Dima Titov
Gast wetenschapper
- Naam
- Dr. D.V. Titov Ph.D.
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5737
- titov@strw.leidenuniv.nl

Gast wetenschapper
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Sterrewacht
- Sterrewacht
- Slipski M., Kleinböhl A., Tirsch D., Kminek G., Jonniaux G., Matz K.-D., Määttänen A., Nicholas A., Montmessin F., Madsen S.N., Abrahamson M., Sanchez-Gestido M., Mischna M.A., Murray N.P., Wolff M.J., Blanc-Paques P., Cipriani F., Wilson C.F., Titov D.V. & Zurek R. (2023), The radiometric environment for Mars limb observations by the Mars Sample Return Earth Return Orbiter, Advances in Space Research 72(9): 4048-4063.
- Titov D.V. (2023), Venus atmospheric dynamics: digging into the Venus Express observations, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting abstracts. 55th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences 1 oktober 2023 - 6 oktober 2023. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society nr. 55. Washington: AAS publishing. 406.07.
- Sánchez-Cano B., Witasse O., Knutsen E.W., Meggi D., Viet S., Lester M., Wimmer-Schweingruber R.F., Pinto M., Moissl R., Benkhoff J., Opgenoorth H., Auster U., de Brujine J., Collins P., De Marchi G., Fischer D., Futaana Y., Godfrey J., Heyner D., Holmstrom M., Johnstone A., Joyce S., Lakey D., Martinez S., Milligan D., Montagnon E., Müller D., Livi S.A., Prusti T., Raines J., Richter I., Schmid D., Schmitz P., Svedhem H., Taylor M.G.G.T., Tremolizzo E., Titov D.V., Wilson C., Wood S. & Zender J. (2023), Solar energetic particle events detected in the housekeeping data of the European Space Agency's spacecraft Flotilla in the solar system, Space Weather 21(8): e2023SW003540.
- Pacios D., Vazquez-Poletti J.L., Sánchez-Cano B., Moreno-Vozmediano R., Schetakis N., Vazquez L. & Titov D.V. (2023), Serverless architecture for data processing and detecting anomalies with the Mars Express MARSIS instrument, Astronomical Journal 166(1): 19.
- Wilson C., Titov D.V., Martin P., Cardesin Moinelo A., Frew D., Carter J., Giuranna M., Holmstrom M., Montmessin F., Orosei R., Paetzold M., Roatsch T., Sanchez-Lavega A., Korablev O., Mitrofanov I., Thomas N. & Carine Vandaele A. (2022), Mars Express and Trace Gas Orbiter: status, science highlights, plans, EPSC abstracts. 16th Europlanet Science Congress 2022 18 september 2022 - 23 september 2022 nr. 16: Europlanet Society.
- Titov D.V., Grete Straume-Lindner A. & Wilson C. (2022), Venus Express as precursor of the Venus Decade, EPSC abstracts. 16th Europlanet Science Congress 2022 18 september 2022 - 23 september 2022 nr. 16: Europlanet Society.