David Heyne
- Naam
- Dr. D. Heyne
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- d.heyne@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-9320-0786

Lees meer op de Engelstalige medewerkerspagina van David Heyne.
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Ontwikkelings- & Onderwijspsychologie
- Li B., Heyne D., Scheeren A., Blijd-Hoogewysm E. & Rieffe C.J. (2024), School participation of autistic youths: the influence of youth, family and school factors, Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice : .
- Melvin G.A., Freeman M., Ashford L.J., Hastings R.P., Heyne D.A., Tonge B.J., Bailey T., Totsika V. & Gray K.M. (2023), Types and correlates of school absenteeism among students with intellectual disability, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 67: 375-386.
- Groot C.M.C.E. de, Heyne D.A. & Boon A.E. (2023), School refusal in adolescence: personality traits and their influence on treatment outcome, Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders : 1-14.
- Kouroupa A., Allard A., Gray K., Hastings R.P., Heyne D.A., Melvin G.A., Tonge B. & Totsika V. (2023), The association between home learning during COVID‐19 lockdowns and subsequent school attendance among children with neurodevelopmental conditions, Child: Care, Health and Development : 1-6.
- Kouroupa A., Allard A., Gray K.M., Hastings R.P., Heyne D.A., Melvin G.A., Tonge B.J. & Totsika V. (2022), Home schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom: the experience of families of children with neurodevelopmental conditions, Frontiers in Education 7: 974558.
- Johnsen D.B., Lomholt J.J., Heyne D.A., Jeppesen P., Jensen M.B., Silverman W.K. & Thastum M. (2022), Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of youths and parents seeking psychological treatment for school attendance problems, PLoS ONE 17(1): e0261449.
- Heyne D.A. & Brouwer-Borghuis M. (2022), Wegwijzers voor interventies bij schoolweigering, vanuit de visie van betrokkenen, 49: 140-166.
- Heyne D.A. & Brouwer-Borghuis M. (2022), Signposts for school refusal interventions, based on the views of stakeholders, Continuity in Education 3(1): 25-40.
- Heyne D.A. (2022), Developmental issues associated with adolescent school refusal and cognitive-behavioral therapy manuals: a practitioner review, Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie 50(6): 471-494.
- Bitsika V., Heyne D.A. & Sharpley C.F. (2022), The inverse association between psychological resilience and emerging school refusal among bullied autistic youth, Research in Developmental Disabilities 120: 104121.
- Heyne D.A. (2022), Practitioner review: signposts for enhancing cognitive-behavioral therapy for school refusal in adolescence, Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie : .
- Paulauskaite L., Timmerman A., Kouroupa A., Allard A., Gray K.M., Hastings R.P., Heyne D.A., Melvin G.A., Tonge B. & Totsika V. (2022), Elective home education of children with neurodevelopmental conditions before and after the COVID-19 pandemic started, Frontiers in Psychology 13: 995217.
- Heyne D.A., Kearney C.A. & Finning K. (2022), Mental health and attendance at school: setting the scene. In: Finning K., Ford T. & Moore D.A. (red.), Mental health and attendance at school. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1-21.
- Karel E., Heyne D.A., Weerd M. de & Halberstadt R. (2022), The recording, reporting, and use of school attendance data by school personnel in The Netherlands: toe the line or take a new path?, Orbis Scholae 16(2-3): 1-20.
- Bitsika V., Heyne D.A. & Sharpley C.F. (2021), Is bullying associated with emerging school refusal in autistic boys?, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 51(4): 1081-1092.
- Bitsika V., Sharpley C. & Heyne D.A. (2021), Risk for school refusal among autistic boys bullied at school: investigating associations with social phobia and separation anxiety, International Journal of Disability, Development and Education : .
- Kearney C.A., Heyne D.A. & Gonzálvez C. (2021), School attendance and problematic school absenteeism in youth. Frontiers Research Topics. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA.
- Schraven J., Matthijssen D., Weerden C. van de, Heyne D.A. & Bodden D. (2021), ACT your way: kwaliteit van het protocol en eerste bevindingen van een pilot-effectonderzoek bij adolescenten met een recidiverende depressie, Gedragstherapie 2021(2): .
- Johnsen D.B., Heyne D. & Karel E.R. (2021), Psychological interventions for school refusal and truancy. In: Gren Landell M. (red.) School attendance problems: a research update and where to go.: Jerringfonden. 125-137.
- Sleeuwen W. van & Heyne D.A. (2020), Schoolverzuim aanpakken. Een wetenschappelijke onderbouwing. Utrecht: Nederlands Jeugdinstituut.
