Daniël Pijnappels
Hoogleraar cellulaire elektrofysiologie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. D.A. Pijnappels
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 5330
- d.a.pijnappels@lumc.nl
- 0000-0001-6731-4125
Daniël A. Pijnappels is hoogleraar cellulaire elektrofysiologie met een speciale aandacht voor interdisciplinaire translationele cardiologie. Hij is tevens hoofd van het Laboratorium Experimentele Cardiologie van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC).
Meer informatie over Daniël Pijnappels
Daniël A. Pijnappels is hoogleraar cellulaire elektrofysiologie met een speciale aandacht voor interdisciplinaire translationele cardiologie. Hij is tevens hoofd van het Laboratorium Experimentele Cardiologie van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC).
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Hij promoveerde in 2009 cum laude aan de Universiteit Leiden, richtte in 2011 het Laboratorium Experimentele Cardiologie op en werd in 2022 benoemd tot hoogleraar. In het laboratorium worden verschillende disciplines gecombineerd om middels een interdisciplinaire onderzoeksstrategie de kennis en behandeling van hartziekten te verbeteren, met de nadruk op hartschade en ritmestoornissen. Dit zijn bijzonder grote gezondheidsproblemen waarvoor momenteel überhaupt geen genezende behandelingen zijn en bestaande therapieën suboptimaal zijn. De strategie zoals hierboven vermeld is gebaseerd op het interdisciplinaire karakter van het hart zelf en maakt dat problemen met hart, die dus ook vaak van nature interdisciplinaire zijn, op effectieve wijze kunnen blootgelegd en aangepakt. Om dit te bereiken heeft het laboratorium zich gespecialiseerd in het creëren van nieuwe biologie (oftewel synthetische biologie) en deze, waar nodig, te integreren met technologie. Een duidelijk voorbeeld hiervan is het streven om het hart zelf instaat te stellen om abnormale afwijkingen in processen te herkennen én te herstellen. In de context van ritmestoornissen houdt dit dus in dat het hart zijn eigen defibrillator wordt (oftewel een Bio-ICD) en dus volledig zonder pijnlijke elektrische schok, hardware en software.
Om deze doelen te bereiken, huisvest het lab een internationaal team (>15 verschillende nationaliteiten sinds 2011) bestaande uit o.a. biologen, artsen, ingenieurs en natuurkundigen. Als gevolg hiervan hebben de onderzoeksprojecten zowel een sterke interdisciplinaire als translationele focus welke zich uit door een gecombineerd gebruik van menselijke computer-, cel- en weefselmodellen, maar ook diermodellen, genetische modificatie (zoals optogenetics) en micro-elektronische engineering. Ook zijn er verschillende nationale en internationale samenwerkingsverbanden (waaronder een langdurige en intensieve samenwerking met de Technische Universiteit Delft) tot stand gebracht om niet alleen het onderzoek vooruit te helpen, maar ook om een optimale omgeving te creëren voor de training van nieuwe generaties onderzoekers en artsen.
Voor zijn onderzoek ontving hij financiering van onder andere de European Reseach Council (ERC 2015 StG, 2021 CoG), Nederlandse organisatie voor gezondheidsonderzoek en zorginnovatie (ZonMw 2010 Veni, 2013 Vidi), de Hartstichting en Ammodo. Daarnaast hebben hij en zijn team meerdere prijzen (>50) ontvangen voor hun werk, waaronder de Outstanding Achievement Award van de Council for Basic Cardiovascular Science (European Society of Cardiology), Parel Award (ZonMw) en meerdere Young Investigator Awards op alle grote cardiologie en elektrofysiologie congressen.
Hoogleraar cellulaire elektrofysiologie
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- LUMC - Medische Faculteit Leiden
- Divisie 1
- Hartziekten
- Nyns, E.C.A.; Portero, V.; Deng, S.L.; Jin, T.Y.; Harlaar, N.; Bart, C.I.; Brakel, T.J. van; Palmen, M.; Hjortnaes, J.; Ramkisoensing, A.A.; Zhang, G.Q.; Poelma, R.H.; Ordog, B.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2023), Light transmittance in human atrial tissue and transthoracic illumination in rats support translatability of optogenetic cardioversion of atrial fibrillation, Journal of Internal Medicine.
- Portero, V.; Deng, S.L.; Boink, G.J.J.; Zhang, G.Q.; Vries, A. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2023), Optoelectronic control of cardiac rhythm, Journal of Internal Medicine 295(2).
- Coster, T. de; Teplenin, A.S.; Feola, I.; Bart, C.; Ramkisoensing, A.A.; Ouden, B.L. den; Ypey, D.L.; Trines, S.A.; Panfilov, A.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2023), 'Trapped re-entry' as source of acute focal atrial arrhythmias, Cardiovascular Research 120(3).
- Gorp, P.R.R. van; Zhang, J.; Liu, J.; Tsonaka, R.; Mei, H.; Dekker, S.O.; Bart, C.I.; Coster, T. de; Post, H.; Heck, A.J.R.; Schalij, M.J.; Atsma, D.E.; Pijnappels, D.A. & Vries, A.A.F. de (2022), Sbk2, a newly discovered atrium-enriched regulator of sarcomere integrity, Circulation Research 131(1): 24-41.
