Christine Mummery
Hoogleraar Ontwikkelingsbiologie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. C.L. Mummery
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 9300
- 0000-0002-4549-6535
Christine Mummery is Hoogleraar Ontwikkelingsbiologie in de afdeling Anatomie en Embryolgie en hoofd van de iPSC&OoC Hotel Facility in het LUMC. Van 2015-2023 was zij gasthoogleraar bij de Technische Universiteit Twente om Organ-op-Chip modellen te ontwikkelen. Zij is lid van de KNAW, voormalig bestuurslid van de KNAW en ZonMw, lid van de KHMW en is een laureaat van de European Research Council (Advanced Grant) om hart- ontwikkeling en ziekte te bestuderen m.b.v. humane stamcellen. In het LUMC, is zij co-vz van de Thema RegMedTO en PI in the Novo Nordisk Foundation Stem Cell Center (reNEW), een samenwerking tussen de Universiteit Copenhagen en de Murdoch Children’s Hospital in Melbourne. Zij heeft een aantal prijzen gewonnen oa van de Fondation Lefoulon-Delalande-Institut de France voor onderzoek op cardiovasculair fysiologie (2021) en de Public Service Award (2023) van de International Society of Stem Cell Research (ISSCR). Zij was president van ISSCR 2020-2021. Zij heeft een lekengids over stamcellen geschreven (“Stem Cells: Scientific Facts and Fiction”;Elsevier 2018) en geeft lezingen aan patiëntorganisaties over dit onderwerp. Zij is ook founding editor van Stem Cell Reports, het tijdschrift van de ISSCR en zit in de redactie van o.a. Cell Stem Cell, Circulation Research en Stem Cells. Zij was mede-oprichter en eerste voorzitter van de RvB van de European Organ on Chip Society. Zij is de huidige vz van de RvB van hDMT.
Christine Mummery is Hoogleraar Ontwikkelingsbiologie in de afdeling Anatomie en Embryolgie en hoofd van de iPSC&OoC Hotel Facility in het LUMC. Van 2015-2023 was zij gasthoogleraar bij de Technische Universiteit Twente om Organ-op-Chip modellen te ontwikkelen. Zij is lid van de KNAW, voormalig bestuurslid van de KNAW en ZonMw, lid van de KHMW en is een laureaat van de European Research Council (Advanced Grant) om hart- ontwikkeling en ziekte te bestuderen m.b.v. humane stamcellen. In het LUMC, is zij co-vz van de Thema RegMedTO en PI in the Novo Nordisk Foundation Stem Cell Center (reNEW), een samenwerking tussen de Universiteit Copenhagen en de Murdoch Children’s Hospital in Melbourne. Zij heeft een aantal prijzen gewonnen oa van de Fondation Lefoulon-Delalande-Institut de France voor onderzoek op cardiovasculair fysiologie (2021) en de Public Service Award (2023) van de International Society of Stem Cell Research (ISSCR). Zij was president van ISSCR 2020-2021. Zij heeft een lekengids over stamcellen geschreven (“Stem Cells: Scientific Facts and Fiction”;Elsevier 2018) en geeft lezingen aan patiëntorganisaties over dit onderwerp. Zij is ook founding editor van Stem Cell Reports, het tijdschrift van de ISSCR en zit in de redactie van o.a. Cell Stem Cell, Circulation Research en Stem Cells. Zij was mede-oprichter en eerste voorzitter van de RvB van de European Organ on Chip Society. Zij is de huidige vz van de RvB van hDMT.
Stamcellen en Ontwikkelingsbiologie
Het onderzoeksgebied betreft hart- en bloedvaatontwikkeling en ziektemodellen op basis van humane pluripotente stamcellen. De huidige interessegebied is het toepassen van biofysische technieken in de typering en functionele analyse van cardiovasculaire cellen van hPSC met als uiteindelijke doel, inzicht te krijgen in de onderliggende moleculaire mechanismen van ziekte en de identificatie van mogelijk geneesmiddelen via bioassays. Deze belangstelling komt voort uit een lange fascinatie voor hoe differentiatiekeuzes in ontwikkeling worden gemaakt en welke rol groeifactoren daarin spelen. Na de introductie van hiPSC in het onderzoek door herprogrammering van somatische cellen van patiënten, is duidelijk geworden dat er veel klinische toepassingen mogelijk zijn, vooral in de identificatie van patiënt-specifieke medicijnen en mogelijkheden om ziekteprocessen te behandelen. Naast cardiomyocyten, spelen ook endotheelcellen en gladde spiercellen van bloedvaten een centrale rol in het onderzoek, bijvoorbeeld in een klinisch context waarbij hemorrhaging disease (HHT) veroorzaakt door mutaties in TGFß-receptoren bestudeerd wordt. We hebben een aantal mechanismen van deze ziekte gevonden en onderzoeken nu of medicijnen tegen deze processen ook effectief zijn in patiënten. Door samenwerking met clinici in Leiden en Utrecht en ingenieurs aan UTwente en TU Delft, maken we nu 2D en 3D modellen van ziek- en gezond hart-en bloedvatenweefsel in microfluidische “chips”. Dit studiegebied is een onderdeel van de NWA over personalized medicine, vroege diagnose en regeneratieve geneeskunde.
Current research grants (selectie)
- EU FP7 2013-2017 Plurimes. Mesodermal tissue repair using pluripotent stem cells (450k€).
- CVON (Cardiovascular Onderzoek Nederland) NHS. HUSTCARE 2013-2018. Cardiac repair. Co-PI (350k€).
- European Research Council Advanced Grant 2013-2018. Human pluripotent stem cells: the new heart patient. Personal grant/PI (2.5 M€)
- Muller Foundation (2014-2019). hiPSC models for vascular disease. PI (750k€).
- ERARE-CVD: CPVT heart disease models co-PI (350k€).
- ZonMW MKMD (2017-2020) hIPSC as models for cardiac disease. PI (350k€).
- Interreg: Biomat microfluidic chips (2018-2020). PI. (450k€).
- TK-LSH (2018-2020):hiPSC model of arrhythmia. PI (90k€).
- Ministry of Education, Culture and Science NWO Gravity Grant 2017 (2017-2027) Netherlands Organ on Chip Initiative. PI (18.8 mlj €)
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Christine Mummery is gepromoveerd in de Biofysica bij de Universiteit London. Na haar promotie, begon zij in het Hubrecht Insituut als postdoc, vervolgens staflid en hoogleraar. Na een sabbatical bij de Harvard Stamcel Insituut in 2007, introduceerd zij human geinduceerd pluripotent stamcellen in Nederland. In 2008 was zij benomed tot hoogleraar Ontwikkelings Biologie in het LUMC en werd Afdelings Hoofd Anatomie en Embryologie 2009-2019. In 2015, werd zij gasthoogleraar in de Universiteit Twente, om Organ-op-Chip modellen op te zetten op basis van stamcellen. In 2010, was ze medeoprichter van de LUMC spinout Ncardia bv. Haar huidige onderzoek gaat over modelleren van cardiovasculaire ziektes op basis van patiënt stamcellen en het ontwikkelen van Organ-op-Chip om veiligheid en effectiviteit van (nieuwe) medicijnen te onderzoeken. In 2017, was ze coördinator van een succesvol NWO Zwaartekracht aanvraag en heeft zowel een ERC Advanced beurs als Proof-of-Concept ontvangen. Zij was mede-oprichter van de European Organ on Chip Society (EUROOCS) en het Nederlands Human Organ and Disease Modelling Technology organisation (hDMT). Verder was ze namens hDMT coordinator van een recentelijk NWO GWI, hDMT INFRA StemCells. Zij is lid van de KNAW en KHMW en was ISSCR president 2020-2021. Zij was ook de eerste hoofdredacteur van de de ISSCR tijdschrift Stem Cell Reports.
Zij zit in verschillende wetenschappelijk advies raden oa Hubrecht Institute, Boerhaave Museum, Allen Institute, Mogrify, HeartBeatBio, Agnios, Cellistic, Sync Biosystems en Sartorius Gmbh.
- Promotie Universiteit London: Effect of Ultrasound on Wound Healing
- Oratie LUMC Maart 2009: Stamcellen tussen hype en hypothese
- Oratie Universiteit Twente (Juni 2015): Vessels on Chip
- Oratie Universiteit Utrecht (November 2002): Mending a broken heart
Hoogleraar Ontwikkelingsbiologie
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Anatomie en Embryologie
- Salmenov, R.; Mummery, C. & Huurne, M. ter (2024), Cell cycle visualization tools to study cardiomyocyte proliferation in real-time, Open Biology 14(10).
- Arslan, U.; Hil, F.E. van den; Mummery, C.L. & Orlova, V. (2024), Generation and characterization of hiPSC-derived vascularized-, perfusable cardiac microtissues-on-chip, CURRENT PROTOCOLS 4(7).
- Mummery, C. (2024), Heart and vessels from stem cells, BioEssays.
- Campostrini, G.; Van-Oostwaard, D.W.; Verkerk, A.; Mummery, C. & Bellin, M. (2024), Maturing hiPSC-cardiomyocytes in cardiac microtissues for accurate preclinical in vitro modelling of long-QT syndrome type 1, Cardiovascular Research 120.
- Nahon, D.M.; Cuenca, M.V.; Hil, F.E. van den; Hu, M.C.; Korte, T. de; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Mummery, C.L. & Orlova, V.V. (2024), Self-assembling 3D vessel-on-chip model with hiPSC-derived astrocytes, Stem Cell Reports 19(7): 946-956.
- Blanch-Asensio, A.; Grandela, C.; Mummery, C.L. & Davis, R.P. (2024), STRAIGHT-IN, Nature Protocols.
- Wiersma, S.; Meraviglia,; Mummery, C.L.; Campostrini, G. & Bellin, M. (2024), The mechanistic role of connexin 43 in maturation of hiPSC cardiomyocytes, Cardiovascular Research 120.
- Groen, E.; Mummery, C.L.; Yiangou, L. & Davis, R.P. (2024), Three-dimensional cardiac models: a pre-clinical testing platform, Biochemical Society Transactions 52(3): 1045-1059.
- Groen, E.; Mummery, C.L.; Yiangou, L. & Davis, R.P. (2024), Three-dimensional cardiac models, Biochemical Society Transactions 52(3).
- Novoa, J.J.; Westra, I.M.; Steeneveld, E.; Neves, N.F.; Arendzen, C.H.; Rajaei, B.; Grundeken, E.; Yildiz, M.; Valk, W. van der; Salvador, A.; Carlotti, F.; Dijkers, P.F.; Locher, H.; Berg, C.W. van den; Raymond, K.I.; Kirkeby, A.; Mummery, C.L.; Rabelink, T.J.; Freund, C.; Meij, P. & Wieles, B. (2024), Good manufacturing practice-compliant human induced pluripotent stem cells, Cytotherapy 26(6): 556-566.
- Nahon, D.M.; Moerkens, R.; Aydogmus, H.; Lendemeijer, B.; Martinez-Silgado, A.; Stein, J.M.; Dostanić, M.; Frimat, J.P.; Gontan, C.; Graaf, M.N.S. de; Hu, M.; Kasi, D.G.; Koch, L.S.; Le, K.T.T.; Lim, S.; Middelkamp, H.H.T.; Mooiweer, J.; Motreuil-Ragot, P.; Niggl, E.; Pleguezuelos-Manzano C.; Puschhof, J.; Revyn, N.; Rivera-Arbelaez, J.M.; Slager, J.; Windt, L.M.; Zakharova, M.; Meer, B.J. van; Orlova, V.V.; Vrij, F.M.S de; Withoff, S.; Mastrangeli, M.; Meer, A.D. van der & Mummery, C.L. (2024), Standardizing designed and emergent quantitative features in microphysiological systems, Nature Biomedical Engineering.
- Juan J. Novoa Inge M. Westra Esther Steeneveld Natascha Fonseca Neves Christiaan H. Arendzen Bahareh Rajaei Esmée Grundeken Mehmet Yildiz Wouter van der Valk Alison Salvador Françoise Carlotti Pascale F. Dijkers Heiko Locher Cathelijne W. van den Berg Karine I. Raymond Agnete Kirkeby Christine L. Mummery Ton J. Rabelink Christian Freund * Pauline Meij ** Brigitte Wieles ** (2024), Good Manufacturing Practice–compliant human induced pluripotent stem cells: from bench to putative clinical products, Cytotherapy.
- Ludwig, T.E.; Andrews, P.W.; Barbaric, I.; Benvenisty, N.; Bhattacharyya, A.; Crook, J.M.; Daheron, L.M.; Draper, J.S.; Healy, L.E.; Huch, M.; Inamdar, M.S.; Jensen, K.B.; Kurtz, A.; Lancaster, M.A.; Liberali, P.; Lutolf, M.P.; Mummery, C.L.; Pera, M.F.; Sato, Y.; Shimasaki, N.; Smith, A.G.; Song, J.; Spits, C.; Stacey, G.; Wells, C.A.; Zhao, T.B. & Mosher, J.T. (2023), ISSCR standards for the use of human stem cells in basic research, Stem Cell Reports 18(9): 1744-1752.
- Rivron, N.C.; Martinez-Arias, A.; Sermon, K.; Mummery, C.; Schöler, H.R.; Wells, J.; Nichols, J.; Hadjantonakis, A.K.; Lancaster, M.A.; Morris, N.; Fu, J.P.; Sturmey, R.G.; Niakan, K.; Rossant, J. & Kato, K. (2023), Changing the public perception of human embryology, Nature Cell Biology.
- Arslan, U.; Brescia, M.; Meraviglia, V.; Nahon, D.M.; Helden, R.W.J. van; Stein, J.M.; Hil, F.E. van den; Meer, B.J. van; Cuenca, M.V.; Mummery, C.L. & Orlova, V.V. (2023), Vascularized hiPSC-derived 3D cardiac microtissue on chip, Stem Cell Reports 18(7): 1394-1404.
- Jordan, R.; Ford-Scheimer, S.L.; Alarcon, R.M.; Atala, A.; Borenstein, J.T.; Brimacombe, K.R.; Cherry, S.; Clevers, H.; Davis, M.; Funnell, S.G.P.; Gehrke, L.; Griffith, L.G.; Grossman, A.C.; Hartung, T.; Ingber, D.E.; Kleinstreuer, N.C.; Kuo, C.J.; Lee, E.M.; Mummery, C.L.; Pickett, T.E.; Ramani, S.; Rosado-Olivieri, E.A.; Struble, E.B.; Wan, Z.P.; Williams, M.S.; Hall, M.D.; Ferrer, M. & Markossian, S. (2023), Report of the Assay Guidance Workshop on 3-dimensional tissue models for antiviral drug development, The Journal of Infectious Diseases 228: S337-S354.
- Blanch-Asensio, A.; Vaart, B. van der; Vinagre, M.; Groen, E.; Arendzen, C.; Freund, C.; Geijsen, N.; Mummery, C.L. & Davis, R.P. (2023), Generation of AAVS1 and CLYBL STRAIGHT-IN v2 acceptor human iPSC lines for integrating DNA payloads, Stem Cell Research 66.
- Ottaviani, D.; Huurne, M. ter; Elliott, D.A.; Bellin, M. & Mummery, C.L. (2023), Maturing differentiated human pluripotent stem cells in vitro: methods and challenges, Development 150(11).
- Nguyen, P.D.; Gooijers, I.; Campostrini, G.; Verkerk, A.O.; Honkoop, H.; Bouwman, M.; Bakker, D.E.M. de; Koopmans, T.; Vink, A.; Lamers, G.E.M.; Shakked, A.; Mars, J.; Mulder, A.A.; Chocron, S.; Bartscherer, K.; Tzahor, E.; Mummery, C.L.; Boer, T.P. de; Bellin, M. & Bakkers, J. (2023), Interplay between calcium and sarcomeres directs cardiomyocyte maturation during regeneration, Science 380(6646): 758-764.
- Arendzen, C.H.; Cramer, S.J.; Freund, C.M.A.H.; Mummery, C.L.; Ranga, A. & Mikkers, H.M.M. (2023), Introduction of a Geminin mScarlet reporter into H2B-mTurq2 hiPSCs for live-cell imaging of proliferation and cell cycling, Stem Cell Research 67.
- Tsui, H.; Kampen, S.J. van; Han, S.J.; Meraviglia, V.; Ham, W. van; Vink, A.; Yin, X.; Mayr, M.; Bezstarosti, K.; Demmers, J.A.A.; Mummery, C.L.; Veen, T.A.B. van; Remme, C.A.; Bellin, M. & Rooij, E. van (2023), Desmosomal degradation as an underlying cause for arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, European Journal of Heart Failure 25: 28-28.
