Coen Rasch
Hoogleraar Radiotherapie, in het bijzonder translationele radiotherapie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. C.R.N. Rasch
- 0000-0001-6950-3376

Coen Rasch is hoogleraar Radiotherapie aan de universiteit van Leiden en afdelingshoofd Radiotherapie van het LUMC en het Reinier de Graaf Gasthuis in Delft. De afdelingen Radiotherapie van het LUMC en het Reinier de Graaf vormen samen één geïntegreerde afdeling.
Meer informatie over Coen Rasch
Coen Rasch is hoogleraar Radiotherapie aan de universiteit van Leiden en afdelingshoofd Radiotherapie van het LUMC en het Reinier de Graaf Gasthuis in Delft. De afdelingen Radiotherapie van het LUMC en het Reinier de Graaf vormen samen één geïntegreerde afdeling.
De leerstoel Radiotherapie bevat de ontwikkeling van het vak radiotherapie in de breedste zin. De ruime meerderheid van de oncologische patiënten ontvangen ergens in hun behandeling bestraling. Radiotherapie is daarmee een van de hoofdpijlers in de behandeling van deze volksziekte. Mijn aandachtsgebied is vooral op het grensvlak van techniek / fysica en patientenzorg. Hoofdaandachtsgebied is de behandeling van oogmelanomen met protonenradiotherapie, in Nederland gestart in einde jaar van mijn aansteling.
Op 14-11-2023 benoemd tot Medical Delta hoogleraar
Op 14-11-2023 benoemd tot Medical Delta hoogleraar
Prof. dr. Coen Rasch (LUMC, TU Delft) – hoogleraar Radiotherapie aan de Universiteit Leiden en hoofd van de afdeling Radiotherapie van het LUMC / RdGG. Hij onderzoekt en ontwikkelt radiotherapie in de breedste zin van het woord. Radiotherapie is een van de belangrijkste pijlers in de behandeling van kanker. Zijn interessegebied ligt vooral op het grensvlak van techniek/natuurkunde en patiëntenzorg, in het bijzonder de behandeling van oogmelanomen met protonenbestraling. Door de relatief zeldzame toepassing is protonenbestraling een gebied waar nog veel innovaties mogelijk zijn; HollandPTC en de samenwerking in de driehoek LUMC/TU Delft/Erasmus MC hebben een kans gecreëerd voor innovatieve vraag gestuurde ontwikkeling en verbetering van kennis en uitkomsten van de behandeling van kanker. Samen met de faculteit TNW van de TU Delft wordt innovatief onderzoek uitgevoerd op het gebied van radio(proton)therapie.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
1990: Geneeskunde Universiteit van Amsterdam
1996: Radiotherapeut-oncoloog Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Huis. prof. dr. G.M.M. Bartelink
2001: PhD Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam “Imaging modality and observer variation for target delineation in conformal radiotherapy”.
promotor prof. dr. G.M.M. Bartelink
2011: Hoogleraar Radiotherapie Universiteit van Amsterdam
2019: Hoogleraar Radiotherapie Universiteit van Leiden
Hoogleraar Radiotherapie, in het bijzonder translationele radiotherapie
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Radiotherapie
- Leeuw, A.L.M.P. de; Giralt, J.; Tao, Y.G.; Benavente, S.; Nguyen, T.V.F.; Hoebers, F.J.P.; Hoeben, A.; Terhaard, C.H.J.; Lee, L.W.; Friesland, S.; Steenbakkers, R.J.H.M.; Tans, L.; Kranen, S.R. van; Kamer, J.B. van de; Bartelink, H.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Sonke, J.J. & Hamming-Vrieze, O. (2025), Protocol compliance in a multicentric phase III trial investigating scheduled adaptive radiotherapy and dose painting in head and neck cancer, Radiotherapy & Oncology 202.
- Huiskes, M.; Kong, W.; Oud, M.; Crama, K.; Rasch, C.; Breedveld, S.; Heijmen, B. & Astreinidou, E. (2024), Validation of fully automated robust multicriterial treatment planning for head and neck cancer IMPT, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 119(3): 968-977.
- Kong, W.; Oud, M.; Habraken, S.J.M.; Huiskes, M.; Astreinidou, E.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Heijmen, B.J.M. & Breedveld, S. (2024), SISS-MCO: large scale sparsity-induced spot selection for fast and fully-automated robust multi-criteria optimisation of proton plans, Physics in Medicine & Biology 69(5).
- Pors, L.J.; Haasjes, C.; Vught, L. van; Hoes, N.P.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Rijn, G.A.V.; Vu, T.H.K.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Horeweg, N. & Beenakker, J.W.M. (2024), Correction method for optical scaling of fundoscopy images, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 65(1).
- Kong, W.; Huiskes, M.; Habraken, S.J.M.; Astreinidou, E.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Heijmen, B.J.M. & Breedveld, S. (2024), Reducing the lateral dose penumbra in IMPT by incorporating transmission pencil beams, Radiotherapy & Oncology 198.
- Klaassen, L.; Jaarsma-Coes, M.G.; Marinkovic, M.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Ferreira, T.A. & Beenakker, J.W.M. (2024), Quantitative Perfusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Uveal Melanoma, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 65(11).
- Klaassen, L.; Haasjes, C.; Hol, M.; Lopes, P.C.; Spruijt, K.; Steeg-henzen, C. van de; Vu, K.; Bakker, P.; Rasch, C.; Verbist, B. & Beenakker, J.W. (2024), Geometrical accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging for ocular proton therapy planning, PHYSICS & IMAGING IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY 31.
- Leeuw, A.L.M.P. de; Giralt, J.; Tao, Y.A.; Benavente, S.; Nguyen, T.V.; Hoebers, F.J.P.; Hoeben, A.; Terhaard, C.H.J.; Lee, L.W.; Friesland, S.; Steenbakkers, R.J.H.M.; Tans, L.; Heukelom, J.; Kayembe, M.T.; Kranen, S.R. van; Bartelink, H.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Sonke, J.J. & Hamming-Vrieze, O. (2024), A multicentric randomized controlled phase III trial of adaptive and 18F-FDG-PET-guided dose-redistribution in locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (ARTFORCE), Radiotherapy & Oncology 196.
- Nuijens, A.C.; Oei, A.L.; Koster, L.; Hoebe, R.A.; Franken, N.A.P.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Stalpers, L.J.A. (2024), Genetic markers of late radiation toxicity in the era of image-guided radiotherapy: lower toxicity rates reduce the predictive value of γ-H2AX foci decay ratio in patients undergoing pelvic radiotherapy, Radiation Oncology 19(1).
- Jaarsma-Coes, M.G.; Ferreira, T.A.; Marinkovic, M.; Vu, T.H.K.; Vught, L. van; Haren, G.R.V.; Rodrigues, M.F.; Klaver, Y.L.B.; Verbist, B.M.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Beenakker, J.W.M. (2023), Comparison of magnetic resonance imaging-based and conventional measurements for proton beam therapy of uveal melanoma, Ophthalmology Retina 7(2): 178-188.
- Ree, M.H. van der; Dieleman, E.M.T.; Visser, J.; Planken, R.N.; Boekholdt, S.M.; Bruin-Bon, R.H.A. de; Rasch, C.R.N.; Hoeksema, W.F.; Jong, R.M.A.J. de; Kemme, M.J.B.; Balt, J.C.; Wilde, A.A.M.; Balgobind, B.V. & Postema, P.G. (2023), Non-invasive stereotactic arrhythmia radiotherapy for ventricular tachycardia, EP Europace 25(3).
- Kinaci-Tas, B.; Alderliesten, T.; Verbraak, F.D. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2023), Radiation-induced retinopathy and optic neuropathy after radiation therapy for brain, head, and neck tumors: a systematic review, Cancers 15(7).
- Hassan, M.K.; Kinaci-Tas, B.; Dankers, F.; Stoel, B.; Stalpers, L.; Verbraak, F.; Rasch, C. & Alderliesten, T. (2023), A framework to link 3D radiotherapy to 2D ophthalmological findings, Radiotherapy & Oncology 182: S980-S981.
- Rasch, C.; Bakker, P.; Rodrigues, M.; Marinkovic, M.; Vu, K.; Bleeker, J.; Rij, C. van; Kilic, E.; Beenakker, J.; Horeweg, N. & Luyten, G. (2023), two years of ocular proton therapy in The Netherlands, clinical results, Radiotherapy & Oncology 182: S1288-S1289.
- Tong, T.M.L.; Bastiaannet, E.; Speetjens, F.M.; Blank, C.U.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Jager, M.J.; Marinkovic, M.; Vu, T.H.K.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Creutzberg, C.L.; Beenakker, J.W.M.; Hartgrink, H.H.; Bosch, J.J.J.; Kilic, E.; Naus, N.C.; Yavuzyigitoglu, S.; Rij, C.M. van; Burgmans, M.C. & Kapiteijn, E.H.W. (2023), Time trends in the treatment and survival of 5036 Uveal melanoma patients in The Netherlands over a 30-year period, Cancers 15(22).
- Tang, M.C.Y.; Ferreira, T.A.; Marinkovic, M.; Jaarsma-Coes, M.G.; Klaassen, L.; Vu, T.H.K.; Creutzberg, C.L.; Rodrigues, M.F.; Horeweg, N.; Klaver, Y.L.B.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Beenakker, J.W.M. (2023), MR-based follow-up after brachytherapy and proton beam therapy in uveal melanoma, Neuroradiology 65(8): 1271-1285.
- Ree, M.H. van der; Cuculich, P.S.; Herk, M. van; Hugo, G.D.; Balt, J.C.; Bates, M.; Ho, G.; Pruvot, E.; Herrera-Siklody, C.; Hoeksema, W.F.; Lee, J.; Lloyd, M.S.; Kemme, M.J.B.; Sacher, F.; Tixier, R.; Verhoeff, J.J.C.; Balgobind, B.V.; Robinson, C.G.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Postema, P.G. (2023), Interobserver variability in target definition for stereotactic arrhythmia radioablation, Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 10.
- Huiskes, M.; Kong, W.; Astreinidou, E.; Crama, K.; Breedveld, S.; Heijmen, B. & Rasch, C. (2023), Fully automated robust multi-criterial treatment planning for HNC IMPT, Radiotherapy & Oncology 182: S220-S221.
- Kong, W.; Oud, M.; Habraken, S.; Huiskes, M.; Astreinidou, E.; Rasch, C.; Heijmen, B. & Breedveld, S. (2023), Fast and fully-automated robust multi-criterial IMPT planning via sparsity induced spot selection, Radiotherapy & Oncology 182: S222-S223.
- Huiskes, M.; Astreinidou, E.; Kong, W.; Breedveld, S.; Heijmen, B. & Rasch, C. (2023), Dosimetric impact of adaptive proton therapy in head and neck cancer-A review, Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology 39.
- Koetsier, L.S.; Marinkovic, M.; Bleeker, J.; Vu, K.; Duinen, S. van; Creutzberg, C.; Rasch, C. & Luijten, G. (2023), Endoresection after irradiation in uveal melanoma patients treated at the LUMC, Acta Ophthalmologica 101: 35-35.
- Shirzada, M.R.; Pieterse, A.H.; Horeweg, N.; Rasch, C.N.R.; Beenakker, J.W.M.; Marinkovic, M.; Vu, T.H.K.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Jonker, M.F. & Marle, M.E.V. (2023), Patient preferences for treatment of large and juxtapapillary choroidal melanomas, Acta Ophthalmologica 101: 33-33.
- Rasch, C.; Bakker, P.; Rodrigues, M.; Marinkovic, M.; Vu, K.; Bleeker, J.; Rij, C. van; Kilic, E.; Beenakker, J.W.; Yavuzyigitoglu, S.; Naus, N.; Horeweg, N. & Luyten, G. (2023), Two years of ocular proton therapy in The Netherlands, clinical results, Acta Ophthalmologica 101: 34-35.
- Leeuw, A. de; Giralt, J.; Tao, Y.; Benavente, S.; Nguyen, T.F.; Hoebers, F.; Hoeben, A.; Terhaard, C.; Lee, L.W.; Friesland, S.; Steenbakkers, R.; Kayembe, M.T.; Kranen, S. van; Bartelink, H.; Rasch, C.; Sonke, J. & Hamming-Vrieze, O. (2023), Adaptive and dose redistributed radiotherapy in head and neck cancer: ARTFORCE RCT phase III results, Radiotherapy & Oncology 182: S706-S707.
- Klaassen, L.; Jaarsma-Coes, M.G.; Verbist, B.M.; Vu, T.H.K.; Klaver, Y.L.B.; Rodrigues, M.F.; Nabarro, C.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Herk, M. van & Beenakker, J.W.M. (2022), Inter-observer variability in MR-based target volume delineation of uveal melanoma, Acta Ophthalmologica 100: 45-45.
- Nuijens, A.C.; Oei, A.L.; Oorschot, B. van; Visser, J.; Os, R.M. van; Moerland, P.D.; Franken, N.A.P.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Stalpers, L.J.A. (2022), Gamma-H2AX foci decay ratio as a stronger predictive factor of late radiation toxicity than dose-volume parameters in a prospective cohort of prostate cancer patients, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 112(1): 212-221.
- Horeweg, N.; Verbeek, E.; Vu, K.; Marinkovic, M.; Bleeker, J.; Rodrigues, M.; Klaver, Y.; Beenakker, J.; Luyten, G. & Rasch, C. (2022), First results of the Leiden-Holland Proton Therapy Center collaboration for uveal melanoma treatment, Radiotherapy & Oncology 170: S1211-S1212.
- Vu, K.T.H.; Verbeek, E.; Marinkovic, M.; Bleeker, J.C.; Rodrigues, M.; Klaver, Y.; Beenakker, J.W.M.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Horeweg, N. & Luyten, G.P.M. (2022), Clinical outcomes of uveal melanoma patients treated with proton therapy at the LUMC/Holland Proton Therapy Centre, Acta Ophthalmologica 100: 41-42.
- Hol, M.; Rodrigues, M.; Klaver, Y.; Spruijt, K.; Kouwenberg, J.; Astreinidou, E. & Rasch, C. (2022), Accuracy of inter-fraction patient positioning in Ocular Proton Therapy (OPT)., Radiotherapy & Oncology 170: S1259-S1260.
- Klaassen, L.; Jaarsma-Coes, M.; Ferreira, T.; Vu, K.; Marinkovic, M.; Luyten, G.; Rasch, C. & Beenakker, J. (2022), 3D MRI versus conventional ultrasound tumour measurements for treatment planning of eye tumours, Radiotherapy & Oncology 170: S50-S51.
- Bakker, A.; Valverde, C.P.T.; Tienhoven, G. van; Kolff, M.W.; Kok, H.P.; Slotman, B.J.; Konings, I.R.H.M.; Oei, A.L.; Oldenburg, H.S.A.; Rutgers, E.J.T.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Bongard, H.J.G.D. van den & Crezee, H. (2022), Post-operative re-irradiation with hyperthermia in locoregional breast cancer recurrence, Radiotherapy & Oncology 167: 149-157.
- Bakker, A.; Valverde, C.P.T.; Tienhoven, G. van; Kolff, M.W.; Kok, H.P.; Slotman, B.J.; Konings, I.R.; Oei, A.L.; Oldenburg, H.S.; Rutgers, E.J.; Rasch, C.R.; Bongard, H.D. van den & Crezee, H. (2022), Re-irradiation and hyperthermia for locoregional recurrent breast cancer: Outcome of 23x2Gy vs 8x4Gy, Radiotherapy & Oncology 170: S717-S718.
- Klaassen, L.; Jaarsma-Coes, M.; Verbist, B.; Vu, K.; Klaver, Y.; Rodrigues, M.; Ferreira, T.; Nabarro, C.; Luyten, G.; Rasch, C.; Herk, M. van & Beenakker, J. (2022), Inter-observer variability in MR-based target volume delineation of uveal melanoma, Radiotherapy & Oncology 170: S166-S167.
