Christoph Niessen
- Naam
- Dr. C.R. Niessen
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0003-0245-6389
Christoph Niessen is als gastonderzoeker verbonden aan het Instituut Politieke Wetenschap.
Universitair docent
- Niessen C.R. (2023), How do elected officials perceive deliberative citizens’ assemblies?. In: Reuchamps M., Vrydagh J. & Welp J. (red.), De Gruyter handbook of citizens’ assemblies. Berlin: De Gruyter. 325-336.
- Niessen C.R. (2023), Longitudinal QCA: integrating time through Change-Based Intervals (CBIs) and a Flexible Lag Condition (FLC), Sociological Methods and Research : .
- Niessen C.R. & Reuchamps M. (2022), Institutionalising citizen deliberation in Parliament: the permanent citizens' dialogue in the German-speaking community of Belgium, Parliamentary Affairs 75(1): 135-153.
- Niessen C.R. (2022), Measuring evolving regional autonomy demands and statutes: introducing the Sub-state Autonomy Scale (SAS), Regional Studies 56(9): 1589-1603.
- Jacquet V., Niessen C.R. & Reuchamps M. (2022), Sortition, its advocates and its critics: an empirical analysis of citizens' and MPs' support for random selection as a democratic reform proposal, INT POLIT SCI REV 43(2): 295-316.
- Dodeigne J., Niessen C.R., Sinardet D. & Reuchamps M. (2022), Identités et préférences des parlementaires envers le fédéralisme belge à l’aube d’une septième réforme de l’État, Courrier Hebdomadaire 7-8(2532-2533): 5-62.
- Sinardet D., Niessen C., Reuchamps M. & Dodeigne J. (2022), Kering richting herfederalisering zet zich door: onderzoek naar de institutionele voorkeuren van de Belgische parlementsleden, 29(10): 4-17.
- Niessen C.R. & Reuchamps M. (2022), Assemblée permanente. In: Petit G., Blondiaux L., Casillo I., Fourniau J.-M., Gourgues G., Hayat S., Lefebvre R., Rui S., Wojcik S. & Zetlaouï-Léger J. (red.), Dictionnaire critique et interdisciplinaire de la Participation. Paris: GIS Participation/Democracie.
- Niessen C.R. (2021), Federalization in the slipstream: how the German-speaking community of Belgium became one of the smallest federal entities in the world, Nations and Nationalism 27(4): 1026-1046.
- Reuchamps M., Boerjan H., Niessen C.R. & Randour F. (2021), More or less regional autonomy? A qualitative analysis of citizen arguments towards (de)centralization in Belgium, Comparative European Politics 19(2): 225-247.
- Dodeigne J., Niessen C.R., Reuchamps M. & Sinardet D. (2021), The effect of institutional affiliation and career patterns on (de)centralization preferences in advanced multi-level states: parliamentarians' support for (de)centralization in Belgium, Publius: The Journal of Federalism 51(2): 262-282.
- Xhardez C., Counet M., Randour F. & Niessen C.R. (2020), 50 ans de fédéralisation de l’État belge: institutions, acteurs, politiques publiques et particularités du fédéralisme belge. Louvain-la-Neuve: Academia.
- Niessen C. (2020), Bespreking van: Banting K & Kymlicka W. (2017), The Strains of Commitment. The Political Sources of Solidarity in Diverse Societies: Oxford University Press 30(1): 117-119.
- Niessen C.R., Reuchamps M., Stjepanovic D. & Habra A. (2020), When have dyadic federations succeeded and when have they failed?: A comparative analysis of bipolar federalism around the world. In: Gagnon A.-G. & Tremblay A. (red.), Federalism, democracy and national diversity in the 21st century: challenges and opportunities. Basingstoke: Palgrave. 41-72.
- Niessen C.R. & Dodeigne J. (2019), The Flemish negative case: explaining the prevalence of regionalist demands without request for an independence referendum, Fédéralisme Régionalisme 19: .
- Niessen C. (2019), Understanding the occurrence and outcome of self-determination referenda in Europe: a conceptual and methodological introduction, Fédéralisme Régionalisme 19: online.
- Niessen C. (2019), When citizen deliberation enters real politics: how politicians and stakeholders envision the place of a deliberative mini-public in political decision-making, Policy Sciences 52(3): 481-503.
- Vandamme P.É., Jacquet V., Niessen C., Pitseys J. & Reuchamps M. (2018), Intercameral relations in a bicameral elected and sortition legislature, Politics and Society 46(3): 381-400.
- Niessen C.R., Schiffino N., Jacquet V. & Deschamps L. (2018), Critical candidates: elite attitudes towards the functioning of representative democracy. In: Vandeleene A., Winter L. de & Baudewyns P. (red.), Candidates, parties and voters in the Belgian partitocracy. Basingstoke: Palgrave. 341-363.
- Niessen C.R., Bouhon F. & Reuchamps M. (2016), Zwischen den Zeiten: die sechste Reform des belgischen Staates aus Perspektive der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft. In: Tübingen E.Z.F.F. (red.), Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2016. Baden-Baden: Nomos. 254-266.
- Bouhon F., Niessen C. & Reuchamps M. (2015), La Communauté germanophone après la sixième réforme de l’État : état des lieux, débats et perspectives, Courrier Hebdomadaire 21(2266-2267): 5-71.
- Providing counciling to the Parliament's Permanent Citizens' Dialogue