Ed Kuijper
Emeritus hoogleraar Experimentele Bacteriologie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. E.J. Kuijper
- e.j.kuijper@lumc.nl
- null

Ed J. Kuijper is hoogleraar medische microbiologie en hoofd van de Sectie Experimentele Microbiologie in het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC). Ook leidt hij het Nederlands Referentielaboratorium voor Clostridium difficile infecties en is mede- oprichter van de Nederlandse Donor Feces Bank (NDFB), gehuisvest in het LUMC. Sinds 2017 geeft hij ook leiding aan het 'Microbiota Platform' dat in het LUMC is opgericht.
Meer informatie over Ed Kuijper
Ed J. Kuijper is hoogleraar medische microbiologie en hoofd van de Sectie Experimentele Microbiologie in het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC). Daarnaast leidt hij het Nederlands Referentielaboratorium voor Clostridium difficile infecties en is hij mede-oprichter van de Nederlandse Donor Feces Bank (NDFB), gehuisvest in het LUMC. Sinds 2017 geeft hij ook leiding aan het 'Microbiota Platform' dat in het LUMC is opgericht.
Bacteriële infecties
In het onderzoek staat de bestudering van de epidemiologie en pathogenese van bacteriële infecties centraal met een drietal doelstellingen; karakterisering van antibiotica-ongevoelige bacteriën om de verspreiding van deze bacteriën bij mensen en dieren te bestuderen, onderzoek van virulentiefactoren voor nieuwe therapeutische aangrijpingspunten en onderzoek naar resistentiemechanismen om andere behandelingsmethoden te kunnen ontwikkelen. Veel van deze bacteriën verblijven in het maagdarmkanaal en het onderzoek naar de samenstelling van deze bacteriële flora (microbiota) neemt ook een vooraanstaande plaats in.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Ed J. Kuijper heeft zijn opleiding Geneeskunde gedaan aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, gevolgd door een specialisatie Medische Microbiologie. Hij verbleef in 1987 in Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia en rondde zijn promotieonderzoek 'Aeromonas-associated diarrhea in The Netherlands' af in 1989. Sinds 2000 is hij als medisch microbioloog werkzaam in het LUMC waar hij als hoogleraar werd benoemd in 2012 met een oratie 'Sporen zoeken en kaartlezen'. In de afgelopen 10 jaar heeft hij verschillende subsidies van nationale en Europese organisaties ontvangen voor wetenschappelijk en klinisch onderzoek op het gebied van C. difficile-infecties en infecties met antibioticaresistente bacteriën. In 2017 richtte hij het 'Microbiota Platform in LUMC' op met vele samenwerkingsverbanden binnen en buiten het LUMC. Hij heeft meer dan 400 publicaties in peer reviewed tijdschriften en hoofdstukken in boeken. Tussen 2009 en 2016, was hij voorzitter van de Europese Studiegroep van Clostridium difficile (ESCGD), die is gecoöpteerd door de European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID). Momenteel leidt hij een nieuwe Europese studiegroep 'Host-microbiota interactions in human and animal medicine'.
Prijzen en eervolle benoemingen
Prof. Kuijper wordt beschouwd als een van 's werelds experts op het gebied van C. difficile, en staat als derde vermeld op Expertscape.com op het gebied van Clostridium difficile (2017).
Emeritus hoogleraar Experimentele Bacteriologie
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Medische Microbiologie
- Prehn, J. van; Werkhoven, C.H. van; Skinner, A.M.; Guery, B.; Dubberke, E.R. & Kuijper, E.J. (2024), Which trial do we need? A sequential multiple assignment randomized trial to determine the optimal Clostridioides difficile treatment sequence, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 30(2): 165-169.
- Nooij, S.; Vendrik, K.E.W.; Zwittink, R.D.; Ducarmon, Q.R.; Keller, J.J.; Kuijper, E.J.; Terveer, E.M. & Netherlands Donor Feces Bank Study (2024), Long-term beneficial effect of faecal microbiota transplantation on colonisation of multidrug-resistant bacteria and resistome abundance in patients with recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection, Genome Medicine 16(1).
- Grootveld, R. van; Paassen, J. van; Claas, E.C.J.; Heerdink, L.; Kuijper, E.J.; Boer, M.G.J. de; Beek, M.T. van der & LUMC COVID 19 Res Grp (2024), Prospective and systematic screening for invasive aspergillosis in the ICU during the COVID-19 pandemic, Medical Mycology 62(5).
- Westgeest, A.C.; Schippers, E.F.; Rosema, S.; Fliss, M.A.; Kuijper, E.J.; Zwittink, R.D.; Lokate, M.; Wouthuyzen-Bakker, M.; Lambregts, M.M.C. & Bathoorn, E. (2024), Genetic determinants in MRSA carriage and their association with decolonization outcome, Current Microbiology 81(2).
- Kuijper, E.J. & Gerding, D.N. (2024), The end of toxoid vaccine development for preventing Clostridioides difficile infections?, Clinical Infectious Diseases.
- Duijzer, R.; Bernts, L.H.P.; Geerts, A.; Hoek, B. van; Coenraad, M.J.; Rovers, C.; Alvaro, D.; Kuijper, E.J.; Nevens, F.; Halbritter, J.; Colmenero, J.; Kupcinskas, J.; Salih, M.; Hogan, M.C.; Ronot, M.; Vilgrain, V.; Hanemaaijer, N.M.; Kamath, P.S.; Strnad, P.; Taubert, R.; Gansevoort, R.; Torra, R.; Nadalin, S.; Suwabe, T.; Gevers, T.J.G.; Cardinale, V.; Drenth, J.P.H. & Lantinga, M.A. (2024), Clinical management of liver cyst infections: an international, modified Delphi-based clinical decision framework, The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology 9(9): 884-894.
- Yadegar, A.; Bar-Yoseph, H.; Monaghan, T.M.; Pakpour, S.; Severino, A.; Kuijper, E.J.; Smits, W.K.; Terveer, E.M.; Neupane, S.; Nabavi-Rad, A.; Sadeghi, J.; Cammarota, G.; Ianiro, G.; Nap-Hill, E.; Leung, D.; Wong, K.R. & Kao, D.A. (2024), Fecal microbiota transplantation: current challenges and future landscapes, Clinical Microbiology Reviews.
- Henderickx, J.G.E.; Crobach, M.J.T.; Terveer, E.M.; Smits, W.K.; Kuijper, E.J. & Zwittink, R.D. (2024), Fungal and bacterial gut microbiota differ between Clostridioides difficile colonization and infection, Microbiome Research Reports 3(1).
- Benech, N.; Barbut, F.; Fitzpatrick, F.; Krutova, M.; Davies, K.; Druart, C.; Cordaillat-Simmons, M.; Heritage, J.; Guery, B.; Kuijper, E. & ESGCD ESGHAMI (2024), Update on microbiota-derived therapies for recurrent Clostridioides difficile infections, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 30(4): 462-468.
- Boiten, K.E.; Notermans, D.W.; Rentenaar, R.J.; Prehn, J. van; Bode, L.G.M.; Maat,; Zwet, W. van der; Jansz, A.; Siebers, T.J.H.; Rossen, J.W.A.; Greeff, S.C. de; Hendrickx, A.P.A.; Kuijper, E.J. & Veloo, A.C.M. (2024), Antimicrobial susceptibility profile of clinically relevant Bacteroides, Phocaeicola, Parabacteroides and Prevotella species, isolated by eight laboratories in the Netherlands, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 79(4): 868-874.
- Davido, B.; Watson, A.R.; Truchis, P. de; Galazzo, G.; Dinh, A.; Batista, R.; Terveer, E.M.; Lawrence, C.; Michelon, H.; Jobard, M.; Saleh-Mghir, A.; Kuijper, E.J. & Caballero, S. (2024), Bacterial diversity and specific taxa are associated with decolonization of carbapenemase-producing enterobacterales after fecal microbiota transplantation, Journal of Infection 89(2).
- Chernova, V.O.; Vendrik, K.E.; Terveer, E.M.; Keller, J.J.; Meulen-de Jong, A.E. van der; Bauer, M.P.; Hilten, J.J. van; Kuijper, E.J.; Prehn, J. van & Contarino, M.F. (2024), FECAL MICROBIOTA TRANSPLANTATION FOR PARKINSON'S DISEASE (FMT4PD): A SAFETY AND FEASIBILITY PILOT STUDY, Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 122.
- Cuperus, T.; Wit, B.; Castelijn, G.; Hengeveld, P.; Opsteegh, M.; Giessen, J.V.; Harmanus, C.; Prehn, J. van; Kuijper, E.J. & Smits, W.K. (2024), Clostridioides difficile in calves, cattle and humans from Dutch dairy farms, One Health 18.
- Gu, W.Y.; Broekhoven, A.; Blerk, S. van; Keller, M.I.; Kuhn, M.; Insonere, J.L.M.; Roulet, A.; Schierwagen, R.; Alvarez-Silva, C.; Hercog, R.; Telzerow, A.; Ducarmon, Q.; Zwittink, R.; Kuijper, E.J.; Uschner, F.E.; Jalan, R.; Laleman, W.; Shawcross, D.L.; Clària, J.; Arumugam, M.; Bork, P.; Papp, M.; Servant, F.; Coenraad, M.; Lelouvier, B. & Trebicka, J. (2024), Variation of the human microbiome across multiple body sites and temporal dynamics in different stages of decompensated cirrhosis, Journal of Hepatology 80: S47-S47.
- Vendrik, K.E.W.; Chernova, V.O.; Kuijper, E.J.; Terveer, E.M.; Hilten, J.J. van; Contarino, M.F. & FMT4PD Study Group (2023), Safety and feasibility of faecal microbiota transplantation for patients with Parkinson's disease, BMJ Open 13(10).
- Prehn, J. van; Chernova, V. O.; Vendrik, K. E. W. & Kuijper, E. J. (2023), Clostridioides difficile-infecties in de eerste lijn, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 167.
- Klouwenberg, P.M.C.K.; Kuil, W. van der; Griethuysen, A.J. van; Hendriks, M.; Kuijper, E.J.; Notermans, D.W.; Schoffelen, A.F. & ISIS AR Study Grp (2023), False aminoglycoside resistance in Enterobacterales and non-fermenters by an automated testing system, Microbiology Spectrum 11(6).
- Li, Z.; Zhou, E.C.; Liu, C.; Wicks, H.; Yildiz, S.; Razack, F.; Ying, Z.X.; Kooijman, S.; Koonen, D.P.Y.; Heijink, M.; Kostidis, S.; Giera, M.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Kuijper, E.J.; Smits, W.K.; Dijk, K.W. van; Rensen, P.C.N. & Wang, Y.A. (2023), Dietary butyrate ameliorates metabolic health associated with selective proliferation of gut Lachnospiraceae bacterium 28-4, JCI Insight 8(4).
- Wickramage, I.; Peng, Z.; Chakraborty, S.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E.J.; Alrabaa, S.; Smits, W.K. & Sun, X.M. (2023), The vanRCd mutation 343A>G, resulting in a Thr115Ala substitution, is associated with an elevated Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of vancomycin in clostridioides difficile clinical isolates from Florida, Microbiology Spectrum 11(3).
- Braga, D.S.; Oliveira, D.F.; Lourenco, N.V.; Carvalho, G.M.; Rezende, V.M.L.R.; Lourenco, T.V.; Silva, R.O.S.; Kuijper, E.J. & Vilela, E.G. (2023), Incidence of healthcare-associated Clostridioides difficile infection in a quaternary referral university hospital in Brazil, Anaerobe 79.
- Chernova, V.O.; Terveer, E.M.; Prehn, J. van; Kuijper, E.J.; Keller, J.J.; Jong, A.E.V.; Bauer, M.P.; Hilten, J.J. van & Contarino, M.F. (2023), Fecal microbiota transplantation for Parkinson's disease using levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel percutaneous endoscopic gastro-jejunal tube.
- Crobach, M.J.T.; Hornung, B.V.H.; Verduin, C.; Vos, M.C.; Hopman, J.; Kumar, N.; Harmanus, C.; Sanders, I.; Terveer, E.M.; Stares, M.D.; Lawley, T.D. & Kuijper, E.J. (2023), Screening for Clostridioides difficile colonization at admission to the hospital: a multi-centre study, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 29(7): 891-896.
- Schouls, L.M.; Witteveen, S.; Santen-Verheuvel, M. van; Haan, A. de; Labdman, F.; Heide, H. van der; Kuijper, E.J.; Notermans, D.W.; Bosch, T.; Hendrickx, A.P.A.; Arkel, A.L.E. van; Hall, M.A.L.V.; Bijllaardt, W. van den; Mansfeld, R. van; Dijk, K. van; Zwart, B.; Diederen, B.M.W.; Berkhout, H.; Notermans, D.W.; Ott, A.; Waar, K.; Ang, W.; Silva, J. da; Vlek, A.L.M.; Buiting, A.G.M.; Bode, L.G.M.; Jansz, A.; Paltansing, S.; Griethuysen, A.J. van; Foe, J.R.L. ten; Trijp, M.J.C.A. van; Wong, M.; Muller, A.E.; Linden, M.P.M. van der; Rijn, M. van; Debast, S.B.; Kolwijck, E.; Naiemi, N. al; Schulin, T.; Dinant, S.; Mens, S.P. van; Melles, D.C.; Stuart, J.W.T.C.; Gruteke, P.; Dam, A. van; Maat, I.; Maraha, B.; Sinnige, J.C.; Vorm, E. van der; Meer, M.P.A. van; Maarseveen, N. van; Jong, E. de; Vainio, S.J.; Heikens, E.; Reijer, M. den; Dorigo-Zetsma, J.W.; Troelstra, A.; Bathoorn, E.; Vries, J. de; Dam, D.W. van; Brauwer, E.I.G.B. de & Steingrover, R. (2023), Molecular characterization of MRSA collected during national surveillance between 2008 and 2019 in the Netherlands, communications medicine 3(1).
- Prehn, J. van; Fitzpatrick, F.; Kuijper, E.J.; European Study Grp Clostridioides & European Study Grp Host Microbiota (2023), Faecal microbiota transplantation for first and second episodes of Clostridioides difficile infection.
- Ducarmon, Q.R.; Bruggen, T. van der; Harmanus, C.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Daenen, L.G.M.; Fluit, A.C.; Vossen, R.H.A.M.; Kloet, S.L.; Kuijper, E.J. & Smits, W.K. (2023), Clostridioides difficile infection with isolates of cryptic clade C-II: a genomic analysis of polymerase chain reaction ribotype 151, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 29(4): 538e1-538e6.
- Boiten, K.E.; Kuijper, E.J.; Schuele, L.; Prehn, J. van; Bode, L.G.M.; Maat, I.; Asten, S.A.V. van; Notermans, D.W.; Rossen, J.W.A. & Veloo, A.C.M. (2023), Characterization of mobile genetic elements in multidrug-resistant Bacteroides fragilis isolates from different hospitals in the Netherlands, Anaerobe 81.
- Nir-Paz, R. & Kuijper, E.J. (2023), Bacteriophage therapy in humans, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 29(6): 679-681.
- Gonzales-Luna, A.J.; Skinner, A.M.; Alonso, C.D.; Bouza, E.; Cornely, O.A.; Meij, T.G.J. de; Drew, R.J.; Garey, K.W.; Gerding, D.N.; Johnson, S.; Kahn, S.A.; Kato, H.; Kelly, C.P.; Kelly, C.R.; Kociolek, L.K.; Kuijper, E.J.; Louie, T.; Riley, T.V.; Sandora, T.J.; Vehreschild, M.J.G.T.; Wilcox, M.H.; Dubberke, E.R. & Expand Cdiff Grp (2023), Redefining Clostridioides difficile infection antibiotic response and clinical outcomes, The Lancet Infectious Diseases 23(7): E259-E265.
- Viprey, V.F.; Granata, G.; Vendrik, K.E.W.; Davis, G.L.; Petrosillo, N.; Kuijper, E.J.; Vilken, T.; Lammens, C.; Schotsman, J.J.; Benson, A.D.; Cataldo, M.A.; Kooi, T.I.I. van der; Wilcox, M.H.; Davies, K.A. & COMBACTE-CDI Consortium (2023), European survey on the current surveillance practices, management guidelines, treatment pathways and heterogeneity of testing of Clostridioides difficile, 2018-2019, Journal of Hospital Infection 131: 213-220.
- Aleksic, A.; Stojanovic-Radic, Z.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E.J. & Stojanovic, P. (2022), In vitro anti-clostridial action and potential of the spice herbs essential oils to prevent biofilm formation of hypervirulent Clostridioides difficile strains isolated from hospitalized patients with CDI, Anaerobe 76.
- Baktash, A.; Corver, J.; Harmanus, C.; Smits, W.K.; Fawley, W.; Wilcox, M.H.; Kumar, N.; Eyre, D.W.; Indra, A.; Mellmann, A. & Kuijper, E.J. (2022), Comparison of whole-genome sequence-based methods and PCR ribotyping for subtyping of Clostridioides difficile, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 60(2).
- Vendrik, K.E.W.; Baktash, A.; Goeman, J.J.; Harmanus, C.; Notermans, D.W.; Greeff, S.C. de; Kuijper, E.J. & C Difficile Surveillance Study Grp (2022), Comparison of trends in Clostridioides difficile infections in hospitalised patients during the first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic, The Lancet Regional Health Europe 19.
- Wiese, M.; Schuren, F.H.J.; Smits, W.K.; Kuijper, E.J.; Ouwens, A.; Heerikhuisen, M.; Vigsnaes, L.; Broek, T.J. van den; Boer, P. de; Montijn, R.C. & Vossen, J.M.B.M. van der (2022), 2'-Fucosyllactose inhibits proliferation of Clostridioides difficile ATCC 43599 in the CDi-screen, an in vitro model simulating Clostridioides difficile infection, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 12.
- Krutova, M.; Wilcox, M. & Kuijper, E. (2022), Clostridioides difficile infection: are the three currently used antibiotic treatment options equal from pharmacological and microbiological points of view?, International Journal of Infectious Diseases 124: 118-123.
- Dsouza, M.; Menon, R.; Crossette, E.; Bhattarai, S.K.; Schneider, J.; Kim, Y.G.; Reddy, S.; Caballero, S.; Felix, C.; Cornacchione, L.; Hendrickson, J.; Watson, A.R.; Minot, S.S.; Greenfield, N.; Schopf, L.; Szabady, R.; Patarroyo, J.; Smith, W.; Harrison, P.; Kuijper, E.J.; Kelly, C.P.; Olle, B.; Bobilev, D.; Silber, J.L.; Bucci, V.; Roberts, B.; Faith, J. & Norman, J.M. (2022), Colonization of the live biotherapeutic product VE303 and modulation of the microbiota and metabolites in healthy volunteers, Cell Host & Microbe 30(4).