- Klaassen, L.; Jaarsma-Coes, M.G.; Verbist, B.M.; Vu, T.H.K.; Marinkovic, M.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Beenakker, J.W.M. (2022), Automatic three-dimensional magnetic resonance-based measurements of tumour prominence and basal diameter for treatment planning of uveal melanoma, PHYSICS & IMAGING IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY 24: 102-110.
- Nuijens, A.C.; Oei, A.L.; Bouhuijs, A.; Franken, N.A.P.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Stalpers, L.J.A. (2022), A comparison between patient- and physician-reported late radiation toxicity in long-term prostate cancer survivors, Cancers 14(7).
- Beenakker, J.W.M. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2022), Letter to the Editor of Radiotherapy and Oncology regarding the paper titled ''MRI and FUNDUS image fusion for improved ocular biometry in Ocular Proton Therapy", Radiotherapy & Oncology 176: 251-251.
- Eriksen, J.G.; Boldrini, L.; Gershkevitsh, E.; Guckenberger, M.; Heide, U. van der; Heijmen, B.; Joiner, M.; Nout, R.; Pruschy, M.; Rasch, C.; Tan, L.T.; Verellen, D.; Vozenin, M.C.; Palmu, M.; Porta, L. la; Gasparotto, C. & ESTRO Sch (2022), Postgraduate education in radiation oncology during the COVID-19 pandemic - What did we learn?, TECHNICAL INNOVATIONS & PATIENT SUPPORT IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY 24: 73-77.
- Beenakker, J.W.M. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2022), Letter to the Editor of Radiotherapy and Oncology regarding the paper titled ''MRI and FUNDUS image fusion for improved ocular biometry in Ocular Proton Therapy", Radiotherapy & Oncology 176: 251-251.
- Kinaci-Tas, B.; Alderliesten, T.; Verbraak, F.D. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2021), Radiation induced Retinopathy and Optic Neuropathy after Radiation Therapy for Brain, Head and Neck Tumors: A Systematic Review, Acta Ophthalmologica 99: 37-38.
- Marinkovic, M.; Pors, L.J.; Berg, V. van den; Peters, F.P.; Schalenbourg, A.; Zografos, L.; Pica, A.; Hrbacek, J.; Duinen, S.G. van; Vu, T.H.K.; Bleeker, J.C.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Jager, M.J.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Horeweg, N. (2021), Clinical outcomes after international referral of uveal melanoma patients for proton therapy, Cancers 13(24).
- Horeweg, N.; Pors, L.J.; Peters, F.P.; Schalenbourg, A.; Pica, A.; Hrbacek, J.; Vu, K.; Bleeker, J.; Rasch, C.R.; Jager, M.J. de; Luyten, G.P. & Marinkovic, M. (2021), Tumour control and visual outcomes after proton therapy for uveal melanoma, Radiotherapy & Oncology 161: S238-S240.
- Beenakker, J.W.M.; Jaarsma-Coes, M.G.; Verbist, B.M.; Marinkovic, M.; Ferreira, T.A.; Vu, K.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Luyten, G.P.M. (2021), MR-based clip-tumor measurements for proton beam therapy planning of uveal melanoma patients, Acta Ophthalmologica 99: 26-26.
- Beenakker, J.; Jaarsma-Coes, M.; Ferreira, T.; Marinkovic, M.; Rodrigues, M.; Klaver, Y.; Vu, K.; Verbist, B.; Luyten, G. & Rasch, C. (2021), MRI-based tumour localisation after clip placement for proton beam therapy of uveal melanoma, Radiotherapy & Oncology 161: S519-S520.
- Klaassen, L.; Jaarsma-Coes, M.G.; Ferreira, T.A.; Vu, T.H.K.; Marinkovic, M.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Luyten, G.P.M. & Beenakker, J.W.M. (2021), Improved therapy planning for uveal melanoma: A tumour geometry comparison between MRI and conventional ultrasound, Acta Ophthalmologica 99: 27-27.
- Gijlswijk, C. van; Astreinidou, E.; Ridder, M. de; Zeppenfeld, K.; Hol, M. & Rasch, C. (2021), IV contrast-enhanced CBCT position verification for SBRT of ventricular tachycardia., Radiotherapy & Oncology 161: S418-S420.
- Valverde, C.T.; Bakker, A.; Tienhoven, G. van; Kolff, M.W.; Kok, H.P.; Slotman, B.J.; Konings, I.R.; Oei, A.L.; Oldenburg, H.S.; Rutgers, E.J.; Rasch, C.R.; Bongard, H.D. van den & Crezee, H. (2021), Importance of high thermal dose in post-operative re-irradiation and hyperthermia in breast cancer, Radiotherapy & Oncology 161: S435-S437.
- Ridder, M. de; Dijkum, E.N. van; Engelsman, A.; Ellen, K.; Klumpen, H. & Rasch, C. (2020), Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma in the Netherlands, very bad but not for all!, Radiotherapy and Oncology 152: S14-S14.
- Jaarsma-Coes, M.G.; Marinkovic, M.; Astreinidou, E.; Schuurmans, M.S.; Peters, F.P.; Luyten, G.P.M.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Beenakker, J.W.M. (2020), Measuring eye deformation between planning and proton beam therapy position using magnetic resonance imaging, PHYSICS & IMAGING IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY 16: 33-36.
- Abdel-Kafi, S.; Ridder, M. de; Riva, M. de; Geest, R.J. van der; Rasch, C. & Zeppenfeld, K. (2020), Integration of electroanatomical mapping with imaging to guide radiotherapy of VT substrates with high accuracy.
- Bakker, A.; Zee, J. van der; Tienhoven, G. van; Kok, H.P.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Crezee, H. (2020), Breast cancer patients with brain metastases: a multicenter retrospective study (KROG 16-12), Radiotherapy & Oncology 152: S150-S151.
- Virgolin, M.; Wang, Z.; Balgobind, B.V.; Dijk, I.W.E.M. van; Wiersma, J.; Hodgson, D.C.; Bryce-Atkinson, A.; Herk, M. van; Rasch, C.R.N.; Zaletel, L.Z.; Kroon, P.S.; Janssens, G.O.; Bel, A.; Bosman, P.A.N. & Alderliesten, T. (2020), Highly-individualized dose reconstruction for pediatric abdominal radiotherapy with machine learning, Radiotherapy & Oncology 152: S115-S116.
- Virgolin, M.; Wang, Z.; Balgobind, B.V.; Dijk, I.W.E.M. van; Wiersma, J.; Kroon, P.S.; Janssens, G.O.; Herk, M. van; Hodgson, D.C.; Zaletel, L.Z.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Bel, A.; Bosman, P.A.N. & Alderliesten, T. (2020), Surrogate-free machine learning-based organ dose reconstruction for pediatric abdominal radiotherapy, Physics in Medicine & Biology 65(24).
- Ridder, M. de; Dijkum, E.N. van; Engelsman, A.; Kapiteijn, E.; Klümpen, H.J. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2020), Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma, European journal of endocrinology 183(2): 203-209.
- Heukelom, J.; Kantor, M.E.; Mohamed, A.S.R.; Elhalawani, H.; Kocak-Uzel, E.; Lin, T.; Yang, J.Z.; Aristophanous, M.; Rasch, C.R.; Fuller, C.D. & Sonke, J.J. (2020), Differences between planned and delivered dose for head and neck cancer, and their consequences for normal tissue complication probability and treatment adaptation, Radiotherapy & Oncology 142: 100-106.
- Marinkovic, M.; Vu, K.; Bleeker, J.; Creutzberg, C.; Rasch, C. & Luijten, G. (2020), Proton beam irradiation in the Netherlands; the Leiden experience, Acta Ophthalmologica 98: 15-15.
- Ridder, M. de; Dijkum, E.N. van; Engelsman, A.; Kapiteijn, E.; Klumpen, H.J. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2020), Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma, European Journal of Endocrinology 183(2): 203-209.
- Luyten, G.P.M.; Beenakker, J.W.M.; Jager, M.J.; Bleeker, J.C.; Vu, T.H.K.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Marinkovic, M. (2020), Management of uveal melanoma with proton beam irradiation: The Leiden perspective, Acta Ophthalmologica 98: 12-12.
- Beenakker, J.W.M.; Ferreira, T.; Marinkovic, M.; Jaarsma-Coes, M.; Rasch, C. & Luyten, G. (2020), MR-imaging of uveal melanoma for proton therapy, Acta Ophthalmologica 98: 12-12.
- Bakker, A.; Zweije, R.; Tienhoven, G. van; Kok, H.P.; Sijbrands, J.; Bongard, H.J.G.D. van den; Rasch, C.R.N. & Crezee, H. (2020), Two high-resolution thermal monitoring sheets for clinical superficial hyperthermia, Physics in Medicine & Biology 65(17).
- Bakker, A.; Zee, J. van der; Tienhoven, G. van; Kok, H.P.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Crezee, H. (2019), Temperature and thermal dose during radiotherapy and hyperthermia for recurrent breast cancer are related to clinical outcome and thermal toxicity: a systematic review, International Journal of Hyperthermia 36(1): 1024-1039.
- Visser, J.; Boer, P. de; Crama, K.F.; Kesteren, Z. van; Rasch, C.R.N.; Stalpers, L.J.A. & Bel, A. (2019), Dosimetric comparison of library of plans and online MRI-guided radiotherapy of cervical cancer in the presence of intrafraction anatomical changes, Radiation Oncology 14.
- Walraven, J.E.W.; Desar, I.M.E.; Hoeven, J.J.M. van der; Aben, K.K.H.; Hillegersberg, R. van; Rasch, C.R.N.; Lemmens, V.E.P.P. & Verhoeven, R.H.A. (2019), Analysis of 105.000 patients with cancer: have they been discussed in oncologic multidisciplinary team meetings? A nationwide population-based study in the Netherlands, European Journal of Cancer 121: 85-93.
- Walraven, J.E.W.; Desar, I.M.E.; Hoeven, K.J.J.M. van der; Aben, K.K.H.; Hillegersberg, R. van; Rasch, C.R.N.; Lemmens, V.E.P.P. & Verhoeven, R.H.A. (2019), Analysis of 105,000 cancer patients: Have they been discussed in oncologic multidisciplinary team meetings? A nationwide population-based study in the Netherlands, Annals of Oncology 30.
- Boer, P. de; Spijkerboer, A.M.; Bleeker, M.C.G.; Lonkhuijzen, L.R.C.W. van; Monraats, M.A.; Nederveen, A.J.; Vijver, M.J. van de; Kenter, G.G.; Bel, A.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Stoker, J. & Stalpers, L.J.A. (2019), Prospective validation of craniocaudal tumour size on MR imaging compared to histoPAthology in patients with uterine cervical cancer, Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology 18: 9-15.
- Sonke, J.J.; Aznar, M. & Rasch, C. (2019), Adaptive radiotherapy for anatomical to changes, Seminars in Radiation Oncology 29(3): 245-257.
- Schooneveldt, G.; Kok, H.P.; Bakker, A.; Geijsen, E.D.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Rosette, J.J.M.C.H. de la; Hulshof, M.C.C.M.; Reijke, T.M. de & Crezee, H. (2019), Clinical validation of a novel thermophysical bladder model designed to improve the accuracy of hyperthermia treatment planning in the pelvic region, International Journal of Hyperthermia 35(1): 383-397.
- Windmeijer, C.; Bel, A.; Jong, R. de; Balgobind, B.; Collaboration, G.; Rasch, C. & Dijk, I. van (2019), Current status of pediatric image-guided radiation therapy in Europe: an international survey, Radiotherapy & Oncology 133: S563-S564.
- Hamming-Vriezek, O.; Depauw, N.; Craft, D.L.; Chan, A.W.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Verheij, M.; Sonke, J.J. & Kooy, H.M. (2019), Impact of setup and range uncertainties on TCP and NTCP following VMAT or IMPT of oropharyngeal cancer patients, Physics in Medicine & Biology 64(9).
- Versteijne, E.; Vogel, J.A.; Besselink, M.G.; Busch, O.R.; Wilmink, J.W.; Daams, J.G.; Eijck, C.H. van; Koerkamp, B.G.; Rasch, C.R. & Tienhoven, G. van (2019), Neoadjuvant treatment potentially improves outcome in resectable pancreatic cancer: meta-analysis, Radiotherapy & Oncology 133: S408-S409.
- Heukelom, J.; Navran, A.; Gouw, Z.A.R.; Tesselaar, M.E.; Zuur, C.L.; Werkhoven, E. van; Sonke, J.J.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Al-Mamgani, A. (2019), Organ function preservation failure after (chemo)radiotherapy in head and neck cancer, Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 161(2): 288-296.
- Machiels, M.; Jin, P.; Hooft, J.E. van; Gurney-Champion, O.J.; Jelvehgaran, P.; Geijsen, E.D.; Jeene, P.M.; Kolff, M.W.; Oppedijk, V.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Herk, M.B. van; Alderliesten, T. & Hulshof, M.C.C.M. (2019), Reduced inter-observer and intra-observer delineation variation in esophageal cancer radiotherapy by use of fiducial markers, Acta Oncologica 58(6): 943-950.
- Kok, H.P.; Dijk, I.W.E.M. van; Crama, K.F.; Franken, N.A.P.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Merks, J.H.M.; Crezee, J.; Balgobind, B.V. & Bel, A. (2019), Re-irradiation plus hyperthermia for recurrent pediatric sarcoma, International Journal of Oncology 54(1): 209-218.
- Huijskens, S.C.; Dijk, I.W.E.M. van; Visser, J.; Balgobind, B.V.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Alderliesten, T. & Bel, A. (2019), The effectiveness of 4DCT in children and adults, Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 20(1): 276-283.
- Huijskens, S.C.; Dijk, I.W.E.M. van; Visser, J.; Balgobind, B.V.; Lindert, D. te; Rasch, C.R.N.; Alderliesten, T. & Bel, A. (2018), Abdominal organ position variation in children during image-guided radiotherapy, Radiation Oncology 13.
- Bakker, A.; Holman, R.; Rodrigues, D.B.; Trefna, H.D.; Stauffer, P.R.; Tienhoven, G. van; Rasch, C.R.N. & Crezee, H. (2018), Analysis of clinical data to determine the minimum number of sensors required for adequate skin temperature monitoring of superficial hyperthermia treatments, International Journal of Hyperthermia 34(7): 910-917.
- Bakker, A.; Holman, R.; Rodrigues, D.B.; Trefna, H.D.; Stauffer, P.R.; Tienhoven, G. van; Rasch, C.R.N. & Crezee, H. (2018), Analysis of the required number of sensors for adequate monitoring of skin temperature distribution during superficial microwave hyperthermia treatment, Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 194(5): 485-486.
- Kok, H.; Dijk, I. van; Crama, K.; Franker, N.; Rasch, C.; Merks, J.; Crezee, J.; Balgobind, B. & Bel, A. (2018), A Planning Study to Demonstrate the Feasibility of Re-Irradiation Plus Hyperthermia for Recurrent Pediatric Sarcoma, Pediatric Blood & Cancer 65: S416-S416.
- Huijskens, S.; Dijk, I.W.E.M. van; Visser, J.; Balgobind, B.V.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Bel, A. (2018), Can respiratory-induced diaphragm motion in children be reliably estimated from a single 4D-CT?, Radiotherapy and Oncology 127: S1146-S1146.
- Dieleman, E.M.T.; Uitterhoeve, A.L.J.; Hoek, M.W. van; Os, R.M. van; Wiersma, J.; Koolen, M.G.J.; Kolff, M.W.; Koning, C.C.E.; Adam, J.A.; Verberne, H.J.; Annema, J.T. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2018), Concurrent daily cisplatin and high-dose radiation therapy in patients with stage III non-small cell lung cancer, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 102(3): 543-551.
- Heerden, L.E. van; Visser, J.; Koedooder, C.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Pieters, B.R. & Bel, A. (2018), Deformable image registration for dose accumulation of adaptive EBRT and BT in cervical cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology 127: S91-S91.
