Dorota Mokrosinska
Hoogleraar Praktische filosofie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. D.M. Mokrosinska
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 8985
- 0000-0002-5522-6491
Dorota Mokrosinska ontving de ERC Starting Grant van de Europese onderzoeksraad (European Research Council). Ze leidt het ERC Starting Grant project “Democratic Secrecy: A Philosophical Study of the Role of Secrecy in Democratic Governance”. Het project, dat loopt van 2015 tot 2020, wordt gefinancierd door de Europese onderzoeksraad.
Meer informatie over Dorota Mokrosinska
Hoogleraar Praktische filosofie
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2023), Secrecy and democracy: a philosophical inquiry. New York: Routledge.
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2023), Government transparency: dispelling the myth. In: Hillebrandt M., Leino-Sandberg P. & Koivisto I. (red.), (In)visible European government: critical approaches to transparency as an ideal and a practice. New York: Routledge. 171-191.
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2023), In the business of revealing state secrets. In: Fox C. & Saunders J. (red.), Routledge Handbook of philosophy and media ethics. New York: Routledge. 96-109.
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2023), Polityczny wymiar prywatnosci. In: Gawin M., Nogal A. & Wonicki R. (red.), Filozofia, edukacja, polityka. Warszawa: PWN. 47-67.
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2022), The political imperative of transparency: its grounds and limits. In: Alloa E. (red.), This obscure thing called transparency : politics and aesthetics of a contemporary metaphor. Leuven: Peeters. 69-93.
- Ceva E. & Mokrosinska D.M. (2022), Failing Institutions, Whistle‐Blowing, and the Role of the News Media, Journal of Applied Philosophy 39(3): 377-392.
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2022), Necessary but illegitimate: on democracy's secrets, The Review of Politics 85(1): 73-97.
- Ceva E. & Mokrosinska D.M. (red.) (2022), Journal of applied philosophy: symposium on media ethics. Journal of Applied Philosophy: Wiley.
- Mokrosinska D.M. (red.) (2020), Transparency and Secrecy in European Democracies: Contested Trade-offs. New York: Routledge.
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2020), Introduction: transparency and secrecy in European democracies. In: Mokrosinska D.M. (red.), Transparency and Secrecy in European Democracies: Contested Trade-offs. London: Routledge. 1-13.
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2019), Why Snowden and not Greenwald? On the Accountability of the Press for Unauthorized Disclosures of Classified Information, Law and Philosophy : .
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2019), Democratic Authority and State Secrecy, Public Affairs Quarterly 33(1): .
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2019), On the Individual, Social, and Political Value of Privacy. In: Behrendt H., Wulf L., Matzner T. & Misselhorn C. (red.), Privatsphäre 4.0. Eine Neuverortung des Privaten im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung: Springer.
- Mokrosinska D. (2019), The Political Imperative of Transparency: Its Grounds and Limits. In: Alloa E. & Verschaffel B. (red.), The Limits of Transparency. Leuven: Peeters.
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2018), The people’s right to know and state secrecy, Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 31(1): 87-106.
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2018), Why States Have No Right to Privacy, but May Be Entitled to Secrecy, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy : .
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2017), The People’s Right to Know and State Secrecy (KU Leuven). .
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2017), Democratic Legitimacy of State Secrecy (Invited lecture, University of Agder, Norway). .
- Mokrosinska D. (2017), The People’s Right to Know and State Secrecy (Invited lecture, Delft University). .
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2017), The People’s Right to Know and State Secrecy (Leiden International Conference on the Democratic Legitimacy of State Secrecy). .
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2017), Do People Have a Right to Know Their Government’s Secrets? On Seeking a Ratio between Transparency and Secrecy in Politics (Invited lecture, Eindhoven University ). .
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2017), A Battle Over Access to Government Information (Invited lecture, Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts, Brussels). .
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2017), Privacy and Autonomy: On Some Misconceptions Concerning the Political Dimensions of Privacy, Law and Philosophy 37(2): 117-143.
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2017), Secret Politics: A Qualified Defense, Civitas 20: 141-160.
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2016), Secrecy in Democratic Politics (Invited lecture, University of Warsaw, Poland). .
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2016), The Dilemma of the Democratic Legitimacy of State Secrecy (MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory, Manchester, UK). .
- Roessler B. & Mokrosinska D.M. (2015), Social Dimensions of Privacy: Interdisciplinary Perspectives: Cambridge University Press.