- Wielders, C.C.H.; Schouls, L.M.; Woudt, S.H.S.; Notermans, D.W.; Hendrickx, A.P.A.; Bakker, J.; Kuijper, E.J.; Schoffelen, A.F.; Greeff, S.C. de; Infect Dis Surveillance Informatio & Dutch CPE Surveillance Study Grp (2022), Epidemiology of carbapenem-resistant and carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales in the Netherlands 2017-2019, Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 11(1).
- Meijs, A.P.; Gijsbers, E.F.; Hengeveld, P.D.; Kuijper, E.J.; Dierikx, C.M.; Greeff, S.C. de & Duijkeren, E. van (2022), Faecal carriage of Clostridioides difficile is low among veterinary healthcare workers in the Netherlands, Epidemiology & Infection 150.
- Bilsen, M.P.; Lambregts, M.M.C.; Prehn, J. van & Kuijper, E.J. (2022), Faecal microbiota replacement to eradicate antimicrobial resistant bacteria in the intestinal tract - a systematic review, Current Opinion in Gastroenterology 38(1): 15-25.
- Krutova, M.; Meij, T.G.J. de; Fitzpatrick, F.; Drew, R.J.; Wilcox, M.H. & Kuijper, E.J. (2022), How to: Clostridioides difficile infection in children, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 28(8): 1085-1090.
- Ducarmon, Q.R.; Smits, W.K.; Goeman, J.J. & Kuijper, E.J. (2022), International travel, the gut microbiome, and ESBL-E coli carriage.
- Amaruddin, A.I.; Koopman, J.P.R.; Muhammad, M.; Lenaerts, K.; Eijk, H.M.H. van; Brienen, E.A.T.; Geelen, A.R.; Lieshout, L. van; Wahyuni, S.; Kuijper, E.J.; Zwittink, R.D.; Hamid, F.; Sartono, E. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2022), Intestinal permeability before and after albendazole treatment in low and high socioeconomic status schoolchildren in Makassar, Indonesia., Scientific Reports 12.
- Smits, W.K.; Harmanus, C.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Bry, L.; Blackwell, G.A.; Ducarmon, Q.R.; Ferreira, E.D. & Kuijper, E.J. (2022), Sequence-based identification of metronidazole-resistant Clostridioides difficile isolates, Emerging Infectious Diseases 28(11): 2308-2311.
- Contarino, M.F.; Hilten, J.J. van & Kuijper, E.J. (2022), Targeting the gut-brain axis with fecal microbiota transplantation, Movement Disorders Clinical Practice 10(S2).
- Kachrimanidou, M.; Metallidis, S.; Tsachouridou, O.; Harmanus, C.; Lola, V.; Protonotariou, E.; Skoura, L. & Kuijper, E. (2022), Predominance of Clostridioides difficile PCR ribotype 181 in northern Greece, 2016e2019, Anaerobe 76.
- Ducarmon, Q.R.; Zwittink, R.D.; Willems, R.P.J.; Verhoeven, A.; Nooij, S.; Klis, F.R.M. van der; Franz, E.; Kool, J.; Giera, M.; Vandenbroucke-Grauls, C.M.J.E.; Fuentes, S. & Kuijper, E.J. (2022), Gut colonisation by extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli and its association with the gut microbiome and metabolome in Dutch adults, The Lancet Microbe 3(6): E443-E451.
- Pijls, B.G.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Kuijper, E.J. & Nelissen, R.G.H.H. (2022), Effectiveness of mechanical cleaning, antibiotics, and induction heating on eradication of Staphylococcus aureus in mature biofilms, Bone & Joint Research 11(9): 629-638.
- Kabala, M.; Gofron, Z.; Aptekorz, M.; Burdynowski, K.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E. & Martirosian, G. (2022), Detection of Clostridioides difficile in hospital environment by using C diff Banana Broth (TM), Anaerobe 73.
- Vendrik, K.E.W.; Kuijper, J.; Dimmendaal, M.; Silvis, W.; Denie-Verhaegh, E.; Boer, A. de; Postma, B.; Schoffelen, A.F.; Ruijs, W.L.M.; Koene, F.M.H.P.A.; Petrignani, M.; Hooiveld, M.; Witteveen, S.; Schouls, L.M.; Notermans, D.W. & MRSA Consortium (2022), An unusual outbreak in the Netherlands, Eurosurveillance 27(49).
- Borgers, J.S.W.; Burgers, F.H.; Terveer, E.M.; Leerdam, M.E. van; Korse, C.M.; Kessels, R.; Flohil, C.C.; Blank, C.U.; Schumacher, T.N.; Dijk, M. van; Henderickx, J.G.E.; Keller, J.J.; Verspaget, H.W.; Kuijper, E.J. & Haanen, J.B.A.G. (2022), Conversion of unresponsiveness to immune checkpoint inhibition by fecal microbiota transplantation in patients with metastatic melanoma, BMC Cancer 22(1).
- Diniz, A.N.; Moura, L.N.F.; Cruz, D.S.G.; Oliveira, C.A.; Figueiredo, H.C.P.; Cunha, J.L.R.; Vilela, E.G.; Kuijper, E.J.; Wilcox, M.H.; Lobato, F.C.F. & Silva, R.O.S. (2022), Characterization of the virulence of three novel clade 2 Clostridioides (Clostridium) difficile strains and a two-year screening in animals and humans in Brazil, PLoS ONE 17(8).
- Vendrik, K.E.W.; Meij, T.G.J. de; Bokenkamp, A.; Ooijevaar, R.E.; Groenewegen, B.; Hendrickx, A.P.A.; Terveer, E.M.; Kuijper, E.J. & Prehn, J. van (2022), Transmission of antibiotic-susceptible Escherichia coli causing urinary tract infections in a fecal microbiota transplantation recipient, Open Forum Infectious Diseases 9(7).
- Groenewegen, B.; Lingen, E. van; Ooijevaar, R.E.; Wessels, E.; Feltkamp, M.C.W.; Boeije-Koppenol, E.; Verspaget, H.W.; Kuijper, E.J.; Prehn, J. van; Keller, J.J.; Terveer, E.M. & Study Grp Netherlands Donor Feces (2022), How to prepare stool banks for an appropriate response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, PLoS ONE 17(3).
- Rossen, T.M. van; Ooijevaar, R.E.; Vandenbroucke-Grauls, C.M.J.E.; Dekkers, O.M.; Kuijper, E.J.; Keller, J.J. & Prehn, J. van (2022), Prognostic factors for severe and recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection: a systematic review, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 28(3): 321-331.
- Aptekorz, M.; Sacha, K.; Gofron, Z.; Kabala, M.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E. & Martirosian, G. (2022), Antibiotic resistance profile of RT 027/176 versus other Clostridioides difficile Isolates in Silesia, Southern Poland, Pathogens 11(8).
- Ianiro, G.; Mullish, B.H.; Iqbal, T.H.; Terveer, E.M.; Baunwall, S.M.D.; Link, A.; Sokol, H.; Kupcinskas, J.; Masucci, L.; Sanguinetti, M.; Vehreschild, M.J.G.T.; Hvas, C.L.; Keller, J.J.; Gasbarrini, A.; Kujiper, E.J. & Cammarota, G. (2022), Minimising the risk of monkeypox virus transmission during faecal microbiota transplantation: recommendations from a European expert panel, The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology 7(11): 979-980.
- Baunwall, S.M.D.; Terveer, E.M.; Dahlerup, J.F.; Erikstrup, C.; Arkkila, P.; Vehreschild, M.J.G.T.; Ianiro, G.; Gasbarrini, A.; Sokol, H.; Kump, P.K.; Satokari, R.; Looze, D. de; Vermeire, S.; Nakov, R.; Brezina, J.; Helms, M.; Kjeldsen, J.; Rode, A.A.; Kousgaard, S.J.; Alric, L.; Trang-Poisson, C.; Scanzi, J.; Link, A.; Stallmach, A.; Kupcinskas, J.; Johnsen, P.H.; Garborg, K.; Rodriguez, E.S.; Serrander, L.; Brummer, R.J.; Galperine, K.T.; Goldenberg, S.D.; Mullish, B.H.; Williams, H.R.; Iqbal, T.H.; Ponsioen, C.; Kuijper, E.J.; Cammarota, G.; Keller, J.J. & Hvas, C.L. (2021), The use of Faecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) in Europe, The Lancet Regional Health Europe 9.
- Vendrik, K.E.W.; Terveer, E.M.; Kuijper, E.J.; Nooij, S.; Boeije-Koppenol, E.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Lingen, E. van; Verspaget, H.W.; Berssenbrugge, E.K.L.; Keller, J.J.; Prehn, J. van & Netherlands Donor Faeces Bank Stud (2021), Periodic screening of donor faeces with a quarantine period to prevent transmission of multidrug-resistant organisms during faecal microbiota transplantation: a retrospective cohort study, The Lancet Infectious Diseases 21(5): 711-721.
- Reigadas, E.; Prehn, J. van; Falcone, M.; Fitzpatrick, F.; Vehreschild, M.J.G.T.; Kuijper, E.J.; Bouza, E.; European Soc Clinical Microbiology & Study Grp Host Microbiota Interact (2021), How to: prophylactic interventions for prevention of Clostridioides difficile infection, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 27(12): 1777-1783.
- Nooij, S.; Ducarmon, Q.R.; Laros, J.F.J.; Zwittink, R.D.; Norman, J.M.; Smits, W.K.; Verspaget, H.W.; Keller, J.J.; Terveer, E.M.; Kuijper, E.J. & Netherlands Donor Feces Bank (2021), Fecal microbiota transplantation influences procarcinogenic Escherichia coli in recipient recurrent Clostridioides difficile patients, Gastroenterology 161(4): 1218-+.
- Nibbering, B.; Gerding, D.N.; Kuijper, E.J.; Zwittink, R.D. & Smits, W.K. (2021), Host immune responses to clostridioides difficile: toxins and beyond, Frontiers in Microbiology 12.
- Ducarmon, Q.R.; Terveer, E.M.; Nooij, S.; Bloem, M.N.; Vendrik, K.E.W.; Caljouw, M.A.A.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Dorp, S.M. van; Wong, M.C.; Zwittink, R.D. & Kuijper, E.J. (2021), Microbiota-associated risk factors for asymptomatic gut colonisation with multi-drug-resistant organisms in a Dutch nursing home, Genome Medicine 13(1).
- Boekhoud, I.M.; Sidorov, I.; Nooij, S.; Harmanus, C.; Bos-Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Viprey, V.; Spittal, W.; Clark, E.; Davies, K.; Freeman, J.; Kuijper, E.J.; Smits, W.K. & COMBACTE-CDI Consortium (2021), Haem is crucial for medium-dependent metronidazole resistance in clinical isolates of Clostridioides difficile, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 76(7): 1731-1740.
- Munckhof, E.H.A. van den; Sitter, R.L. van; Lamont, R.F.; Cessie, S. le; Kuijper, E.J.; Knetsch, C.W.; Molijn, A.; Quint, W.G.V.; Boers, K.E. & Leverstein-van Hall, M.A. (2021), Developing an algorithm for the diagnosis of abnormal vaginal discharge in a dutch clinical setting: a pilot study, Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 101(1).
- Kabala, M.; Gofron, Z.; Aptekorz, M.; Sacha, K.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E. & Martirosian, G. (2021), Clostridioides difficile ribotype 027 (RT027) outbreak investigation due to the emergence of rifampicin resistance using multilocus variable-number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA), Infection and Drug Resistance 14: 3247-3254.
- Buil, J.B.; Zanten, A.R.H. van; Bentvelsen, R.G.; Rijpstra, T.A.; Goorhuis, B.; Voort, S. van der; Wammes, L.J.; Janson, J.A.; Melchers, M.; Heusinkveld, M.; Melchers, W.J.G.; Kuijper, E.J. & Verweij, P.E. (2021), Case series of four secondary mucormycosis infections in COVID-19 patients, the Netherlands, December 2020 to May 2021, Eurosurveillance 26(23).
- Grootveld, R. van; Paassen, J. van; Boer, M.G.J. de; Claas, E.C.J.; Kuijper, E.J.; Beek, M.T. van der & LUMC-COVID-19 Research Grp (2021), Systematic screening for COVID-19 associated invasive aspergillosis in ICU patients by culture and PCR on tracheal aspirate, Mycoses 64(6).
- Ianiro, G.; Mullish, B.H.; Hvas, C.L.; Segal, J.P.; Kuijper, E.J.; Costello, S.P.; Kelly, C.R.; Allegretti, J.R.; Fischer, M.; Iqbal, T.H.; Satokari, R.; Kao, D.A.; Prehn, J. van; Ng, S.C.; Bibbo, S.; Baunwall, S.M.D.; Quraishi, M.N.; Sokol, H.; Zhang, F.M.; Keller, J.; Masucci, L.; Quaranta, G.; Kassam, Z.; Sanguinetti, M.; Tilg, H.; Gasbarrini, A. & Cammarota, G. (2021), SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and donor recruitment for FMT.
- Ianiro, G.; Mullish, B.H.; Hvas, C.L.; Segal, J.P.; Kuijper, E.J.; Costello, S.P.; Kelly, C.R.; Allegretti, J.R.; Fischer, M.; Iqbal, T.H.; Satokari, R.; Kao, D.; Prehn, J. van; Ng, S.C.; Bibbo, S.; Baunwall, S.M.D.; Quraishi, M.N.; Sokol, H.; Zhang, F.M.; Keller, J.; Masucci, L.; Quaranta, G.; Kassam, Z.; Sanguinetti, M.; Tilg, H.; Gasbarrini, A. & Cammarota, G. (2021), SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and donor recruitment for FMT.
- Czepiel, J.; Krutova, M.; Mizrahi, A.; Khanafer, N.; Enoch, D.A.; Patyi, M.; Deptula, A.; Agodi, A.; Nuvials, X.; Pituch, H.; Wojcik-Bugajska, M.; Filipczak-Bryniarska, I.; Brzozowski, B.; Krzanowski, M.; Konturek, K.; Fedewicz, M.; Michalak, M.; Monpierre, L.; Vanhems, P.; Gouliouris, T.; Jurczyszyn, A.; Goldman-Mazur, S.; Wultanska, D.; Kuijper, E.J.; Skupien, J.; Biesiada, G. & Garlicki, A. (2021), Mortality following Clostridioides difficile infection in Europe, Antibiotics 10(3).
- Keller, J.J.; Ooijevaar, R.E.; Hvas, C.L.; Terveer, E.M.; Lieberknecht, S.C.; Hogenauer, C.; Arkkila, P.; Sokol, H.; Gridnyev, O.; Megraud, F.; Kump, P.K.; Nakov, R.; Goldenberg, S.D.; Satokari, R.; Tkatch, S.; Sanguinetti, M.; Cammarota, G.; Dorofeev, A.; Gubska, O.; Laniro, G.; Mattila, E.; Arasaradnam, R.P.; Sarin, S.K.; Sood, A.; Putignani, L.; Alric, L.; Baunwall, S.M.D.; Kupcinskas, J.; Link, A.; Goorhuis, A.G.; Verspaget, H.W.; Ponsioen, C.; Hold, G.L.; Tilg, H.; Kassam, Z.; Kuijper, E.J.; Gasbarrini, A.; Mulder, C.J.J.; Williams, H.R.T. & Vehreschild, M.J.G.T. (2021), A standardised model for stool banking for faecal microbiota transplantation, United European Gastroenterology Journal 9(2).
- Wingen-Heimann, S.M.; Prehn, J. van; Kuijper, E.J. & Vehreschild, M.J.G.T. (2021), The need for a holistic view on management of Clostridioides difficile infection, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 27(10): 1383-1385.
- Ducarmon, Q.R.; Kuijper, E.J. & Olle, B. (2021), Opportunities and challenges in development of live biotherapeutic products to fight infections, The Journal of Infectious Diseases 223: S283-S289.
- Wertheim, H.F.L.; Huong, V.T.L. & Kuijper, E.J. (2021), Clinical microbiology laboratories in low-resource settings, it is not only about equipment and reagents, but also good governance for sustainability, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 27(10): 1389-1390.
- Boekhoud, I.M.; Hornung, B.V.H.; Sevilla, E.; Harmanus, C.; Bos-Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Terveer, E.M.; Bolea, R.; Corver, J.; Kuijper, E.J. & Smits, W.K. (2020), Plasmid-mediated metronidazole resistance in Clostridioides difficile, Nature Communications 11(598).
- Sevilla, E.; Marin, C.; Delgado-Blas, J.F.; Gonzalez-Zorn, B.; Vega, S.; Kuijper, E.; Bolea, R. & Mainar-Jaime, R.C. (2020), Wild griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus) fed at supplementary feeding stations, Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 67(3).
- Novakova, E.; Stefkovicova, M.; Kopilec, M.G.; Novak, M.; Kotlebova, N.; Kuijper, E. & Krutova, M. (2020), The emergence of Clostridium difficile ribotypes 027 and 176 with a predominance of the Clostridium difficile ribotype 001 recognized in Slovakia following the European standardized Clostridium difficile infection surveillance of 2016, International Journal of Infectious Diseases 90: 111-115.
- Pijls, B.G.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Kuijper, E.J. & Nelissen, R.G.H.H. (2020), Synergy between induction heating, antibiotics, and N-acetylcysteine eradicates Staphylococcus aureus from biofilm, International Journal of Hyperthermia 37(1): 130-136.
- Amaruddin, A.I.; Hamid, F.; Koopman, J.P.R.; Muhammad, M.; Brienen, E.A.T.; Lieshout, L. van; Geelen, A.R.; Wahyuni, S.; Kuijper, E.J.; Sartono, E.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Zwittink, R.D. (2020), The bacterial gut microbiota of schoolchildren from high and low socioeconomic status, Microorganisms 8(6).
- Terveer, E.M.; Gool, T. van; Ooijevaar, R.E.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Boeije-Koppenol, E.; Keller, J.J.; Bart, A.; Kuijper, E.J. & Netherlands Donor Feces Bank NDFB (2020), Human transmission of blastocystis by fecal microbiota transplantation without development of gastrointestinal symptoms in recipients, Clinical Infectious Diseases 71(10): 2630-2636.
- Jovanovic, M.; Dorp, S.M. van; Drakulovic, M.; Papic, D.; Pavic, S.; Jovanovic, S.; Lesic, A.; Korac, M.; Milosevic, I. & Kuijper, E.J. (2020), A pilot study in Serbia by European Clostridium difficile infection surveillance network, Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica 67(1): 42-48.
- Pijls, B.G.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Kujiper, E.J. & Nelissen, R.G.H.H. (2020), Induction heating for eradicating Staphylococcus epidermidis from biofilm, Bone & Joint Research 9(4): 192-199.