- Gabbin, B.; Meraviglia, V.; Angenent, M.L.; Ward-van Oostwaard, D.; Sol, W.; Mummery, C.L.; Rabelink, T.J.; Meer, B.J. van; Berg, C.W. van den & Bellin, M. (2023), Heart and kidney organoids maintain organ-specific function in a microfluidic system, Materials Today Bio 23.
- Shoji, J.Y.; Davis, R.P.; Mummery, C.L. & Krauss, S. (2023), Global meta-analysis of organoid and organ-on-chip research, Advanced Healthcare Materials.
- Mummery, C. (2023), Getting to the heart of stem cell research: an interview with Christine Mummery, Disease Models and Mechanisms 16(5).
- Nahon, D.M.; Ganesh, S.; Hil, F.E. van den; Freund, C.; Mummery, C.L. & Orlova, V.V. (2023), Genetic repair of a human induced pluripotent cell line from patient with Dutch-type cerebral amyloid angiopathy, Stem Cell Research 71.
- Montilla-Rojo, J.; Bialecka, M.; Wever, K.E.; Mummery, C.L.; Looijenga, L.H.J.; Roelen, B.A.J. & Salvatori, D.C.F. (2023), Teratoma assay for testing pluripotency and malignancy of stem cells: insufficient reporting and uptake of animal-free methods - a systematic review, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(4).
- Windt, L.M.; Wiendels, M.; Dostanic, M.; Bellin, M.; Sarro, P.M.; Mastrangeli, M.; Mummery, C.L. & Meer, B.J. van (2023), Miniaturized engineered heart tissues from hiPSC-derived triple cell type co-cultures to study human cardiac function, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 681: 200-211.
- Stein, J.M.; Arslan, U.; Franken, M.; Greef, J.C. de; Harding, S.E.; Mohammadi, N.; Orlova, V.V.; Bellin, M.; Mummery, C.L. & Meer, B.J. van (2022), Software tool for automatic quantification of sarcomere length and organization in fixed and live 2D and 3D muscle cell cultures in vitro, CURRENT PROTOCOLS 2(7).
- Bulut, M.; Cuenca, M.V.; Graaf, M. de; Hil, F.E. van den; Mummery, C.L. & Orlova, V.V. (2022), Three-dimensional vessels-on-a-chip based on hiPSC-derived vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells, CURRENT PROTOCOLS 2(10).
- (2022), Three-Dimensional Vessels-on-a-Chip Based on hiPSC-derived Vascular Endothelial and Smooth Muscle Cells, Current protocols in human genetics / editorial board, Jonathan L. Haines ... [et al.].
- Gabbin, B.; Meraviglia, V.; Mummery, C.L.; Rabelink, T.J.; Meer, B.J. van; Berg, C.W. van den & Bellin, M. (2022), Toward Human Models of Cardiorenal Syndrome in vitro, Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 9.
- Graaf, M.N.S. de; Vivas, A.; Kasi, D.G.; Hil, F.E. van den; Berg, A. van den; Meer, A.D. van der; Mummery, C.L. & Orlova, V.V. (2022), Multiplexed fluidic circuit board for controlled perfusion of 3D blood vessels-on-a-chip, Lab on a Chip 23(1): 168-181.
- Zon, L.; Keller, G.; Daley, G.Q.; Watt, F.M.; Weissman, I.L.; Fuchs, E.; Gage, F.H.; Yamanaka, S.; Rossant, J.; Morrison, S.; Temple, S.; Clevers, H.C.; Srivastava, D.; Mummery, C.L. & Little, M. (2022), ISSCR Presidents look back on their presidency, the evolution of the field, and the Society, Stem Cell Reports 17(6): 1237-1244.
- Campostrini, G.; Ward-Van Oostwaard, D.; Kosmidis, G.; Verkerk, A.O.; Bezzina, C.R.; Mummery, C.L. & Bellin, M. (2022), Maturation of hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes in cardiac microtissues promotes adult alternative splicing of sodium channel revealing mutation effects associated with cardiac arrhythmia, Cardiovascular Research 118(SUPPL 1).
- Arslan, U.; Orlova, V.V. & Mummery, C.L. (2022), Perspectives for future use of cardiac microtissues from human pluripotent stem cells, ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering 8(11).
- Graaf, M.N.S. de; Vivas, A.; Meer, A.D. van der; Mummery, C.L. & Orlova, V.V. (2022), Pressure-driven perfusion system to control, multiplex, and recirculate cell culture medium for organs-on-chips, Micromachines 13(8).
- Kasi, D.G.; Graaf, M.N.S. de; Motreuil-Ragot, P.A.; Frimat, J.P.M.S.; Ferrari, M.D.; Sarro, P.M.; Mastrangeli, M.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Mummery, C.L. & Orlova, V.V. (2022), Rapid prototyping of organ-on-a-chip devices using maskless photolithography, Micromachines 13(1).
- Ramovs, V.; Janssen, H.; Fuentes, I.; Pitaval, A.; Rachidi, W.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Freund, C.; Gidrol, X.; Mummery, C. & Raymond, K. (2022), hiPSC-derived skin organoids as tools for disease modelling: characterization of the epidermal-dermal junction, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 142(12): S278-S278.
- Fibbe, W.; Bernardi, R.; Charbord, P.; Krause, D.; Celso, C. lo; Mendez-Ferrer, S.; Mummery, C.; Oostendorp, R.; Raaijmakers, M.; Socie, G.; Staal, F. & Bacigalupo, A. (2022), The EHA Research Roadmap: Hematopoietic Stem Cells and Allotransplantation, HemaSphere 6(5).
- Campostrini, G.; Kosmidis, G.; Ward-van Oostwaard, D.; Davis, R.P.; Yiangou, L.; Ottaviani, D.; Veerman, C.C.; Mei, H.L.; Orlova, V.V.; Wilde, A.A.M.; Bezzina, C.R.; Verkerk, A.O.; Mummery, C.L. & Bellin, M. (2022), Maturation of hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes promotes adult alternative splicing of SCN5A and reveals changes in sodium current associated with cardiac arrhythmia, Cardiovascular Research.
- Blanch-Asensio, A.; Grandela, C.; Brandao, K.O.; Korte, T. de; Mei, H.L.; Ariyurek, Y.; Yiangou, L.; Mol, M.P.H.; Meer, B.J. van; Kloet, S.L.; Mummery, C.L. & Davis, R.P. (2022), STRAIGHT-IN enables high-throughput targeting of large DNA payloads in human pluripotent stem cells, Cell Reports: Methods 2(10).
- Cao, X.; Mircea, M.; Yakala, G.K.; Hil, F.E. van den; Brescia, M.; Mei, H.L.; Mummery, C.L.; Semrau, S. & Orlova, V.V. (2022), ETV2 upregulation marks the specification of early cardiomyocytes and endothelial cells during co-differentiation, Stem Cells 41(2).
- Fuchs, S.; Helden, R.W.J. van; Wiendels, M.; Graaf, M.N.S. de; Orlova, V.V.; Mummery, C.L.; Meer, B.J. van & Mayr, T. (2022), On-chip analysis of glycolysis and mitochondrial respiration in human induced pluripotent stem cells, Materials Today Bio 17.
- Orlova, V.V.; Nahon, D.M.; Cochrane, A.; Cao, X.; Freund, C.; Hil, F. van den; Westermann, C.J.J.; Snijder, R.J.; Amstel, J.K.P. van; Dijke, P. ten; Lebrin, F.; Mager, H.J. & Mummery, C.L. (2022), Vascular defects associated with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia revealed in patient-derived isogenic iPSCs in 3D vessels on chip, Stem Cell Reports 17(7): 1536-1545.
- Hessels, J.; Kroon, S.; Boerman, S.; Nelissen, R.C.; Grutters, J.C.; Snijder, R.J.; Lebrin, F.; Post, M.C.; Mummery, C.L. & Mager, J.J. (2022), Efficacy and safety of tacrolimus as treatment for bleeding caused by hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, Journal of Clinical Medicine 11(18).
- Cable, J.; Arlotta, P.; Parker, K.K.; Hughes, A.J.; Goodwin, K.; Mummery, C.L.; Kamm, R.D.; Engle, S.J.; Tagle, D.A.; Boj, S.F.; Stanton, A.E.; Morishita, Y.; Kemp, M.L.; Norfleet, D.A.; May, E.E.; Lu, A.; Bashir, R.; Feinberg, A.W.; Hull, S.M.; Gonzalez, A.L.; Blatchley, M.R.; Pulido, N.M.; Morizane, R.; McDevitt, T.C.; Mishra, D. & Mulero-Russe, A. (2022), Engineering multicellular living systems, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1518(1): 183-195.
- Arslan, U.; Moruzzi, A.; Nowacka, J.; Mummery, C.L.; Eckardt, D.; Loskill, P. & Orlova, V.V. (2022), Microphysiological stem cell models of the human heart, Materials Today Bio 14.
- Ramovs, V.; Janssen, H.; Fuentes, I.; Pitaval, A.; Rachidi, W.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Freund, C.; Gidrol, X.; Mummery, C.L. & Raymond, K. (2022), Characterization of the epidermal-dermal junction in hiPSC-derived skin organoids, Stem Cell Reports 17(6): 1279-1288.
- Yiangou, L.; Blanch-Asensio, A.; Korte, T. de; Miller, D.C.; Meer, B.J. van; Mol, M.P.H.; Brink, L. van den; Brandao, K.O.; Mummery, C.L. & Davis, R.P. (2022), Optogenetic reporters delivered as mRNA facilitate repeatable action potential and calcium handling assessment in human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes, Stem Cells 40(7).
- Pistollato, F.; Bal-Price, A.; Coecke, S.; Parvatam, S.; Pamies, D.; Czysz, K.; Hao, J.; Kee, K.; Teo, A.K.K.; Niu, S.S.; Wilmes, A.; Smirnova, L.; Freund, C.; Mummery, C. & Stacey, G. (2022), Quality criteria for in vitro human pluripotent stem cell-derived models of tissue-based cells, Reproductive Toxicology 112: 36-50.
- Ruiz, A.R.; Hoolwerff, M. van; Sprangers, S.; Suchiman, E.; Schoenmaker, T.; Dibbets-Schneider, P.; Bloem, J.L.; Nelissen, R.G.H.H.; Freund, C.; Mummery, C.; Everts, V.; Vries, T.J. de; Ramos, Y.F.M. & Meulenbelt, I. (2022), Mutation in the CCAL1 locus accounts for bidirectional process of human subchondral bone turnover and cartilage mineralization, Rheumatology 62(1).
- Stein, J.M.; Mummery, C.L. & Bellin, M. (2021), Engineered models of the human heart: Directions and challenges, Stem Cell Reports 16(9): 2049-2057.
- Ramovs, V.; Fuentes, I.; Freund, C.; Mikkers, H.; Mummery, C.L. & Raymond, K. (2021), Generation and genetic repair of two human induced pluripotent cell lines from patients with Epidermolysis Bullosa simplex and dilated cardiomyopathy associated with a heterozygous mutation in the translation initiation codon of KLHL24, Stem Cell Research 57.
- Mummery, C. & Anthony, E. (2021), New guidelines for embryo and stem cell research, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 22(12): 773-774.
- Arendzen, C.H.; Chaudhari, U.; Cramer, S.J.; Freund, C.M.A.H.; Mummery, C.L.; Ranga, A.; Pourquie, O. & Mikkers, H.M.M. (2021), Generation of LUMCi041-A-2, Stem Cell Research 57.
- Veldhoven, J.P.D. van; Campostrini, G.; Gessel, C.J.E. van; Ward-van Oostwaard, D.; Liu, R.F.; Mummery, C.L.; Bellin, M. & IJzerman, A.P. (2021), Targeting the K(v)11.1 (hERG) channel with allosteric modulators, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 212.
- Campostrini, G.; Windt, L.M.; Meer, B.J. van; Bellin, M. & Mummery, C.L. (2021), Cardiac tissues from stem cells new routes to maturation and cardiac regeneration, Circulation Research 128(6): 775-801.
- Ruiz, A.R.; Dicks, A.; Tuerlings, M.; Schepers, K.; Pel, M. van; Nelissen, R.G.H.H.; Freund, C.; Mummery, C.L.; Orlova, V.; Guilak, F.; Meulenbelt, I. & Ramos, Y.F.M. (2021), Cartilage from human-induced pluripotent stem cells, Cell and Tissue Research 386.
- Cuenca, M.V.; Cochrane, A.; Hil, F.E. van den; Vries, A.A.F. de; Oberstein, S.A.J.L.; Mummery, C.L. & Orlova, V.V. (2021), Engineered 3D vessel-on-chip using hiPSC-derived endothelial- and vascular smooth muscle cells, Stem Cell Reports 16(9): 2159-2168.
- Abou-el-Enein, M.; Angelis, A.; Appelbaum, F.R.; Andrews, N.C.; Bates, S.E.; Bierman, A.S.; Brenner, M.K.; Cavazzana, M.; Caligiuri, M.A.; Clevers, H.; Cooke, E.; Daley, G.Q.; Dzau, V.J.; Ellis, L.M.; Fineberg, H.V.; Goldstein, L.S.B.; Gottschalk, S.; Hamburg, M.A.; Ingber, D.E.; Kohn, D.B.; Krainer, A.R.; Maus, M.V.; Marks, P.; Mummery, C.L.; Pettigrew, R.I.; Rutter, J.L.; Teichmann, S.A.; Terzic, A.; Urnov, F.D.; Williams, D.A.; Wolchok, J.D.; Lawler, M.; Turtle, C.J.; Bauer, G. & Ioannidis, J.P.A. (2021), Evidence generation and reproducibility in cell and gene therapy research: a call to action, Molecular Therapy - Methods and Clinical Development 22.
- Pei, J.; Schuldt, M.; Nagyova, E.; Gu, Z.; Bouhaddani, S. el; Yiangou, L.; Jansen, M.; Calis, J.J.A.; Dorsch, L.M.; Blok, C.S.; Dungen, N.A.M. van den; Lansu, N.; Boukens, B.J.; Efimov, I.R.; Michels, M.; Verhaar, M.C.; Weger, R. de; Vink, A.; Steenbeek, F.G. van; Baas, A.F.; Davis, R.P.; Uh, H.W.; Kuster, D.W.D.; Cheng, C.; Mokry, M.; Velden, J. van der; Asselbergs, F.W. & Harakalova, M. (2021), Multi-omics integration identifies key upstream regulators of pathomechanisms in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy due to truncating MYBPC3 mutations, Clinical Epigenetics 13(1).
- Brink, L. van den; Brandao, K.O.; Yiangou, L.; Blanch-Asensio, A.; Mol, M.P.H.; Mummery, C.L.; Verkerk, A.O. & Davis, R.P. (2021), The linkage phase of the polymorphism KCNH2-K897T influences the electrophysiological phenotype in hiPSC models of LQT2, Frontiers in Physiology 12.
- Campostrini, G.; Meraviglia, V.; Giacomelli, E.; Helden, R.W.J. van; Yiangou, L.; Davis, R.P.; Bellin, M.; Orlova, V.V. & Mummery, C.L. (2021), Generation, functional analysis and applications of isogenic three-dimensional self-aggregating cardiac microtissues from human pluripotent stem cells, Nature Protocols 16(4): 2213-+.
- Helden, R.W.J. van; Birket, M.J.; Freund, C.; Arendzen, C.H.; Mikkers, H.M.; Orlova, V.; Coo, R.I. de; Mummery, C.L. & Bellin, M. (2021), Generation of three human induced pluripotent stem cell lines, LUMCi024-A, LUMCi025-A, and LUMCi026-A, from two patients with combined oxidative phosphorylation deficiency 8 and a related control, Stem Cell Research 53.
- Orlova, V.V. & Mummery, C.L. (2021), Heart defects recapitulated in human cardioids, Cell Research 31(9): 947-948.
- Ruiz, A.R.; Hoolwerff, M. van; , A. das; Ciere, L.C.; Tuerlings, M.; Orlova, V.; Suchiman, H.; Freund, C.M.; Mummery, C.; Meulenbelt, I. & Ramos, Y.F. (2021), UNRAVELLING THE ROLE OF OSTEOPROTEGERIN IN OSTEOARTHRITIS BY APPLYING A HUMAN ISOGENIC INDUCED PLURIPOTENT STEM CELL MODEL, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 29: S409-S409.
- Yiangou, L.; Davis, R.P. & Mummery, C.L. (2021), Using cardiovascular cells from human pluripotent stem cells for COVID-19 research, Stem Cell Reports 16(3): 385-397.