- Heerden, L.E. van; Wieringen, N. van; Koedooder, K.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Pieters, B.R. & Bel, A. (2018), Dose warping uncertainties for the accumulated rectal wall dose in cervical cancer brachytherapy, Brachytherapy 17(2): 449-455.
- Kok, H.; Dijk, I.W.E. van; Crama, K.F.; Franken, N.A.P.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Merks, J.H.M.; Crezee, J.; Balgobind, B.V. & Bel, A. (2018), Feasibility of re-irradiation plus hyperthermia for recurrent pediatric sarcoma - an In Silico study, Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 194(5): 475-476.
- Jelvehgaran, P.; Alderliesten, T.; Georgiou, G.; Meijer, S.L.; Bloemen, P.R.; Kodach, L.L.; Laarhoven, H.W.M. van; Henegouwen, M.I.V.; Hulshof, M.C.C.M.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Leeuwen, T.G. van; Boer, J.F. de; Bruin, M. de & Herk, M. van (2018), Feasibility of using optical coherence tomography to detect radiation-induced fibrosis and residual cancer extent after neoadjuvant chemo-radiation therapy, Biomedical Optics Express 9(9): 4196-4216.
- Dijk, I.W.E.M. van; Visser, J.; Wiersma, J.; Boggelen, J.R. van; Balgobind, B.V.; Feijen, E.A.M.; Huijskens, S.C.; Kok, W.E.M.; Kremer, L.C.M.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Bel, A. (2018), Heart volume reduction during radiotherapy involving the thoracic region in children, Radiotherapy & Oncology 128(2): 214-220.
- Versteijne, E.; Vogel, J.A.; Besselink, M.G.; Busch, O.R.C.; Wilmink, J.W.; Daams, J.G.; Eijck, C.H.J. van; Koerkamp, B.G.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Tienhoven, G. van & Dutch Pancreatic Canc Grp (2018), Meta-analysis comparing upfront surgery with neoadjuvant treatment in patients with resectable or borderline resectable pancreatic cancer, British Journal of Surgery 105(8): 946-958.
- Ebrahimi, G.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Tienhoven, G. van (2018), Pain relief after a short course of palliative radiotherapy in pancreatic cancer, the Academic Medical Center (AMC) experience.
- Oldenborg, S.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Os, R. van; Kusumanto, Y.H.; Oei, B.S.; Venselaar, J.L.; Heymans, M.W.; Vording, P.J.Z.V.S.; Crezee, H. & Tienhoven, G. van (2018), Reirradiation plus hyperthermia for recurrent breast cancer en cuirasse, Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 194(3): 206-214.
- Heerden, L.E. van; Visser, J.; Koedooder, K.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Pieters, B.R. & Bel, A. (2018), Role of deformable image registration for delivered dose accumulation of adaptive external beam radiation therapy and brachytherapy in cervical cancer, Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy 10(6): 542-550.
- Boer, P. de; Schoot, A.J.A.J. van de; Westerveld, H.; Smit, M.; Buist, M.R.; Bel, A.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Stalpers, L.J.A. (2018), Target tailoring and proton beam therapy to reduce small bowel dose in cervical cancer radiotherapy, Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 194(3): 255-263.
- Heukelom, J.; Kantor, M.E.; Mohamed, A.S.; Elhalawani, H.; Kocak, E.; Lin, T.; Williamson, R.T.; Rasch, C.R.; Fuller, C.D. & Sonke, J.J. (2018), The Difference Between Planned and Delivered Dose for Head and Neck Cancer, and the Consequences for Normal Tissue Toxicity Probability, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 102(3): E224-E225.
- Langendijk, J.A.; Boersma, L.J.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Vulpen, M. van; Reitsma, J.B.; Schaaf, A. van der & Schuit, E. (2018), Clinical trial strategies to compare protons with photons, Seminars in Radiation Oncology 28(2): 79-87.
- Dieleman, E.M.T.; Os, R. van; Kolff, W.; Koning, C.C.E.; Annema, J.T. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2018), Daily Low-Dose Cisplatin and High Dose Radiotherapy for Elderly Patients with Stage III NSCLC is Well Tolerated., Journal of Thoracic Oncology 13(10): S855-S856.
- Huijskens, S.C.; Dijk, I.W.E.M. van; Visser, J.; Balgobind, B.V.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Alderliesten, T. & Bel, A. (2018), Predictive value of pediatric respiratory-induced diaphragm motion quantified using pre-treatment 4DCT and CBCTs, Radiation Oncology 13.
- Boer, P. de; Jurgenliemk-Schulz, I.M.; Westerveld, H.; Leeuw, A.A.C. de; Dávila-Fajardo, R.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Pieters, B.R. & Stalpers, L.J.A. (2017), Patterns of care survey: Radiotherapy for women with locally advanced cervical cancer, Radiotherapy & Oncology 123(2): 306-311.
- Huijskens, S.; Dijk, I. van; Visser, J.; Rasch, C.; Alderliesten, T. & Bel, A. (2017), Comparison of respiratory-induced diaphragm motion during radiotherapy between children and adults, Radiotherapy and Oncology 123: S20-S20.
- Heerden, L.E. van; Wieringen, N. van; Koedooder, C.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Pieters, B.R. & Bel, A. (2017), Dose warping uncertainties for the cumulative rectal wall dose from brachytherapy in cervical cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology 123: S192-S193.
- Crama, K.; Houweling, A.C.; Visser, J.; Fukata, K.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Ohno, T.; Bel, A. & Horst, A. van der (2017), Dosimetric impact of anatomical changes in photon and particle therapy for pancreatic cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology 123: S188-S188.
- Heerden, L.E. van; Kesteren, Z. van; Gurney-Champion, O.J.; Houweling, A.C.; Koedooder, K.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Pieters, B.R. & Bel, A. (2017), Image Distortions on a Plastic Interstitial Computed Tomography/Magnetic Resonance Brachytherapy Applicator at 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Their Dosimetric Impact, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 99(3): 710-718.
- Boer, P. de; Jurgenliemk-Schulz, I.M.; H, W.; Leeuw, A.C.C. de; Davila-Fajardo, R.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Pieters, B.R. & Stalpers, L.J.A. (2017), Patterns of Care in the Netherlands for Radiotherapy of Women with Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology 123: S371-S371.
- Ebrahimi, G.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Tienhoven, G. van (2017), Successful pain relief after a short course of palliative radiotherapy in painful pancreatic cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology 123: S668-S669.
- Bakker, A.; Kolff, M.W.; Holman, R.; Leeuwen, C.M. van; Straten, L.K.V.; Kroon-Oldenhof, R. de; Rasch, C.R.N.; Tienhoven, G. van & Crezee, H. (2017), Thermal Skin Damage During Reirradiation and Hyperthermia Is Time-Temperature Dependent, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 98(2): 392-399.
- Gurney-Champion, O.J.; Versteijne, E.; Horst, A. van der; Lens, E.; Rutten, H.; Heerkens, H.D.; Paardekooper, G.M.R.M.; Berbee, M.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Stoker, J.; Engelbrecht, M.R.W.; Herk, M. van; Nederveen, A.J.; Klaassen, R.; Laarhoven, H.W.M. van; Tienhoven, G. van & Bel, A. (2017), Addition of MRI for CT-based pancreatic tumor delineation: a feasibility study, Acta Oncologica 56(7): 923-930.
- Stam, G. van; Kok, H.P.; Hulshof, M.C.C.M.; Kolff, M.W.; Tienhoven, G. van; Sijbrands, J.; Bakker, A.; Vordinga, P.J.Z.S.; Oldenborg, S.; Greef, M. de; Rasch, C.R.N. & Crezee, H. (2017), A flexible 70 MHz phase-controlled double waveguide system for hyperthermia treatment of superficial tumours with deep infiltration, International Journal of Hyperthermia 33(7): 796-809.
- Markl, D.; Zeitler, J.A.; Rasch, C.; Michaelsen, M.H.; Mullertz, A.; Rantanen, J.; Rades, T. & Botker, J. (2017), Analysis of 3D Prints by X-ray Computed Microtomography and Terahertz Pulsed Imaging, Pharmaceutical Research 34(5): 1037-1052.
- Hamming-Vrieze, O.; Kranen, S.R. van; Heemsbergen, W.D.; Lange, C.A.H.; Brekel, M.W.M. van den; Verheij, M.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Sonke, J.J. (2017), Analysis of GTV reduction during radiotherapy for oropharyngeal cancer: Implications for adaptive radiotherapy, Radiotherapy and Oncology 122(2): 224-228.
- Gurney-Champion, O.J.; Versteijne, E.; Horst, A. van der; Lens, E.; Rutten, H.; Heerkens, H.D.; Paardekooper, G.M.R.M.; Berbee, M.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Stoker, J.; Engelbrecht, M.R.W.; Herk, M. van; Nederveen, A.J.; Klaassen, R.; Laarhoven, H.W.M. van; Tienhoven, G. van & Bel, A. (2017), Availability of MRI improves interobserver variation in CT-based pancreatic tumor delineation, Radiotherapy and Oncology 123: S484-S485.
- Houweling, A.C.; Crama, K.; Visser, J.; Fukata, K.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Ohno, T.; Bel, A. & Horst, A. van der (2017), Comparing the dosimetric impact of interfractional anatomical changes in photon, proton and carbon ion radiotherapy for pancreatic cancer patients, Physics in Medicine and Biology 62(8): 3051-3064.
- Versteijne, E.; Gurney-Champion, O.J.; Horst, A. van der; Lens, E.; Kolff, M.W.; Buijsen, J.; Ebrahimi, G.; Neelis, K.J.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Stoker, J.; Herk, M. van; Bel, A. & Tienhoven, G. van (2017), Considerable interobserver variation in delineation of pancreatic cancer on 3DCT and 4DCT: a multi-institutional study, Radiation Oncology 12.
- Schoot, A.J.A.J. van de; Boer, P. de; Visser, J.; Stalpers, L.J.A.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Bel, A. (2017), Dosimetric advantages of a clinical daily adaptive plan selection strategy compared with a non-adaptive strategy in cervical cancer radiation therapy, Acta Oncologica 56(5): 667-674.
- Dijk, I. van; Visser, J.; Wiersma, J.; Boggelen, J. van; Balgobind, B.; Feijen, L.; Huijskens, S.; Kremer, L.; Rasch, C. & Bel, A. (2017), Heart volume reduction in paediatric cancer patients during radiotherapy, Radiotherapy and Oncology 123: S739-S739.
- Dijk, I.W.E.M. van; Huijskens, S.C.; Jong, R. de; Visser, J.; Fajardo, R.D.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Alderliesten, T. & Bel, A. (2017), Interfractional renal and diaphragmatic position variation during radiotherapy in children and adults: is there a difference?, Acta Oncologica 56(8): 1065-1071.
- Huijskens, S.C.; Dijk, I.W.E.M. van; Visser, J.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Alderliesten, T. & Bel, A. (2017), Magnitude and variability of respiratory-induced diaphragm motion in children during image-guided radiotherapy, Radiotherapy and Oncology 123(2): 263-269.
- Wink, K.; Belderbos, J.; Dieleman, E.; Rossi, M.; Rasch, C.; Damhuis, R.; Houben, R. & Troost, E. (2017), Metformin Use during Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy for Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC), Journal of Thoracic Oncology 12(1): S278-S279.
- Boer, P. de; Schoot, A.J.A.J. van de; Westerveld, H.; Smit, M.; Buist, M.R.; Bel, A.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Stalpers, L.J.A. (2017), Reducing small bowel dose for cervical cancer using IMPT and target tailoring in treatment planning, Radiotherapy and Oncology 123: S448-S449.
- Oldenborg, S.; Crezee, J.; Kusumanto, Y.; Os, R. van; Oei, S.; Venselaar, J.; Vording, P.Z.S.; Rasch, C. & Tienhoven, T. van (2017), Reirradiation plus hyperthermia after surgery for recurrent breast cancer: 70% 5-year local control, Radiotherapy and Oncology 123: S342-S343.
- Heerden, L.E. van; Houweling, A.C.; Koedooder, K.; Kesteren, Z. van; Wieringen, N. van; Rasch, C.R.N.; Pieters, B.R. & Bel, A. (2017), Structure-based deformable image registration: Added value for dose accumulation of external beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy in cervical cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology 123(2): 319-324.
- Longo, T.A.; Gopalakrishna, A.; Tsivian, M.; Noord, M. van; Rasch, C.R.; Inman, B.A. & Geijsen, E.D. (2016), A systematic review of regional hyperthermia therapy in bladder cancer, International Journal of Hyperthermia 32(4): 381-389.
- Saha, T.; Rathmann, I.; Viplav, A.; Panzade, S.; Begemann, I.; Rasch, C.; Klingauf, J.; Matis, M. & Galic, M. (2016), Automated analysis of filopodial length and spatially resolved protein concentration via adaptive shape tracking, Molecular Biology of the Cell 27(22): 3616-3626.
- Schoot, A.J.A.J. van de; Visser, J.; Kesteren, Z. van; Janssen, T.M.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Bel, A. (2016), Beam configuration selection for robust intensity-modulated proton therapy in cervical cancer using Pareto front comparison, Physics in Medicine and Biology 61(4): 1780-1794.
- Schoot, A.J.A.J. van de; Boer, P. de; Crama, K.F.; Visser, J.; Stalpers, L.J.A.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Bel, A. (2016), Dosimetric advantages of proton therapy compared with photon therapy using an adaptive strategy in cervical cancer, Acta Oncologica 55(7): 892-899.
- Schoot, A.J.A.J. van de; Boer, P. de; Crama, K.F.; Visser, J.; Stalpers, L.J.A.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Bel, A. (2016), Dosimetric benefit of adaptive proton therapy compared to adaptive photon therapy in cervical cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology 119: S170-S170.
- Fitton, I.; Duppen, J.C.; Steenbakkers, R.J.H.M.; Lotz, H.; Nowak, P.J.C.M.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Herk, M. van (2016), Impact of coronal and sagittal views on lung gross tumor volume delineation, Physica Medica 32(9): 1082-1087.
- Wink, K.C.J.; Belderbos, J.S.A.; Dieleman, E.M.T.; Rossi, M.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Damhuis, R.A.M.; Houben, R.M.A. & Troost, E.G.C. (2016), Improved progression free survival for patients with diabetes and locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) using metformin during concurrent chemoradiotherapy, Radiotherapy and Oncology 118(3): 453-459.
- Driessen, C.M.L.; Boer, J.P. de; Gelderblom, H.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Jong, M.A. de; Verbist, B.M.; Melchers, W.J.G.; Tesselaar, M.E.T.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Kaanders, J.H.A.M. & Herpen, C.M.L. van (2016), Induction chemotherapy with docetaxel/cisplatin/5-fluorouracil followed by randomization to two cisplatin-based concomitant chemoradiotherapy schedules in patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer (CONDOR study) (Dutch Head and Neck Society 08-01): A randomized phase II study, European Journal of Cancer 52: 77-84.
- Vanneste, B.G.L.; Lopez-Yurda, M.; Tan, I.B.; Balm, A.J.M.; Borst, G.R. & Rasch, C.R. (2016), Irradiation of localized squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal vestibule, Head and Neck 38: E1870-E1875.
- Heukelom, J.; Lopez-Yurda, M.; Balm, A.J.M.; Wijers, O.B.; Buter, J.; Gregor, T.; Wiggenraad, R.; Boer, J.P. de; Tan, I.B.; Verheij, M.; Sonke, J.J. & Rasch, C.R. (2016), Late follow-up of the randomized radiation and concomitant high-dose intra-arterial or intravenous cisplatin (RADPLAT) trial for advanced head and neck cancer, Head and Neck 38: E488-E493.
- Huijskens, S.; Dijk, I. van; Erp, M. van; Jong, R. de; Visser, J.; Fajardo, R.D.; Rasch, C.; Alderliesten, T. & Bel, A. (2016), Magnitude of Respiration-Induced Diaphragm Motion During Radiotherapy: Is it Smaller in Children Than in Adults?, Pediatric Blood & Cancer 63: S64-S64.
