Dennis Braekmans
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. D.J.G. Braekmans
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-6335-0521

Zie voor meer informatie de Engelstalige profielpagina van Dennis Braekmans.
Universitair hoofddocent
- Faculteit Archeologie
- Archaeological Sciences
- Material Culture Studies
- Kelepeshi C., Braekmans D.J.G., Daems D., Poblome J., Vassilieva E. & Degryse P.A.I.H. (2024), From Hellenistic slipped tableware to Roman Imperial Sagalassos red slip ware: a petrographic and geochemical study, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 53: 104390.
- Van der Perre A., Braekmans D., Boschloos V. & Hameeuw H. (2024), Skin-deep: Typology, Chemical Characterisation and Innovative Imaging of Unfired Clay Egyptian Execration Figurines at the National Museum for Antiquities, Leiden. In: Miniaci G, Alù C., Slaer C. & Forte V. (red.), Clay Figurines in Context: Crucibles of Egyptian, Nubian, and Levantine Societies in the Middle Bronze Age (2100–1550 BC) and Beyond. Middle Kingdom Studies nr. 17. London: Golden House Publications. 425-438.
- Degryse P.A.I.H., Shortland A. & Braekmans D.J.G. (2024), Forgeries and archaeology. In: Nikita E. & Rehren T. (red.), Laboratory analyses. Encyclopedia of Archaeology nr. 2B: Academic Press. 599-604.
- Bjørnland L.H., Degryse P., Schibille N., Eremin K., Walton M., Gratuze B., Braekmans D. & Shortland A.J. (2024), The production of smalt and other cobalt compounds at the Blaafarveværket, Modum, Norway, Forensic Archaeology, Anthropology and Ecology : .
- Braekmans D.J.G., Soliman D., Boschloos V., Hameeuw H. & Van der Perre A. (2024), Cursed in clay: object lives of Egyptian curse figurines in Leiden. In: O'Farrell H. & Keurs P. ter (red.), Museum, collections and society : yearbook 2023 55-64.
- Braekmans D.J.G. (2024), Diverging productions or not? : A preliminary exploration of the chemical composition of Neolithic Vlaardingen Pottery. In: Verbaas A., Langejans G, Little A. & Chan B. (red.), Artefact biographies from Mesolithic and Neolithic Europe and beyond: papers in honour of Professor Annelou van Gijn. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia nr. 52: Sidestone Press. 87-95.
- Groot B.G. de, Braekmans D., Fernández-Götz M., Hansen L., Stegmaier G. & Krausse D. (2023), Technological dynamics of Early Iron Age ceramics from the Heuneburg (SW Germany): a synthesis of 50 years of research, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 15(8): 129.
- Habermehl D., Van Kerckhove J., Roymans N., Kootker L., Boreel G., Braekmans D. & Heeren S. (2023), Investigating migration and mobility in the Early Roman frontier: The case of the Batavi in the Dutch Rhine delta (c. 50/30 BC–AD 40), Germania : Anzeiger der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 100: 65-108.
- Braekmans D.J.G., Garnand B.K., Greene J. & Degryse P.A.I.H. (2023), Uniformity in tophet ceramics?: A petrographic overview of urn and lid production, Journal of Ancient History 11(2): 243-258.
- Norris D., Braekmans D. & Shortland A. (2022), Emulation and technological adaptation in late 18th-century cloisonne-style Chinese painted enamels, Archaeometry 64(4): .
- Norris D., Braekmans D.J.G. & Shortland A. (2022), Technological connections in the development of 18th and 19th century Chinese painted enamels, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 42: .
- Casale S.C., Jean J.S., Capelli C., Braekmans D.J.G., Degryse P.A.I.H. & Hofman C.L. (2021), Transatlantic connections in colonial and post-colonial Haiti: archaeometric evidence for taches noires glazed tableware imported from Albissola, Italy to Fort Liberté, Haiti, International Journal of Historical Archaeology 25: 423–447.
- Ma Q., Braekmans D.J.G., Shortland A. & Pollard A.M. (2021), The production and composition of Chinese lead-barium glass through experimental laboratory replication, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 551: 120409.
- Casale Simone (2020), Geochemical and petrographic assessment of clay outcrops and archaeological ceramics from the pre-hispanic site of Aguas Buenas (cal 400–1250 CE), Central Nicaragua [Networked practices of contact: Cultural identity at the Late prehistoric settlement of Aguas Buenas, Nicaragua, AD 500–1522] (vertaling Casale S., Donner N., Braekmans D. & Geurds A.), Microchemical Journal 156: 104829.
- Casale S., Donner N., Braekmans D. & Geurds A. (2020), Pre-Hispanic and contemporary raw materials use in earthenware production in the Río Mayales subbasin, Chontales, central Nicaragua. In: Klinkenberg M.V., Oosten R.M.R. van & Driel-Murray C. van (red.), A Human Environment. Studies in honour of 20 years Analecta editorship by prof. dr. Corrie Bakels, Leiden. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 107-120.
- Norris D., Braekmans D.J.G., Domoney K. & Shortland A. (2020), The composition and technology of polychrome enamels on Chinese ruby-backed plates identified through nondestructive micro-X-ray fluorescence, X-Ray Spectrometry 49(4): 502-510.
- Braekmans D., Boschloos V., Hameeuw H. & Perre A. van der (2019), Tracing the provenance of unfired ancient Egyptian clay figurines from Saqqara through non-destructive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Microchemical Journal 145: 1207-1217.
- Donner N.R., Casale S., Braekmans D. & Geurds A. (2019), Ceramic comales at the Barillas site (cal 1255–1390 CE), central Nicaragua: Defining a local technical tradition of griddle manufacture, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 24: 829-842.