- Mummery, C.; Little, M.; Lin, H.F.; Clark, A.; Zaret, K.; Srivastava, D.; Fuchs, E.; Watt, F.; Temple, S. & ISSCR Board 2020-2021 (2021), Mentorship in science: response to AlShebli et al., Nature Communications 2020, Stem Cell Reports 16(1): 1-2.
- Galaris, G.; Montagne, K.; Thalgott, J.H.; Goujon, G.J.P.E.; Driesche, S. van den; Martin, S.; Mager, H.J.J.; Mummery, C.L.; Rabelink, T.J. & Lebrin, F. (2021), Thresholds of ENDOGLIN expression in endothelial cells explains vascular etiology in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia type 1, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(16).
- Karina O. Brandão, Catarina Grandela, Loukia Yiangou, Christine L. Mummery & Richard P. Davis (2021), CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Introduction of Specific Heterozygous Mutations in Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells., Methods in Molecular Biology.
- Hoolwerff, M. van; Ruiz, A.R.; Suchiman, E.; Bouma, M.J.; Freund, C.M.; Mummery, C.L.; Ramos, Y.F. & Meulenbelt, I. (2021), HIGH IMPACT MUTATION FN1 AFFECTS CARTILAGE INTEGRITY VIA ABERRANT BINDING TO COLLAGEN TYPE II, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 29: S405-S406.
- Stein, J.M.; Mummery, C.L. & Bellin, M. (2020), Engineered models of the human heart: directions and challenges, Stem Cell Reports 16(9).
- Brandao, K.O.; Brink, L. van den; Miller, D.C.; Grandela, C.; Meer, B.J. van; Mol, M.P.H.; Korte, T. de; Tertoolen, L.G.J.; Mummery, C.L.; Sala, L.; Verkerk, A.O. & Davis, R.P. (2020), Isogenic sets of hiPSC-CMs harboring distinct KCNH2 mutations differ functionally and in susceptibility to drug-induced arrhythmias, Stem Cell Reports 15(5).
- Low, L.A.; Mummery, C.; Berridge, B.R.; Austin, C.P. & Tagle, D.A. (2020), Organs-on-chips, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 20.
- Schwach, V.; Fernandes, M.G.; Maas, S.; Gerhardt, S.; Tsonaka, R.; Weerd, L. van der; Passier, R.; Mummery, C.L.; Birket, M.J. & Salvatori, D.C.F. (2020), Expandable human cardiovascular progenitors from stem cells for regenerating mouse heart after myocardial infarction, Cardiovascular Research 116(3): 545-553.
- Brink, L. van den; Brandao, K.O.; Yiangou, L.; Mol, M.P.H.; Grandela, C.; Mummery, C.L.; Verkerk, A.O. & Davis, R.P. (2020), Cryopreservation of human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes is not detrimental to their molecular and functional properties, Stem Cell Research 43.
- Ribeiro, M.C.; Slaats, R.H.; Schwach, V.; Rivera-Arbelaez, J.M.; Tertoolen, L.G.J.; Meer, B.J. van; Molenaar, R.; Mummery, C.L.; Claessens, M.M.A.E. & Passier, R. (2020), A cardiomyocyte show of force, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 141: 54-64.
- Cao, X.; Hil, F.E. van den; Mummery, C.L. & Orlova, V. (2020), Generation and functional characterization of monocytes and macrophages derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells, Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology 52.
- Brink, L. van den; Grandela, C.; Mummery, C.L. & Davis, R.P. (2020), Inherited cardiac diseases, pluripotent stem cells and genome editing combined – the past, present and future, Stem Cells 38(2).
- Korte, T. de; Katili, P.A.; Yusof, N.A.N.M.; Meer, B.J. van; Saleem, U.; Burton, F.L.; Smith, G.L.; Clements, P.; Mummery, C.L.; Eschenhagen, T.; Hansen, A.; Denning, C. & Insel, P.A. (2020), Unlocking personalized biomedicine and drug discovery with human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes, Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology 60: 529-551.
- Iendaltseva, O.; Orlova, V.V.; Mummery, C.L.; Danen, E.H.J. & Schmidt, T. (2020), Fibronectin patches as anchoring points for force sensing and transmission in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived pericytes, Stem Cell Reports 14(6): 1107-1122.
- Mummery, C. (2020), Scientific collaboration and communication in the time of COVID-19: a chat with Christine Mummery, Cell Stem Cell 27(6): 856-858.
- Tang, H.Q.; Abouleila, Y.; Si, L.L.; Ortega-Prieto, A.M.; Mummery, C.L.; Ingber, D.E. & Mashaghi, A. (2020), Human organs-on-chips for virology, Trends in Microbiology 28(11): 934-946.
- Giacomelli, E.; Meraviglia, V.; Campostrini, G.; Cochrane, A.; Cao, X.; Helden, R.W.J. van; Garcia, A.K.; Mircea, M.; Kostidis, S.; Davis, R.P.; Meer, B.J. van; Jost, C.R.; Koster, A.J.; Mei, H.L.; Miguez, D.G.; Mulder, A.A.; Ledesma-Terron, M.; Pompilio, G.; Sala, L.; Salvatori, D.C.F.; Slieker, R.C.; Sommariva, E.; Vries, A.A.F. de; Giera, M.; Semrau, S.; Tertoolen, L.G.J.; Orlova, V.V.; Bellin, M. & Mummery, C.L. (2020), Human-iPSC-derived cardiac stromal cells enhance maturation in 3D cardiac microtissues and reveal non-cardiomyocyte contributions to heart disease, Cell Stem Cell 26(6): 862-+.
- Bouma, M.J.; Orlova, V.; Hil, F.E. van den; Mager, H.J.; Baas, F.; Knijff, P. de; Mummery, C.L.; Mikkers, H. & Freund, C. (2020), Generation and genetic repair of 2 iPSC clones from a patient bearing a heterozygous c.1120del18 mutation in the ACVRL1 gene leading to Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT) type 2, Stem Cell Research 46.
- Meraviglia, V.; Arendzen, C.H.; Freund, C.; Atsma, D.E.; Mummery, C.L. & Bellin, M. (2020), Generation of two human induced pluripotent stem cell lines, LUMCi020-A and LUMCi021-A, from two patients with Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia carrying heterozygous mutations in the RYR2 gene, Stem Cell Research 45.
- Mannhardt, I.; Saleem, U.; Mosqueira, D.; Loos, M.F.; Ulmer, B.M.; Lemoine, M.D.; Larsson, C.; Ameen, C.; Korte, T. de; Vlaming, M.L.H.; Harris, K.; Clements, P.; Denning, C.; Hansen, A. & Eschenhagen, T. (2020), Comparison of 10 control hPSC lines for drug screening in an engineered heart tissue format, Stem Cell Reports 15(4): 983-998.
- Altrocchi, C.; Korte, T. de; Bernardi, J.; Spatjens, R.L.H.M.G.; Braam, S.R.; Heijman, J.; Zaza, A. & Volders, P.G.A. (2020), Repolarization instability and arrhythmia by I-Kr block in single human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes and 2D monolayers, EP Europace 22(9): 1431-1441.
- Qiao, X.H.; Zanden, S.Y. van der; Wander, D.P.A.; Borras, D.M.; Song, J.Y.; Li, X.Y.; Duikeren, S. van; Gils, N. van; Rutten, A.; Herwaarden, T. van; Tellingen, O. van; Giacomelli, E.; Bellin, M.; Orlova, V.; Tertoolen, L.G.J.; Gerhardt, S.; Akkermans, J.J.; Bakker, J.M.; Zuur, C.L.; Pang, B.X.; Smits, A.M.; Mummery, C.L.; Smit, L.; Arens, R.; Li, J.M.; Overkleeft, H.S. & Neefjes, J. (2020), Uncoupling DNA damage from chromatin damage to detoxify doxorubicin, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(26): 15182-15192.
- IJzendoorn, D.G.P. van; Salvatori, D.C.F.; Cao, X.; Hil, F. van den; Briaire-de Bruijn, I.H.; Jong, D. de; Mei, H.L.; Mummery, C.L.; Szuhai, K.; Bovee, J.V.M.G. & Orlova, V.V. (2020), Vascular tumor recapitulated in endothelial cells from hiPSCs engineered to express the SERPINE1-FOSB translocation, Cell Reports Medicine 1(9).
- Saleem, U.; Meer, B.J. van; Katili, P.A.; Yusof, N.A.N.M.; Mannhardt, I.; Garcia, A.K.; Tertoolen, L.; Korte, T. de; Vlaming, M.L.H.; McGlynn, K.; Nebel, J.; Bahinski, A.; Harris, K.; Rossman, E.; Xu, X.P.; Burton, F.L.; Smith, G.L.; Clements, P.; Mummery, C.L.; Eschenhagen, T.; Hansen, A. & Denning, C. (2020), Blinded, multicenter evaluation of drug-induced changes in contractility using human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes, Toxicological Sciences 176(1): 103-123.
- Riet, S. van; Ninaber, D.K.; Mikkers, H.M.M.; Tetley, T.D.; Jost, C.R.; Mulder, A.A.; Pasman, T.; Baptista, D.; Poot, A.A.; Truckenmuller, R.; Mummery, C.L.; Freund, C.; Rottier, R.J. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2020), In vitro modelling of alveolar repair at the air-liquid interface using alveolar epithelial cells derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells, Scientific Reports 10(1).
- Dostanic, M.; Windt, L.M.; Stein, J.M.; Meer, B.J. van; Bellin, M.; Orlova, V.; Mastrangeli, M.; Mummery, C.L. & Sarro, P.M. (2020), A miniaturized EHT platform for accurate measurements of tissue contractile properties, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 29(5): 881-887.
- Mastrangeli, M.; Millet, S.; Mummery, C.; Loskill, P.; Braeken, D.; Eberle, W.; Cipriano, M.; Fernandez, L.; Graef, M.; Gidrol, X.; Picollet-D'Hahan, N.; Meer, B. van; Ochoa, I.; Schutte, M. & Einden-van Raaij, J. van den (2019), Building Blocks for a European Organ-on-Chip Roadmap, ALTEX-ALTERNATIVES TO ANIMAL EXPERIMENTATION 36(3): 481-492.
- Berg, A. van den; Mummery, C.L.; Passier, R. & Meer, A.D. van der (2019), Personalised organs-on-chips, Lab on a Chip 19(2): 198-205.
- Divolis, G.; Stavropoulos, A.; Manioudaki, M.; Apostolidou, A.; Doulou, A.; Gavriil, A.; Dafnis, I.; Chroni, A.; Mummery, C.; Xilouri, M. & Sideras, P. (2019), Activation of both transforming growth factor-β and bone morphogenetic protein signalling pathways upon traumatic brain injury restrains pro-inflammatory and boosts tissue reparatory responses of reactive astrocytes and microglia, Brain Communications 1(1).
- Cao, X.; Yakala, G.K.; Hil, F.E. van den; Cochrane, A.; Mummery, C.L. & Orlova, V.V. (2019), Differentiation and Functional Comparison of Monocytes and Macrophages from hiPSCs with Peripheral Blood Derivatives, Stem Cell Reports 12(6): 1282-1297.
- Bouma, M.J.; Freund, C.; IJzerman, A.P.; Boomsma, D.I.; Mummery, C.L. & Raymond, K. (2019), Lymphoblast-derived hiPS cell lines generated from four individuals of a family of genetically unrelated parents and their female monozygotic twins, Stem Cell Research 41.
- Brink, L. van den; Grandela, C.; Mummery, C.L. & Davis, R.P. (2019), Concise review: Inherited cardiac diseases, pluripotent stem cells, and genome editing combined-the past, present, and future, STEM CELLS.
- Thalgott, J.; Dos-Santos-Luis, D.; Hosman, A.; Martin, S.; Lamande, N.; Bracquart, D.; Srun, S.; Galaris, G.; Boer, H. de; Tual-Chalot, S.; Kroon, S.; Arthur, H.; Cao, Y.; Snijder, R.; Disch, F.; Mager, J.; Rabelink, T.; Mummery, C.; Raymond, K. & Lebrin, F. (2019), Decreased expression of VEGFR1 contributes to the pathogenesis of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia type 2, Angiogenesis 22(4): 600-600.
- Pollenus, T.; Martin, S.; Bracquart, D.; Mager, J.; Mummery, C.L. & Lebrin, F. (2019), A threshold of endoglin expression in endothelial cells explains the vascular etiology of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, Angiogenesis 22(4): 592-592.
- Tiemeier, G.L.; Wang, G.Q.; Dumas, S.J.; Sol, W.M.P.J.; Avramut, M.C.; Karakach, T.; Orlova, V.V.; Berg, C.W. van den; Mummery, C.L.; Carmeliet, P.; Berg, B.M. van den & Rabelink, T.J. (2019), Closing the Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore in hiPSC-Derived Endothelial Cells Induces Glycocalyx Formation and Functional Maturation, Stem Cell Reports 13(5): 803-816.
- Cao, X.; Yakala, G.K.; Hil, F.E. van den; Cochrane, A.; Mummery, C.L. & Orlova, V.V. (2019), Differentiation and Functional Comparison of Monocytes and Macrophages from hiPSCs with Peripheral Blood Derivatives, Stem Cell Reports 12.
- de Korte T, van Meer B, Garcia AK, Tertoolen L, Clements PJ, Bahinski A, Rossman EI, Xu XP, Turner S, Denning C, Vlaming M, Braam S & Mummery C (2019), Simultaneous measurement of contraction, voltage and calcium in HIPSC-CMS for the detection of inotropic effects under blinded conditions, Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods 99.
- Campostrini, G.; Sala, L.; Ward-van Oostwaard, D.; Meer, B. van; Tertoolen, L.G.J.; Bartulos-Encinas, O.; Braam, S.R.; IJzerman, A.P.; Mummery, C.L. & Bellin, M. (2019), A platform for assessing pro- and anti-arrhythmic effects of drugs based on isogenic human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes, Acta Physiologica 227: 159-160.
- Meer, B.J. van; Krotenberg, A.; Sala, L.; Davis, R.P.; Eschenhagen, T.; Denning, C.; Tertoolen, L.G.J. & Mummery, C.L. (2019), Simultaneous measurement of excitation-contraction coupling parameters identifies mechanisms underlying contractile responses of hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes, Nature Communications 10.
- Mummery, C.; Bellin, M.; Giacomelli, E.; Meer, V. van; Orlova, V.; Sala, L. & Tertoolen, L. (2019), Cardiovascular diseases and drugs: where are we with hiPSC models?, Acta Physiologica 227: 17-17.
- Mummery C (2019), Cardiovascular diseases and drugs: where are we with hiPSC models?, FEBS Open Bio 9: 4-4.
- Zwartsen, A.; Korte, T. de; Nacken, P.; Lange, D.W. de; Westerink, R.H.S. & Hondebrink, L. (2019), Cardiotoxicity screening of illicit drugs and new psychoactive substances (NPS) in human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes using microelectrode array (MEA) recordings, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 136: 102-112.
- Pugsley, M.K.; Korte, T. de; Udupa, V.; Authier, S. & Curtis, M.J. (2019), Methodological and technological advances in safety pharmacology - New or simply nuanced?, Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods 99.
- Graaf, M.N.S. de; Cochrane, A.; Hil, F.E. van den; Buijsman, W.; Meer, A.D. van der; Berg, A. van den; Mummery, C.L. & Orlova, V.V. (2019), Scalable microphysiological system to model three-dimensional blood vessels, APL Bioengineering 3.
- Graaf, M.N.S. de; Cochrane, A.; Hil, F.E. van den; Buijsman, W.; Meer, A.D. van der; Berg, A. van den; Mummery, C.L. & Orlova, V.V. (2019), Scalable microphysiological system to model three-dimensional blood vessels, APL BIOENGINEERING 3(2).
- Halaidych, O.V.; Cochrane, A.; Hil, F.E. van den; Mummery, C.L. & Orlova, V.V. (2019), Quantitative analysis of intracellular Ca2+ release and contraction in hiPSC-derived vascular smooth muscle cells, Stem Cell Reports 12(4): 647-656.
- Halaidych, O.V.; Mummery, C.L. & Orlova, V.V. (2019), Quantifying Ca2+ signaling and contraction in vascular pericytes and smooth muscle cells, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 513(1): 112-118.
- Cochrane, A.; Albers, H.J.; Passier, R.; Mummery, C.L.; Berg, A. van den; Orlova, V.V. & Meer, A.D. van der (2019), Advanced in vitro models of vascular biology: human induced pluripotent stem cells and organ-on-chip technology, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 140: 68-77.