- Harlaar, N.; Dekker, S.O.; Zhang, J.; Snabel, R.R.; Veldkamp, M.W.; Verkerk, A.O.; Fabres, C.C.; Schwach, V.; Lerink, L.J.S.; Rivaud, M.R.; Mulder, A.A.; Corver, W.E.; Goumans, M.J.T.H.; Dobrev, D.; Klautz, R.J.M.; Schalij, M.J.; Veenstra, G.J.C.; Passier, R.; Brakel, T.J. van; Pijnappels, D.A. & Vries, A.A.F. de (2022), Conditional immortalization of human atrial myocytes for the generation of in vitro models of atrial fibrillation, Nature Biomedical Engineering 6.
- Harlaar, N.; Pijnappels, D.A. & Vries, A.A.F. de (2022), Conditional immortalization of human cardiomyocytes for translational in vitro modelling of cardiovascular disease, Cardiovascular Research 118(15).
- Nyns, E.C.A.; Jin, T.Y.; Fontes, M.S.; Heuvel, T. van den; Portero, V.; Ramsey, C.; Bart, C.I.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Schalij, M.J.; Brakel, T.J. van; Ramkisoensing, A.A.; Zhang, G.Q.; Poelma, R.H.; Ordog, B.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2022), Optical ventricular cardioversion by local optogenetic targeting and LED implantation in a cardiomyopathic rat model, Cardiovascular Research 118(10): 2293-2303.
- Bliley, J.M.; Vermeer, M.C.S.C.; Duffy, R.M.; Batalov, I.; Kramer, D.; Tashman, J.W.; Shiwarski, D.J.; Lee, A.; Teplenin, A.S.; Volkers, L.; Coffin, B.; Hoes, M.F.; Kalmykov, A.; Palchesko, R.N.; Sun, Y.; Jongbloed, J.D.H.; Bomer, N.; Boer, R.A. de; Suurmeijer, A.J.H.; Pijnappels, D.A.; Bolling, M.C.; Meer, P. van der & Feinberg, A.W. (2021), Dynamic loading of human engineered heart tissue enhances contractile function and drives a desmosome-linked disease phenotype, Science Translational Medicine 13(603).
- Ordog, B.; Teplenin, A.; Coster, T. de; Bart, C.I.; Dekker, S.O.; Zhang, J.; Ypey, D.L.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2021), The effects of repetitive use and pathological remodeling on channelrhodopsin function in cardiomyocytes, Frontiers in Physiology 12.
- Ramkisoensing, A.A.; Zhang, J.; Harlaar, N.; Pijnappels, D.A. & Vries, A.A.F. de (2021), Formation of human cardiomyocytes is impaired in a fibrotic environment: unravelling human cardiac regeneration, European Heart Journal 42: 3271-3271.
- Gorp, P.R.R. van; Zhang, J.; Liu, J.; Tsonaka, R.; Mei, H.; Dekker, S.O.; Bart, C.I.; Schalij, J.; Coster, T. de; Atsma, A.; Pijnappels, D.A. & Vries, A.A.F. de (2021), Transcriptome analysis of conditionally immortalized atrial myocytes: identification of a novel atrium-enriched protein involved in sarcomere assembly and maintenance, European Heart Journal 42: 3181-3181.
- Coster, T. de; Ordog, B.; Vries, A.A.F. de; Panfilov, A.V. & Pijnappels, D.A. (2021), Realization of fully biological restoration of cardiac rhythm: a computational translational exploration, European Heart Journal 42: 3366-3366.
- Coster, T. de; Teplenin, A.S.; Feola, I.; Brakel, T.J. van; Vries, A.A.F. de; Zeppenfeld, K. & Pijnappels, D.A. (2020), "Trapped reentry" as a dormant source of acute focal arrhythmia and fractionated atrial electrograms under sinus rhythm, European Heart Journal 41: 3697-3697.
- Majumder, R.; Coster, T. de; Kudryashova, N.; Verkerk, A.O.; Kazbanov, I.V.; Ordog, B.; Harlaar, N.; Wilders, R.; Vries, A.A.F. de; Ypey, D.L.; Panfilov, A.V. & Pijnappels, D.A. (2020), Self-restoration of cardiac excitation rhythm by anti-arrhythmic ion channel gating, eLife 9.
- Ordog, B.; Nyns, E.C.A.; Fontes, M.S.; Heuvel, T. van den; Bart, C.I.; Brakel, T.J. van; Schalij, M.J.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2020), The study on optogenetic tachyarrhythmia termination under pathological conditions from the single cell to the whole heart, European Heart Journal 41: 3705-3705.
- Gorp, P.R.R. van; Trines, S.A.; Pijnappels, D.A. & Vries, A.A.F. de (2020), Multicellular in vitro models of cardiac arrhythmias: focus on atrial fibrillation, Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 7.
- Pijnappels, D.A. (2020), The heart as its own defibrillator, European Heart Journal 41(30): 2829-2832.
- Ouwerkerk, A.F. van; Bosada, F.M.; Liu, J.; Zhang, J.; Duijvenboden, K. van; Chaffin, M.; Tucker, N.R.; Pijnappels, D.; Ellinor, P.T.; Barnett, P.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Christoffels, V.M. (2020), Identification of functional variant enhancers associated with atrial fibrillation, Circulation Research 127(2): 229-243.