- Kachrimanidou, M.; Protonotariou, E.; Kaiafa, G.; Ztrieva, E.; Skoura, L.; Savopoulos, C. & Kuijper, E. (2020), Bacteremia due to a toxin A-negative, B-positive Clostridioides difficile ribotype 017 strain, Anaerobe 63.
- Keller, J.J.; Vehreschild, M.J.G.T.; Hvas, C.L.; Jorgensen, S.M.D.; Kupcinskas, J.; Link, A.; Mulder, C.J.J.; Goldenberg, S.D.; Arasaradnam, R.; Sokol, H.; Gasbarrini, A.; Hoegenauer, C.; Terveer, E.M.; Kuijper, E.J. & Arkkila, P. (2020), Donated stool for faecal microbiota transplantation is not a drug, but guidance and regulation are needed.
- Lingen, E. van; Meulen-de Jong, A.E. van der; Vendrik, K.E.W.; Kuijper, J.; Terveer, E.M. & Keller, J.J. (2020), Faecal microbiota transplantation as treatment for recurrent Clostridiodes difficile infection in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: Experiences of the Netherlands donor faeces bank, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 14: S318-S318.
- Hornung, B.V.H.; Zwittink, R.D.; Ducarmon, Q.R. & Kuijper, E.J. (2020), Response to: 'irculating microbiome in blood of different circulatory compartments' by Schierwagen et al.
- Zwittink, R.D.; Munckhof, E.H.A. van den; Leverstein-van Hall, M.A.; Boers, K.; Molijn, A.; Knetsch, C.W. & Kuijper, E.J. (2020), The vaginal microbiota in the course of bacterial vaginosis treatment, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 40.
- Terveer, E.M.; Fallon, M.; Kraakman, M.E.M.; Ormond, A.; Fitzpatrick, M.; Caljouw, M.A.A.; Martin, A.; Dorp, S.M. van; Wong, M.C.; Kuijper, E.J. & Fitzpatrick, F. (2020), Spread of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli in nursing home residents in Ireland and the Netherlands may reflect infrastructural differences (vol 103, pg 160, 2019), Journal of Hospital Infection 104(4): 605-605.
- Crobach, M.J.T.; Ducarmon, Q.R.; Terveer, E.M.; Harmanus, C.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Verduin, K.M.; Kuijper, E.J. & Zwittink, R.D. (2020), The bacterial gut microbiota of adult patients infected, colonized or noncolonized by clostridioides difficile, Microorganisms 8(5).
- Lachowicz, D.; Pituch, H.; Wultanska, D.; Kuijper, E. & Obuch-Woszczatynski, P. (2020), Surveillance of antimicrobial susceptibilities reveals high proportions of multidrug resistance in toxigenic Clostridium difficile strains in different areas of Poland, Anaerobe 62.
- Ianiro, G.; Mullish, B.H.; Kelly, C.R.; Kassam, Z.; Kuijper, E.J.; Ng, S.C.; Iqbal, T.H.; Allegretti, J.R.; Bibbo, S.; Sokol, H.; Zhang, F.M.; Fischer, M.; Costello, S.P.; Keller, J.J.; Masucci, L.; Prehn, J. van; Quaranta, G.; Quraishi, M.N.; Segal, J.; Kao, D.N.; Satokari, R.; Sanguinetti, M.; Tilg, H.; Gasbarrini, A. & Cammarota, G. (2020), Reorganisation of faecal microbiota transplant services during the COVID-19 pandemic, Gut 69(9): 1555-1563.
- Siemens, N.; Oehmcke-Hecht, S.; Hossmann, J.; Skorka, S.B.; Nijhuis, R.H.T.; Ruppen, C.; Skrede, S.; Rohde, M.; Schultz, D.; Lalk, M.; Itzek, A.; Pieper, D.H.; Bout, C.J. van den; Claas, E.C.J.; Kuijper, E.J.; Mauritz, R.; Sendi, P.; Wunderink, H.F. & Norrby-Teglund, A. (2020), Prothrombotic and proinflammatory activities of the beta-hemolytic group B streptococcal pigment, Journal of Innate Immunity 12(4): 291-303.
- Lestrade, P.P.A.; Buil, J.B.; Beek, M.T. van der; Kuijper, E.J.; Dijk, K. van; Kampinga, G.A.; Rijnders, B.J.A.; Vonk, A.G.; Greeff, S.C. de; Schoffelen, A.F.; Dissel, J. van; Meis, J.F.; Melchers, W.J.G. & Verweij, P.E. (2020), Paradoxal trends in Azole-Resistant Aspergillus fumigatus in a National Multicenter Surveillance Program, the Netherlands, 2013-2018, Emerging Infectious Diseases 26(7): 1447-1455.
- Shaw, H.A.; Preston, M.D.; Vendrik, K.E.W.; Cairns, M.D.; Browne, H.P.; Stabler, R.A.; Crobach, M.J.T.; Corver, J.; Pituch, H.; Ingebretsen, A.; Pirmohamed, M.; Faulds-Pain, A.; Valiente, E.; Lawley, T.D.; Fairweather, N.F.; Kuijper, E.J. & Wren, B.W. (2020), The recent emergence of a highly related virulent Clostridium difficile clade with unique characteristics, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 26(4): 492-498.
- Guardabassi, L.; Butaye, P.; Dockrell, D.H.; Fitzgerald, J.R.; Kuijper, E.J. & ESGVM (2020), One Health: a multifaceted concept combining diverse approaches to prevent and control antimicrobial resistance, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 26(12): 1604-1605.
- Ducarmon, Q.R.; Hornung, B.V.H.; Geelen, A.R.; Kuijper, E.J. & Zwittink, R.D. (2020), Toward standards in clinical microbiota studies, mSystems 5(1).
- Munckhof, E.H.A. van den; Hafkamp, H.C.; Kluijver, J. de; Kuijper, E.J.; Koning, M.N.C. de; Quint, W.G.V. & Knetsch, C.W. (2020), Nasal microbiota dominated by Moraxella spp. is associated with respiratory health in the elderly population, Respiratory Research 21(1).
- Widmer, A.F.; Frei, R.; Kuijper, E.J.; Wilcox, M.H.; Schindler, R.; Spaniol, V.; Goldenberger, D.; Egli, A. & Tschudin-Sutter, S. (2020), Multicenter prevalence study comparing molecular and toxin assays for clostridioides difficile surveillance, Switzerland, Emerging Infectious Diseases 26(10): 2370-2377.
- Baghani, A.; Mesdaghinia, A.; Kuijper, E.J.; Aliramezani, A.; Talebi, M. & Douraghi, M. (2020), High prevalence of Clostridiodes diffiicle PCR ribotypes 001 and 126 in Iran, Scientific Reports 10(1).
- Golloso-Gubat, M.J.; Ducarmon, Q.R.; Tan, R.C.A.; Zwittink, R.D.; Kuijper, E.J.; Nacis, J.S. & Santos, N.L.C. (2020), Gut microbiota and dietary intake of normal-weight and overweight Filipino children, Microorganisms 8(7).
- Vendrik, K.E.W.; Ooijevaar, R.E.; Jong, P.R.C. de; Laman, J.D.; Oosten, B.W. van; Hilten, J.J. van; Ducarmon, Q.R.; Keller, J.J.; Kuijper, E.J. & Contarino, M.F. (2020), Fecal microbiota transplantation in neurological disorders, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 10.
- Terveer, E.M.; Vendrik, K.E.W.; Ooijevaar, R.E.; Lingen, E. van; Boeije-Koppenol, E.; Nood, E. van; Goorhuis, A.; Bauer, M.P.; Beurden, Y.H. van; Dijkgraaf, M.G.W.; Mulder, C.J.J.; Vandenbroucke-Grauls, C.M.J.E.; Seegers, J.F.M.L.; Prehn, J. van; Verspaget, H.W.; Kuijper, E.J. & Keller, J.J. (2020), Faecal microbiota transplantation for Clostridioides difficile infection, United European Gastroenterology Journal 8(10): 1236-1247.
- Ducarmon, Q.R.; Hoogerwerf, M.A.; Janse, J.J.; Geelen, A.R.; Koopman, J.P.R.; Zwittink, R.D.; Goeman, J.J.; Kuijper, E.J. & Roestenberg, M. (2020), Dynamics of the bacterial gut microbiota during controlled human infection with Necator americanus larvae, Gut Microbes 12(1).
- Kuijper, E.J. & Vehreschild, M.J.G.T. (2020), Clinical microbiota and infection, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 26(11): 1447-1447.
- Novakova, E.; Kotlebova, N.; Gryndlerova, A.; Novak, M.; Vladarova, M.; Wilcox, M.; Kuijper, E. & Krutova, M. (2020), An outbreak of clostridium (clostridioides) difficile infections within an cute and long-term care wards due to moxifloxacin-resistant PCR ribotype 176 genotyped as PCR ribotype 027 by a commercial assay, Journal of Clinical Medicine 9(11).
- Kachrimanidou, M.; Baktash, A.; Metallidis, S.; Tsachouridou, O.; Netsika, F.; Dimoglou, D.; Kassomenaki, A.; Mouza, E.; Haritonidou, M. & Kuijper, E. (2020), An outbreak of Clostridioides difficile infections due to a 027-like PCR ribotype 181 in a rehabilitation centre: Epidemiological and microbiological characteristics, Anaerobe 65.
- Asten, S. A. V. van; Hemel-Rintjap, T. D. van; Lange, D. W. de; Mulder-Spijkerboer, H. N. & Kuijper, E. J. (2020), De giftige groene knolamaniet, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 164.
- Cammarota, G.; Ianiro, G.; Kelly, C.R.; Mullish, B.H.; Allegretti, J.R.; Kassam, Z.; Putignani, L.; Fischer, M.; Keller, J.J.; Costello, S.P.; Sokol, H.; Kump, P.; Satokari, R.; Kahn, S.A.; Kao, D.N.; Arkkila, P.; Kuijper, E.J.; Vehreschild, M.J.G.T.; Pintus, C.; Lopetuso, L.; Masucci, L.; Scaldaferri, F.; Terveer, E.M.; Nieuwdorp, M.; Lopez-Sanroman, A.; Kupcinskas, J.; Hart, A.; Tilg, H. & Gasbarrini, A. (2019), International consensus conference on stool banking for faecal microbiota transplantation in clinical practice, Gut 68(12): 2111-2121.
- Ducarmon, Q.R.; Zwittink, R.D.; Hornung, B.V.H.; Schaik, W. van; Young, V.B. & Kuijper, E.J. (2019), Gut Microbiota and Colonization Resistance against Bacterial Enteric Infection, Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 83(3).
- Dyar, O.J.; Beovic, B.; Pulcini, C.; Tacconelli, E.; Hulscher, M.; Cookson, B. & ESCMID Generic Competencies (2019), ESCMID generic competencies in antimicrobial prescribing and stewardship: towards a European consensus, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 25(1): 13-19.
- Ooijevaar, R.E.; Terveer, E.M.; Verspaget, H.W.; Kuijper, E.J.; Keller, J.J. & Klotman, M.E. (2019), Clinical Application and Potential of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation, Annual Review of Medicine 70: 335-351.
- Krutova, M.; Wilcox, M.H. & Kuijper, E.J. (2019), A two-step approach for the investigation of a Clostridium difficile outbreak by molecular methods.
- Hornung, B.V.H.; Zwittink, R.D. & Kuijper, E.J. (2019), Issues and current standards of controls in microbiome research, FEMS Microbiology Ecology 95(5).
- Bekker, V.; Zwittink, R.D.; Knetsch, C.W.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Berghuis, D.; Heidt, P.J.; Vossen, J.M.J.J.; Vos, W.M. de; Belzer, C.; Bredius, R.G.M.; van't Hof, P.J.; Lankester, A.C. & Kuijper, E.J. (2019), Dynamics of the Gut Microbiota in Children Receiving Selective or Total Gut Decontamination Treatment during Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 25(6): 1164-1171.
- Villagomez-Estrada, S.; Blanco, J.L.; Melo-Duran, D.; Martin, C.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E.J. & Garcia, M.E. (2019), Detection of Clostridium difficile in the environment in a veterinary teaching hospital, Anaerobe 57: 55-58.
- Tacconelli, E.; Mazzaferri, F.; Smet, A.M. de; Bragantini, D.; Eggimann, P.; Huttner, B.D.; Kuijper, E.J.; Lucet, J.C.; Mutters, N.T.; Sanguinetti, M.; Schwaber, M.J.; Souli, M.; Torre-Cisneros, J.; Price, J.R. & Rodriguez-Bano, J. (2019), ESCMID-EUCIC clinical guidelines on decolonization of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria carriers, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 25(7): 807-817.
- Czepiel, J.; Drozdz, M.; Pituch, H.; Kuijper, E.J.; Perucki, W.; Mielimonka, A.; Goldman, S.; Wultanska, D.; Garlicki, A. & Biesiada, G. (2019), Clostridium difficile infection: review, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 38(7): 1211-1221.
- Hetem, D.J.; Bos-Sanders, I.; Nijhuis, R.H.T.; Tamminga, S.; Berlinger, L.; Kuijper, E.J.; Sickler, J.J. & Claas, E.C.J. (2019), Evaluation of the Liat Cdiff Assay for Direct Detection of Clostridioides difficile Toxin Genes within 20 Minutes, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 57(6).
- Davido, B.; Batista, R.; Dinh, A.; Truchis, P. de; Terveer, E.M.; Roberts, B.; Kuijper, E.J. & Caballero, S. (2019), Fifty shades of graft: How to improve the efficacy of faecal microbiota transplantation for decolonization of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 53(5): 553-556.
- Eijk, E. van; Boekhoud, I.M.; Kuijper, E.J.; Bos-Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Wright, G. & Smits, W.K. (2019), Genome Location Dictates the Transcriptional Response to PolC Inhibition in Clostridium difficile, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 63(2).
- Corver, J.; Sen, J.; Hornung, B.V.H.; Mertens, B.J.; Berssenbrugge, E.K.L.; Harmanus, C.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Kumar, N.; Lawley, T.D.; Kuijper, E.J.; Hensbergen, P.J. & Nicolardi, S. (2019), Identification and validation of two peptide markers for the recognition of Clostridioides difficile MLST-1 and MLST-11 by MALDI-MS, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 25(7).
- Kuijper, E.J.; Vendrik, K.E.W. & Vehreschild, M.J.G.T. (2019), Manipulation of the microbiota to eradicate multidrug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae from the human intestinal tract, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 25(7): 786-789.
- Predrag, S.; Kuijper, E.J.; Nikola, S.; Vendrik, K.E.W. & Niko, R. (2019), Recurrent community-acquired Clostridium(Clostridioides)difficile infection in Serbianchildren, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.
- Keller, J.J.; Vehreschild, M.J.G.T.; Hvas, C.L.; Jorgensen, S.M.D.; Kupciskas, J.; Link, A.; Mulder, C.J.J.; Goldenberg, S.D.; Arasaradnam, R.; Sokol, H.; Gasbarrini, A.; Hoegenauer, C.; Terveer, E.M.; Kuijper, E.J.; Arkkila, P.; Gasbarrini, A.; Gridnyev, O.; Megraud, F.; Kump, P.K.; Nakov, R.; Goldenberg, S.D.; Satokari, R.; Tkatch, S.; Sanguinetti, M.; Sokol, H.; Cammarota, G.; Dorofeev, A.; Keller, J.J.; Hoegenauer, C.; Gubska, O.; Ianiro, G.; Mattila, E.; Ooijevaar, R.E.; Arasaradnam, R.; Sarin, S.K.; Sood, A.; Putignani, L.; Alric, L.; Arkkila, P.; Hvas, C.L.; Jorgensen, S.M.D.; Kuijper, E.J.; Kupciskas, J.; Link, A.; Mulder, C.J.J.; Williams, H.R.T.; Goorhuis, A.; Verspaget, H.W.; Terveer, E.M.; Hold, G.L.; Tilg, H.; Ponsioen, C.Y. & Standards Guidelines Initiative (2019), Stool for fecal microbiota transplantation should be classified as a transplant product and not as a drug.
- Kuijper, E.J.; Coia, J.E.; Vehreschild, M.J.G.T.; Keller, J. & Terveer, L. (2019), Treatment of (recurrent) Clostridioides difficile Infections in Children and Adults.
- Terveer, E.M.; Fallon, M.; Kraakman, M.E.M.; Ormond, A.; Fitzpatrick, M.; Caljouw, M.A.A.; Martin, A.; Dorp, S.M. van; Wong, M.C.; Kuijper, E.J. & Fitzpatrick, F. (2019), Spread of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli in nursing home residents in Ireland and the Netherlands may reflect infrastructural differences, Journal of Hospital Infection 103(2): 160-164.
- Zhang, J.H.; Snelders, E.E.; Zwaan, B.J.; Schoustra, S.E.; Kuijper, E.J.; Arendrup, M.C.; Melchers, W.J.G.; Verweij, P.E. & Debets, A.J.M. (2019), Relevance of heterokaryosis for adaptation and azole-resistance development in Aspergillus fumigatus, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286(1896).
- Dorp, S.M. van; Hensgens, M.P.M.; Dekkers, O.M.; Demeulemeester, A.; Buiting, A.; Bloembergen, P.; Greeff, S.C. de & Kuijper, E.J. (2019), Spatial clustering and livestock exposure as risk factor for community-acquired Clostridium difficile infection, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 25(5): 607-612.
- Gast, K.B.; Hoeven, A. van der; Boer, M.G.J. de; Esser, J.W.J. van; Kuijper, E.J.; Verweij, J.J.; Keulen, P.H.J. van & Beek, M.T. van der (2019), Two cases of Emergomyces pasteurianus infection in immunocompromised patients in the Netherlands, Medical Mycology Case Reports 24: 5-8.
- Andres-Lasheras, S.; Martin-Burriel, I.; Aspiroz, C.; Mainar-Jaime, R.C.; Robres, P.; Sevilla, E.; Kuijper, E.; Chirino-Trejo, M. & Bolea, R. (2019), Incidence and characterization of Clostridium difficile in a secondary care hospital in Spain, Revista Espanola de Enfermedades Digestivas 111(5): 338-344.
- Lepuschitz, S.; Ruppitsch, W.; Pekard-Amenitsch, S.; Forsythe, S.J.; Cormican, M.; Mach, R.L.; Pierard, D.; Allerberger, F.; Allerberger, F.; Andrasevic, A.T.; Balode, A.; Barbut, F.; Codita, I.; Connican, M.; Ferguson, C.; Heczko, P.; Holy, O.; Kantardjiev, T.; Kuijper, E.J.; Leegaard, T.M.; Peixe, L.M.V.; Pierard, D.; Rautelin, H.; Rupnik, M.; Schonning, K.; Stephan, R.; Toniolo, A.; Tosic, T.; Valdezate, S.; Muller, L. von; Zerva, L.; Zinieri-Panayide, B. & EUCRONI Study Grp (2019), Multicenter Study of Cronobacter sakazakii Infections in Humans, Europe, 2017, Emerging Infectious Disease 25(3): 515-522.
