Chantal Pont
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- Ing. C.M. Pont
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- +31 71 527 6302
Meer informatie is beschikbaar op de Engelse profielpagina.
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- LACDR/Toxicology
- Wester L., Venneker S., Hazenoot M., Pont C.M., Koedoot E., Timmermans A.M., Martens J.W.M., Jansen M.P.H.M., Kockx C.E.M., IJcken W.F.J. van, Meerman J.H.N., Zhang Y. & Water B. van de (2022), A kinase inhibitor screen reveals MEK1/2 as a novel therapeutic target to antagonize IGF1R-mediated antiestrogen resistance in ERα-positive luminal breast cancer, Biochemical Pharmacology 204: 115233.
- Koedoot E., Fokkelman M., Rogkoti V.M., Smid M., Sandt I. van de, Bont H.J.G.M. de, Pont C.M., Klip J.E., Wink S., Timmermans M.A., Wiemer E.A.C., Stoilov P., Foekens J.A., Le Dévédec S.E., Martens J.W.M. & Water B. van de (2019), Uncovering the signaling landscape controlling breast cancer cell migration identifies novel metastasis driver genes, Nature Communications 10(1): 2983.
- Zhang Y., Wester L., He J., Geiger T., Moerkens M., Siddappa R., Helmijr J.A., Timmermans M.M., Look M.P., Deurzen C.H.M. van, Martens J.W.M., Pont C.M., Graauw M. de, Danen E.H.J., Berns E.M.J.J., Jansen M.P.H.M., Meerman J.H.N. & Water B. van de (2018), IGF1R signaling drives antiestrogen resistance through PAK2/PIX activation in luminal breast cancer, Oncogene 37(14): 1869-1884.
- Roosmalen W. van, Le Devedec S.E., Golani O., Smid M., Pulyakhina I., Timmermans A.M., Look M.P., Zi D., Pont C., Graauw M. de, Naffar-Abu-Amara S., Kirsanova C., Rustici G., Hoen P.A.C. 't, Martens J.W.M., Foekens J.A., Geiger B. & Water B.J. van de (2015), Tumor cell migration screen identifies SRPK1 as breast cancer metastasis determinant, Journal of Clinical Investigation 125(4): 1648-1664.
- Braak B. ter, Wink S., Koedoot E., Pont C., Siezen C., Laan J.W. van der & Water B. van de (2015), Alternative signaling network activation through different insulin receptor family members caused by pro-mitogenic antidiabetic insulin analogues in human mammary epithelial cells, Breast cancer research 17: 97.
- Graauw M. de, Cao L., Winkel L., Miltenburg M.H.A.M. van, Dévédec S.E. le, Klop M., Yan K., Pont C.M., Rogkoti V.M., Tijsma A., Chaudhuri A., Lalai R.A., Price L.S., Verbeek F.J. & Water B. van de (2014), Annexin A2 depletion delays EGFR endocytic trafficking via cofilin activation and enhances EGFR signaling and metastasis formation, Oncogene 33(20): 2610-2619.
- Verissimo C.S., Elands R., Cheng S., Saaltink D.J., Horst J.P. ter, Alme M.N., Pont C.M., Water B. van der, Håvik B., Fitzsimons C.P. & Vreugdenhil E. (2013), Silencing of doublecortin-like (DCL) results in decreased mitochondrial activity and delayed neuroblastoma tumor growth, PLoS ONE 8(9): e75752.
- Le Dévédec S.E., Roosmalen W. van, Pont C.M., Lalai R., Bont H.J.G.M. de & Water B. van de (2011), Two-photon intravital multicolour imaging to study metastatic behaviour of cancer cells in vivo. In: Wells C.M. & Parsons M. (red.), Cell Migration. Methods in Molecular Biology nr. 769: Springer. 331-349.
- Le Devedec S.E., Lalai R., Pont C.M., Bont H.J.G.M. & Water B. van de (2011), Two-Photon Intravital Multicolor Imaging Combined with Inducible Gene Expression to Distinguish Metastatic Behavior of Breast Cancer Cells In Vivo, Molecular Imaging and Biology 13(1): 67-77.
- Graauw M. de, Miltenburg M.H. van, Schmidt M.K., Pont C.M., Lalai R.A., Kartopawiro J., Pardali E., Le Dévédec S.E., Smit V.T., Wal A. van der, Veer L.J. van 't, Cleton-Jansen A.-M., Dijke P. ten & Water B. van de (2010), Annexin A1 regulates TGF-beta signaling and promotes metastasis formation of basal-like breast cancer cells, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107(14): 6340-6345.
- Le Dévédec S.E., Roosmalen W.P.E. van, Maria N., Grimbergen M., Pont C.M., Lalai R.A. & Water B. van de (2009), An improved model to study tumor cell autonomous metastasis programs using MTLn3 cells and the Rag2(-/-) gamma c(-/-) mouse, Clinical and Experimental Metastasis 26(7): 673-684.
- Alderliesten M., Graauw M. de, Oldenampsen J., Qin Y., Pont C.M., Buren L. van & Water B. van de (2007), Extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation during renal ischemia/reperfusion mediates focal adhesion dissolution and renal injury, The American Journal of Pathology 171(2): 452-462.
- Burg D., Riepsaame J., Pont C., Mulder G. & Water B. van de (2006), Peptide-bond modified glutathione conjugate analogs modulate GSTpi function in GSH-conjugation, drug sensitivity and JNK signaling, Biochemical Pharmacology 71(3): 268-277.