- Biasci, V.; Sacconi, L.; Cytrynbaum, E.N.; Pijnappels, D.A.; Coster, T. de; Shrier, A.; Glass, L. & Bub, G. (2020), Universal mechanisms for self-termination of rapid cardiac rhythm, Chaos 30(12).
- Harlaar, N.; Dekker, S.O.; Zhang, J.; Schalij, M.J.; Klautz, R.J.M.; Brakel, T.J. van; Pijnappels, D.A. & Vries, A.A.F. de (2020), Atrial fibrillation modelling at physiologically relevant scales enabled by massive expansion of native human atrial cardiomyocytes through immortogenetics, European Heart Journal 41: 3591-3591.
- Harlaar N, Liu J, Volkers L, Ramkisoensing AA, Schalij MJ, Klautz RJM, Van Brakel TJ, Pijnappels DA & De Vries AAF (2019), Massive expansion of native human atrial cardiomyocytes through immortogenetics: generation of the hiAM cell lines, European Heart Journal 40: 685-685.
- Nyns ECA, Poelma RH, Volkers L, Bart CI, Van Brakel TJ, Zeppenfeld K, Schalij MJ, Zhang GQ, De Vries AAF & Pijnappels DA (2019), Continuous shock-free termination of atrial fibrillation by local optogenetic therapy and arrhythmia-triggered activation of an implanted light source, European Heart Journal 40: 1265-1265.
- Van Gorp PRR, Liu J, Dekker SO, Zhang J, Schalij MJ, Atsma DA, Pijnappels DA & De Vries AAF (2019), Identification of novel cardiomyogenic factors by transcriptome analysis of conditionally immortalized atrial myocytes, European Heart Journal 40: 3593-3593.
- Zhang, D.L.; Hu, X.; Li, J.; Liu, J.; Baks-te Bulte, L.; Wiersma, M.; Malik, N.U.; Marion, D.M.S. van; Tolouee, M.; Hoogstra-Berends, F.; Lanters, E.A.H.; Roon, A.M. van; Vries, A.A.F. de; Pijnappels, D.A.; Groot, N.M.S. de; Henning, R.H. & Brundel, B.J.J.M. (2019), DNA damage-induced PARP1 activation confers cardiomyocyte dysfunction through NAD(+) depletion in experimental atrial fibrillation, Nature Communications 10.
- Liu J, Tsonaka R, Mei H, Akerboom B, Schalij M, Pijnappels D & De Vries A (2019), Transcriptome changes in atrial myocytes during the transition from a proliferative into a contractile phenotype and vice versa, European Heart Journal 40: 2114-2114.
- Schultz, F.; Swiatlowska, P.; Alvarez-Laviada, A.; Sanchez-Alonso, J.L.; Song, Q.Q.; Vries, A.A.F. de; Pijnappels, D.A.; Ongstad, E.; Braga, V.M.M.; Entcheva, E.; Gourdie, R.G.; Miragoli, M. & Gorelik, J. (2019), Cardiomyocyte-myofibroblast contact dynamism is modulated by connexin-43, FASEB Journal 33(9): 10453-10468.
- Nyns, E.C.A.; Poelma, R.H.; Volkers, L.; Plomp, J.J.; Bart, C.I.; Kip, A.M.; Brakel, T.J. van; Zeppenfeld, K.; Schalij, M.J.; Zhang, G.Q.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2019), An automated hybrid bioelectronic system for autogenous restoration of sinus rhythm in atrial fibrillation, Science Translational Medicine 11(481).
- Liu, J.; Volkers, L.; Jangsangthong, W.; Bart, C.I.; Engels, M.C.; Zhou, G.Q.; Schalij, M.J.; Ypey, D.L.; Pijnappels, D.A. & Vries, A.A.F. de (2018), Generation and primary characterization of iAM-1, a versatile new line of conditionally immortalized atrial myocytes with preserved cardiomyogenic differentiation capacity, Cardiovascular Research.
- Glashan, C.A.; Androulakis, A.F.A.; Tao, Q.; Glashan, R.N.; Wisse, L.J.; Ebert, M.; Ruiter, M.C. de; Meer, B.J. van; Brouwer, C.; Dekkers, O.M.; Pijnappels, D.A.; Bakker, J.M.T. de; Riva, M. de; Piers, S.R.D. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2018), Whole human heart histology to validate electroanatomical voltage mapping in patients with non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy and ventricular tachycardia, European Heart Journal 39(31): 2867-+.
- Harlaar N., Volkers L., Liu J., Van Gorp P. R., Ramkisoensing A. A., Van Brakel T. J., Pijnappels D. A. & De Vries A. A. F. (2018), Massive expansion of native human atrial cardiomyocytes by immortogenetics, European Heart Journal 39: 179-179.
- Majumder, R.; Feola, I.; Teplenin, A.S.; Vries, A.A.F. de; Panfilov, A.V. & Pijnappels, D.A. (2018), Optogenetics enables real-time spatiotemporal control over spiral wave dynamics in an excitable cardiac system, eLife 7.
