Cristina Grasseni
Hoogleraar Culturele Antropologie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. C. Grasseni
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 3451
- 0000-0002-4545-1978

Cristina Grasseni is Hoogleraar Culturele Antropologie aan het Instituut voor Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie van de Universiteit Leiden. Zij is gespecialiseerd in economische, politieke en visuele antropologie. Grasseni ontving de ERC Consolidator subsidie voor het project: Food citizens? Collective food procurement in European cities: solidarity and diversity, skills and scale.
Het volledige profiel en al het nieuws en publicaties zijn te vinden op de Engelstalige versie van de profielwebsite van Cristina Grasseni.
Hoogleraar Culturele Antropologie
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Culturele Antropologie/ Ontw. Sociologie
- Grasseni C. (2024), Re-territorialising skills?: Insights from ethnography on solidarity-economy food activism, Sustainability Science : .
- Grasseni C. (red.) (2024), Food Citizens?: An anthropological project on collective food procurement in European cities. Leiden : Leiden University Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (CADS).
- Grasseni C. (2024), Where do the Alps end?: Reflections on Practices of Locality and Future-Making in the Italian Alpine Region. In: Schneider A. & Tauber E. (red.), New Horizons for the Alps: Ethnographies, Reshaping Challenges, and Emerging More-Than-Alpine Relations.
- Grasseni C. (2023), Crafting futures through cheese-making in Val Taleggio (Northern Italy), Gastronomica 23(1): 51-64.
- Grasseni C., De Musso F., Gracjasz A.Z., Smith R.E., Vasile M. & Walstra V.R. (2023), Reskilling for sustainability: a perspective from comparative ethnography on collective food procurement, Kritisk Etnography - Swedish Journal of Anthropology 5(1-2): 135-40.
- Grasseni C. (2023), Skill, craft, and poiesis-intensive innovation, FormAkademisk 16(4): .
- Grasseni C (2023), Ethnographic Responsibility. : replies to Herzfeld (Anthropology Today 39[3]), Anthropology Today 39(6): 24.
- Grasseni C. (23 oktober 2023), Groenboerenplan: a plan for the future from green farmers. Food Citizens?. [blog].
- Vasile M. & Grasseni C. (2 januari 2023), Restitution workshop in Turin: Maria Vasile and Cristina Grasseni have presented the results of Maria’s ethnography in Turin. [blog].
- Grasseni C. (18 februari 2022), Making it happen: comparison through teamwork in the Food Citizens? project. Leiden Anthropology Blog: Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (University of Leiden). [blog].
- Littlejohn A.L., Boy J.D., De Musso F., Grasseni C., Kanters C.L., Luning S.W.J., Meerendonk T. van de, Minter T., Ochigame R.K. & Spierenburg M.J. (2022), Remodeling environments: anthropological perspectives on the limits of computational models. 8th Workshop on Computing within Limits 21 juni 2022 - 22 juni 2022.
- Grasseni C. (2022), Collaboration, mediation, and comparison : epistemological tools from theory-driven fieldwork practice, Anthrovision 8(1): 1.
- Vasile M. & Grasseni C. (2022), Visions of the urban green: interrogating urban renewal in Turin’s Periphery, Anthrovision 8(1): 4.
- Grasseni C. & De Musso F. (red.) (2022), Collaboration, mediation and comparison. Anthrovision nr. 2020.
- Grasseni C. (2022), Rethinking foodscapes:: does it matter how food reaches my plate?. Nobayashi A. (red.), Making food in local and global contexts. . Singapore: Springer . 89-99.
- Grasseni C. (2022), From branding to solidarity: the COVID-19 impact on marketing Strachítunt cheese from Val Taleggio, Italy, Acta Geographica Slovenica 62(2): 75-85.
- Grasseni C. (2022), Re-tooling craft, Etnográfica : 23-28.
- Grasseni C. (2022), More than visual: the apprenticeship of skilled visions, Ethos : .
- Grasseni C. (2021), Italian cheese in the global heritage arena. In: Ayora-Diaz Steffan Igor (red.), The Cultural Politcs of Food, Taste and Identity: A Global Perspective. UK : Bloomsbury Academic. 73-85.
- Grasseni C. (2021), Learning to see. In: Grasseni C., Barendregt B., Maaker E. de, De Musso F., Littlejohn A., Maeckelbergh M., Postma M. & Westmoreland M. R. (red.), AUDIOVISUAL AND DIGITAL ETHNOGRAPHY; A Practical and Theoretical Guide. London: Routledge. 12-34.
