Chen Wang
- Naam
- Dr. C. Wang
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 1571
Chen Wang is researcher, verbonden aan de afdeling Economie.
- Aldi Hagenaars Memorial Award, Luxembourg Income Study Working Paper Series (2012)
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut Fiscale en Economische vakken
- Economie
- Caminada K., Goudswaard K., Liu Q., Wang C. & Wang J. (2024), Determinants of Elderly Poverty in 21 European Countries, 1995-2022. LIS Working Paper Series nr. 882. Luxembourg: Luxembourg Income Study (LIS).
- Caminada C.L.J., Goudswaard K.P., Wang C. & Wang J. (2021), Antipoverty effects of various social transfers and income taxes across countries, Social Indicators Research 154(3): 1055-1076.
- Caminada C.L.J., Wang J., Goudswaard K.P. & Wang C. (2019), Relative income poverty rates and poverty alleviation via tax/benefit systems in 49 LIS-countries, 1967-2016. LIS Working Paper Series nr. 761. Luxembourg: LIS Cross-National Data Center.
- Caminada C.L.J., Goudswaard K.P., Wang C. & Wang J. (2019), Income inequality and fiscal redistribution in 31 countries after the crisis, Comparative Economic Studies 61(1): 119-148.
- Caminada C.L.J., Goudswaard K.P., Wang C. & Wang J. (2019), Has the redistributive effect of social transfers and taxes changed over time across countries?, International Social Security Review 72(1): 3-31.
- Luo Z.W., Wan G., Wang C. & Zhang X. (2018), Urban pollution and road infrastructure: A case study of China, China Economic Review 49: 171-183.
- Thewissen S.H., Vliet O.P. van & Wang C. (2018), Taking the Sector Seriously: Data, Developments, and Drivers of Intrasectoral Earnings Inequality, Social Indicators Research 138(3): 1023-1048.
- Wang J., Caminada K., Goudswaard K.P. & Wang C. (2018), Income polarization in European countries and Europe wide, 2004-2012, Cambridge Journal of Economics 42(3): 797-816.
- Li P., Wang C. & Zhang X. (2017), Did city cluster development help improve labor productivity in China?, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy 22(1): 122-135.
- Zhang X., Wan G., Wang C. & Luo Z. (2017), Technical Change and Income Inequality in China, The World Economy 40(11): 2378-2402.
- Wang J., Caminada K. & Wang C. (2017), Measuring Income Polarization for Twenty European Countries, 2004–13: A Shapley Growth-Redistribution Decomposition, Eastern European Economics 55(6): 477-499.
- Caminada C.L.J., Wang J., Goudswaard K.P. & Wang C. (2017), Income inequality and fiscal redistribution in 47 LIS-countries (1967-2014). LIS Working Paper Series nr. 724. Esch-Belval: Luxembourg Income Study (LIS).
- Wang J., Caminada K., Goudswaard K.P. & Wang C. (2015), Decomposing income polarization and tax-benefit changes across 31 European countries and Europe wide, 2004-2012. Department of Economics Research Memorandum nr. 2015.03. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.
- Wang C. (19 februari 2015), Essays on trends in income distribution and redistribution in affluent countries and China (Dissertatie, Faculty of Law, Leiden University) Meijers-reeks nr. 243. Promotor(en): Caminada C.L.J. & Goudswaard K.P.
- Vliet O.P. van & Wang C. (2015), Social investment and poverty reduction: A comparative analysis across 15 European countries, Journal of Social Policy 44(3): 611-638.
- Wang C. & Wan G. (2015), Income polarization in China: level and changes, China Economic Review 36: 58-72.
- Caminada K. & Wang C. (2 juli 2015), Do rising shares in top incomes affect income inequality as a whole?. Leiden Law Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog].
- Vliet O.P. van & Wang C. (8 juli 2015), Does social investment reduce or increase poverty?. Cambridge Journals Blog. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [blog].
- Wan G. & Wang C. (2014), Unprecedented Urbanisation in Asia and Its Impacts on the Environment, The Australian Economic Review 47(3): 378-385.
- Wang C., Caminada C.L.J. & Goudswaard K.P. (2014), Income redistribution in 20 countries over time, International Journal of Social Welfare 23(3): 262-275.
- Wang C., Wan G. & Yang D. (2014), Income inequality in the people's republic of China: Trends, determinants, and proposed remedies, Journal of Economic Surveys 28(4): 686-708.
- Thewissen S.H., Vliet O.P. van & Wang C. (2013), Sectorale loonongelijkheid en werkgelegenheid in internationaal perspectief tussen 1985-2005, TPEdigitaal 7(3): 139-160.
- Thewissen S.H., Wang C. & Vliet O.P. van (2013), Sectoral trends in earnings inequality and employment: International trade, skill-biased technological change, or labour market institutions?. LIS Working Paper Series. Luxemburg: LIS Datacenter.
- Wang C., Thewissen S.H. & Vliet O.P. van (2013), Leiden LIS Sectoral Income Inequality Dataset. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden. [database].
- Caminada C.L.J., Goudswaard K.P. & Wang C. (2013), Inkomensherverdeling door sociale uitkeringen en belastingen: een internationale vergelijking, Tijdschrift voor Openbare Financiën 45(3): 111-134.
- Wang C., Caminada C.L.J. & Goudswaard K.P. (2012), The redistributive effect of social transfer programs and taxes: a decomposition across countries, International Social Security Review 65(3): 27-48.
- Caminada C.L.J., Goudswaard K.P. & Wang C. (2012), Disentangling Income Inequality and the Redistributive Effect of Taxes and Transfers in 20 LIS Countries Over Time. LIS Working Paper Series nr. 581.
- Wang C. & Caminada C.L.J. (2011), Disentangling Income Inequality and the Redistributive Effect of Social Transfers and Taxes in 36 LIS Countries. Department of Economics Research Memorandum nr. 2011.02. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.
- Wang C. & Caminada C.L.J. (2011), Leiden LIS Budget Incidence Fiscal Redistribution Dataset (data file). [dataset].