- Andrejecsk, J.W.; Hosman, A.E.; Botella, L.M.; Shovlin, C.L.; Arthur, H.M.; Dupuis-Girod, S.; Buscarini, E.; Hughes, C.C.W.; Lebrin, F.; Mummery, C.L.; Post, M.C. & Mager, J.J. (2018), Executive summary of the 12th HHT international scientific conference, Angiogenesis 21(1): 169-181.
- Orlova, V.V.; Cao, X.; Freund, C.; Sanchez-Duffhues, G.; Hawinkels, L.; Petrus-Reurer, S.; Hil, F.E. van den; Disch, F.; Snijder, R.J.; Westermann, C.J.J.; Mager, J.J.; Dijke, P. ten; Amstel, J.K.P. van & Mummery, C.L. (2018), Isogenic induced pluripotent stem cells (IPSCS) derived from mosaic hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia type 1 (HHT1) patient, Angiogenesis 21(1): 129-129.
- Tong, C.Q.; Liu, T.X.; Talens, V.S.; Noteborn, W.E.M.; Sharp, T.H.; Hendrix, M.M.R.M.; Voets, I.K.; Mummery, C.L.; Orlova, V.V. & Kieltyka, R.E. (2018), Squaramide-Based Supramolecular Materials for Three-Dimensional Cell Culture of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells and Their Derivatives, Biomacromolecules 19(4): 1091-1099.
- Allison, T.F.; Andrews, P.W.; Avior, Y.; Barbaric, I.; Benvenisty, N.; Bock, C.; Brehm, J.; Brustle, O.; Damjanov, I.; Elefanty, A.; Felkner, D.; Gokhale, P.J.; Halbritter, F.; Healy, L.E.; Hu, T.X.; Knowles, B.B.; Loring, J.F.; Ludwig, T.E.; Mayberry, R.; Micallef, S.; Mohamed, J.S.; Muller, F.J.; Mummery, C.L.; Nakatsuji, N.; Ng, E.S.; Oh, S.K.W.; O'Shea, O.; Pera, M.F.; Reubinoff, B.; Robson, P.; Rossant, J.; Schuldt, B.M.; Solter, D.; Sourris, K.; Stacey, G.; Stanley, E.G.; Suemori, H.; Takahashi, K.; Yamanaka, S. & Int Stem Cell Initiative (2018), Assessment of established techniques to determine developmental and malignant potential of human pluripotent stem cells, Nature Communications 9.
- Thalgott, J.H.; Dos-Santos-Luis, D.; Hosman, A.E.; Martin, S.; Lamande, N.; Bracquart, D.; Srun, S.; Galaris, G.; Boer, H.C. de; Tual-Chalot, S.; Kroon, S.; Arthur, H.M.; Cao, Y.H.; Snijder, R.J.; Disch, F.; Mager, J.J.; Rabelink, T.J.; Mummery, C.L.; Raymond, K. & Lebrin, F. (2018), Decreased Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 1 Contributes to the Pathogenesis of Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Type 2, Circulation 138(23): 2698-2712.
- Sala, L.; Meer, B.J. van; Tertoolen, L.G.J.; Bakkers, J.; Bellin, M.; Davis, R.P.; Denning, C.; Dieben, M.A.E.; Eschenhagen, T.; Giacomelli, E.; Grandela, C.; Hansen, A.; Holman, E.R.; Jongbloed, M.R.M.; Kamel, S.M.; Koopman, C.D.; Lachaud, Q.; Mannhardt, I.; Mol, M.P.H.; Mosqueira, D.; Orlova, V.V.; Passier, R.; Ribeiro, M.C.; Saleem, U.; Smith, G.L.; Burton, F.L. & Mummery, C.L. (2018), MUSCLEMOTION: A Versatile Open Software Tool to Quantify Cardiomyocyte and Cardiac Muscle Contraction In Vitro and In Vivo, Circulation Research 122(3): e5-e16.
- Mummery, C.L. (2018), Perspectives on the Use of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes in Biomedical Research, Stem Cell Reports 11(6): 1306-1311.
- van Helden R. W. J., Bellin M., Orlova V. & Mummery C. L. (2018), Metabolic characterization of hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes from patients suffering from infantile cardiomyopathy, Human Gene Therapy 29(12): A132-A132.
- Salvatori, D.C.F.; Dorssers, L.C.J.; Gillis, A.J.M.; Perretta, G.; Agthoven, T. van; Fernandes, M.G.; Stoop, H.; Prins, J.B.; Oosterhuis, J.W.; Mummery, C. & Looijenga, L.H.J. (2018), The MicroRNA-371 Family as Plasma Biomarkers for Monitoring Undifferentiated and Potentially Malignant Human Pluripotent Stem Cells in Teratoma Assays, Stem Cell Reports 11(6): 1493-1505.
- Halaidych, O.V.; Freund, C.; Hil, F. van den; Salvatori, D.C.F.; Riminucci, M.; Mummery, C.L. & Orlova, V.V. (2018), Inflammatory Responses and Barrier Function of Endothelial Cells Derived from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, Stem Cell Reports 10(5): 1642-1656.
- Tertoolen, L.G.J.; Braam, S.R.; Meer, B.J. van; Passier, R. & Mummery, C.L. (2018), Interpretation of field potentials measured on a multi electrode array in pharmacological toxicity screening on primary and human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 497(4): 1135-1141.
- Anderson, D.J.; Kaplan, D.I.; Bell, K.M.; Koutsis, K.; Haynes, J.M.; Mills, R.J.; Phelan, D.G.; Qian, E.L.; Leitoguinho, A.R.; Arasaratnam, D.; Labonne, T.; Ng, E.S.; Davis, R.P.; Casini, S.; Passier, R.; Hudson, J.E.; Porrello, E.R.; Costa, M.W.; Rafii, A.; Curl, C.L.; Delbridge, L.M.; Harvey, R.P.; Oshlack, A.; Cheung, M.M.; Mummery, C.L.; Petrou, S.; Elefanty, A.G.; Stanley, E.G. & Elliott, D.A. (2018), NKX2-5 regulates human cardiomyogenesis via a HEY2 dependent transcriptional network, Nature Communications 9.
- Halaidych, O.V.; Hil, F. van den; Mummery, C.L. & Orlova, V.V. (2018), Microfluidic assay for the assessment of leukocyte adhesion to human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cells (hiPSC-ECs), Journal of Visualized Experiments.
- Helden, R.W.J. van; Bellin, M.; Orlova, V. & Mummery, C.L. (2018), Metabolic characterization of hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes from patients suffering from infantile cardiomyopathy, Human Gene Therapy 29(12): A132-A132.
- Meer, B.J. van; Vries, H. de; Firth, K.S.A.; Weerd, J. van; Tertoolen, L.G.J.; Karperien, H.B.J.; Jonkheijm, P.; Denning, C.; IJzerman, A.P. & Mummery, C.L. (2017), Small molecule absorption by PDMS in the context of drug response bioassays, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 482(2): 323-328.
- Eldik, W. van; Adel, B. den; Monshouwer-Kloots, J.; Salvatori, D.; Maas, S.; Made, I. van der; Creemers, E.E.; Frank, D.; Frey, N.; Boontje, N.; Velden, J. van der; Steendijk, P.; Mummery, C.; Passier, R. & Beqqali, A. (2017), Z-disc protein CHAPb induces cardiomyopathy and contractile dysfunction in the postnatal heart, PLoS ONE 12(12).
- Giacomelli, E.; Bellin, M.; Sala, L.; Meer, B.J. van; Tertoolen, L.G.J.; Orlova, V.V. & Mummery, C.L. (2017), Three-dimensional cardiac microtissues composed of cardiomyocytes and endothelial cells co-differentiated from human pluripotent stem cells, Development 144(6): 1008-1017.
- Chen, Z.F.; Xian, W.Y.; Bellin, M.; Dorn, T.; Tian, Q.H.; Goedel, A.; Dreizehnter, L.; Schneider, C.M.; Oostwaard, D.V.; Ng, J.K.M.; Hinkel, R.; Pane, L.S.; Mummery, C.L.; Lipp, P.; Moretti, A.; Laugwitz, K.L. & Sinnecker, D. (2017), Subtype-specific promoter-driven action potential imaging for precise disease modelling and drug testing in hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes, European Heart Journal 38(4): 292-301.
- Haan, G. de; Crom, R. de; Dzierzak, E. & Mummery, C. (2017), Regenerative medicine funding policies in Europe and The Netherlands, npj Regenerative Medicine 2.
- Sala, L.; Bellin, M. & Mummery, C.L. (2017), Integrating cardiomyocytes from human pluripotent stem cells in safety pharmacology: has the time come?, British Journal of Pharmacology 174(21): 3749-3765.
- Harris, K.; Rossman, E.; Xu, X.; Clements, P.; Mannhardt, I.; Hansen, A.; Saleem, U.; Eschenhagen, T.; Hortigon, M.; Rodriguez, V.Z.; Smith, G.; Meer, B. van; Tertoolen, L.; Mummery, C.; Ribeiro, M.; Passier, R.; Korte, T. de; Vlaming, M.; Braam, S.; Vickers, C.; Mosqueira, D.; Firth, K.; Prodanov, L.; George, V. & Denning, C. (2017), InPulse CrackIT Challenge: Development of An In Vitro Platform Using Physiologically Mature Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes to Screen for Drug-Induced Effects on Cardiac Contractility, Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods 88: 238-238.
- Brandao, K.O.; Tabel, V.A.; Atsma, D.E.; Mummery, C.L. & Davis, R.P. (2017), Human pluripotent stem cell models of cardiac disease: from mechanisms to therapies, Disease Models and Mechanisms 10(9): 1039-1059.
- Guadix, J.A.; Orlova, V.V.; Giacomelli, E.; Bellin, M.; Ribeiro, M.C.; Mummery, C.L.; Perez-Pomares, J.M. & Passier, R. (2017), Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Differentiation into Functional Epicardial Progenitor Cells, Stem Cell Reports 9(6): 1754-1764.
- Giacomelli, E.; Mummery, C.L. & Bellin, M. (2017), Human heart disease: lessons from human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 74(20): 3711-3739.
- Sala, L.; Ward-van Oostwaard, D.; Tertoolen, L.G.J.; Mummery, C.L. & Bellin, M. (2017), Electrophysiological Analysis of human Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived Cardiomyocytes (hPSC-CMs) Using Multi-electrode Arrays (MEAs), Journal of Visualized Experiments.
- Roost, M.S.; Slieker, R.C.; Bialecka, M.; Iperen, L. van; Fernandes, M.M.G.; He, N.N.; Suchiman, H.E.D.; Szuhai, K.; Carlotti, F.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Mummery, C.L.; Heijmans, B.T. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2017), DNA methylation and transcriptional trajectories during human development and reprogramming of isogenic pluripotent stem cells, Nature Communications 8.
- Bouma, M.J.; Iterson, M. van; Janssen, B.; Mummery, C.L.; Salvatori, D.C.F. & Freund, C. (2017), Differentiation-Defective Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Reveal Strengths and Limitations of the Teratoma Assay and In Vitro Pluripotency Assays, Stem Cell Reports 8(5): 1340-1353.
- Falke, L.L.; Leeuwis, J.W.; Lyons, K.M.; Mummery, C.L.; Nguyen, T.Q. & Goldschmeding, R. (2017), CCN2 reduction mediates protective effects of BMP7 treatment in obstructive nephropathy, Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling 11(1): 39-48.
- Schwach, V.; Verkerk, A.O.; Mol, M.; Monshouwer-Kloots, J.J.; Devalla, H.D.; Orlova, V.V.; Anastassiadis, K.; Mummery, C.L.; Davis, R.P. & Passier, R. (2017), A COUP-TFII Human Embryonic Stem Cell Reporter Line to Identify and Select Atrial Cardiomyocytes, Stem Cell Reports 9(6): 1765-1779.
- Hartogh S.C. den, Wolstencroft K.J., Mummery C.L. & Passier R. (2016), A comprehensive gene expression analysis at sequential stages of in vitro cardiac differentiation from isolated MESP1-expressing-mesoderm progenitors, Scientific Reports 6: 19386.
- Bellin, M. & Mummery, C.L. (2016), The cancer's gone, but did chemotherapy damage your heart?, Nature Reviews Cardiology 13(7): 383-384.
- Hartogh, S.C. den; Wolstencroft, K.; Mummery, C.L. & Passier, R. (2016), A comprehensive gene expression analysis at sequential stages of in vitro cardiac differentiation from isolated MESP1-expressing-mesoderm progenitors, Scientific Reports 6.
- Sala, L.; Yu, Z.Y.; Ward-van Oostwaard, D.; Veldhoven, J.P.D. van; Moretti, A.; Laugwitz, K.L.; Mummery, C.L.; IJzerman, A.P. & Bellin, M. (2016), A new hERG allosteric modulator rescues genetic and drug-induced long-QT syndrome phenotypes in cardiomyocytes from isogenic pairs of patient induced pluripotent stem cells, EMBO Molecular Medicine 8(9): 1065-1081.
- Crisan, M.; Kartalaei, P.S.; Vink, C.S.; Yamada-Inagawa, T.; Neagu, A.; Karkanpouna, S.; Bollerot, K.; Purini, C.; Ijcken, W. van; Linden, R. van der; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Monteiro, R.; Mummery, C. & Dzierzak, E. (2016), BIFURCATION INTO HEMATOPOIETIC STEM CELL TYPES IS DEPENDENT UPON THE DEVELOPMENTAL SIGNALING MOLECULES, Haematologica 101: 291-292.
- Crisan, M.; Kartalaei, P.S.; Neagu, A.; Karkanpouna, S.; Yamada-Inagawa, T.; Purini, C.; Vink, C.S.; Linden, R. van der; Ijcken, W. van; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Monteiro, R.; Mummery, C. & Dzierzak, E. (2016), BMP and Hedgehog Regulate Distinct AGM Hematopoietic Stem Cells Ex Vivo, Stem Cell Reports 6(3): 383-395.
- Fernandes, M.G.; Dries, R.; Roost, M.S.; Semrau, S.; Bernardo, A.D.; Davis, R.P.; Ramakrishnan, R.; Szuhai, K.; Maas, E.; Umans, L.; Escalona, V.A.; Salvatori, D.; Deforce, D.; Criekinge, W. van; Huylebroeck, D.; Mummery, C.; Zwijsen, A. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2016), BMP-SMAD Signaling Regulates Lineage Priming, but Is Dispensable for Self-Renewal in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells, Stem Cell Reports 6(1): 85-94.
- Mummery, C.; Birket, M.; Meer, B.; Ribeiro, M.; Passier, R.; Bellin, M.; Orlova, V.; Davis, R.; Freund, C.; Kosmidis, G. & Tertoolen, L. (2016), Challenges of immaturity and proliferation in using hPSC-derived cardiomyocytes as disease models, Human Gene Therapy 27(11): A11-A11.
- Passier, R.; Orlova, V. & Mummery, C. (2016), Complex Tissue and Disease Modeling using hiPSCs, Cell Stem Cell 18(3): 309-321.
- Meer, B.J. van; Tertoolen, L.G.J. & Mummery, C.L. (2016), Concise Review: Measuring Physiological Responses of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Derived Cardiomyocytes to Drugs and Disease, STEM CELLS 34(8): 2008-2015.
- Gaio, N.; Meer, B. van; Solano, W.Q.; Bergers, L.; Stolpe, A. van de; Mummery, C.; Sarro, P.M. & Dekker, R. (2016), Cytostretch, an Organ-on-Chip Platform, Micromachines 7(7).
- Gaio, N.; Silvestri, C.; Meer, B. van; Vollebregt, S.; Mummery, C.L. & Dekker, R. (2016), Fabrication and Characterization of an Upside-Down Carbon Nanotube Microelectrode Array, IEEE Sensors Journal 16(24): 8685-8691.
- Vlaming, M.; Stevenhagen, F.; Korte, T. de; Langenberg, K.; Dunska, M.; Tertoolen, L.; Mummery, C.; Grandela, C. & Braam, S. (2016), Improved functional maturation of human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) derived ventricular cardiomyocytes in vitro: Multi-electrode array (MEA) based electrophysiological characterization, Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods 81: 347-348.
- Bellin, M. & Mummery, C.L. (2016), Inherited heart disease - what can we expect from the second decade of human iPS cell research?, FEBS Letters 590(15): 2482-2493.
- Gkatzis, K.; Thalgott, J.; Dos-Santos-Luis, D.; Martin, S.; Lamande, N.; Carette, M.F.; Disch, F.; Snijder, R.J.; Westermann, C.J.; Mager, J.J.; Oh, S.P.; Miquerol, L.; Arthur, H.M.; Mummery, C.L. & Lebrin, F. (2016), Interaction Between ALK1 Signaling and Connexin40 in the Development of Arteriovenous Malformations, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 36(4): 707-717.