- Groeneveld, G.H.; van't Wout, J.W.; Aarts, N.J.; Rooden, C.J. van; Verheij, T.J.M.; Cobbaert, C.M.; Kuijper, E.J.; Vries, J.J.C. de & Dissel, J.T. van (2019), Prediction model for pneumonia in primary care patients with an acute respiratory tract infection: role of symptoms, signs, and biomarkers, BMC Infectious Diseases 19(1).
- Groeneveld, G.H.; Reyden, T.J. van der; Joosten, S.A.; Bootsma, H.J.; Cobbaert, C.M.; Vries, J.J.C. de; Kuijper, E.J. & Dissel, J.T. van (2019), Non-lytic antibiotic treatment in community-acquired pneumococcal pneumonia does not attenuate inflammation: the PRISTINE trial, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 74(8): 2385-2393.
- Crobach, M.J.T.; Notermans, D.W.; Harmanus, C.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Greeff, S.C. de & Kuijper, E.J. (2019), Community-Onset Clostridioides Difficile Infection in Hospitalized Patients in The Netherlands, Open Forum Infectious Diseases 6(12).
- Kuijper, E.J.; Allegretii, J.; Hawkey, P.; Sokol, H.; Goldenberg, S.; Ianiro, G.; Gasbarrini, A.; Kump, P.; Costello, S.P.; Keller, J. & Vehreschild, M.J.G.T. (2019), A necessary discussion after transmission of multidrug-resistant organisms through faecal microbiota transplantations, Lancet Infectious Diseases 19(11): 1161-1162.
- Kumar, N.; Browne, H.P.; Viciani, E.; Forster, S.C.; Clare, S.; Harcourt, K.; Stares, M.D.; Dougan, G.; Fairley, D.J.; Roberts, P.; Pirmohamed, M.; Clokie, M.R.J.; Jensen, M.B.F.; Hargreaves, K.R.; Ip, M.; Wieler, L.H.; Seyboldt, C.; Noren, T.; Riley, T.V.; Kuijper, E.J.; Wren, B.W. & Lawley, T.D. (2019), Adaptation of host transmission cycle during Clostridium difficile speciation, Nature Genetics 51(9): 1315-+.
- Dulm, E. van; Tholen, A.T.R.; Pettersson, A.; Rooijen, M.S. van; Willemsen, I.; Molenaar, P.; Damen, M.; Gruteke, P.; Oostvogel, P.; Kuijper, E.J.; Hertogh, C.M.P.M.; Vandenbroucke-Grauls, C.M.J.E. & Scholing, M. (2019), High prevalence of multidrug resistant Enterobacteriaceae among residents of long term care facilities in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, PLoS ONE 14(9).
- Aliramezani, A.; Talebi, M.; Golbabaei, F.; Baghani, A.; Marjani, M.; Afhami, S.; Hajabdolbaghi, M.; Boroumand, M.A.; Kuijper, E.J. & Douraghi, M. (2019), Characterization of Clostridioides difficile isolates recovered from hospitalized patients and the hospitals environment and air: A multicenter study, Anaerobe 59: 154-158.
- Hornung, B.V.H.; Kuijper, E.J. & Smits, W.K. (2019), An in silico survey of Clostridioides difficile extrachromosomal elements, Microbial Genomics 5(9).
- Gast, K.B.; Hoeven, A. van der; Boer, M.G.J. de; Esser, J.W.J. van; Kuijper, E.J.; Verweij, J.J.; Keulen, P.H.J. van & Beek, M.T. van der (2019), Two cases of Emergomyces pasteurianus infection in immunocompromised patients in the Netherlands, Medical Mycology Case Reports 24: 5-8.
- Knetsch, C.W.; Kumar, N.; Forster, S.C.; Connor, T.R.; Browne, H.P.; Harmanus, C.; Sanders, I.M.; Harris, S.R.; Turner, L.; Morris, T.; Perry, M.; Miyajima, F.; Roberts, P.; Pirmohamed, M.; Songer, J.G.; Weese, J.S.; Indra, A.; Corver, J.; Rupnik, M.; Wren, B.W.; Riley, T.V.; Kuijper, E.J. & Lawley, T.D. (2018), Zoonotic Transfer of Clostridium difficile Harboring Antimicrobial Resistance between Farm Animals and Humans, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 56(3).
- Crobach, M.J.T.; Baktash, A.; Duszenko, N.; Kuijper, E.J.; Mastrantonio, P. & Rupnik, M. (2018), Diagnostic Guidance for C. difficile Infections, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1050: 27-44.
- Pijls, B.G.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Kuijper, E.J. & Nelissen, R.G.H.H. (2018), Segmental induction heating of orthopaedic metal implants, Bone and Joint Research 7(11): 609-619.
- Alvarez-Perez, S.; Blanco, J.L.; Astorga, R.J.; Gomez-Laguna, J.; Barrero-Dominguez, B.; Galan-Relano, A.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E. & Garcia, M.E. (2018), Distribution and tracking of Clostridium difficile and Clostridium perfringens in a free-range pig abattoir and processing plant, Food Research International 113: 456-464.
- Sande, M.A.J. van de; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Domselaar, M. van; Wijk, M.J. van; Sanders, I. & Kuijper, E. (2018), Successful disinfection of femoral head bone graft using high hydrostatic pressure, Cell and Tissue Banking 19(3): 333-340.
- Ooijevaar, R.E.; Beurden, Y.H. van; Terveer, E.M.; Goorhuis, A.; Bauer, M.P.; Keller, J.J.; Mulder, C.J.J. & Kuijper, E.J. (2018), Update of treatment algorithms for Clostridium difficile infection, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 24(5): 452-462.
- Krutova, M.; Nyc, O.; Matejkova, J.; Kuijper, E.J.; Jalava, J. & Mentula, S. (2018), The recognition and characterisation of Finnish Clostridium difficile isolates resembling PCR-ribotype 027, Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection 51(3): 344-351.
- Coia, J.E.; Kuijper, E.J.; Mastrantonio, P. & Rupnik, M. (2018), The ESCMID Study Group for Clostridium difficile: History, Role and Perspectives, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1050: 245-254.
- Crobach, M.J.T.; Vernon, J.J.; Loo, V.G.; Kong, L.Y.; Pechine, S.; Wilcox, M.H. & Kuijper, E.J. (2018), Understanding Clostridium difficile Colonization, Clinical Microbiology Reviews 31(2).
- Krutova, M.; Wilcox, M.H. & Kuijper, E.J. (2018), The pitfalls of laboratory diagnostics of Clostridium difficile infection, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 24(7): 682-683.
- Krutova, M.; Kinross, P.; Barbut, F.; Hajdu, A.; Wilcox, M.H.; Kuijper, E.J. & Survey Contributors (2018), How to: Surveillance of Clostridium difficile infections, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 24(5): 469-475.
- Forster, B.; Chung, P.K.; Crobach, M.J.T. & Kuijper, E.J. (2018), Application of Antibody-Mediated Therapy for Treatment and Prevention of Clostridium difficile Infection, Frontiers in Microbiology 9.
- Van der Hoeven A., Akerboom S., Norbart I., Van der Beek M. T., De Boer M. G. J. & Kuijper E. J. (2018), A fatal case of Emergomyces pasteurianus pulmonary infection in an immunocompromised patient with concomitant listeriosis and invasive aspergillosis, Medical Mycology 56: S103-S103.
- Baktash, A.; Terveer, E.M.; Zwittink, R.D.; Hornung, B.V.H.; Corver, J.; Kuijper, E.J. & Smits, W.K. (2018), Mechanistic Insights in the Success of Fecal Microbiota Transplants for the Treatment of Clostridium difficile Infections, Frontiers in Microbiology 9.
- Fleurbaaij, F.; Henneman, A.A.; Corver, J.; Knetsch, C.W.; Smits, W.K.; Nauta, S.T.; Giera, M.; Dragan, I.; Kumar, N.; Lawley, T.D.; Verhoeven, A.; Leeuwen, H.C. van; Kuijper, E.J. & Hensbergen, P.J. (2018), Proteomic identification of Axc, a novel beta-lactamase with carbapenemase activity in a meropenem-resistant clinical isolate of Achromobacter xylosoxidans, Scientific Reports 8.
- Li, C.H.; Harmanus, C.; Zhu, D.L.; Meng, X.J.; Wang, S.H.; Duan, J.P.; Liu, S.D.; Fu, C.C.; Zhou, P.C.; Liu, R.S.; Wu, A.H.; Kuijper, E.J.; Smits, W.K.; Fu, L. & Sun, X.M. (2018), Characterization of the virulence of a non-RT027, non-RT078 and binary toxin-positive Clostridium difficile strain associated with severe diarrhea, Emerging Microbes and Infections 7.
- Djebbar, A.; Sebaihia, M.; Kuijper, E.; Harmanus, C.; Sanders, I.; Benbraham, N. & Hacene, H. (2018), First molecular characterisation and PCR ribotyping of Clostridium difficile strains isolated in two Algerian Hospitals, Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 12(1): 15-21.
- Lestrade, P.P.; Bentvelsen, R.G.; Schauwvlieghe, A.F.A.D.; Schalekamp, S.; Velden, W.J. van der; Kuiper, E.J.; Paassen, J. van; Hoven, B. van der; Lee, H.A. van der; Melchers, W.J.G.; Haan, A.F. de; Hoeven, H.L. van der; Rijnders, B.J.A.; Beek, M.T. van der & Verweij, P.E. (2018), Voriconazole resistance and mortality in 196 Aspergillus fumigatus culture-positive patients with invasive aspergillosis, Medical Mycology 56: S21-S21.
- Andres-Lasheras, S.; Martin-Burriel, I.; Mainar-Jaime, R.C.; Morales, M.; Kuijper, E.; Blanco, J.L.; Chirino-Trejo, M. & Bolea, R. (2018), Preliminary studies on isolates of Clostridium difficile from dogs and exotic pets, BMC Veterinary Research 14.
- Jonge, E. de; Wilde, R.B.P. de; Juffermans, N.P.; Oostdijk, E.A.N.; Bernards, A.T.; Essen, E.H.R. van; Kuijper, E.J.; Visser, C.E.; Kesecioglu, J. & Bonten, M.J.M. (2018), Carriage of antibiotic-resistant Gram-negative bacteria after discontinuation of selective decontamination of the digestive tract (SDD) or selective oropharyngeal decontamination (SOD), Critical Care 22.
- Crobach, M.J.T.; holt, A.F.V. in 't; Knetsch, C.W.; Dorp, S.M. van; Bras, W.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E.J. & Vos, M.C. (2018), An outbreak of Clostridium difficile infections due to new PCR ribotype 826: epidemiologic and microbiologic analyses, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 24(3).
- Tschudin-Sutter, S.; Kuijper, E.J.; Durovic, A.; Vehreschild, M.J.G.T.; Barbut, F.; Eckert, C.; Fitzpatrick, F.; Hell, M.; Noren, T.; O'Driscoll, J.; Coia, J.; Gastmeier, P.; Muller, L. von; Wilcox, M.H. & Widmer, A.F. (2018), Guidance document for prevention of Clostridium difficile infection in acute healthcare settings, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 24(10): 1051-1054.
- Eyre, D.W.; Davies, K.A.; Davis, G.; Fawley, W.N.; Dingle, K.E.; Maio, N. de; Karas, A.; Crook, D.W.; Peto, T.E.A.; Walker, A.S.; Wilcox, M.H. & EUCLID Study Grp (2018), Two Distinct Patterns of Clostridium difficile Diversity Across Europe Indicating Contrasting Routes of Spread, Clinical Infectious Diseases 67(7): 1035-1044.
- Crobach, M.J.T.; Duszenko, N.; Terveer, E.M.; Verduin, C.M. & Kuijper, E.J. (2018), Nucleic Acid Amplification Test Quantitation as Predictor of Toxin Presence in Clostridium difficile Infection, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 56(3).
- Bandelj, P.; Harmanus, C.; Blagus, R.; Cotman, M.; Kuijper, E.J.; Ocepek, M. & Vengust, M. (2018), Quantification of Clostridioides (Clostridium) difficile in feces of calves of different age and determination of predominant Clostridioides difficile ribotype 033 relatedness and transmission between family dairy farms using multilocus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis, BMC Veterinary Research 14.
- Orden, C.; Neila, C.; Blanco, J.L.; Alvarez-Perez, S.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E.J. & Garcia, M.E. (2018), Recreational sandboxes for children and dogs can be a source of epidemic ribotypes of Clostridium difficile, Zoonoses and Public Health 65(1): 88-95.
- Terveer, E.M.; Beurden, Y.H. van; Goorhuis, A.; Mulder, C.J.J.; Kuijper, E.J.; Keller, J.J. & Working Grp Netherlands Donor Fece (2018), Faecal microbiota transplantation in clinical practice, Gut 67(1): 196-196.
- Alvarez-Perez, S.; Blanco, J.L.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E.J. & Garcia, M.E. (2017), Data from a survey of Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium difficile shedding by dogs and cats in the Madrid region (Spain), including phenotypic and genetic characteristics of recovered isolates, Data in Brief 14: 88-100.
- Bekker, V.; Knetsch, C.W.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Berghuis, D.; Bredius, R.; Hof, P.J. van het; Lankester, A. & Kuijper, E.J. (2017), Microbiome dynamics during stem cell transplantation in children using total gut decontamination as graft-versus-host prophylaxis, Bone Marrow Transplantation 52: S370-S371.
- Dorp, S.M. van; Greeff, S.C. de; Harmanus, C.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Dekkers, O.M.; Knetsch, C.W.; Kampinga, G.A.; Notermans, D.W. & Kuijper, E.J. (2017), Ribotype 078 Clostridium difficile infection incidence in Dutch hospitals is not associated with provincial pig farming: Results from a national sentinel surveillance, 2009-2015, PLoS ONE 12(12).
- Zomer, T.P.; Duijkeren, E. van; Wielders, C.C.H.; Veenman, C.; Hengeveld, P.; Hoek, W. van der; Greeff, S.C. de; Smit, L.A.M.; Heederik, D.J.; Yzermans, C.J.; Kuijper, E.J. & Maassen, C.B.M. (2017), Prevalence and risk factors for colonization of Clostridium difficile among adults living near livestock farms in the Netherlands, Epidemiology and Infection 145(13): 2745-2749.
- Alvarez-Perez, S.; Blanco, J.L.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E.J. & Garcia, M.E. (2017), Prevalence and characteristics of Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium difficile in dogs and cats attended in diverse veterinary clinics from the Madrid region, Anaerobe 48: 47-55.
- Stein, K.; Egan, S.; Lynch, H.; Harmanus, C.; Kyne, L.; Herra, C.; McDermott, S.; Kuijper, E.; Fitzpatrick, F.; FitzGerald, S.; Fenelon, L. & Drudy, D. (2017), PCR-ribotype distribution of Clostridium difficile in Irish pigs, Anaerobe 48: 237-241.
- Beran, V.; Kuijper, E.J.; Harmanus, C.; Sanders, I.M.; Dorp, S.M. van; Knetsch, C.W.; Janeckova, J.; Seidelova, A.; Barekova, L.; Tvrdik, J.; Chmelar, D. & Ciznar, I. (2017), Molecular typing and antimicrobial susceptibility testing to six antimicrobials of Clostridium difficile isolates from three Czech hospitals in Eastern Bohemia in 2011-2012, Folia Microbiologica 62(5): 445-451.
- Martin-Burriel, I.; Andres-Lasheras, S.; Harders, F.; Mainar-Jaime, R.C.; Ranera, B.; Zaragoza, P.; Falceto, V.; Bolea, Y.; Kuijper, E.; Bolea, R.; Bossers, A. & Chirino-Trejo, M. (2017), Molecular analysis of three Clostridium difficile strain genomes isolated from pig farm-related samples, Anaerobe 48: 224-231.
- Krutova, M.; Matejkova, J.; Drevinek, P.; Kuijper, E.J.; Nyc, O. & Study Grp (2017), Increasing incidence of Clostridium difficile ribotype 001 associated with severe course of the infection and previous fluoroquinolone use in the Czech Republic, 2015, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 36(11): 2251-2258.
- Terveer, E.M.; Beurden, Y.H. van; Goorhuis, A.; Seegers, J.F.M.L.; Bauer, M.P.; Nood, E. van; Dijkgraaf, M.G.W.; Mulder, C.J.J.; Vandenbroucke-Grauls, C.M.J.E.; Verspaget, H.W.; Keller, J.J. & Kuijper, E.J. (2017), How to: Establish and run a stool bank, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 23(12): 924-930.
- Alvarez-Perez, S.; Blanco, J.L.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E. & Garcia, M.E. (2017), Subtyping and antimicrobial susceptibility of Clostridium difficile PCR ribotype 078/126 isolates of human and animal origin, Veterinary Microbiology 199: 15-22.
- Nyc, O.; Tejkalova, R.; Kriz, Z.; Ruzicka, F.; Kubicek, L.; Matejkova, J.; Kuijper, E. & Krutova, M. (2017), Two Clusters of Fluoroquinolone and Clindamycin-Resistant Clostridium difficile PCR Ribotype 001 Strain Recognized by Capillary Electrophoresis Ribotyping and Multilocus Variable Tandem Repeat Analysis, Microbial Drug Resistance 23(5): 609-615.
- Andres-Lasheras, S.; Bolea, R.; Mainar-Jaime, R.C.; Kuijper, E.; Sevilla, E.; Martin-Burriel, I. & Chirino-Trejo, M. (2017), Presence of Clostridium difficile in pig faecal samples and wild animal species associated with pig farms, Journal of Applied Microbiology 122(2): 462-472.
- Aptekorz, M.; Szczegielniak, A.; Wiechula, B.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E. & Martirosian, G. (2017), Occurrence of Clostridium difficile ribotype 027 in hospitals of Silesia, Poland, Anaerobe 45: 106-113.
- Pijls, B.G.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Kuijper, E.J. & Nelissen, R.G.H.H. (2017), Non-contact electromagnetic induction heating for eradicating bacteria and yeasts on biomaterials and possible relevance to orthopaedic implant infections, Bone and Joint Research 6(5): 323-330.
- Orden, C.; Blanco, J.L.; Alvarez-Perez, S.; Garcia-Sancho, M.; Rodriguez-Franco, F.; Sainz, A.; Villaescusa, A.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E. & Garcia, M.E. (2017), Isolation of Clostridium difficile from dogs with digestive disorders, including stable metronidazole-resistant strains, Anaerobe 43: 78-81.
- Stalenhoef, J.E.; Terveer, E.M.; Knetsch, C.W.; van't Hof, P.J.; Vlasveld, I.N.; Keller, J.J.; Visser, L.G. & Kuijper, E.J. (2017), Fecal Microbiota Transfer for Multidrug-Resistant Gram-Negatives: A Clinical Success Combined With Microbiological Failure, Open Forum Infectious Diseases 4(2).
