David Henley
Hoogleraar Contemporaine Indonesië Studies
- Naam
- Prof.dr. D.E.F. Henley
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2226
- d.e.f.henley@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-7618-4956

David Henley is Hoogleraar Moderne Indonesië Studies aan het Instituut voor Regiostudies.
Meer informatie over David Henley
Hoogleraar Contemporaine Indonesië Studies
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS Indonesie
- Henley D.E.F. (2024), Amplified waves: the politics of religious sound in Indonesia and beyond. In: Lorea C.E. & Hackett R.I.J. (red.), Religious sounds beyond the Global North. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 263-281.
- Henley D.E.F. & Wickramasinghe N.K (2023), Monsoon Asia: a reader on South and Southeast Asia. Critical, Connected Histories nr. 4. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Henley D.E.F. & Wickramasinghe N.K. (red.) (2023), Monsoon Asia: a reader on South and Southeast Asia. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Henley D.E.F. (2023), Introduction: seasons and civilizations. In: Henley D. & Wickramasinghe N. (red.), Monsoon Asia: a reader on South and Southeast Asia. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 9-62.
- Henley D.E.F. & Porath N. (2021), Body modification in East Asia: An Introduction, Asian Studies Review 45(2): 189-197.
- Henley D.E.F. & Porath N. (2021), Body modification in East Asia: History and Debates, Asian Studies Review 45(2): 198-216.
- Henley D.E.F. (2020), Southeast Asian studies and the reality of Southeast Asia, Suvannabhumi: Multi-Disciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 12(2): 19-52.
- Henley D.E.F. & Caldwell I. (2019), Precolonial citizenship in South Sulawesi, Citizenship Studies 23(3): 240-255.
- Henley D.E.F. (2019), Sound wars: piety, civility, and the battle for Indonesian ears. In: Porath N. (red.), Hearing Southeast Asia: sounds of hierarchy and power in context. NIAS Studies in Asian Topics nr. 69. Copenhagen: NIAS Press. 228-253.
- Henley D.E.F. (17 april 2019), De democratie van Indonesië is sterker dan we denken. De Volkskrant.
- Henley D.E.F. (18 april 2019), Democratie Indonesië is sterker dan we denken. De Volkskrant: 23.
- Henley D.E.F. (2018), Foreign investment and the Middle Income Trap in Southeast Asia, Lembaran Sejarah 14(1): 28-47.
- Henley D.E.F. (2018), What can Africa learn from SE Asia?, African Business (AGRF Special Agribusiness Special Report): 12-14.
- Henley D.E.F. (2017), Hybridity and Indigeneity in Malaya, 1900-70. In: Laffan M. (red.), Belonging across the Bay of Bengal: religious rites, colonial migrations, national rights. London: Bloomsbury Academic. 181-192.
- Henley D.E.F. (2017), In memoriam Peter Boomgaard, Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 173(2-3): 173-179.
- Henley D.E.F. & Tuerah N. (2016), Krisis-krisis abad ke-20 dan akibatnya di Sulawesi Utara. In: Boomgaard P. & White B. (red.), Dari krisis ke krisis: masyarakat Indonesia menghadapi resesi ekonomi selama abad 20. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press. 169-198.
- Henley D.E.F. (2016), Indonesia. In: Stone J., Dennis R.M., Rizova P.S., Smith A.D. & Hou X. (red.), The Wiley Blackwell encyclopedia of race, ethnicity and nationalism. Chichester: John Wiley.
- Booth D., Dietz T., Golooba-Mutebi F., Fuady A.H., Henley D.E.F. & Kelsall T. (2015), Developmental regimes in Africa: synthesis report. London: Overseas Development Institute.
- Henley D.E.F. (2015), Asia-Africa development divergence: a question of intent. London: Zed Books.
- Henley D.E.F. & Schulte Nordholt H. (red.) (2015), Environment, trade and society in Southeast Asia: a longue durée perspective. Leiden: Brill.
