Dovile Rimkute
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. D. Rimkute
- Telefoon
- +31 70 800 9067
- 0000-0002-6184-7868

Dovilė Rimkutė is universitair docent Regulatory Governance aan het Instituut Bestuurskunde. Haar onderzoek richt zich op fundamentele vragen rondom regulerend bestuur en risicoregulering binnen het gelaagde bestuurssysteem van de EU. Ze onderzoekt bureaucratische besluitvorming en gedrag, de perceptie van burgers van de legitimiteit van regelgevingsprocessen en -resultaten en de rol van emotie in de interacties tussen burgers en regelgevers. Dovilė heeft een NWO Veni (2019) en Vidi (2024) beurs gekregen om onderzoek te doen op het snijvlak van regulerend bestuur en behavioral public administration, waarbij inzichten uit de emotiewetenschap worden geïntegreerd.
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PhD students
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Universitair docent
- Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
- Instituut Bestuurskunde
- Cerdeira A. & Rimkutė D. (2024), Reputational pragmatism at the European Central Bank: preserving reputation(s) amidst widening climate interventions, New Political Economy 29(6): 927-943.
- Rimkutė D. & Voet J. van der (2023), When do bureaucrats respond to external demands?: A theoretical framework and empirical test of bureaucratic responsiveness, Public Administration Review : .
- Rimkutė D. & Mazepus H. (2023), A widening authority–legitimacy gap in EU regulatory governance?: An experimental study of the European Medicines Agency’s legitimacy in health security regulation, Journal of European Public Policy : .
- Rimkutė D. (2022), Reputation and bureaucratic politics. In: Ladner A. & Sager F. (red.), Handbook on the politics of public administration. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing . 255-265.
- Rimkutė D. (2022), Chapter 32: Expertise and regulatory agencies. In: Maggetti M., Di Mascio F. & Natalini A. (red.), Handbook of regulatory authorities. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 487-502.
- Voet J. van der & Rimkutė D. (2022), A behavioral view on responsibility attribution in multi-level governance: : upward and downward responsibility attribution in response to performance below aspirations, Public Administration : 1-20.
- Rimkutė D. (2021), European Union agencies: explaining EU agency behaviour, processes, and outputs. In: Hodson D., Puetter U., Saurugger S. & Peterson J. (red.) The institutions of the European Union . The New European Union Series Oxford: Oxford University Press. 203-223.
- Rimkutė D. (2020), Strategic silence or regulatory talk? Regulatory agency responses to public allegations amidst the glyphosate controversy, Journal of European Public Policy 27(11): 1636-1656.
- Busuioc M. & Rimkutė D. (2019), Meeting expectations in the EU regulatory state? Regulatory communications amid conflicting institutional demands, Journal of European Public Policy 27(4): 547- 568.
- Shyrokykh K. & Rimkutė D. (2019), EU Rules Beyond its Borders: The Policy‐specific Effects of Transgovernmental Networks and EU Agencies in the European Neighbourhood, Journal of Common Market Studies 57(4): 749-767.
- Rimkutė D. (2019), Building organizational reputation in the European regulatory state: An analysis of EU agencies' communications, Governance : 1-22.
- Rimkutė D. & Shyrokykh K. (2019), Transferring the acquis through EU agencies: the case of the European neighbourhood policy countries. In: Hofmann H.C.H., Vos E. & Chamon M. (red.), The External Dimension of EU Agencies and Bodies. Law and Policy. London: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Busuioc E.M. & Rimkute D. (2019), The Promise of Bureaucratic Reputation Approaches for the EU Regulatory State, Journal of European Public Policy 27(8): 1256-1269.
- Rimkutė D. (2018), Organizational reputation and risk regulation: The effect of reputational threats on agency scientific outputs, Public Administration 96(1): 70–83.
- Rimkutė D. (2018), Mapping the practices of scientific (risk assessment) evaluation of active substances used in plant protection products. Brussels: European Parliament Think Tank.
- Breeman G.E., Giest S.N. & Rimkute D. (2017), Food security governance and the sustainability of GMOs in the United States and the European Union. In: Barling D. (red.), Advances in Food Security and Sustainability nr. Volume 2: Elsevier. 165-193.
- Rimkute D. & Shyrokykh K. (2017), The Role of EU Agencies in the Acquis Transfer: The Case of the European Neighbourhood Policy Countries. TARN Working Paper Series. [working paper].
- Rimkute D. (19 oktober 2016), Science and Risk Regulation in the European Union: The Case of the European Food Safety Authority (Dissertatie, Geschwister Scholl Institute of Political Science, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München). Munich: LMU. Promotor(en): Rittberger Berthold.
- Rimkute D. (2015), Explaining Differences in Scientific Expertise Use: The Politics of Pesticides, Politics and Governance 3(1): 114-127.
- Rimkute D. & Haverland M. (2015), How Does the European Commission Use Scientific Expertise? Results From a Survey of Scientific Members of the Commission’s Expert Committees, Comparative European Politics 13(4): 430–449.