Dick Oepkes
Hoogleraar Verloskunde
- Naam
- Prof.dr. D. Oepkes
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 2896
- d.oepkes@lumc.nl
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Prof. dr. D. Oepkes is hoogleraar Verloskunde, in het bijzonder de Foetale Therapie. Ook is hij gynaecoloog-perinatoloog en hoofd sectie Foetale Geneeskunde, afdeling Verloskunde LUMC. Prof. dr. Oepkes is fellow in het Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
Meer informatie over Dick Oepkes
Prof. dr. D. Oepkes is hoogleraar Verloskunde, in het bijzonder de Foetale Therapie. Ook is hij gynaecoloog-perinatoloog en hoofd sectie Foetale Geneeskunde, afdeling Verloskunde LUMC. Prof. dr. Oepkes is fellow in het Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
Foetale therapie
Deze voltijds strategische leerstoel is de eerste leerstoel Foetale Therapie in Nederland. De hoogleraar geeft leiding aan het nationale topreferente zorgcentrum voor foetale therapie, een door VWS en de EU erkend Centre of Excellence, waar hoogcomplexe operaties bij ongeboren kinderen worden verricht. Het centrum levert met ruim 200 foetale operaties per jaar een belangrijke bijdrage aan de reductie van perinatale sterfte in Nederland. De meeste van deze kinderen zouden niet overleven zonder de ingreep voor de geboorte.
Innovatie in de minimaal invasieve technieken wordt onderzocht in het Medical Delta samenwerkingsverband met de TU Delft en het Erasmus MC. De belangrijkste onderzoekslijnen zijn ziekten van monochoriale tweelingen, rode cel- en bloedplaatjes-immunisatie, behandeling van foetale hartafwijkingen en intra-uteriene stamcelbehandeling van osteogenesis imperfecta. Samen met neonatoloog prof. Lopriore wordt internationaal uniek onderzoek gedaan naar de langetermijn-gezondheid van kinderen die in de baarmoeder geopereerd zijn. Vragen van de Nationale Wetenschapsagenda waaraan het onderzoek een bijdrage levert, zijn: Hoe gaat kennis van genetica een rol in het begrijpen van, screenen op en behandelen van (zeldzame) ziekten (081), Zwangerschap, een kind baren en de overgang: leidt een beter inzicht tot een beter verloop? (091), Hoe ontwikkelen we minimaal-invasieve technieken en interventies voor diagnose, prognose en behandeling? (104).
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Sinds 1989 is prof. dr. Oepkes betrokken bij wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar diagnostiek en behandeling van foetale ziekten, in de eerste 10 jaar vooral naar Rhesus-immunisatie en alloimmuun trombocytopenie in de zwangerschap. In 1993 volgde zijn promotie (cum laude) in geneeskunde, Universiteit Leiden, proefschrift 'Ultrasound and Doppler in the management of Red Cell Alloimmunization'. Prof. dr. Oepkes is initiatiefnemer en projectleider van internationale multicenter studies in de foetale therapie, met publicaties in NEJM en Lancet. Hij is (co-)auteur van 342 peer-reviewed artikelen, h-index 33 (Web of Science Feb 2018). Daarnaast is hij promotor of co-promotor van 19 promovendi.
In 2012 hield hij aan de Universiteit Leiden zijn oratie 'Venit Fetus ad Medicum' (Komt een foetus bij de dokter).
Prijzen en eervolle benoemingen
- Nederlands Ambassadeur voor de Amerikaanse SMFM (Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine)
- Fellow ad eundem van het RCOG (Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists)
Hoogleraar Verloskunde
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 3
- Verloskunde
- Ruigh, A.A. de; Simons, N.E.; van't Hooft, J.; Teeffelen, A.S. van; Duijnhoven, R.G.; Wassenaer-Leemhuis, A.G. van; Aarnoudse-Moens, C.; Beek, C. van de; Oepkes, D.; Haak, M.C.; Woiski, M.; Porath, M.M.; Derks, J.B.; Kempen, L.E.M. van; Roseboom, T.J.; Mol, B.W. & Pajkrt, E. (2021), Child outcomes after amnioinfusion compared with no intervention in women with second-trimester rupture of membranes, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 128(2): 292-301.
- Verweij, E. J.; Hout, S. van der; Lopriore, E.; Oepkes, D. & Dondorp, W. J. (2021), Ontwikkelingen in maternale-foetale therapie, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 165.
- Ree, I.M.C.; van't Oever, R.M.; Zwiers, C.; Verweij, E.J.T.; Oepkes, D.; Haas, M. de & Lopriore, E. (2021), Are fetal bilirubin levels associated with the need for neonatal exchange transfusions in hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn?, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY MFM 3(3).
- Knijnenburg, P.J.C.; Slaghekke, F.; Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Gijtenbeek, M.; Haak, M.C.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.C.M.; Klink, J.M.M. van; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2020), Prevalence, risk factors, and outcome of postprocedural amniotic band disruption sequence after fetoscopic laser surgery in twin-twin transfusion syndrome, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 223(4).
- Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Lopriore, E.; Faiola, S.; Lanna, M.; Stirnemann, J.; Ville, Y.; Lewi, L.; Devlieger, R.; Weingertner, A.S.; Favre, R.; Hobson, S.R.; Ryan, G.; Rodo, C.; Arevalo, S.; Klaritsch, P.; Greimel, P.; Hecher, K.; Sousa, M.T. de; Khalil, A.; Thilaganathan, B.; Bergh, E.P.; Papanna, R.; Gardener, G.J.; Carlin, A.; Bevilacqua, E.; Sakalo, V.A.; Kostyukov, K.V.; Bahtiyar, M.O.; Wilpers, A.; Kilby, M.D.; Tiblad, E.; Oepkes, D.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Haak, M.C.; Klumper, F.J.C.M.; Akkermans, J. & Slaghekke, F. (2020), Post-laser twin anemia polycythemia sequence, Journal of Clinical Medicine 9(6).
- Gijtenbeek, M.; Haak, M.C.; Huberts, T.J.P.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.C.M.; Slaghekke, F.; Lopriore, E.; Oepkes, D. & Klink, J.M.M. van (2020), Perioperative fetal hemodynamic changes in twin-twin transfusion syndrome and neurodevelopmental outcome at two years of age, Prenatal Diagnosis 40(7).
- Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Lopriore, E.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.C.M.; Haak, M.C.; Oepkes, D. & Slaghekke, F. (2020), Prevalence of placental dichotomy, fetal cardiomegaly and starry-sky liver in twin anemia-polycythemia sequence, Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 56(3): 395-399.
- Ree, I.M.C.; Lopriore, E.; Zwiers, C.; Bohringer, S.; Janssen, M.W.M.; Oepkes, D. & Haas, M. de (2020), Suppression of compensatory erythropoiesis in hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn due to intrauterine transfusions, American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 223(1).
- Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Slaghekke, F.; Lewi, L.; Ville, Y.; Lanna, M.; Weingertner, A.; Ryan, G.; Arevalo, S.; Khalil, A.; Brock, C.O.; Klaritsch, P.; Hecher, K.; Gardener, G.; Bevilacqua, E.; Kostyukov, K.V.; Bahtiyar, M.O.; Kilby, M.D.; Tiblad, E.; Oepkes, D.; Lopriore, E. & Collaborators (2020), Treatment and outcome of 370 cases with spontaneous or post-laser twin anemia-polycythemia sequence managed in 17 fetal therapy centers, Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 56(3): 378-387.
- Murgano, D.; Khalil, A.; Prefumo, F.; Mieghem, T. van; Rizzo, G.; Heyborne, K.D.; Melchiorre, K.; Peeters, S.; Lewi, L.; Familiari, A.; Lopriore, E.; Oepkes, D.; Murata, M.; Anselem, O.; Buca, D.; Liberati, M.; Hack, K.; Nappi, L.; Baxi, L.V.; Scambia, G.; Acharya, G. & D'Antonio, F. (2020), Outcome of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome in monochorionic monoamniotic twin pregnancy: systematic review and meta-analysis, Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 55(3): 310-317.
- Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Lopriore, E.; Slaghekke, F.; Oepkes, D.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Haak, M.C.; Klumper, F.J.C.M.; Tan, R.N.G.B.; Rijken, M. & Klink, J.M.M. van (2020), High risk of long-term neurodevelopmental impairment in donor twins with spontaneous twin anemia-polycythemia sequence, Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 55(1): 39-46.
- Eschbach, S.J.; Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Oepkes, D.; Lopriore, E. & Haak, M.C. (2020), Intermittent absent and reversed umbilical artery flows in appropriately grown monochorionic diamniotic twins in relation to proximate cord insertion, Prenatal Diagnosis 40(10): 1284-1289.
- Kjeldsen-Kragh, J.; Fergusson, D.A.; Kjaer, M.; Lieberman, L.; Greinacher, A.; Murphy, M.F.; Bussel, J.; Bakchoul, T.; Corke, S.; Bertrand, G.; Oepkes, D.; Baker, J.M.; Hume, H.; Massey, E.; Kaplan, C.; Arnold, D.M.; Baidya, S.; Ryan, G.; Savoia, H.F.; Landry, D. & Shehata, N. (2020), Fetal/neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: a systematic review of impact of HLA-DRB3*01:01 on fetal/neonatal outcome, Blood Advances 4(14): 3368-3377.
- Hogan, W.J.; Grinenco, S.; Armstrong, A.; Devlieger, R.; Dangel, J.; Ferrer, Q.; Frommelt, M.; Galindo, A.; Gardiner, H.; Gelehrter, S.; Herberg, U.; Howley, L.; Jaeggi, E.; Miranda, J.; Morris, S.A.; Oepkes, D.; Pedra, S.; Peterson, R.; Sholler, G.; Simpson, J.; Strainic, J.; Vigneswarran, T.V.; Wacker-Gussmann, A.; Moon-Grady, A.J. & IFCIR Participants (2020), Fetal cardiac intervention for pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 47(10): 731-739.
- Clarke, G.; Bodnar, M.; Lozano, M.; Nadarajan, V.S.; Lee, C.; Baud, D.; Canellini, G.; Gleich-Nagel, T.; Torres, O.W.; Rey, P.L.; Bub, C.B.; Kutner, J.M.; Castilho, L.; Saifee, N.H.; Delaney, M.; Nester, T.; Wikman, A.; Tiblad, E.; Pierelli, L.; Matteocci, A.; Maresca, M.; Maisonneuve, E.; Cortey, A.; Jouannic, J.M.; Fornells, J.; Albersen, A.; Haas, M. de; Oepkes, D. & Lieberman, L. (2020), Vox Sanguinis International forum on the selection and preparation of blood components for intrauterine transfusion, Vox Sanguinis 115(8): e18-e38.
- Buffin-Meyer, B.; Klein, J.; Zanden, L.F.M. van der; Levtchenko, E.; Moulos, P.; Lounis, N.; Conte-Auriol, F.; Hindryckx, A.; Wuhl, E.; Persico, N.; Oepkes, D.; Schreuder, M.F.; Tkaczyk, M.; Ariceta, G.; Fossum, M.; Parvex, P.; Feitz, W.; Olsen, H.; Montini, G.; Decramer, S.; Schanstra, J.P. & ANTENATAL Consortium (2020), The ANTENATAL multicentre study to predict postnatal renal outcome in fetuses with posterior urethral valves, Clinical Kidney Journal 13(3): 371-379.
- Patel, N.D.; Nageotte, S.; Ing, F.F.; Armstrong, A.K.; Chmait, R.; Detterich, J.A.; Galindo, A.; Gardiner, H.; Grinenco, S.; Herberg, U.; Jaeggi, E.; Morris, S.A.; Oepkes, D.; Simpson, J.M.; Moon-Grady, A. & Pruetz, J.D. (2020), Procedural, pregnancy, and short-term outcomes after fetal aortic valvuloplasty, Catheterization & Cardiovascular Interventions 96(3): 626-632.
- Khalil, A.; Gordijn, S.; Ganzevoort, W.; Thilaganathan, B.; Johnson, A.; Baschat, A.A.; Hecher, K.; Reed, K.; Lewi, L.; Deprest, J.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2020), Consensus diagnostic criteria and monitoring of twin anemia-polycythemia sequence, Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 56(3): 388-394.
- Russcher, A.; Enders, A.; Brouwer, C.S. de; Oepkes, D.; Hahn, R.; Enders, M.; Kroes, A.C.M. & Vossen, A.C.T.M. (2020), Diagnosis of intrauterine parvovirus B19 infection at birth - value of DNA detection in neonatal blood and dried blood spots, Journal of Clinical Virology 129.
- Gijtenbeek, M.; Haak, M.C.; Eschbach, S.J.; Buijnsters, Z.A.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.C.M.; Oepkes, D. & Harkel, A.D.J. ten (2020), Early postnatal cardiac follow-up of survivors of twin-twin transfusion syndrome treated with fetoscopic laser coagulation, Journal of Perinatology 40.
- Ree, I.M.C.; Grauw, A.M. de; Bekker, V.; Haas, M. de; Pas, A.B. te; Oepkes, D.; Middeldorp, A.M. & Lopriore, E. (2020), Necrotizing enterocolitis in haemolytic disease of the newborn, Vox Sanguinis 115(2): 196-201.
- Vos, T.W. de; Winkelhorst, D.; Haas, M. de; Lopriore, E. & Oepkes, D. (2020), Epidemiology and management of fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia, Transfusion and Apheresis Science 59(1).
- Visser, G.L.; Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Bekker, V.; Pas, A.B. te; Lankester, A.C.; Oepkes, D.; Lopriore, E. & Verbeek, L. (2020), Leukocyte counts and other hematological values in twin-twin transfusion syndrome and twin anemia-polycythemia sequence, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 47(2): 123-128.
- Zhao, D.P.; Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Slaghekke, F.; Oepkes, D.; Duan, T. & Lopriore, E. (2020), Evaluation of color difference in placenta with twin anemia polycythemia sequence, Journal of Visualized Experiments 160.
- Schonewille, H.; Watering, L.M.G. van de; Oepkes, D.; Lopriore, E.; Cobbaert, C.M. & Brand, A. (2020), Prevalence of red-blood-cell and non-red-blood-cell-targeted autoantibodies in alloimmunized postpartum women, Vox Sanguinis 115(8).
- Knijnenburg, P.J.C.; Lopriore, E.; Oepkes, D.; Vreeken, N.; Tan, R.N.G.B.; Rijken, M. & Klink, J.M.M. van (2020), Neurodevelopmental Outcome After Fetoscopic Laser Surgery for Twin-twin Transfusion Syndrome: A Systematic Review of Follow-up Studies from the Last Decade, Maternal-Fetal Medicine 2(3).
- Fontanella, F.; Scheltema, P.N.A. van; Duin, L.; Cohen-Overbeek, T.E.; Pajkrt, E.; Bekker, M.N.; Willekes, C.; Oepkes, D. & Bilardo, C.M. (2019), Antenatal staging of congenital lower urinary tract obstruction, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 53(4): 520-524.
- Koelewijn, J.M.; Slootweg, Y.M.; Folman, C.; Kamp, I.L. van; Oepkes, D. & Haas, M. de (2019), Diagnostic value of laboratory monitoring to predict severe hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn in non-D and non-K-alloimmunized pregnancies., Transfusion 60(2).
- Vos, T.W. de; Winkelhorst, D.; Haas, M. de; Lopriore, E. & Oepkes, D. (2019), Epidemiology and management of fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia.
- Winkelhorst, D. & Oepkes, D. (2019), Foetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia, Best Practice and Research: Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 58.
- Brandsma, F.L.; Spruijt, M.S.; Rijken, M.; Tan, R.N.G.B.; Oepkes, D.; Lopriore, E. & Klink, J.M.M. van (2019), Behavioural outcome in twin-twin transfusion syndrome survivors treated with laser surgery, Archives of Diseases in Childhood Fetal Neonatal Edition 105(3).