- Teplenin, A.S.; Dierckx, H.; Vries, A.A.F. de; Pijnappels, D.A. & Panfilov, A.V. (2018), Paradoxical Onset of Arrhythmic Waves from Depolarized Areas in Cardiac Tissue Due to Curvature-Dependent Instability 0., Physical Review X 8(2).
- Nyns E. C. A., Bingen B. O., Bart C. I., Kip A., Poelma R. H., Volkers L., Plomp J. J., Jangsangthong W., Engels M. C., Schalij M. J., Zhang G. Q., de Vries A. A. F. & Pijnappels D. A. (2018), Shining light on cardiac tachyarrhythmias, Human Gene Therapy 29(12): A12-A12.
- Nyns, E.C.A.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2018), Biological defibrillation, European Heart Journal 39(44): 3915-3917.
- Fontes M. S. C., Volkers L., Nyns E. C. A., Bart C. I., Kip A. M., De Vries A. A. F. & Pijnappels D. A. P. (2018), Biological shock-free termination of ventricular tachyarrhythmias in the adult rat model of cardiac pressure overload, European Heart Journal 39: 1209-1209.
- Watanabe, M.; Riva, M. de; Piers, S.R.D.; Dekkers, O.M.; Ebert, M.; Venlet, J.; Trines, S.A.; Schalij, M.J.; Pijnappels, D.A. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2018), Fast nonclinical ventricular tachycardia inducible after ablation in patients with structural heart disease: Definition and clinical implications, Heart Rhythm 15(5): 668-676.
- Liu, J.; Volkers, L.; Jangsangthong, W.; Bart, C.I.; Engels, M.C.; Zhou, G.Q.; Schalij, M.J.; Ypey, D.L.; Pijnappels, D.A. & Vries, A.A.F. de (2018), Generation and primary characterization of iAM-1, a versatile new line of conditionally immortalized atrial myocytes with preserved cardiomyogenic differentiation capacity, Cardiovascular Research 114(14): 1848-1859.
- Nyns E. C. A., Volkers L., Bart C. I., Kip A., Zeppenfeld K., Schalij M. J., De Vries A. A. F. & Pijnappels D. A. (2018), Local optogenetic therapy for acute shock-free termination of atrial fibrillation in vivo, European Heart Journal 39: 16-17.
- Feola, I.; Volkers, L.; Majumder, R.; Teplenin, A.; Schalij, M.J.; Panfilov, A.V.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2017), Localized Optogenetic Targeting of Rotors in Atrial Cardiomyocyte Monolayers, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 10(11).
- Vicente-Steijn, R.; Kelder, T.P.; Tertoolen, L.G.; Wisse, L.J.; Pijnappels, D.A.; Poelmann, R.E.; Schalij, M.J.; deRuiter, M.C.; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C. & Jongbloed, M.R.M. (2017), RHOA-ROCK signalling is necessary for lateralization and differentiation of the developing sinoatrial node, Cardiovascular Research 113(10): 1186-1197.
- Watanabe, M.; Feola, I.; Majumder, R.; Jangsangthong, W.; Teplenin, A.S.; Ypey, D.L.; Schalij, M.J.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2017), Optogenetic manipulation of anatomical re-entry by light-guided generation of a reversible local conduction block, Cardiovascular Research 113(3): 354-366.
- Jangsangthong, W.; Feda, I.; Teplenin, A.S.; Ypey, D.L.; Vries, A.A. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2017), Optogenetically induced regional oxidative stress increases pro-arrhythmic risk, Acta Physiologica 219: 40-40.
- Serpooshan, V.; Liu, Y.H.; Buikema, J.W.; Galdos, F.X.; Chirikian, O.; Paige, S.; Venkatraman, S.; Kumar, A.; Rawnsley, D.R.; Huang, X.J.; Pijnappels, D.A. & Wu, S.M. (2017), Nkx2.5+Cardiomyoblasts Contribute to Cardiomyogenesis in the Neonatal Heart, Scientific Reports 7.
- Nyns, E.C.A.; Kip, A.; Bart, C.I.; Plomp, J.J.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Schalij, M.J.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2017), Optogenetic termination of ventricular arrhythmias in the whole heart: towards biological cardiac rhythm management, European Heart Journal 38(27): 2132-2136.
- Piers, S.R.D.; Askar, S.F.A.; Venlet, J.; Androulakis, A.F.A.A.; Kapel, G.F.L.; Silva, M.D.; Jongbloed, J.J.D.H.; Tintelen, J.P. van; Schalij, M.J.; Pijnappels, D.A. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2016), QRS prolongation after premature stimulation is associated with polymorphic ventricular tachycardia in nonischemic cardiomyopathy: Results from the Leiden Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy Study, Heart Rhythm 13(4): 860-869.
- Yu, Z.Y.; Liu, J.; Veldhoven, J.P.D. van; IJzerman, A.P.; Schalij, M.J.; Pijnappels, D.A.; Heitman, L.H. & Vries, A.A.F. de (2016), Allosteric Modulation of K(v)11.1 (hERG) Channels Protects Against Drug-Induced Ventricular Arrhythmias, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 9(4).