- Kroon E.J., Huisman D.J., Bourgeois Q.P.J., Braekmans D.J.G. & Fokkens H. (2019), The introduction of Corded Ware Culture at a local level: An exploratory study of cultural change during the Late Neolithic of the Dutch West Coast through ceramic technology, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 26: 101873.
- Casale S., Capelli C., Braekmans D., Degryse P., Hofman C., Gavagnin S. & Jean J.S. (2019), La ceramica a Taches Noires albisolese e la sua distribuzione nel mercato coloniale. Un caso di studio archeometrico da Haiti. In: , Ceramica 4.0: Nuove Esperienze e tecnologie per la comunicazione, catalogazione e musealizzazione della ceramica. Atti dei Convegni Internazionali della Ceramica. Sesto Fiorentino (FI): All'Insegna del Giglio s.a.s.. 123-127.
- Gijn A.L. van, Jacobs L.F.H.C., Groat N., Koning N. de, Braekmans D. & Verbaas A. (2019), Studying vessel biographies from the Heuneburg; An experimental approach. In: Stockhammer P.W. & Fries-Knoblach J. (red.), Was tranken die frühen Kelten; nr. 1. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 77-100.
- Pincé P., Braekmans D., Lycke S. & Vandenabeele P. (2019), Ceramic production in the Kur River Basin (Fars, Iran) during the Middle to Late Second Millennium BCE: a geochemical and technological characterization, Archaeometry 61(3): 556-573.
- Pincé P., Braekmans D.J.G., Abdali N., Pauw E. de, Amelirad S. & Vandenabeele P. (2019), Development of ceramic production in the Kur River Basin (Fars, Iran) during the Neolithic: a compositional and technological approach using X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and thin section petrography, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11(4): 1241-1258.
- Müskens S., Braekmans D., Versluys M.J. & Degryse P. (2018), Egyptian sculptures from Imperial Rome. Non-destructive characterization of granitoid statues through macroscopic methodologies and in situ XRF analysis, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 10(6): 1303-1318.
- Mödlinger M., Kuijpers M.H.G., Braekmans D.J.G. & Berger D. (2017), Quantitative comparisons of the color of CuAs, CuSn, CuNi, and CuSb alloys, Journal of Archaeological Science 88: 14-23.
- Braekmans D., Degryse P., Neyt B., Waelkens M. & Poblome J. (2016), Reconstructing Regional Trajectories: the Provenance and Distribution of Archaic to Hellenistic Ceramics in Central Pisidia (South-west Turkey), Archaeometry : .
- Degryse P. & Braekmans D. (2014), Elemental and Isotopic Analysis of Ancient Ceramics and Glass. In: Holland H.D. & Turekian K.K. (red.), Treatise on Geochemistry nr. Vol. 14. Oxford: Elsevier. 191-207.
- Poblome J., Braekmans D.J.G., Waelkens M., Firat N., Vanhaverbeke H., Martens F., Kaptijn E., Vyncke K., Willet R. & Degryse P. (2013), How did Sagalassos come to be? A ceramological survey. In: Tekocak M. (red.), Studies in Honour of K. Levent Zoroğlu. Antalya: Suna & Inan Kiraç Research Institute on Mediterranean Civilizations. 527-540.
- Poblome J., Braekmans D.J.G., Music B., Van der Enden M., Neyt B., De Graeve B. & Degryse P. (2013), A pottery kiln underneath the Odeon of ancient Sagalassos, SW Turkey. The excavation results, the table wares and their archaeometrical analysis. Fenn N., Kögler P. & Römer-Strehl C. (red.), Networks in the Hellenistic World according to the pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond (BAR International Series). Networks in the Hellenistic world according to the pottery in the eastern Mediterranean and beyond location 23 februari 2011 - 26 februari 2011 nr. 2539: Archaeopress. 193-204.
- Waters-Rist A.L., Braekmans D. & Hoogland M.L.P. (2013), New Archaeological Examples of Dental Prosthetics: Dentures from the Nineteenth Century Village of Middenbeemster, The Netherlands. British Association of Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology, York. 13 september 2013 - 15 september 2013. [conferentie poster].
- Neyt B., Braekmans D., Poblome J., Elsen J., Waelkens M. & Degryse P. (2012), Long-term clay raw material selection and use in the region of Classical/Hellenistic to Early Byzantine Sagalassos (SW Turkey), Journal of Archaeological Science 39(5): 1296-1305.
- Scott Rebecca B., Shortland Andrew J., Degryse Patrick, Power Matthew, Domoney Kelly, Boyen Sara & Braekmans Dennis (2012), In situ analysis of ancient glass: 17th century painted glass from Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford and Roman glass vessels, European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part a Glass Technology 53(2): 65-73.
- Braekmans D.J.G., Degryse P., Poblome J., Neyt B., Vyncke K. & Waelkens M. (2011), Understanding ceramic variability: an archaeometrical interpretation of the Classical and Hellenistic ceramics at Duzen Tepe and Sagalassos (Southwest Turkey), Journal of Archaeological Science 38(9): 2101-2115.
- Vanhaverbeke H., Waelkens M., Vyncke K., De Laet V., Aydal S., Music B., De Cupere B., Poblome J., Braekmans D., Degryse P., Marinova E., Verstraeten G., Van Neer W., Slapsak B., Medaric I., Ekinci H.A. & Erbay M.O. (2010), 'Pisidian' culture? The Classical-Hellenistic site at Duzen Tepe near Sagalassus (southwest Turkey), Anatolian Studies 60: 105-128.