- Winkelhorst, D.; Kamphuis, M.M.; Steggerda, S.J.; Rijken, M.; Oepkes, D.; Lopriore, E. & Klink, J.M.M. van (2019), Perinatal Outcome and Long-Term Neurodevelopment after Intracranial Haemorrhage due to Fetal and Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia., Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 45(3).
- Winkelhorst, D. & Oepkes, D. (2019), Foetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia, Best Practice and Research: Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 58: 15-27.
- Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Lopriore, E.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Haak, M.C.; Klumper, F.J.; Oepkes, D. & Slaghekke, F. (2019), Improved prediction of twin anemia-polycythemia sequence by delta middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity: new antenatal classification system, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 53(6): 788-793.
- Fontanella, F.; Maggio, L.; Verheij, J.B.G.M.; Duin, L.K.; Scheltema, P.N.A. van; Cohen-Overbeek, T.E.; Pajkrt, E.; Bekker, M.; Willekes, C.; Bax, C.J.; Gracchi, V.; Oepkes, D. & Bilardo, C.M. (2019), Fetal megacystis: a lot more than LUTO, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 53(6): 779-787.
- Knijnenburg, P.J.C.; Slaghekke, F.; Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Klink, J.M. van; Zhao, D.P.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Haak, M.C.; Klumper, F.J.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2019), Incidence of and Risk Factors for Residual Anastomoses in Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome Treated with Laser Surgery: A 15-Year Single-Center Experience, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 45(1): 13-20.
- Witlox, R.S.G.M.; Lopriore, E.; Rijken, M.; Klumper, F.J.C.M.; Oepkes, D. & Klink, J.M.M. van (2019), Long-Term Neurodevelopmental and Respiratory Outcome after Intrauterine Therapy for Fetal Thoracic Abnormalities, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 45(3): 162-167.
- Spruijt, M.S.; Lopriore, E.; Tan, R.N.G.B.; Slaghekke, F.; Klumper, F.J.C.M.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Haak, M.C.; Oepkes, D.; Rijken, M. & Klink, J. van (2019), Long-Term Neurodevelopmental Outcome in Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome: Is there still Room for Improvement?, Journal of Clinical Medicine 8(8).
- Lieberm, L.; Greinacher, A.; Murphy, M.F.; Bussel, J.; Bakchoul, T.; Corke, S.; Kjae, M.; Kjeldsen-Kragh, J.; Bertrand, G.; Oepkes, D.; Bake, J.M.; Hum, H.; Masse, E.; Kapla, C.; Arnold, D.M.; Baidya, S.; Ryan, G.; Savoia, H.; Landry, D.; Shehata, N. & ICTMG (2019), Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: recommendations for evidence-based practice, an international approach, British Journal of Haematology 185(3): 549-562.
- Kjeldsen-Kragh J, Fergusson DA, Kjaer M, Lieberman L, Greinacher A, Murphy MF, Bussel J, Bakchoul T, Corke S, Bertrand G, Oepkes D, Baker JM, Hume H, Massey E, Kaplan C, Arnold DM, Baidya S, Ryan G, Savoia H, Landry D & Shehata N (2019), Fetal and Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Impact of HLA-DRB3*01:01 on Neonatal Outcome in HPA-1a Immunized Women, Transfusion 59: 131A-131A.
- Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Knijnenburg, P.C.J.; Wolf, J.L.; Slaghekke, F.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Haak, M.C.; Klumper, F.J.C.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2019), Fatal Umbilical Cord Strangulation in the Remaining Co-Twin after Selective Foeticide with Radiofrequency Ablation for Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 45(6): 441-444.
- Kjaer, M.; Bertrand, G.; Bakchoul, T.; Massey, E.; Baker, J.M.; Lieberman, L.; Tanael, S.; Greinacher, A.; Murphy, M.F.; Arnold, D.M.; Baidya, S.; Bussel, J.; Hume, H.; Kaplan, C.; Oepkes, D.; Ryan, G.; Savoia, H.; Shehata, N.; Kjeldsen-Kragh, J.; Allard, S.; Bianco, C.; Callum, J.; Compernolle, V.; Fergusson, D.; Fung, M.; Greinacher, A.; Hume, H.; Lieberman, L.; Murphy, M.F.; Nahirniak, S.; Pavenski, K.; Pink, J.; Shehata, N.; So-Osman, C.; Stanworth, S.J.; Szczepiorkowski, Z.M.; Tanael, S.; Wood, E. & Int Collaboration Transfusion Med (2019), Maternal HPA-1a antibody level and its role in predicting the severity of Fetal/Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia: a systematic review, Vox Sanguinis 114(1): 79-94.
- Eschbach, S.J.; Gijtenbeek, M.; Geloven, N. van; Oepkes, D. & Haak, M.C. (2019), Measurement of cardiac function by cardiac time intervals, applicability in normal pregnancy and twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, Journal of Echocardiography 17(3): 129-137.
- Winkelhorst, D.; Kamphuis, M.M.; Steggerda, S.J.; Rijken, M.; Oepkes, D.; Lopriore, E. & Klink, J.M.M. van (2019), Perinatal Outcome and Long-Term Neurodevelopment after Intracranial Haemorrhage due to Fetal and Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 45(3): 184-191.
- Baker, J.M.; Shehata, N.; Bussel, J.; Murphy, M.F.; Greinacher, A.; Bakchoul, T.; Massey, E.; Lieberman, L.; Landry, D.; Tanael, S.; Arnold, D.M.; Baidya, S.; Bertrand, G.; Kjaer, M.; Kaplan, C.; Kjeldsen-Kragh, J.; Oepkes, D.; Savoia, H.; Ryan, G.; Hume, H.; Allard, S.; Bianco, C.; Callum, J.; Compernolle, V.; Fergusson, D.; Fung, M.; Nahirniak, S.; Pavenski, K.; Pink, J.; Ponnampalam, A.; Rebulla, P.; So-Osman, C.; Stanworth, S.J.; Szczepiorkowski, Z.M.; Tinmouth, A.T.; Wood, E. & ICTMG (2019), Postnatal intervention for the treatment of FNAIT: a systematic review, Journal of Perinatology 39(10): 1329-1339.
- Ree, I.M.C.; Haas, M. de; Middelburg, R.A.; Zwiers, C.; Oepkes, D.; Bom, J.G. van der & Lopriore, E. (2019), Predicting anaemia and transfusion dependency in severe alloimmune haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn in the first 3 months after birth, British Journal of Haematology 186(4): 565-573.
- Schonewille, H.; Rood, J.J. van; Verduin, E.P.; Watering, L.M.G. van de; Haasnoot, G.W.; Claas, F.H.J.; Oepkes, D.; Lopriore, E. & Brand, A. (2019), Exposure to non-inherited maternal antigens by breastfeeding affects antibody responsiveness, Haematologica 104(2): 263-268.
- Koelewijn, J.M.; Slootweg, Y.M.; Folman, C.; Kamp, I.L. van; Oepkes, D. & Haas, M. de (2019), Diagnostic value of laboratory monitoring to predict severe hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn in non-D and non-K-alloimmunized pregnancies, Transfusion.
- Duin, L.K.; Fontanella, F.; Groen, H.; Scheltema, P.N.A. van; Cohen-Overbeek, T.E.; Pajkrt, E.; Bekker, M.; Willekes, C.; Bax, C.J.; Oepkes, D. & Bilardo, C.M. (2019), Prediction model of postnatal renal function in fetuses with lower urinary tract obstruction (LUTO)-Development and internal validation, Prenatal Diagnosis.
- Khalil, A.; Duffy, J.M.N.; Perry, H.; Ganzevoort, W.; Reed, K.; Baschat, A.A.; Deprest, J.; Gratacos, E.; Hecher, K.; Lewi, L.; Lopriore, E.; Oepkes, D.; Papageorghiou, A.; Gordijn, S.J. & Int Collaboration Harmonise Outcom (2019), Study protocol: developing, disseminating, and implementing a core outcome set for selective fetal growth restriction in monochorionic twin pregnancies, Trials 20.
- Groene, S.G.; Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Oepkes, D.; Lopriore, E. & Klink, J.M.M. van (2019), The Impact of Selective Fetal Growth Restriction or Birth Weight Discordance on Long-Term Neurodevelopment in Monochorionic Twins: A Systematic Literature Review, Journal of Clinical Medicine 8(7).
- Gijtenbeek, M.; Eschbach, S.J.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.C.M.; Slaghekke, F.; Oepkes, D. & Haak, M.C. (2019), The value of echocardiography and Doppler in the prediction of fetal demise after laser coagulation for TTTS: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Prenatal Diagnosis 39(10): 838-847.
- Meij, K.R.M. van der; Sistermans, E.A.; Macville, M.V.E.; Stevens, S.J.C.; Bax, C.J.; Bekker, M.N.; Bilardo, C.M.; Boon, E.M.J.; Boter, M.; Diderich, K.E.M.; Die-Smulders, C.E.M. de; Duin, L.K.; Faas, B.H.W.; Feenstra, I.; Haak, M.C.; Hoffer, M.J.V.; Hollander, N.S. den; Hollink, I.H.I.M.; Jehee, F.S.; Knapen, M.F.C.M.; Kooper, A.J.A.; Langen, I.M. van; Lichtenbelt, K.D.; Linskens, I.H.; Maarle, M.C. van; Oepkes, D.; Pieters, M.J.; Schuring-Blom, G.H.; Sikkel, E.; Sikkema-Raddatz, B.; Smeets, D.F.C.M.; Srebniak, M.I.; Suijkerbuijk, R.F.; Tan-Sindhunata, G.M.; Ven, A.J.E.M. van der; Zelderen-Bhola, S.L. van; Henneman, L.; Galjaard, R.J.H.; Opstal, D. van; Weiss, M.M. & Dutch NIPT Consortium (2019), TRIDENT-2: National Implementation of Genome-wide Non-invasive Prenatal Testing as a First-Tier Screening Test in the Netherlands, American Journal of Human Genetics 105(6): 1091-1101.
- Perry, H.; Duffy, J.M.N.; Reed, K.; Baschat, A.; Deprest, J.; Hecher, K.; Lewi, L.; Lopriore, E.; Oepkes, D.; Khalil, A.; Coroyannakis, C.; Duffy, D.; Giallongo, E.; Turier, H.; Toms, J.; Lundie, K.; Paramanantham, K.; Burton, L.; Windsor, S.; Francis, S. & Int Collaboration Harmonise (2019), Core outcome set for research studies evaluating treatments for twin-twin transfusion syndrome, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 54(2): 255-261.
- Khalil, A.; Beune, I.; Hecher, K.; Wynia, K.; Ganzevoort, W.; Reed, K.; Lewi, L.; Oepkes, D.; Gratacos, E.; Thilaganathan, B. & Gordijn, S.J. (2019), Consensus definition and essential reporting parameters of selective fetal growth restriction in twin pregnancy: a Delphi procedure, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 53(1): 47-54.
- Gijtenbeek, M.; Shirzada, M.R.; Harkel, A.D.J. ten; Oepkes, D. & Haak, M.C. (2019), Congenital Heart Defects in Monochorionic Twins: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Journal of Clinical Medicine 8(6).
- Simons NE, de Ruigh AA, van' t Hooft J, van Teeffelen AS, Duijnhoven RG, van Wassenaer-Leemhuis AG, Aarnoudse-Moens C, van de Beek C, Oepkes D, Woiski M, Porath MM, Roseboom TJ, Mol B & Pajkrt E (2019), Child outcomes after amnioinfusion versus no intervention in midtrimester PPROM: follow-up of the PPROMEXIL-III trial, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 220(1): S313-S314.
- Fontanella, F.; Duin, L.; Scheltema, P.N.A. van; Cohen-Overbeek, T.E.; Pajkrt, E.; Bekker, M.; Willekes, C.; Bax, C.J.; Oepkes, D. & Bilardo, C.M. (2019), Antenatal Workup of Early Megacystis and Selection of Candidates for Fetal Therapy, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 45(3): 155-161.
- Kempen, L.E.M. van; Teeffelen, A.S. van; Ruigh, A.A. de; Oepkes, D.; Haak, M.C.; Leeuwen, E. van; Woiski, M.; Porath, M.M.; Bax, C.J.; Wassenaer-Leemhuis, A.G. van; Mulder, A.L.; Ham, D.P. van der; Willekes, C.; Franssen, M.T.; Derks, J.B.; Schuit, E.; Mol, B.W. & Pajkrt, E. (2019), Amnioinfusion Compared With No Intervention in Women With Second-Trimester Rupture of Membranes A Randomized Controlled Trial, Obstetrics and Gynecology 133(1): 129-136.
- Groene, S.G.; Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Klink, J.M.M. van; Haak, M.C.; Klumper, F.J.C.M.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Oepkes, D.; Slaghekke, F. & Lopriore, E. (2019), Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome with and without Selective Fetal Growth Restriction Prior to Fetoscopic Laser Surgery: Short and Long-Term Outcome, Journal of Clinical Medicine 8(7).
- Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Slaghekke, F.; Klink, J.M.M. van; Groene, S.G.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Haak, M.C.; Klumper, F.J.C.M.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2019), Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome with Anemia-Polycythemia: Prevalence, Characteristics, and Outcome, Journal of Clinical Medicine 8(8).
- (2018), Improved antenatal prediction of twin anemia-polycythemia sequence by delta middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity: a new antenatal classification system., Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
- Lieberman Lani, Greinacher Andreas, Murphy Michael F., Bakchoul Tamam, Corke Stacy, Tanael Susano, Kjaer Mette, Kjeldsen-Kragh Jens, Bertrand Gerald, Oepkes Dick, Baker Jillian M., Hume Heather, Massey Edwin, Bussel James B., Kaplan Cecile, Arnold Donald M., Baidya Shoma, Ryan Greg, Savoia Helen, Landry Denise & Shehata Nadine (2018), Fetal-Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia (FNAIT): Guidance to Reduce the Risk of Intracranial Bleeding, Blood 132.
- Fontanella, F.; Duin, L.K.; Scheltema, P.N.A. van; Cohen-Overbeek, T.E.; Pajkrt, E.; Bekker, M.; Willekes, C.; Bax, C.J.; Gracchi, V.; Oepkes, D. & Bilardo, C.M. (2018), Prenatal diagnosis of LUTO: improving diagnostic accuracy, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 52(6): 739-743.
- Opstal, D. van; Maarle, M.C. van; Lichtenbelt, K.; Weiss, M.M.; Schuring-Blom, H.; Bhola, S.L.; Hoffer, M.J.V.; Huijsdens-van Amsterdam, K.; Macville, M.V.; Kooper, A.J.A.; Faas, B.H.W.; Govaerts, L.; Tan-Sindhunata, G.M.; Hollander, N. den; Feenstra, I.; Galjaard, R.J.H.; Oepkes, D.; Ghesquiere, S.; Brouwer, R.W.W.; Beulen, L.; Bollen, S.; Elferink, M.G.; Straver, R.; Henneman, L.; Page-Christiaens, G.C.; Sistermans, E.A. & Dutch NIPT Consortium (2018), Origin and clinical relevance of chromosomal aberrations other than the common trisomies detected by genome-wide NIPS: results of the TRIDENT study, Genetics in Medicine 20(5): 480-485.
- Zwiers, C.; Bom, J.G. van der; Kamp, I.L. van; Geloven, N. van; Lopriore, E.; Smoleniec, J.; Devlieger, R.; Sim, P.E.; Ledingham, M.A.; Tiblad, E.; Moise, K.J.; Gloning, K.P.; Kilby, M.D.; Overton, T.G.; Jorgensen, D.S.; Schou, K.V.; Paek, B.; Walker, M.; Parry, E.; Oepkes, D. & Haas, M. de (2018), Postponing Early intrauterine Transfusion with Intravenous immunoglobulin Treatment; the PETIT study on severe hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 219(3).