- Henley D.E.F. & Schulte Nordholt H. (2015), Introduction: structures, cycles, and scratches on rocks. In: Henley D.E.F. & Schulte Nordholt H. (red.), Environment, trade and society in Southeast Asia: a longue durée perspective. Leiden: Brill. 1-14.
- Henley D.E.F. (2015), Ages of commerce in Southeast Asian history. In: Henley D.E.F. & Schulte Nordholt H. (red.), Environment, trade and society in Southeast Asia: a longue durée perspective. Leiden: Brill. 120-132.
- Henley D.E.F. (2015), From tribes to transaction costs: how two anthropologists of Southeast Asia anticipated the New Institutional Economics. In: Schrikker A. & Touwen J. (red.), Promises and Predicaments: Trade and Entrepreneurship in Colonial and Independent Indonesia in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Singapore: NUS Press. 163-178.
- Henley D.E.F. & Ahmad Helmy Fuady (2014), Sources of developmental ambition in Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa (Developmental Regimes in Africa, Policy Brief 04) (London: Overseas Development Institute). [overig].
- Henley D.E.F. & Donge J.K. van (2013), Diverging paths: explanations and implications. In: Berendsen B., Dietz T., Schulte Nordholt H.G.C. & Veen R. van der (red.), Asian tigers, African lions: comparing the development performance of Southeast Asia and Africa. African dynamics nr. 12. Leiden: Brill. 27-50.
- Henley D.E.F. (2013), The origins of Southeast Asian nations: a question of timing. In: Breuilly J. (red.), The Oxford handbook of the history of nationalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 263-286.
- Henley D.E.F. (2013), Bespreking van: Pepinsky T.B. (2009), Economic crises and the breakdown of authoritarian regimes: Indonesia and Malaysia in comparative perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 1269(2/3): 389-390.
- Henley D.E.F. (2013), Sources of developmental ambition in Southeast Asia: political interests and collective assumptions. Developmental Regimes in Africa, Working Paper 02. London: Overseas Development Institute. [working paper].
- Henley D.E.F., Tirtosudarmo R. & Fuady A.H. (2012), Flawed vision: Nigerian development policy in the Indonesian mirror, 1965-1990, Development Policy Review 30(s1): 49-71.
- Henley D.E.F. (2012), Agrarian roots of industrial growth: rural development in Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, Development Policy Review 30(s1): 25-47.
- Henley D.E.F., Van Donge J.K. & Lewis P. (2012), Tracking development in Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa: the primacy of policy, Development Policy Review 30(s1): 5-24.
- Henley D.E.F. & Donge J.-K. van (2012), Policy for development in Africa: learning from Southeast Asia (Developmental Regimes in Africa, Policy Brief 01) (London: Overseas Development Institute). [overig].
- Henley D.E.F. (2011), Hygiene, housing and health in colonial Sulawesi. In: Dijk K. van & Taylor J.G. (red.), Cleanliness and culture: Indonesian histories. Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde nr. 272. Leiden: KITLV Press. 95-116.
- Henley D.E.F. (2011), Forced labour and rising fertility in colonial Indonesia, Asian Population Studies 7(1): 3-13.
- Henley D.E.F. (2011), Swidden farming as an agent of environmental change: ecological myth and historical reality in Indonesia, Environment and History 17(4): 525-554.
- Henley D.E.F. (2011), Swidden farming as an agent of environmental change: ecological myth and historical reality in Indonesia, Environment and History 17(4): 525-554.
- Henley D.E.F. (2010), Microfinance in Indonesia: evolution and revolution, 1900-2000. In: Goenka A. & Henley D.E.F. (red.), Southeast Asia's credit revolution: from moneylenders to microfinance. London: Routledge. 173-189.
- Henley D.E.F. & Goenka A. (2010), Introduction: from moneylenders to microfinance in Southeast Asia. In: Goenka A. & Henley D.E.F. (red.), Southeast Asia's credit revolution: from moneylenders to microfinance. London: Routledge. 1-17.