- Kenters, N.; Huijskens, E.G.W.; Wit, S.C.J. de; Sanders, I.G.J.M.; Rosmalen, J. van; Kuijper, E.J. & Voss, A. (2017), Effectiveness of various cleaning and disinfectant products on Clostridium difficile spores of PCR ribotypes 010, 014 and 027, Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 6.
- Eijk, E. van; Wittekoek, B.; Kuijper, E.J. & Smits, W.K. (2017), DNA replication proteins as potential targets for antimicrobials in drug-resistant bacterial pathogens, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 72(5): 1275-1284.
- Terveer, E.M.; Crobach, M.J.T.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Vos, M.C.; Verduin, C.M. & Kuijper, E.J. (2017), Detection of Clostridium difficile in Feces of Asymptomatic Patients Admitted to the Hospital, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 55(2): 403-411.
- Cairns, M.D.; Preston, M.D.; Hall, C.L.; Gerding, D.N.; Hawkey, P.M.; Kato, H.; Kim, H.; Kuijper, E.J.; Lawley, T.D.; Pituch, H.; Reid, S.; Kullin, B.; Riley, T.V.; Solomon, K.; Tsai, P.J.; Weese, J.S.; Stabler, R.A. & Wren, B.W. (2017), Correction for Cairns et al., “Comparative Genome Analysis and Global Phylogeny of the Toxin Variant Clostridium difficile PCR Ribotype 017 Reveals the Evolution of Two Independent Sublineages” Volume 55, no. 3, p. 865–876, 2017, https://doi.org/10.1128/JCM.01296-16., Journal of Clinical Microbiology 55(6): 1971-1971.
- Cairns, M.D.; Preston, M.D.; Hall, C.L.; Gerding, D.N.; Hawkey, P.M.; Kato, H.; Kim, H.; Kuijper, E.J.; Lawley, T.D.; Pituch, H.; Reid, S.; Kullin, B.; Riley, T.V.; Solomon, K.; Tsai, P.J.; Weese, J.S.; Stabler, R.A. & Wren, B.W. (2017), Comparative Genome Analysis and Global Phylogeny of the Toxin Variant Clostridium difficile PCR Ribotype 017 Reveals the Evolution of Two Independent Sublineages, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 55(3): 865-876.
- Kleef, E. van; Kuijper, E.J.; Bonten, M.J.M. & Cooper, B.S. (2017), Clostridium difficile in England: can we stop washing our hands?, Lancet Infectious Diseases 17(5): 478-478.
- Widmer, A.F.; Frei, R.; Erb, S.; Stranden, A.; Kuijper, E.J.; Knetsch, C.W. & Tschudin-Sutter, S. (2017), Transmissibility of Clostridium difficile Without Contact Isolation: Results From a Prospective Observational Study With 451 Patients, Clinical Infectious Diseases 64(4): 393-400.
- Dorp, S.M. van; Smajlovic, E.; Knetsch, C.W.; Notermans, D.W.; Greeff, S.C. de & Kuijper, E.J. (2017), Clinical and Microbiological Characteristics of Clostridium difficile Infection Among Hospitalized Children in the Netherlands, Clinical Infectious Diseases 64(2): 192-198.
- Terveer, E.M.; Nijhuis, R.H.T.; Crobach, M.J.T.; Knetsch, C.W.; Veldkamp, K.E.; Gooskens, J.; Kuijper, E.J. & Claas, E.C.J. (2017), Prevalence of colistin resistance gene (mcr-1) containing Enterobacteriaceae in feces of patients attending a tertiary care hospital and detection of a mcr-1 containing, colistin susceptible E-coli, PLoS ONE 12(6).
- Kachrimanidou, M.; Tsachouridou, O.; Ziogas, I.A.; Christaki, E.; Protonotariou, E.; Metallidis, S.; Skoura, L. & Kuijper, E. (2017), Clostridium difficile infections in a university hospital in Greece are mainly associated with PCR ribotypes 017 and 126, Journal of Medical Microbiology 66(12): 1774-1781.
- Fleurbaaij, F.; Goessens, W.; Leeuwen, H.C. van; Kraakman, M.E.M.; Bernards, S.T.; Hensbergen, P.J. & Kuijper, E.J. (2017), Direct detection of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (CTX-M) from blood cultures by LC-MS/MS bottom-up proteomics, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 36(9): 1621-1628.
- Smits, W.K.; Lyras, D.; Lacy, D.B.; Wilcox, M.H. & Kuijper, E.J. (2016), Clostridium difficile infection, Nature Reviews Disease Primers 2.
- Krutova, M.; Matejkova, J.; Kuijper, E.J.; Drevinek, P.; Nyc, O. & Czech Clostridium Difficile Study (2016), Clostridium difficile PCR ribotypes 001 and 176-the common denominator of C. difficile infection epidemiology in the Czech Republic, 2014, Eurosurveillance 21(29): 58-68.
- Paassen, J. van; Russcher, A.; t'Veld-van Wingerden, A.W. in; Verweij, P.E. & Kuijper, E.J. (2016), Emerging aspergillosis by azole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus at an intensive care unit in the Netherlands, 2010 to 2013, Eurosurveillance 21(30): 16-24.
- Dorp, S.M. van; Kinross, P.; Gastmeier, P.; Behnke, M.; Kola, A.; Delmee, M.; Pavelkovich, A.; Mentula, S.; Barbut, F.; Hajdu, A.; Ingebretsen, A.; Pituch, H.; Macovei, I.S.; Jovanovic, M.; Wiuff, C.; Schmid, D.; Olsen, K.E.; Wilcox, M.H.; Suetens, C.; Kuijper, E.J. & European Clostridium Difficile Inf (2016), Standardised surveillance of Clostridium difficile infection in European acute care hospitals: a pilot study, 2013, Eurosurveillance 21(29): 24-36.
- Kola, A.; Wiuff, C.; Akerlund, T.; Benthem, B.H. van; Coignard, B.; Lyytikainen, O.; Weitzel-Kage, D.; Suetens, C.; Wilcox, M.H.; Kuijper, E.J.; Gastmeier, P. & ECDIS-Net (2016), Survey of Clostridium difficile infection surveillance systems in Europe, 2011, Eurosurveillance 21(29): 5-12.
- Dorp, S.M. van; Notermans, D.W.; Alblas, J.; Gastmeier, P.; Mentula, S.; Nagy, E.; Spigaglia, P.; Ivanova, K.; Fitzpatrick, F.; Barbut, F.; Morris, T.; Wilcox, M.H.; Kinross, P.; Suetens, C.; Kuijper, E.J. & European Clostridium Difficile Inf (2016), Survey of diagnostic and typing capacity for Clostridium difficile infection in Europe, 2011 and 2014, Eurosurveillance 21(29): 13-23.
- Creemers-Schild, D.; Kroon, F.P.; Kuijper, E.J. & Boer, M.G.J. de (2016), Treatment of Pneumocystis pneumonia with intermediate-dose and step-down to low-dose trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole: lessons from an observational cohort study, Infection 44(3): 291-299.
- Lestrade, P.P.A.; Meis, J.F.; Arends, J.P.; Beek, M.T. van der; Brauwer, E. de; Dijk, K. van; Greeff, S.C. de; Haas, P.J.; Hodiamont, C.J.; Kuijper, E.J.; Leenstra, T.; Muller, A.E.; Lashof, A.M.L.O.; Rijnders, B.J.; Roelofsen, E.; Rozemeijer, W.; Tersmette, M.; Terveer, E.M.; Verduin, C.M.; Wolfhagen, M.J.H.M.; Melchers, W.J.G. & Verweij, P.E. (2016), Diagnosis and management of aspergillosis in the Netherlands: a national survey, Mycoses 59(2): 101-107.
- Fleurbaaij, F.; Kraakman, M.E.M.; Claas, E.C.J.; Knetsch, C.W.; Leeuwen, H.C. van; Burgt, Y.E.M. van der; Veldkamp, K.E.; Vos, M.C.; Goessens, W.; Mertens, B.J.; Kuijper, E.J.; Hensbergen, P.J. & Nicolardi, S. (2016), Typing Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolates with Ultrahigh Resolution MALDI-FTICR Mass Spectrometry, Analytical Chemistry 88(11): 5996-6003.
- Engel, M.F.; Muijsken, M.A.; Mooi-Kokenberg, E.; Kuijper, E.J. & Westerloo, D.J. van (2016), Vibrio cholerae non-O1 bacteraemia: description of three cases in the Netherlands and a literature review, Eurosurveillance 21(15): 51-60.
- Russcher, A.; Kusters, E.; Wolterbeek, R.; Kuijper, E.J.; Cobbaert, C.M. & Beek, M.T. van der (2016), Interlaboratory Collaboration for Optimized Screening for Urinary Tract Infection, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 54(1): 93-98.
- Crobach, M.J.T.; Planche, T.; Eckert, C.; Barbut, F.; Terveer, E.M.; Dekkers, O.M.; Wilcox, M.H. & Kuijper, E.J. (2016), European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases: update of the diagnostic guidance document for Clostridium difficile infection, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 22: S63-S81.
- Ball, L.M.; Walraven, A.M.S. van; Beek, M.T. van der & Kuijper, E.J. (2016), Strategies for monitoring, prophylaxis and treatment of fungal infection in children undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, in light of azole resistance: Leiden experience, Bone Marrow Transplantation 51: S394-S394.
- Crobach, M.J.T.; Terveer, E.M. & Kuijper, E.J. (2016), Effect of Detecting and Isolating Asymptomatic Clostridium difficile Carriers, JAMA Internal Medicine 176(10): 1572-1573.
- Krutova, M.; Nyc, O.; Matejkova, J.; Allerberger, F.; Wilcox, M.H. & Kuijper, E.J. (2016), Molecular characterisation of Czech Clostridium difficile isolates collected in 2013-2015, International Journal of Medical Microbiology 306(7): 479-485.
- Kuijper, E. (2016), Updated European guidelines for diagnosing Clostridium difficile infection, British Journal of Hospital Medicine 77(9): 504-504.
- Terveer, E.M.; Beurden, Y.H. van; Dorp, S. van; Keller, J.J. & Kuijper, E.J. (2016), Is the Lower Gastrointestinal Route Really Preferred Over the Upper Gastrointestinal Route for Fecal Microbiota Transfer?, Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 50(10): 895-895.
- Freeman, J.; Vernon, J.; Morris, K.; Nicholson, S.; Todhunter, S.; Longshaw, C.; Wilcox, M.H. & Pan-European Longitudinal Surveill (2015), Pan-European longitudinal surveillance of antibiotic resistance among prevalent Clostridium difficile ribotypes, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 21(3).
- Becker, S.L.; Chatigre, J.K.; Coulibaly, J.T.; Mertens, P.; Bonfoh, B.; Herrmann, M.; Kuijper, E.J.; N'Goran, E.K.; Utzinger, J. & Muller, L. von (2015), Molecular and culture-based diagnosis of Clostridium difficile isolates from Cote d'Ivoire after prolonged storage at disrupted cold chain conditions, Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 109(10): 660-668.
- Pituch, H.; Obuch-Woszczatynski, P.; Lachowicz, D.; Wultanska, D.; Karpinski, P.; Mlynarczyk, G.; Dorp, S.M. van; Kuijper, E.J. & Polish Clostridium Difficile Study (2015), Hospital-based Clostridium difficile infection surveillance reveals high proportions of PCR ribotypes 027 and 176 in different areas of Poland, 2011 to 2013, Eurosurveillance 20(38): 8-14.
- Nyc, O.; Krutova, M.; Kriz, J.; Matejkova, J.; Bebrova, E.; Hysperska, V. & Kuijper, E.J. (2015), Clostridium difficile ribotype 078 cultured from post-surgical non-healing wound in a patient carrying ribotype 014 in the intestinal tract, Folia Microbiologica 60(6): 541-544.
- Dingemanse, C.; Belzer, C.; Hijum, S.A.F.T. van; Gunthel, M.; Salvatori, D.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Kuijper, E.J.; Devilee, P.; Vos, W.M. de; Ommen, G.B. van & Robanus-Maandag, E.C. (2015), Akkermansia muciniphila and Helicobacter typhlonius modulate intestinal tumor development in mice, Carcinogenesis 36(11): 1388-1396.
- Hensbergen, P.J.; Klychnikov, O.I.; Bakker, D.; Dragan, I.; Kelly, M.L.; Minton, N.P.; Corver, J.; Kuijper, E.J.; Drijfhout, J.W. & Leeuwen, H.C. van (2015), Clostridium difficile secreted Pro-Pro endopeptidase PPEP-1 (ZMP1/CD2830) modulates adhesion through cleavage of the collagen binding protein CD2831, FEBS Letters 589(24): 3952-3958.
- Fawley, W.N.; Knetsch, C.W.; MacCannell, D.R.; Harmanus, C.; , T. du; Mulvey, M.R.; Paulick, A.; Anderson, L.; Kuijper, E.J. & Wilcox, M.H. (2015), Development and Validation of an Internationally-Standardized, High-Resolution Capillary Gel-Based Electrophoresis PCR-Ribotyping Protocol for Clostridium difficile, PLoS ONE 10(2).
- Bouwknegt, M.; Dorp, S. van & Kuijper, E. (2015), Burden of Clostridium difficile Infection in the United States, New England Journal of Medicine 372(24): 2368-2368.
- Fleurbaaij, F.; Leeuwen, H.C. van; Klychnikov, O.I.; Kuijper, E.J. & Hensbergen, P.J. (2015), Mass Spectrometry in Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Chromatographia 78(5-6): 379-389.
- Alvarez-Perez, S.; Blanco, J.L.; Pelaez, T.; Lanzarot, M.P.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E. & Garcia, M.E. (2015), Faecal shedding of antimicrobial-resistant Clostridium difficile strains by dogs, Journal of Small Animal Practice 56(3): 190-195.
- Khanafer, N.; Voirin, N.; Barbut, F.; Kuijper, E. & Vanhems, P. (2015), Hospital management of Clostridium difficile infection: a review of the literature, Journal of Hospital Infection 90(2): 91-101.
- Bauer, M.P. & Kuijper, E.J. (2015), Potential Sources of Clostridium difficile in Human Infection, Infectious Disease Clinics of North America 29(1): 29-+.
- Nyc, O.; Krutova, M.; Liskova, A.; Matejkova, J.; Drabek, J. & Kuijper, E.J. (2015), The emergence of Clostridium difficile PCR-ribotype 001 in Slovakia, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 34(8): 1701-1708.
- Troiano, T.; Harmanus, C.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Pasquale, V.; Dumontet, S.; Capuano, F.; Romano, V. & Kuijper, E.J. (2015), Toxigenic Clostridium difficile PCR ribotypes in edible marine bivalve molluscs in Italy, International Journal of Food Microbiology 208: 30-34.
- Keller, J.J.; Kuijper, E.J. & Caskey, C.T. (2015), Treatment of Recurrent and Severe Clostridium Difficile Infection, Annual Review of Medicine 66: 373-386.
- Hensgens, M.P.M.; Dekkers, O.M.; Demeulemeester, A.; Buiting, A.G.M.; Bloembergen, P.; Benthem, B.H.B. van; Cessie, S. le & Kuijper, E.J. (2014), Diarrhoea in general practice: when should a Clostridium difficile infection be considered? Results of a nested case-control study, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 20(12): O1067-O1074.
- Hensbergen, P.J.; Klychnikov, O.I.; Bakker, D.; Winden, V.J.C. van; Ras, N.; Kemp, A.C.; Cordfunke, R.A.; Dragan, I.; Deelder, A.M.; Kuijper, E.J.; Corver, J.; Drijfhout, J.W. & Leeuwen, H.C. van (2014), A Novel Secreted Metalloprotease ( CD2830) from Clostridium difficile Cleaves Specific Proline Sequences in LPXTG Cell Surface Proteins, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 13(5): 1231-1244.
- Bakker, D.; Buckley, A.M.; Jong, A. de; Winden, V.J.C. van; Verhoeks, J.P.A.; Kuipers, O.P.; Douce, G.R.; Kuijper, E.J.; Smits, W.K. & Corver, J. (2014), The HtrA-Like Protease CD3284 Modulates Virulence of Clostridium difficile, Infection and Immunity 82(10): 4222-4232.
- Wunderink, H.F.; Oostvogel, P.M.; Frenay, I.H.M.E.; Notermans, D.W.; Fruth, A. & Kuijper, E.J. (2014), Difficulties in diagnosing terminal ileitis due to Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 33(2).
- Krutova, M.; Nyc, O.; Kuijper, E.J.; Geigerova, L.; Matejkova, J.; Bergerova, T. & Arvand, M. (2014), A case of imported Clostridium difficile PCR-ribotype 027 infection within the Czech Republic which has a high prevalence of C-difficile ribotype 176, Anaerobe 30: 153-155.
- Vlek, A.; Kolecka, A.; Khayhan, K.; Theelen, B.; Groenewald, M.; Boel, E.; Boekhout, T. & Multictr Study Grp (2014), Interlaboratory Comparison of Sample Preparation Methods, Database Expansions, and Cutoff Values for Identification of Yeasts by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry Using a Yeast Test Panel, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 52(8): 3023-3029.
- Veld-van Wingerden, A.W.M. in t; Russcher, A.; Kuijper, E.J. & Paassen, J. van (2014), EMERGENCE OF AZOLE-RESISTANT ASPERGILIAIS IN THE ICU, Intensive Care Medicine 40: S131-S131.
- Leeuwen, H.C. van; Klychnikov, O.I.; Menks, M.A.C.; Kuijper, E.J.; Drijfhout, J.W. & Hensbergen, P.J. (2014), Clostridium difficile sortase recognizes a (S/P)PXTG sequence motif and can accommodate diaminopimelic acid as a substrate for transpeptidation, FEBS Letters 588(23): 4325-4333.
- Ingen, J. van & Kuijper, E.J. (2014), Drug susceptibility testing of nontuberculous mycobacteria, Future Microbiology 9(9): 1095-1110.
- Aboutaleb, N.; Kuijper, E.J. & Dissel, J.T. van (2014), Emerging infectious colitis, Current Opinion in Gastroenterology 30(1): 106-115.
- Arvand, M.; Vollandt, D.; Bettge-Weller, G.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E.J. & Clostridium Difficile Study Grp He (2014), Increased incidence of Clostridium difficile PCR ribotype 027 in Hesse, Germany, 2011 to 2013, Eurosurveillance 19(10): 24-29.
- Debast, S.B.; Bauer, M.P.; Kuijper, E.J. & Comm (2014), European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases: update of the treatment guidance document for Clostridium difficile infection, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 20: 1-26.