- Meer, B. van; Ribeiro, M.; Tertoolen, L.; Birket, M.; Passier, R. & Mummery, C. (2016), Organ-on-Chip: A synthetic mimic for human myocardium, Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods 81: 388-388.
- Madonna, R.; Laake, L. van; Davidson, S.M.; Engel, F.B.; Hausenloy, D.J.; Lecour, S.; Leor, J.; Perrino, C.; Schulz, R.; Ytrehus, K.; Landmesser, U.; Mummery, C.L.; Janssens, S.; Willerson, J.; Eschenhagen, T.; Ferdinandy, P. & Sluijter, J.P.G. (2016), Position Paper of the European Society of Cardiology Working Group Cellular Biology of the Heart: cell-based therapies for myocardial repair and regeneration in ischemic heart disease and heart failure, European Heart Journal 37(23): 1789-1798D.
- Kosmidis, G.; Veerman, C.C.; Casini, S.; Verkerk, A.O.; Pas, S. van de; Bellin, M.; Wilde, A.A.M.; Mummery, C.L. & Bezzina, C.R. (2016), Readthrough-Promoting Drugs Gentamicin and PTC124 Fail to Rescue Na(v)1.5 Function of Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes Carrying Nonsense Mutations in the Sodium Channel Gene SCN5A, Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 9(11).
- Chen, Z.; Xian, W.; Bellin, M.; Dorn, T.; Tian, Q.; Mummery, C.L.; Lipp, P.; Moretti, A.; Sinnecker, D. & Laugwitz, K.L. (2016), SUBTY PE-SPECIFIC PROMOTER-DRIVEN ACTION POTENTIAL IMAGING FOR PRECISE DISEASE MODELING AND DRUG TESTING IN HIPSC-DERIVED CARDIOMYOCYTES, Cardiology 134: 436-436.
- Devalla, H.D.; Gelinas, R.; Aburawi, E.H.; Beqqali, A.; Goyette, P.; Freund, C.; Chaix, M.A.; Tadros, R.; Jiang, H.; Bechec, A. le; Monshouwer-Kloots, J.J.; Zwetsloot, T.; Kosmidis, G.; Latour, F.; Alikashani, A.; Hoekstra, M.; Schlaepfer, J.; Mummery, C.L.; Stevenson, B.; Kutalik, Z.; Vries, A.A.F. de; Rivard, L.; Wilde, A.A.M.; Talajic, M.; Verkerk, A.O.; Al-Gazali, L.; Rioux, J.D.; Bhuiyan, Z.A. & Passier, R. (2016), TECRL, a new life-threatening inherited arrhythmia gene associated with overlapping clinical features of both LQTS and CPVT, EMBO Molecular Medicine 8(12): 1390-1408.
- Kelder, T.P.; Vicente-Steijn, R.; Poelmann, R.E.; Mummery, C.L.; DeRuiter, M.C. & Jongbloed, M.R.M. (2016), The avian embryo to study development of the cardiac conduction system, Differentiation 91(4-5): 90-103.
- Schmitz, F.; Kooy-Winkelaar, Y.; Wiekmeijer, A.S.; Brugman, M.H.; Mearin, M.L.; Mulder, C.; Lopes, S.C.D.; Mummery, C.L.; Staal, F.J.T.; Bergen, J. van & Koning, F. (2016), The composition and differentiation potential of the duodenal intraepithelial innate lymphocyte compartment is altered in coeliac disease, Gut 65(8): 1269-1278.
- Engert, A.; Balduini, C.; Brand, A.; Coiffier, B.; Cordonnier, C.; Dohner, H.; Wit, T.D. de; Eichinger, S.; Fibbe, W.; Green, T.; Haas, F. de; Iolascon, A.; Jaffredo, T.; Rodeghiero, F.; Salles, G.; Schuringa, J.J.; Andre, M.; Andre-Schmutz, I.; Bacigalupo, A.; Bochud, P.Y.; Boer, M. den; Bonini, C.; Camaschella, C.; Cant, A.; Cappellini, M.D.; Cazzola, M.; Celso, C. lo; Dimopoulos, M.; Douay, L.; Dzierzak, E.; Einsele, H.; Ferreri, A.; Franceschi, L. de; Gaulard, P.; Gottgens, B.; Greinacher, A.; Gresele, P.; Gribben, J.; Haan, G. de; Hansen, J.B.; Hochhaus, A.; Kadir, R.; Kaveri, S.; Kouskoff, V.; Kuhne, T.; Kyrle, P.; Ljungman, P.; Maschmeyer, G.; Mendez-Ferrer, S.; Milsom, M.; Mummery, C.; Ossenkoppele, G.; Pecci, A.; Peyvandi, F.; Philipsen, S.; Reitsma, P.; Ribera, J.M.; Risitano, A.; Rivella, S.; Ruf, W.; Schroeder, T.; Scully, M.; Socie, G.; Staal, F.; Stanworth, S.; Stauder, R.; Stilgenbauer, S.; Tamary, H.; Theilgaard-Monch, K.; Thein, S.L.; Tilly, H.; Trneny, M.; Vainchenker, W.; Vannucchi, A.M.; Viscoli, C.; Vrielink, H.; Zaaijer, H.; Zanella, A.; Zolla, L.; Zwaginga, J.J.; Martinez, P.A.; Akker, E. van den; Allard, S.; Anagnou, N.; Andolfo, I.; Andrau, J.C.; Angelucci, E.; Anstee, D.; Aurer, I.; Avet-Loiseau, H.; Aydinok, Y.; Bakchoul, T.; Balduini, A.; Barcellini, W.; Baruch, D.; Baruchel, A.; Bayry, J.; Bento, C.; Berg, A. van den; Bernardi, R.; Bianchi, P.; Bigas, A.; Biondi, A.; Bohonek, M.; Bonnet, D.; Borchmann, P.; Borregaard, N.; Braekkan, S.; Brink, M. van den; Brodin, E.; Bullinger, L.; Buske, C.; Butzeck, B.; Cammenga, J.; Campo, E.; Carbone, A.; Cervantes, F.; Cesaro, S.; Charbord, P.; Claas, F.; Cohen, H.; Conard, J.; Coppo, P.; Corrons, J.L.V.; Costa, L. da; Davi, F.; Delwel, R.; Dianzani, I.; Domanovic, D.; Donnelly, P.; Drnovsek, T.D.; Dreyling, M.; , M.Q. du; Dufour, C.; Durand, C.; Efremov, D.; Eleftheriou, A.; Elion, J.; Emonts, M.; Engelhardt, M.; Ezine, S.; Falkenburg, F.; Favier, R.; Federico, M.; Fenaux, P.; Fitzgibbon, J.; Flygare, J.; Foa, R.; Forrester, L.; Galacteros, F.; Garagiola, I.; Gardiner, C.; Garraud, O.; Geet, C. van; Geiger, H.; Geissler, J.; Germing, U.; Ghevaert, C.; Girelli, D.; Godeau, B.; Gokbuget, N.; Goldschmidt, H.; Goodeve, A.; Graf, T.; Graziadei, G.; Griesshammer, M.; Gruel, Y.; Guilhot, F.; Gunten, S. von; Gyssens, I.; Halter, J.; Harrison, C.; Harteveld, C.; Hellstrom-Lindberg, E.; Hermine, O.; Higgs, D.; Hillmen, P.; Hirsch, H.; Hoskin, P.; Huls, G.; Inati, A.; Johnson, P.; Kattamis, A.; Kiefel, V.; Kleanthous, M.; Klump, H.; Krause, D.; Hovinga, J.K.; Lacaud, G.; Lacroix-Desmazes, S.; Landman-Parker, J.; LeGouill, S.; Lenz, G.; Lilienfeld-Toal, M. von; Lindern, M. von; Lopez-Guillermo, A.; Lopriore, E.; Lozano, M.; MacIntyre, E.; Makris, M.; Makris, M.; Martens, J.; Mathas, S.; Matzdorff, A.; Medvinsky, A.; Menendez, P.; Migliaccio, A.R.; Miharada, K.; Mikulska, M.; Minard, V.; Montalban, C.; Montalembert, M. de; Montserrat, E.; Morange, P.E.; Mountford, J.; Muckenthaler, M.; Muller-Tidow, C.; Mumford, A.; Nadel, B.; Navarro, J.T.; Nemer, W. el; Noizat-Pirenne, F.; O'Mahony, B.; Oldenburg, J.; Olsson, M.; Oostendorp, R.; Palumbo, A.; Passamonti, F.; Patient, R.; Latour, R.P. de; Pflumio, F.; Pierelli, L.; Piga, A.; Pollard, D.; Raaijmakers, M.; Radford, J.; Rambach, R.; Rao, A.K.; Raslova, H.; Rebulla, P.; Rees, D.; Ribrag, V.; Rijneveld, A.; Rinalducci, S.; Robak, T.; Roberts, I.; Rodrigues, C.; Rosendaal, F.; Rosenwald, A.; Rule, S.; Russo, R.; Saglio, G.; Sanchez, M.; Scharf, R.E.; Schlenke, P.; Semple, J.; Sierra, J.; So-Osman, C.; Soria, J.M.; Stamatopoulos, K.; Stegmayr, B.; Stunnenberg, H.; Swinkels, D.; Barata, J.P.T.; Taghon, T.; Taher, A.; Terpos, E.; Thachil, J.; Tissot, J.D.; Touw, I.; Toye, A.; Trappe, R.; Traverse-Glehen, A.; Unal, S.; Vaulont, S.; Viprakasit, V.; Vitolo, U.; Wijk, R. van; Wojtowicz, A.; Zeerleder, S.; Zieger, B. & EHA Roadmap European Hematology Re (2016), The European Hematology Association Roadmap for European Hematology Research: a consensus document, Haematologica 101(2): 115-208.
- Amit, I.; Baker, D.; Barker, R.; Berger, B.; Bertozzi, C.; Bhatia, S.; Biffi, A.; Demichelis, F.; Doudna, J.; Dowdy, S.F.; Endy, D.; Helmstaedter, M.; Junca, H.; June, C.; Kamb, S.; Khvorova, A.; Kim, D.H.; Kim, J.S.; Krishnan, Y.; Lakadamyali, M.; Lappalainen, T.; Lewin, S.; Liao, J.; Loman, N.; Lundberg, E.; Lynd, L.; Martin, C.; Mellman, I.; Miyawaki, A.; Mummery, C.; Nelson, K.; Paz, J.; Peralta-Yahya, P.; Picotti, P.; Polyak, K.; Prather, K.; Qin, J.; Quake, S.; Regev, A.; Rogers, J.A.; Shetty, R.; Sommer, M.; Stevens, M.; Stolovitzky, G.; Takahashi, M.; Tang, F.; Teichmann, S.; Torres-Padilla, M.E.; Tripathi, L.; Vemula, P.; Verdine, G.; Vollmer, F.; Wang, J.; Ying, J.Y.; Zhang, F. & Zhang, T. (2016), Voices of biotech, Nature Biotechnology 34(3): 270-275.
- Gomes Fernandes M., Dries R., Roost M.S., Semrau S., De Melo Bernardo A., Davis Richard P., Ramakrishnan R., Szuhai K., Maas E., Umans L., Abon Escalona V., Salvatori D., Deforce D., Van Criekinge W., Huylebroeck D., Mummery C., Zwijsen A. & De Sousa Lopes S.M. (2015), BMP-SMAD Signaling Regulates Lineage Priming, but Is Dispensable for Self-Renewal in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells, Stem Cell Reports 6(1): 85-94.
- Schmitz, F.; Kooy-Winkelaar, Y.; Wiekmeijer, A.S.; Brugman, M.H.; Mearin, M.L.; Mulder, C.; Lopes, S.C.D.; Mummery, C.L.; Staal, F.J.T.; Bergen, J. van & Koning, F. (2015), The composition and differentiation potential of the duodenal intraepithelial innate lymphocyte compartment is altered in coeliac disease.
- Gaio N., van Meer B., Silvestri C., Pakazad S., Vollebregt S., Mummery C. L. & Dekker R. (2015), Upside-down Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Micro-electrode Array (MEA), Proceedings of IEEE Sensors: 691-694.
- Hartogh, S.C. den; Schreurs, C.; Monshouwer-Kloots, J.J.; Davis, R.P.; Elliott, D.A.; Mummery, C.L. & Passier, R. (2015), Dual Reporter MESP1(mCherry/w)-NKX2-5(eGFP/w) hESCs Enable Studying Early Human Cardiac Differentiation, STEM CELLS 33(1): 56-67.
- Pera, M.F.; Wert, G. de; Dondorp, W.; Lovell-Badge, R.; Mummery, C.L.; Munsie, M. & Tam, P.P. (2015), What if stem cells turn into embryos in a dish?, Nature Methods 12(10): 917-919.
- Orlova, V.V. & Mummery, C.L. (2015), What Endothelial Cells from Patient iPSCs Can Tell Us about Aortic Valve Disease, Cell Stem Cell 16(5): 455-457.
- Berg, C.W. van den; Okawa, S.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Iperen, L. van; Passier, R.; Braam, S.R.; Tertoolen, L.G.; Sol, A. del; Davis, R.P. & Mummery, C.L. (2015), Transcriptome of human foetal heart compared with cardiomyocytes from pluripotent stem cells, Development 142(18): 3231-U263.
- Greber, B.; Verkerk, A.O.; Seebohm, G.; Mummery, C.L. & Bellin, M. (2015), Reply to Christ et al.: LQT1 and JLNS phenotypes in hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes are due to KCNQ1 mutations, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112(16): E1969-E1969.
- Andrews, P.W.; Baker, D.; Benvinisty, N.; Miranda, B.; Bruce, K.; Brustle, O.; Choi, M.; Choi, Y.M.; Crook, J.M.; Sousa, P.A. de; Dvorak, P.; Freund, C.; Firpo, M.; Furue, M.K.; Gokhale, P.; Ha, H.Y.; Han, E.; Haupt, S.; Healy, L.; Hei, D.J.; Hovatta, O.; Hunt, C.; Hwang, S.M.; Inamdar, M.S.; Isasi, R.M.; Jaconi, M.; Jekerle, V.; Kamthorn, P.; Kibbey, M.C.; Knezevic, I.; Knowles, B.B.; Koo, S.K.; Laabi, Y.; Leopoldo, L.; Liu, P.; Lomax, G.P.; Loring, J.F.; Ludwig, T.E.; Montgomery, K.; Mummery, C.; Nagy, A.; Nakamura, Y.; Nakatsuji, N.; Oh, S.; Oh, S.K.; Otonkoski, T.; Pera, M.; Peschanski, M.; Pranke, P.; Rajala, K.M.; Rao, M.; Ruttachuk, R.; Reubinoff, B.; Ricco, L.; Rooke, H.; Sipp, D.; Stacey, G.N.; Suemori, H.; Takahashi, T.A.; Takada, K.; Talib, S.; Tannenbaum, S.; Yuan, B.Z.; Zeng, F. & Zhou, Q. (2015), Points to consider in the development of seed stocks of pluripotent stem cells for clinical applications: International Stem Cell Banking Initiative (ISCBI), Regenerative Medicine 10(2): 1-44.
- Birket, M.J. & Mummery, C.L. (2015), Pluripotent stem cell derived cardiovascular progenitors - A developmental perspective, Developmental Biology 400(2): 169-179.
- Eschenhagen, T.; Mummery, C. & Knollmann, B.C. (2015), Modelling sarcomeric cardiomyopathies in the dish: from human heart samples to iPSC cardiomyocytes, Cardiovascular Research 105(4): 424-438.
- Orlova, V.; Freund, C.; Hil, L. van den; Reurer, S.P.; Hawinkels, L.; Duffhues, G.S.; Disch, F.; Hans, J.M.; Snijder, R.; Westermann, K.; Dijke, P. ten & Mummery, C. (2015), Modeling hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) with patient specific induced pluripotent stem cells (IPSCS), Angiogenesis 18(4): 532-532.
- Roost, M.S.; Iperen, L. van; Ariyurek, Y.; Buermans, H.P.; Arindrarto, W.; Devalla, H.D.; Passier, R.; Mummery, C.L.; Carlotti, F.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Zwet, E.W. van; Goeman, J.J. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2015), KeyGenes, a Tool to Probe Tissue Differentiation Using a Human Fetal Transcriptional Atlas, Stem Cell Reports 4(6): 1112-1124.
- Cai, J.; Orlova, V.V.; Cai, X.J.; Eekhoff, E.M.W.; Zhang, K.Q.; Pei, D.Q.; Pan, G.J.; Mummery, C.L. & Dijke, P. ten (2015), Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells to Model Human Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva, Stem Cell Reports 5(6): 963-970.
