Daniel Rozen
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. D.E. Rozen
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 7990
- d.e.rozen@biology.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-7772-0239

Voor meer informatie, zie de Engelse versie.
Universitair hoofddocent
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Microbial Sciences
- Hiskisson P.A., Barona-Gómez F. & Rozen D.E. (2024), Phenotypic heterogeneity in Streptomyces colonies, Current Opinion in Microbiology 78: 102448.
- Ongenae V.M.A., Kempff A., Neer V. van, Shomar H., Tesson F., Rozen D.E., Briegel A. & Claessen D. (2023), Genome sequence and characterization of Streptomyces phages Vanseggelen and Verabelle, representing two new species within the genus Camvirus, Scientific Reports 13: 20153.
- Kasteren S.I. van & Rozen D.E. (2023), Using click chemistry to study microbial ecology and evolution, ISME Communications 3: 9.
- Colizzi S.C., Dijk B. van, Merks R.M.H., Rozen D.E. & Vroomans R.M.A. (2023), Evolution of genome fragility enables microbial division of labor, Molecular Systems Biology 19(3): e11353.
- Ongenae V.M.A., Sidi Mabrouk A., Crooijmans M.E., Rozen D.E., Briegel A. & Claessen D. (2022), Reversible bacteriophage resistance by shedding the bacterial cell wall, Open Biology 12(6): 210379.
- Liakopoulos A., Aulin L.B.S., Buffoni M., Fragkiskou E., Hasselt J.G.C. van & Rozen D.E. (2022), Allele-specific collateral and fitness effects determine the dynamics of fluoroquinolone resistance evolution, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119(18): e2121768119.
- Anoniem (2022), Genome sequence and characterization of Streptomyces phage Pablito, representing a new species within the genus Janusvirus [Genoom sequentie en karakterisatie van streptomyces faag pablito, een nieuwe soort in de genus Janusvirus] (vertaling Ongenae V.M.A., Azeredo J., Kropinski A.M., Rozen D.E., Briegel A. & Claessen D. ), Scientific Reports 12: 17785.
- Shitut S.S., Shen M., Claushuis B., Derks R.J.E., Giera M., Rozen D.E., Claessen D. & Kros A. (2022), Generating heterokaryotic cells via bacterial cell-cell fusion, Microbiology Spectrum 10(4): e0169322.
- Westhoff S., Kloosterman A., Hoesel S.F.A. van, Wezel G.P. van & Rozen D.E. (2021), Competition sensing alters antibiotic production in streptomyces, mBio 12: e02729.
- Aulin L.B.S., Liakopoulos A., Graaf P.H. van der, Rozen D.E. & Hasselt J.G.C. (2021), Design principles of collateral sensitivity-based dosing strategies, Nature Communications 12: 5691.
- Zhang Z., Du C., De Barsy F., Liem M., Liakopoulos A., Wezel G.P. van, Choi Y.H., Claessen D. & Rozen D.E. (2020), Antibiotic production in Streptomyces is organized by a division of labor through terminal genomic differentiation, Science Advances 6(3): eaay5781.
- Westhoff S., Otto S.B., Swinkels A., Bode B., Wezel G.P. van & Rozen D.E. (2020), Spatial structure increases the benefits of antibiotic production in Streptomyces, Evolution 74(1): 179-187.
- Shitut S., Bergman G.Ö., Kros A., Rozen D.E. & Claessen D. (2020), Use of permanent wall-deficient cells as a system for the discovery of new-to-nature metabolites, Microorganisms 8(12): 1897.
- Westhoff S., Wezel G.P. van & Rozen D.E. (2017), Distance-dependent danger responses in bacteria, Current Opinion in Microbiology 36: 95-101.
- Westhoff S., Leeuwe T.M. van, Qachach O., Zhang Z., Wezel G.P. van & Rozen D.E. (2017), The evolution of no-cost resistance at sub-MIC concentrations of streptomycin in Streptomyces coelicolor, The ISME Journal 11(5): 1168-1178.
- Wang Y. & Rozen D.E. (2017), Gut Microbiota Colonization and Transmission in the Burying Beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides throughout Development, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 83(9): e03250.
- Lugtenberg E.J.J., Rozen D.E. & Kamilova F. (2017), Wars between microbes on roots and fruits, F1000Research 6: 343.
- Zhang Z., Claessen D. & Rozen D.E. (2016), Understanding Microbial Divisions of Labor, Frontiers in Microbiology 7: 2070.
- Rozen D.E. (2015), The dubious motives of generous men, The Journal of Experimental Biology 218(13): 1980.
- Rozen D.E. (2015), A head for sex, The Journal of Experimental Biology 218(19): 2984-2985.
- Abrudan M.I., Smakman F., Gimbergen A., Westhoff S., Miller E.L., Wezel G.P. van & Rozen D.E. (2015), Socially mediated induction and suppression of antibiosis during bacterial coexistence, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112(35): 11054–11059.
- Wolf J.B., Howie J.A., Parkinson K., Gruenheit N., Melo D., Rozen D.E. & Thompson C.R.L. (2015), Fitness trade-offs result in the illusion of social success, Current Biology 25(8): 1086-1090.
- Rozen D.E. (2015), The invisibility cloak of filefish, The Journal of Experimental Biology 218(7): 966-966.
- Jacobs C.G.C., Wang Y., Vogel H., Vilcinskas A., Zee M. van der & Rozen D.E. (2014), Egg survival is reduced by grave-soil microbes in the carrion beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides, BMC Evolutionary Biology 14: 208.
- Claessen D., Rozen D.E., Kuipers O.P., Søgaard-Andersen L. & Wezel G.P. van (2014), Bacterial solutions to multicellularity: a tale of biofilms, filaments and fruiting bodies, Nature Reviews Microbiology 12(2): 115-124.
- Arce A.N., Smiseth P.T. & Rozen D.E. (2013), Antimicrobial secretions and social immunity in larval burying beetles, Nicrophorus vespilloides, Animal Behaviour 86 (4): 741-745.
- Rozen D.E. (2013), Parasites and the great divide, The Journal of Experimental Biology 216 (2): vi-vi.
- Rozen D.E. (2013), The electrifying buzz of bees, The Journal of Experimental Biology 216 (12): iv-iv.
- Rozen D.E. (2013), Birds' digestion cleanses passing seeds, The Journal of Experimental Biology 216 (19): v-vi.
- Engelmoer D.J.P., Donaldson I. & Rozen D.E. (2013), Conservative Sex and the Benefits of Transformation in Streptococcus pneumoniae, PLoS Pathogens 9 (11), e10037581: .
- Evans B.A. & Rozen D.E. (2013), Significant variation in transformation frequency in Streptococcus pneumoniae, The ISME Journal 7 (4): 791-799.
- Rozen D.E. (2013), A mother's secret password, The Journal of Experimental Biology 216 (7): v-v.