- Heukelom, J.; Fuller, C.; Kantor, M.; Kauweloa, K.; Rasch, C. & Sonke, J.J. (2016), NTCP differences between planned and delivered dose in treatment for head and neck cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology 119: S436-S437.
- Versteijne, E.; Eijck, C.H.J. van; Punt, C.J.A.; Suker, M.; Zwinderman, A.H.; Dohmen, M.A.C.; Groothuis, K.B.C.; Busch, O.R.C.; Besselink, M.G.H.; Hingh, I.H.J.T. de; Tije, A.J. ten; Patijn, G.A.; Bonsing, B.A.; Vos-Geelen, J. de; Klaase, J.M.; Festen, S.; Boerma, D.; Erdmann, J.I.; Molenaar, I.Q.; Harst, E. van der; Kolk, M.B. van der; Rasch, C.R.N.; Tienhoven, G. van & DPCG (2016), Preoperative radiochemotherapy versus immediate surgery for resectable and borderline resectable pancreatic cancer (PREOPANC trial): study protocol for a multicentre randomized controlled trial, Trials 17.
- Heerden, L.E. van; Gurney-Champion, O.J.; Kesteren, Z. van; Houweling, A.C.; Koedooder, C.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Pieters, B.R. & Bel, A. (2016), Quantification of image distortions on the Utrecht interstitial CT/MR brachytherapy applicator at 3T MRI, Brachytherapy 15(1): 118-126.
- Dijk, I.W.E.M. van; Huijskens, S.C.; Jong, M.A.J. de; Visser, J.; Fajardo, R.D.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Alderliesten, T. & Bel, A. (2016), Renal and diaphragmatic interfractional motion in children and adults: is there a difference?, Radiotherapy & Oncology 119: S75-S75.
- Huijskens, S.; Dijk, I.W.E.M. van; Jong, M.A.J. de; Visser, J.; Fajardo, R.D.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Alderliesten, T. & Bel, A. (2016), Respiration-induced organ motion in children during image-guided radiation therapy, Radiotherapy and Oncology 119: S657-S658.
- Oldenborg, S.; Valk, C.; Os, R. van; Oei, B.; Venselaar, J.; Vording, P.Z.V.S.; Randen, A. van; Crezee, H.; Tienhoven, G. van & Rasch, C. (2016), Rib fractures after reirradiation plus hyperthermia for recurrent breast cancer Predictive factors, Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 192(4): 240-247.
- Houweling, A.C.; Fukata, K.; Kubota, Y.; Shimada, H.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Ohno, T.; Bel, A. & Horst, A. van der (2016), The impact of anatomical changes on the accumulated carbon ion dose in pancreatic cancer patients, Radiotherapy and Oncology 119: S402-S403.
- Houweling, A.C.; Fukata, K.; Kubota, Y.; Shimada, H.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Ohno, T.; Bel, A. & Horst, A. van der (2016), The impact of interfractional anatomical changes on the accumulated dose in carbon ion therapy of pancreatic cancer patients, Radiotherapy and Oncology 119(2): 319-325.
- Widder, J.; Schaaf, A. van der; Lambin, P.; Marijnen, C.A.M.; Pignol, J.P.; Rasch, C.R.; Slotman, B.J.; Verheij, M. & Langendijk, J.A. (2016), The Quest for Evidence for Proton Therapy: Model-Based Approach and Precision Medicine, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 95(1): 30-36.
- Balgobind, B.V.; Koedooder, K.; Zuniga, D.O.; Fajardo, R.D.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Pieters, B.R. (2015), A review of the clinical experience in pulsed dose rate brachytherapy, British Journal of Radiology 88(1055).
- Geijsen, E.D.; Reijke, T.M. de; Koning, C.C.; Vording, P.J.Z.V.S.; Rosette, J.J. de la; Rasch, C.R.; Os, R.M. van & Crezee, J. (2015), Combining Mitomycin C and Regional 70 MHz Hyperthermia in Patients with Nonmuscle Invasive Bladder Cancer: A Pilot Study, Journal of Urology 194(5): 1202-1208.
- Boer, P. de; Bleeker, M.C.G.; Spijkerboer, A.M.; Schoot, A.J.A.J. van de; Bipat, S.; Buist, M.R.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Stoker, J. & Stalpers, L.J.A. (2015), Craniocaudal tumour extension in uterine cervical cancer on MRI compared to histopathology, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY OPEN 2: 111-117.
- Thiel, M.; Paulsen, J.; Mayer, S. & Rasch, C. (2015), Negative pressure pulmonary edema. Review, case report and possible clinical relevance, Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 163(7): 706-+.
- Theunissen, E.A.R.; Zuur, C.L.; Jozwiak, K.; Lopez-Yurda, M.; Hauptmann, M.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Baan, S. van der; Boer, J.P. de; Dreschler, W.A. & Balm, A.J.M. (2015), Prediction of Hearing Loss Due to Cisplatin Chemoradiotherapy, JAMA Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 141(9): 810-815.
- Huijskens, S.C.; Dijk, I.W.E.M. van; Jong, R. de; Visser, J.; Fajardo, R.D.; Ronckers, C.M.; Janssens, G.O.R.J.; Maduro, J.H.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Alderliesten, T. & Bel, A. (2015), Quantification of renal and diaphragmatic interfractional motion in pediatric image-guided radiation therapy: A multicenter study, Radiotherapy and Oncology 117(3): 425-431.
- Oldenborg, S.; Griesdoorn, V.; Os, R. van; Kusumanto, Y.H.; Oei, B.S.; Venselaar, J.L.; Vording, P.J.Z.V.S.; Heymans, M.W.; Kolff, M.W.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Crezee, H. & Tienhoven, G. van (2015), Reirradiation and hyperthermia for irresectable locoregional recurrent breast cancer in previously irradiated area: Size matters, Radiotherapy and Oncology 117(2): 223-228.
- Theunissen, E.A.R.; Bosma, S.C.J.; Zuur, C.L.; Spijker, R.; Baan, S. van der; Dreschler, W.A.; Boer, J.P. de; Balm, A.J.M. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2015), Sensorineural hearing loss in patients with head and neck cancer after chemoradiotherapy and radiotherapy: A systematic review of the literature, Head and Neck 37(2): 281-292.
- Begemann, I.; Viplav, A.; Rasch, C. & Galic, M. (2015), Stochastic Micro-Pattern for Automated Correlative Fluorescence - Scanning Electron Microscopy, Scientific Reports 5.
- Rasch, C.; Louviere, J.J. & Teichert, T. (2015), Using facial EMG and eye tracking to study integral affect in discrete choice experiments, JOURNAL OF CHOICE MODELLING 14: 32-47.
- Theunissen, E.A.R.; Dreschler, W.A.; Latenstein, M.N.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Baan, S. van der; Boer, J.P. de; Balm, A.J.M. & Zuur, C.L. (2014), A New Grading System for Ototoxicity in Adults, Annals of Otology Rhinology and Laryngology 123(10): 711-718.
- Mencarelli, A.; Beek, S. van; Zijp, L.J.; Rasch, C.; Herk, M. van & Sonke, J.J. (2014), Automatic detection system for multiple region of interest registration to account for posture changes in head and neck radiotherapy, Physics in Medicine and Biology 59(8): 2005-2021.
- Bos, M.K.; Marmolejo, R.O.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Pieters, B.R. (2014), Bladder preservation with brachytherapy compared to cystectomy for T1-T3 muscle-invasive bladder cancer: a systematic review, Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy 6(2): 191-199.
- Theunissen, E.A.R.; Zuur, C.L.; Yurda, M.L.; Baan, S. van der; Kornman, A.F.; Boer, J.P. de; Balm, A.J.M.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Dreschler, W.A. (2014), Cochlea sparing effects of intensity modulated radiation therapy in head and neck cancers patients: a long-term follow-up study, Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 43.
- Mavroidis, P.; Giantsoudis, D.; Awan, M.J.; Nijkamp, J.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Duppen, J.C.; Thomas, C.R.; Okunieff, P.; Jones, W.E.; Kachnic, L.A.; Papanikolaou, N.; Fuller, C.D. & Commit, S.O.G.R.O. (2014), Consequences of anorectal cancer atlas implementation in the cooperative group setting: Radiobiologic analysis of a prospective randomized in silico target delineation study, Radiotherapy and Oncology 112(3): 418-424.
- Mencarelli, A.; Kranen, S.R. van; Hamming-Vrieze, O.; Beek, S. van; Rasch, C.R.N.; Herk, M. van & Sonke, J.J. (2014), Deformable Image Registration for Adaptive Radiation Therapy of Head and Neck Cancer: Accuracy and Precision in the Presence of Tumor Changes, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 90(3): 680-687.
- Kalpathy-Cramer, J.; Awan, M.; Bedrick, S.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Rosenthal, D.I. & Fuller, C.D. (2014), Development of a Software for Quantitative Evaluation Radiotherapy Target and Organ-at-Risk Segmentation Comparison, Journal of Digital Imaging 27(1): 108-119.
- Schoot, A.J.A.J. van de; Schooneveldt, G.; Wognum, S.; Hoogeman, M.S.; Chai, X.; Stalpers, L.J.A.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Bel, A. (2014), Generic method for automatic bladder segmentation on cone beam CT using a patient-specific bladder shape model, Medical Physics 41(3).
- Beek, S. van; Mencarelli, A.; Remeijer, P.; Sonke, J.J. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2014), Local interfractional setup reproducibility for 2 individual head and neck supports in head and neck cancer patients, Practical Radiation Oncology 4(6): 448-454.
- Theunissen, E.A.R.; Zuur, C.L.; Bosma, S.C.J.; Lopez-Yurda, M.; Hauptmann, M.; Baan, S. van der; Boer, J.P. de; Molen, L. van der; Rasch, C.R.N.; Dreschler, W.A. & Balm, A.J.M. (2014), Long-Term Hearing Loss After Chemoradiation in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer, The Laryngoscope 124(12): 2720-2725.
- Fajardo, R.D.; Os, R. van; Buist, M.R.; Uitterhoeve, L.; Westermann, A.M.; Kenter, G.G.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Stalpers, L.J.A. (2014), Post-operative radiotherapy in patients with early stage cervical cancer, Gynecologic Oncology 134(1): 52-59.
- Visser, J.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Hulshof, M.C.C.M. & Bel, A. (2014), Robust Proton Versus Photon Dose Escalated Chemoradiation as Primary Treatment for Esophageal Cancer, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 90: S916-S916.
- Molen, L. van der; Rossum, M.A. van; Rasch, C.R.N.; Smeele, L.E. & Hilgers, F.J.M. (2014), Two-year results of a prospective preventive swallowing rehabilitation trial in patients treated with chemoradiation for advanced head and neck cancer, European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 271(5): 1257-1270.
- Helmberger, T.; Marti-Bonmati, L.; Pereira, P.; Gillams, A.; Martinez, J.; Lammer, J.; Malagari, K.; Gangi, A.; Baere, T. de; Adam, E.J.; Rasch, C.; Budach, V. & Reekers, J.A. (2013), Radiologists' leading position in image-guided therapy, Insights into Imaging 4(1): 1-7.
- Heukelom, J.; Lopez, M.; Tan, I.B.; Boer, J.P. de; Gregor, R.T.; Rietveld, D.H.F.; Weijers, O.B.; Wiggenraad, R.G.J.; Balm, A.J.M. & Rasch, C.R. (2013), 10 year follow-up of high-dose intra-arterial cisplatin and concomitant radiation (RADPLAT) for advanced head and neck cancer, European Journal of Cancer 49: S748-S749.
- Kranen, S. van; Mencarelli, A.; Beek, S. van; Rasch, C.; Herk, M. van & Sonke, J.J. (2013), Adaptive radiotherapy with an average anatomy model: Evaluation and quantification of residual deformations in head and neck cancer patients, Radiotherapy and Oncology 109(3): 463-468.
- Schoot, A.V. de; Schooneveldt, G.; Wognum, S.; Hoogeman, M.; Chai, X.; Stalpers, L.; Rasch, C. & Bel, A. (2013), Automatic Bladder Segmentation On CBCT for Plan Selection During Cervical ART, Medical Physics 40(6).
- Dinkla, A.M.; Pieters, B.R.; Koedooder, K.; Meijnen, P.; Wieringen, N. van; Laarse, R. van der; Grient, J.N. van der; Rasch, C.R.N. & Bel, A. (2013), Deviations from the planned dose during 48 hours of stepping source prostate brachytherapy caused by anatomical variations, Radiotherapy and Oncology 107(1): 106-111.
- Driessen, C.M.L.; Boer, J.P. de; Gelderblom, H.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Jong, M.A. de; Verbist, B.M.; Tesselaar, M.E.T.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Kaanders, J.H.A.M. & Herpen, C.M.L. van (2013), Efficacy and toxicity of docetaxel/cisplatin/5-fluorouracil (TPF) induction chemotherapy followed by two schedules cisplatin-containing concomitant chemoradiotherapy (CRT) in patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer (LAHNC): The CONDOR study, European Journal of Cancer 49: S749-S749.
- Driessen, C.; Boer, J.P. de; Gelderblom, H.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Jong, M. de; Verbist, B.M.; Tesselaar, M.E.; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Kaanders, J.H. & Herpen, C.M.L. van (2013), Induction chemotherapy (IC) with docetaxel/cisplatin/5-fluorouracil (TPF) followed by cisplatin-containing concomitant chemoradiotherapy (CRT) in fit patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer (LAHNC): The CONDOR study-A study of the Dutch Head and Neck Society, Journal of Clinical Oncology 31(15).
- Boer, P. de; Adam, J.A.; Buist, M.R.; Vijver, M.J. van de; Rasch, C.R.; Stoker, J.; Bipat, S. & Stalpers, L.J.A. (2013), Role of MRI in detecting involvement of the uterine internal os in uterine cervical cancer: Systematic review of diagnostic test accuracy, European Journal of Radiology 82(9): E422-E428.
- Kamradt, T.; Rasch, C.; Schuld, C.; Bottinger, M.; Murle, B.; Hensel, C.; Furstenberg, C.H.; Weidner, N.; Rupp, R. & Hug, A. (2013), Spinal cord injury: association with axonal peripheral neuropathy in severely paralysed limbs, European Journal of Neurology 20(5): 843-848.
- Heukelom, J.; Hamming, O.; Bartelink, H.; Hoebers, F.; Giralt, J.; Herlestam, T.; Verheij, M.; Brekel, M. van den; Vogel, W.; Slevin, N.; Deutsch, E.; Sonke, J.J.; Lambin, P. & Rasch, C. (2013), Adaptive and innovative Radiation Treatment FOR improving Cancer treatment outcomE (ARTFORCE); a randomized controlled phase II trial for individualized treatment of head and neck cancer, BMC Cancer 13.
- Laan, H.P. van der; Water, T.A.V. de; Herpt, H.E. van; Christianen, M.E.M.C.; Bijl, H.P.; Korevaar, E.W.; Rasch, C.R.; Veld, A.A. van 't; Schaaf, A. van der; Schilstra, C.; Langendijk, J.A. & Rococo Cooperative Grp (2013), The potential of intensity-modulated proton radiotherapy to reduce swallowing dysfunction in the treatment of head and neck cancer: A planning comparative study, Acta Oncologica 52(3): 561-569.
- Molen, L. van der; Heemsbergen, W.D.; Jong, R. de; Rossum, M.A. van; Smeele, L.E.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Hilgers, F.J.M. (2013), Dysphagia and trismus after concomitant chemo-Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (chemo-IMRT) in advanced head and neck cancer; dose-effect relationships for swallowing and mastication structures, Radiotherapy and Oncology 106(3): 364-369.