- Winkelhorst D., Oostweegel M., Porcelijn L., Middelburg R., Zwaginga J-J, Oepkes D., van der Bom J. G., de Haas M., Lopriore E. & Zwiers C. (2018), Treatment and outcomes of fetal/neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: A nationwide cohort study in newly detected cases, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 125: 97-97.
- Zwiers, C.; Oepkes, D.; Lopriore, E.; Klumper, F.J.; Haas, M. de & Kamp, I.L. van (2018), The near disappearance of fetal hydrops in relation to current state-of-the-art management of red cell alloimmunization, Prenatal Diagnosis 38(12): 943-950.
- Kosinska-Kaczynska, K.; Lipa, M.; Szymusik, I.; Bomba-Opon, D.; Brawura-Biskupski-Samaha, R.; Kozlowski, S.; Tollenaar, L.S.; Oepkes, D.; Wielgos, M. & Lopriore, E. (2018), Sudden Fetal Hematologic Changes as a Complication of Amnioreduction in Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 44(4): 311-314.
- Zwiers C., van der Bom J., van Kamp I, van Geloven N., Smoleniec J., Devlieger R., Sim P., Ledingham M. A., Tiblad E., Moise, K. Jr., Gloning K-P, Kilby M., Overton T., Jorgensen D., Schou K., Paek B., Walker M., Parry E., Oepkes D. & de Haas M. (2018), Postponing early intrauterine transfusion with IVIg treatment; the PETIT study on severe hemolytic disease of the fetus, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 125: 4-4.
- Groot-van der Mooren, M.D. de; Tamminga, S.; Oepkes, D.; Weijerman, M.E. & Cornel, M.C. (2018), Older mothers and increased impact of prenatal screening: stable livebirth prevalence of trisomy 21 in the Netherlands for the period 2000-2013, European Journal of Human Genetics 26(2): 157-165.
- Piek, M.W.; Oepkes, D.; Lopriore, E. & Hulsker, C.C. (2018), Ileal blowout due to ileal atresia in a donor with twin-to-twin transfusion after fetoscopic laser surgery, Annals of Pediatric Surgery 14(1): 42-43.
- Zhao, D.P.; Verbeek, L.; Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Pas, A.B. te; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2018), Inter-twin hemoglobin difference at birth in uncomplicated monochorionic twins in relation to the size of the placental anastomoses, Placenta 74: 28-31.
- Gaisser, F.; Peeters, S.H.P.; Lenseigne, B.A.J.; Jonker, P.P. & Oepkes, D. (2018), Stable Image Registration for In-Vivo Fetoscopic Panorama Reconstruction, Journal of Imaging 4(1).
- Spruijt, M.S.; Tameeris, E.; Zhao, D.P.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Haak, M.C.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2018), Incidence and Causes of Intentional Fetal or Neonatal Demise in Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 43(1): 19-25.
- Groene, S.G.; Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Slaghekke, F.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Haak, M.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2018), Placental characteristics in monochorionic twins with selective intrauterine growth restriction in relation to the umbilical artery Doppler classification, Placenta 71: 1-5.
- Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Knijnenburg, P.C.J.; Wolf, J.L.; Slaghekke, F.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Haak, M.C.; Klumper, F.J.C.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2018), Fatal Umbilical Cord Strangulation in the Remaining Co-Twin after Selective Foeticide with Radiofrequency Ablation for Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 12.
- Zwiers, C.; Koelewijn, J.M.; Vermij, L.; Sambeeck, J. van; Oepkes, D.; Haas, M. de & Schoot, C.E. van der (2018), ABO incompatibility and RhIG immunoprophylaxis protect against non-D alloimmunization by pregnancy, Transfusion 58(7): 1611-1617.
- Eschbach, S.J.; Harkel, A.D.J. ten; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.C.M.; Oepkes, D.; Lopriore, E. & Haak, M.C. (2018), Acquired right ventricular outflow tract obstruction in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome; a prospective longitudinal study, Prenatal Diagnosis 38(13): 1013-1019.
- Gijtenbeek, M.; Lopriore, E.; Steggerda, S.J.; Pas, A.B. te; Oepkes, D. & Haak, M.C. (2018), Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn after fetomaternal hemorrhage, Transfusion 58(12): 2819-2824.
- Slaghekke Femke, Tollenaar Lisanne, Middeldorp Annemieke, Haak Monique, Klumper Frans, Lopriore Enrico & Oepkes Dick (2018), Additional value of delta MCA-PSV to predict TAPS, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 218(1): S277-S278.
- Donepudi, R.; Akkermans, J.; Mann, L.; Klumper, F.J.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Lopriore, E.; Moise, K.J.; Bebbington, M.; Johnson, A.; Oepkes, D. & Papanna, R. (2018), Impact of cannula size on recurrent twin-twin transfusion syndrome and twin anemia-polycythemia sequence after fetoscopic laser surgery, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 52(6): 744-749.
- Slootweg, Y.M.; Lindenburg, I.T.; Koelewijn, J.M.; Kamp, I.L. van; Oepkes, D. & Haas, M. de (2018), Predicting anti-Kell-mediated hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn: diagnostic accuracy of laboratory management, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 219(4).
- Sun, L.M.; Zou, G.; Zhou, F.H.; Yang, Y.J.; Oepkes, D. & Duan, T. (2018), Outcome of dichorionic triamniotic triplet: the experience from an emerging fetal therapy center, Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 31(23): 3075-3079.
- Witlox, R.S.G.M.; Klumper, F.J.C.M.; Pas, A.B. te; Zwet, E.W. van; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2018), Neonatal management and outcome after thoracoamniotic shunt placement for fetal hydrothorax, Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition 103(3): F245-F249.
- Akkermans, J.; Vries, S.M. de; Zhao, D.P.; Peeters, S.H.P.; Klumper, F.J.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Oepkes, D.; Slaghekke, F. & Lopriore, E. (2017), What is the impact of placental tissue damage after laser surgery for twin-twin transfusion syndrome? A secondary analysis of the Solomon trial, Placenta 52: 71-76.
- Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Slaghekke, F.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Lopriore, E. & Oepkes, D. (2017), TAPS TRIAL: Fetoscopic laser surgery versus care as usual for twin anaemia polycythaemia sequence: An open-label randomized controlled trial, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 124: 48-48.
- Gijtenbeek, M.; Haak, M.C.; Harkel, D.J. ten; Pas, A.B. te; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.C.M.; Geloven, N. van; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2017), Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn in Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome: A Case-Control Study, Neonatology 112(4): 402-408.
- Witlox, R.; Klumper, F.; Pas, A. te; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2017), Neonatal outcome after thoracoamniotic shunting for fetal hydrothorax, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 124: 38-38.
- Ree, I.M.C.; Smits-Wintjens, V.E.H.J.; Bom, J.G. van der; Klink, J.M.M. van; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2017), Neonatal management and outcome in alloimmune hemolytic disease, Expert Review of Hematology 10(7): 607-616.
- Witlox, R.; Lopriore, E.; Klumper, F.; Rijken, M.; Oepkes, D. & Klink, J. van (2017), Long-term neurodevelopmental outcome after fetal therapy for congenital lung lesions, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 124: 44-45.
- Zwiers, C.; Kamp, I. van; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2017), Intrauterine transfusion and non-invasive treatment options for hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn - review on current management and outcome, Expert Review of Hematology 10(4): 337-344.
- Tedjawirja, V.N.; Klink, J.M. van; Haak, M.C.; Klumper, F.J.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Lopriore, E. & Oepkes, D. (2017), Intrauterine transfusion after single fetal demise in monochorionic twins?, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 124: 30-30.
- Akkermans, J.; Donk, L. van der; Peeters, S.H.P.; Tuijl, S. van; Middeldorp, J.M.; Lopriore, E. & Oepkes, D. (2017), Impact of Laser Power and Firing Angle on Coagulation Efficiency in Laser Treatment for Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome: An ex vivo Placenta Study, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 42(3): 204-209.
- Verbeek, L.; Zhao, D.; Middeldorp, A.; Oepkes, D.; Hooper, S.; Pas, A.T. & Lopriore, E. (2017), Hemoglobin discordances in twins: Due to differences in timing of cord clamping?, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 124: 65-66.
- Verbeek, L.; Slaghekke, F.; Sueters, M.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.; Haak, M.C.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2017), Hematological disorders at birth in complicated monochorionic twins, Expert Review of Hematology 10(6): 525-532.
- Kamphuis, M.M.; Tiller, H.; Akker, E.S. van den; Westgren, M.; Tiblad, E. & Oepkes, D. (2017), Fetal and Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia: Management and Outcome of a Large International Retrospective Cohort, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 41(4): 251-257.
- Winkelhorst, D.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2017), Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: evidence based antenatal and postnatal management strategies, Expert Review of Hematology 10(8): 729-737.
- Kempen, L.E. van; Teeffelen, A.S. van; Ruigh, A.A. de; Oepkes, D.; Haak, M.C.; Leeuwen, E. van; Willekes, C.; Woiski, M.; Porath, M.M.; Bax, C.; Franssen, M.T.M.; Derks, J.B.; Schuit, E.; Mol, B.W.J. & Pajkrt, E. (2017), Does amnioinfusion improve perinatal outcome in midtrimester rupture of membranes?: a randomized controlled trial (PPROMEXIL-III), American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 216(1): S62-S63.
- Zwiers, C.; Lindenburg, I.; Klumper, F.; Haas, M. de; Oepkes, D. & Kamp, I. van (2017), Complications of intrauterine intravascular blood transfusions: Lessons learned after 1678 procedures, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 124: 5-6.
- Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Zhao, D.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Slaghekke, F.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2017), Can colour difference on the maternal side of the placenta help distinguish between acute peripartum twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome and twin anaemia polycythaemia sequence?, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 124: 47-47.
- Winkelhorst, D.; Murphy, M.; Greinacher, A.; Bakchoul, T.; Massey, E.; Baker, J.; Lieberman, L.; Tanael, S.; Shehata, N.; Hume, H.; Arnold, D.; Baidya, S.; Bertrand, G.; Bussel, J.; Kjaer, M.; Kaplan, C.; Kjeldsen-Kragh, J.; Oepkes, D. & Ryan, G. (2017), Antenatal management in fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: A systematic review, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 124: 48-49.
- Winkelhorst, D.; Murphy, M.F.; Greinacher, A.; Shehata, N.; Bakchoul, T.; Massey, E.; Baker, J.; Lieberman, L.; Tanael, S.; Hume, H.; Arnold, D.M.; Baidya, S.; Bertrand, G.; Bussel, J.; Kjaer, M.; Kaplan, C.; Kjeldsen-Kragh, J.; Oepkes, D. & Ryan, G. (2017), Antenatal management in fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: a systematic review, Blood 129(11): 1538-1547.
- Eschbach, S.J.; Boons, L.S.T.M.; Zwet, E. van; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.C.M.; Lopriore, E.; Teunissen, A.K.K.; Rijlaarsdam, M.E.; Oepkes, D.; Harkel, A.D.J. ten & Haak, M.C. (2017), Right ventricular outflow tract obstruction in complicated monochorionic twin pregnancy, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 49(6): 737-743.
- Schendel, R.V. van; Page-Christiaens, G.C.M.L.; Beulen, L.; Bilardo, C.M.; Boer, M.A. de; Coumans, A.B.C.; Faas, B.H.W.; Langen, I.M. van; Lichtenbelt, K.D.; Maarle, M.C. van; Macville, M.V.E.; Oepkes, D.; Pajkrt, E.; Henneman, L. & Dutch NIPT Consortium (2017), Women's Experience with Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing and Emotional Well-being and Satisfaction after Test-Results, Journal of Genetic Counseling 26(6): 1348-1356.
- Khalil, A.; Perry, H.; Duffy, J.; Reed, K.; Baschat, A.; Deprest, J.; Hecher, K.; Lewi, L.; Lopriore, E.; Oepkes, D. & Int Collaboration Harmonise (2017), Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome: study protocol for developing, disseminating, and implementing a core outcome set, Trials 18.
- Verbeek, L.; Zhao, D.P.P.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Oepkes, D.; Hooper, S.B.; Pas, A.B.T. & Lopriore, E. (2017), Haemoglobin discordances in twins: due to differences in timing of cord clamping?, Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition 102(4): F324-F328.
- Zwiers, C.; Lindenburg, I.T.M.; Klumper, F.J.; Haas, M. de; Oepkes, D. & Kamp, I.L. van (2017), Complications of intrauterine intravascular blood transfusion: lessons learned after 1678 procedures, Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 50(2): 180-186.
- Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Zhao, D.P.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Oepkes, D.; Slaghekke, F. & Lopriore, E. (2017), Can color difference on the maternal side of the placenta distinguish between acute peripartum twin-twin transfusion syndrome and twin anemia polycythemia sequence?, Placenta 57: 189-193.
- Winkelhorst, D.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2017), Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: evidence based antenatal and postnatal management strategies., Expert Review of Hematology 10(8).
- Winkelhorst, D.; Loeff, R.M.; Akker-Van Marle, M.E. van den; Haas, M. de & Oepkes, D. (2017), Women’s attitude towards routine human platelet antigen-screening in pregnancy, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 96(8).
- Oepkes, D. & Sueters, M. (2017), Antenatal fetal surveillance in multiple pregnancies, Best Practice and Research: Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 38: 59-70.
- Winkelhorst, D.; Loeff, R.M.; Akker-Van Marle, M.E. van den; Haas, M. de & Oepkes, D. (2017), Women's attitude towards routine human platelet antigen-screening in pregnancy, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 96(8): 991-997.
- Verbeek, L.; Joemmanbaks, F.A.; Quak, J.M.E.; Sukhai, R.N.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2017), Renal function in neonates with twin-twin transfusion syndrome treated with or without fetoscopic laser surgery, European Journal of Pediatrics 176(9): 1209-1215.
- Wolf, H.; Arabin, B.; Lees, C.C.; Oepkes, D.; Prefumo, F.; Thilaganathan, B.; Todros, T.; Visser, G.H.A.; Bilardo, C.M.; Derks, J.B.; Diemert, A.; Duvekot, J.J.; Ferrazzi, E.; Frusca, T.; Hecher, K.; Marlow, N.; Martinelli, P.; Ostermayer, E.; Papageorghiou, A.T.; Scheepers, H.C.J.; Schlembach, D.; Schneider, K.T.M.; Valcamonico, A.; Wassenaer-Leemhuis, A. van; Ganzevoort, W. & TRUFFLE Grp (2017), Longitudinal study of computerized cardiotocography in early fetal growth restriction, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 50(1): 71-78.
- Jantzen, D.W.; Moon-Grady, A.J.; Morris, S.A.; Armstrong, A.K.; Berg, C.; Dangel, J.; Fifer, C.G.; Frommelt, M.; Gembruch, U.; Herberg, U.; Jaeggi, E.; Kontopoulos, E.V.; Marshall, A.C.; Miller, O.; Oberhoffer, R.; Oepkes, D.; Pedra, C.A.; Pedra, S.R.; Peralta, F.; Quintero, R.A.; Ryan, G. & Gelehrter, S.K. (2017), Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome With Intact or Restrictive Atrial Septum A Report From the International Fetal Cardiac Intervention Registry, Circulation 136(14): 1346-+.
- Costa-Castro, T.; Zhao, D.P.; Lipa, M.; Haak, M.C.; Oepkes, D.; Severo, M.; Montenegro, N.; Matias, A. & Lopriore, E. (2016), Velamentous cord insertion in dichorionic and monochorionic twin pregnancies - Does it make a difference?, Placenta 42: 87-92.
- Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Slaghekke, F.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.; Haak, M.C.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2016), Twin Anemia Polycythemia Sequence: Current Views on Pathogenesis, Diagnostic Criteria, Perinatal Management, and Outcome, Twin Research and Human Genetics 19(3): 222-233.
