Cristiana Strava
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. C. Strava
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 4676
- 0000-0002-2622-2125

Cristiana Strava is universitair docent aan het Instituut voor Regiostudies.
Universitair docent
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- Strava C. (2025), Bespreking van: Azzouz A. (2023), Domicide: Architecture, War and the Destruction of Home in Syria. London: Bloomsbury. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research .
- Strava C. (2024), Sustainable water management and indigenous socio-technical heritage in Marrakech, Morocco, Blue Papers 3(1): 214-223.
- Strava C. (5 juli 2024), Greening Casablanca: is urban sustainability just another word for gentrification?. AnthroArt – Action for People and Planet: AnthroArt. [webartikel].
- Baez Ullberg S., Korling G. & Strava C. (2023), Making megaprojects: the practices and politics of scale-making, Ethnos : .
- Strava C. (2023), Precarious modernities: assembling state, space and society on the urban margins in Morocco. London: Zed Books.
- Strava C. (2023), In the time of megaprojects: re-scaling class temporalities along a Moroccan high-speed rail corridor, Ethnos : .
- Strava C. (2022), Dissenting Poses: Marginal Youth, Viral Aesthetics, and Affective Politics in Neoliberal Morocco, Focaal 92: 64-81.
- Strava C. & Amarouche M. (2022), Introduction to the themed section: ‘Commoning the Future’ : Sustaining and Contesting the Public Good in North Africa, The Journal of North African Studies 28(1): 9-15.
- Strava C. (2022), Activating the Margins through Art: An ethnographic perspective on the work of L’Atelier de l’Observatoire in Casablanca. In: , Le Musée Collectif, un musée citoyen pour la ville de Casablanca. Casablanca: L’Atelier de L'Observatoire.
- Strava C. (2021), Critical Appropriations of Modernity: Michel Écochard’s 8 by 8 Meter Housing Grid, Hay Mohammadi, Casablanca. In: Troelenberg E.M., Schankweiler K. & Messner A. (red.), Reading Objects in the Contact Zone nr. Heidelberg Studies on Transculturality 9. Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing. 82-89.
- Strava C. (2021) 'The Future Looks Secure'. Bespreking van: Ghertner D.A., McFann H. & Goldstein D. (2020), Futureproof: Security Aesthetics and the Management of Life. Durham: Duke University Press 29(2): 552-553.
- Strava C. (2021), Precarious Modernities : Assembling State, Space and Society on the Urban Margins in Morocco. London: Zed Books.
- Strava C. (2021), Object ethnographies. In: Troelenberg E.M., Schankweiler K. & Messner A.S. (red.), Reading Objects in the Contact Zone. Heidelberg Studies on Transculturality nr. 9. Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing. 238-239.
- Strava C. (2021), Disposable Casablanca: Waste and the Politics of Decay from and for the Urban Margins, Etnofoor 33(2): 92-111.
- Aljem S. & Strava C. (2020), Casablanca’s megaprojects: neoliberal urban planning and socio-spatial transformations, TRIALOG. A journal for planning and building in the third world 135(4): 12-19.
- Beier R. & Strava C. (2020), Losing or gaining home?: Experiences of resettlement from Casablanca’s slums. In: Storey A., Sheehan M. & Bodoh-Creed J. (red.), The Everyday Life of Urban Inequality: Ethnographic Case Studies of Global Cities. Culture, Humanity, and Urban Life. New York: Lexington Books. 3-22.
- Naeff J.A., Ree A. van, Sipkes L., Strava C., Tromp K. & Westmoreland M.R. (2020), Dissonant entanglements and creative redistributions . In: Kuoni C., Baltà Portolés J., Khan N.N. & Moses S. (red.), Forces of Art: Perspectives from a Changing World. Amsterdam: Valiz. 71-96.
- Strava C. (2019), The Middle-Eastern City in Three Deconstructed Stereotypes [Drie gedeconstrueerde stereotypen van steden in het Midden-Oosten] (vertaling Strava C. & Kanter I. de), ZemZem. Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam 15(1): 73-83.
- Strava C. (2019), Out on the Street | Barra Fel Share' - Film Review, URBANITIES : Journal of the Commission on Urban Anthropology 9(1): 124-125.
- Strava C. (2018), A Tramway Called Atonement: Genealogies of Infrastructure and Emerging Political Imaginaries in Contemporary Casablanca, Middle East : Topics & Arguments 10: 22-29.
- Strava C. (14 juni 2017), Does the Haircut Make the Thug? Why Class Matters in post-2011 Morocco. Leiden Islam Blog. Leiden : Leiden Center for the Study of Islam and Society . [blog].
- Strava C. (2017), At home on the margins: care giving and the ‘un-homely’ among Casablanca's working poor, City & Society 29(2): 329-348.
- Strava C. (2016) Neo-Weberian Ethnographies of the African State. Bespreking van: Bierschenk Thomas & Olivier De Sardan Jean-Pierre (2014), States at Work. Dynamics of African Bureaucracies.. Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies nr. 12. Leiden: Brill. .
- Jamal I., Gigerenzer T. & Strava C. 1 mei 2014, A walk through London's East End. MIT CoLAB Radio. MIT [podcast].
- Strava C., The ‘Teeming Silence’ of Condemned Social Housing. POLIS - A Collective Blog about Cities Worldwide. [blog].