- Heyne D., Gentle-Genitty C., Landell. M.G., Melvin G., Chu B., Galle-Tessonneau M., Askeland. K.G., Gonzalvez C., Havik T., Ingul J.M., Johnsen D.B., Keppens G., Knollmann M., Lyon A.R., Maeda N., Reissner V., Sauter F., Silverman W.K., Thastum M., Tonge B.J. & Kearney C.A. (2020), Improving school attendance by enhancing communication among stakeholders: establishment of the International Network for School Attendance (INSA), European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 29: 1023-1030.
- Kearny C. A., Heyne D. A. & Gonzalvez C. (red.) (2020), School attendance and problematic school absenteeism in youth. Frontiers in Psychology.
- Heyne D., Strombeck J., Alanko K., Bergstrom M. & Ulriksen R. (2020), A scoping review of constructs measured following intervention for school refusal: are we measuring up?, Frontiers in Psychology 11: .
- Gallé-Tessonneau M. & Heyne D.A. (2020), Behind the SCREEN: identifying school refusal themes and sub-themes, Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties 25(2): 139-154.
- Heyne D., Strombeck J., Alanko K., Bergstrom M. & Ulriksen R. (2020), A scoping review of constructs measured following intervention for school refusal: are we measuring up?, Frontiers in Psychology 11: 1744.
- Lomholt J.J., Johnsen D.B., Silverman W.K., Heyne D., Jeppesen P. & Thastum M. (2020), Feasibility study of Back2School, a modular cognitive behavioral intervention for youth with school attendance problems, Frontiers in Psychology 11: 586.
- Totsika V., Hastings R.P., Dutton Y., Worsley A., Melvin G., Gray K., Tonge B. & Heyne D.A. (2020), Types and correlates of school non-attendance in students with autism spectrum disorders, Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice 24(7): 1639-1649.
- Kearney C.A., Heyne D.A. & Gonzálvez C. (2020), Editorial: school attendance and problematic school absenteeism in youth, Frontiers in Psychology 11(602242): .
- Lomholt J.J., Johnsen D.B., Silverman W.K., Heyne D., Jeppesen P. & Thastum M. (2020), Feasibility study of Back2School, a modular cognitive behavioral intervention for youth with school attendance problems, Frontiers in Psychology 11: 586.
- Heyne D. (2019), Developments in classification, identification, and intervention for school refusal and other attendance problems: Introduction to the special series, Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 26(1): 1-7.
- Heyne D., Gren-Landell M., Melvin G. & Gentle-Genitty C. (2019), Differentiation between school attendance problems: why and how?, Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 26(1): 8-34.
- Ingul J.M., Havik T. & Heyne D. (2019), Emerging school refusal: a school-based framework for identifying early signs and risk factors, Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 26(1): 46-62.
- Brouwer-Borghuis M.L., Heyne D., Sauter F.M. & Scholte R.H.J. (2019), The link: An alternative educational program in the Netherlands to reengage school-refusing adolescents with schooling, Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 26(1): 75-91.
- Heyne D. (red.) (2019), Special series: School refusal and other school attendance problems. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice: Elsevier.
- Brouwer-Borghuis M.L., Heyne D.A., Vogelaar B. & Sauter F.M. (2019), Early identification of school attendance problems: How helpful are Dutch laws, policies, and protocols?, European Journal of Education and Psychology 12(1): 47-61.
- Ng V.V., Heyne D., Kueh Y.C. & Husain M. (2019), The Malay Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for School Situations: Development, reliability, and validity among early adolescents in primary school, European Journal of Education and Psychology 12(1): 91-108.
- Thastum M., Johnsen D.B., Silverman W.K., Jeppesen P., Heyne D.A. & Jeppesen Lomholt J. (2019), The Back2School modular cognitive behavioral intervention for youths with problematic school absenteeism: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Trials 20(1): e29.
- Melvin G.A., Heyne D., Gray K.M., Hastings R.P., Totsika V., Tonge B.J. & Freeman M.M. (2019), The Kids and Teens at School (KiTeS) framework: An inclusive bioecological systems approach to understanding school absenteeism and school attendance problems, Frontiers in Education 4: 61.
- Heyne D.A. (2019), VGCt Factsheet: Cognitieve gedragstherapie bij schoolweigering (Vereniging voor gedrags- en cognitieve therapieen). [overig].
- Maeda N. & Heyne D. (2019), Rapid return for school refusal: A school-based approach applied with Japanese adolescents, Frontiers in Psychology 10: e2862.
- Heyne D.A. (red.) (2019), Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice: Elsevier.