- Henley D.E.F., Davidson J.S. & Moniaga S. (red.) (2010), Adat dalam politik Indonesia. Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia / KITLV-Jakarta.
- Henley D.E.F. & Goenka A. (red.) (2010), Southeast Asia's credit revolution: from moneylenders to microfinance. London: Routledge.
- Henley D.E.F. (2010), Bespreking van: , Garry Rodan, Kevin Hewison and Richard Robison (eds), The political economy of South-East Asia; Markets, power and contestation [third edition]. (Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 2006) nr. 2/3. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 166: 362-363.
- Henley D.E.F. (2009), Credit and debt in Indonesian history: an introduction. In: Henley D. & Boomgaard P. (red.), Credit and debt in Indonesia, 860-1930: from peonage to pawnshop, from kongsi to cooperative. Singapore: ISEAS. 1-40.
- Henley D.E.F. & Bryceson D. (2009), From agrarian moral economy to plural civil society in Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Kimambo I.N., Hyden G., Maghimbi S. & Sugimura K. (red.), Comparative perspectives on moral economy: Africa and Southeast Asia. Tanzania: Dar es Salaam University Press.
- Henley D.E.F. & Boomgaard P. (red.) (2009), Credit and debt in Indonesia, 860-1930: from peonage to pawnshop, from kongsi to cooperative. Singapore: ISEAS.
- Henley D.E.F. (2009), Bespreking van: , John H. McGlynn, Oscar Motuloh, Suzanne Charlé, Jeffrey Hadler, Bambang Bujono, Margaret Glade Agusta, and Gedsiri Suhartono, Indonesia in the Soeharto years; Issues, incidents and images (Jakarta: The Lontar Foundation in association with Ridge Books and KITLV Press, 2007). Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 165: 153-155.
- Henley D.E.F. & Caldwell I. (red.) (2008), 'Stranger-Kings in Indonesia and Beyond', theme issue of Indonesia and the Malay World (36/105). London: Routledge.
- Henley D.E.F. & Caldwell I. (2008), Introduction; The stranger who would be king: magic, logic, polemic, Indonesia and the Malay World 36(105): 163-175.
- Henley D.E.F. (2008), Natural resource management: historical lessons from Indonesia, Human Ecology 36(2): 273-290.
- Henley D.E.F. & Davidson J.S. (2008), In the name of adat: regional perspectives on reform, tradition, and democracy in Indonesia, Modern Asian Studies 42(4): 815-852.
- Henley D.E.F. & Caldwell I. (2008), Kings and covenants: stranger-kings and social contract in Sulawesi, Indonesia and the Malay World 36(105): 269-291.
- Henley D.E.F. & Davidson J.S. (2007), Introduction: radical conservatism - the protean politics of adat. In: Davidson J.S. & Henley D.E.F. (red.), The revival of tradition in Indonesian politics: the deployment of adat from colonialism to indigenism. London: Routledge. 1-49.
- Henley D.E.F., Schouten M.J.C. & Ulaen A.J. (2007), Preserving the peace in post-New Order Minahasa. In: Klinken G. van & Nordholt H.S. (red.), Renegotiating boundaries: local politics in post-Soeharto Indonesia. Leiden: KITLV Press. 307-326.
- Henley D.E.F. (2007), Custom and koperasi: the cooperative ideal in Indonesia. In: Davidson J.S. & Henley D.E.F. (red.), The revival of tradition in Indonesian politics: the deployment of adat from colonialism to indigenism. London: Routledge. 87-112.
- Henley D.E.F. (2007), Natural resource management and mismanagement: observations from Southeast Asian agricultural history. In: Bankoff G. & Boomgaard P. (red.), A history of natural resources in Asia: the wealth of nature. Houndmills, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. 19-37.