- Schendel, R.V. van; Page-Christiaens, G.C.; Beulen, L.; Bilardo, C.M.; Boer, M.A. de; Coumans, A.B.C.; Faas, B.H.; Langen, I.M. van; Lichtenbelt, K.D.; Maarle, M.C. van; Macville, M.V.E.; Oepkes, D.; Pajkrt, E.; Henneman, L. & Dutch NIPT Consortium (2016), Trial by Dutch laboratories for evaluation of non-invasive prenatal testing. Part II-women's perspectives, Prenatal Diagnosis 36(12): 1091-1098.
- Oepkes, D.; Page-Christiaens, G.C.; Bax, C.J.; Bekker, M.N.; Bilardo, C.M.; Boon, E.M.J.; Schuring-Blom, G.H.; Coumans, A.B.C.; Faas, B.H.; Galjaard, R.J.H.; Go, A.T.; Henneman, L.; Macville, M.V.E.; Pajkrt, E.; Suijkerbuijk, R.F.; Huijsdens-van Amsterdam, K.; Opstal, D. van; Verweij, E.J.; Weiss, M.M.; Sistermans, E.A. & Dutch NIPT Consortium (2016), Trial by Dutch laboratories for evaluation of non-invasive prenatal testing. Part I-clinical impact, Prenatal Diagnosis 36(12): 1083-1090.
- Slootweg, Y.M.; Koelewijn, J.M.; Kamp, I.L. van; Bom, J.G. van der; Oepkes, D. & Haas, M. de (2016), Third trimester screening for alloimmunisation in Rhc-negative pregnant women: evaluation of the Dutch national screening programme, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 123(6): 955-963.
- Slaghekke, F. & Oepkes, D. (2016), Solomon Technique Versus Selective Coagulation for Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome, Twin Research and Human Genetics 19(3): 217-221.
- Verbeek, L.; Slaghekke, F.; Favre, R.; Vieujoz, M.; Cavigioli, F.; Lista, G.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2016), Short-Term Postnatal Renal Function in Twin Anemia-Polycythemia Sequence, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 39(3): 192-197.
- Winkelhorst, D.; Kamphuis, M.M.; Kloet, L.C. de; Zwaginga, J.J.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2016), Severe bleeding complications other than intracranial hemorrhage in neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: a case series and review of the literature, Transfusion 56(5): 1230-1235.
- Donepudi, R.; Akkermans, J.; Mann, L.; Klumper, F.J.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Lopriore, E.; Moise, K.J.; Bebbington, M.W.; Johnson, A.; Snowise, S.; Morales, Y.; Oepkes, D. & Papanna, R. (2016), Recurrent Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (rTTTS) and Twin Anemia Polycythemia Sequence (TAPS) after fetoscopic laser surgery (FLS), American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 214(1): S37-S38.
- Araujo Jr, E.; Eggink, A.J.; Dobbelsteen, J. van den; Martins, W.P. & Oepkes, D. (2016), Procedure-related complications of open vs endoscopic fetal surgery for treatment of spina bifida in an era of intrauterine myelomeningocele repair: systematic review and meta-analysis, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 48(2): 151-U42.
- Eschbach, S.J.; Boons, L.S.T.M.; Wolterbeek, R.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.C.M.; Lopriore, E.; Oepkes, D. & Haak, M.C. (2016), Prediction of single fetal demise after laser therapy for twin-twin transfusion syndrome, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 47(3): 356-362.
- Peeters, S.H.P.; Akkermans, J.; Bustraan, J.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Lopriore, E.; Devlieger, R.; Lewi, L.; Deprest, J. & Oepkes, D. (2016), Operator competence in fetoscopic laser surgery for twin-twin transfusion syndrome: validation of a procedure-specific evaluation tool, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 47(3): 350-355.
- Klink, J.M.M. van; Slaghekke, F.; Balestriero, M.A.; Scelsa, B.; Introvini, P.; Rustico, M.; Faiola, S.; Rijken, M.; Koopman, H.M.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2016), Neurodevelopmental outcome at 2 years in twin-twin transfusion syndrome survivors randomized for the Solomon trial, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 214(1).
- Sun, L.M.; Li, Y.; Zou, G.; Zhou, F.H.; Lei, X.P.; Cram, D.S.; Oepkes, D. & Wu, J.Q. (2016), Monochorionic twins with unequal placental sharing: why can the outcome still be favorable?, Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 29(8): 1261-1264.
- Kamphuis, M.; Paridaans, N.; Winkelhorst, D.; Wikman, A.; Tiblad, E.; Lopriore, E.; Westgren, M. & Oepkes, D. (2016), Lower-dose intravenous immunoglobulins for the treatment of fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: a cohort study, Transfusion 56(9): 2308-2313.
- Klink, J.M.M. van; Koopman, H.M.; Rijken, M.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2016), Long-Term Neurodevelopmental Outcome in Survivors of Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome, Twin Research and Human Genetics 19(3): 255-261.
- Winkelhorst, D.; Kamphuis, M.M.; Kloet, L.C. de; Zwaginga, J.J.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2016), Severe bleeding complications other than intracranial hemorrhage in neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: a case series and review of the literature., Transfusion 56(5).
- Khalil, A.; Rodgers, M.; Baschat, A.; Bhide, A.; Gratacos, E.; Hecher, K.; Kilby, M.D.; Lewi, L.; Nicolaides, K.H.; Oepkes, D.; Raine-Fenning, N.; Reed, K.; Salomon, L.J.; Sotiriadis, A.; Thilaganathan, B.; Ville, Y. & Clinical Stand Comm (2016), ISUOG Practice Guidelines: role of ultrasound in twin pregnancy, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 47(2): 247-263.
- Kempen, L.E.M. van; Zhao, D.P.; Steggerda, S.J.; Bekker, V.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2016), Increased Risk Of Early-Onset Neonatal Sepsis After Laser Surgery For Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome, Twin Research and Human Genetics 19(3): 234-240.
- Klink, J.M.M. van; Veen, S.J. van; Smits-Wintjens, V.E.H.J.; Lindenburg, I.T.M.; Rijken, M.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2016), Immunoglobulins in Neonates with Rhesus Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn: Long-Term Outcome in a Randomized Trial, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 39(3): 209-213.
- Zhao, D.P.; Cohen, D.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Zwet, E.W. van; Paepe, M.E. de; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2016), Histologic Chorioamnionitis and Funisitis After Laser Surgery for Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome, Obstetrics and Gynecology 128(2): 304-312.
- Verbeek, L.; Zhao, D.P.; Pas, A.B.T.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Hooper, S.B.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2016), Hemoglobin Differences in Uncomplicated Monochorionic Twins in Relation to Birth Order and Mode of Delivery.
- Steenis, A. van; Zhao, D.P.; Steggerda, S.J.; Kist, W.J.; Haak, M.C.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2016), Double fatal outcome after ruptured vasa previa in monochorionic twins: case report and review of the literature, Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 29(15): 2522-2525.
- Cambiaso, O.; Zhao, D.P.; Abasolo, J.I.; Aiello, H.A.; Oepkes, D.; Lopriore, E. & Otano, L. (2016), Discordance of cord insertions as a predictor of discordant fetal growth in monochorionic twins, Placenta 47: 81-85.
- Zhao, D.P.; Lipa, M.; Wielgos, M.; Cohen, D.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2016), Comparison Between Monochorionic and Dichorionic Placentas With Special Attention to Vascular Anastomoses and Placental Share, Twin Research and Human Genetics 19(3): 191-196.
- Tollenaar, L.S.A.; Zhao, D.P.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Slaghekke, F.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2016), Color Difference in Placentas with Twin Anemia-Polycythemia Sequence: An Additional Diagnostic Criterion?, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 40(2): 123-127.
- Oepkes, D.; Bartha, J.L.; Schmid, M. & Yaron, Y. (2016), Benefits of contingent screening vs primary screening by cell-free DNA testing: think again, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 47(5): 542-545.
- Slaghekke, F.; Zhao, D.P.P.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.; Haak, M.C.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2016), Antenatal management of twin-twin transfusion syndrome and twin anemia-polycythemia sequence, Expert Review of Hematology 9(8): 815-820.
- Lier, M.G.J.T.B. van; Lopriore, E.; Vandenbussche, F.P.H.A.; Streekstra, G.J.; Siebes, M.; Nikkels, P.G.J.; Oepkes, D.; Gemert, M.J.C. van & Wijngaard, J.P.H.M. van den (2016), Acardiac twinning: High resolution three-dimensional reconstruction of a low resistance case, Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology 106(3): 213-217.
- Zhao, D.P.; Dang, Q.; Haak, M.C.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.C.M.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2015), 'Superficial' anastomoses in monochorionic placentas are not always superficial, Placenta 36(9): 1059-1061.
- Akkermans, J.; Peeters, S.H.P.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.; Lopriore, E.; Ryan, G. & Oepkes, D. (2015), A worldwide survey of laser surgery for twin-twin transfusion syndrome, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 45(2): 168-174.
- Yaron, Y.; Jani, J.; Schmid, M. & Oepkes, D. (2015), Current Status of Testing for Microdeletion Syndromes and Rare Autosomal Trisomies Using Cell-Free DNA Technology, Obstetrics and Gynecology 126(5): 1095-1099.
- Verduin, E.P.; Brand, A.; Watering, L.M.G. van de; Claas, F.H.J.; Oepkes, D.; Lopriore, E.; Doxiadis, I.I.N. & Schonewille, H. (2015), Factors associated with persistence of red blood cell antibodies in woman after pregnancies complicated by fetal alloimmune haemolytic disease treated with intrauterine transfusions, British Journal of Haematology 168(3): 443-451.
- Klink, J.M.M. van; Lindenburg, I.T.M.; Inklaar, M.J.; Verduin, E.; Koopman, H.M.; Kamp, I.L. van; Schonewille, H.; Oepkes, D.; Lopriore, E. & Long-Term Follow-Up Intra-Uterine (2015), Health-Related Quality of Life and Behavioral Functioning after Intrauterine Transfusion for Alloimmune Anemia, Journal of Pediatrics 167(5): 1130-+.
- Visser, R.; Burger, N.C.M.; Zwet, E.W. van; Hilhorst-Hofstee, Y.; Haak, M.C.; Hoek, J. van den; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2015), Higher Incidence of Hypospadias in Monochorionic Twins, Twin Research and Human Genetics 18(5): 591-594.
- Peeters, S.H.P.; Akkermans, J.; Westra, M.; Lopriore, E.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.; Lewi, L.; Devlieger, R.; Deprest, J.; Kontopoulos, E.V.; Quintero, R.; Chmait, R.H.; Smoleniec, J.S.; Otano, L. & Oepkes, D. (2015), Identification of essential steps in laser procedure for twin-twin transfusion syndrome using the Delphi methodology: SILICONE study, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 45(4): 439-446.
- Zhao, D.P.; Cambiaso, O.; Otano, L.; Lewi, L.; Deprest, J.; Sun, L.M.; Duan, T.; Oepkes, D.; Shapiro, S.; Paepe, M.E. de & Lopriore, E. (2015), Veno-venous anastomoses in twin-twin transfusion syndrome: A multicenter study, Placenta 36(8): 911-914.
- Moon-Grady, A.J.; Morris, S.A.; Belfort, M.; Chmait, R.; Dangel, J.; Devlieger, R.; Emery, S.; Frommelt, M.; Galindo, A.; Gelehrter, S.; Gembruch, U.; Grinenco, S.; Habli, M.; Herberg, U.; Jaeggi, E.; Kilby, M.; Kontopoulos, E.; Marantz, P.; Miller, O.; Otano, L.; Pedra, C.; Pedra, S.; Pruetz, J.; Quintero, R.; Ryan, G.; Sharland, G.; Simpson, J.; Vlastos, E.; Tworetzky, W.; Wilkins-Haug, L. & Oepkes, D. (2015), International Fetal Cardiac Intervention Registry A Worldwide Collaborative Description and Preliminary Outcomes, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 66(4): 388-399.
- Slaghekke, F.; Wijngaard, J.P.H.M. van den; Akkermans, J.; Gemert, M.J.C. van; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2015), Intrauterine transfusion combined with partial exchange transfusion for twin anemia polycythemia sequence: Modeling a novel technique, Placenta 36(5): 599-602.
- Akkermans, J.; Peeters, S.H.; Klumper, F.J.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Lopriore, E. & Oepkes, D. (2015), Is the Sequential Laser Technique for Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome Truly Superior to the Standard Selective Technique? A Meta-Analysis, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 37(4): 251-258.
- Klink, J.M.M. van; Koopman, H.M.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.; Rijken, M.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2015), Long-term neurodevelopmental outcome after selective feticide in monochorionic pregnancies, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 122(11): 1517-1524.
- Akkermans, J.; Peeters, S.H.P.; Klumper, F.J.; Lopriore, E.; Middeldorp, J.M. & Oepkes, D. (2015), Twenty-Five Years of Fetoscopic Laser Coagulation in Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome: A Systematic Review, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 38(4): 241-253.
- Villiers, S.F. de; Zhao, D.P.; Cohen, D.; Zwet, E.W. van; Duan, T.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2015), Correlation between veno-venous anastomoses, TTTS and perinatal mortality in monochorionic twin pregnancies, Placenta 36(5): 603-606.
- Paridaans, N.P.; Kamphuis, M.M.; Wikman, A.T.; Tiblad, E.; Akker, E.S. van den; Lopriore, E.; Challis, D.; Westgren, M. & Oepkes, D. (2015), Low-Dose versus Standard-Dose Intravenous Immunoglobulin to Prevent Fetal Intracranial Hemorrhage in Fetal and Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia: A Randomized Trial, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 38(2): 147-153.
- Slaghekke, F.; Pasman, S.; Veujoz, M.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Lewi, L.; Devlieger, R.; Favre, R.; Lopriore, E. & Oepkes, D. (2015), Middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity to predict fetal hemoglobin levels in twin anemia-polycythemia sequence, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 46(4): 432-436.
- Zhao, D.P.; Peeters, S.H.P.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.; Duan, T.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2015), Monochorionic placentas with proximate umbilical cord insertions: Definition, prevalence and angio-architecture, Placenta 36(2): 221-225.
- Lugt, N.M. van der; Kamphuis, M.M.; Paridaans, N.P.M.; Figee, A.; Oepkes, D.; Walther, F.J. & Lopriore, E. (2015), Neonatal outcome in alloimmune thrombocytopenia after maternal treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin, Blood Transfusion == 13(1): 66-71.
- Oepkes, D.; Belfort, M.; Chmait, R.; Devlieger, R.; Emery, S.; Frommelt, M.; Galindo, A.; Gembruch, U.; Habli, M.; Herberg, U.; Jaeggi, E.; Kilby, M.; Marantz, P.; Morris, S.; Otano, L.; Pedra, C.; Preutz, J.; Quintero, R.; Ryan, G.; Sharland, G.; Simpson, J.; Tworetzky, W.; Vlastos, E.; Wilkins-Haug, L. & Moon-Grady, A. (2015), Pregnancy outcomes after fetal cardiac intervention: a report from the international fetal cardiac intervention registry, a worldwide collaborative, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 212(1): S162-S163.
- Klink, J.M.M. van; Steenis, A. van; Steggerda, S.J.; Genova, L.; Sueters, M.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2015), Single fetal demise in monochorionic pregnancies: incidence and patterns of cerebral injury, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 45(3): 294-300.
- Peeters, S.H.P.; Akkermans, J.; Slaghekke, F.; Bustraan, J.; Lopriore, E.; Haak, M.C.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.; Lewi, L.; Devlieger, R.; Catte, L. de; Deprest, J.; Ek, S.; Kublickas, M.; Lindgren, P.; Tiblad, E. & Oepkes, D. (2015), Simulator training in fetoscopic laser surgery for twin-twin transfusion syndrome: a pilot randomized controlled trial, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 46(3): 319-326.
- Oepkes, D.; Tabor, A. & Yaron, Y. (2015), Prenatal aneuploidy screening using cell free DNA, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 213(4): 596-597.