- Ribeiro, M.C.; Tertoolen, L.G.; Guadix, J.A.; Bellin, M.; Kosmidis, G.; D'Aniello, C.; Monshouwer-Kloots, J.; Goumans, M.J.; Wang, Y.L.; Feinberg, A.W.; Mummery, C.L. & Passier, R. (2015), Functional maturation of human pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes in vitro - Correlation between contraction force and electrophysiology, Biomaterials 51: 138-150.
- Hosman, A.E.; Westermann, C.J.J.; Snijder, R.; Disch, F.; Mummery, C.L. & Mager, J.J. (2015), Follow-up of Thalidomide treatment in patients with Hereditary Haemorrhagic Telangiectasia, Rhinology 53(4): 340-344.
- Hosman, A.E.; Westermann, C.J.J.; Snijder, R.; Disch, F.; Mummery, C.L. & Mager, J.J. (2015), Followup of thalidomide treatment in patients with hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia, Angiogenesis 18(4): 560-561.
- Birket, M.J.; Ribeiro, M.C.; Verkerk, A.O.; Ward, D.; Leitoguinho, A.R.; Hartogh, S.C. den; Orlova, V.V.; Devalla, H.D.; Schwach, V.; Bellin, M.; Passier, R. & Mummery, C.L. (2015), Expansion and patterning of cardiovascular progenitors derived from human pluripotent stem cells, Nature Biotechnology 33(9): 970-U219.
- Mummery, C.L.; Gkatzis, K.; Freund, C.; Lebrin, F.; Dijke, P. ten; Passier, R.; Westermann, C.J.J.; Snijder, R.; Mager, H.J. & Orlova, V.V. (2015), Endoglin haploinsufficency in endothelial cells from Rendu-Osler-Weber patient derived induced pluripotent stem cells leads to upregulation of MTUS1 gene expression, Angiogenesis 18(4): 574-574.
- Birket, M.J.; Ribeiro, M.C.; Kosmidis, G.; Ward, D.; Leitoguinho, A.R.; Pol, V. van de; Dambrot, C.; Devalla, H.D.; Davis, R.P.; Mastroberardino, P.G.; Atsma, D.E.; Passier, R. & Mummery, C.L. (2015), Contractile Defect Caused by Mutation in MYBPC3 Revealed under Conditions Optimized for Human PSC-Cardiomyocyte Function, Cell Reports.
- Crisan, M.; Kartalaei, P.S.; Vink, C.; Yamada-Inagawa, T.; Bollerot, K.; IJcken, W. van; Linden, R. van der; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Monteiro, R.; Mummery, C. & Dzierzak, E. (2015), BMP signalling differentially regulates distinct haematopoietic stem cell types, Nature Communications 6.
- Kosmidis, G.; Bellin, M.; Ribeiro, M.C.; Meer, B. van; Ward-van Oostwaard, D.; Passier, R.; Tertoolen, L.G.J.; Mummery, C.L. & Casini, S. (2015), Altered calcium handling and increased contraction force in human embryonic stem cell derived cardiomyocytes following short term dexamethasone exposure, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 467(4): 998-1005.
- Veerman, C.C.; Kosmidis, G.; Mummery, C.L.; Casini, S.; Verkerk, A.O. & Bellin, M. (2015), Immaturity of human stem-cell-derived cardiomyocytes in culture: fatal flaw or soluble problem?
- Bernardo, A.D.; Thorsteinsdottir, S. & Mummery, C.L. (2015), Advantages of the avian model for human ovarian cancer, Molecular and Clinical Oncology.
- Devalla, H.D.; Schwach, V.; Ford, J.W.; Milnes, J.T.; El-Haou, S.; Jackson, C.; Gkatzis, K.; Elliott, D.A.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Mummery, C.L.; Verkerk, A.O. & Passier, R. (2015), Atrial-like cardiomyocytes from human pluripotent stem cells are a robust preclinical model for assessing atrial-selective pharmacology, EMBO Molecular Medicine 7(4): 394-410.
- Forrest, A.R.R.; Kawaji, H.; Rehli, M.; Baillie, J.K.; Hoon, M.J.L. de; Haberle, V.; Lassmann, T.; Kulakovskiy, I.V.; Lizio, M.; Itoh, M.; Andersson, R.; Mungall, C.J.; Meehan, T.F.; Schmeier, S.; Bertin, N.; Jorgensen, M.; Dimont, E.; Arner, E.; Schmidl, C.; Schaefer, U.; Medvedeva, Y.A.; Plessy, C.; Vitezic, M.; Severin, J.; Semple, C.A.; Ishizu, Y.; Young, R.S.; Francescatto, M.; Alam, I.; Albanese, D.; Altschuler, G.M.; Arakawa, T.; Archer, J.A.C.; Arner, P.; Babina, M.; Rennie, S.; Balwierz, P.J.; Beckhouse, A.G.; Pradhan-Bhatt, S.; Blake, J.A.; Blumenthal, A.; Bodega, B.; Bonetti, A.; Briggs, J.; Brombacher, F.; Burroughs, A.M.; Califano, A.; Cannistraci, C.V.; Carbajo, D.; Chen, Y.; Chierici, M.; Ciani, Y.; Clevers, H.C.; , E. dalla; Davis, C.A.; Detmar, M.; Diehl, A.D.; Dohi, T.; Drablos, F.; Edge, A.S.B.; Edinger, M.; Ekwall, K.; Endoh, M.; Enomoto, H.; Fagiolini, M.; Fairbairn, L.; Fang, H.; Farach-Carson, M.C.; Faulkner, G.J.; Favorov, A.V.; Fisher, M.E.; Frith, M.C.; Fujita, R.; Fukuda, S.; Furlanello, C.; Furuno, M.; Furusawa, J.; Geijtenbeek, T.B.; Gibson, A.P.; Gingeras, T.; Goldowitz, D.; Gough, J.; Guhl, S.; Guler, R.; Gustincich, S.; Ha, T.J.; Hamaguchi, M.; Hara, M.; Harbers, M.; Harshbarger, J.; Hasegawa, A.; Hasegawa, Y.; Hashimoto, T.; Herlyn, M.; Hitchens, K.J.; Sui, S.J.H.; Hofmann, O.M.; Hoof, I.; Hori, F.; Huminiecki, L.; Iida, K.; Ikawa, T.; Jankovic, B.R.; Jia, H.; Joshi, A.; Jurman, G.; Kaczkowski, B.; Kai, C.; Kaida, K.; Kaiho, A.; Kajiyama, K.; Kanamori-Katayama, M.; Kasianov, A.; Kasukawa, T.; Katayama, S.; Kato, S.; Kawaguchi, S.; Kawamoto, H.; Kawamura, Y.I.; Kawashima, T.; Kempfle, J.S.; Kenna, T.J.; Kere, J.; Khachigian, L.M.; Kitamura, T.; Klinken, S.P.; Knox, A.J.; Kojima, M.; Kojima, S.; Kondo, N.; Koseki, H.; Koyasu, S.; Krampitz, S.; Kubosaki, A.; Kwon, A.T.; Laros, J.F.J.; Lee, W.; Lennartsson, A.; Li, K.; Lilje, B.; Lipovich, L.; Mackay-sim, A.; Manabe, R.; Mar, J.C.; Marchand, B.; Mathelier, A.; Mejhert, N.; Meynert, A.; Mizuno, Y.; Morais, D.A.D.; Morikawa, H.; Morimoto, M.; Moro, K.; Motakis, E.; Motohashi, H.; Mummery, C.L.; Murata, M.; Nagao-Sato, S.; Nakachi, Y.; Nakahara, F.; Nakamura, T.; Nakamura, Y.; Nakazato, K.; Nimwegen, E. van; Ninomiya, N.; Nishiyori, H.; Noma, S.; Nozaki, T.; Ogishima, S.; Ohkura, N.; Ohmiya, H.; Ohno, H.; Ohshima, M.; Okada-Hatakeyama, M.; Okazaki, Y.; Orlando, V.; Ovchinnikov, D.A.; Pain, A.; Passier, R.; Patrikakis, M.; Persson, H.; Piazza, S.; Prendergast, J.G.D.; Rackham, O.J.L.; Ramilowski, J.A.; Rashid, M.; Ravasi, T.; Rizzu, P.; Roncador, M.; Roy, S.; Rye, M.B.; Saijyo, E.; Sajantila, A.; Saka, A.; Sakaguchi, S.; Sakai, M.; Sato, H.; Satoh, H.; Savvi, S.; Saxena, A.; Schneider, C.; Schultes, E.A.; Schulze-Tanzil, G.G.; Schwegmann, A.; Sengstag, T.; Sheng, G.J.; Shimoji, H.; Shimoni, Y.; Shin, J.W.; Simon, C.; Sugiyama, D.; Sugiyama, T.; Suzuki, M.; Suzuki, N.; Swoboda, R.K.; Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Tagami, M.; Takahashi, N.; Takai, J.; Tanaka, H.; Tatsukawa, H.; Tatum, Z.; Thompson, M.; Toyoda, H.; Toyoda, T.; Valen, E.; Wetering, M. van de; Berg, L.M. van den; Verardo, R.; Vijayan, D.; Vorontsov, I.E.; Wasserman, W.W.; Watanabe, S.; Wells, C.A.; Winteringham, L.N.; Wolvetang, E.; Wood, E.J.; Yamaguchi, Y.; Yamamoto, M.; Yoneda, M.; Yonekura, Y.; Yoshida, S.; Zabierowski, S.E.; Zhang, P.G.; Zhao, X.B.; Zucchelli, S.; Summers, K.M.; Suzuki, H.; Daub, C.O.; Kawai, J.; Heutink, P.; Hide, W.; Freeman, T.C.; Lenhard, B.; Bajic, V.B.; Taylor, M.S.; Makeev, V.J.; Sandelin, A.; Hume, D.A.; Carninci, P.; Hayashizaki, Y.; FANTOM Consortium & RIKEN PMI CLST DGT (2014), A promoter-level mammalian expression atlas, Nature 507(7493): 462-+.
- Richter, A.; Valdimarsdottir, L.; Hrafnkelsdottir, H.E.; Runarsson, J.F.; Omarsdottir, A.R.; Ward-van Oostwaard, D.; Mummery, C. & Valdimarsdottir, G. (2014), BMP4 Promotes EMT and Mesodermal Commitment in Human Embryonic Stem Cells via SLUG and MSX2, STEM CELLS 32(3): 636-648.
- Mikkers, H.M.; Feund, C.; Mummery, C.L. & Hoeben, R.C. (2014), Cell Replacement Therapies: Is It Time to Reprogram?, Human Gene Therapy 25(10): 866-874.
- Mummery, C. (2014), Derivatives of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells: the new patient?, Human Gene Therapy 25(11): A16-A16.
- Orlova, V.V.; Freund, C.; Petrus-Reurer, S.; Hil, F.E. van den; Drabsch, Y.; Dijke, P. ten & Mummery, C.L. (2014), Differentiation and functionality of endothelial cells and pericytes from human induced pluripotent stem cells, Angiogenesis 17(3): 760-760.
- Orlova, V.V.; Drabsch, Y.; Freund, C.; Petrus-Reurer, S.; Hil, F.E. van den; Muenthaisong, S.; Dijke, P. ten & Mummery, C.L. (2014), Functionality of Endothelial Cells and Pericytes From Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Demonstrated in Cultured Vascular Plexus and Zebrafish Xenografts, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 34(1): 177-+.
- Orlova, V.V.; Hil, F.E. van den; Petrus-Reurer, S.; Drabsch, Y.; Dijke, P. ten & Mummery, C.L. (2014), Generation, expansion and functional analysis of endothelial cells and pericytes derived from human pluripotent stem cells, Nature Protocols 9(6): 1514-1531.
- Soares, F.A.C.; Sheldon, M.; Rao, M.; Mummery, C. & Vallier, L. (2014), International Coordination of Large-Scale Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Initiatives: Wellcome Trust and ISSCR Workshops White Paper, Stem Cell Reports 3(6): 931-939.
- Casini, S.; Bellin, M.; Davis, R.P.; Aniello, C. d'; Haas, J.; Ward-van Oostwaard, D.; Tertoolen, L.G.J.; Laugwitz, K.L.; Moretti, A. & Mummery, C.L. (2014), Isogenic Sets of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells as Model of LQT2 Syndrome, Biophysical Journal 106(2): 552A-553A.
- Novakovic, G.V.; Eschenhagen, T. & Mummery, C. (2014), Myocardial Tissue Engineering: In Vitro Models, Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine 4(3).
- Mummery, C.L. (2014), Putting stem cell to work in understanding gender differences, European Journal of Clinical Investigation 44: 4-4.
- Dambrot, C.; Braam, S.R.; Tertoolen, L.G.J.; Birket, M.; Atsma, D.E. & Mummery, C.L. (2014), Serum supplemented culture medium masks hypertrophic phenotypes in human pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes.
- Skelton, R.J.P.; Costa, M.; Anderson, D.J.; Bruveris, F.; Finnin, B.W.; Koutsis, K.; Arasaratnam, D.; White, A.J.; Rafii, A.; Ng, E.S.; Elefanty, A.G.; Stanley, E.G.; Pouton, C.W.; Haynes, J.M.; Ardehali, R.; Davis, R.P.; Mummery, C.L. & Elliott, D.A. (2014), SIRPA, VCAM1 and CD34 identify discrete lineages during early human cardiovascular development, Stem Cell Research 13(1): 172-179.
- Dambrot, C.; Buermans, H.P.J.; Varga, E.; Kosmidis, G.; Langenberg, K.; Casini, S.; Elliott, D.A.; Dinnyes, A.; Atsma, D.E.; Mummery, C.L.; Braam, S.R. & Davis, R.P. (2014), Strategies for rapidly mapping proviral integration sites and assessing cardiogenic potential of nascent human induced pluripotent stem cell clones, Experimental Cell Research 327(2): 297-306.
- Liu, Z.; Lebrin, F.; Maring, J.A.; Driesche, S. van den; Brink, S. van der; Dinther, M. van; Thorikay, M.; Martin, S.; Kobayashi, K.; Hawinkels, L.J.A.C.; Meeteren, L.A. van; Pardali, E.; Korving, J.; Letarte, M.; Arthur, H.M.; Theuer, C.; Goumans, M.J.; Mummery, C. & Dijke, P. ten (2014), ENDOGLIN Is Dispensable for Vasculogenesis, but Required for Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-Induced Angiogenesis, PLoS ONE 9(1).
- Mummery, C.L. (2014), Cardiomyocytes from human pluripotent stem cells: the new patient in safety pharmacology, drug discovery and disease, European Journal of Clinical Investigation 44: 5-5.
- Zhang, M.; D'Aniello, C.; Verkerk, A.O.; Wrobel, E.; Frank, S.; Oostwaard, D.W.; Piccini, I.; Freund, C.; Rao, J.; Seebohm, G.; Atsma, D.E.; Schulze-Bahr, E.; Mummery, C.L.; Greber, B. & Bellin, M. (2014), Recessive cardiac phenotypes in induced pluripotent stem cell models of Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome: Disease mechanisms and pharmacological rescue, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(50): E5383-E5392.
- Dekkers, O.M.; Mummery, C.L. & Rabelink, T.J. (2014), A Case for Crowd Sourcing in Stem Cell Research, Stem Cells Translational Medicine 3(11): 1259-1261.
- Braam, S.R.; Tertoolen, L.; Casini, S.; Matsa, E.; Lu, H.R.; Teisman, A.; Passier, R.; Denning, C.; Gallacher, D.J.; Towart, R. & Mummery, C.L. (2013), Repolarization reserve determines drug responses in human pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes., Stem Cell Research 10(1): 48-56.
- Lensch, M.W. & Mummery, C.L. (2013), From Stealing Fire to Cellular Reprogramming: A Scientific History Leading to the 2012 Nobel Prize, Stem Cell Reports 1(1): 5-17.
- Birket, M.J.; Casini, S.; Kosmidis, G.; Elliott, D.A.; Gerencser, A.A.; Baartscheer, A.; Schumacher, C.; Mastroberardino, P.G.; Elefanty, A.G.; Stanley, E.G. & Mummery, C.L. (2013), PGC-1 alpha and Reactive Oxygen Species Regulate Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocyte Function, Stem Cell Reports 1(6): 560-574.
- Ribeiro, M.C.; Hoorn, H. van; Monshouwer-Kloots, J.J.; Mummery, C.L.; Schmidt, T. & Passier, R. (2013), Studying Structural And Contractility Defects Of Cardiomyocytes In An In Vitro Model Of Human Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, Circulation Research 113(4).