- Fleurbaaij, F.; Heemskerk, A.A.M.; Russcher, A.; Klychnikov, O.I.; Deelder, A.M.; Mayboroda, O.A.; Kuijper, E.J.; Leeuwen, H.C. van & Hensbergen, P.J. (2014), Capillary-Electrophoresis Mass Spectrometry for the Detection of Carbapenemases in (Multi-)Drug-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria, Analytical Chemistry 86(18): 9154-9161.
- Knetsch, C.W.; Connor, T.R.; Mutreja, A.; Dorp, S.M. van; Sanders, I.M.; Browne, H.P.; Harris, D.; Lipman, L.; Keessen, E.C.; Corver, J.; Kuijper, E.J. & Lawley, T.D. (2014), Whole genome sequencing reveals potential spread of Clostridium difficile between humans and farm animals in the Netherlands, 2002 to 2011, Eurosurveillance 19(45): 30-41.
- Obuch-Woszczatynski, P.; Lachowicz, D.; Schneider, A.; Mol, A.; Pawlowska, J.; Ozdzenska-Milke, E.; Pruszczyk, P.; Wultanska, D.; Mlynarczyk, G.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E.J.; Belkum, A. van & Pituch, H. (2014), Occurrence of Clostridium difficile PCR-ribotype 027 and it's closely related PCR-ribotype 176 in hospitals in Poland in 2008-2010, Anaerobe 28: 13-17.
- Bauer, M.P.; Farid, A.; Bakker, M.; Hoek, R.A.S.; Kuijper, E.J. & Dissel, J.T. van (2014), Patients with cystic fibrosis have a high carriage rate of non-toxigenic Clostridium difficile, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 20(7): O446-O449.
- Hensgens, M.P.M.; Dekkers, O.M.; Goorhuis, A.; LeCessie, S. & Kuijper, E.J. (2014), Predicting a complicated course of Clostridium difficile infection at the bedside, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 20(5): O301-O308.
- Welner, D.; Dedic, E.; Leeuwen, H.C. van; Kuijper, E.; Bjerrum, M.J.; Ostergaard, O. & Jorgensen, R. (2014), Protein expression, characterization, crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of a Fic protein from Clostridium difficile, Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications 70: 827-831.
- Alvarez-Perez, S.; Blanco, J.L.; Martinez-Nevado, E.; Pelaez, T.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E. & Garcia, M.E. (2014), Shedding of Clostridium difficile PCR ribotype 078 by zoo animals, and report of an unstable metronidazole-resistant isolate from a zebra foal (Equus quagga burchellii), Veterinary Microbiology 169(3-4): 218-222.
- Davies, K.A.; Longshaw, C.M.; Davis, G.L.; Bouza, E.; Barbut, F.; Barna, Z.; Delmee, M.; Fitzpatrick, F.; Ivanova, K.; Kuijper, E.; Macovei, I.S.; Mentula, S.; Mastrantonio, P.; Muller, L. von; Oleastro, M.; Petinaki, E.; Pituch, H.; Noren, T.; Novakova, E.; Nyc, O.; Rupnik, M.; Schmid, D. & Wilcox, M.H. (2014), Underdiagnosis of Clostridium difficile across Europe: the European, multicentre, prospective, biannual, point-prevalence study of Clostridium difficile infection in hospitalised patients with diarrhoea (EUCLID), Lancet Infectious Diseases 14(12): 1208-1219.
- Bauer, M.P.; Nibbering, P.H.; Poxton, I.R.; Kuijper, E.J. & Dissel, J.T. van (2014), Humoral immune response as predictor of recurrence in Clostridium difficile infection, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 20(12): 1323-1328.
- Debast, S.B.; Bauer, M.P.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Wilcox, M.H.; Kuijper, E.J. & ECDIS Study Grp (2013), Antimicrobial activity of LFF571 and three treatment agents against Clostridium difficile isolates collected for a pan-European survey in 2008: clinical and therapeutic implications, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 68(6): 1305-1311.
- Linden, J.W.M. van der; Camps, S.M.T.; Kampinga, G.A.; Arends, J.P.A.; Debets-Ossenkopp, Y.J.; Haas, P.J.A.; Rijnders, B.J.A.; Kuijper, E.J.; Tiel, F.H. van; Varga, J.; Karawajczyk, A.; Zoll, J.; Melchers, W.J.G. & Verweij, P.E. (2013), Aspergillosis due to Voriconazole Highly Resistant Aspergillus fumigatus and Recovery of Genetically Related Resistant Isolates From Domiciles, Clinical Infectious Diseases 57(4): 513-520.
- Alvarez-Perez, S.; Blanco, J.L.; Pelaez, T.; Astorga, R.J.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E. & Garcia, M.E. (2013), High prevalence of the epidemic Clostridium difficile PCR ribotype 078 in Iberian free-range pigs, Research in Veterinary Science 95(2): 358-361.
- Obuch-Woszczatynski, P.; Dubiel, G.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E.; Duda, U.; Wultanska, D.; Belkum, A. van & Pituch, H. (2013), Emergence of Clostridium difficile infection in tuberculosis patients due to a highly rifampicin-resistant PCR ribotype 046 clone in Poland (vol 32, pg 1027, 2013), European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 32(10): 1359-1359.
- Obuch-Woszczatynski, P.; Dubiel, G.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E.; Duda, U.; Wultanska, D.; Belkum, A. van & Pituch, H. (2013), Emergence of Clostridium difficile infection in tuberculosis patients due to a highly rifampicin-resistant PCR ribotype 046 clone in Poland, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 32(8): 1027-1030.
- He, M.; Miyajima, F.; Roberts, P.; Ellison, L.; Pickard, D.J.; Martin, M.J.; Connor, T.R.; Harris, S.R.; Fairley, D.; Bamford, K.B.; D'Arc, S.; Brazier, J.; Brown, D.; Coia, J.E.; Douce, G.; Gerding, D.; Kim, H.J.; Koh, T.H.; Kato, H.; Senoh, M.; Louie, T.; Michell, S.; Butt, E.; Peacock, S.J.; Brown, N.M.; Riley, T.; Songer, G.; Wilcox, M.; Pirmohamed, M.; Kuijper, E.; Hawkey, P.; Wren, B.W.; Dougan, G.; Parkhill, J. & Lawley, T.D. (2013), Emergence and global spread of epidemic healthcare-associated Clostridium difficile, Nature Genetics 45(1): 109-U155.
- Jones, A.M.; Kuijper, E.J. & Wilcox, M.H. (2013), Clostridium difficile: A European perspective, Journal of Infection 66(2): 115-128.
- Keessen, E.C.; Harmanus, C.; Dohmen, W.; Kuijper, E.J. & Lipman, L.J.A. (2013), Clostridium difficile Infection Associated with Pig Farms, Emerging Infectious Disease 19(6): 1032-1034.
- Hensgens, M.P.M. & Kuijper, E.J. (2013), Clostridium difficile Infection Caused by Binary Toxin-Positive Strains, Emerging Infectious Disease 19(9): 1539-1540.
- Hensgens, M.P.M.; Goorhuis, A.; Dekkers, O.M.; Benthem, B.H.B. van & Kuijper, E.J. (2013), All-Cause and Disease-Specific Mortality in Hospitalized Patients With Clostridium difficile Infection: A Multicenter Cohort Study, Clinical Infectious Diseases 56(8): 1108-1116.
- Keessen, E.C.; Hensgens, M.P.M.; Spigaglia, P.; Barbanti, F.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Kuijper, E.J. & Lipman, L.J.A. (2013), Antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of human and piglet Clostridium difficile PCR-ribotype 078, Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 2.
- Leeuwen, H.C. van; Bakker, D.; Steindel, P.; Kuijper, E.J. & Corver, J. (2013), Clostridium difficile TcdC protein binds four-stranded G-quadruplex structures, Nucleic Acids Research 41(4): 2382-2393.
- Collini, P.J.; Kuijper, E. & Dockrell, D.H. (2013), Clostridium Difficile Infection in Patients with HIV/AIDS, Current HIV/AIDS Reports 10(3): 273-282.
- Knetsch, C.W.; Lawley, T.D.; Hensgens, M.P.; Corver, J.; Wilcox, M.W. & Kuijper, E.J. (2013), Current application and future perspectives of molecular typing methods to study Clostridium difficile infections, Eurosurveillance 18(4): 57-67.
- Nood, E. van; Vrieze, A.; Nieuwdorp, M.; Fuentes, S.; Zoetendal, E.G.; Vos, W.M. de; Visser, C.E.; Kuijper, E.J.; Bartelsman, J.F.W.M.; Tijssen, J.G.P.; Speelman, P.; Dijkgraaf, M.G.W. & Keller, J.J. (2013), Duodenal Infusion of Donor Feces for Recurrent Clostridium difficile, New England Journal of Medicine 368(5): 407-415.
- Kim, J.; Kang, J.O.; Kim, H.; Seo, M.R.; Choi, T.Y.; Pai, H.; Kuijper, E.J.; Sanders, I. & Fawley, W. (2013), Epidemiology of Clostridium difficile infections in a tertiary-care hospital in Korea, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 19(6): 521-527.
- Stabler, R.A.; Dawson, L.F.; Valiente, E.; Cairns, M.D.; Martin, M.J.; Donahue, E.H.; Riley, T.V.; Songer, J.G.; Kuijper, E.J.; Dingle, K.E. & Wren, B.W. (2012), Macro and Micro Diversity of Clostridium difficile Isolates from Diverse Sources and Geographical Locations, PLoS ONE 7(3): -.
- Arvand, M.; Moser, V.; Schwehn, C.; Bettge-Weller, G.; Hensgens, M.P. & Kuijper, E.J. (2012), High Prevalence of Clostridium difficile Colonization among Nursing Home Residents in Hesse, Germany, PLoS ONE 7(1): -.
- Knoester, M.; Veen, S.Q. van; Claas, E.C.J. & Kuijper, E.J. (2012), Routine Identification of Clinical Isolates of Anaerobic Bacteria: Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry Performs Better than Conventional Identification Methods, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 50(4): 1504-1504.
- Collini, P.J.; Bauer, M.; Kuijper, E. & Dockrell, D.H. (2012), Clostridium difficile infection in HIV-seropositive individuals and transplant recipients, Journal of Infection 64(2): 131-147.
- Knetsch, C.W.; Terveer, E.M.; Lauber, C.; Gorbalenya, A.E.; Harmanus, C.; Kuijper, E.J.; Corver, J. & Leeuwen, H.C. van (2012), Comparative analysis of an expanded Clostridium difficile reference strain collection reveals genetic diversity and evolution through six lineages, Infection, Genetics and Evolution 12(7): 1577-1585.
- Burt, S.A.; Siemeling, L.; Kuijper, E.J. & Lipman, L.J.A. (2012), Vermin on pig farms are vectors for Clostridium difficile PCR ribotypes 078 and 045, Veterinary Microbiology 160(1-2): 256-258.
- Bakker, D.; Smits, W.K.; Kuijper, E.J. & Corver, J. (2012), TcdC Does Not Significantly Repress Toxin Expression in Clostridium difficile 630 Delta Erm, PLoS ONE 7(8): -.
- Laheij, A.M.G.A.; Soet, J.J. de; Borne, P.A. von dem; Kuijper, E.J.; Kraneveld, E.A.; Loveren, C. van & Raber-Durlacher, J.E. (2012), Oral bacteria and yeasts in relationship to oral ulcerations in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients.
- Bruins, M.J.; Verbeek, E.; Wallinga, J.A.; Coppenraet, L.E.S.B. van; Kuijper, E.J. & Bloembergen, P. (2012), Evaluation of three enzyme immunoassays and a loop-mediated isothermal amplification test for the laboratory diagnosis of Clostridium difficile infection, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 31(11): 3035-3039.
- Hensgens, M.P.M.; Goorhuis, A.; Dekkers, O.M. & Kuijper, E.J. (2012), Time interval of increased risk for Clostridium difficile infection after exposure to antibiotics, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 67(3): 742-748.
- Camps, S.M.T.; Linden, J.W.M. van der; Li, Y.; Kuijper, E.J.; Dissel, J.T. van; Verweij, P.E. & Melchers, W.J.G. (2012), Rapid Induction of Multiple Resistance Mechanisms in Aspergillus fumigatus during Azole Therapy: a Case Study and Review of the Literature, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 56(1): 10-16.
- Koene, M.G.J.; Mevius, D.; Wagenaar, J.A.; Harmanus, C.; Hensgens, M.P.M.; Meetsma, A.M.; Putirulan, F.F.; Bergen, M.A.P. van & Kuijper, E.J. (2012), Clostridium difficile in Dutch animals: their presence, characteristics and similarities with human isolates.
- Hensgens, M.P.M.; Keessen, E.C.; Squire, M.M.; Riley, T.V.; Koene, M.G.J.; Boer, E. de; Lipman, L.J.A.; Kuijper, E.J.; European Soc Clinical Microbiology & Infect Dis Study Grp Clostridium D (2012), Clostridium difficile infection in the community: a zoonotic disease?
- Hagen, F.; Illnait-Zaragozi, M.T.; Meis, J.F.; Chew, W.H.M.; Curfs-Breuker, I.; Mouton, J.W.; Hoepelman, A.I.M.; Spanjaard, L.; Verweij, P.E.; Kampinga, G.A.; Kuijper, E.J.; Boekhout, T. & Klaassen, C.H.W. (2012), Extensive Genetic Diversity within the Dutch Clinical Cryptococcus neoformans Population, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 50(6): 1918-1926.
- Bauer, M.P.; Hensgens, M.P.M.; Miller, M.A.; Gerding, D.N.; Wilcox, M.H.; Dale, A.P.; Fawley, W.N.; Kuijper, E.J. & Gorbach, S.L. (2012), Renal Failure and Leukocytosis Are Predictors of a Complicated Course of Clostridium difficile Infection if Measured on Day of Diagnosis.
- Dobreva, E.; Ivanov, I.; Dobrevska, R.V.; Ivanova, K.; Marina, M.; Petrov, P.; Kantardjiev, T. & Kuijper, E. (2012), TOXIN ENCODING GENES CHARACTERIZATION OF BULGARIAN CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE CLINICAL STRAINS, Comptes rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des sciences : sciences mathematiques et naturelles 65(10): 1365-1372.
- Corver, J.; Bakker, D.; Brouwer, M.S.M.; Harmanus, C.; Hensgens, M.P.; Roberts, A.P.; Lipman, L.J.A.; Kuijper, E.J. & Leeuwen, H.C. van (2012), Analysis of a Clostridium difficile PCR ribotype 078 100 kilobase island reveals the presence of a novel transposon, Tn6164, BMC Microbiology 12: -.
- Rosenbusch, K.E.; Bakker, D.; Kuijper, E.J. & Smits, W.K. (2012), C. difficile 630 Delta erm Spo0A Regulates Sporulation, but Does Not Contribute to Toxin Production, by Direct High-Affinity Binding to Target DNA, PLoS ONE 7(10): -.
- Oostdijk, E.A.N.; Smet, A.M.G.A. de; Kesecioglu, J.; Bonten, M.J.M. & Dutch SOD-SDD Trialists Grp (2012), Decontamination of cephalosporin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae during selective digestive tract decontamination in intensive care units.
- Kuijper EJ, Timen A, Franz E, Wessels E & van Dissel JT (2011), [Outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and haemolytic uraemic syndrome].
- Kuijper, E.J.; Soonawala, D.; Vermont, C. & Dissel, J.T. van (2011), Household transmission of haemolytic uraemic syndrome associated with Escherichia coli O104:H4 in the Netherlands, May 2011, Eurosurveillance 16(25): 7-9.
- Goorhuis, A.; Debast, S.B.; Dutilh, J.C.; Kinschot, C.M. van; Harmanus, C.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Hagen, E.C. & Kuijper, E.J. (2011), Type-Specific Risk Factors and Outcome in an Outbreak With 2 Different Clostridium difficile Types Simultaneously in 1 Hospital.
- Smet, A.M.G.A. de; Kluytmans, J.A.J.W.; Blok, H.E.M.; Mascini, E.M.; Benus, R.F.J.; Bernards, A.T.; Kuijper, E.J.; Leverstein-van Hall, M.A.; Jansz, A.R.; Jongh, B.M. de; Asselt, G.J. van; Frenay, I.H.M.E.; Thijsen, S.F.T.; Conijn, S.N.M.; Kaan, J.A.; Arends, J.P.; Sturm, P.D.J.; Bootsma, M.C.J. & Bonten, M.J.M. (2011), Selective digestive tract decontamination and selective oropharyngeal decontamination and antibiotic resistance in patients in intensive-care units: an open-label, clustered group-randomised, crossover study, Lancet Infectious Diseases 11(5): 372-380.
- Ivanova, K.; Petrov, P.; Asseva, G.; Dobreva, E.; Ivanov, I.; Vatcheva-Dobrevska, R.; Marina, M.; Kantardjiev, T.; Notermans, D. & Kuijper, E. (2011), PREVALENCE OF CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE PCR RIBOTYPES IN BULGARIA, 2008-2010, Comptes rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des sciences : sciences mathematiques et naturelles 64(7): 1051-1058.
- Boer, E. de; Zwartkruis-Nahuis, A.; Heuvelink, A.E.; Harmanus, C. & Kuijper, E.J. (2011), Prevalence of Clostridium difficile in retailed meat in The Netherlands, International Journal of Food Microbiology 144(3): 561-564.
- Solomon, K.; Fanning, S.; McDermott, S.; Murray, S.; Scott, L.; Martin, A.; Skally, M.; Burns, K.; Kuijper, E.; Fitzpatrick, F.; Fenelon, L. & Kyne, L. (2011), PCR ribotype prevalence and molecular basis of macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin B (MLSB) and fluoroquinolone resistance in Irish clinical Clostridium difficile isolates, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 66(9): 1976-1982.
- Lim, P.L.; Ling, M.L.; Lee, H.Y.; Koh, T.H.; Tan, A.L.; Kuijper, E.J.; Goh, S.S.; Low, B.S.; Ang, L.P.; Harmanus, C.; Lin, R.T.P.; Krishnan, P.; James, L. & Lee, C.E. (2011), Isolation of the first three cases of Clostridium difficile polymerase chain reaction ribotype 027 in Singapore, Singapore Medical Journal 52(5): 361-364.
- Knoester, M.; Lashley, L.E.E.L.O.; Wessels, E.; Oepkes, D. & Kuijper, E.J. (2011), First Report of Atopobium vaginae Bacteremia with Fetal Loss after Chorionic Villus Sampling, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 49(4): 1684-1686.
- Keessen, E.C.; Hopman, N.E.M.; Leengoed, L.A.M.G. van; Asten, A.J.A.M. van; Hermanus, C.; Kuijper, E.J. & Lipman, L.J.A. (2011), Evaluation of Four Different Diagnostic Tests To Detect Clostridium difficile in Piglets, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 49(5): 1816-1821.