- Ovaere, C.; Eggink, A.; Richter, J.; Cohen-Overbeek, T.E.; Calenbergh, F. van; Jansen, K.; Oepkes, D.; Devlieger, R.; Catte, L. de & Deprest, J.A. (2015), Prenatal Diagnosis and Patient Preferences in Patients with Neural Tube Defects around the Advent of Fetal Surgery in Belgium and Holland, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 37(3): 226-234.
- Oepkes, D. & Haak, M. (2014), Extracardiac malformations: associations and importance: consequences for perinatal management of foetal cardiac patients, Cardiology in the Young 24: 55-59.
- Wagner, M.M.; Dunne, F.M. van; Kuipers, I.; Thornton, N.; Folman, C.C.; Ponjee, G.A. & Oepkes, D. (2014), Anti-Emm in a pregnant patient - case report, Vox Sanguinis 106(4): 385-386.
- Zhao, D.P.; Cohen, D.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.; Haak, M.C.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2014), The role of veno-venous anastomoses in twin-twin transfusion syndrome, Placenta 35(5): 334-336.
- Oepkes, D.; Yaron, Y.; Kozlowski, P.; Sousa, M.J.R. de; Bartha, J.L.; Akker, E.S. van den; Dornan, S.M.; Krampl-Bettelheim, E.; Schmid, M.; Wielgos, M.; Cirigliano, V.; Renzo, G.C. di; Cameron, A.; Calda, P. & Tabor, A. (2014), Counseling for non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT): what pregnant women may want to know, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 44(1): 1-5.
- Inklaar, M.J.; Klink, J.M.M. van; Stolk, T.T.; Zwet, E.W. van; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2014), Cerebral injury in monochorionic twins with selective intrauterine growth restriction: a systematic review, Prenatal Diagnosis 34(3): 205-213.
- Baschat, A.A. & Oepkes, D. (2014), Twin Anemia-Polycythemia Sequence in Monochorionic Twins: Implications for Diagnosis and Treatment, American Journal of Perinatology 31: S25-S29.
- Lopriore, E.; Holtkamp, N.; Sueters, M.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Walther, F.J. & Oepkes, D. (2014), Acute peripartum twin-twin transfusion syndrome: Incidence, risk factors, placental characteristics and neonatal outcome, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 40(1): 18-24.
- Slaghekke, F.; Klumper, F.; Peeters, S.; Favre, R.; Middeldorp, J.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2014), Antenatal twin anemia polycythemia sequence (TAPS): management and outcome, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 210(1): S120-S121.
- Mheen, L. van de; Everwijn, S.M.P.; Knapen, M.F.C.M.; Oepkes, D.; Engels, M.; Manten, G.T.R.; Zondervan, H.; Wirjosoekarto, S.A.M.; Vugt, J.M.G. van; Erwich, J.J.H.M.; Bijvank, S.W.A.N.; Ravelli, A.; Heemelaar, S.; Pampus, M.G. van; Groot, C.J.M. de; Mol, B.W.J. & Pajkrt, E. (2014), The effectiveness of multifetal pregnancy reduction in trichorionic triplet gestation, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 211(5).
- Akkermans, J.; Ryan, G.; Peeters, S.; Slaghekke, F. & Oepkes, D. (2014), A world-wide survey on laser surgery for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 210(1): S90-S91.
- Bianchi, D.W.; Oepkes, D. & Ghidini, A. (2014), Current controversies in prenatal diagnosis 1: should noninvasive DNA testing be the standard screening test for Down syndrome in all pregnant women?, Prenatal Diagnosis 34(1): 6-11.
- Slaghekke, F.; Lewi, L.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Weingertner, A.S.; Klumper, F.J.; Dekoninck, P.; Devlieger, R.; Lanna, M.M.; Deprest, J.; Favre, R.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2014), Residual anastomoses in twin-twin transfusion syndrome after laser: the Solomon randomized trial, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 211(3).
- Genova, L.; Sueters, M.; Steenis, A. van; Oepkes, D.; Steggerda, S.J. & Lopriore, E. (2014), Renal Failure after Single Fetal Demise in Monochorionic Twins: Incidence and Description of a Case, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 35(4): 302-305.
- Koletzko, B.; Benninga, M.A.; Godfrey, K.M.; Hornnes, P.J.; Kolacek, S.; Koletzko, S.; Lentze, M.J.; Mader, S.; McAuliffe, F.M.; Oepkes, D.; Oddy, W.H.; Phillips, A.; Rzehak, P.; Socha, P.; Szajewska, H.; Symonds, M.E.; Taminiau, J.; Thapar, N.; Troncone, R.; Vandenplas, Y. & Veereman, G. (2014), Public-Private Collaboration in Clinical Research During Pregnancy, Lactation, and Childhood: Joint Position Statement of the Early Nutrition Academy and the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 58(4): 525-530.
- Zhao, D.; Slaghekke, F.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Duan, T.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2014), Placental share and hemoglobin level in relation to birth weight in twin anemia-polycythemia sequence, Placenta 35(12): 1070-1074.
- Peeters, S.; Devlieger, R.; Middeldorp, J.; DeKoninck, P.; Deprest, J.; Lopriore, E.; Lewi, L.; Klumper, F.; Kontopoulos, E.; Quintero, R. & Oepkes, D. (2014), Fetal surgery in complicated monoamniotic pregnancies: case series and review of the literature, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 210(1): S97-S98.
- Peeters, S.; Evans, M.; Slaghekke, F.; Klumper, F.; Middeldorp, J.; Lopriore, E. & Oepkes, D. (2014), Pregnancy complications for di-chorionic tri-amniotic triplets: markedly increased over tri-chorionic and reduced cases, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 210(1): S288-S289.
- Oepkes, D. (2014), Re: Risk factors associated with preterm delivery after fetoscopic laser ablation for twin-twin transfusion syndrome. R. Papanna, D. Block-Abraham, L. K. Mann, I. A. Buhimschi, M. Bebbington, E. Garcia, N. Kahlek, C. Harman, A. Johnson, A. Baschat and K. J. Moise Jr. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2014; 43: 48-53, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 43(1): 11-+.
- Steenis, A. van; Kromhout, H.E.; Steggerda, S.J.; Sueters, M.; Rijken, M.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2014), Perinatal Asphyxia in Monochorionic versus Dichorionic Twins: Incidence, Risk Factors and Outcome, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 35(2): 87-91.
- Verweij, E.J.; Boer, M.A. de & Oepkes, D. (2014), Non-invasive prenatal testing for trisomy 13: more harm than good?, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 44(1): 112-114.
- Slaghekke, F.; Klink, J.M.M. van; Koopman, H.M.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2014), Neurodevelopmental outcome in twin anemia-polycythemia sequence after laser surgery for twin-twin transfusion syndrome, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 44(3): 316-321.
- Teeffelen, A.S.P. van; Ham, D.P. van der; Willekes, C.; Nasiry, S. al; Nijhuis, J.G.; Kuijk, S. van; Schuyt, E.; Mulder, T.L.M.; Franssen, M.T.M.; Oepkes, D.; Jansen, F.A.R.; Woiski, M.D.; Bekker, M.N.; Bax, C.J.; Porath, M.M.; Laat, M.W.M. de; Mol, B.W. & Pajkrt, E. (2014), Midtrimester preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (PPROM): expectant management or amnioinfusion for improving perinatal outcomes (PPROMEXIL - III trial), BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 14.
- Peeters, S.H.P.; Zwet, E.W. van; Oepkes, D.; Lopriore, E.; Klumper, F.J. & Middeldorp, J.M. (2014), Learning curve for fetoscopic laser surgery using cumulative sum analysis, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 93(7): 705-711.
- Slaghekke, F.; Favre, R.; Peeters, S.H.P.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Weingertner, A.S.; Zwet, E.W. van; Klumper, F.J.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2014), Laser surgery as a management option for twin anemia-polycythemia sequence, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 44(3): 304-310.
- Slaghekke, F.; Lewi, L.; Middeldorp, J.; Weingertner, A.S.; Klumper, F.; DeKoninck, P.; Devlieger, R.; Kilby, M.; Rustico, M.; Deprest, J.; Favre, R.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2014), Residual anastomoses after fetoscopic laser coagulation of the vascular equator versus selective coagulation for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 210(1): S98-S98.
- Lindenburg, I.T.M.; Kamp, I.L. van & Oepkes, D. (2014), Intrauterine Blood Transfusion: Current Indications and Associated Risks, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 36(4): 263-271.
- Kamphuis, M.M.; Paridaans, N.P.; Porcelijn, L.; Lopriore, E. & Oepkes, D. (2014), Incidence and Consequences of Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia: A Systematic Review, Pediatrics 133(4): 715-721.
- Klink, J.M.M. van; Koopman, H.M.; Zwet, E.W. van; Middeldorp, J.M.; Walther, F.J.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2014), Improvement in neurodevelopmental outcome in survivors of twin-twin transfusion syndrome treated with laser surgery, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 210(6).
- Peeters, S.H.P.; Stolk, T.T.; Slaghekke, F.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.; Lopriore, E. & Oepkes, D. (2014), Iatrogenic perforation of intertwin membrane after laser surgery for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 44(5): 550-556.
- Slaghekke, F.; Lopriore, E.; Lewi, L.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Zwet, E.W. van; Weingertner, A.S.; Klumper, F.J.; DeKoninck, P.; Devlieger, R.; Kilby, M.D.; Rustico, M.A.; Deprest, J.; Favre, R. & Oepkes, D. (2014), Fetoscopic Laser Coagulation of the Vascular Equator Versus Selective Coagulation for Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome: An Open-Label Randomized Controlled Trial EDITORIAL COMMENT, Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey 69(10): 569-571.
- Slaghekke, F.; Lopriore, E.; Lewi, L.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Zwet, E.W. van; Weingertner, A.S.; Klumper, F.J.; DeKoninck, P.; Devlieger, R.; Kilby, M.D.; Rustico, M.A.; Deprest, J.; Favre, R. & Oepkes, D. (2014), Fetoscopic laser coagulation of the vascular equator versus selective coagulation for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: an open-label randomised controlled trial, Lancet 383(9935): 2144-2151.
- Peeters, S.H.P.; Devlieger, R.; Middeldorp, J.M.; DeKoninck, P.; Deprest, J.; Lopriore, E.; Lewi, L.; Klumper, F.J.; Kontopoulos, E.; Quintero, R. & Oepkes, D. (2014), Fetal surgery in complicated monoamniotic pregnancies: case series and systematic review of the literature, Prenatal Diagnosis 34(6): 586-591.
- Sueters, M. & Oepkes, D. (2014), Diagnosis of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, selective fetal growth restriction, twin anaemia-polycythaemia sequence, and twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence, Best Practice and Research: Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 28(2): 215-226.
- Verweij E.J.T., Oepkes D., Akker E.S.A. van den, Boer M.A. de, Hellemondt R.E. van & Engberts D.P. (2013), Déjà vu? : Discussie over de non-invasieve prenatale test (NIPT) voor Nederlandse zwangeren, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Obstetrie en Gynaecologie 126(8): 382-387.
- Zhao, D.P.; Villiers, S.F. de; Slaghekke, F.; Walther, F.J.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2013), Prevalence, size, number and localization of vascular anastomoses in monochorionic placentas, Placenta 34(7): 589-593.
- Akdemir, G.; Klumper, F.; Cransberg, K.; Hoek, J.; Oepkes, D. & Sukhai, R. (2013), Survival and renal outcome in fetuses with Lower Urinary Obstruction (LUTO) with and without intra-uterine vesico-amniotic shunting. A ten years experience of a cohort, Pediatric Nephrology 28(8): 1449-1449.
- Costa-Castro, T.; Villiers, S. de; Montenegro, N.; Severo, M.; Oepkes, D.; Matias, A. & Lopriore, E. (2013), Velamentous cord insertion in monochorionic twins with or without twin-twin transfusion syndrome: Does it matter?, Placenta 34(11): 1053-1058.
- Zhao, D.P.; Peeters, S.H.P.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2013), Laser surgery in twin-twin transfusion syndrome with proximate cord insertions, Placenta 34(12): 1159-1162.
- Oever, J.M.E. van den; Balkassmi, S.; Segboer, T.; Verweij, E.J.; Velden, P.A. van der; Oepkes, D.; Bakker, E. & Boon, E.M.J. (2013), Mrassf1a-Pap, a Novel Methylation-Based Assay for the Detection of Cell-Free Fetal DNA in Maternal Plasma, PLoS ONE 8(12).
- Verweij, E.J.; Oepkes, D.; Vries, M. de; Akker, M.E. van den; Akker, E.S. van den & Boer, M.A. de (2013), Non-invasive prenatal screening for trisomy 21: What women want and are willing to pay, Patient Education and Counseling 93(3): 641-645.
- Genova, L.; Slaghekke, F.; Klumper, F.J.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Steggerda, S.J.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2013), Management of Twin Anemia-Polycythemia Sequence Using Intrauterine Blood Transfusion for the Donor and Partial Exchange Transfusion for the Recipient, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 34(2): 121-126.
- Verweij, E.J.; Jacobsson, B.; Scheltema, P.A. van; Boer, M.A. de; Hoffer, M.J.V.; Hollemon, D.; Westgren, M.; Song, K. & Oepkes, D. (2013), European Non-Invasive Trisomy Evaluation (EU-NITE) study: a multicenter prospective cohort study for non-invasive fetal trisomy 21 testing, Prenatal Diagnosis 33(10): 996-1001.
- Rath, M.E.A.; Smits-Wintjens, V.E.H.J.; Oepkes, D.; Walther, F.J. & Lopriore, E. (2013), Iron status in infants with alloimmune haemolytic disease in the first three months of life, Vox Sanguinis 105(4): 328-333.
- Lindenburg, I.T.M.; Klink, J.M. van; Smits-Wintjens, V.E.H.J.; Kamp, I.L. van; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2013), Long-term neurodevelopmental and cardiovascular outcome after intrauterine transfusions for fetal anaemia: a review, Prenatal Diagnosis 33(9): 815-822.
- Lopriore, E.; Mearin, M.L.; Oepkes, D.; Devlieger, R. & Whitington, P.F. (2013), Neonatal hemochromatosis: management, outcome, and prevention, Prenatal Diagnosis 33(13): 1221-1225.
- Tiller, H.; Kamphuis, M.M.; Flodmark, O.; Papadogiannakis, N.; David, A.L.; Sainio, S.; Koskinen, S.; Javela, K.; Wikman, A.T.; Kekomaki, R.; Kanhai, H.H.H.; Oepkes, D.; Husebekk, A. & Westgren, M. (2013), Fetal intracranial haemorrhages caused by fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: an observational cohort study of 43 cases from an international multicentre registry, BMJ Open 3(3).
- Rath, M.E.A.; Smits-Wintjens, V.E.H.J.; Lindenburg, I.T.M.; Folman, C.C.; Brand, A.; Kamp, I.L. van; Oepkes, D.; Walther, F.J. & Lopriore, E. (2013), Postnatal outcome in neonates with severe Rhesus c compared to Rhesus D hemolytic disease, Transfusion 53(7): 1580-1585.
- Klink, J.M.M. van; Koopman, H.M.; Zwet, E.W. van; Oepkes, D.; Walther, F.J. & Lopriore, E. (2013), Cerebral Injury and Neurodevelopmental Impairment after Amnioreduction versus Laser Surgery in Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 33(2): 81-89.
- Verweij, E.J.; Oepkes, D. & Boer, M.A. de (2013), Changing attitudes towards termination of pregnancy for trisomy 21 with non-invasive prenatal trisomy testing: a population-based study in Dutch pregnant women, Prenatal Diagnosis 33(4): 397-399.
