Danielle Chevalier
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr.mr. D.A.M. Chevalier
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 1039
- d.a.m.chevalier@law.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-0943-9285

Voor meer informatie zie de Engelstalige profielpagina van Danielle Chevalier.
Universitair docent
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Metajuridica
- Van Vollenhoven Instituut
- Jacobs C.I.M., Chevalier D.A.M. & Stapper M. (2024), Legal pluralism in the urban realm: an introduction, Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis 56(1): 4-12.
- Chevalier D.A.M. (21 februari 2024), A just city through procedural justice: By perception or participation?. UGoveRN. [blog].
- Chevalier D.A.M. & Dekker M. (11 juni 2024), Why is street harassment a public problem?. Leiden Law Blog. Leiden (Leiden Law School). [blog].
- Chevalier D.A.M. & Hartendorp R.C. (11 september 2024), Vertrouwen in de overheid begint bij leren denken vanuit de burger. Leiden Law Blog. Leiden (Leiden Law School). [blog].
- Chevalier D.A.M. & Tzaninis Y. (2022), Planning utopia. In: Klink B. van, Soniewicka M. & Broeke L. van den (red.), Utopian Thinking in Law, Politics, Architecture and Technology: Hope in a Hopeless World. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. 208-226.
- Chevalier D.A.M. (18 februari 2022), Law as an instrument of change: the promise of the Omgevingswet to transform the culture of Dutch planning. Urban Governance Research Network (UGoveRN). [blog].
- Chevalier D.A.M., Rootenberg J.M. & Woude M.A.H. van der (21 mei 2021), Are the Dutch complacent compliers? The interplay between COVID-19 regulations and the sociolegal domain. Leiden Law Blog. Leiden: Leiden Law School. [blog].
- Chevalier D.A.M. (2021), De empirische bestudering van het recht, Recht der Werkelijkheid 42(3): 3-8.
- Chevalier D.A.M. (2021), Regulating social spaces of everyday life: the bottom-up codification of a behavioural norm in a Dutch municipal bylaw, Oñati Socio-Legal Series 11(6): 1311-1329.
- Kluin M.H.A. & Chevalier D.A.M. (15 november 2021), Why would you comply?: The case of parking your bike at Leiden University. Leiden Law Blog. [blog].
- Chevalier D.A.M. (11 augustus 2021), What’s in a word?: Participation in planning versus participatory planning. Urban Governance Research Network (UGoveRN). [blog].
- Doornbos N. & Chevalier D.A.M. 24 november 2021, Roldynamiek binnen juridische professies 2.2: in gesprek met Arnt Mein. RdW Podcast [podcast].
- Doornbos N. & Chevalier D.A.M. 24 november 2021, Roldynamiek binnen juridische professies 2.4: in gesprek met Marijke ter Voert. RdW Podcast [podcast].
- Berg M. van den & Chevalier D.A.M. (1 april 2020), ‘A good city is like a good party’, but not everyone is invited. Discover Society: Social Research Publications. [blog].
- Arnoldussen T. & Chevalier D.A.M. (red.) (2019), Special Issue Omgevingsrecht. Recht der Werkelijkheid.
- Arnoldussen T. & Chevalier D.A.M. (2019), De Omgevingswet: nieuw ruimtelijk recht(?), Recht der Werkelijkheid 40(2): 3-16.
- Chevalier D.A.M. (2018), ‘A Continuous Process of Becoming’: The Relevance of Qualitative Research into the Storylines of Law, Erasmus Law Review 11(2): 93-104.
- Berg M. van den & Chevalier D.A.M. (2017), Of “city lounges”, “bans on gathering” and macho policies: Gender, class and race in productions of space for Rotterdam's post-industrial future, Cities 76: 36-42.
- Chevalier D.A.M. (2016), “The production of law”: Law in action in the everyday and the juridical consequences of juridification, Recht der Werkelijkheid 37(3): 116-133.
- Chevalier D.A.M. (2016), Truth or tale? The production, selection, and interpretation of evidence informing municipal policy on public use of soft drugs. In: O'Gorman A., Potter G.R. & Fountain J. (red.), Evidence in European social drug research and drug policy. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers. 85-98.