- Dinkla, A.M.; Pieters, B.R.; Koedooder, K.; Wieringen, N. van; Laarse, R. van der; Grient, J.N. van der; Rasch, C.R.; Koning, C.C. & Bel, A. (2013), Improved tumour control probability with MRI-based prostate brachytherapy treatment planning, Acta Oncologica 52(3): 658-665.
- Kreeft, A.M.; Smeele, L.E.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Hauptmann, M.; Rietveld, D.H.F.; Leemans, C.R. & Balm, A.J.M. (2012), Preoperative imaging and surgical margins in maxillectomy patients, Head and Neck 34(11): 1652-1656.
- Lodder, W.L.; Pameijer, F.A.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Brekel, M.W.M. van den & Balm, A.J.M. (2012), Prognostic significance of radiologically determined neck node volume in head and neck cancer: A systematic review, Oral Oncology 48(4): 298-302.
- Roelofs, E.; Engelsman, M.; Rasch, C.; Persoon, L.; Qamhiyeh, S.; Ruysscher, D. de; Verhaegen, F.; Pijls-Johannesma, M.; Lambin, P. & ROCOCO Consortium (2012), Results of a Multicentric In Silico Clinical Trial (ROCOCO) Comparing Radiotherapy with Photons and Protons for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer, Journal of Thoracic Oncology 7(1): 165-176.
- Mencarelli, A.; Beek, S. van; Kranen, S. van; Rasch, C.; Herk, M. van & Sonke, J.J. (2012), Validation of deformable registration in head and neck cancer using analysis of variance, Medical Physics 39(11): 6879-6884.
- Kreeft, A.M.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Muller, S.H.; Pameijer, F.A.; Hallo, E. & Balm, A.J.M. (2012), Cine MRI of swallowing in patients with advanced oral or oropharyngeal carcinoma: a feasibility study, European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 269(6): 1703-1711.
- Samant, S.; Brekel, M.W. van den; Kies, M.S.; Wan, J.; Robbins, K.T.; Rosenthal, D.I.; Rasch, C. & Weber, R.S. (2012), Concurrent chemoradiation for adenoid cystic carcinoma of the head and neck, Head and Neck 34(9): 1263-1268.
- Fang, J.; Rhyasen, G.; Bolanos, L.; Rasch, C.; Varney, M.; Wunderlich, M.; Goyama, S.; Jansen, G.; Cloos, J.; Rigolino, C.; Cortelezzi, A.; Mulloy, J.C.; Oliva, E.N.; Cuzzola, M. & Starczynowski, D.T. (2012), Cytotoxic effects of bortezomib in myelodysplastic syndrome/acute myeloid leukemia depend on autophagy-mediated lysosomal degradation of TRAF6 and repression of PSMA1, Blood 120(4): 858-867.
- Hamming-Vrieze, O.; Kranen, S.R. van; Beek, S. van; Heemsbergen, W.; Herk, M. van; Brekel, M.W.M. van den; Sonke, J.J. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2012), Evaluation of Tumor Shape Variability in Head-and-Neck Cancer Patients Over the Course of Radiation Therapy Using Implanted Gold Markers, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 84(2): E201-E207.
- Ackerstaff, A.H.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Balm, A.J.M.; Boer, J.P. de; Wiggenraad, R.; Rietveld, D.H.F.; Gregor, R.T.; Kroger, R.; Hauptmann, M.; Vincent, A. & Hilgers, F.J.M. (2012), Five-year quality of life results of the randomized clinical phase III (RADPLAT) trial, comparing concomitant intra-arterial versus intravenous chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced head and neck cancer, Head and Neck 34(7): 974-980.
- Molen, L. van der; Rossum, M.A. van; Jacobi, I.; Son, R.J.J.H. van; Smeele, L.E.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Hilgers, F.J.M. (2012), Pre- and Posttreatment Voice and Speech Outcomes in Patients With Advanced Head and Neck Cancer Treated With Chemoradiotherapy: Expert Listeners' and Patient's Perception, Journal of Voice 26(5).
- Witte, M.; Kamer, J.V. de; Houweling, A.; Rasch, C. & Herk, M. van (2011), PROBABILISTIC DOSE PAINTING BY NUMBERS: COMPARING ACTUAL WITH PRESCRIBED DOSE USING THE VH, Radiotherapy and Oncology 99: S125-S125.
- Fuller, C.D.; Nijkamp, J.; Duppen, J.C.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Thomas, C.R.; Wang, S.J.; Okunieff, P.; Jones, W.E.; Baseman, D.; Patel, S.; Demandante, C.G.N.; Harris, A.M.; Smith, B.D.; Katz, A.W.; McGann, C.; Harper, J.L.; Chang, D.T.; Smalley, S.; Marshall, D.T.; Goodman, K.A.; Papanikolaou, N.; Kachnic, L.A. & Radiation Oncology Comm SW Oncolog (2011), PROSPECTIVE RANDOMIZED DOUBLE-BLIND PILOT STUDY OF SITE-SPECIFIC CONSENSUS ATLAS IMPLEMENTATION FOR RECTAL CANCER TARGET VOLUME DELINEATION IN THE COOPERATIVE GROUP SETTING, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 79(2): 481-489.
- Fuller, C.; Giantsoudi, D.; Mavroidis, P.; Nijkamp, J.; Duppen, J.; Rasch, C.; Thomas, C.; Okunieff, P.; Jones, W.; Kachnic, L. & Papanikolaou, N. (2011), RADIOBIOLOGIC CONSEQUENCES OF ATLAS IMPLEMENTATION: ANALYSIS OF A PROSPECTIVE RANDOMIZED STUDY, Radiotherapy and Oncology 99: S427-S427.
- Hoebers, F.; Heemsbergen, W.; Moor, S.; Lopez, M.; Klop, M.; Tesselaar, M. & Rasch, C. (2011), REIRRADIATION FOR HEAD-AND-NECK CANCER: DELICATE BALANCE BETWEEN EFFECTIVENESS AND TOXICITY, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 81(3): E111-E118.
- Lamers-Kuijper, E.; Heemsbergen, W.; Mourik, A. van & Rasch, C. (2011), Sequentially delivered boost plans are superior to simultaneously delivered plans in head and neck cancer when the boost volume is located further away from the parotid glands, Radiotherapy and Oncology 98(1): 51-56.
- Fitton, I.; Cornelissen, S.A.P.; Duppen, J.C.; Steenbakkers, R.J.H.M.; Peeters, S.T.H.; Hoebers, F.J.P.; Kaanders, J.H.A.M.; Nowak, P.J.C.M.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Herk, M. van (2011), Semi-automatic delitneation using weighted CT-MRI registered images for radiotherapy of nasopharyngeal cancer, Medical Physics 38(8): 4662-4666.
- Rasch, C. (2011), WHAT IS THE CLINICAL BENEFIT OF 4D ADAPTIVE RADIOTHERAPY?, Radiotherapy and Oncology 99: S107-S107.
- Knegjens, J.L.; Hauptmann, M.; Pameijer, F.A.; Balm, A.J.; Hoebers, F.J.; Bois, J.A. de; Kaanders, J.H.; Herpen, C.M. van; Verhoef, C.G.; Wijers, O.B.; Wiggenraad, R.G.; Buter, J. & Rasch, C.R. (2011), TUMOR VOLUME AS PROGNOSTIC FACTOR IN CHEMORADIATION FOR ADVANCED HEAD AND NECK CANCER, Head and Neck 33(3): 375-382.
- Retel, V.P.; Molen, L. van der; Hilgers, F.J.M.; Rasch, C.R.N.; L'Ortye, A.A.A.M.H.J.; Steuten, L.M.G. & Harten, W.H. van (2011), A cost-effectiveness analysis of a preventive exercise program for patients with advanced head and neck cancer treated with concomitant chemo-radiotherapy, BMC Cancer 11.
- Mencarelli, A.; Kranen, S.R. van; Rasch, C.; Herk, M. van & Sonke, J.J. (2011), A DOSIMETRIC METHOD TO DERIVE OPTIMAL COUCH CORRECTIONS IN THE PRESENCE OF ANATOMICAL DEFORMATIONS FOR H&N CANCER, Radiotherapy and Oncology 99: S441-S441.
- Molen, L. van der; Rossum, M.A. van; Burkhead, L.M.; Smeele, L.E.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Hilgers, F.J.M. (2011), A Randomized Preventive Rehabilitation Trial in Advanced Head and Neck Cancer Patients Treated with Chemoradiotherapy: Feasibility, Compliance, and Short-term Effects, Dysphagia 26(2): 155-170.
- Rasch, C. (2011), ARTFORCE: INDIVIDUALIZED AND SAFE RADIATION TREATMENT, Radiotherapy and Oncology 99: S105-S105.
- Roelofs, E.; Engelsman, M.; Rasch, C.; Persoon, L.; Qamhiyeh, S.; Ruysscher, D. de; Verhaegen, F.; Pijls-Johannesma, M. & Lambin, P. (2011), COMPARING RADIOTHERAPY WITH PHOTONS AND PROTONS FOR NON-SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER: RESULTS OF A MULTICENTRIC IN SILICO CLINICAL TRIAL, Journal of Thoracic Oncology 6(6): S807-S807.
- Beek, S. van; Minkema, D.; Remeijer, P.; Sonke, J.J. & Rasch, C. (2011), TONGUE POSITION AND SETUP REPRODUCIBILITY USING DIFFERENT TONGUE DEPRESSORS IN H&N CANCER ASSESSED WITH CBCT., Radiotherapy and Oncology 99: S470-S470.
- Egelmeer, A.G.T.M.; Velazquez, E.R.; Jong, J.M.A. de; Oberije, C.; Geussens, Y.; Nuyts, S.; Kremer, B.; Rietveld, D.; Leemans, C.R.; Jong, M.C. de; Rasch, C.; Hoebers, F.; Homer, J.; Slevin, N.; West, C. & Lambin, P. (2011), Development and validation of a nomogram for prediction of survival and local control in laryngeal carcinoma patients treated with radiotherapy alone: A cohort study based on 994 patients, Radiotherapy and Oncology 100(1): 108-115.
- Kranen, S.R. van; Herk, M. van; Sonke, J.J. & Rasch, C. (2011), GEOMETRICAL VARIABILITY OF PAROTID GLANDS DURING RADIOTHERAPY MEASURED WITH DEFORMABLE REGISTRATION, Radiotherapy and Oncology 99: S189-S189.
- Kalpathy-Cramer, J.; Duppen, J.; Nijkamp, J.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Thomas, C.R. & Fuller, C.D. (2011), Gross Tumor Volume (GTV) Target Delineation: Comparison of Expert and Non-expert Contouring with Quantitative PET Parameters, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 81(2): S158-S159.
- Rasch, C.R.N.; Duppen, J.C.; Steenbakkers, R.J.; Baseman, D.; Eng, T.Y.; Fuller, C.D.; Harris, A.M.; Jones, W.E.; Li, Y.; Maani, E.; Nguyen, D.D.; Swanson, G.P.; Bicquart, C.; Gagnon, P.; Holland, J.; McDonald, T.; Thomas, C.R.; Wang, S.J.; Fuss, M.; Sharp, H.J.; Ludwig, M.; Rosenthal, D.I.; Diaz, A.Z.; Demandante, C.G.N.; Shapiro, R. & Multiinst Target Delineation (2011), Human-Computer Interaction in Radiotherapy Target Volume Delineation: A Prospective, Multi-institutional Comparison of User Input Devices, Journal of Digital Imaging 24(5): 794-803.
- Topolnjak, R.; Ruiter, P. de; Remeijer, P.; Vliet-Vroegindeweij, C. van; Rasch, C. & Sonke, J.J. (2011), IMAGE-GUIDED RADIOTHERAPY FOR BREAST CANCER PATIENTS: SURGICAL CLIPS AS SURROGATE FOR BREAST EXCISION CAVITY, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 81(3): E187-E195.
- Rasch, C.R.N.; Hauptmann, M. & Balm, A.J.M. (2011), Intra-Arterial Chemotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer Is There a Verdict?
- Molen, L. van der; Heemsbergen, W.; Jong, R. de; Rossum, M.A. van; Rasch, C.R.N. & Hilgers, F.J.M. (2011), Long-term dose-effect relationships for dysphagia and trismus in advanced inoperable head and neck cancer patients treated with concomitant chemoradiotherapy, Oral Oncology 47: S55-S55.
- Navran, A.; Hoebers, F.J.P.; Boer, J.P. de; Balm, A.J.M. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2011), Pattern of Recurrence After Chemoradiation in Head and Neck Cancer, European Journal of Cancer 47: S556-S556.
- Hoebers, F.; Moor, S.; Heemsbergen, W.; Lopez, M.; Tesselaar, M.; Klop, M. & Rasch, C. (2010), Reirradiation in Head and Neck Cancer: Balance between Efficacy and Toxicity, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 78(3): S446-S446.
- Mencarelli, A.; Kranen, S.R. van; Rasch, C.; Herk, M. van & Sonke, J.J. (2010), VALIDATION OF A DOSIMETRIC ONLINE CORRECTION STRATEGY DRIVEN BY MULTI-ROI REGISTRATION IN HEAD AND NECK CANCER, Radiotherapy and Oncology 96: S172-S173.
- Knopf, A.; Becker, K. & Rasch, C. (2010), Ambiguous swelling of the earlobe, HNO 58(7): 704-706.
- Topolnjak, R.; Sonke, J.J.; Nijkamp, J.; Rasch, C.; Minkema, D.; Remeijer, P. & Vliet-Vroegindeweij, C. van (2010), BREAST PATIENT SETUP ERROR ASSESSMENT: COMPARISON OF ELECTRONIC PORTAL IMAGE DEVICES AND CONE-BEAM COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY MATCHING RESULTS, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 78(4): 1235-1243.
- Jong, M.C. de; Pramana, J.; Wal, J.E. van der; Lacko, M.; Peutz-Kootstra, C.J.; Jong, J.M. de; Takes, R.P.; Kaanders, J.H.; Laan, B.F. van der; Wachters, J.; Jansen, J.C.; Rasch, C.R.; Velthuysen, M.L.F. van; Grenman, R.; Hoebers, F.J.; Schuuring, E.; Brekel, M.W. van den & Begg, A.C. (2010), CD44 Expression Predicts Local Recurrence after Radiotherapy in Larynx Cancer, Clinical Cancer Research 16(21): 5329-5338.
- Kranen, S. van; Beek, S. van; Mencarelli, A.; Rasch, C.; Herk, M. van & Sonke, J.J. (2010), Correction strategies to manage deformations in head-and-neck radiotherapy, Radiotherapy and Oncology 94(2): 199-205.
- Rasch, C.R.N.; Steenbakkers, R.J.H.M.; Fitton, I.; Duppen, J.C.; Nowak, P.J.C.M.; Pameijer, F.A.; Eisbruch, A.; Kaanders, J.H.A.M.; Paulsen, F. & Herk, M. van (2010), Decreased 3D observer variation with matched CT-MRI, for target delineation in Nasopharynx cancer, Radiation Oncology 5.
- Roelofs, E.; Persoon, L.; Qamhiyeh, S.; Verhaegen, F.; Ruysscher, D. de; Scholz, M.; Iancu, G.; Engelsman, M.; Rasch, C.; Zijp, L.; Meerleer, G. de; Coghe, M.; Langendijk, J.; Schilstra, C.; Pijls-Johannesma, M. & Lambin, P. (2010), Design of and technical challenges involved in a framework for multicentric radiotherapy treatment planning studies, Radiotherapy and Oncology 97(3): 567-571.
- Rizos, T.; Rasch, C.; Jenetzky, E.; Hametner, C.; Kathoefer, S.; Reinhardt, R.; Hepp, T.; Hacke, W. & Veltkamp, R. (2010), Detection of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation in Acute Stroke Patients, Cerebrovascular Diseases 30(4): 319-417.
- Rasch, C.; Bottcher, M. & Kumke, M. (2010), Determination of aflatoxin B-1 in alcoholic beverages: comparison of one- and two-photon-induced fluorescence, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 397(1): 87-92.