- Verduin, E.P.; Schonewille, H.; Javadi, A.; Claas, F.; Lopriore, E.; Oepkes, D.; Roelen, R.L.; Doxiadis, I.I.N. & Brand, A. (2013), FETAL MICROCHIMERISM MAY PLAY A ROLE IN MATERNAL RED BLOOD CELL ANTIBODY PERSISTENCE, Vox Sanguinis 105: 249-249.
- Kamping, M.A.; Pasman, S.A.; Bil-van den Brink, C.P.; Oepkes, D.; Scheltema, P.N.A. van & Vandenbussche, F.P.H.A. (2013), Fluid shift from intravascular compartment during fetal red blood cell transfusion, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 41(5): 550-555.
- Verduin, E.P.; Schonewille, H.; Brand, A.; Haasnoot, G.W.; Claas, F.H.J.; Lindenburg, I.T.M.; Lopriore, E.; Oepkes, D.; Roelen, D.L. & Doxiadis, I.I.N. (2013), High anti-HLA response in women exposed to intrauterine transfusions for severe alloimmune hemolytic disease is associated with motherchild HLA triplet mismatches, high anti-D titer, and new red blood cell antibody formation, Transfusion 53(5): 939-947.
- Verbeek, L.; Slaghekke, F.; Hulzebos, C.V.; Oepkes, D.; Walther, F.J. & Lopriore, E. (2013), Hypoalbuminemia in Donors with Twin Anemia-Polycythemia Sequence: A Matched Case-Control Study, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 33(4): 241-245.
- Verbeek, L.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Hulzebos, C.V.; Oepkes, D.; Walther, F.J. & Lopriore, E. (2013), Hypoalbuminemia in Donors with Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 33(2): 98-102.
- Lindenburg, I.T.M.; Kamp, I.L. van; Zwet, E.W. van; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.C.M. & Oepkes, D. (2013), Increased perinatal loss after intrauterine transfusion for alloimmune anaemia before 20 weeks of gestation, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 120(7): 847-852.
- Bos, E.M. van den; Klink, J.M.M. van; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2013), Perinatal outcome after selective feticide in monochorionic twin pregnancies, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 41(6): 653-658.
- Villiers, S.F. de; Slaghekke, F.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Walther, F.J.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2013), Placental characteristics in monochorionic twins with spontaneous versus post-laser twin anemia-polycythemia sequence, Placenta 34(5): 456-459.
- Lopriore, E.; Slaghekke, F.; Kersbergen, K.J.; Vries, L.S. de; Drogtrop, A.P.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Oepkes, D. & Benders, M.J. (2013), Severe cerebral injury in a recipient with twin anemia-polycythemia sequence, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 41(6): 702-706.
- Faas, B.H.W.; Odibo, A.O.; Cirigliano, V.; Schielen, P.; Pergament, D.; Devers, P.; Oepkes, D. & Benn, P. (2013), Summary of the ISPD Preconference Day, June 3, 2012, Miami Beach, Prenatal Diagnosis 33(1): 1-5.
- Smits-Wintjens, V.E.H.J.; Rath, M.E.A.; Zwet, E.W. van; Oepkes, D.; Brand, A.; Walther, F.J. & Lopriore, E. (2013), Neonatal Morbidity after Exchange Transfusion for Red Cell Alloimmune Hemolytic Disease, Neonatology 103(2): 141-147.
- Peeters, S.; Sun, L.M.; Klumper, F.; Middeldorp, J.; Windrim, R.; Lopriore, E. & Oepkes, D. (2013), Highly realistic simulator for teaching and training fetoscopic laser surgery in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 208(1): S200-S200.
- Lindenburg, I.; Klink, J. van; Inklaar, M.; Smits-Wintjens, V.; Verduin, E.; Koopman, H.; Kamp, I. van; Walther, F.; Schonewille, H.; Doxiadis, I.; Kanhai, H.; Lith, J. van; Zwet, E. van; Oepkes, D.; Brand, A. & Lopriore, E. (2013), Health-related quality of life and behavioral outcome after intrauterine transfusion for hemolytic disease of the fetus/newborn, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 208(1): S183-S184.
- Wagner, M.M.; Dunne, F.M. van; Kuipers, I.; Folman, C.C.; Thornton, N.; Ponjee, G.A.; Liberman, M. & Oepkes, D. (2013), ANTI-EMM IN A PREGNANT PATIENT, Vox Sanguinis 105: 248-248.
- Plati, S.K.; Hoffer, M.; Jansen, F.; Haak, M.; Oepkes, D. & Boer, M. de (2013), Array analysis of left ventricular outflow tract anomalies confirms the genetically heterogeneous nature of this subset of congenital heart defects, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 208(1): S257-S257.
- Plati, S.K.; Hoffer, M.; Oepkes, D. & Boer, M. de (2013), Cell-free fetal DNA isolated from amniotic fluid supernatant can be used for genome wide array as an alternative analytic method in prenatal diagnostics, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 208(1): S257-S257.
- Lindenburg, I.T.; Smits-Wintjens, V.E.; Klink, J.M. van; Verduin, E.; Kamp, I.L. van; Walther, F.J.; Schonewille, H.; Doxiadis, I.I.; Kanhai, H.H.; Lith, J.M. van; Zwet, E.W. van; Oepkes, D.; Brand, A.; Lopriore, E. & LOTUS Study Grp (2012), Long-term neurodevelopmental outcome after intrauterine transfusion for hemolytic disease of the fetus/newborn: the LOTUS study., American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 206(2): 141.e1-8.
- Haseth, S. de; Liem, S.; Lopriore, E.; Akker, E. van den & Oepkes, D. (2012), Mode of delivery and risk of adverse perinatal outcome in twins with the first twin in vertex position, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 206(1): S83-S84.
- Norton, M.E.; Brar, H.; Weiss, J.; Karimi, A.; Laurent, L.C.; Caughey, A.B.; Rodriguez, M.H.; Williams, J.; Mitchell, M.E.; Adair, C.D.; Lee, H.; Jacobsson, B.; Tomlinson, M.W.; Oepkes, D.; Hollemon, D.; Sparks, A.B.; Oliphant, A. & Song, K. (2012), Non-Invasive Chromosomal Evaluation (NICE) Study: results of a multicenter prospective cohort study for detection of fetal trisomy 21 and trisomy 18, American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 207(2).
- Peeters, S.; Slaghekke, F.; Middeldorp, J.; Klumper, F.; Lopriore, E. & Oepkes, D. (2012), Residual anastomoses after fetoscopic laser coagulation in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: a learning curve, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 206(1): S285-S285.
- Dijkmans, A.C.; Jong, E.P. de; Dijkmans, B.A.C.; Lopriore, E.; Vossen, A.; Walther, F.J. & Oepkes, D. (2012), Parvovirus B19 in pregnancy: prenatal diagnosis and management of fetal complications, Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology 24(2): 95-101.
- Smits-Wintjens, V.E.H.J.; Rath, M.E.A.; Lindenburg, I.T.M.; Oepkes, D.; Zwet, E.W. van; Walther, F.J. & Lopriore, E. (2012), Cholestasis in Neonates with Red Cell Alloimmune Hemolytic Disease: Incidence, Risk Factors and Outcome, Neonatology 101(4): 306-310.
- Verweij, E.J.; Oever, J.M.E. van den; Boer, M.A. de; Boon, E.M.J. & Oepkes, D. (2012), Diagnostic Accuracy of Noninvasive Detection of Fetal Trisomy 21 in Maternal Blood: A Systematic Review, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 31(2): 81-86.
- Jong, E.P. de; Lindenburg, I.T.; Klink, J.M. van; Oepkes, D.; Kamp, I.L. van; Walther, F.J. & Lopriore, E. (2012), Intrauterine transfusion for parvovirus B19 infection: long-term neurodevelopmental outcome, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 206(3).
- Verweij, E.J.; Boer, M. de; Scheltema, P.N.A. van; Oever, J.M.E. van den; Boon, E.M.J. & Oepkes, D. (2012), Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 21: replacing invasive testing or replacing screening?, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 206(1): S313-S313.
- Everwijn, S.; Mheen, L. van de; Ravelli, A.; Knapen, M.; Oepkes, D.; Engels, M.; Manten, G.; Zondervan, H.; Wirjosoekarto, S.; Vught, J. van; Erwich, J.J.; Bijvank, S.N.; Schuit, E.; Pampus, M. van; Groot, C. de; Mol, B. & Pajkrt, E. (2012), Outcome after embryo reduction in triplet pregnancy compared to ongoing triplet pregnancies and primary twins, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 206(1): S19-S19.
- Adriaanse, B.M.E.; Tromp, C.H.N.; Simpson, J.M.; Mieghem, T. van; Kist, W.J.; Kuik, D.J.; Oepkes, D.; Vugt, J.M.G. van & Haak, M.C. (2012), Interobserver agreement in detailed prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart disease by telemedicine using four-dimensional ultrasound with spatiotemporal image correlation, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 39(2): 203-209.
- Everwijn, S.; Mheen, L. van de; Ravelli, A.; Knapen, M.; Oepkes, D.; Engels, M.; Manten, G.; Zondervan, H.; Wirjosoekarto, S.; Vught, J. van; Erwich, J.J.; Pampus, M. van; Groot, C. de; Pajkrt, E. & Mol, B.W. (2012), Reduction in dichorionic twin pregnancy, a retrospective cohort study, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 206(1): S228-S229.
- Lopriore, E.; Sluimers, C.; Pasman, S.A.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Oepkes, D. & Walther, F.J. (2012), Neonatal Morbidity in Growth-Discordant Monochorionic Twins: Comparison Between the Larger and the Smaller Twin.
- Lopriore, E.; Pasman, S.A.; Klumper, F.J.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Walther, F.J. & Oepkes, D. (2012), Placental characteristics in growth-discordant monochorionic twins: A matched case-control study, Placenta 33(3): 171-174.
- Villiers, S. de; Slaghekke, F.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.; Walther, F.J.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2012), Arterio-arterial vascular anastomoses in monochorionic twin placentas with and without twin anemia-polycythemia sequence, Placenta 33(3): 227-229.
- Verduin, E.; Brand, A.; Haasnoot, G.; Lindenburg, I.; Oepkes, D.; Lopriore, E.; Doxiadis, I. & Schonewille, H. (2012), No protective effect of NIMA on antibody production in women transfused for severe hemolytic disease of the fetus, Journal of Reproductive Immunology 94(1): 15-15.
- Spruijt, M.; Steggerda, S.; Rath, M.; Zwet, E. van; Oepkes, D.; Walther, F. & Lopriore, E. (2012), Cerebral Injury in Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome Treated With Fetoscopic Laser Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology 120(1): 15-20.
- Verweij, E.J.; Boer, M.A. de & Oepkes, D. (2012), Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis for Down syndrome: no paradigm shift, just better testing... and it is already here!, Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 40(4): 484-485.
- Klink, J. van; Oepkes, D.; Lindenburg, I.; Kamp, I. van & Lopriore, E. (2012), Long-term neurodevelopment in children after intrauterine transfusion for Parvovirus B19 infection, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 206(1): S22-S23.
- Oever, J.M.E. van den; Balkassmi, S.; Verweij, E.J.; Iterson, M. van; Scheltema, P.N.A. van; Oepkes, D.; Lith, J.M.M. van; Hoffer, M.J.V.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Bakker, E. & Boon, E.M.J. (2012), Single Molecule Sequencing of Free DNA from Maternal Plasma for Noninvasive Trisomy 21 Detection, Clinical Chemistry 58(4): 699-706.
- Peeters, S.H.P.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Lopriore, E.; Klumper, F.J. & Oepkes, D. (2012), Monochorionic Triplets Complicated by Fetofetal Transfusion Syndrome: A Case Series and Review of the Literature, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 32(4): 239-245.
- Paridaans, N.; Kamphuis, M.; Porcelijn, L.; Lopriore, E. & Oepkes, D. (2012), Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia caused by HPA-5b antibodies: really less severe than HPA-1a?, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 206(1): S199-S199.
- Madani, K.; Kamphuis, M.M.; Lopriore, E.; Porcelijn, L. & Oepkes, D. (2012), Delayed diagnosis of fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: a cause of perinatal mortality and morbidity, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 119(13): 1612-1616.
- Villiers, S.F. de; Slaghekke, F.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Walther, F.J.; Oepkes, D. & Lopriore, E. (2012), Arterio-arterial vascular anastomoses in monochorionic placentas with and without twin-twin transfusion syndrome, Placenta 33(8): 652-654.
- Rath, M.E.A.; Smits-Wintjens, V.E.H.J.; Lindenburg, I.T.M.; Brand, A.; Kamp, I.L. van; Oepkes, D.; Walther, F.J. & Lopriore, E. (2011), Exchange transfusions and top-up transfusions in neonates with Kell haemolytic disease compared to Rh D haemolytic disease, Vox Sanguinis 100(3): 312-316.
- Rath, M.E.A.; Smits-Wintjens, V.E.H.J.; Oepkes, D.; Zwet, E.W. van; Kamp, I.L. van; Brand, A.; Walther, F.J. & Lopriore, E. (2011), Thrombocytopenia at birth in neonates with red cell alloimmune haemolytic disease.
- Johnson, A.; Kist, W.; Slaghekke, F.; Oepkes, D. & Papanna, R. (2011), Recipient fetal urine production before and 24 hours after laser surgery in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) measured with Sonography-based Automated Volume Count (SonoAVC) and Virtual Organ Computer-Aided Analysis (VOCAL), American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 204: S154-S155.
- Knoester, M.; Lashley, L.E.E.L.O.; Wessels, E.; Oepkes, D. & Kuijper, E.J. (2011), First Report of Atopobium vaginae Bacteremia with Fetal Loss after Chorionic Villus Sampling, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 49(4): 1684-1686.
- Lindenburg, I.T.M.; Wolterbeek, R.; Oepkes, D.; Klumper, F.J.C.M.; Vandenbussche, F.P.H.A. & Kamp, I.L. van (2011), Quality Control for Intravascular Intrauterine Transfusion Using Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) Analysis for the Monitoring of Individual Performance, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 29(4): 307-314.
- Jong, E.P. de; Walther, F.J.; Kroes, A.C.M. & Oepkes, D. (2011), Parvovirus B19 infection in pregnancy: new insights and management, Prenatal Diagnosis 31(5): 419-425.
- Linskens, I.H.; Elburg, R.M. van; Oepkes, D.; Vugt, J.M.G. van & Haak, M.C. (2011), Expectant Management in Twin Pregnancies With Discordant Structural Fetal Anomalies.
- Lopriore, E.; Walther, F.J.; Papathanasiou, D.; Witlox, R.S.; Bloemenkamp, K.W. & Oepkes, D. (2011), Comment on Papathanasious D et al.: Monochorionic Twins with Ruptured Vasa Previa: Doulble Trouble! (Fetal Diagn Ther 2010;28:48-50) Reply, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 29(2): 182-182.
- Lindenburg, I.T.M.; Klink, J.M.M. van; Verduin, E.P.; Smits-Wintjens, V.E.H.J.; Oepkes, D.; Kamp, I.L. van; Brand, A.; Kanhai, H.H.H.; Lopriore, E. & Schonewille, H. (2011), Long term follow-up after intra-uterine transfusions: the LOTUS study, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 204: S32S32.
- Scheltema, P.N.A. van; Pasman, S.A.; Wolterbeek, R.; Deprest, J.A.; Oepkes, D.; Buck, F. de; Velde, M. van de & Vandenbussche, F.P.H.A. (2011), Fetal stress hormone changes during intrauterine transfusions, Prenatal Diagnosis 31(6): 555-559.
- Witlox, R.S.; Lopriore, E. & Oepkes, D. (2011), Prenatal interventions for fetal lung lesions, Prenatal Diagnosis 31(7): 628-636.
- Peeters, S.; Klumper, F.; Lopriore, E.; Middeldorp, A. & Oepkes, D. (2011), Monochorionic triplets with TTTS: a devilish trilemma, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 204: S177-S177.