- Mokrosinska D. (2015), How Much Privacy for Public Officials?. In: Roessler B. & Mokrosinska D. (red.), Social Dimensions of Privacy: Interdisciplinary Perspectives: Cambridge University Press. 181-201.
- Mokrosinska D.M. & Roessler B. (2015), The Social Dimensions of Privacy: Introduction. In: Roessler B. & Mokrosinska D.M. (red.), Social Dimensions of Privacy: Interdisciplinary Perspectives: Cambridge University Press.
- Mokrosinska D. (2015), Privacy, Freedom of Speech and the Sexual Lives of Office Holders. In: Moore A.D. (red.), Privacy, Security and Accountability: Ethics, Law and Policy: Rowman & Littlefield International. 89-104.
- Mokrosinska D. (2015), On the Conflict between Privacy and Freedom of Speech (Invited Lecture). .
- Mokrosinska D. (2015), Why States Have No Right to Privacy but May Be Entitled to Secrecy. Amsterdam Privacy Conference 23 oktober 2015 - 26 december 2015.
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2015), On the Conflict between Privacy and Freedom of Speech. .
- Mokrosinska D. (2015), Kift and Nissenbaum on Metadata: An Ontological and Normative Analysis (Invited Comment). .
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2014), Privacy and the Integrity of Liberal Politics: The Case of Governmental Internet Searches, Journal of Social Philosophy 45(3): 369-389.
- Mokrosinska D. (2014), Privacy and the Integrity of Liberal Politics: The Case of Governmental Internet Searches, Journal of Social Philosophy 45(3): 369-389.
- Mokrosinska D. (2014), In the Spotlight: Private Lives of Government Officials. .
- Mokrosinska D. (2014), Privacy and the Integrity of Liberal Politics (Invited Lecture). .
- Mokrosinska D. (2014) Lever ‘On Privacy’. Bespreking van: Lever Annabelle (2012), On Privacy. Thinking in Action: Routledge. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18(3): 665-666.
- Mokrosinska D. (2013), Communal Ties and Political Obligation, Ratio Juris 26(2): 187-214.
- Roessler B. & Mokrosinska D. (2013), Privacy and Social Interaction, Philosophy & Social Criticism 39(8): 771-791.
- Mokrosinska D. (2013), What is Political about Political Obligation? A Neglected Lesson from Consent Theory, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 16(1): 88-108.
- Mokrosinska D. (2012), Rethinking Political Obligation. Moral Principles, Communal Ties, Citizenship: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2012), How Much Privacy for Public Officials? Reflections on the Political Value of Privacy. Amsterdam Privacy Conference 7 oktober 2012 - 10 oktober 2012.
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2011), Privatheit im Internet. Eine liberale Analyse, juridikum. zeitschrift für kritik - recht - gesellschaft 4: 500-516.
- Mokrosinska D. (2011), Communal Ties and Political Obligation. Associative Theory of Political Obligation Revisited. .
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2011), Private Lives of Public Figures. .
- Mokrosinska D. (2010), Het gemeenschapskarakter van politieke verplichtingen, Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 72(4): 717-747.
- Mokrosinska D. (2010), Privacy in Liberal Politics. .
- Mokrosinska D. (2010), Why Not Anarchism? (Invited Lecture, American University, Washington DC). .
- Mokrosinska D. (2009), Wat is er Politiek aan Politieke Verplichtingen? Een Vergeten Kwestie in het Debat. In: Rijpkema P., Donselaar G. van, Verbeek B. & Wijsbeek H. (red.), Als Vuur: Opstellen voor Govert den Hartogh ter gelegenheid van zijn emeritaat. Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers. 73-90.
- Mokrosinska D. (2009), Wat is er Politiek aan Politieke Verplichtingen?. .
- Mokrosinska D. (2009), Political Obligation. Lessons from Behind the Iron Curtain. .
- Mokrosinska D. (2009), On the Sources of Political Legitimacy (Invited Talk, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill). .
- Mokrosinska D. (2008), The Social Value of Privacy (Invited Talk, Utrecht). .
- Mokrosinska D. (2007), Political Obligations: The Associative View. .
- Mokrosinska D. (2005), Margaret Gilbert on Obligation and Joint Commitment (Invited Comment). .
- Mokrosinska D. (2005), Personal Identity and Reasons for Action. .
- Mokrosinska D.M. (2005), From Natural Duties to Political Obligation: a Problematic Passage, Rechtstheorie 21: 95-105.