- Roelofs, E.; Engelsman, M.; Stoep, J. van der; Rasch, C.; Ruysscher, D. de; Verhaegen, F.; Pijls-Johannesma, M. & Lambin, P. (2010), DOSE ESCALATION FOR THE MULTICENTRIC IN SILICO ROCOCO TRIAL COMPARING PHOTONS AND PROTONS FOR RADIOTHERAPY OF NON-SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER, Radiotherapy and Oncology 96: S73-S73.
- Bloemers, M.; Ruiter, P. de; Triest, B. van & Rasch, C. (2010), EVALUATION OF PTV MARGINS AND CERVICAL ORGAN MOTION WITH CONE BEAM CT IN CERVICAL CANCER PATIENTS, Radiotherapy and Oncology 96: S146-S146.
- Beek, S. van; Kranen, S. van; Mencarelli, A.; Remeijer, P.; Rasch, C.; Herk, M. van & Sonke, J.J. (2010), First clinical experience with a multiple region of interest registration and correction method in radiotherapy of head-and-neck cancer patients, Radiotherapy and Oncology 94(2): 213-217.
- Korreman, S.; Rasch, C.; McNair, H.; Verellen, D.; Oelfke, U.; Maingon, P.; Mijnheer, B. & Khoo, V. (2010), The European Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology-European Institute of Radiotherapy (ESTRO-EIR) report on 3D CT-based in-room image guidance systems: A practical and technical review and guide, Radiotherapy and Oncology 94(2): 129-144.
- Jong, M.C. de; Pramana, J.; Knegjens, J.L.; Balm, A.J.M.; Brekel, M.W.M. van den; Hauptmann, M.; Begg, A.C. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2010), HPV and high-risk gene expression profiles predict response to chemoradiotherapy in head and neck cancer, independent of clinical factors, Radiotherapy and Oncology 95(3): 365-370.
- Hamming-Vrieze, O.; Kranen, S.R. van; Beek, S. van; Herk, M. van; Brekel, M. van de; Sonke, J.J. & Rasch, C. (2010), IMPLANTED MARKERS REVEAL SUBSTANTIAL TUMOR VARIABILITY IN HEAD-AND-NECK CANCER PATIENTS DURING RADIOTHERAPY, Radiotherapy and Oncology 96: S318-S319.
- Rasch, C.R.N.; Hauptmann, M.; Schornagel, J.; Wijers, O.; Buter, J.; Gregor, T.; Wiggenraad, R.; Boer, J.P. de; Ackerstaff, A.H.; Kroger, R.; Hoebers, F.J.P. & Balm, A.J.M. (2010), Intra-arterial Versus Intravenous Chemoradiation for Advanced Head and Neck Cancer: Results of a Randomized Phase 3 Trial, Cancer 116(9): 2159-2165.
- Rasch, C.R.N.; Hauptmann, M.; Schornagel, J.; Wijers, O.; Buter, J.; Gregor, T.; Wiggenraad, R.; Boer, J.P. de; Ackerstaff, A.H.; Kroger, R.; Hoebers, F.J.P.; Balm, A.J.M. & Hilgers, F.J. (2010), Intra-arterial Versus Intravenous Chemoradiation for Advanced Head and Neck Cancer: Results of a Randomized Phase 3 Trial (vol 116, pg 2159, 2010), Cancer 116(15): 3750-3750.
- Kranen, S.R. van; Beek, S. van; Mencarelli, A.; Rasch, C.; Herk, M. van & Sonke, J.J. (2010), PLAN ADAPTATION FOR SYSTEMATIC DEFORMATIONS IN HEAD & NECK CANCER RADIOTHERAPY BASED ON AN AVERAGE PATIENT MODEL, Radiotherapy and Oncology 96: S177-S178.
- Molen, L. van der; Rossum, M.A. van; Ackerstaff, A.H.; Smeele, L.E.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Hilgers, F.J.M. (2009), Pretreatment organ function in patients with advanced head and neck cancer: clinical outcome measures and patients ' views, BMC EAR NOSE AND THROAT DISORDERS 9.
- Kranen, S. van; Beek, S. van; Rasch, C.; Herk, M. van & Sonke, J.J. (2009), SETUP UNCERTAINTIES OF ANATOMICAL SUB-REGIONS IN HEAD-AND-NECK CANCER PATIENTS AFTER OFFLINE CBCT GUIDANCE, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 73(5): 1566-1573.
- Hamming-Vrieze, O.; Balm, A.J.M.; Heemsbergen, W.D.; Huysduynen, T.H. van & Rasch, C.R.N. (2009), Regional Control of Melanoma Neck Node Metastasis After Selective Neck Dissection With or Without Adjuvant Radiotherapy, Archives of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 135(8): 795-800.
- Rasch, C. & Satzger, T. (2009), Remarks on the O(N) implementation of the fast marching method, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 29(3): 806-813.
- Roelofs, E.; Engelsman, M.; Rasch, C.; Persoon, L.; Qamhiyeh, S.; Ruysscher, D. de; Verhaegen, F.; Pijls-Johannesma, M. & Lambin, P. (2009), RESULTS OF A MULTICENTER IN SILICO TRIAL COMPARING PHOTONS AND PROTONS FOR RADIOTHERAPY OF NON-SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER, Radiotherapy and Oncology 92: S108-S109.
- Zuur, C.L.; Simis, Y.J.; Lamers, E.A.; Hart, A.A.; Dreschler, W.A.; Balm, A.J. & Rasch, C.R. (2009), RISK FACTORS FOR HEARING LOSS IN PATIENTS TREATED WITH INTENSITY-MODULATED RADIOTHERAPY FOR HEAD-AND-NECK TUMORS, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 74(2): 490-496.
- Mencarelli, A.; Kranen, S.R. van; Beek, S. van; Rasch, C.; Herk, M. van & Sonke, J.J. (2009), VALIDATION OF DEFORMABLE REGISTRATION METHODS IN HEAD AND NECK CANCER., Radiotherapy and Oncology 92: S121-S121.
- Kranen, S.R. van; Beek, S. van; Mencarelli, A.; Rasch, C.; Herk, M. van & Sonke, J.J. (2009), ADAPTIVE ONLINE CORRECTION STRATEGIES TO MANAGE DEFORMATIONS IN H&N CANCER PATIENTS, Radiotherapy and Oncology 92: S26-S26.
- Fuller, C.D.; Duppen, J.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Kachnic, L.; Wang, S.J.; Chang, D.; Goodman, K.A.; Katz, A.W.; Okunieff, P. & Thomas, C.R. (2009), A Prospective Randomized Pilot Study of Site-specific Atlas Incorporation into Target Volume Delineation Instructions in the Cooperative Group Setting: Preliminary Results from a Southwest Oncology Group Pilot using Big Brother, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 75(3): S136-S137.
- Wentink, M.; Nijkamp, J.; Heemsbergen, W.; Remeijer, P. & Rasch, C. (2009), AUTOMATED DEPARTMENT WIDE VERIFICATION OF TREATMENT DELIVERY, Radiotherapy and Oncology 92: S169-S169.
- Beek, S. van; Kranen, S.R. van; Mencarelli, A.; Remeijer, P.; Rasch, C.; Herk, M. van & Sonke, J.J. (2009), CLINICAL IMPLEMENTATION OF A MULTIPLE REGION-OF-INTEREST DRIVEN SETUP CORRECTION PROTOCOL IN HEAD AND NECK CANCER PATIENTS, Radiotherapy and Oncology 92: S131-S131.
- Rasch, C.; Mencarelli, A.; Kranen, S.R. van; Hamming-Vrieze, O.; Beek, S. van; Herk, M. van & Sonke, J.J. (2009), DEFORMABLE REGISTRATION FOR ADAPTIVE RADIOTHERAPY OF HEAD AND NECK CANCER GETS WORSE IN TIME, Radiotherapy and Oncology 92: S42-S42.
- Molen, L. van der; Heemsbergen, W.; Jong, R. de; Hilgers, F. & Rasch, C. (2009), DYSPHAGIA AND DECREASED MOUTH OPENING AFTER RADIOTHERAPY FOR HEAD & NECK CANCER: DOSE-EFFECT RELATIONSHIPS, Radiotherapy and Oncology 92: S38-S39.
- Putten, L. van der; Broek, G.B. van den; Bree, R. de; Brekel, M.W.M. van den; Balm, A.J.M.; Hoebers, F.J.P.; Doornaert, P.; Leemans, R. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2009), EFFECTIVENESS OF SALVAGE SELECTIVE AND MODIFIED RADICAL NECK DISSECTION FOR REGIONAL PATHOLOGIC LYMPHADENOPATHY AFTER CHEMORADIATION, Head and Neck 31(5): 593-603.
- Heemsbergen, W.; Nijkamp, J.; Wentink, M.; Remeijer, P. & Rasch, C. (2009), EFFECT OF SETUP ERRORS ON DELIVERED MAX SPINAL CORD DOSE FOR HEAD & NECK PATIENTS, Radiotherapy and Oncology 92: S170-S170.
- Ackerstaff, A.H.; Balm, A.J.M.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Boer, J.P. de; Wiggenraad, R.; Rietveld, D.H.F.; Gregor, R.T.; Kroger, R. & Hilgers, F.J.M. (2009), FIRST-YEAR QUALITY OF LIFE ASSESSMENT OF AN INTRA-ARTERIAL (RADPLAT) VERSUS INTRAVENOUS CHEMORADIATION PHASE III TRIAL, Head and Neck 31(1): 77-84.
- Rasch, C.; Belderbos, J.; Giersbergen, A. van; Kok, I. de; Laura, T.; Boer, M.; Boer, P. de; Gilles, R.; Teertstra, J. & Verheij, M. (2009), The Influence of a Multi-disciplinary Meeting for Quality Assurance on Target Delineation in Radiotherapy Treatment Preparation, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 75(3): S452-S453.
- Kranen, S. van; Mencarelli, A.; Beek, S. van; Rasch, C.; Sonke, J. & Herk, M. van (2009), The Accuracy or Deformable Registration for Adaptive Radiotherapy of Head and Neck Cancer, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 75(3): S573-S573.
- Topolnjak, R.; Vliet-Vroegindewij, C. van; Ruiter, P. de; Remeijer, P.; Rasch, C. & Sonke, J.J. (2009), IMAGE GUIDED RADIOTHERAPY FOR BREAST CANCER PATIENTS: SURGICAL CLIPS AS SURROGATE FOR THE BREAST TUMOR BED, Radiotherapy and Oncology 92: S119-S119.
- Ruiter, P. de; Nijkamp, J.; Dewit, L. & Rasch, C. (2009), INTERFRACTION VARIATION OF THE ANUS AND THE INGUINAL LYMPH NODE REGION DURING RT FOR ANAL CANCER, Radiotherapy and Oncology 92: S80-S80.
- Fuller, C.D.; Scarbrough, T.J.; Sonke, J.J.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Choi, M.; Ting, J.Y.; Wang, S.J.; Papanikolaou, N. & Rosenthal, D.I. (2009), Method comparison of automated matching software-assisted cone-beam CT and stereoscopic kilovoltage x-ray positional verification image-guided radiation therapy for head and neck cancer: a prospective analysis, Physics in Medicine and Biology 54(24): 7401-7415.
- Broek, G.B. van den; Wildeman, M.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Armstrong, N.; Schuuring, E.; Begg, A.C.; Looijenga, L.H.J.; Scheper, R.; Wal, J.E. van der; Menkema, L.; Diest, P.J. van; Balm, A.J.M.; Velthuysen, M.L.F. van & Brekel, M.W.M. van den (2009), Molecular markers predict outcome in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck after concomitant cisplatin-based chemoradiation, International Journal of Cancer 124(11): 2643-2650.
- Rosenthal, D.I.; Fuller, C.D.; Ang, K.K.; Brizel, D.M.; Eisbruch, A.; , Q.T. le; Lee, N.Y.; O'Sullivan, B.; Duppen, J. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2009), Pre- and Postinduction Chemotherapy Target Volume Delineation in Head and Neck Cancer: Preliminary Results from an Expert Panel, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 75(3): S431-S431.
- Molen, L. van der; Rossum, M.A. van; Burkhead, L.M.; Smeele, L.E.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Hilgers, F.J.M. (2009), Short-term effects of a randomized preventive rehabilitation trial in advanced head and neck cancer patients treated with chemoradiation, Oral Oncology: 197-198.
- Hoebers, F.J.P.; Pameijer, F.A.; Bois, J. de; Heemsbergen, W.; Balm, A.J.M.; Schornagel, J.H. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2008), Prognostic value of primary tumor volume after concurrent chemoradiation with daily low-dose cisplatin for advanced-stage head and neck carcinoma, Head and Neck 30(9): 1216-1223.
- Zwienen, M. van; Beek, S. van; Belderbos, J.; Kranen, S. van; Rasch, C.; Flerk, M. van & Sonke, J. (2008), Anatomical changes during radiotherapy of lung cancer Patients, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 72(1): S111-S111.
- Knegjens, J.L.; Antonini, N.F.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Bartelink, H. (2008), A randomized trial on dose response in radiotherapy for early glottic cancer, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 72(1): S402-S402.
- Hamming-Vrieze, O.; Kranen, S.R.; Beek, S. van; Herk, M. van; Brekel, M. van den; Rasch, C. & Sonke, J. (2008), Tumor position and shape variability in head and neck cancer patients over the course of radiotherapy assessed with implanted gold markers, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 72(1): S149-S150.
- Topolnjak, R.; Vliet-Vroegindeweij, C. van; Sonke, J.J.; Minkema, D.; Remeijer, P.; Nijkamp, J.; Elkhuizen, P. & Rasch, C. (2008), Breast-conserving therapy: Radiotherapy margins for breast tumor bed boost, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 72(3): 941-948.
- Hoebers, F.J.P.; Pluim, D.; Hart, A.A.M.; Verheij, M.; Balm, A.J.M.; Fons, G.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Schellens, J.H.M.; Stalpers, L.J.A.; Bartelink, H. & Begg, A.C. (2008), Cisplatin-DNA adduct formation in patients treated with cisplatin-based chemoradiation: lack of correlation between normal tissues and primary tumor, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 61(6): 1075-1081.
- Topolnjak, R.; Sonke, J.J.; Minkema, D.; Remeijer, P.; Rasch, C. & Vliet-Vroegindeweij, C. van (2008), COMPARISON OF SETUP ERRORS MEASURED WITH THE KILO-VOLTAGE CONE-BEAM CT AND ELECTRONIC PORTAL-IMAGES FOR BREAST CANCER PATIENTS, Radiotherapy and Oncology 88: S367-S368.
- Korreman, S.; Maingon, P.; McNair, H.; Oelfke, U.; Rasch, C.; Verellen, D.; Mijnheer, B. & Khoo, V. (2008), EUROPEAN INSTITUTE OF RADIOTHERAPY 1ST TASK GROUP REPORT, AND SOME GENERAL ASPECTS OF IGRT QA, Radiotherapy and Oncology 88: S170-S171.
- Hamming-Vrieze, O.; Kranen, S.R. van; Beek, S. van; Herk, M. van; Brekel, M. van den; Sonke, J.J. & Rasch, C. (2008), EVALUATION OF TUMOR VARIABILITY IN HEAD-AND-NECK CANCER PATIENTS OVER THE COURSE OF RADIOTHERAPY WITH IMPLANTED GOLD MARKERS, Radiotherapy and Oncology 88: S78-S78.
- Rasch, C.; Hauptmann, M.; Schornagel, J.; Kroger, R. & Balm, A.J.M. (2008), For large lateralized head and neck tumors intra-arterial chemoradiation is superior to intravenous chemoradiation, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 72(1): S381-S382.
- Beek, S. van; Jansen, E.; Rasch, C.; Herk, M. van & Sonke, J.J. (2008), FOUR DIMENSIONAL CONE BEAM CT GUIDED RADIOTHERAPY FOR LIVER TUMOR USING IMPLANTED MARKERS, Radiotherapy and Oncology 88: S484-S484.