- Knetsch, C.W.; Bakker, D.; Boer, R.F. de; Sanders, I.; Hofs, S.; Kooistra-Smid, A.M.D.; Corver, J.; Eastwood, K.; Wilcox, M.H. & Kuijper, E.J. (2011), Comparison of Real-Time PCR Techniques to Cytotoxigenic Culture Methods for Diagnosing Clostridium difficile Infection, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 49(1): 227-231.
- Wunderink, H.F.; Lashley, E.E.L.O.; Poelgeest, M.I.E. van; Gaarenstroom, K.N.; Claas, E.C.J. & Kuijper, E.J. (2011), Pelvic Actinomycosis-Like Disease Due to Propionibacterium propionicum after Hysteroscopic Removal of an Intrauterine Device, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 49(1): 466-468.
- Bauer, M.P.; Notermans, D.W.; Benthem, B.H.B. van; Brazier, J.S.; Wilcox, M.H.; Rupnik, M.; Monnet, D.L.; Dissel, J.T. van; Kuijper, E.J. & ECDIS Study Grp (2011), Clostridium difficile infection in Europe: a hospital-based survey.
- Knetsch, C.W.; Hensgens, M.P.M.; Harmanus, C.; Bijl, M.W. van der; Savelkoul, P.H.M.; Kuijper, E.J.; Corver, J. & Leeuwen, H.C. van (2011), Genetic markers for Clostridium difficile lineages linked to hypervirulence, MICROBIOLOGY-SGM 157: 3113-3123.
- Roeleveld, P.P.; Guijt, D.; Kuijper, E.J.; Hazekamp, M.G.; Wilde, R.B.P. de & Jonge, E. de (2011), Ventilator-associated pneumonia in children after cardiac surgery in The Netherlands., Intensive Care Medicine 37(10): 1656-63.
- Hopman, N.E.M.; Sanders, I.M.J.G. & Lipman, L.J.A. (2011), Low risk of transmission of Clostridium difficile to humans at petting farms., Veterinary Microbiology 150(3-4): 416-7.
- Hopman, N.E.M.; Oorburg, D.; Sanders, I.; Kuijper, E.J. & Lipman, L.J.A. (2011), High occurrence of various Clostridium difficile PCR ribotypes in pigs arriving at the slaughterhouse, Veterinary Quarterly 31(4): 179-181.
- Keessen, E.C.; Berkt, A.J. van den; Haasjes, N.H.; Hermanus, C.; Kuijper, E.J. & Lipman, L.J.A. (2011), The relation between farm specific factors and prevalence of Clostridium difficile in slaughter pigs, Veterinary Microbiology 154(1-2): 130-134.
- Reil, M.; Erhard, M.; Kuijper, E.J.; Kist, M.; Zaiss, H.; Witte, W.; Gruber, H. & Borgmann, S. (2011), Recognition of Clostridium difficile PCR-ribotypes 001, 027 and 126/078 using an extended MALDI-TOF MS system, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 30(11): 1431-1436.
- Lindeboom, J.A.; Coppenraet, L.E.S.B. van; Soolingen, D. van; Prins, J.M. & Kuijper, E.J. (2011), Clinical Manifestations, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Mycobacterium haemophilum Infections, Clinical Microbiology Reviews 24(4): 701-+.
- Hopman, N.E.M.; Keessen, E.C.; Harmanus, C.; Sanders, I.M.J.G.; Leengoed, L.A.M.G. van; Kuijper, E.J. & Lipman, L.J.A. (2011), Acquisition of Clostridium difficile by piglets, Veterinary Microbiology 149(1-2): 186-192.
- Pituch, H.; Obuch-Woszczatynski, P.; Wultanska, D.; Nurzynska, G.; Harmanus, C.; Banaszkiewicz, A.; Radzikowski, A.; Luczak, M.; Belkum, A. van & Kuijper, E. (2011), Characterization and antimicrobial susceptibility of Clostridium difficile strains isolated from adult patients with diarrhoea hospitalized in two university hospitals in Poland, 2004-2006, Journal of Medical Microbiology 60(8): 1200-1205.
- Nyc, O.; Pituch, H.; Matejkova, J.; Obuch-Woszczatynski, P. & Kuijper, E.J. (2011), Clostridium difficile PCR ribotype 176 in the Czech Republic and Poland, Lancet 377(9775): 1407-1407.
- Veloo, A.C.M.; Knoester, M.; Degener, J.E. & Kuijper, E.J. (2011), Comparison of two matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation-time of flight mass spectrometry methods for the identification of clinically relevant anaerobic bacteria, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 17(10): 1501-1506.
- Linden, J.W.M. van der; Snelders, E.; Kampinga, G.A.; Rijnders, B.J.A.; Mattsson, E.; Debets-Ossenkopp, Y.J.; Kuijper, E.J.; Tiel, F.H. van; Melchers, W.J.G. & Verweij, P.E. (2011), Clinical Implications of Azole Resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus, the Netherlands, 2007-2009, Emerging Infectious Disease 17(10): 1846-1854.
- Keessen, E.C.; Donswijk, C.J.; Hol, S.P.; Hermanus, C.; Kuijper, E.J. & Lipman, L.J.A. (2011), Aerial dissemination of Clostridium difficile on a pig farm and its environment, Environmental Research 111(8): 1027-1032.
- Bruele, T. van den; Mourad-Baars, P.E.C.; Claas, E.C.J.; Plas, R.N. van der; Kuijper, E.J. & Bredius, R.G.M. (2010), Campylobacter jejuni bacteremia and Helicobacter pylori in a patient with X-linked agammaglobulinemia, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 29(11): 1315-1319.
- Hensgens MP, Goorhuis A, Notermans DW, van Benthem BH & Kuijper EJ (2010), [Changing epidemiology of infections in the Netherlands in 2008/'09].
- Hunter, P.A.; Dawson, S.; French, G.L.; Goossens, H.; Hawkey, P.M.; Kuijper, E.J.; Nathwani, D.; Taylor, D.J.; Teale, C.J.; Warren, R.E.; Wilcox, M.H.; Woodford, N.; Wulf, M.W. & Piddock, L.J.V. (2010), Antimicrobial-resistant pathogens in animals and man: prescribing, practices and policies, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 65: I3I17.
- Nieuwkoop, C. van; Bonten, T.N.; van't Wout, J.W.; Becker, M.J.; Groeneveld, G.H.; Jansen, C.L.; Vorm, E.R. van der; IJzerman, E.P.; Rothbarth, P.H.; TerMeer-Veringa, E.M.; Kuijper, E.J. & Dissel, J.T. van (2010), Risk Factors for Bacteremia with Uropathogen Not Cultured from Urine in Adults with Febrile Urinary Tract Infection, Clinical Infectious Diseases 50(11): E69E72.
- Marsden, G.L.; Davis, I.J.; Wright, V.J.; Sebaihia, M.; Kuijper, E.J. & Minton, N.P. (2010), Array comparative hybridisation reveals a high degree of similarity between UK and European clinical isolates of hypervirulent Clostridium difficile, BMC Genomics 11.
- Keessen, E.C.; Leengoed, L.A.M.G.; Bakker, D.; Brink, K.M.J.A. van den; Kuijper, E.J. & Lipman, L.J.A. (2010), Presence of Clostridium difficile in 11 piglets with suspected CDI in the Netherlands, Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde 135(4): 134-137.
- Nieuwkoop, C. van; Bonten, T.N.; van't Wout, J.W.; Kuijper, E.J.; Groeneveld, G.H.; Becker, M.J.; Koster, T.; Wattel-Louis, G.H.; Delfos, N.M.; Ablij, H.C.; Leyten, E.M.S. & Dissel, J.T. van (2010), Procalcitonin reflects bacteremia and bacterial load in urosepsis syndrome: a prospective observational study, Critical Care 14(6).
- Nieuwkoop, C. van; van't Wout, J.W.; Spelt, I.C.; Becker, M.; Kuijper, E.J.; Blom, J.W.; Assendelft, W.J.J. & Dissel, J.T. van (2010), Prospective cohort study of acute pyelonephritis in adults: Safety of triage towards home based oral antimicrobial treatment, Journal of Infection 60(2): 114-121.
- Freeman, J.; Bauer, M.P.; Baines, S.D.; Corver, J.; Fawley, W.N.; Goorhuis, B.; Kuijper, E.J. & Wilcox, M.H. (2010), The Changing Epidemiology of Clostridium difficile Infections, Clinical Microbiology Reviews 23(3): 529+.
- Bakker, D.; Corver, J.; Harmanus, C.; Goorhuis, A.; Keessen, E.C.; Fawley, W.N.; Wilcox, M.H. & Kuijper, E.J. (2010), Relatedness of Human and Animal Clostridium difficile PCR Ribotype 078 Isolates Determined on the Basis of Multilocus Variable-Number Tandem-Repeat Analysis and Tetracycline Resistance, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 48(10): 3744-3749.
- Li, P.K.T.; Szeto, C.C.; Piraino, B.; Bernardini, J.; Figueiredo, A.E.; Gupta, A.; Johnson, D.W.; Kuijper, E.J.; Lye, W.C.; Salzer, W.; Schaefer, F. & Struijk, D.G. (2010), PERITONEAL DIALYSIS-RELATED INFECTIONS RECOMMENDATIONS: 2010 UPDATE, Peritoneal Dialysis International 30(4): 393-423.
- Bruns, A.H.W.; Oosterheert, J.J.; Kuijper, E.J.; Lammers, J.W.J.; Thijsen, S.; Troelstra, A. & Hoepelman, A.I.M. (2010), Impact of different empirical antibiotic treatment regimens for community-acquired pneumonia on the emergence of Clostridium difficile, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 65(11): 2464-2471.
- Svraka, S.; Kuijper, E.; Duizer, E.; Bakker, D. & Koopmans, M. (2010), Clostridium difficile is not associated with outbreaks of viral gastroenteritis in the elderly in the Netherlands, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 29(6): 677-682.
- Hensgens, M.P.M.; Goorhuis, A.; Kinschot, C.M.J. van; Crobach, M.J.T.; Harmanus, C. & Kuijper, E.J. (2010), Clostridium difficile infection in an endemic setting in the Netherlands., European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.
- Veen, S.Q. van; Claas, E.C.J. & Kuijper, E.J. (2010), Correct Implementation of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry in Routine Clinical Microbiology - Reply, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 48(5): 1991-1992.
- Veen, S.Q. van; Claas, E.C.J. & Kuijper, E.J. (2010), High-Throughput Identification of Bacteria and Yeast by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry in Conventional Medical Microbiology Laboratories, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 48(3): 900-907.
- Jolink, H.; Oorschot, E. van; Kuijper, E.J.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Dissel, J.T.; Falkenburg, J.H.F. & Heemskerk, M.H.M. (2010), Identification of Multiple HLA Class II Epitopes of Aspergillus Fumigatus by Generation of CD4+T Cell Clones Recognizing the A. Fumigatus proteins Crf1 and Catalase1., Blood 116(21): 963-963.
- Beek, M.T. van der; Claas, E.C.J.; Mevius, D.J.; Pelt, W. van; Wagenaar, J.A. & Kuijper, E.J. (2010), Inaccuracy of routine susceptibility tests for detection of erythromycin resistance of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 16(1): 51-56.
- Kuijper, E.J. & Dissel, J.T. van (2010), Opmars van resistente gramnegatieve bacteriën , Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 154(45): A2868.
- Hensgens MP, Goorhuis A & van Kinschot CM (2010), Clostridium difficile infection in an endemic setting in the Netherlands., European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 30(4).
- Ergen EK, Akalin H, Yilmaz E, Sinirtas M, Alver O, Heper Y, Ozakin C, Bakker D, Ener B & Mistik R (2009), Nosocomial diarrhea and Clostridium Difficile associated diarrhea in a Turkish University Hospital, Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses 39(6): 382-387.
- Terhes G, Urban E, Konkoly-Thege M, Szekely E, Brazier JS, Kuijper EJ & Nagy E (2009), First isolation of Clostridium difficile PCR ribotype 027 from a patient with severe persistent diarrhoea in Hungary, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 15(9): 885-886.
- Crobach MJT, Dekkers OM, Wilcox MH & Kuijper EJ (2009), European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID): Data review and recommendations for diagnosing Clostridium difficile-infection (CDI), Clinical Microbiology and Infection 15(12): 1053-1066.
- Herpers BL, Vlaminckx B, Burkhardt O, Blom H, Biemond-Moeniralam HS, Hornef M, Welte T & Kuijper EJ (2009), Intravenous Tigecycline as Adjunctive or Alternative Therapy for Severe Refractory Clostridium difficile Infection, Clinical Infectious Diseases 48(12): 1732-1735.
- Bauer MP, van Dissel JT & Kuijper EJ (2009), Clostridium difficile: controversies and approaches to management, Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases 22(6): 517-524.
- van Nood E, Speelman P, Kuijper EJ & Keller JJ (2009), STRUGGLING WITH RECURRENT CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE INFECTIONS: IS DONOR FAECES THE SOLUTION?, Eurosurveillance 14(34): 15-20.
- Kuijper EJ, van den Berg RJ & Brazier JS (2009), Comparison of molecular typing methods applied to Clostridium difficile., Methods in Molecular Biology 551: 159-71.
- Hensgens MP, Goorhuis A, Notermans DW, van Benthem BH & Kuijper EJ (2009), DECREASE OF HYPERVIRULENT CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE PCR RIBOTYPE 027 IN THE NETHERLANDS, Eurosurveillance 14(45): 7-9.
- de Smet AMGA, Kluytmans JAJW, Cooper BS, Mascini EM, Benus RFJ, van der Werf TS, van der Hoeven JG, Pickkers P, Bogaers-Hofman D & van der Meer NJM (2009), Decontamination of the Digestive Tract and Oropharynx in ICU Patients, New England Journal of Medicine 360(1): 20-31.
- Bauer MP, Kuijper EJ & van Dissel JT (2009), European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID): treatment guidance document for Clostridium difficile infection (CDI), Clinical Microbiology and Infection 15(12): 1067-1079.
- Debast SB, Vaessen N, Choudry A, Wiegers-Ligtvoet EAJ, van den Berg RJ & Kuijper EJ (2009), Successful combat of an outbreak due to Clostridium difficile PCR ribotype 027 and recognition of specific risk factors, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 15(5): 427-434.
- Bauer MP, Veenendaal D, Verhoef L, Bloembergen P, van Dissel JT & Kuijper EJ (2009), Clinical and microbiological characteristics of community-onset Clostridium difficile infection in The Netherlands, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 15(12): 1087-1092.
- van Nieuwkoop C, van't Wout JW, Assendelft WJJ, Elzevier HW, Leyten EMS, Koster T, Wattel-Louis GH, Delfos NM, Ablij HC, Kuijper EJ, Pander J, Blom JW, Spelt IC & van Dissel JT (2009), Treatment duration of febrile urinary tract infection (FUTIRST trial): a randomized placebo-controlled multicenter trial comparing short (7 days) antibiotic treatment with conventional treatment (14 days), BMC Infectious Diseases 9.
- Debast SB, van Leengoed LAMG, Goorhuis A, Harmanus C, Kuijper EJ & Bergwerff AA (2009), Clostridium difficile PCR ribotype 078 toxinotype V found in diarrhoeal pigs identical to isolates from affected humans, Environmental Microbiology 11(2): 505-511.
- van Dissel JT & Kuijper EJ (2009), Rapidly Growing Mycobacteria: Emerging Pathogens in Cosmetic Procedures of the Skin, Clinical Infectious Diseases 49(9): 1365-1368.
- van der Linden JWM, Jansen RR, Bresters D, Visser CE, Geerlings SE, Kuijper EJ, Melchers WJG & Verweij PE (2009), Azole-Resistant Central Nervous System Aspergillosis, Clinical Infectious Diseases 48(8): 1111-1113.
- Zaiss NH, Rupnik M, Kuijper EJ, Harmanus C, Michielsen D, Janssens K & Nubel U (2009), Typing Clostridium difficile strains based on tandem repeat sequences, BMC Microbiology 9.
- Bruijnesteijn van Coppenraet LES, Savelkoul PHM, Buffing N, van der Bijl MW, Woudenberg J, Lindeboom JA, Kiehn TE, Haverkort F, Samra Z & Kuijper EJ (2009), Amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis of human clinical isolates of Mycobacterium haemophilum from different continents, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 15(10): 924-930.
- Goorhuis A, Legaria MC, van den Berg RJ, Harmanus C, Klaassen CHW, Brazier JS, Lumelsky G & Kuijper EJ (2009), Application of multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis to determine clonal spread of toxin A-negative Clostridium difficile in a general hospital in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 15(12): 1080-1086.
- Fawley WN, Freeman J, Smith C, Harmanus C, van den Berg RJ, Kuijper EJ & Wilcox MH (2008), Use of highly discriminatory fingerprinting to analyze clusters of Clostridium difficile infection cases due to epidemic ribotype 027 strains, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 46(3).
- Debast SB, van Kregten E, Oskam KMG, van den Berg T, Van den Berg RJ & Kuijper EJ (2008), Effect on diagnostic yield of repeated stool testing during outbreaks of Clostridium difficile-associated disease, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 14(6).
- van Nieuwkoop C, Visser LG, Groeneveld JHM & Kuijper EJ (2008), Chronic bacterial prostatitis and relapsing Enterococcus faecalis bacteraemia successfully treated with moxifloxacin, Journal of Infection 56(2).
- Lindeboom JA, van Coppenraet ESB, Kuijper EJ, Polsbroek RM, Horsthuis RB, Prins JM & Lindeboom R (2008), Interpretation and precision of the Observer Scar Assessment Scale improved by a revised scoring, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 61(12).
- Fenner L, Widmer AF, Stranden A, Conzelmann M, Goorhuis A, Harmanus C, Kuijper EJ & Frei R (2008), First cluster of clindamycin-resistant Clostridium difficile PCR ribotype 027 in Switzerland, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 14(5).
- Killgore G, Thompson A, Johnson S, Brazier J, Kuijper E, Pepin J, Frost EH, Savelkoul P, Nicholson B, van den Berg RJ, Kato H, Sambol SP, Zukowski W, Woods C, Limbago B, Gerding DN & McDonald LC (2008), Comparison of seven techniques for typing international epidemic strains of Clostfidium difficile: Restriction endonuclease analysis, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, PCR-ribotyping, multilocus sequence typing, multilocus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis, amplified fragment length polymorphism, and surface layer protein A gene sequence typing, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 46(2).
- Drudy D, Goorhuis B, Bakker D, Kyne L, van den Berg R, Fenelon L, Fanning S & Kuijper EJ (2008), Clindamycin-resistant clone of Clostridium difficile PCR ribotype 027, Europe, Emerging Infectious Disease 14(9).