- Lopriore, E.; Oepkes, D. & Walther, F.J. (2011), Neonatal morbidity in twin-twin transfusion syndrome, Early Human Development 87(9): 595-599.
- Kist, W.J.; Slaghekke, F.; Papanna, R.; Johnson, A.; Vandenbussche, F.P.; Wolterbeek, R. & Oepkes, D. (2011), Sonography-based Automated Volume Count to estimate fetal urine production in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: comparison with Virtual Organ Computer-aided AnaLysis, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 205(6): -.
- Scheffer, P.G.; Soussan, A.A.; Verhagen, O.J.H.M.; Page-Christiaens, G.C.M.L.; Oepkes, D.; Haas, M. de & Schoot, C.E. van der (2011), Noninvasive fetal genotyping of human platelet antigen-1a, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 118(11): 1392-1395.
- Kamphuis, M.M. & Oepkes, D. (2011), Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: prenatal interventions, Prenatal Diagnosis 31(7): 712-719.
- Witlox, R.S.; Lopriore, E.; Oepkes, D. & Walther, F.J. (2011), Neonatal outcome after prenatal interventions for congenital lung lesions, Early Human Development 87(9): 611-618.
- Lopriore, E.; Walther, F.J. & Oepkes, D. (2011), Long-term neurodevelopmental outcome in TTTS in the Eurofoetus trial, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 205(2): E15-E15.
- Smits-Wintjens, V.E.H.J.; Walther, F.J.; Rath, M.E.A.; Lindenburg, I.T.M.; Pas, A.B.T.; Kramer, C.M.; Oepkes, D.; Brand, A. & Lopriore, E. (2011), Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Neonates With Rhesus Hemolytic Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Pediatrics 127(4): 680-686.
- Klumper, F.J.C.M.; Oepkes, D.; Sluimers, C.; Deprest, J.; Devlieger, R. & Lewi, L. (2011), Fetal surgery in monoamniotic pregnancies, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 204: S174-S175.
- Wikman, A.; Tiblad, E.; Westgren, M.; Paridaans, N.; Kamphuis, M.; Lopriore, E.; Oepkes, D. & Akker, E. van den (2011), IVIG to prevent fetal intracranial hemorrhage in fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT): can we reduce the dose to 0.5 g/kg/wk?, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 204: S32-S33.
- Verduin, E.P.; Javadi, A.; Lindenburg, I.T.M.; Oepkes, D.; Lopriore, E.; Doxiadis, I.I.N.; Brand, A. & Schonewille, H. (2011), Fetal microchimerism may play a role in persistent fetal induced RBC antibody formation, Journal of Reproductive Immunology 90(2): 136-137.
- Klink, J.M.M. van; Koopman, H.M.; Oepkes, D.; Walther, F.J. & Lopriore, E. (2011), Long-term neurodevelopmental outcome after intrauterine transfusion for fetal anemia, Early Human Development 87(9): 589-593.
- Klink, J.M.M. van; Koopman, H.M.; Oepkes, D.; Walther, F.J. & Lopriore, E. (2011), Long-term neurodevelopmental outcome in monochorionic twins after fetal therapy, Early Human Development 87(9): 601-606.
- Oepkes, D.; Moon-Grady, A.J.; Wilkins-Haug, L.; Tworetzky, W.; Arzt, W. & Devlieger, R. (2011), 2010 Report from the ISPD Special Interest Group fetal therapy: fetal cardiac interventions, Prenatal Diagnosis 31(3): 249-251.
- Odibo, A.O.; Faas, B.H.W.; Oepkes, D.; Leung, T.Y.; Shulman, L. & ISPD Special Interest Grp (2011), 2010 Report from the ISPD Special Interest Groups, Prenatal Diagnosis 31(3): 246-248.
- Lindenburg, I.T.M.; Kamp, I.L. van; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.C.M. & Oepkes, D. (2011), Increased risk of intravascular intrauterine transfusion before 20 weeks gestation in the treatment of severe red cell alloimmunization, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 204: S166-S167.
- Oepkes, D.; Jong, E. de; Walther, F. & Kroes, A. (2011), Parvovirus B19 infection and amniocentesis, Prenatal Diagnosis 31(11): 1110-1110.
- van Scheltema P. N. Adama & Oepkes D. (2010), Intrauterine blood transfusion, ISBT Science Series 5(1): 1-6.
- Boormans, E.M.A.; Birnie, E.; Oepkes, D.; Boekkooi, P.F.; Bonsel, G.J.; Lith, J.M.M. van & MAKE Study Grp (2010), Individualized choice in prenatal diagnosis: the impact of karyotyping and standalone rapid aneuploidy detection on quality of life, Prenatal Diagnosis 30(10): 928-936.
- Verduin, E.P.; Schonewille, H.; Lindenburg, I.T.M.; Lopriore, E.; Oepkes, D.; Doxiadis, I.I.N. & Brand, A. (2010), Fetal induced red blood cell antibodies persist over 20 years, Journal of Reproductive Immunology 86(2): 109-109.
- Dijkman, A.; Huisman, C.M.A.; Smit, M.; Schutte, J.M.; Zwart, J.J.; Roosmalen, J.J. van & Oepkes, D. (2010), Cardiac arrest in pregnancy: increasing use of perimortem caesarean section due to emergency skills training?, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 117(3): 282-287.
- Dijkman, A.; Huisman, C.M.A.; Smit, M.; Schutte, J.M.; Zwart, J.J.; Roosmalen, J.J. van & Oepkes, D. (2010), Cardiac Arrest in Pregnancy: Increasing Use of Perimortem Caesarean Section Due to Emergency Skills Training? EDITORIAL COMMENT, Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey 65(5): 294-295.
- Boormans, E.M.A.; Birnie, E.; Oepkes, D.; Bilardo, C.M.; Wildschut, H.I.J.; Creemers, J.; Bonsel, G.J.; Lith, J.M.M. van & MAKE Study Grp (2010), The impact of rapid aneuploidy detection (RAD) in addition to karyotyping versus karyotyping on maternal quality of life, Prenatal Diagnosis 30(5): 425-433.
- Kamphuis, M.M.; Paridaans, N.; Porcelijn, L.; Haas, M. de; Schoot, C.E. van der; Brand, A.; Bonsel, G.J. & Oepkes, D. (2010), Screening in pregnancy for fetal or neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: systematic review, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 117(11): 1335-1343.
- Scheffer, P.G.; Haas, M. de; Oepkes, D.; Soussan, A.A.; Page-Christiaens, G.C.M.L. & Schoot, C.E. van der (2010), Non-Invasive Fetal Genotyping of Human Platelet Antigen HPA1a Using Cell-Free Fetal DNA Isolated from Maternal Blood., Reproductive Sciences 17(3): 202A-202A.
- Scheffer, P.G.; Haas, M. de; Oepkes, D.; Soussan, A.A.; Page-Christiaens, G.C.M.L. & Schoot, C.E. van der (2010), NON-INVASIVE FETAL GENOTYPING OF HUMAN PLATELET ANTIGEN HPA 1A USING CELL-FREE FETAL DNA ISOLATED FROM MATERNAL BLOOD.
- Verduin, E.P.; Lindenburg, I.T.M.; Smits-Wintjens, V.E.H.J.; Klink, J.M.M. van; Schonewille, H.; Kamp, I.L. van; Oepkes, D.; Walther, F.J.; Kanhai, H.H.H.; Doxiadis, I.I.N.; Lopriore, E. & Brand, A. (2010), Long-Term follow up after intra-Uterine transfusionS; the LOTUS study, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 10: -.
- Oepkes, D. (2010), INTRAUTERINE BLOOD TRANSFUSION, Vox Sanguinis 99: 1-1.
- Boormans, E.M.; Birnie, E.; Oepkes, D.; Galjaard, R.J.; Schuring-Blom, G.H.; Lith, J.M. van & MLP Karyotyping Evaluation MAKE St (2010), Comparison of multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and karyotyping in prenatal diagnosis., Obstetrics and Gynecology.
- Rath, M.E.A.; Smits-Wintjens, V.E.H.J.; Lindenburg, I.; Brand, A.; Oepkes, D.; Walther, F.J. & Lopriore, E. (2010), Top-up transfusions in neonates with Rh hemolytic disease in relation to exchange transfusions, Vox Sanguinis 99(1): 65-70.
- Lopriore, E.; Slaghekke, F.; Oepkes, D.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Vandenbussche, F.P.H.A. & Walther, F.J. (2010), Hematological characteristics in neonates with twin anemia-polycythemia sequence (TAPS), Prenatal Diagnosis 30(3): 251-255.
- Lopriore, E.; Slaghekke, F.; Oepkes, D.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Vandenbussche, F.P. & Walther, F.J. (2010), Clinical outcome in neonates with twin anemia-polycythemia sequence, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 203(1).
- Boormans, E.M.; Birnie, E.; Oepkes, D.; Galjaard, R.J.; Schuring-Blom, G.H.; Lith, J.M. van & MLP Karyotyping Evaluation MAKE St (2010), Comparison of Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification and Karyotyping in Prenatal Diagnosis, Obstetrics and Gynecology 115(2): 297-303.
- Slaghekke, F.; Kist, W.J.; Oepkes, D.; Pasman, S.A.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Klumper, F.J.; Walther, F.J.; Vandenbussche, F.P.H.A. & Lopriore, E. (2010), Twin Anemia-Polycythemia Sequence: Diagnostic Criteria, Classification, Perinatal Management and Outcome, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 27(4): 181-190.
- Boormans, E.M.A.; Birnie, E.; Oepkes, D.; Bilardo, C.M.; Wildschut, H.I.J.; Creemers, J.; Bonsel, G.J.; Lith, J.M.M. van & MAKE Study Grp (2010), The impact of rapid aneuploidy detection (RAD) in addition to karyotyping versus karyotyping on maternal quality of life, Prenatal Diagnosis.
- Boormans, E.M.A.; Birnie, E.; Oepkes, D.; Boekkooi, P.F.; Bonsel, G.J.; Lith, J.M.M. van & MAKE Study Grp (2010), Individualized choice in prenatal diagnosis: the impact of karyotyping and standalone rapid aneuploidy detection on quality of life. , Prenatal Diagnosis.
- Papathanasiou, D.; Witlox, R.; Oepkes, D.; Walther, F.J.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.M. & Lopriore, E. (2010), Monochorionic Twins with Ruptured Vasa Previa: Double Trouble!, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 28(1): 48-50.
- Lopriore E, van den Wijngaard JPHM, Pasman SA, Oepkes D, Walther FJ, van Gemert MJC & Vandenbussche FPHA (2009), Quantification of Feto-fetal Transfusion Rate through a Single Placental Arterio-venous Anastomosis in a Monochorionic Twin Pregnancy, Placenta 30(3): 223-225.
- Pasman SA, Bil-van den Brink CP, Kamping MA, van Scheltema PNA, Oepkes D & Vandenbussche FPHA (2009), Total Blood Volume Is Maintained in Nonhydropic Fetuses with Severe Hemolytic Anemia, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 26(1): 10-15.
- Witlox, R.S.G.M.; Lopriore, E.; Walther, F.J.; Rikkers-Mutsaerts, E.R.V.M.; Klumper, F.J.C.M. & Oepkes, D. (2009), Single-needle laser treatment with drainage of hydrothorax in fetal bronchopulmonary sequestration with hydrops, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 34(3): 355-357.
- Linskens IH, de Mooij YM, Twisk JW, Kist WJ, Oepkes D & van Vugt JM (2009), Discordance in Nuchal Translucency Measurements in Monochorionic Diamniotic Twins as Predictor of Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome, Twin Research and Human Genetics 12(6): 605-610.
- Boormans EMA, Birnie E, Bilardo CM, Oepkes D, Bonsel GJ & van Lith JMM (2009), Karyotyping or rapid aneuploidy detection in prenatal diagnosis? The different views of users and providers of prenatal care, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 116(10): 1396-1399.
- Lopriore E, Ortibus E, Acosta-Rojas R, Le Cessie S, Middeldorp JM, Oepkes D, Gratacos E, Vandenbussche FPHA, Deprest J & Walther FJ (2009), Risk Factors for Neurodevelopment Impairment in Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome Treated With Fetoscopic Laser Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology 113(2): 361-366.
- Lopriore E, Slaghekke F, Middeldorp JM, Klumper FJ, Oepkes D & Vandenbussche FP (2009), Residual anastomoses in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome treated with selective fetoscopic laser surgery: localization, size, and consequences, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 201(1).
- van Scheltema PNA, Borkent S, Sikkel E, Oepkes D & Vandenbussche FPHA (2009), Fetal Brain Hemodynamic Changes in Intrauterine Transfusion: Influence of Needle Puncture Site, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 26(3): 131-133.
- Wagner MM, Lopriore E, Klumper FJ, Oepkes D, Vandenbussche FPHA & Middeldorp JM (2009), Short- and long-term outcome in stage 1 twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome treated with laser surgery compared with conservative management, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 201(3).
- Haan T.R. de, Akker E.S.A. van den, Porcelijn L., Oepkes D., Kroes A.C.M. & Walther F.J. (2008), Thrombocytopenia in hydropic fetuses with parvovirus B19 infection: incidence, treatment and correlation with fetal B19 viral load, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology : 76-81.
- Lopriore E, Deprest J, Slaghekke F, Oepkes D, Middeldorp JM, Vandenbussche FPHA & Lewi L (2008), Placental characteristics in monochorionic twins with and without twin anemia-polycythemia sequence, Obstetrics and Gynecology 112(4).
- Lopriore E, Lewi L, Oepkes D, Debeer A, Vandenbussche FP, Deprest J & Walther FJ (2008), In utero acquired limb ischemia in monochorionic twins with and without twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, Prenatal Diagnosis 28(9).
- van den Akker ESA, de Haan TR, Lopriore E, Brand A, Kanhai HHH & Oepkes D (2008), Severe fetal thrombocytopenia in Rhesus D alloimmunized pregnancies, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 199(4).
- Pasman SA, Sikkel E, Le Cessie S, Oepkes D, Roelandse FWC & Vandenbussche FPHA (2008), Bilirubin/albumin ratios in fetal blood and in amniotic fluid in rhesus immunization, Obstetrics and Gynecology 111(5).
- Haan, T.R. de; Akker, E.S.A. van den; Porcelijn, L.; Oepkes, D.; Kroes, A.C.M. & Walther, F.J. (2008), Thrombocytopenia in hydropic fetuses with parvovirus B19 infection: incidence, treatment and correlation with fetal B19 viral load, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 115(1).
- Bakker S, Oepkes D, Windrim R, Klumper F, Seaward G, Middeldorp A, Vandenbussche F & Ryan G (2008), THE EARLIER THE BETTER? LASER SURGERY FOR TTTS BEFORE 16 WEEKS GESTATION, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 199(6): S127S127.
- Lopriore E, Oepkes D, Van den Wijngaard JPHM, van Gernert MJC, Middeldorp JM & Vandenbussche FPHA (2008), Twin anemia-polycythemia sequence (TAPS) without a cause, Prenatal Diagnosis 28(6).
- Sueters M, Middeldorp JM, Vandenbussche FPHA, Teunissen KA, Lopriore E, Kanhai HHH, Le Cessie S & Oepkes D (2008), The effect of fetoscopic laser therapy on fetal cardiac size in twin-twin transfusion syndrome, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 31(2).
- Lopriore E, Slaghekke F, Vandenbussche FP, Middeldorp JM, Walther FJ & Oepkes D (2008), Cerebral injury in monochorionic twins with selective intrauterine growth restriction and/or birthweight discordance, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 199(6).
- Sueters M, Middeldorp JM, Lopriore E, Bokenkamp R, Oepkes D, Teunissen KA, Kanhai HHH, Le Cessie S & Vandenbussche FPHA (2008), Fetal cardiac output in monochorionic twins, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 32(6).