- Lamers, E.; Rasch, C. & Vliet, C. van (2008), THE INFLUENCE OF INTEROBSERVER VARIATION ON ORGANS AT RISK IN HEAD AND NECK CANCER., Radiotherapy and Oncology 88: S27-S28.
- Zuur, C.L.; Simis, Y.J.W.; Verkaik, R.S.; Schornagel, J.H.; Balm, A.J.M.; Dreschler, W.A. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2008), Hearing loss due to concurrent daily low-dose cisplatin chemoradiation for locally advanced head and neck cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology 89(1): 38-43.
- Hoebers, F.J.P.; Kartachova, M.; Bois, J. de; Brekel, M.W.M. van den; Tinteren, H. van; Herk, M. van; Rasch, C.R.N.; Olmos, R.A.V. & Verheij, M. (2008), Tc-99m Hynic-rh-Annexin V scintigraphy for in vivo imaging of apoptosis in patients with head and neck cancer treated with chemoradiotherapy, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 35(3): 509-518.
- Fitton, I.; Steenbakkers, R.J.H.M.; Gilhuijs, K.; Duppen, J.C.; Nowak, P.J.C.M.; Herk, M. van & Rasch, C.R.N. (2008), Impact of anatomical location on value of CT-PET co-registration for delineation of lung tumors, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 70(5): 1403-1407.
- Jong, R. de; Nijkamp, J.; Duppen, J.; Sonke, J.J.; Vliet, C. van; Rasch, C. & Marijnen, C. (2008), INTERFRACTION CTV SHAPE VARIABILITY OF RECTUM CANCER PATIENTS., Radiotherapy and Oncology 88: S98-S98.
- Jongen, R.; Dekker, A.; Qamhiyeh, S.; Baumert, B.; Neve, W. de; Meerleer, G. de; Ruysscher, D. de; Eble, M.; Engelsman, M.; Fonteyne, V.; Habrand, J.L.; Kanematsu, N.; Langendijk, H.; Lomax, A.; Madani, I.; Masayuki, B.; Matsufuji, N.; Mazal, A.; Oelfke, U.; Schlegel, W.; Tsujii, H.; Verheij, M.; Rasch, C.; Water, T. van de; Lambin, P. & Pijls-Johannesma, M. (2008), INTERNATIONAL, MULTICENTRIC IN SILICO CLINICAL TRIAL IN LUNG, PROSTATE AND HEAD&NECK CANCER, COMPARING PHOTONS, PROTONS AND C-ION THERAPY TREATMENT: A MULTICENTRIC PLANNING STUDY BASED ON A REFERENCE DATASET OF PATIENTS: EVALUATION OF FEASIBILITY, Radiotherapy and Oncology 88: S95-S96.
- Rasch, C.; Kranen, S.R. van; Lamers, E.; Herk, M. van & Sonke, J.J. (2008), MARGINS IN MOTION, Radiotherapy and Oncology 88: S169-S169.
- Fuller, C.D.; Scarbrough, T.; Choi, M.; Sonke, J.J.; Rasch, C.; Ting, J. & Rosenthal, D. (2008), METHOD COMPARISON ANALYSIS OF CONE-BEAM CT (CBCT) AND STEREOSCOPIC KV X-RAY (KVX) POSITIONAL VERIFICATION FOR HEAD AND NECK., Radiotherapy and Oncology 88: S374-S374.
- Rasch, C.; Kumke, M.U. & Lohmannsroeben, H.G. (2008), Mycotoxins is spectroscopically captured in grains, Nachrichten aus der Chemie 56(11): 1154-1158.
- Steenbakkers, R.; Fitton, I.; Duppen, J.; Herk, M. van & Rasch, C. (2008), TARGET DEFINITION USING PET-CT FOR LUNG CANCER PATIENTS, Radiotherapy and Oncology 88: S171-S171.
- Steenbakkers, R.; Duppen, J.; Herk, M. van & Rasch, C. (2008), Observer variation in delineation of prostate and seminal vesicles using CT versus matched MRI-CT, a 3-D analysis, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 72(1): S331-S331.
- Rij, C.M. van; Oughlane-Heemsbergen, W.D.; Ackerstaff, A.H.; Lamers, E.A.; Balm, A.J.M. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2008), Parotid gland sparing IMRT for head and neck cancer improves xerostomia related quality of life, Radiation Oncology 3.
- Steinbruck, D.; Rasch, C. & Kumke, M.U. (2008), Photophysics of Ochratoxin A in Aqueous Solution, ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION B-A JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL SCIENCES 63(11): 1321-1326.
- Jong, M. de; Pramana, J.; Lacko, M.; Peutz-Kootstra, C.; Jong, J. de; Takes, R.; Kaanders, H.; Schuuring, E.; Laan, B. van der; Broek, L. van den; Jansen, J.; Rasch, C.; Velthuysen, M.L. van; Wessels, L.; Grenman, R.; Brekel, M. van den; Hoebers, F. & Begg, A. (2008), PREDICTION OF LOCAL RECURRENCE AFTER RADIOTHERAPY IN HEAD AND NECK CANCER BY EXPRESSION PROFILING, Radiotherapy and Oncology 88: S140-S141.
- Qamhiyeh, S.; Rasch, C.; Pijls-Johannesma, M.; Engelsman, M.; Ruysscher, D. de; Dekker, A. & Lambin, P. (2008), PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF AN INTERNATIONAL MULTI-MODALITY IN-SILICO TRIAL FOR LUNG CANCER, Radiotherapy and Oncology 88: S288-S288.
- Zuur, C.L.; Simis, Y.J.; Lansdaal, P.E.; Hart, A.A.; Rasch, C.R.; Schornagel, J.H.; Dreschler, W.A. & Balm, A.J. (2007), Risk factors of ototoxicity after cisplatin-based chemoirradiation in patients with locally advanced head-and-neck cancer: A multivariate analysis, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 68(5): 1320-1325.
- Hoebers, F.; Pameijer, F.; Bois, J. de; Heemsbergen, W.; Balm, A.; Schornagel, J. & Rasch, C. (2007), Primary tumor volume predicts locoregional control and survival after concurrent chemoradiation with daily low dose cisplatin for advanced stage head and neck carcinoma, EJC Supplements 5(4): 331-331.
- Hamming-Vrieze, O.; Heemsbergen, W.D.; Balm, A.J.M.; Huysduynen, T.H. van & Rasch, C.R.N. (2007), Regional control of melanoma neck node metastasis after (selective) neck dissection +/- adjuvant radiotherapy, EJC Supplements 5(4): 329-329.
- Fitton, I.; Steenbakkers, R.J.H.M.; Zijp, L.; Duppen, J.C.; Comans, E.F.I.; Muller, S.H.; Nowak, P.J.C.M.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Herk, M. van (2007), Retrospective attenuation correction of PET data for radiotherapy planning using a free breathing CT, Radiotherapy and Oncology 83(1): 42-48.
- Mourik, A. van; Minkema, D.; Sonke, J.; Topolnjak, R.; Rasch, C. & Vliet-Vroegindewij, C. van (2007), Robustness of breast IMRT against setup error, Radiotherapy and Oncology 84: S213-S213.
- Rasch, C.R.N.; Steenbakkers, R.; Duppen, J. & Herk, M. van (2007), 3-dimensional observer variation in international guideline based delination of Neck lymph node levels, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 69(3): S205-S205.
- Hoebers, F.; Kartachova, M.; Breke, M. van den; Bois, J. de; Herk, M. van; Rasch, C.; Olmos, R.V. & Verheij, M. (2007), 99mTc Hynic-rh-Annexin V scintigraphy for in vivo imaging of apoptosis in patients with advanced head and neck cancer treated with concurrent cisplatin and radiotherapy, Radiotherapy and Oncology 82: S34-S34.
- Knegjens, J.L.; Pameijer, F.A.; Balm, A.J.M.; Hauptmann, M.; Hoebers, F.J. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2007), Tumor volume as outcome predictor in chemoradiation for advanced head and neck cancer, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 69(3): S410-S411.
- Belderbos, J.; Beek, S. van; Kranen, S. van; Rasch, C.; Herk, M. van & Sonke, J. (2007), Anatomical changes during radiotherapy of lung cancer patients, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 69(3): S508-S509.
- Mencarelli, A.; Kranen, S. van; Zijp, L.; Beek, S. van; Rasch, C. & Herk, M. van (2007), Automatic multi-matching to account for anatomical changes in head and neck cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology 84: S44-S44.
- Topolnjak, R.; Sonke, J.; Minkema, D.; Remeijer, P.; Vliet-Vroegindewij, C. van & Rasch, C. (2007), Breast-conserving therapy: Radiation treatment margins for the breast tumor bed boost, Radiotherapy and Oncology 84: S298-S299.
- Hoebers, F.J.P.; Heemsbergen, W.; Balm, A.J.M.; Zanten, M. van; Schornagel, J.H. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2007), Concurrent chemoradiation with daily low dose cisplatin for advanced stage head and neck carcinoma, Radiotherapy and Oncology 85(1): 42-47.
- Rasch, C.; Lamers, E.; Kranen, S. van; Herk, M. van & Sonke, J. (2007), Differentiated margins accounting for shape changes in head and neck cancer to reduce dose to organs at risk, Radiotherapy and Oncology 84: S125-S125.
- Lamers, E.; Rasch, C. & Vliet-Vroegindewij, C. van (2007), Effect of simultaneous integrated boost (SIB) technique on the dose in the parotid glands for head & neck patients (H&N), Radiotherapy and Oncology 84: S85-S86.
- Pramana, J.; Brekel, M.W.M. van den; Velthuysen, M.L.F. van; Wessels, L.F.A.; Nuyten, D.S.; Hofland, I.; Atsma, D.; Pimentel, N.; Hoebers, F.J.P.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Begg, A.C. (2007), Gene expression profiling to predict outcome after chemoradiation in head and neck cancer, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 69(5): 1544-1552.
- Pramana, J.; Hofland, I.; Velthuysen, L. van; Hoebers, F.; Rasch, C.; Brekel, M. van den & Begg, A. (2007), Gene expression profiling to predict outcome after chemoradiation in HNSCC, Radiotherapy and Oncology 82: S4-S5.
- Broek, G.B. van den; Wreesmann, V.B.; Brekel, M.W.M. van den; Rasch, C.R.N.; Balm, A.J.M. & Rao, P.H. (2007), Genetic abnormalities associated with chemoradiation resistance of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, Clinical Cancer Research 13(15): 4386-4391.
- Nijkamp, J.; Rasch, C.; Giersbergen, A. van; Pos, F. & Remeijer, P. (2007), The effect of feet-supports on the reproducibility of the position of the femurs in prostate radiation, Radiotherapy and Oncology 84: S220-S220.
- Pramana, J.; Pimentel, N.; Hofland, I.; Wessels, L.F.A.; Velthuysen, M.L.F. van; Atsma, D.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Brekel, M.W.M. van den & Begg, A.C. (2007), Heterogeneity of gene expression profiles in head and neck cancer, Head and Neck 29(12): 1083-1089.
- Lamers-Kuijper, E.; Schwarz, M.; Rasch, C. & Mijnheer, B. (2007), Intensity-modulated vs. conformal radiotherapy of parotid gland tumors: Potential impact on hearing loss, Medical Dosimetry 32(4): 237-245.
- Jong, R. de; Marijnen, C.; Takken, S.; Rasch, C.; Sonke, J. & Vliet-Vroegindewij, C. van (2007), Inter- and intra-fraction setup variability of rectum cancer patients in prone position with and without bellyboard, Radiotherapy and Oncology 84: S268-S268.
- Zuur, C.L.; Simis, Y.J.; Lansdaal, P.E.; Hart, A.A.; Schornagel, J.H.; Dreschler, W.A.; Rasch, C.R. & Balm, A.J. (2007), Ototoxicity in a Randomized phase III trial of intra-arterial compared with intravenous cisplatin chemoradiation in patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer, Journal of Clinical Oncology 25(24): 3759-3765.
- Steenbakkers, R.; Duppen, J.; Herk, M. van & Rasch, C. (2006), Reduction of GTV-PTV margins using matched CT-PET for lung cancer patients, Radiotherapy and Oncology 81: S61-S61.
- Steenbakkers, R.J.H.M.; Duppen, J.C.; Fitton, I.; Deurloo, K.E.I.; Zijp, L.J.; Comans, E.F.I.; Uitterhoeve, A.L.J.; Rodrigus, P.T.R.; Kramer, G.W.P.; Bussink, J.; Jaeger, K. de; Belderbos, J.S.A.; Nowak, P.J.C.M.; Herk, M. van & Rasch, C.R.N. (2006), Reduction of observer variation using matched CT-PET for lung cancer delineation: A three-dimensional analysis, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 64(2): 435-448.
- Broek, G.B. van den; Balm, A.J.M.; Brekel, M.W.M. van den; Hauptmann, M.; Schornagel, J.H. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2006), Relationship between clinical factors and the incidence of toxicity after intra-arterial chemoradiation for head and neck cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology 81(2): 143-150.
- Broek, G.B. van den; Rasch, C.R.N.; Pameijer, F.A.; Peter, E.; Brekel, M.W.M. van den & Balm, A.J.M. (2006), Response measurement after intraarterial chemoradiation in advanced head and neck carcinoma - Magnetic resonance imaging and evaluation under general anesthesia?, Cancer 106(8): 1722-1729.
- Kranen, S.R. van; Beek, S. van; Rasch, C.; Herk, M. van & Sonke, J. (2006), Anatomical variability of head and neck cancer patients, Radiotherapy and Oncology 81: S212-S212.
- Beek, S. van; Kranen, S. van; Remeijer, P.; Vliet-Vroegindeweij, C. van; Herk, M. van; Sonke, J.J. & Rasch, C. (2006), Assessment of setup errors for head and neck cancer patients in the presence of deformable anatomy, Radiotherapy and Oncology 81: S144-S144.
- Zuur, C.L.; Simis, Y.J.W.; Lansdaal, P.E.M.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Tange, R.A.; Balm, A.J.M. & Dreschler, W.A. (2006), Audiometric patterns in ototoxicity of intra-arterial cisplatin chemoradiation in patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer, Audiology and Neurotology 11(5): 318-330.
- Vliet-Vroegindewij, C. van; Heemsbergen, W.; Minkema, D.; Betgen, A.; Rasch, C. & Remeijer, P. (2006), Breast patient set-up verification: Comparison between EPI and cone beam CT matching results, Radiotherapy and Oncology 81: S280-S280.
- Lamers-Kuiper, E.; Mijnheer, B.; Jansen, E.; Verheij, M.; Damen, E.; Pos, F.; Rasch, C. & Vliet-Vroegindeweij, C. van (2006), Developing a new IMRT technique for treatment of gastric cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology 81: S106-S106.
- Pos, B.D.M.E.C.M.E.D.F.; Eenink, M.; Marijnen, C.; Damen, E.; Pos, F.; Rasch, C. & Vliet-Vroegindeweij, C. van (2006), Developing an IMRT technique for rectal carcinoma treatment, Radiotherapy and Oncology 81: S470-S471.
- Heumen, M. van; Theuws, J.; Asselen, B. van; Damen, E.; Pos, F.; Rasch, C. & Vliet-Vroegindeweij, C. van (2006), Developing a simultaneous integrated boost (SIB) technique fortreatment of breast cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology 81: S283-S283.
- Bornemann, F. & Rasch, C. (2006), Finite-element discretization of static Hamilton-Jacobi equations based on a local variational principle, Computing and Visualization in Science 9(2): 57-69.
- Begg, A.; Pramana; Pimentel, J.N.; Hofland, I.; Velthuysen, M.L.A. van; Rasch, C.R.N. & Brekel, N.W.M. van den (2006), Gene expression profiling to predict outcome after combined cisplatin-radiotherapy in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (HNSCC), Radiotherapy and Oncology 81: S102-S102.