- Kearny C., Gonzalvez C. & Heyne D. (red.) (2019), School Attendance and Problematic School Absenteeism in Youth. Frontiers in Psychology.
- Maynard B.R., Heyne D., Brendel K.E., Bulanda J.J., Thompson A.M. & Pigott T.D. (2018), Treatment for school refusal among children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Research on Social Work Practice 28(1): 56-67.
- Heyne D., Vreeke L.J., Maric M., Boelens H. & Widenfelt B.M. van (2017), Functional assessment of school attendance problems: An adapted version of the School Refusal Assessment Scale-Revised, Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 25(3): 178-192.
- Maynard B.R., Vaughn M.G., Nelson E.J., Salas-Wrigh C.P., Heyne D.A. & Kremer K.P. (2017), Truancy in the United States: Examining temporal trends and correlates by race, age, and gender, Children and Youth Services Review 81: 188-196.
- Heyne D.A. & Maynard B.R. (2016), Interventions for school refusal and truancy: A case of 'old dogs in need of new tricks'. In: Menzies R., Kyrios M. & Kazantzis N. (red.), Innovations and future directions in the behavioural and cognitive therapies. Samford Valley: Australian Academic Press. 23-28.
- Blöte A.W., Miers A.C., Heyne D.A. & Westenberg P.M. (2015), Social anxiety and the school environment of adolescents. In: Ranta K., La Greca A.M., Garcia-Lopez L.-J. & Marttunen M. (red.), Social Anxiety and Phobia in Adolescents: Development, Manifestation and Intervention Strategies: Springer International Publishing. 151-181.
- Heyne D.A., Sauter F.M. & Maynard B.R. (2015), Moderators and mediators of treatments for youth with school refusal or truancy. In: Maric M., Prins P.J.M. & Ollendick T.H. (red.), Moderators and mediators of youth treatment outcomes. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 230-266.
- Maynard B.R., Brendel K.E., Bulanda J.J., Heyne D., Thompson A. & Pigott T.D. (2015), Psychosocial interventions for school refusal with primary and secondary students: A systematic review, Campbell Systematic Reviews 11(12): e76.
- Heyne D.A., Sauter F.M., Ollendick T.H., Van Widenfelt B.M. & Westenberg P.M. (2014), Developmentally sensitive cognitive behavioral therapy for adolescent school refusal: Rationale and case illustration, Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 17(2): 191-215.
- Blöte A.W., Miers A.C., Heyne D.A., Clark D.M. & Westenberg P.M. (2014), The relation between social anxiety and audience perception: Examining Clark and Wells' (1995) model among adolescents, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 42(5): 555-567.
- Miers A.C., Blöte A.W., Heyne D.A. & Westenberg P.M. (2014), Developmental pathways of social avoidance across adolescence: The role of social anxiety and negative cognition, Journal of Anxiety Disorders 28(8): 787-794.
- Manassis K., Lee T.C., Bennett K., Zhao X.Y., Mendlowitz S., Duda S., Saini M., Wilansky P., Baer S., Barrett P., Bodden D., Cobham V.E., Dadds M.R., Flannery-Schroeder E., Ginsburg G., Heyne D., Hudson J.L., Kendall P.C., Liber J., Masia-Warner C., Nauta M.H., Rapee R.M., Silverman W., Siqueland L., Spence S.H., Utens E. & Wood J.J. (2014), Types of parental involvement in CBT with anxious youth: A preliminary meta-analysis, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 82(6): 1163-1172.
- Heyne D.A. & Sauter F.M. (2013), School refusal. In: Essau C.A. & Ollendick T.H. (red.), The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of the treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Limited. 471-517.
- Bennett K., Manassis K., Walter S.D., Cheung A., Wilansky-Traynor P., Diaz-Granados N., Duda S., Rice M., Baer S., Barrett P., Bodden D., Cobham V.E., Dadds M.R., Flannery-Schroeder E., Ginsburg G., Heyne D., Hudson J.L., Kendall P.C., Liber J., Masia Warner C., Mendlowitz S., Nauta M.H., Rapee R.M., Silverman W., Siqueland L., Spence S.H., Utens E. & Wood J.J. (2013), Cognitive behavioral therapy age effects in child and adolescent anxiety: An individual patient data meta-analysis, Depression and Anxiety 30(9): 829-841.
- Maric M., Heyne D.A., MacKinnon D.P., Van Widenfelt B.M. & Westenberg P.M. (2013), Cognitive mediation of cognitive-behavioural therapy outcomes for anxiety-based school refusal, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 41(5): 549-564.