- Wagner M, Lopriore E, Klumper F, Oepkes D, Vandenbussche F & Middeldorp J (2008), SHORT-TERM AND LONG-TERM OUTCOME IN STAGE 1 TWIN-TO-TWIN TRANSFUSION SYNDROME TREATED WITH LASER SURGERY COMPARED WITH CONSERVATIVE MANAGEMENT, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 199(6): S30S30.
- Kist J, Slaghekke F, Van Scheltema PA, Pasman S, Vandenbussche F & Oepkes D (2008), SONOGRAPHIC ASSESSMENT OF FETAL URINE PRODUCTION IN TWIN-TO-TWIN TRANSFUSION SYNDROME (TTTS) USING SONOGRAPHY-BASED AUTOMATED VOLUME COUNT (SONOAVC), American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 199(6): S135S135.
- Lopriore E & Oepkes D (2008), Perinatal haematology: Obstetricians and neonatologists: blood brothers, Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 13(4).
- Porcelijn L, Van den Akker ESA & Oepkes D (2008), Fetal thrombocytopenia, Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 13(4).
- Lopriore E & Oepkes D (2008), Fetal and neonatal haematological complications in monochorionic twins, Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 13(4).
- Middeldorp JM, Klumper FJCM, Oepkes D, Lopriore E, Kanhai HHH & Vandenbussche FPHA (2008), Selective feticide in monoamniotic twin pregnancies by umbilical cord occlusion and transection, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 23(2).
- van den Akker ESA & Oepkes D (2008), Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia, Best Practice and Research: Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 22(1).
- Wijnberger L, Slaghekke F, Lopriore E, Klumper F, Middeldorp A, Vandenbussche F & Oepkes D (2008), IATROGENIC MONOAMNIOTIC TWINS, A COMPLICATION OF LASER SURGERY FOR TWIN-TO-TWIN TRANSFUSION SYNDROME: MANAGEMENT AND OUTCOME, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 199(6): S186S186.
- Klumper F, Pasman S, Van Kamp I, Kanhai H, Vandenbussche F & Oepkes D (2008), MCA DOPPLER ASSESSMENT TO TIME SERIAL INTRAUTERINE TRANSFUSIONS IN RED CELL ALLOIMMUNIZED PREGNANCIES?, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 199(6): S127S127.
- Kamphuis MM, Lindenburg I, van Kamp IL, Meerman RH, Kanhai HHH & Oepkes D (2008), Implementation of routine screening for Kell antibodies: does it improve perinatal survival?, Transfusion 48(5).
- Pistorius LR, Smal J, de Haan TR, Page-Christiaens GCML, Verboon-Maciolek M, Oepkes D & de Vries LS (2008), Disturbance of Cerebral Neuronal Migration following Congenital Parvovirus B19 Infection, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 24(4): 491-494.
- van den Akker ESA, Klumper FJCM, Brand A, Kanhai HHH & Oepkes D (2008), Kell alloimmunization in pregnancy: associated with fetal thrombocytopenia?, Vox Sanguinis 95(1).
- Lopriore E, Hecher K, Vandenbussche FPHA, van den Wijngaard JPHM, Klumper FJ & Oepkes D (2008), Fetoscopic laser treatment of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome followed by severe twin anemia-polycythemia sequence with spontaneous resolution, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 198(2).
- de Jong EP, de Haan TR, Kroes ACM, Beersma MFC, Oepkes D & Walther FJ (2007), Parvovirus B19 infection in pregnancy (vol 36, pg 1, 2006), Journal of Clinical Virology 38(2).
- van Wamelen DJ, Klumper FJ, De Haas M, Meerman RH, van Kamp IL & Oepkes D (2007), Obstetric history and antibody titer in estimating severity of Kell alloimmunization in pregnancy, Obstetrics and Gynecology 109(5).
- Picklesimer AH, Oepkes D, Moise KJ, Kush ML, Weiner CP, Harman CR & Baschat AA (2007), Determinants of the middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity in the human fetus, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 197(5).
- Middeldorp JM, Sueters M, Lopriore E, Klumper FJCM, Oepkes D, Devlieger R, Kanhai HHH & Vandenbussche FPHA (2007), Fetoscopic laser surgery in 100 pregnancies with severe twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome in the Netherlands, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 22(3).
- Zwart JJ, van Huisseling HCM, Schuttevaer HM, van Roosmalen J & Oepkes D (2007), Nearly fatal uterine rupture during manual removal of the placenta - A case report, Journal of Reproductive Medicine 52(10).
- Middeldorp JM, Lopriore E, Sueters M, Klumper FJCM, Kanhai HHH, Vandenbussche FPHA & Oepkes D (2007), Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome after 26 weeks of gestation: is there a role for fetoscopic laser surgery?, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 114(6).
- Peeters S, Oepkes D, Lopriore E, Klumper F, Vandenbussche F & Middeldorp A (2007), Fetoscopic laser coagulation in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: The learning curve, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 197(6).
- Pas, A.B.T.; Lopriore, E.; Akker, E.S.A. van den; Oepkes, D.; Kanhai, H.H.; Brand, A. & Walther, F.J. (2007), Postnatal management of fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: the role of matched platelet transfusion and IVIG, European Journal of Pediatrics 166(10).
- Van den Akker E, De Haan T, Klumper F, Lopriore E, Brand A, Kanhai H & Oepkes D (2007), Severe fetal thrombocytopenia and hydrops in RH-D alloimmunized pregnancies: Independent risk factors, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 197(6).
- Deurloo KL, Devlieger R, Lopriore E, Klumper FJ & Oepkes D (2007), Isolated fetal hydrothorax with hydrops: a systematic review of prenatal treatment options, Prenatal Diagnosis 27(10).
- van den Akker ESA, Oepkes D, Lopriore E, Brand A & Kanhai HHH (2007), Noninvasive antenatal management of fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: safe and effective, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 114(4).
- Lopriore E, Middeldorp JM, Oepkes D, Kanhai HH, Walther FJ & Vandenbussche FPHA (2007), Twin anemia-polycythemia sequence in two monochorionic twin pairs without oligo-polyhydramnios sequence, Placenta 28(1).
- de Haan TR, Beersma MFC, Oepkes D, de Jong EP, Kroes ACM & Walther FJ (2007), Parvovirus B19 infection in pregnancy: maternal and fetal viral load measurements related to clinical parameters, Prenatal Diagnosis 27(1).
- Nagel HTC, de Haan TR, Vandenbussche FPHA, Oepkes D & Walther FJ (2007), Long-term outcome after fetal transfusion for hydrops associated with parvovirus B19 infection, Obstetrics and Gynecology 109(1).
- Oepkes D, Devlieger R, Lopriore E & Klumper FJCM (2007), Successful ultrasound-guided laser treatment of fetal hydrops caused by pulmonary sequestration, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 29(4).
- Lopriore E, van den Wijngaard JPHM, Middeldorp JM, Oepkes D, Walther FJ, van Gemert MJ & Vandenbussche FPHA (2007), Assessment of feto-fetal transfusion flow through placental arterio-venous anastomoses in a unique case of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, Placenta 28(2-3).
- Middeldorp JM, Lopriore E, Sueters M, Jansen FW, Ringers J, Klumper FJCM, Oepkes D & Vandenbussche FPHA (2007), Laparoscopically guided uterine entry for fetoscopy in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome with completely anterior placenta: A novel technique, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 22(6).
- Lopriore E, Middeldorp JM, Sueters M, Oepkes D, Vandenbussche FPHA & Walther FJ (2007), Long-term neurodevelopmental outcome in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome treated with fetoscopic laser surgery, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 196(3).
- Kamphuis MM, Lim F, Klumper FJ & Oepkes D (2007), Secondary infertility as a late complication of vesico-amniotic shunt therapy, Prenatal Diagnosis 27(4).
- Lopriore E, Oepkes D, Van Den Wijngaard J, Pasman S, Walther F, Van Gemert M & Vanden-Bussche F (2007), Quantification of donor to recipient transfusion rate through a single placental arterio-venous anastomosis in a monochorionic twin pregnancy, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 197(6).
- Lopriore E, Middeldorp JM, Oepkes D, Klumper FJ, Walther FJ & Vandenbussche FPHA (2007), Residual anastomoses after fetoscopic laser surgery in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: Frequency, associated risks and outcome, Placenta 28(2-3).
- de Haan TR, Beersma MFC, Claas ECJ, Oepkes D, Kroes ACM & Walther FJ (2007), Parvovirus B19 infection in pregnancy studied by maternal viral load and immune responses, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 22(1).
- Oepkes D & van Scheltema PA (2007), Intrauterine fetal transfusions in the management of fetal anemia and fetal thrombocytopenia, Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 12(6).
- Lopriore E, Oepkes D, Middeldorp JM & Vandenbussche FP (2007), You only find what you are looking for, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 114(10).
- de Jong EP, de Haan TR, Kroes ACM, Beersmab MFC, Oepkes D & Walther FJ (2006), Parvovirus B19 infection in pregnancy, Journal of Clinical Virology 36(1).
- van den Akker ESA, Oepkes D, Brand A & Kanhai HHH (2006), Vaginal delivery for fetuses at risk of alloimmune thrombocytopenia?
- Oepkes D, Seaward PG, Vandenbussche FPHA, Windrim R, Kingdom J, Beyene J, Kanhai HHH, Ohlsson A & Ryan G (2006), Doppler ultrasonography versus amniocentesis to predict fetal anemia, New England Journal of Medicine 355(2).
- van Scheltema PNA, Feitsma AH, Middeldorp JM, Fandenbussche FPHA & Oepkes D (2006), Amnioinfusion to facilitate external cephalic version after initial failure, Obstetrics and Gynecology 108(3).
- Baschat AA, Galan HL, Bhide A, Berg C, Kush ML, Oepkes D, Thilaganathan B, Gembruch U & Harman CR (2006), Doppler and biophysical assessment in growth restricted fetuses: distribution of test results, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 27(1).
- Sueters M, Middeldorp JM, Lopriore E, Oepkes D, Kanhai HHH & Vandenbussche FPHA (2006), Timely diagnosis of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome in monochorionic twin pregnancies by biweekly sonography combined with patient instruction to report onset of symptoms, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 28(5).
- Lopriore E, Sueters M, Middeldorp JM, Klumper F, Oepkes D & Vandenbussche FPHA (2006), Twin pregnancies with two separate placental masses can still be monochorionic and have vascular anastomoses, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 194(3).
- Pasman SA, Meerman RH, Vandenbussche FPHA & Oepkes D (2006), Hypoalbuminemia: A cause of fetal hydrops?, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 194(4).
- Van Mieghem T, Lewi L, Van Schoubroeck D, Oepkes D, De Boeck K & Devlieger R (2006), Prenatal therapy for primary fetal hydrothorax in a dichorionic twin pregnancy, Prenatal Diagnosis 26(6).
- Lopriore E, Sueters M, Middeldorp JM, Oepkes D, Vandenbussche FP & Walther FJ (2005), Neonatal outcome in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome treated with fetoscopic laser occlusion of vascular anastomoses, Journal of Pediatrics 147(5).
- Sueters M, Middeldorp JM, Oepkes D, Lopriore E & Vandenbussche FPHA (2005), Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome at 11 weeks of gestation, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 193(3).
- van Kamp IL, Klumper FJCM, Oepkes D, Meerman RH, Scherjon SA, Vandenbussche FPHA & Kanhai HHH (2005), Complications of intrauterine intravascular transfusion for fetal anemia due to maternal red-cell alloimmunization, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 192(1).
- Van Dongen H, Klumper FJCM, Sikkel E, Vandenbussche FPHA & Oepkes D (2005), Non-invasive tests to predict fetal anemia in Kell-alloimmunized pregnancies, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 25(4).
- Vandenbussche FPHA & Oepkes D (2005), The effect of the Term Breech Trial on medical intervention behaviour and neonatal outcome in The Netherlands: an analysis of 35,453 term breech infants, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 112(8).
- Sikkel E, Klumper FJCM, Oepkes D, Teunissen AKK, Meerman RH, Le Cessie S, Kanhai HHH & Vandenbussche FPHA (2005), Fetal cardiac contractility before and after intrauterine transfusion, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 26(6).
- Sikkel E, Pasman SA, Oepkes D, Kanhai HHH & Vandenbussche FPHA (2004), On the origin of amniotic fluid bilirubin, Placenta 25(5).
- Van Den Akker E, Oepkes D, Brand A & Kanhai H (2004), Vaginal delivery for fetuses at risk of alloimmune thrombocytopenia: Is it safe?, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 191(6).
- van Kamp IL, Klumper FJCM, Meerman RH, Oepkes D, Scherjon SA & Kanhai HHH (2004), Treatment of fetal anemia due to red-cell alloimmunization with intrauterine transfusions in the Netherlands, 1988-1999, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 83(8).
- Jeurissen SER, Harinck HIJ & Oepkes D (2004), Low dose synthetic prostaglandin E2: always safe for pregnancy termination?, Lancet 364(9438).
- Oepkes D, Teunissen AKK, Van de Velde M, Devlieger H, Delaere P & Deprest J (2003), Congenital high airway obstruction syndrome successfully managed with ex-utero intrapartum treatment, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 22(4).
- Sikkel E, Vandenbussche FPHA, Oepkes D, Klumper FJCM, Teunissen KAK, Meerman RH, Le Cessie S & Kanhai HHH (2003), Effect of an increase of the hematocrit on middle cerebral artery peak and umbilical vein maximum velocities in anemic fetuses, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 18(6).
- Sueters M, Arabin B & Oepkes D (2003), Doppler sonography for predicting fetal anemia caused by massive fetomaternal hemorrhage, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 22(2).
- Dukler D, Oepkes D, Seaward G, Windrim R & Ryan G (2003), Noninvasive tests to predict fetal anemia: A study comparing Doppler and ultrasound parameters, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 188(5).
- Devlieger R, Scherjon SA, Oepkes D, Meerman R, Timmerman D & Vandenbussche FPHA (2003), Ultrasound visualization of fetal membrane detachment at the uterine cervix: the 'moon sign', Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 22(4).
- Devlieger R, Vandenbussche FPHA & Oepkes D (2003), Use of color Doppler in the diagnosis of PPROM, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 21(5).
- Deurloo K, Devlieger R & Oepkes D (2003), Maternal hydrops syndrome following successful treatment of fetal hydrops by shunting of bilateral hydrothorax, Prenatal Diagnosis 23(11).
- Pittini R, Oepkes D, Macrury K, Reznick R, Beyene J & Windrim R (2002), Teaching invasive perinatal procedures: assessment of a high fidelity simulator-based curriculum, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 19(5).
- Leung WC, Oepkes D, Seaward G & Ryan G (2002), Serial sonographic findings of four fetuses with homozygous alpha-thalassemia-1 from 21 weeks onwards, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 19(1).
- Sikkel E, Vandenbussche FPHA, Oepkes D, Meerman RH, Le Cessie S & Kanhai HHH (2002), Amniotic fluid Delta OD 450 values accurately predict severe fetal anemia in D-alloimmunization, Obstetrics and Gynecology 100(1).
- van Kamp IL, Klumper FJCM, Bakkum RSLA, Oepkes D, Meerman RH, Scherjon SA & Kanhai HHH (2001), The severity of immune fetal hydrops is predictive of fetal outcome after intrauterine treatment, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 185(3).
- Oepkes D, van Kamp IL, Simon MJG, Mesman J, Overbeeke MAM & Kanhai HHH (2001), Clinical value of an antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity assay in the management of Rh D alloimmunization, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 184(5).
- De Groot CJM, Oepkes D, Egberts J & Kanhai HHH (2000), Evidence of endothelium involvement in the pathophysiology of hydrops fetalis?
- Klumper FJ, van Kamp IL, Vandenbussche FPHA, Meerman RH, Oepkes D, Scherjon SA, Eilers PHC & Kanhai HHH (2000), Benefits and risks of fetal red-cell transfusion after 32 weeks gestation, European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 92(1).