- Majumder, R.; Jangsangthong, W.; Feola, I.; Ypey, D.L.; Pijnappels, D.A. & Panfilov, A.V. (2016), A Mathematical Model of Neonatal Rat Atrial Monolayers with Constitutively Active Acetylcholine-Mediated K+ Current, PLoS Computational Biology 12(6).
- Majumder, R.; Engels, M.C.; Vries, A.A.F. de; Panfilov, A.V. & Pijnappels, D.A. (2016), Islands of spatially discordant APD alternans underlie arrhythmogenesis by promoting electrotonic dyssynchrony in models of fibrotic rat ventricular myocardium, Scientific Reports 6.
- Teplenin, A.; Jangsangthong, W.; Feola, I.; Schalij, M.; Ypey, D.; Vries, A. de & Pijnappels, D. (2016), Microfoci of oxidative stress increase pro-arrhythmic risk as revealed by patterned illumination of optogenetically engineered myocardial cultures, European Heart Journal 37: 711-711.
- Nyns, E.C.A.; Jangsangthong, W.; Teplenin, A.; Feola, I.; Askar, S.F.A.; Schalij, M.J.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2016), Optogenetic termination of ventricular tachyarrhythmias in fibrotic myocardial cultures, European Heart Journal 37: 689-690.
- (2016), Optogenetic Engineering of Atrial Cardiomyocytes.
- Bingen, B.O.; Askar, S.F.A.; Neshati, Z.; Feola, I.; Panfilov, A.V.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2015), Constitutively Active Acetylcholine-Dependent Potassium Current Increases Atrial Defibrillation Threshold by Favoring Post-Shock Re-Initiation.
- Askar, S.F.; Nyns, E.C.A.; Engels, M.C.; Schalij, M.J.; Jangsangthong, W.; Neshati, Z.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2015), Creating new trans-species types of myocytes by forced fusion between cardiomyocytes and fibroblasts to counteract arrhythmias: breaking boundaries with muscular mixtures, European Heart Journal 36: 949-949.
- Watanabe, M.; Feola, I.; Teplenin, A.S.; Schalij, M.J.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Ypey, D.L.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2015), LED flash-induced termination of anatomical reentry in optogenetically modified transverse rat ventricular tissue slices, European Heart Journal 36: 1073-1074.
- Venlet, J.; Piers, S.R.D.; Askar, S.F.A.; Kapel, G.F.L.; Silva, M.D.; Siebelink, H.M.; Schalij, M.J.; Pijnappels, D. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2015), Critical progressive activation delay after premature stimulation is associated with polymorphic ventricular tachycardia in nonischemic cardiomyopathy: results from the Leiden NICM Study, European Heart Journal 36: 1031-1031.
- Vandersickel, N.; Kazbanov, I.V.; Defauw, A.; Pijnappels, D.A. & Panfilov, A.V. (2015), Decreased repolarization reserve increases defibrillation threshold by favoring early afterdepolarizations in an in silico model of human ventricular tissue, Heart Rhythm 12(5): 1088-1096.
- Taxis, C.F.B.V. van; Piers, S.R.D.; Silva, M.D.; Dekkers, O.M.; Pijnappels, D.A.; Schalij, M.J.; Wijnmaalen, A.P. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2015), Fatigue as Presenting Symptom and a High Burden of Premature Ventricular Contractions Are Independently Associated With Increased Ventricular Wall Stress in Patients With Normal Left Ventricular Function, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 8(6): 1452-1459.
- Engels, M.C.; Askar, S.F.A.; Jangsangthong, W.; Bingen, B.O.; Feola, I.; Liu, J.; Majumder, R.; Versteegh, M.I.M.; Braun, J.; Klautz, R.J.M.; Ypey, D.L.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2015), Forced fusion of human ventricular scar cells with cardiomyocytes suppresses arrhythmogenicity in a co-culture model, Cardiovascular Research 107(4): 601-612.
- Liu, Y.H.; Peng, K.Y.; Chiu, Y.W.; Ho, Y.L.; Wang, Y.H.; Shun, C.T.; Huang, S.Y.; Lin, Y.S.; Vries, A.A.F. de; Pijnappels, D.A.; Lee, N.T.; Yen, B.L. & Yen, M.L. (2015), Human Placenta-Derived Multipotent Cells (hPDMCs) Modulate Cardiac Injury: From Bench to Small and Large Animal Myocardial Ischemia Studies, Cell Transplantation 24(12): 2463-2478.
- Bingen, B.O.; Askar, S.F.A.; Neshati, Z.; Feola, I.; Ypey, D.L.; Schalij, M.J.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2014), Acetylcholine-dependent potassium current determines atrial defibrillation threshold by regulating post-shock refibrillation, European Heart Journal 35: 259-259.
- Pijnappels, D.A.; Schalij, M.J.; Atsma, D.E. & Vries, A.A.F. de (2014), Cardiac Anisotropy, Regeneration, and Rhythm, Circulation Research 115(4): E6-E7.
- Miragoli, M.; Schultz, F.; Vite, A.; Pijnappels, D.A.; Lab, M.J. & Gorelik, J. (2014), Connexin43 expression modulate myofibroblasts mechanical coupling: implication for the infarct borderzone expansion, Cardiovascular Research 103.