- Lakeman-Groot, A.; Damen, E.; Belderbos, J.; Pos, F.; Rasch, C. & Vliet-Vroegindeweij, C. van (2006), Hypofractionation radiation therapy of inoperable stage I/II non-small cell lung cancer: A different approach., Radiotherapy and Oncology 81: S389-S389.
- Rasch, C.R.N.; Salverda, G.J.; Schornagel, J.H.; Kroger, R.; Wiggenraad, R.; Buter, J.; Rietveld, D.; Ackerstaf, A.; Oughlane-Heemsbergen, W.D. & Balm, F.J.M. (2006), Intra-arterial versus intravenous chemoradiation for advanced head and neck cancer, early results of a multi-institutional trial, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 66(3): S1-S2.
- Rasch, C.; Schornagel, J.; Kroger, R.; Wiggenraad, R.; Buter, J.; Rietveld, D.; Gregor, R.; Heemsbergen, W.; Hoebers, F.; Ackerstaff, A. & Balm, A. (2006), Intra-arterial versus intravenous chemoradiation for advanced head and neck cancer, early results of a multi-institutional trial, Radiotherapy and Oncology 81: S147-S147.
- Jong, R.; Heemsbergen, W.; Betgen, A.; Marijnen, C. & Rasch, C. (2006), Intra-fraction motion of patients in prone position compared to supine position, Radiotherapy and Oncology 81: S49-S50.
- Steenbakkers, R.J.H.M.; Duppen, J.C.; Herk, M. van & Rasch, C.R.N. (2006), Target contouring protocol for 3D conformal radiotherapy in lung cancer - In response to Dr. Rodriguez De Dios.
- Deurloo, K.E.I.; Steenbakkers, R.J.H.M.; Zijp, L.J.; Bois, J.A. de; Nowak, P.J.C.M.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Herk, M. van (2005), Quantification of shape variation of prostate and seminal vesicles during external beam radiotherapy, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 61(1): 228-238.
- Deurloo, K.E.I.; Steenbakkers, R.J.H.M.; Zijp, L.J.; Bois, J.A. de; Nowak, P.J.C.M.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Herk, M. van (2005), Quantification of shape variation of prostate and seminal vesicles during external beam radiotherapy (vol 61, pg 228, 2005), International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 61(5): 1609-1609.
- Steenbakkers, R.; Duppen, J.; Fitton, I.; Deurloo, K.; Zijp, L.; Belderbos, J.; Jaeger, K. de; Nowak, P.; Herk, M. van & Rasch, C. (2005), Reduction of observer variation by matched CT-PET for lung cancer delineation, Lung Cancer 49: S313-S314.
- Fahy, G.M.; Wowk, B.; Wu, J.; Phan, J.; Rasch, C.; Chang, A. & Zendejas, E. (2005), Corrigendum to "Cryopreservation of organs by vitrification: perspectives and recent advances" (vol 48, pg 157, 2004), Cryobiology 50(3): 344-344.
- Terhaard, C.H.J.; Lubsen, H.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Levendag, P.C.; Kaanders, H.H.A.M.; Tjho-Heslinga, R.E.; Ende, P.L.A. van den; Burlage, F. & Dutch Head Neck Oncology Coop (2005), The role of radiotherapy in the treatment of malignant salivary gland tumors, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 61(1).
- Fitton, I.; Gilhuijs, K.; Steenbakkers, R.; Duppen, J.; Nowak, P.; Herk, M. van & Rasch, C. (2005), Impact of anatomical location of primary tumor in lung on value of CT-PET co-registration for delineation, Lung Cancer 49: S211-S211.
- Pimentel Serra, N.; Asselen, B. van; Steenbakkers, R.; Duppen, J.; Geer, J. van de; Herk, M. van & Rasch, C. (2005), Impact of observer delineation variation on target coverage and dose to organs at risk in nasopharyngeal cancer patients, EJC Supplements 3(2): 289-289.
- Serra, N.P.; Asselen, B. van; Steenbakkers, R.; Duppen, J.; Geer, J. van de; Herk, M. van & Rasch, C. (2005), Impact of observer delineation variation on target coverage and dose to organs at risk in nasopharyngeal cancer patients, Radiotherapy and Oncology 76: S6-S6.
- Steenbakkers, R.J.H.M.; Duppen, J.C.; Fitton, I.; Deurloo, K.E.I.; Zijp, L.; Uitterhoeve, A.L.J.; Rodrigus, P.T.R.; Kramer, G.W.P.; Bussink, J.; Jaeger, K. de; Belderbos, J.S.A.; Hart, A.A.M.; Nowak, P.J.C.M.; Herk, M. van & Rasch, C.R.N. (2005), Observer variation in target volume delineation of lung cancer related to radiation oncotogist-computer interaction: A 'Big Brother' evaluation, Radiotherapy and Oncology 77(2): 182-190.
- Rasch, C.; Steenbakkers, R. & Herk, M. van (2005), Target definition in prostate, head, and neck, Seminars in Radiation Oncology 15(3): 136-145.
- Broek, G.B. van den; Rasch, C.R.N.; Pameijer, F.A.; Peter, E.; Brekel, M.W.M. van den; Tan, I.B.; Schornagel, J.H.; Bois, J.A. de; Zijp, L.J. & Balm, A.J.M. (2004), Pretreatment probability model for predicting outcome after intraarterial chemoradiation for advanced head and neck carcinoma, Cancer 101(8): 1809-1817.
- Broek, G. van den; Rasch, C.; Pameijer, F.; Peter, E.; Brekel, M. van den; Tan, B.; Schornagel, J.; Bois, J. de; Zijp, L. & Balm, A. (2004), Pretreatment probability model for predicting outcome after targeted chemoradiation, Radiotherapy and Oncology 73: S295-S296.
- Steenbakkers, R.J.H.M.; Duppen, J.C.; Fitton, I.; Deurloo, K.E.I.; Zijp, L.; Nowak, P.J.C.M.; Herk, M. van & Rasch, C. (2004), Reduction of observer variation of lung cancer delineation by matched CT-PET, Radiotherapy and Oncology 73: S178-S178.
- Fitton, L.; Cornelissen, S.; Duppen, J.C.; Steenbakkers, R.J.H.M.; Nowak, P.J.C.M.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Herk, M. van (2004), Semi-automatic delineation tool of CT-MRI registered images for nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Radiotherapy and Oncology 73: S178-S179.
- Steenbakkers, R.; Duppen, J.; Fitton, I.; Deurloo, K.; Nowak, P.; Herk, M. van & Rasch, C. (2004), A 3D analysis and reduction of observer variation in delineation of lung cancer for radiotherapy, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 60(1): S531-S532.
- Hoebers, F.; Balm, A.J.; Schornagel, J.H. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2004), Concurrent chemoradiation with daily low dose cisplatin in advanced stage head and neck cancer patients, Radiotherapy and Oncology 73: S305-S305.
- Duppen, J.C.; Steenbakkers, R.J.H.M.; Fitton, I.; Zijp, L.J.; Remeijer, P.; Jaeger, K. de; Nowak, P.J.C.M.; Rasch, C.R.N. & Herk, M. van (2004), Delineation software for teaching in target volume definition, Radiotherapy and Oncology 73: S437-S438.
- Eisbruch, A.; Schwartz, M.; Rasch, C.; Vineberg, K.; Damen, E.; As, C.J. van; Marsh, R.; Pameijer, F.A. & Balm, A.J.M. (2004), Dysphagia and aspiration after chemoradiotherapy for head-and-neck cancer: Which anatomic structures are affected and can they be spared by IMRT?, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 60(5): 1425-1439.
- Balm, A.J.M.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Schornagel, J.H.; Hilgers, F.J.M.; Keus, R.B.; Schultze-Kool, L.; Ackerstaff, A.H.; Busschers, W. & Tan, I.B. (2004), High-dose superselective intra-arterial cisplatin and concomitant radiation (RADPLAT) for advanced head and neck cancer, Head and Neck 26(6): 485-493.
- Steenbakkers, R.J.H.M.; Duppen, J.C.; Betgen, A.; Lotz, H.T.; Remeijer, P.; Fitton, I.; Nowak, P.J.C.M.; Herk, M. van & Rasch, C.R.N. (2004), Impact of knee support and shape of tabletop on rectum and prostate position, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 60(5): 1364-1372.
- Steenbakkers, R.; Duppen, J.; Fitton, I.; Deurloo, K.; Zijp, L.; Eisbruch, A.; Nowak, P.; Herk, M. van & Rasch, C. (2004), Observer variation in delineation of nasopharyngeal carcinoma for radiotherapy, A 3-D analysis, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 60(1): S160-S161.
- Zuur, C.L.; Simis, Y.J.W.; Dreschler, W.A.; As, C. van; Rasch, C.R.N. & Balm, A.J.M. (2004), Ototoxicity in targeted supradose cisplatin chemoradiation in irresectable squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, Radiotherapy and Oncology 73: S81-S81.
- Horst, J.; Pennekamp, P.; Lewandowski, G.; Rasch, C.; Reichelt, R. & Dworniczak, B. (2003), Primary cilia in polycystin-2 knockout mice., American Journal of Human Genetics 73(5): 324-324.
- Steenbakkers, R.J.H.M.; Deurloo, K.E.I.; Nowak, P.J.C.M.; Lebesque, J.V.; Herk, M. van & Rasch, C.R.N. (2003), Reduction of dose delivered to the rectum and bulb of the penis using MRI delineation for radiotherapy of the prostate, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 57(5): 1269-1279.
- Bar, W.; Schwarz, M.; Alber, M.; Bos, L.J.; Mijnheer, B.J.; Rasch, C.; Schneider, C.; Nusslin, F. & Damen, E.M.F. (2003), A comparison of forward and inverse treatment planning for intensity-modulated radiotherapy of head and neck cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology 69(3): 251-258.
- Fitton, I.; Herk, M. van; Steenbakkers, R.J.H.M.; Duppen, J.C.; Deurloo, K.E.I.; Comans, E.F.I.; Muller, S.H.; Nowak, P.J.C.M. & Rasch, C.R.N. (2003), Comparison of attenuation correction using transmission PET and planning CT for detection of lung cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology 68: S96-S96.
- Meijer, G.J.; Rasch, C.; Remeijer, P. & Lebesque, J.V. (2003), Three-dimensional analysis of delineation errors, setup errors, and organ motion during radiotherapy of bladder cancer, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 55(5): 1277-1287.
- Eisbruch, A.; Rhodus, N.; Rosenthal, D.; Murphy, B.; Rasch, C.; Sonis, S.; Scarantino, C. & Brizel, D. (2003), The prevention and treatment of radiotherapy-induced xerostomia, Seminars in Radiation Oncology 13(3): 302-308.
- Steenbakkers, R.J.H.M.; Duppen, J.C.; Lotz, H.T.; Remeijer, P.; Fitton, I.; Nowak, P.J.C.M.; Herk, M. van & Rasch, C.R.N. (2003), The impact of a knee-support and shape of the table-top on rectum and prostate position, Radiotherapy and Oncology 68: S119-S119.
- Eisbruch, A.; Rhodus, N.; Rosenthal, D.; Murphy, B.; Rasch, C.; Sonis, S.; Scarantino, C. & Brizel, D. (2003), How should we measure and report radiotherapy-induced xerostomia?, Seminars in Radiation Oncology 13(3): 226-234.
- Lamers-Kuijper, E.; Schwarz, M. & Rasch, C. (2003), Sparing of the auditory system: CRT vs IMRT for parotid gland tumours, Radiotherapy and Oncology 68: S122-S122.
- Ackerstaff, A.H.; Tan, I.B.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Balm, A.J.M.; Keus, R.B.; Schornagel, J.H. & Hilgers, F.J.M. (2002), Quality-of-life assessment after supradose selective intra-arterial cisplatin and concomitant radiation (RADPLAT) for inoperable stage IV head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, Archives of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 128(10): 1185-1190.
- Claus, F.; Mijnheer, B.; Rasch, C.; Bortfeld, T.; Fraass, B.; Gersem, W. de; Wirtz, H.; Hoinkis, C.; Cho, B.C.; Kwong, L.W.D.; Bae, H.; Muller, K. & Neve, W. de (2002), Report of a study on IMRT planning strategies for ethmoid sinus cancer, Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 178(10): 572-576.
- Kummer, E.; Rasch, C.R.N.; Keus, R.B.; Tan, I.B. & Balm, A.J.M. (2002), T stage as prognostic factor in irradiated localized squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal vestibule, Head and Neck 24(3): 268-273.
- Rasch, C.; Eisbruch, A.; Remeijer, P.; Bos, L.; Hoogeman, M.; Herk, M. van & Lebesque, J.V. (2002), Irradiation of paranasal sinus tumors, a delineation and dose comparison study, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 52(1): 120-127.
- Remeijer, P.; Rasch, C.; Lebesque, J.V. & Herk, M. van (2002), Margins for translational and rotational uncertainties: A probability-based approach, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 53(2): 464-474.
- Wowk, B.; Leitl, E.; Rasch, C.M.; Mesbah-Karimi, N.; Harris, S.B. & Fahy, G.M. (2000), Vitrification enhancement by synthetic ice blocking agents, Cryobiology 40(3): 228-236.
- Herk, M. van; Remeijer, P.; Rasch, C. & Lebesque, J.V. (2000), The probability of correct target dosage: Dose-population histograms for deriving treatment margins in radiotherapy, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 47(4): 1121-1135.
- Remeijer, P.; Rasch, C.; Lebesque, J.V. & Herk, M. van (1999), A general methodology for three-dimensional analysis of variation in target volume delineation, Medical Physics 26(6): 931-940.
- Darwin, M.G.; Russell, S.R.; Rasch, C.; O'Farrell, J. & Harris, S.B. (1999), A novel method of rapidly inducing or treating hypothermia or hyperpyrexia, by means of "mixed-mode" (gas and liquid) ventilation using perfluorochemicals, Critical Care Medicine 27(1): A81-A81.
- Rasch, C.; Remeijer, P.; Koper, P.C.M.; Meijer, G.J.; Stroom, J.C.; Herk, M. van & Lebesque, J.V. (1999), Comparison of prostate cancer treatment in two institutions: A quality control study, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 45(4): 1055-1062.
- Wowk, B.; Darwin, M.; Harris, S.B.; Russell, S.R. & Rasch, C.M. (1999), Effects of solute methoxylation on glass-forming ability and stability of vitrification solutions, Cryobiology 39(3): 215-227.
- Herk, M. van; Munck, J.C. de; Lebesque, J.V.; Muller, S.; Rasch, C. & Touw, A. (1998), Automatic registration of pelvic computed tomography data and magnetic resonance scans including a dull circle method for quantitative accuracy evaluation, Medical Physics 25(10): 2054-2067.
- Rasch, C.; Keus, R.; Pameijer, F.A.; Koops, W.; deRu, V.; Muller, S.; Touw, A.; Bartelink, H.; vanHerk, M. & Lebesque, J.V. (1997), The potential impact of CT-MRI matching on tumor volume delineation in advanced head and neck cancer, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 39(4): 841-848.
- vanHerk, M.; Barrilot, I.; Bel, A.; Bijhold, J.; Bruce, A.; deMunck, J.; Geerlof, E.; Gilhuijs, K.G.A.; Lebesque, J.V.; Rasch, C.; Remeijer, P.; Touw, A.; vandeVen, P. & Vijlbrief, R. (1997), Imaging processing for evaluation and reduction of geometrical uncertainties in prostate irradiation, European Journal of Cancer 33: 608-608.
- Moonen, L.; Steggerda, M.; Rasch, C.; Touw, A.; deMooy, L.; vanHerk, M. & Koops, W. (1997), Magnetic resonance imaging during intracavitary brachytherapy for carcinoma of the uterine cervix, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 39(2): 298-298.
- Rasch, C.; Remeijer, P.; Barillot, I.; vanHerk, M. & Lebesque, J.V. (1997), Observer and imaging modality (CT, MRI) related definition of the prostate, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 39(2): 288-288.
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