- van Coppenraet LESB, de Haas PEW, Lindeboom JA, Kuijper EJ & van Soolingen D (2008), Lymphadenitis in children is caused by Mycobacterium avium hominissuis and not related to 'bird tuberculosis', European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 27(4).
- Pituch H, Bakker D, Kuijper E, Obuch-Woszczatynski P, Wultanska D, Nurzynska G, Bielec A, Bar-Andziak E & Luczak M (2008), First isolation of Clostridium difficile PCR-ribotype 027/toxinotype III in Poland, Polish Journal of Microbiology 57(3): 267-268.
- Bouza E, Martin A, Van Den Berg RJ & Kuijper EJ (2008), Laboratory-Acquired Clostridium difficile Polymerase Chain Reaction Ribotype 027: A New Risk for Laboratory Workers?, Clinical Infectious Diseases 47(11).
- Spigaglia P, Barbanti F, Mastrantonio P, Brazier JS, Barbut F, Delmee M, Kuijper E & Poxton IR (2008), Fluoroquinolone resistance in Clostridium difficile isolates from a prospective study of C. difficile infections in Europe, Journal of Medical Microbiology 57(6).
- van der Kooi TII, Koningstein M, Lindemans A, Notermans DW, Kuijper E, van den Berg R, Boshuizen H, Filius PMG & van den Hof S (2008), Antibiotic use and other risk factors at hospital level for outbreaks with Clostridium difficile PCR ribotype 027, Journal of Medical Microbiology 57(6).
- Kuijper EJ & van Dissel JT (2008), Spectrum of Clostridium difficile infections outside health care facilities, CMAJ 179(8).
- Goorhuis A, van Dissel JT & Kuijper EJ (2008), Novel risk factors for Clostridium difficile-associated disease in a setting of endemicity?, Clinical Infectious Diseases 47(3).
- Bauer MP, Goorhuis A, Koster T, Numan-Ruberg SC, Hagen EC, Debast SB, Kuijper EJ & van Dissel JT (2008), Community-onset Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea not associated with antibiotic usage, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 66(5).
- Vonberg RP, Kuijper EJ, Wilcox MH, Barbut F, Tull P, Gastmeier P, van den Broek PJ, Colville A, Coignard B, Daha T, Debast S, Duerden BI, van den Hof S, van der Kooi T, Maarleveld HJH, Nagy E, Notermans DW, O'Driscoll J, Patel B, Stone S & Wiuff C (2008), Infection control measures to limit the spread of Clostridium difficile, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 14.
- Baines SD, O'Connor R, Freeman J, Fawley WN, Harmanus C, Mastrantonio P, Kuijper EJ & Wilcox MH (2008), Emergence of reduced susceptibility to metronidazole in Clostridium difficile, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 62(5).
- Kuijper EJ & Wilcox MH (2008), Decreased effectiveness of metronidazole for the treatment of Clostridium difficile infection?, Clinical Infectious Diseases 47(1).
- Indra A, Huhulescu S, Schneeweis M, Hasenberger P, Kernbichler S, Fiedler A, Wewalka G, Allerberger F & Kuijper EJ (2008), Characterization of Clostridium difficile isolates using capillary gel electrophoresis-based PCR ribotyping, Journal of Medical Microbiology 57(11).
- Goorhuis A, Bakker D, Corver J, Debast SB, Harmanus C, Notermans DW, Bergwerff AA, Dekker FW & Kuijper EJ (2008), Emergence of Clostridium difficile infection due to a new hypervirulent strain, polymerase chain reaction ribotype 078, Clinical Infectious Diseases 47(9).
- Goorhuis A, Debast SB, van Leengoed LAMG, Harmarms C, Notermans DW, Bergwerff AA & Kuijper EJ (2008), Clostridium difficile PCR Ribotype 078: an emerging strain in humans and in pigs?, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 46(3).
- Numan SC, Veldkamp P, Kuijper EJ, van den Berg RJ & van Dissel JT (2007), Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea: bovine anti-Clostridium difficile whey protein to help aid the prevention of relapses, Gut 56(6).
- de Boer MGJ, van Coppenraet LESB, Gaasbeek A, Berger SP, Gelinck LBS, van Houwelingen HC, van den Broek P, Kuijper EJ, Kroon FP & Vandenbroucke JP (2007), An outbreak of Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia with 1 predominant genotype among renal transplant recipients: Interhuman transmission or a common environmental source?, Clinical Infectious Diseases 44(9).
- van Coppenraet LSB, Smit VTHBM, Templeton KE, Claas ECJ & Kuijper EJ (2007), Application of real-time PCR to recognize atypical mycobacteria in archival skin biopsies - High prevalence of Mycobacterium haemophilum, Diagnostic Molecular Pathology 16(2).
- van Kruijssen AM, Templeton KE, van der Plas RN, van Doorn HR, Claas ECJ, Sukhai RN & Kuijper EJ (2007), Detection of respiratory pathogens by real-time PCR in children with clinical suspicion of pertussis, European Journal of Pediatrics 166(11).
- Kalpoe JS, Templeton KE, Horrevorts AM, Endtz HP, Kuijper EJ, Bernards AT & Klaassen CHW (2007), Molecular typing of a suspected cluster of Nocardia farcinica infections by use of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and amplified fragment length polymorphism analyses, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 45(12).
- Kuijper EJ, van Dissel JT & Wilcox MH (2007), Clostridium difficile: changing epidemiology and new treatment options, Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases 20(4).
- Lindeboom JA, Kuijper EJ & Prins JM (2007), Nontuberculous mycobacterial lymphadenitis in children - Reply, Clinical Infectious Diseases 45(4): 520-521.
- Goorhuis A, Van der Kooi T, Vaessen N, Dekker FW, Van den Berg R, Harmanus C, van den Hof S, Notermans DW & Kuijper EJ (2007), Spread and epidemiology of Clostridium difficile polymerase chain reaction ribotype 027/toxinotype III in the Netherlands, Clinical Infectious Diseases 45(6).
- van den Berg RJ, Schaap I, Templeton KE, Klaassen CHW & Kuijper EJ (2007), Typing and subtyping of Clostridium difficile isolates by using multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 45(3).
- Lindeboom JA, Kuijper EJ, van Coppenraet ESB, Lindeboom R & Prins JM (2007), Surgical excision versus antibiotic treatment for nontuberculous mycobacterial cervicofacial lymphadenitis in children: A multicenter, randomized, controlled trial, Clinical Infectious Diseases 44(8).
- Arabatzis M, van Coppenraet LESB, Kuijper EJ, de Hoog GS, Lavrijsen APM, Templeton K, van der Raaij-Helmer EMH, Velegraki A & Graser Y (2007), Diagnosis of common dermatophyte infections by a novel multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction detection/identification scheme, British Journal of Dermatology 157(4).
- van den Berg RJ, Vaessen N, Endtz HP, Schulin T, van der Vorm ER & Kuijper EJ (2007), Evaluation of real-time PCR and conventional diagnostic methods for the detection of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea in a prospective multicentre study, Journal of Medical Microbiology 56(1).
- Piraino B, Bailie GR, Bernardini J, Boeschoten E, Kuijper EJ, Li PK, Lye WC, Mujais S & Fontan MP (2007), Definition of recurrent peritonitis - Response to Bonadio and Diaz-Buxo, Peritoneal Dialysis International 27(6): 718-719.
- Paltansing S, van den Berg RJ, Guseinova RA, Visser CE, van der Vorm ER & Kuijper EJ (2007), Characteristics and incidence of Clostridium difficile-associated disease in The Netherlands, 2005, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 13(11).
- Barbut F, Mastrantonio P, Delmee M, Brazier J, Kuijper E & Poxton I (2007), Prospective study of Clostridium difficile infections in Europe with phenotypic and genotypic characterisation of the isolates, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 13(11).
- Berg R.J. van den, Kuijper E.J., Bruijnesteijn van Coppenraet L.E.S. & Claas E.C.J. (2006), Rapid diagnosis of toxinogenic clostridium difficile in faecal samples with internally controlled real-time PCR, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 12(2): 184-186.
- van den Berg RJ, Kuijper EJ, van Coppenraet LESB & Claas ECJ (2006), Rapid diagnosis of toxinogenic Clostridium difficile in faecal samples with internally controlled real-time PCR, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 12(2).
- Arend SM, Kuijper EJ, de Vaal BJ, de Fijter JW & van't Wout JW (2006), Successful treatment of fungus balls due to fluconazole-resistant Candida sake obstructing ureter stents in a renal transplant patient, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 25(1).
- Lindeboom JAH, Kuijper EJ, van Coppenraet ESB & Prins JM (2006), First case of an oculofacial lesion due to Mycobacterium haemophilum infection in an immunocompetent child, Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology 101(6).
- Lindeboom JA, Smets AMJB, Kuijper EJ, van Rijn RR & Prins JM (2006), The sonographic characteristics of nontuberculous mycobacterial cervicofacial lymphadenitis in children, Pediatric Radiology 36(10).
- Kuijper EJ, Coignard B & Tull P (2006), Emergence of Clostridium difficile-associated disease in North America and Europe, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 12.
- Kuijper EJ, van den Berg RJ, Debast S, Visser CE, Veenendaal D, Troelstra A, van der Kooi T, van den Hof S & Notermans DW (2006), Clostridium difficile ribotype 027, toxinotype III, the Netherlands, Emerging Infectious Disease 12(5).
- Arend SM, Lavrijsen AP, Kuijken I, van der Plas RN & Kuijper EJ (2006), Prospective controlled study of the diagnostic value of skin biopsy in patients with presumed meningococcal disease., European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 25(10): 643-9.
- Lindeboom JA, Kuijper EJ, Prins JM, van Coppenraet ESB & Lindeboom R (2006), Tuberculin skin testing is useful in the screening for nontuberculous mycobacterial cervicofacial lymphadenitis in children, Clinical Infectious Diseases 43(12).
- Linssen CFM, Jacobs JA, Beckers P, Templeton KE, Bakkers J, Kuijper EJ, Melchers WJG, Drent M & Vink C (2006), Inter-laboratory comparison of three different real-time PCR assays for the detection of Pneumocystis jiroveci in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples, Journal of Medical Microbiology 55(9).
- Schade, R.P.; Schinkel, J.; Roelandse, F.W.C.; Geskus, R.B.; Visser, L.G.; Dijk, J.M.C. van; Voormolen, J.H.C.; Pelt, H. van & Kuijper, E.J. (2006), Lack of value of routine analysis of cerebrospinal fluid for prediction and diagnosis of external drainage-related bacterial meningitis, Journal of Neurosurgery 104(1).
- van den Berg RJ, van Coppenraet LSB, Gerritsen HJ, Endtz HP, van der Vorm ER & Kuijper EJ (2005), Prospective multicenter evaluation of a new immunoassay and real-time PCR for rapid diagnosis of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea in hospitalized patients, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 43(10): 5338-5340.
- Piraino B, Bailie GR, Bernardini J, Boeschoten E, Gupta A, Holmes C, Kuijper EJ, Li PKT, Lye WC, Mujais S, Paterson DL, Fontan MP, Ramos A, Schaefer F & Uttley L (2005), Peritoneal dialysis-related infections recommendations: 2005 update, Peritoneal Dialysis International 25(2): 107-131.
- Lindeboom JA, Prins JM, van Coppenraet ESB, Lindeboom R & Kuijper EJ (2005), Cervicofacial lymphadenitis in children caused by Mycobacterium haemophilum, Clinical Infectious Diseases 41(11): 1569-1575.
- Schade, R.P.; Schinkel, J.; Visser, L.G.; Dijk, J.M.C. van; Voormolen, J.H.C. & Kuijper, E.J. (2005), Bacterial meningitis caused by the use of ventricular or lumbar cerebrospinal fluid catheters, Journal of Neurosurgery 102(2).
- van Dissel JT, de Groot N, Hensgens CMH, Numan S, Kuijper EJ, Veldkamp P & van't Wout J (2005), Bovine antibody-enriched whey to aid in the prevention of a relapse of Clostridium difficile associated diarrhoea: preclinical and preliminary clinical data, Journal of Medical Microbiology 54(2).
- van den Berg RJ, Ameen HAA, Furusawa T, Claas ECJ, van der Vorm ER & Kuijper EJ (2005), Coexistence of multiple PCR-ribotype stains of Clostrdium difficile in faecal samples limits epidemioligical, Journal of Medical Microbiology 54(2): 173-179.
- van Dam AP, Pruijm MTC, Harinck BIJ, Gelinck LBS & Kuijper EJ (2005), Pneumonia involving Aspergillus and Rhizopus spp. after a near-drowning incident with subsequent Nocardia cyriacigeorgici and N-farcinica coinfection as a late complication, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 24(1).
- Gooskens J, De Neeling AJ, Willems RJ, Van't Wout JW & Kuijper EJ (2005), Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome by an iMLS resistant M type 77 Streptococcus pyogenes in the Netherlands, Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 37(2).
- van Coppenraet LES, Kuijper EJ, Lindeboom JA, Prins JM & Claas ECJ (2005), Mycobacterium haemophilum and lymphadenitis in children, Emerging Infectious Disease 11(1): 62-68.
- van den Berg RJ, Class ECJ, Oyib DH, Klaassen CHW, Dijkshoorn L, Brazier JS & Kuijper EJ (2004), Characterization of toxin A-negative, toxin B-positive Clostridium difficile isolates from outbreaks in different countries by amplified fragment length polymorphism and PCR ribotyping, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 42(3).
- Arend SM, Kuijper EJ, Allaart CF, Muller WH & van Dissel JT (2004), Cavitating pneumonia after treatment with infliximab and prednisone, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 23(8).
- Lunel FMV, Voss A, Kuijper EJ, Gelinck LBS, Hoogerbrugge PM, Liem KL, Jan Kullberg B & Verweij PE (2004), Detection of the Candida antigen mannan in cerebrospinal fluid specimens from patients suspected of having Candida meningitis, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 42(2).
- Ball LM, Bes MA, Theelen B, Boekhout T, Egeler RM & Kuijper EJ (2004), Significance of amplified fragment length polymorphism in identification and epidemiological examination of Candida species colonization in children undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 42(4).
- Bosscha MI, van Dissel JT, Kuijper EJ, Swart W & Jager MJ (2004), The efficacy and safety of topical polymyxin B, neomycin and gramicidin for treatment of presumed bacterial corneal ulceration, British Journal of Ophthalmology 88(1).
- van Coppenraet ESB, Lindeboom JA, Prins JM, Peeters MF, Claas ECJ & Kuijper EJ (2004), Real-time PCR assay using fine-needle aspirates and tissue biopsy specimens for rapid diagnosis of mycobacterial lymphadenitis in children, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 42(6): 2644-2650.
- Templeton KE, Scheltinga SA, van der Zee A, Diederen BMW, Kruijssen AM, Goossens H, Kuijper E & Claas ECJ (2003), Evaluation of real-time PCR for detection of and discrimination between Bordetella pertussis, Bordetella parapertussis, and Bordetella holmesii for clinical diagnosis, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 41(9).
- Kuijper EJ, Stevens S, Imamura T, de Wever B & Claas ECJ (2003), Genotypic identification of erythromycin-resistant Campylobacter isolates as Helicobacter species and analysis of resistance mechanism, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 41(8): 3732-3736.
- Platonov AE, Vershinina IV, Kayhty H, Fijen CAP, Wurzner R & Kuijper EJ (2003), Antibody-dependent killing of meningococci by human neutrophils in serum of late complement component-deficient patients, International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 130(4): 314-321.
- Bonten MJM, Joore HCA, de Jongh BM, Kluytmans J, Kuijper EJ, van Leeuwen HJ, de Smet AMGA & Vandenbroucke-Grauls C (2003), Selective decontamination of the digestive tract: all questions answered?, Critical Care 7(3): 203-205.
- Kuijper EJ, van der Meer J, de Jong MD, Speelman P & Dankert J (2003), Usefulness of Gram stain for diagnosis of lower respiratory tract infection or urinary tract infection and as an aid in guiding treatment, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 22(4): 228-234.
- van Doorn HR, Claas ECJ, Templeton KE, van der Zanden AGM, Vije ATK, de Jong MD, Dankert J & Kuijper EJ (2003), Detection of a point mutation associated with high-level isoniazid resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis by using real-time PCR technology with 3 '-minor groove binder-DNA probes, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 41(10): 4630-4635.
- Ball LM, Kuijper EJ, Bes MA, Lankester AJ, Bredius RGM, van Tol MJD & Egeler RM (2003), Donor type is the major determinant of survival of invasive aspergillus (IA) in children undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT), trends in medical mycology: 67-72.
- Drogari-Apiranthitou M, Kuijper EJ, Dekker N & Dankert J (2002), Complement activation and formation of the membrane attack complex on serogroup B Neisseria meningitidis in the presence or absence of serum bactericidal activity, Infection and Immunity 70(7).
- Kuijper EJ, de Weerdt J, Kato H, Kato N, van Dam AP, van der Vorm ER, Weel J, van Rheenen C & Dankert J (2001), Nosocomial outbreak of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea due to a clindamycin-resistant enterotoxin A-negative strain, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 20(8).
- Drogari-Apiranthitou V, Kuijper EJ, Dekker N & Dankert J (2001), Complement activation and formation of the complement membrane attack complex (MAC) on serogroup b meningococci in the presence or absence of bactericidal antibodies, Molecular Immunology 38(2-3): 86-86.
- Fijen CAP, Bredius RGM, Kuijper EJ, Out TA, De Haas M, De Wit APM, Daha MR & De Winkel JGJ (2000), The role of Fc gamma receptor polymorphisms and C3 in the immune defence against Neisseria meningitidis in complement-deficient individuals.
- Fijen CAP, Kuijper EJ, Bulte MTT, Daha MR & Dankert J (1999), Assessment of complement deficiency in patients with meningococcal disease in the Netherlands.
- Fijen CAP, Bredius RGM, Out TA, Daha MR, Dankert J & Kuijper EJ (1999), Complement deficiency and the role of FC gamma receptors, properdin and C3 in phagocytosis of meningococci, Molecular Immunology 36(4-5): 289-289.
- Fijen CAP, van den Bogaard R, Schipper M, Mannens M, Schlesinger M, Nordin FG, Dankert J, Daha MR, Sjoholm AG, Truedsson L & Kuijper EJ (1999), Properdin deficiency: molecular basis and disease association, Molecular Immunology 36(13-14): 863-867.
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- Fijen CAP, VandenBogaard R, Daha MR, Dankert J, Mannens M & Kuijper EJ (1996), Carrier detection by microsatellite haplotyping in 10 properdin type 1-deficient families, European Journal of Clinical Investigation 26(10): 902-906.
- Fijen CAP, Kuijper EJ, Bulte MTT, VandeHeuvel MM, Holdrinet ACJM, Sim RB, Daha MR & Dankert J (1996), Heterozygous and homozygous factor H deficiency states in a Dutch family, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 105(3): 511-516.
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