Colin Ewen
Emeritus hoogleraar Engelse Taalkunde
- Naam
- Prof.dr. C.J. Ewen
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2148

Emeritus hoogleraar Engelse Taalkunde
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL diversen
- Botma E.D. & Ewen C.J. (2023), Old English Breaking as vowel excrescence. In: Weijer J.M. van de (red.), Representing phonological detail (Part I: segmental structure and representations). Berlin: De Gruyter. 133-150.
- Ewen C.J. & Kaisse E.M. (red.) (2017), Phonology 34. Phonology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Colin Ewen & Kaisse E.M. (red.) (2015), Phonology 33.
- Ewen C.J. & Kaisse E.M. (red.) (2014), . Phonology.
- Ewen C.J. & Kaisse E.M. (red.) (2013), . Phonology.
- Ewen C.J. & Kaisse E.M. (red.) (2012), . Phonology.
- Oostendorp M. van, Ewen C.J., Hume E. & Rice K. (red.) (2011), The Blackwell Companion to Phonology (5 vols). Oxford & Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Ewen C.J. & Kaisse E.M. (red.) (2011), . Phonology.
- Ewen C.J. & Kaisse E.M. (red.) (2010), . Phonology.
- Botma E.D. & Ewen C.J. (2009), Against rhymal adjuncts: the syllabic affiliation of English postvocalic consonants. In: Nasukawa K. & Backley P. (red.), Strength Relations in Phonology. Berlijn: Mouton de Gruyter. 221-250.
- Ewen C.J. & Kaisse E.M. (red.) (2009), . Phonology.
- Botma E.D., Ewen C.J. & Torre E.J. van der (2008), The syllabic affiliation of postvocalic liquids: an onset-specifier approach, Lingua 118(9): 1250-1270.
- Ewen C.J. & Kaisse E.M. (red.) (2008), . Phonology.
- Ewen C.J., Kula N.C. & Hulst H.G. van der (red.) (2008), . Lingua.
- Ewen C.J. & Kaisse E.M. (red.) (2007), . Phonology.
- Ewen C.J. & Kaisse E.M. (red.) (2006), . Phonology.
- Ewen C.J. & Kaisse E.M. (red.) (2005), . Phonology.
- Ewen C.J. & Kaisse E.M. (red.) (2004), . Phonology.
- Carr P., Durand J. & Ewen C.J. (2004), Introduction: the structure of phonological representations. Carr P., Durand J. & Ewen C.J. (red.), Headhood, elements, specification and contrastivity. . Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing. 1-13.
- Carr P., Durand J. & Ewen C.J. (red.) (2004), Headhood, elements, specification and contrastivity. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing.
- Ewen C.J. & Kaisse E.M. (red.) (2003), . Phonology.
- Ewen C.J. & Kaisse E.M. (red.) (2002), . Phonology.
- Ewen C.J. & Hulst H.G. van der (2001), The phonological structure of words: an introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Ewen C.J. & Kaisse E.M. (red.) (2001), . Phonology.
- Ewen C.J. & Kaisse E.M. (red.) (2000), . Phonology.
- Ewen C.J. & Kaisse E.M. (red.) (1999), . Phonology.
- Ewen C.J. & Kaisse E.M. (red.) (1998), . Phonology.
- Ewen C.J. & Kaisse E.M. (red.) (1997), . Phonology.
- Ewen C.J. (red.) (1996), . Phonology.
- Ewen C.J. (1995), Dependency phonology. In: NN NN (red.), The encyclopedia of language and linguistics. Oxford: NN. 864-867.
- Ewen C.J. (1995), Dependency relations in phonology. In: Goldsmith J.A. (red.), A handbook of phonological theory. Oxford: Blackwell. 570-585.
- Ewen C.J. & Kaisse E.M. (red.) (1995), . Phonology.
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