arabidopsis thaliana in a transplant experiment, Ecological Research 24(5): 1161-1171.
- Mosleh Arany A., Jong T.J. de, Kim H.K., Dam N. van, Choi Y.H., Verpoorte R. & Meijden E. van der (2008), Glucosinolates and other metabolites in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana from natural populations and their effects on a generalist and a specialist herbivore, Chemoecology: Evolution and mechanisms of the chemical base of ecological interactions 18: 65-71.
- Tamis W.L.M., Klinkhamer P.G.L., Meijden E. van der, Snoo G.R. de & Veen J.A. van (2008), Potentiële effecten van diergeneesmiddelen op het terrestrische milieu in Nederland. Leiden: CML Department of Environmental Biology (oud --> CML-CB).
- Stang M., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Meijden E. van der (2007), Asymmetric specialization and extinction risk in plant flower visitor webs: a matter of morphology or abundance?, Oecologia 151(3): 442-453.
- Struijk L., Hall L., Meijden E. van der, Wanningen P. van, Bouwes Bavinck J.N., Neale R., Green A.C., Schegget J. ter & Feltkamp M.C. (2006), Markers of cutaneous human papillomavirus infection in individuals with tumor-free skin, actinic keratoses, and squamous cell carcinoma, Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 15(3): 529-535.
- Blomqvist M.M., Tamis W.L.M., Bakker J.P. & Meijden E. van der (2006), Seed and (micro)site limitation in ditch banks: Germination, establishment and survival under different management regimes, Journal for Nature Conservation 14(1): 16-33.
- Widarto H.T., Meijden E. van der, Lefeber A.W.M., Erkelens C., Kim H.K., Choi Y.H. & Verpoorte R. (2006), Metabolomic differentiation of Brassica rapa following herbivory by different insect instars using two dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Journal of Chemical Ecology 32(11): 2417-2428.
- Abdel-Farid I.B., Choi Y.H., Kim H.K., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den, Meijden E. van der & Verpoorte R. (2006), The role of secondary metabolites in Arabidopsis and Brassica in the interaction with fungi, Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 7: 47-73.
- Stang M., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Meijden E. van der (2006), Size constraints and flower abundance determine the number of interactions in a plant-flower visitor web, OIKOS 112(1): 111-121.
- Mosley Arany A., Jong T.J. de & Meijden E. van der (2005), Herbivory and Abiotic Factors Affect Population Dynamics of Arabidopsis thaliana in a Sand Dune Area, Plant Biology 7: 549-556.
- Esch S., Klinkhamer P.G.L. & Meijden E. van der (2005), Do distances among host patches and host density affect the distribution of a specialist parasitoid?, Oecologia 146: 218-226.
- Breuker C.J., Victoir K., Jong P.W. de, Meijden E. van der, Brakefield P.M. & Vrieling K. (2005), AFLP markers for a dominant allele in the flea beetle, Phyllotreta nemorum, conferring ability to feed on toxic Barbarea vulgaris ssp. arcuata G-type, Journal of Insect Science 5: 38.
- Kirk H.E., Choi Y.H., Kim H.K., Verpoorte R. & Meijden E. van der (2005), Comparing metabolomes: the chemical consequences of hybridization in plants, New Phytologist 167(2): 613-622.
- Hol W.H.G., Macel M., Veen J.A. van & Meijden E. van der (2004), Root damage and aboveground herbivory change concentration and composition of pyrrolizidine alkaloids of senecio jacobaea, Basic and Applied Ecology 5: 253-260.
- Jong T.J. de & Meijden E. van der (2004), Sex ratio of some long-lived Dioecious plants in a sand dune area, Plant Biology 6: 616-620.
- Spaenij-Dekking E.H.A., Delft J. van, Meijden E. van der, Hiemstra H.S., Falkenburg J.H.F., Koning F., Drijfhout J.W. & Kluin-Nelemans J.C. (2003), Synaptojanin 2 is recognized by HLA class II restricted hairy cell leukemia specific T cells, Leukemia : 2467-2473.
- Bonsall M.B., Meijden E. van der & Crawley M.J. (2003), Contrasting dynamics in the same plant-herbivore interaction, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100: 14932-14936.
- Schaffner U., Vrieling K. & Meijden E. van der (2003), Pyrrolizidine alkaloid content in Senscio: ontogeny and devlopmental constraints, Chemoecology 13: 39-46.
- Feltkamp M.C.W., Broer R., Summa F. di, Struijk L., Meijden E. van der, Verlaan B.P.J., Westendorp R.G.J., Schegget J. ter, Spaan W.J.M. & Bouwes Bavinck J.N. (2003), Seroreactivity to epidermodysplasia verruciformis-related human papillomavirus types is associated with nonmelanoma skin cancer, Cancer Research 63: 2695-2700.
- Struijk L., Bouwes Bavinck J.N., Wanningen P. van, Meijden E. van der, Westendorp R.G.J., Schegget J. ter & Feltkamp M.C.W. (2003), Presence of Human Papillomavirus DNA in Plucked Eyebrow Hairs is Associated with a History of Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma, 121: 1531-1535.
- Struijk L., Bouwes Bavinck J.N., Wanningen P. van, Meijden E. van der, Westendorp R.G.J., Schegget J. ter & Feltkamp M.C.W. (2003), Presence of human papillomavirus DNA in plucked eyebrow hairs is associated with a history of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, 121: 1531-1535.
- Macel M., Klinkhamer P.G.L., Vrieling K. & Meijden E. van der (2002), Diversity of pyrrolozidine alkaloids in Senecio species does not affect the specialist herbivore Tyria jacobaea, Oecologia 133: 541-550.
- Struijk L., Mulder L.B., Meijden E. van der, Feltkamp M.C.W., Bouwes Bavinck J.N. & Schegget J. ter (2001), Epidermodysplasia verruciformis associated human papillomavirus in plucked hairs of individuals with and without a history of squamous cell carcinoma, proceeding submitted: .
- Haccou P., Sjerps M. & Meijden E. van der (1999), To leave or to stay, that is the question: predictions from models of patch-leaving strategies. In: Olff H. & Brown V.K. (red.), Proceedings of the 38th Symposium of the British Ecological Society: Herbivores: between Plants and Predators.. Oxford: Blackwell Science. 85-108.
- Meijden E. van der, Crawley M.J. & Nisbet R.M. (1998), The dynamics of a herbivore-plant interaction, the cinanbar moth and ragworth. In: Dempster J.P. & McLean I.F.G. (red.), Insect Populations. Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad..
- Sjerps M., Haccou P., Meelis E. & Meijden E. van der (1993), Egg distribution within patches: an optimality problem for insects, Theoretical Population Biology 43: 337-366.