- Mummery, C. (2013), Cardiomyocytes from human pluripotent stem cells: the new patient in safety pharmacology, drug discovery and disease, FEBS Journal 280: 441-442.
- Mummery, C. (2013), Cardiomyocytes from human pluripotent stem cells in safety pharmacology, drug discovery and disease, Human Gene Therapy 24(5): A8-A8.
- Braam, S.; Langenberg, K.; Rohrbacher, J.; Grandela, K.C.; Mummery, C.L.; Towart, R.; Cik, M.; Diels, A.; Lu, H.R. & Gallacher, D.J. (2013), Cellular assays for monitoring cardiomyocyte electrophysiology, Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods 68(1): E9-E9.
- Yi, B.A.; Mummery, C.L. & Chien, K.R. (2013), Direct Cardiomyocyte Reprogramming: A New Direction for Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine, Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine 3(9).
- Davis, R.P.; Nemes, C.; Varga, E.; Freund, C.; Kosmidis, G.; Gkatzis, K.; Jong, D. de; Szuhai, K.; Dinnyes, A. & Mummery, C.L. (2013), Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from human foetal fibroblasts using the Sleeping Beauty transposon gene delivery system, Differentiation 86(1-2): 30-37.
- Mummery, C.L. & Lee, R.T. (2013), Is heart regeneration on the right track?, Nature Medicine 19(4): 412-413.
- Bellin, M.; Casini, S.; Davis, R.P.; D'Aniello, C.; Haas, J.; Ward-van Oostwaard, D.; Tertoolen, L.G.J.; Jung, C.B.; Elliott, D.A.; Welling, A.; Laugwitz, K.L.; Moretti, A. & Mummery, C.L. (2013), Isogenic human pluripotent stem cell pairs reveal the role of a KCNH2 mutation in long-QT syndrome, EMBO Journal 32(24): 3161-3175.
- Garbern, J.C.; Mummery, C.L. & Lee, R.T. (2013), Model Systems for Cardiovascular Regenerative Biology, Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine 3(4).
- Garbern, J.C.; Mummery, C.L. & Lee, R.T. (2013), Model Systems for Cardiovascular Regenerative Biology, Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology 5(4).
- Moretti, A.; Laugwitz, K.L.; Dorn, T.; Sinnecker, D. & Mummery, C. (2013), Pluripotent Stem Cell Models of Human Heart Disease, Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine 3(11).
- Dambrot, C.; Pas, S. van de; Zijl, L. van; Brandl, B.; Wang, J.W.; Schalij, M.J.; Hoeben, R.C.; Atsma, D.E.; Mikkers, H.M.; Mummery, C.L. & Freund, C. (2013), Polycistronic lentivirus induced pluripotent stem cells from skin biopsies after long term storage, blood outgrowth endothelial cells and cells from milk teeth, Differentiation 85(3): 101-109.
- Bianco, P.; Barker, R.; Brustle, O.; Cattaneo, E.; Clevers, H.; Daley, G.Q.; Luca, M. de; Goldstein, L.; Lindvall, O.; Mummery, C.; Robey, P.G.; Brito, C.S.D.E. & Smith, A. (2013), Regulation of stem cell therapies under attack in Europe: for whom the bell tolls, EMBO Journal 32(11): 1489-1495.
- Mummery, C.L. & Roelen, B.A.J. (2013), STEM CELLS Cloning human embryos, Nature 498(7453): 174-175.
- Meer, A.D. van der; Orlova, V.V.; Dijke, P. ten; Berg, A. van den & Mummery, C.L. (2013), Three-dimensional co-cultures of human endothelial cells and embryonic stem cell-derived pericytes inside a microfluidic device, Lab on a Chip 13(18): 3562-3568.
- Spijker, H.S.; Ravelli, R.B.G.; Mommaas-Kienhuis, A.M.; Apeldoorn, A.A. van; Engelse, M.A.; Zaldumbide, A.; Bonner-Weir, S.; Rabelink, T.J.; Hoeben, R.C.; Clevers, H.; Mummery, C.L.; Carlotti, F. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2013), Conversion of Mature Human beta-Cells Into Glucagon-Producing alpha-Cells, Diabetes 62(7): 2471-2480.
- Moya, I.M.; Umans, L.; Maas, E.; Pereira, P.N.G.; Beets, K.; Francis, A.; Sents, W.; Robertson, E.J.; Mummery, C.L.; Huylebroeck, D. & Zwijsen, A. (2012), Stalk Cell Phenotype Depends on Integration of Notch and Smad1/5 Signaling Cascades, Developmental Cell 22(3): 501-514.
- Majesky, M.W. & Mummery, C.L. (2012), Smooth muscle diversity from human pluripotent cells, Nature Biotechnology 30(2): 152-154.
- Hoof, D. van; Krijgsveld, J. & Mummery, C. (2012), Proteomic analysis of stem cell differentiation and early development., Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology 4(3).
- Hoof, D. van; Krijgsveld, J. & Mummery, C. (2012), Proteomic Analysis of Stem Cell Differentiation and Early Development, Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology 4(3): -.
- Mummery, C. (2012), Pioneer in Cardiovascular Stem Cell Research: Christine Mummery, BSc, PhD, Circulation 126(12): F67-F71.
- Rossant, J. & Mummery, C. (2012), PHYSIOLOGY OR MEDICINE Mature cells can be rejuvenated, Nature 492(7427): 56-56.
- Bellin, M.; Marchetto, M.C.; Gage, F.H. & Mummery, C.L. (2012), Induced pluripotent stem cells: the new patient?, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 13(11): 713-726.
- Bellin, M.; Marchetto, M.C.; Gage, F.H. & Mummery, C.L. (2012), Induced pluripotent stem cells: the new patient?, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 13(11): 713-26.
- Dambrot, A.; Braam, S.R.; Freund, C.M.A.H.; Pas, S. van de; Oostwaard, D.W.V.; Atsma, D.E. & Mummery, C.L. (2012), Human induced pluripotent stem cells as in vitro model for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, European Heart Journal 33: 22-22.
- Mummery, C.L.; Zhang, J.H.; Ng, E.S.; Elliott, D.A.; Elefanty, A.G. & Kamp, T.J. (2012), Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells to Cardiomyocytes A Methods Overview, Circulation Research 111(3): 344-358.
- Mummery, C.L.; Zhang, J.H.; Ng, E.S.; Elliott, D.A.; Elefanty, A.G. & Kamp, T.J. (2012), Differentiation of human embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells to cardiomyocytes: a methods overview., Circulation Research 111(3): 344-58.
- Davis, R.P.; Casini, S.; Berg, C.W. van den; Hoekstra, M.; Remme, C.A.; Dambrot, C.; Salvatori, D.; Ward-van Oostwaard, D.; Wilde, A.A.M.; Bezzina, C.R.; Verkerk, A.O.; Freund, C. & Mummery, C.L. (2012), Cardiomyocytes derived from pluripotent stem cells recapitulate electrophysiological characteristics of an overlap syndrome of cardiac sodium channel disease., Circulation 125(25): 3079-91.
- Davis, R.P.; Casini, S.; Berg, C.W. van den; Hoekstra, M.; Remme, C.A.; Dambrot, C.; Salvatori, D.; Ward-van Oostwaard, D.; Wilde, A.A.M.; Bezzina, C.R.; Verkerk, A.O.; Freund, C. & Mummery, C.L. (2012), Cardiomyocytes Derived From Pluripotent Stem Cells Recapitulate Electrophysiological Characteristics of an Overlap Syndrome of Cardiac Sodium Channel Disease, Circulation 125(25): 3079-+.
- Chien, K.R.; Yi, B.A.; Xu, H.S. & Mummery, C.L. (2012), Cardiomyocyte reprogramming and the new age of cellular alchemy, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 53(3): 311-313.
- Kraushaar, U.; Meyer, T.; Hess, D.; Gepstein, L.; Mummery, C.L.; Braam, S.R. & Guenther, E. (2012), Cardiac safety pharmacology: from human ether-a-gogo related gene channel block towards induced pluripotent stem cell based disease models, Expert Opinion on Drug Safety 11(2): 285-298.
- Sideras, P.; Stavropoulos, A.; Giaglis, S.; Apostolou, E.; Monteiro, R.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Chen, H.Y.; Stripp, B.R.; Mummery, C.; Andreakos, E. & Sountoulidis, A. (2012), ACTIVATION OF THE CANONICAL BONE MORPHOGENETIC PROTEIN (BMP) PATHWAY DURING LUNG MORPHOGENESIS AND ADULT LUNG TISSUE REPAIR.
- Sountoulidis, A.; Stavropoulos, A.; Giaglis, S.; Apostolou, E.; Monteiro, R.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Chen, H.Y.; Stripp, B.R.; Mummery, C.; Andreakos, E. & Sideras, P. (2012), Activation of the Canonical Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) Pathway during Lung Morphogenesis and Adult Lung Tissue Repair, PLoS ONE 7(8): -.
- Chuva de Sousa Lopes, SM and Mummery & CL (2012), Differentiation in early development.
- Freund, C.; Davis, R.P.; Gkatzis, K.; Ward-van Oostwaard, D. & Mummery, C.L. (2012), The first reported generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) and iPS cell-derived cardiomyocytes in the Netherlands, Netherlands Heart Journal 20: 95-98.
- Casini, S.; Davis, R.P.; Berg, C.W. van den; Remme, C.A.; Dambrot, C.; Ward-van Oostwaard, D.; Wilde, A.A.M.; Bezzina, C.R.; Verkerk, A.O.; Freund, C. & Mummery, C.L. (2012), Pluripotent Stem Cell Models of a Cardiac Sodium Channelopathy, Biophysical Journal 102(3): 540A-540A.
- Davis, R.P.; Berg, C.W. van den; Casini, S.; Braam, S.R. & Mummery, C.L. (2011), Pluripotent stem cell models of cardiac disease and their implication for drug discovery and development, Trends in Molecular Medicine 17(9): 475-484.
- Mummery, C. (2011), Induced pluripotent stem cells--a cautionary note.
- Morris, E.; Chrobak, I.; Bujor, A.; Hant, F.; Mummery, C.; Dijke, P. ten & Trojanowska, M. (2011), Endoglin Promotes TGF-beta/Smad1 Signaling in Scleroderma Fibroblasts, Journal of Cellular Physiology 226(12): 3340-3348.
- Amps, K.; Andrews, P.W.; Anyfantis, G.; Armstrong, L.; Avery, S.; Baharvand, H.; Baker, J.; Baker, D.; Munoz, M.B.; Beil, S.; Benvenisty, N.; Ben-Yosef, D.; Biancotti, J.C.; Bosman, A.; Brena, R.M.; Brison, D.; Caisander, G.; Camarasa, M.V.; Chen, J.M.; Chiao, E.; Choi, Y.M.; Choo, A.B.H.; Collins, D.; Colman, A.; Crook, J.M.; Daley, G.Q.; Dalton, A.; Sousa, P.A. de; Denning, C.; Downie, J.; Dvorak, P.; Montgomery, K.D.; Feki, A.; Ford, A.; Fox, V.; Fraga, A.M.; Frumkin, T.; Ge, L.; Gokhale, P.J.; Golan-Lev, T.; Gourabi, H.; Gropp, M.; Lu, G.X.; Hampl, A.; Harron, K.; Healy, L.; Herath, W.; Holm, F.; Hovatta, O.; Hyllner, J.; Inamdar, M.S.; Irwanto, A.K.; Ishii, T.; Jaconi, M.; Jin, Y.; Kimber, S.; Kiselev, S.; Knowles, B.B.; Kopper, O.; Kukharenko, V.; Kuliev, A.; Lagarkova, M.A.; Laird, P.W.; Lako, M.; Laslett, A.L.; Lavon, N.; Lee, D.R.; Lee, J.E.; Li, C.L.; Lim, L.S.; Ludwig, T.E.; Ma, Y.; Maltby, E.; Mateizel, I.; Mayshar, Y.; Mileikovsky, M.; Minger, S.L.; Miyazaki, T.; Moon, S.Y.; Moore, H.; Mummery, C.; Nagy, A.; Nakatsuji, N.; Narwani, K.; Oh, S.K.W.; Oh, S.K.; Olson, C.; Otonkoski, T.; Pan, F.; Park, I.H.; Pells, S.; Pera, M.F.; Pereira, L.V.; Qi, O.; Raj, G.S.; Reubinoff, B.; Robins, A.; Robson, P.; Rossant, J.; Salekdeh, G.H.; Schulz, T.C.; Sermon, K.; Mohamed, J.S.; Shen, H.; Sherrer, E.; Sidhu, K.; Sivarajah, S.; Skottman, H.; Spits, C.; Stacey, G.N.; Strehl, R.; Strelchenko, N.; Suemori, H.; Sun, B.W.; Suuronen, R.; Takahashi, K.; Tuuri, T.; Venu, P.; Verlinsky, Y.; Ward-van Oostwaard, D.; Weisenberger, D.J.; Wu, Y.; Yamanaka, S.; Young, L.; Zhou, Q. & Int Stem Cell Initiative (2011), Screening ethnically diverse human embryonic stem cells identifies a chromosome 20 minimal amplicon conferring growth advantage, Nature Biotechnology 29(12): 1132-U113.
- Mummery, C. & Goumans, M.J. (2011), Shedding New Light on the Mechanism Underlying Stem Cell Therapy for the Heart, Molecular Therapy 19(7): 1186-1188.
- Elliott, D.A.; Braam, S.R.; Koutsis, K.; Ng, E.S.; Jenny, R.; Lagerqvist, E.L.; Biben, C.; Hatzistavrou, T.; Hirst, C.E.; Yu, Q.C.; Skelton, R.J.P.; Oostwaard, D.W.V.; Lim, S.M.; Khammy, O.; Li, X.L.; Hawes, S.M.; Davis, R.P.; Goulburn, A.L.; Passier, R.; Prall, O.W.J.; Haynes, J.M.; Pouton, C.W.; Kaye, D.M.; Mummery, C.L.; Elefanty, A.G. & Stanley, E.G. (2011), NKX2-5eGFPw hESCs for isolation of human cardiac progenitors and cardiomyocytes, Nature Methods 8(12): 1037-+.
- Mummery, C. & Goumans, M.J. (2011), Shedding new light on the mechanism underlying stem cell therapy for the heart.
- Staal, F.J.T.; Baum, C.; Cowan, C.; Dzierzak, E.; Hacein-Bey-Abina, S.; Karlsson, S.; Lapidot, T.; Lemischka, I.; Mendez-Ferrer, S.; Mikkers, H.; Moore, K.; Moreno, E.; Mummery, C.L.; Robin, C.; Suda, T.; Pel, M. van; Brink, G.V.; Zwaginga, J.J. & Fibbe, W.E. (2011), Stem cell self-renewal: lessons from bone marrow, gut and iPS toward clinical applications, Leukemia 25(7): 1095-1102.
- Mummery, C. (2011), Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells - A Cautionary Note, New England Journal of Medicine 364(22): 2160-2162.
- Mummery, C.; Westgren, M. & Sermon, K. (2011), Current controversies in prenatal diagnosis 1: is stem cell therapy ready for human fetuses?, Prenatal Diagnosis.
- Mummery, C.; Westgren, M. & Sermon, K. (2011), Current controversies in prenatal diagnosis 1: is stem cell therapy ready for human fetuses?, Prenatal Diagnosis 31(3): 228-30.
- Davis, R.P.; Berg, C.W. van den; Casini, S.; Braam, S.R. & Mummery, C.L. (2011), Pluripotent stem cell models of cardiac disease and their implication for drug discovery and development., Trends in Molecular Medicine 17(9): 475-84.
- Eldik, W. van; Beqqali, A.; Monshouwer-Kloots, J.; Mummery, C. & Passier, R. (2011), Cytoskeletal heart-enriched actin-associated protein (CHAP) is expressed in striated and smooth muscle cells in chick and mouse during embryonic and adult stages., International Journal of Developmental Biology 55(6): 649-55.
- Mummery, CL, Wilmut I, van de Stolpe A & Roelen B (2011), Stem Cells: Scientific Facts and Fiction. A popular book on stem cells.
- Dambrot, C.; Passier, R.; Atsma, D. & Mummery, C.L. (2011), Cardiomyocyte differentiation of pluripotent stem cells and their use as cardiac disease models., Biochemical Journal 434(1): 25-35.
- Dambrot, C.; Passier, R.; Atsma, D. & Mummery, C.L. (2011), Cardiomyocyte differentiation of pluripotent stem cells and their use as cardiac disease models, Biochemical Journal 434: 25-35.
