Dirk-jan van den Berg
Onderwijs- en onderzoeksmedewerker
- Naam
- Ing. D. van den Berg
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 6163
- d.j.van.den.berg@lacdr.leidenuniv.nl

Onderwijs- en onderzoeksmedewerker
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- LACDR/Pharmacology
- Jong L.M. de, Harpal C, Berg D. van den., Hoekstra M., Peter N.J., Rissmann R., Swen J.J. & Manson M.L. (2024), CYP and non-CYP drug metabolizing enzyme families exhibit differential sensitivities towards pro-inflammatory cytokine modulation, Drug Metabolism and Disposition 52(12): 1429-1437.
- Lebedev A.V., Nilsson J., Lindström J., Fredborg W., Akenine U., Hillilä C., Andersen P., Spulber G., Lange E.C.M. de, Berg D. van den, Kivipelto M. & Lövdén M. (2020), Effects of daily L-dopa administration on learning and brain structure in older adults undergoing cognitive training: a randomised clinical trial, Scientific Reports 10(1): 5227.
- Wijk R.C. van, Hu W.B., Dijkema S.M., Berg D. van den, Liu J., Bahi R., Verbeek F.J., Simonsson U.S.H., Spaink H.P., Graaf P.H. van der & Krekels E.H.J. (2020), Anti-tuberculosis effect of isoniazid scales accurately from zebrafish to humans, British Journal of Pharmacology 177(24): 5518-5533.
- Qile M., Beekman H.D.M., Sprenkeler D.J., Houtman M.J.C., Ham W.B. van, Stary-Weinzinger A., Beyl S., Hering S., Berg D.J. van den, Lange E.C.M. de, Heitman L.H., IJzerman A.P., Vos M.A. & Heyden M.A.G. van der (2019), LUF7244, an allosteric modulator/activator of Kv11.1 channels, counteracts dofetilide‐induced torsades de pointes arrhythmia in the chronic atrioventricular block dog model, British Journal of Pharmacology 176(19): 3871-3885.
- Brink W.J. van den, Hartman R.J., Berg D.J. van den, Flik G., Gonzalez-Amoros B., Koopman N., Elassais-Schaap J., Graaf P.H. van der, Hankemeier T. & Lange E.C.M. de (2019), Blood-Based Biomarkers of Quinpirole Pharmacology: Cluster-Based PK/PD and Metabolomics to Unravel the Underlying Dynamics in Rat Plasma and Brain, CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology 8(2): 107-117.
- Lange E.C.M. de, Berg D.J. van den, Bellanti F., Voskuyl R.A. & Syvänen S. (2018), P-glycoprotein protein expression versus functionality at the blood-brain barrier using immunohistochemistry, microdialysis and mathematical modeling, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 124: 61-70.
- Brink W.J. van den, Berg D.J. van den, Bonsel F.E.M., Hartman R.J., Wong Y.C., Graaf P.H. van der & Lange E.C.M. de (2018), Fingerprints of CNS drug effects: a plasma neuroendocrine reflection of D2 receptor activation using multi-biomarker pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modelling, British Journal of Pharmacology 175(19): 3832-3843.
- Yamamoto Y., Välitalo P.A., Berg D.J. van den, Hartman R.J., Brink W. van den, Wong Y.C., Huntjens D.R., Proost J.H., Vermeulen A., Krauwinkel W., Bakshi S.D., Aranzana-Climent V., Marchand S., Dahyot-Fizelier C., Couet W., Danhof M., Hasselt J.G.C. van & Lange E.C.M. de (2017), A Generic Multi-Compartmental CNS Distribution Model Structure for 9 Drugs Allows Prediction of Human Brain Target Site Concentrations, Pharmaceutical Research 34(2): 333–351.
- Shimizu S., Hoedt S.M. den, Mangas-Sanjuan V., Cristea S., Geuer J.K., Berg D.-J. van den, Hartman R., Bellanti F. & Lange E.C.M. de (2017), Target-Site Investigation for the Plasma Prolactin Response: Mechanism-Based Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Analysis of Risperidone and Paliperidone in the Rat, Drug Metabolism and Disposition 45(2): 152-159.