- Engels, M.C.; Askar, S.F.A.; Jangsangthong, W.; Neshati, Z.; Feola, I.; Ypey, D.L.; Klautz, R.J.M.; Schalij, M.J.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2014), Heterocellular fusion of human ventricular scar cells with neonatal rat cardiomyocytes ameliorates pro-arrhythmia through APD shortening and MDP lowering by enhanced outward potassium current, European Heart Journal 35: 184-184.
- Engels, M.C.; Rajarajan, K.; Feistritzer, R.; Sharma, A.; Nielsen, U.B.; Schalij, M.J.; Vries, A.A.F. de; Pijnappels, D.A. & Wu, S.M. (2014), Insulin-Like Growth Factor Promotes Cardiac Lineage Induction In Vitro by Selective Expansion of Early Mesoderm, STEM CELLS 32(6): 1493-1502.
- Neshati, Z.; Bingen, B.O.; Pijnappels, D.A.; Schalij, M.J. & Vries, A.A.F. de (2014), NFAT3 gene transfer to counteract the pro-arrhythmic electrophysiological changes accompanying pathological cardiac hypertrophy, European Heart Journal 35: 183-184.
- Ramkisoensing, A.A.; Vries, A.A.F. de; Atsma, D.E.; Schalij, M.J. & Pijnappels, D.A. (2014), Interaction between myofibroblasts and stem cells in the fibrotic heart: balancing between deterioration and regeneration, Cardiovascular Research 102(2): 224-231.
- Bingen, B.O.; Neshati, Z.; Feola, I.; Ypey, D.L.; Askar, S.F.A.; Schalij, M.J.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2014), Inward rectifier potassium channels determine cardioversion threshold and successrate by regulating post-shock refibrillation, Cardiovascular Research 103.
- Bingen, B.O.; Engels, M.C.; Neshati, Z.; Feola, I.; Ypey, D.L.; Panfilov, A.V.; Askar, S.F.A.; Schalij, M.J.; Pijnappels, D.A. & Vries, A.A.F. de (2014), Termination of reentrant tachyarrhythmias by light: from electroshock towards shockless cardioversion by cardiac optogenetics, Cardiovascular Research 103.
- Bingen, B.O.; Engels, M.C.; Schalij, M.J.; Jangsangthong, W.; Neshati, Z.; Feola, I.; Ypey, D.L.; Askar, S.F.A.; Panfilov, A.V.; Pijnappels, D.A. & Vries, A.A.F. de (2014), Light-induced termination of spiral wave arrhythmias by optogenetic engineering of atrial cardiomyocytes, Cardiovascular Research 104(1): 194-205.
- Bingen, B.O.; Neshati, Z.; Askar, S.F.A.; Kazbanov, I.V.; Ypey, D.L.; Panfilov, A.V.; Schalij, M.J.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2013), Atrium-Specific Kir3.x Determines Inducibility, Dynamics, and Termination of Fibrillation by Regulating Restitution-Driven Alternans, Circulation 128(25): 2732-+.
- Engels, M.C.; Rajarajan, K.; Feistritizer, R.; Sharma, A.; Nielsen, U.B.; Schalij, M.J.; Vries, A.A. de; Pijnappels, D.A. & Wu, S.M. (2013), IGF promotes Cardiac Lineage Induction by Selective Expansion of Mesoderm in vitro, Circulation 128(22).
- Neshati, Z.; Bingen, B.O.; Askar, S.F.A.; Schalij, M.J.; Pijnappels, D.A. & Vries, A.A.F. de (2013), Development of a new model of cardiac hypertrophy with pro-arrhythmic features to study the role of hypertrophy in arrhythmogenesis, European Heart Journal 34: 916-916.
- Askar, S.F.A.; Ramkisoensing, A.A.; Atsma, D.E.; Schalij, M.J.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2013), Engraftment Patterns of Human Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells Expose Electrotonic and Paracrine Proarrhythmic Mechanisms in Myocardial Cell Cultures, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 6(2): 380-391.
- Engels, M.C.; Rajarajan, K.; Feistritzer, R.; Sharma, A.; Nielsen, U.B.; Schalij, M.J.; Vries, A.A.F. de; Pijnappels, D.A. & Wu, S.M. (2013), IGF promotes cardiac lineage induction by selective expansion of cardiogenic mesoderm in vitro, European Heart Journal 34: 929-929.
- Piers, S.R.D.; Leong, D.P.; Taxis, C.F.B.V. van; Tayyebi, M.; Trines, S.A.; Pijnappels, D.A.; Delgado, V.; Schalij, M.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2013), Outcome of Ventricular Tachycardia Ablation in Patients With Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy: The Impact of Noninducibility, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 6(3): 513-521.
- Bingen, B.O.; Askar, S.F.A.; Schalij, M.J.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2013), Prolongation of minimal action potential duration in sustained fibrillation decreases complexity by transient destabilization: reply, Cardiovascular Research 98(1): 156-157.
- Askar, S.F.A.; Bingen, B.O.; Schalij, M.J.; Swildens, J.; Atsma, D.E.; Schutte, C.I.; Vries, A.A.F. de; Zeppenfeld, K.; Ypey, D.L. & Pijnappels, D.A. (2013), Similar arrhythmicity in hypertrophic and fibrotic cardiac cultures caused by distinct substrate-specific mechanisms., Cardiovascular Research 97(1): 171-81.