- Ramkisoensing, A.A.; Pijnappels, D.A.; Askar, S.F.A.; Passier, R.; Swildens, J.; Goumans, M.J.; Schutte, C.I.; Vries, A.A.F. de; Scherjon, S.; Mummery, C.L.; Schalij, M.J. & Atsma, D.E. (2011), Human Embryonic and Fetal Mesenchymal Stem Cells Differentiate toward Three Different Cardiac Lineages in Contrast to Their Adult Counterparts, PLoS ONE 6(9).
- Mummery, C.L. & Passier, R. (2011), New perspectives on regeneration of the heart., Circulation Research 109(8): 828-9.
- Fujiwara, M.; Yan, P.S.; Otsuji, T.G.; Narazaki, G.; Uosaki, H.; Fukushima, H.; Kuwahara, K.; Harada, M.; Matsuda, H.; Matsuoka, S.; Okita, K.; Takahashi, K.; Nakagawa, M.; Ikeda, T.; Sakata, R.; Mummery, C.L.; Nakatsuji, N.; Yamanaka, S.; Nakao, K. & Yamashita, J.K. (2011), Induction and Enhancement of Cardiac Cell Differentiation from Mouse and Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells with Cyclosporin-A, PLoS ONE 6(2).
- Denning C, Passier R & Mummery CL (2011), Differentiation of human embryonic stem cells to cardiomyocytes.
- Staal, F.J.T.; Baum, C.; Cowan, C.; Dzierzak, E.; Hacein-Bey-Abina, S.; Karlsson, S.; Lapidot, T.; Lemischka, I.; Mendez-Ferrer, S.; Mikkers, H.; Moore, K.; Moreno, E.; Mummery, C.L.; Robin, C.; Suda, T.; Pel, M. van; Brink, G.V.; Zwaginga, J.J. & Fibbe, W.E. (2011), Stem cell self-renewal: lessons from bone marrow, gut and iPS toward clinical applications., Leukemia 25(7): 1095-102.
- Leeuwis, J.W.; Nguyen, T.Q.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Giezen, D.M. van der; Ven, K. van der; Rouw, P.J.H.; Offerhaus, G.J.A.; Mummery, C.L. & Goldschmeding, R. (2011), Direct visualization of Smad1/5/8-mediated transcriptional activity identifies podocytes and collecting ducts as major targets of BMP signalling in healthy and diseased kidneys, Journal of Pathology 224(1): 121-132.
- Laake, L.W. van; Passier, R.; Ouden, K. den; Schreurs, C.; Monshouwer-Kloots, J.; Ward-Van Oostwaard, D.; Echteld, C. van; Doevendans, P.A. & Mummery, C.L. (2010), Human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes improve cardiac function after myocardial infarction: paracrine effects outweigh the contribution of active contractile force, European Heart Journal 31: 79-79.
- Mummery, C. (2010), Sorting cardiomyocytes: a simple solution after all?, Nature Methods 7(1): 40-42.
- Lebrin, F.; Srun, S.; Raymond, K.; Martin, S.; Brink, S. van den; Freitas, C.; Breant, C.; Mathivet, T.; Larrivee, B.; Thomas, J.L.; Arthur, H.M.; Westermann, C.J.J.; Disch, F.; Mager, J.J.; Snijder, R.J.; Eichmann, A. & Mummery, C.L. (2010), Thalidomide stimulates vessel maturation and reduces epistaxis in individuals with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, Nature Medicine 16(4): 420U101.
- Laake, L.W. van; Donselaar, E.G. van; Monshouwer-Kloots, J.; Schreurs, C.; Passier, R.; Humbel, B.M.; Doevendans, P.A.; Sonnenberg, A.; Verkleij, A.J. & Mummery, C.L. (2010), Extracellular matrix formation after transplantation of human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 67(2): 277-290.
- Braam, S.R.; Tertoolen, L.; Stolpe, A. van de; Meyer, T.; Passier, R. & Mummery, C.L. (2010), Prediction of drug-induced cardiotoxicity using human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes., Stem Cell Research 4(2): 107-16.
- C. Mummery (2010), Treating cardiac disorders with stem cells.
- Braam, S.R.; Nauw, R.; Ward-van Oostwaard, D.; Mummery, C.; Passier, R.; Beyar, R. & Landesberg, A. (2010), Inhibition of ROCK improves survival of human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes after dissociation., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1188: 52-7.
- Passier, R. & Mummery, C. (2010), Getting to the heart of the matter: direct reprogramming to cardiomyocytes., Cell Stem Cell 7(2): 139-41.
- Freund, C.; Davis, R.P.; Gkatzis, K.; Ward-van Oostwaard, D. & Mummery, C.L. (2010), The first reported generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) and iPS cell-derived cardiomyocytes in the Netherlands, Netherlands Heart Journal 18(1): 51-54.
- Braam SR, Denning C & Mummery CL (2010), Genetic manipulation of human embryonic stem cells in serum and feeder-free media., Methods in Molecular Biology 584: 413-23.
- Beqqali, A.; Monshouwer-Kloots, J.; Monteiro, R.; Welling, M.; Bakkers, J.; Ehler, E.; Verkleij, A.; Mummery, C. & Passier, R. (2010), CHAP is a newly identified Z-disc protein essential for heart and skeletal muscle function, Journal of Cell Science 123(7): 1141-1150.
- Mummery, C.L.; Davis, R.P. & Krieger, J.E. (2010), Challenges in Using Stem Cells for Cardiac Repair, Science Translational Medicine 2(27).
- Koyanagi, M.; Iwasaki, M.; Rupp, S.; Tedesco, F.S.; Yoon, C.H.; Boeckel, J.N.; Trauth, J.; Schutz, C.; Ohtani, K.; Goetz, R.; Iekushi, K.; Bushoven, P.; Momma, S.; Mummery, C.; Passier, R.; Henschler, R.; Akintuerk, H.; Schranz, D.; Urbich, C.; Galvez, B.G.; Cossu, G.; Zeiher, A.M. & Dimmeler, S. (2010), Sox2 Transduction Enhances Cardiovascular Repair Capacity of Blood-Derived Mesoangioblasts, Circulation Research 106(7): 1290U281.
- Passier, R. & Mummery, C. (2010), Getting to the Heart of the Matter: Direct Reprogramming to Cardiomyocytes, Cell Stem Cell 7(2): 139-141.
- Denning, C, Passier R & Mummery C (2010), Chapter 15: Differentiation of human embryonic stem cells to cardiomyocytes.
- Kobayakawa, S.; Lie-Venema, H.; Mummery, C.L. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2010), Human germ cells development during the first trimester-X chromosome activity in human germ cells, Differentiation 80: S48S48.
- Lebrin, F.; Freund, C.; Braam, S.; Passier, R.; Laake, L. van; Ward, D.; Tertoolen, L.; Davis, R. & Mummery, C. (2010), Cardiovascular derivatives of embryonic stem cells in cardiac repair and drug discovery, Differentiation 80: S12-S12.
- Hoof, D. van; Dormeyer, W.; Braam, S.R.; Passier, R.; Monshouwer-Kloots, J.; Ward-van Oostwaard, D.; Heck, A.J.R.; Krijgsveld, J. & Mummery, C.L. (2010), Identification of Cell Surface Proteins for Antibody-Based Selection of Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes, Journal of Proteome Research 9(3): 1610-1618.
- Post, S.; Smits, A.M.; Broek, A.J. van den; Sluijter, J.P.G.; Hoefer, I.E.; Janssen, B.J.; Snijder, R.J.; Mager, J.J.; Pasterkamp, G.; Mummery, C.L.; Doevendans, P.A. & Goumans, M.J. (2010), Impaired recruitment of HHT-1 mononuclear cells to the ischaemic heart is due to an altered CXCR4/CD26 balance, Cardiovascular Research 85(3): 494-502.
- Kearns-Jonker, M.; Dai, W.D.; Gunthart, M.; Girish, N.; Pera, M.; Mummery, C. & Kloner, R.A. (2010), Genetically Engineered Mesenchymal Stem Cells Confer Beneficial Effects on Both Co-transplanted Human Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Cardiomyocytes as well as the Recipient Heart, Circulation 122(21).
- Beqqali A, van Eldik W, Mummery C & Passier R (2009), Human stem cells as a model for cardiac differentiation and disease., Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 66(5): 800-13.
- Smits AM, van Laake LW, den Ouden K, Schreurs C, Szuhai K, van Echteld CJ, Mummery CL, Doevendans PA & Goumans MJ (2009), Human cardiomyocyte progenitor cell transplantation preserves long-term function of the infarcted mouse myocardium, Cardiovascular Research 83(3): 527-535.
- Andrews PW, Arias-Diaz J, Auerbach J, Alvarez M, Ahrlund-Richter L, Baker D, Benvenisty N, Ben-Josef D, Blin G, Borghese L, Borstlap J, Bruce K, Brustle O, Buckle R, Camby C, Choo A, Chen W, Collins D, Colman A & Crombie C (2009), Consensus Guidance for Banking and Supply of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines for Research Purposes, Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 5(4): 301-314.
- Boeckel JN, Koyanagi M, Ohtani K, Mummery C, Momma S, Zeiher AM & Dimmeler S (2009), Comparing Epigenetic Modifications of Adult Progenitor Cells, Circulation 120(18): S1079S1079.
- Mummery C (2009), Cardiomyocytes from Human Embryonic Stem Cells, Journal of General Physiology 134(1): 14A14A.
- Mummery C (2009), Cardiovascular derivatives of embryonic stem cells in cardiac repair and drug discovery, Human Gene Therapy 20(11): 1363-1363.
- Nijmeijer RM, Leeuwis JW, DeLisio A, Mummery CL & Lopes SMCD (2009), Visceral endoderm induces specification of cardiomyocytes in mice, Stem Cell Research 3(2-3): 170-178.
- van Laake LW, Passier R, den Ouden K, Schreurs C, Monshouwer-Kloots J, Ward-van Oostwaard D, van Echteld CJ, Doevendans PA & Mummery CL (2009), Improvement of mouse cardiac function by hESC-derived cardiomyocytes correlates with vascularity but not graft size, Stem Cell Research 3(2-3): 106-112.
- Van Hoof D, Munoz J, Braam SR, Pinkse MWH, Linding R, Heck AJR, Mummery CL & Krijgsveld J (2009), Phosphorylation Dynamics during Early Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells, Cell Stem Cell 5(2): 214-226.
- Beqqali A, van Eldik W, Mummery C & Passier R (2009), Human stem cells as a model for cardiac differentiation and disease, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 66(5): 800-813.
- Itoh F, Itoh S, Carvalho RLC, Adachi T, Ema M, Goumans MJ, Larsson J, Karlsson S, Takahashi S & Mummery CL (2009), Poor vessel formation in embryos from knock-in mice expressing ALK5 with L45 loop mutation defective in Smad activation, Laboratory Investigation 89(7): 800-810.
- Davis R, Freund C, Tertoolen L, Remme CA, Bezzina C & Mummery C (2009), Mouse pluripotent stem cell models of a human cardiac sodium channelopathy, Mechanisms of Development 126: S246S246.
- Braam SR, Passier R & Mummery CL (2009), Cardiomyocytes from human pluripotent stem cells in regenerative medicine and drug discovery, Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 30(10): 536-545.
- Freund C & Mummery CL (2009), Prospects for Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes in Cardiac Cell Therapy and as Disease Models, Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 107(4): 592-599.
- Chuva de Sousa Lopes, SM and Mummery & CL. (2009), Differentiation in early development.
- Braam SR, Denning C, van den Brink S, Kats P, Hochstenbach R, Passier R & Mummery CL (2008), Improved genetic manipulation of human embryonic stem cells, Nature Methods 5(5).
- van Laake LW, Passier R, Doevendans PA & Mummery CL (2008), Human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes and cardiac repair in rodents, Circulation Research 102(9).
- Van Hoof D, Braam SR, Dormeyer W, Oostwaard DWV, Heck AJR, Krijgsveld J & Mummery CL (2008), Feeder-Free Monolayer Cultures of Human Embryonic Stem Cells Express an Epithelial Plasma Membrane Protein Profile, STEM CELLS 26(11).
- Monteiro R, van Dinther M, Bakkers J, Wilkinson R, Patient R, ten Dijke P & Mummery C (2008), Two novel type II receptors mediate BMP signalling and are required to establish left-right asymmetry in zebrafish, Developmental Biology 315(1).
- Passier R, van Laake LW & Mummery CL (2008), Stem-cell-based therapy and lessons from the heart, Nature 453(7193).
- Van Hoof Dennis, Heck Albert J. R., Krijgsveld Jeroen & Mummery Christine L. (2008), Proteomics and human embryonic stem cells, Stem Cell Research 1(3): 169-182.
- Smits Anke M., van Laake Linda W., den Ouden Krista, Schreurs Chantal, van Echteld Coos J., Mummery Christine L., Doevendans Pieter A. & Goumans Marie-Jose (2008), Human Cardiomyocyte Progenitor Cells Regenerate Infarcted Myocardium and Preserve Long-Term Cardiac Function In Mice, Circulation 118(18): S499-S499.
- Monteiro RM, Lopes SMCD, Bialecka M, de Boer S, Zwijsen A & Mummery CL (2008), Real time monitoring of BMP Smads transcriptional activity during mouse development, genesis 46(7).
- Braam SR, Zeinstra L, Litjens S, Ward-van Oostwaard D, van den Brink S, van Laake L, Lebrin F, Kats P, Hochstenbach R, Passier R, Sonnenberg A & Mummery CL (2008), Recombinant vitronectin is a functionally defined substrate that supports human embryonic stem cell self-renewal via alpha V beta 5 integrin, STEM CELLS 26(9).
- Braam SR, Denning C, Matsa E, Young LE, Passier R & Mummery CL (2008), Feeder-free culture of human embryonic stem cells in conditioned medium for efficient genetic modification, Nature Protocols 3(9).
- Bezooijen, R.L. van; DeRuiter, M.C.; Vilain, N.; Monteiro, R.M.; Visser, A.; Wee-Pals, L. van der; Munsteren, C.J. van; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Aguet, M.; Mummery, C.L.; Papapoulos, S.E.; Dijke, P. ten & Lowik, C.W.G.M. (2007), SOST expression is restricted to the great arteries during embryonic and neonatal cardiovascular development, Developmental Dynamics 236(2).
- Carvalho RLC, Itoh F, Goumans MJ, Lebrin F, Kato M, Takahashi S, Ema M, Itoh S, van Rooijen M, Bertolino P, ten Dijke P & Mummery CL (2007), Compensatory signalling induced in the yolk sac vasculature by deletion of TGF beta receptors in mice, Journal of Cell Science 120(24).
- van Meeteren LA, Ruurs P, Stortelers C, Bouwman P, van Rooijen MA, Pradere JP, Pettit TR, Wakelam MJO, Saulnier-Blache JS, Mummery CL, Moolenaar WH & Jonkers J (2006), Autotaxin, a secreted lysophospholipase D, is essential for blood vessel formation during development, Molecular and Cellular Biology 26(13): 5015-5022.
- de Sousa Lopes SMC, Hassink RJ, Feijen A, van Rooijen MA, Doevendans PA, Tertoolen L, de la Rivere AB & Mummery CL (2006), Patterning the heart, a template for human cardiomyocyte development.
- van Laake LW, van den Driesche S, Post S, Feijen A, Jansen MA, Driessens MH, Mager JJ, Snijder RJ, Westermann CJJ, Doevendans PA, van Echteld CJA, ten Dijke P, Arthur HM, Goumans MJ, Lebrin F & Mummery CL (2006), Endoglin has a crucial role in blood cell-mediated vascular repair, Circulation 114(21).
- Lopes SMCD, Roelen BAJ, Monteiro RM, Emmens R, Lin HY, Li E, Lawson KA & Mummery CL (2004), BMP signaling mediated by ALK2 in the visceral endoderm is necessary for the generation of primordial germ cells in the mouse embryo, Genes and Development 18(15): 1838-1849.
- Koop EA, Lopes SMCD, Feiken E, Bluyssen HAR, Van Der Valk M, Voest EE, Mummery CL, Moolenaar WH & Gebbink MFBG (2003), Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase mu expression as a marker for endothelial cell heterogeneity; analysis of RPTP mu gene expression using LacZ knock-in mice, International Journal of Developmental Biology 47(5): 345-354.
- Cachaco AS, Lopes SMCD, Kuikman I, Bajanca F, Abe K, Baudoin C, Sonnenberg A, Mummery CL & Thorsteinsdottir S (2003), Knock-in of integrin beta 1D affects primary but not secondary myogenesis in mice, DEVELOPMENT 130(8): 1659-1671.
- Founding/Associate editor of Stem Cell Reports
- Founding/Associate editor of Stem Cell Reports
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