- Bot I., Ortiz Zacarias N.V., Witte W.E. de, Vries H. de, Santbrink P.J. van, Velden D. van der, Kroener M.J., Berg D.J. van den, Stamos D., Lange E.C.M. de, Kuiper J., IJzerman A.P. & Heitman L.H. (2017), A novel CCR2 antagonist inhibits atherogenesis in apoE deficient mice by achieving high receptor occupancy, Scientific Reports 2017(7): 52.
- Kervezee L., Berg D.J. van den, Hartman R.J., Meijer J.H. & Lange E.C.M. de (2017), Diurnal variation in the pharmacokinetics and brain distribution of morphine and its major metabolite, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 109: S122-S130.
- Yamamoto Y., Valitalo P.A.J., Huntjens D.R., Proost J.H., Vermeulen A., Krauwinkel W., Beukers M.W., Berg D.J. van den, Hartman R.J., Wong Y.C., Danhof M., Hasselt J.G.C. van & Lange E.C.M. de (2017), Predicting Drug Concentration-Time Profiles in Multiple CNS Compartments Using a Comprehensive Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Model, CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology 6(11): 765–777.
- Westerhout J., Van den Berg D.J., Hartman R., Danhof M. & De Lange E.C. (2014), Prediction of methotrexate CNS distribution in different species - influence of disease conditions, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2014(Jan 22): 0928-0987.
- Kervezee L., Hartman R.J., Berg D.J. van den, Shimizu S., Yamamoto Y., Meijer J.H. & Lange E.C.M. de (2014), Diurnal variation in P-glycoprotein-mediated transport and cerebrospinal fluid turnover in the brain, AAPS Journal 16(5): 1029-1037.
- Syvanen S., Schenke M., Berg D.J. van den, Voskuyl R.A. & Lange E.C.M. de (2012), Alteration in P-glycoprotein Functionality Affects Intrabrain Distribution of Quinidine More Than Brain Entry-A Study in Rats Subjected to Status Epilepticus by Kainate, AAPS Journal 14(1): 87-96.
- Stevens J., Berg D.J. van den, Ridder S. de, Niederländer H.A., Graaf P.H. van der, Danhof M. & Lange E.C.M. de (2010), Online solid phase extraction with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry to analyze remoxipride in small plasma-, brain homogenate-, and brain microdialysate samples, Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences 878(13-14): 969-975.
- Verbaan F.J., Bal S.M., Berg D.J. van den, Dijksman J.A., Hecke M.L. van, Verpoorten H., Berg A. van den, Luttge R. & Bouwstra J.A. (2008), Improved piercing of microneedle arrays in dermatomed human skin by an impact insertion method, Journal of Controlled Release 128(1): 80-88.
- Verbaan F.J., Bal S.M., Berg D.J. van den, Groenink H.W.M., Verpoorten H., Lüttge R. & Bouwstra J.A. (2007), Assembled microneedle arrays enhance the transport of compounds varying over a large range of molecular weight across human dermatomed skin, JOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE 117: 238-245.
- Sills G.J., Kwan P., Butler E., Lange E.C.M. de, Berg D.J. van den & Brodie M.J. (2002), P-glycoprotein mediated efflux of anti-epileptic drugs: preliminary studies in mdr1a knockout mice, Epilepsy & Behavior 3: 427-432.
- Mulder M., Blokland A, Berg D.J. van den, Schulten H, Bakker A.H.F., Terwel D, Honig W., Kloet E.R. de, Havekes L.M., Steinbusch HWM & Lange E.C.M. de (2001), Apolipoprotein E protect against neuropathology induced by a high-fat diet and maintains the integrity of the blood-brain barrier during aging, Laboratory Investigation 81(7): 953-960.
- Acker S.A.B.E. van, Plemper van Balen G., Berg D.J. van den, Bast A. & Vijgh W.J.F. van der (1998), Influence of iron chelation on the antioxidant activity of flavonoids, Biochemical Pharmacology : .