- Grasseni C., Barendregt B.A., Maaker E. de, De Musso F., Littlejohn A.L., Maeckelbergh M.E., Postma M.A. & Westmoreland M.R. (2021), Audiovisual and digital ethnography at Leiden. In: Grasseni C., Barendregt B.A., Maaker E. de, De Musso F., Littlejohn A.L., Maeckelbergh M.E., Postma M.A. & Westmoreland M.R. (red.), Audiovisual and Digital Ethnography; A Practical and Theoretical Guide. London: Routledge. 1-11.
- Smith R. & Grasseni C. (2020), Ambivalent solidarities: Food governance reconfigurations in Croatia and Italy, Anthropology Today 36(1): 12-16.
- Grasseni C. (2020), Direct food provisioning: collective food procurement. In: Gibson-Graham J.K. & Dombroski K. (red.), The Handbook of Diverse Economies: Elgar Online. 223-229.
- Gracjasz A. & Grasseni C. (2020), Food-gifting in Gdańsk: between food not bombs and the food bank, Ethnologia Polona 41: 33-50 .
- Grasseni C. (2020), Context-specific notions and practices of ‘solidarity’ in food procurement networks in Lombardy (Italy) and Massachusetts (USA). In: Kropp C., Antoni-Komar I. & Sage C. (red.), Food system transformations: social movements, local economies, collaborative networks. London: Routledge. 157-174.
- Grasseni C., Barendregt B.A., Maaker E. de, De Musso F., Littlejohn A.L., Maeckelbergh M.E., Postma M.A. & Westmoreland M.R. (2020), Audiovisual and digital ethnography: a practical and theoretical guide. London: Routledge.
- Grasseni C. & Gieser T. (2019), Introduction: Skilled mediations, Social Anthropology 27(1): 6-16.
- Grasseni C. & Gieser T. (2019), Response to Rupert Cox, Social Anthropology 27(1): 65-66.
- Grasseni C. & Gieser T. (red.) (2019), Social Anthropology: Skilled Mediations Special Issue. Social Anthropology.
- Grasseni C. (2019), De omstreden weg tot het bord, Wijsgerig perspectief op maatschappij en wetenschap 59(2): 24-31.
- Grasseni C. (2019), Handbook of Food and Anthropology: afterword. In: Klein J.A. & Watson J.L. (red.), The Handbook of Food and Anthropology : Bloomsbury Publishing. 459-463.
- Grasseni C. (2018), Beauty as skill and ‘common sensing’. In: Bunn S. (red.), Anthropology and Beauty. From Aesthetics to Creativity. London: Routledge. 217 - 229.
- Grasseni C. & Forno F. (2018), 'Cittadino Versus Consumatore. Una conciliazione possibile?’ Incontro con Francesca Forno e Cristina Grasseni a cura di Maria Claudia Peretti, ARK/Ecumene 26: 9 - 13.
- Grasseni C. (2018), Food Citizenship? Collective Food Procurement in European Cities, EuropeNow (20): .
- Grasseni C. (2018), Skilled Vision. In: Callan H. (red.), The international encyclopedia of anthropology. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Grasseni C. (2018), Grassroots responsible innovation initiatives in short food supply chains. In: Kalfagianni A. & Skordili S. (red.), Localising global food: short food supply chains as responses to agri-food system challenges. Routledge Studies in Food, Society and the Environment: Routledge. 41-54.
- Grasseni C. (2018), Understanding skill, food and field, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 43(3-4): 264-279.
- Grasseni C. (2017), Ecologies of Belonging and the Mugshot Aesthetics, Anthrovision 5(2): .
- Grasseni C. (2017), The Heritage Arena. Reinventing Cheese in the Italian Alps. Food, Nutrition, And Culture nr. 5. New York - Oxford: Berghahn Books.
- Grasseni C. (2017), Markets to support sustainable food production: potentials and challenges of alternative provisioning. In: Gordon I.J., Prins H.H.T. & Squire G.R. (red.), Food Production and Nature Conservation. Conflicts and Solutions. Oxon - New York: Routledge. 281-294.
- Grasseni C. (7 juni 2017), Provisioning activism. Leiden Anthropology Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog].
- Grasseni C. (2017), Norms and alternatives: experimentations with collective food procurement. Keynote Lecture Annual Meeting of the Swiss Anthropological Association in Neuchatel, Switzerland (November 9, 2017). [overig].
- Grasseni C. (3 juli 2017), Proficiency: blindness. Society for Cultural Anthropology. [blog].
- Grasseni C. & De Musso F. (2016), Picturing Intimacy: Mediation and Self-representation in a Boston’s Religious Festivals, Anthrovision 4(2): .
- Regional Forum on Research and Innovation