- Henley D.E.F., Schouten M.J.C. & Ulaen A.J. (2007), Memelihara perdamaian di Minahasa pasca-Orde Baru. In: Nordholt H.S. & Klinken G. van (red.), Politik lokal di Indonesia. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia / KITLV-Jakarta. 406-431.
- Henley D.E.F. & Davidson J.S. (red.) (2007), The revival of tradition in Indonesian politics: the deployment of adat from colonialism to indigenism. London: Routledge.
- Henley D.E.F. (2007), Bespreking van: , Richard Stubbs, Rethinking Asia's economic miracle; The political economy of war, prosperity and crisis (Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005). Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 163: 578-581.
- Henley D.E.F. (2007) "The folly our descendants are least likely to forgive us": the end of nature in Southeast Asia?. Bespreking van: . Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 163: 440-453.
- Henley D.E.F. & Bryceson D. (2007), Uiteenlopende wegen naar welvaart en naar armoede: Zuidoost-Azië en Sub-Sahara Afrika in vergelijkend perspectief, Internationale Spectator 61(7/8): 377-380.
- Henley D.E.F. (2007), The fate of federalism: North Sulawesi from Persatuan Minahasa to Permesta, Moussons: Social Science Research on Southeast Asia 11: 89-105.
- Henley D.E.F., Asnan G., Pasande D., Raben R. & Velthoen E. (2006), Nation, region and the ambiguities of modernity in Indonesia in the 1950s. In: Nordholt H.S. & Hoogenboom I. (red.), Indonesian transitions. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. 115-162.
- Henley D.E.F. (2006), Bespreking van: , Maribeth Erb, Priyambudi Sulistiyanto and Carole Faucher (eds), Regionalism in post-Suharto Indonesia (London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2005). Education Inquiry 42: 410-411.
- Henley D.E.F. (2006), Bespreking van: , Hanneman Samuel and Henk Schulte Nordholt (eds), Indonesia in transition; Rethinking 'civil society', 'region', and 'crisis' (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2004). Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 162: 149-151.
- Henley D.E.F. (2006), From low to high fertility in Sulawesi (Indonesia) during the colonial period: explaining the "first fertility transition", Population Studies 60(3): 309-327.
- Henley D.E.F. (2005), Fertility, food and fever: population, economy and environment in North and Central Sulawesi, 1600-1930. Leiden: KITLV Press.
- Boomgaard P., Henley D.EF. & Osseweijer M. (red.) (2005), Muddied waters: historical and contemporary perspectives on management of forests and fisheries in island Southeast Asia. Leiden: KITLV Press.
- Henley D.E.F. (2005), Agrarian change and diversity in the light of Brookfield, Boserup, and Malthus: historical illustrations from Sulawesi, Indonesia, Asia Pacific Viewpoint 46(2): 153-172.
- Henley D.E.F. (2005), Population and the means of subsistence: explaining the historical demography of island Southeast Asia, with particular reference to Sulawesi, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 36(3): 337-372.
- Henley D.E.F. (2005), De zelfkant van de rede. In: Hüsken F. & Jonge H. de (red.), Schemerzones en schaduwzijden: opstellen over ambiguïteit in samenlevingen. Nijmegen: Roelants. 86-91.
- Henley D.E.F. (2005), Of sago and kings: sustainability, hierarchy and collective action in precolonial Sulawesi. In: Boomgaard P., Henley D. & Osseweijer M. (red.), Muddied waters: historical and contemporary perspectives on management of forests and fisheries in island Southeast Asia. Leiden: KITLV Press. 235-257.
- Henley D.E.F. & Osseweijer M. (2005), Forests and fisheries in island Southeast Asia: histories of natural resource management and mismanagement. In: Boomgaard P., Henley D.E.F. & Osseweijer M. (red.), Muddied waters. Leiden: KITLV Press. 1-41.
- Boomgaard P. & Henley D.E.F. (red.) (2004), Smallholders and stockbreeders: histories of foodcrop and livestock farming in Southeast Asia. Leiden: KITLV Press.