- Maric M., Heyne D.A., Heus P. de, Widenfelt B.M. van & Westenberg P.M. (2012), The role of cognition in school refusal: An investigation of automatic thoughts and cognitive errors, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 40(3): 255-269.
- Maric M., Heyne D.A., Widenfelt B.M. van & Westenberg P.M. (2011), Distorted cognitive processing in youth: The structure of negative cognitive errors and their associations with anxiety, Cognitive Therapy and Research 35(1): 11-20.
- Heyne D.A., Sauter F.M., Widenfelt B.M. van, Vermeiren R.R.J.M. & Westenberg P.M. (2011), School refusal and anxiety in adolescence: Non-randomized trial of a developmentally sensitive cognitive behavioral therapy, Journal of Anxiety Disorders 25(7): 870-878.
- Vuijk P., Heyne D.A. & Efferen-Wiersma E.S. (2010), @school project: Prevalentie en functies van problematisch schoolverzuim in het Rotterdamse basisonderwijs, Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics 31(1): 29-40.
- Vuijk P. & Heyne D.A. (2010), Ongeoorloofd schoolverzuim [Unapproved school absenteeism], Pulse: Primair Onderwijs 2: 34-37.
- Sauter F.M., Snel R., Heyne D.A. & Widenfelt B.M. van (2010), Schoolweigering bij adolescenten: het @school project [School refusal in adolescence: the @school project], PsychoPraktijk 2(4): 14-18.
- Sauter F.M., Heyne D.A., Blöte-Aanhane A.W., Widenfelt B.M. van & Westenberg P.M. (2010), Assessing therapy-relevant cognitive capacities in young people: Development and psychometric evaluation of the self-reflection and insight scale for youth, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 38(3): 303-317.
- Sauter F.M., Heyne D.A. & Westenberg P.M. (2009), Cognitive behavior therapy for anxious adolescents: Developmental influences on treatment design and delivery, Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 12(4): 310-335.
- Vuijk P. & Heyne D.A. (2009), Ongeoorloofd schoolverzuim in het basisonderwijs, Advies & Educatie 3: 4-5.
- Bokhorst C.L., Westenberg P.M., Oosterlaan J. & Heyne D.A. (2008), Changes in social fears across childhood and adolescence: Age-related differences in the factor structure of the Fear Survey Schedule for Children-Revised, Journal of Anxiety Disorders 22(1): 135-142.
- Melvin G., Tonge B.J., King N.J., Heyne D.A., Gordon M.S. & Klimkeit E. (2006), A comparison of cognitive-behavioral therapy, sertraline, and their combination for adolescent depression, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 45(10): 1151-1161.
- Heyne D.A. (2006), School refusal. In: Fisher J.E. & O'Donohue W.T. (red.), Practitioner’s guide to evidence-based psychotherapy. New York: Springer. 599-618.
- Westenberg P.M., Gullone E., Bokhorst C.L., Heyne D.A. & King N.J. (2006), Social evaluation fear in childhood and adolescence: Normative developmental course and continuity of individual differences, British Journal of Developmental Psychology 25(3): 471-483.
- King N.J., Heyne D.A. & Ollendick T.H. (2005), Cognitive-behavioral treatments for anxiety and phobic disorders in children and adolescents: A review, Behavioral Disorders 30: 241-257.
- Tonge B.J., King N.J., Klimkeit E., Melvin G., Heyne D.A. & Gordon M. (2005), The Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Depression in Adolescents (SEQ-DA): Development and psychometric evaluation, European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 14: 357-363.
- Heyne D.A. & Rollings S. (2004), Niechec do szkoty [School refusal practitioner guide (Polish)]. Gdansk: Gdanskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne.
- Heyne D.A., King N.J. & Tonge B.J. (2004), School refusal. In: Ollendick T.H. & March J.S. (red.), Phobic and anxiety disorders in children and adolescents: A clinician¿s guide to effective psychosocial and pharmacological interventions. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 236-271.
- Heyne D.A., King N.J. & Ollendick T.H. (2004), School refusal. In: Graham P. (red.), Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Children and Families. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 320-341.
- Heyne D.A. & King N.J. (2004), Treatment of school refusal. In: Barrett P.M. & Ollendick T.H. (red.), Handbook of interventions that work with children and adolescents: Prevention and treatment. London: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.. 243-272.
- King N.J., Heyne D.A., Tonge B.J., Mullen P., Myerson N., Rollings S. & Ollendick T.H. (2003), Sexually abused children suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder: Assessment and treatment strategies, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 32: 2-12.
- Workshop series on school refusal and other school attendance problems
- teaching post-masters for registration as GZ-psycholoog