- Bingen, B.O.; Askar, S.F.A.; Schalij, M.J.; Kazbanov, I.V.; Ypey, D.L.; Panfilov, A.V. & Pijnappels, D.A. (2013), Prolongation of minimal action potential duration in sustained fibrillation decreases complexity by transient destabilization., Cardiovascular Research 97(1): 161-70.
- Askar, S.F.; Bingen, B.O.; Swildens, J.; Ypey, D.L.; Laarse, A. van der; Atsma, D.E.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Schalij, M.J.; Vries, A.A. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2012), Connexin43 silencing in myofibroblasts prevents arrhythmias in myocardial cultures: role of maximal diastolic potential, Cardiovascular Research 93(3): 434-444.
- Taxis, C.F.B.V. van; Leong, D.; Piers, S.R.D.; Wijnmaalen, A.P.; Dyrda, K.; Delgado, V.; Laarse, A. van der; Pijnappels, D.A.; Schalij, M.J. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2012), Changes in NT-proBNP level after successful PVC ablation in patients without structural heart disease: evidence for PVC-induced chronic wall stress, European Heart Journal 33: 690-690.
- Ramkisoensing, A.A.; Pijnappels, D.A.; Swildens, J.; Goumans, M.J.; Fibbe, W.E.; Schalij, M.J.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Atsma, D.E. (2012), Gap Junctional Coupling with Cardiomyocytes is Necessary but Not Sufficient for Cardiomyogenic Differentiation of Cocultured Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells, STEM CELLS 30(6): 1236-1245.
- Bingen, B.O.; Askar, S.F.A.; Ypey, D.L.; Laarse, A. van der; Schalij, M.J. & Pijnappels, D.A. (2012), Reduced repolarization reserve underlies calcium dependent early afterdepolarizations and consequent reentrant tachyarrhythmias in pathological hypertrophic cardiac tissue, Cardiovascular Research 93: S63-S63.
- Ypey, D.L.; Meerwijk, W.P.M. van; Umar, S.; Pijnappels, D.A.; Schalij, M.J. & Laarse, A. van der (2012), Depolarization-induced automaticity in rat ventricular cardiomyocytes is based on the gating properties of L-type calcium and slow Kv channels., European Biophysics Journal.
- Haan, M.C. den; Grauss, R.W.; Smits, A.M.; Winter, E.M.; Tuyn, J. van; Pijnappels, D.A.; Steendijk, P.; Gittenberger-De Groot, A.C.; Laarse, A. van der; Fibbe, W.E.; Vries, A.A.F. de; Schalij, M.J.; Doevendans, P.A.; Goumans, M.J. & Atsma, D.E. (2012), Cardiomyogenic differentiation-independent improvement of cardiac function by human cardiomyocyte progenitor cell injection in ischaemic mouse hearts, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 16(7): 1508-1521.
- Ramkisoensing, A.A.; Pijnappels, D.A.; Swildens, J.; Goumans, M.J.; Schalij, M.J.; Vries, A.A.F. de & Atsma, D.E. (2012), Gap junctional coupling with cardiomyocytes is essential for cardiomyogenic differentiation of fetal human mesenchymal stem cells, Cardiovascular Research 93: S15-S15.
- Askar, S.F.; Bingen, B.O.; Swildens, J.; Ypey, D.L.; Laarse, A. van der; Atsma, D.E.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Schalij, M.J.; Vries, A.A. de & Pijnappels, D.A. (2012), Connexin43 silencing in myofibroblasts prevents arrhythmias in myocardial cultures: role of maximal diastolic potential., Cardiovascular Research 93(3): 434-44.
- Askar, S.F.; Piers, S.R.D.; Zeppenfeld, K.; Schalij, M.J. & Pijnappels, D.A. (2012), An in vitro model of early or late reperfusion-scars to explain clinical reentrant arrhythmia characteristics and anti-arrhythmic potential of pharmacologic or electric defibrillation, European Heart Journal 33: 818-819.
- Ramkisoensing, A.A.; Vries, A.A.F. de; Schalij, M.J.; Atsma, D.E. & Pijnappels, D.A. (2012), Brief Report: Misinterpretation of Coculture Differentiation Experiments by Unintended Labeling of Cardiomyocytes Through Secondary Transduction: Delusions and Solutions, STEM CELLS 30(12): 2830-2834.
- Ramkisoensing, A.A.; Pijnappels, D.A.; Swildens, J.; Schalij, M.J.; Vries, A.A. de & Atsma, D.E. (2011), Induction of Cardiomyogenic Differentiation in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells is Mediated by Gap Junctional Coupling with Cultured Rat Cardiomyocytes, Circulation 124(21): -.
- Haan, M.C. den; Grauss, R.W.; Smits, A.M.; Winter, E.M.; Tuyn, J. van; Pijnappels, D.A.; Steendijk, P.; Gittenberger-De Groot, A.C.; Laarse, A. van der; Fibbe, W.E.; Vries, A.A.F. de; Schalij, M.J.; Doevendans, P.A.; Goumans, M.J. & Atsma, D.E. (2011), Cardiomyogenic differentiation-independent improvement of cardiac function by human cardiomyocyte progenitor cell injection in ischemic mouse hearts.
