Claire Vergerio
- Naam
- Dr. C. Vergerio
- Telefoon
- 071 5272727
- 0000-0002-2690-2112

Claire Vergerio is als universitair docent verbonden aan het Instituut Politieke Wetenschap.
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Politieke Wetenschap
- Vergerio C. (2023), The Berlin and Hague Conferences. In: Bukovanski M., Keene E., Reus-Smit C. & Spanu M. (red.), The Oxford Handbook of History and International Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Vergerio C (2022), War, states, and international order : Alberico Gentili and the foundational myth of the laws of war. Cambridge Studies in International Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Place.
- Vergerio C. (2021), International law and the laws of war. In: Costa Lopez J., Carvalho B. de & Leira H. (red.), Routledge Handbook of Historical International Relations. Abingdon: Routledge . 9.
- Vergerio C. (2021), Beyond the Nation-State, Boston Review.
- Vergerio C. (2021), Au-delà de l'État-nation , Le Grand Continent.
- Vergerio C. (2019), Context, Reception, and the Study of Great Thinkers in International Relations, International Theory: A Journal of International Politics, Law and Philosophy 11(1): 110-137.
- Vergerio C. (2018), Sovereignty, Civilization, and the Rise of the Modern Laws of War. Annual Conference of the Cambridge IR/History Working Group 11 mei 2018 - 11 mei 2018. Cambridge: Annual Conference of the Cambridge IR/History Working Group.
- Vergerio C. (2018), Carl Schmitt’s Gentili and the History of Modern War. Oxford Political Thought Conference 4 januari 2018 - 6 januari 2018. Oxford: Oxford Political Thought Conference.
- Vergerio C. (2018), International Law and the Laws of War’: draft chapter prepared for the Routledge Handbook of Historical International Relations. European International Studies Association Annual Conference 12 september 2018 - 15 september 2018. Prague: European International Studies Association Annual Conference.
- Vergerio C. (2018), International Law and the Laws of War’: Draft chapter prepared for the Routledge Handbook of Historical International Relations. European Workshops in International Studies (EWIS) 6 juni 2018 - 9 juni 2018. Groningen: European Workshops in International Studies (EWIS).
- Vergerio C. (2017), Alberico Gentili’s De iure belli: An Absolutist’s Attempt to Reconcile the jus gentium and the Reason of State Tradition, Journal of the History of International Law 19(4): 429-466.
- Vergerio C. (2017), Inventing a history to the exclusionary laws of war: Colonial violence and the revival of Alberico Gentili in the 1870s. Law and Colonial Violence: An International Workshop (Queen Mary University of London, in collaboration with Cambridge and EUI) (14/02/2017, London). Law and Colonial Violence: An International Workshop (Queen Mary University of London, in collaboration with Cambridge and EUI) 14 februari 2017 - 14 februari 2017.
- Vergerio C. (2017), Alberico Gentili and the Modern Conception of Violence. 58th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, Baltimore, Maryland, 22-25 February 2017..
- Nicolaïdis K, Vergerio C., Fisher Onar N. & Viehoff J. (2014), From Metropolis to Microcosmos: The EU’s New Standards of Civilisation, Millennium : Journal of International Studies 42(3): 718-745.