Dan Saxon
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. D.R. Saxon
- Telefoon
- +31 70 800 9503
- d.r.saxon@luc.leidenuniv.nl
- 0009-0004-0723-814X

Universitair docent
- Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
- Leiden University College
Distinghuished fellow
- Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
- Leiden University College
- Saxon D.R. (2016), Violations of International Humanitarian Law by Non-State Actors During Cyberwarfare: Challenges for Investigations and Prosecutions, Journal of Conflict and Security Law 21(3): 555-574.
- Saxon D.R. (1 december 2016), Autonomous Weapon Systems, Human Dignity and International Law (Dissertatie. Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, Law, Leiden University). Promotor(en): Stahn C.
- Saxon D.R. (2016), A Human Touch: autonomous weapons, DoD Directive 3000.09 and the interpretation of ‘appropriate levels of human judgment over the use of force’. In: Bhuta N., Beck S., Geiβ R., Liu Hin-Yan & Kreβ C. (red.), Autonomous Weapons Systems: Law, Ethics, Policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 185-208.
- Saxon D.R. (2014), A human touch: autonomous weapons, directive 3000.09, and the "appropriate levels of human judgment over the use of force", Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 15(2): 100-109.
- Saxon D.R. (2005), Exporting justice: perceptions of the ICTY among the Serbian, Croatian, and Muslim communities in the former Yugoslavia, Journal of Human Rights 4(4): 559-572.