- Bax, N.A.M.; Pijnappels, D.A.; Oorschot, A.A.M. van; Winter, E.M.; Vries, A.A.F. de; Tuyn, J. van; Braun, J.; Maas, S.; Schalij, M.J.; Atsma, D.E.; Goumans, M.J. & Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C. (2011), Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transformation alters electrical conductivity of human epicardial cells, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 15(12): 2675-2683.
- Laarse, A. van der; Umar, S.; Hoek, T.; Sluiters, V.; Steendijk, P.; Schutte, C.; Bax, W.; Pijnappels, D.; Atsma, D. & Schalij, M. (2010), Stem Cell Therapy Improves Right Ventricular Function and Restores Myocardial Concentrations of Troponin-I and Norepinephrine Uptake Sites in Rats with Pulmonary Hypertension, Circulation 122(2): E288E288.
- Vicente-Steijn, R.; Kolditz, D.P.; Mahtab, E.A.F.; Askar, S.F.A.; Bax, N.A.M.; Graaf, L.M. van der; Wisse, L.J.; Passier, R.; Pijnappels, D.A.; Schalij, M.J.; Poelmann, R.E.; Gittenberger-De Groot, A.C. & Jongbloed, M.R.M. (2010), Electrical Activation of Sinus Venosus Myocardium and Expression Patterns of RhoA and Isl-1 in the Chick Embryo, Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 21(11): 1284-1292.
- Pijnappels, D.A.; Gregoire, S.; Wu, S.M.; Beyar, R. & Landesberg, A. (2010), The integrative aspects of cardiac physiology and their implications for cell-based therapy, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1188: 7-14.
- Umar S, Steendijk P, de Visser YP, Wagenaar GT, Schutte CI, Bax WH, Pijnappels DA, Atsma DE, Schalij MJ & Van der Wall EE (2009), Intravenous Cell Therapy Given to Rats With Monocrotaline-Induced Pulmonary Artery Hypertension Reduces Right Ventricular Hypertrophy and Improves Right Ventricular Function by Restoring Precapillary Pulmonary Artery Patency, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 53(10): A145A145.
- Pijnappels DA, Schalij MJ, Ramkisoensing AA, van Tuyn J, de Vries AAF, van der Laarse A, Ypey DL & Atsma DE (2008), Forced alignment of mesenchymal stem cells undergoing cardiomyogenic differentiation affects functional integration with cardiomyocyte cultures, Circulation Research 103(2).
- Grauss, R.W.; Tuyn, J. van; Steendijk, P.; Winter, E.M.; Pijnappels, D.A.; Hogers, B.; Groot, A.C.G.D.; Geest, R. van der; Laarse, A. van der; Vries, A.A.F. de; Schalij, M.J. & Atsmaa, D.E. (2008), Forced myocardin expression enhances the therapeutic effect of human mesenchymal stem cells after transplantation in ischemic mouse hearts, STEM CELLS 26(4).
- Tuyn, J. van; Atsma, D.E.; Winter, E.M.; Velde-Van Dijke, I. van der; Pijnappels, D.A.; Bax, N.A.M.; Knaan-Shanzer, S.; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Poelmann, R.E.; Laarse, A. van der; Wall, E.E. van der; Schalij, M.J. & Vries, A.A.F. de (2007), Epicardial cells of human adults can undergo an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and obtain characteristics of smooth muscle cells in vitro, STEM CELLS 25(2).
- Ramkisoensing AA, Pijnappels DA, van Tuyn J, de Vries TAAF, van der Wall EE, Schalij MJ, Atsma DE & van der Laarse A (2007), Mechanical stretch boosts cardiomyogenic differentiation of normal and genetically modified human and murine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 49(9).
- van Tuyn J, Pijnappels DA, de Vries I, van der Velde-van Dijke I, Knaan-Shanzer S, van der Laarse A, Ypey DL, Schalij MJ, Atsma DE & de Vries AAF (2007), Fibroblasts from human post-myocardial infarction scars become superconductors after transduction with a recombinant myocardin gene, Human Gene Therapy 18(10).
- Pijnappels DA, van Tuyn J, de Vries AAF, Grauss RW, van der Laarse A, Ypey DL, Atsma DE & Schalij MJ (2007), Resynchronization of separated rat cardiomyocyte fields with genetically modified human ventricular scar fibroblasts, Circulation 116(18).
- Grauss, R.W.; Winter, E.M.; Tuyn, J. van; Pijnappels, D.A.; Steijn, R.V.; Hogers, B.; Geest, R.J. van der; Vries, A.A.F. de; Steendijk, P.; Laarse, A. van der; Groot, A.C.G.D.; Schalij, M.J. & Atsma, D.E. (2007), Mesenchymal stem cells from ischemic heart disease patients improve left ventricular function after acute myocardial infarction, AJP - Heart and Circulatory Physiology 293(4).
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- Beeres SL, Atsma DE, Pijnappels DA, Beckmann O, van der Laarse A, de Vries AA, Fibbe WE, van der Wall EE & Schalij MJ (2005), Human adult bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells repair experimental conduction block in cardiomyocyte cultures in contrast to skeletal myoblasts and cardiac fibroblasts, Circulation 112(17).
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