- Henley D.E.F. (2004), Conflict, justice, and the stranger-king: indigenous roots of colonial rule in Indonesia and elsewhere, Modern Asian Studies 38(1): 85-144.
- Henley D.E.F. (2004), Rizification revisited: re-examining the rise of rice in Indonesia, with special reference to Sulawesi. In: Boomgaard P. & Henley D.E.F. (red.), Smallholders and stockbreeders: histories of foodcrop and livestock farming in Southeast Asia. Leiden: KITLV Press. 107-138.
- Boomgaard P. & Henley D.E.F. (2004), Agricultural and livestock histories of Southeast Asia: approaches and perspectives. In: Boomgaard P. & Henley D.E.F. (red.), Smallholders and stockbreeders: histories of foodcrop and livestock farming in Southeast Asia. Leiden: KITLV Press. 1-16.
- Henley D.E.F. (2002), Jealousy and justice: the indigenous roots of colonial rule in northern Sulawesi. Amsterdam: Free University Press.
- Henley D.E.F. (2002), Population, economy and environment in island Southeast Asia: an historical view with special reference to northern Sulawesi, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 23(2): 167-206.
- Henley D.E.F. (2002), Population and environment in South-East Asia - a historical view with particular reference to Sulawesi (Indonesia). In: Vries B. de & Goudsblom J. (red.), Mappae mundi: humans and their habitats in a long-term socio-ecological perspective: myths, maps and models. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 336-344.
- Henley D.E.F. (2001), Malaria past and present: the case of North Sulawesi, Indonesia , Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 32(3): 595-607.
- Henley D.E.F. (2000), Ethnogeographic integration and exclusion in anticolonial nationalism: Indonesia and Indochina. In: Hutchinson J. & Smith A.D. (red.), Nationalism: critical concepts in political science, Volume 3. London: Routledge. 1041-1082.
- Boomgaard P., Colombijn F. & Henley D.E.F. (red.) (1997), Paper landscapes: explorations in the environmental history of Indonesia. Leiden: KITLV Press.
- Henley D.E.F. (1997), Carrying capacity, climatic variation, and the problem of low population growth among Indonesian swidden farmers: evidence from North Sulawesi. In: Boomgaard P., Colombijn F. & Henley D.E.F. (red.), Paper landscapes: explorations in the environmental history of Indonesia 89-118.
- Henley D.E.F. (1997), Goudkoorts: mijnbouw, gezondheid en milieu op Sulawesi (1670-1995), Spiegel Historiael: Maandblad voor geschiedenis en archeologie 32: 424-430.
- Henley D.E.F. (1996), Nationalism and regionalism in a colonial context: Minahasa in the Dutch East Indies. Leiden: KITLV.
- Henley D.E.F. (1995), Ethnogeographic integration and exclusion in anticolonial nationalism: Indonesia and Indochina, Comparative Studies in Society and History 37(2): 286-324.
- Henley D.E.F. (1995), Regional nationalism in a colonial state: a case study from the Dutch East Indies, Political Geography 14(1): 31-58.
- Henley D.E.F. (1995), Minahasa mapped: illustrated notes on cartography and history in Minahasa, 1512-1942. In: Schefold R. (red.), Minahasa past and present: tradition and transition in an outer island region of Indonesia. Leiden: Research School CNWS.. 32-57.
- Henley D.E.F. & Watuseke F.S. (1994), C.C. Predigers verhandeling over het plaatselijke bestuur en de huishouding van de Minahasa in 1804, Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 150(2): 357-385.
- Henley D.E.F. (1993), Nationalism and regionalism in colonial Indonesia: the case of Minahasa, Indonesia 55: 91-112.
- Henley D.EF. (1993), A superabundance of centers: Ternate and the contest for North Sulawesi, Cakalele Maluku Research Journal 4: 39-60.