Cecily Rose
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. C.E. Rose
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5385
- c.e.rose@law.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-3307-8122

Voor meer informatie zie de Engelstalige profielpagina van C.E. Rose.
Universitair hoofddocent
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Grotius Centre for Intern Legal Studies
- Rose C.E. (2025), Evidentiary challenges in the litigation of war reparations: Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (DRC v Uganda), Journal of International Dispute Settlement 16(1): 1-20 (idaf004).
- Peat D.C. & Rose C.E. (2024), The changing landscape of international law scholarship: do funding bodies influence what we research?, Yale Journal of International Law 49: 125-153.
- Borlini L. & Rose C.E. (2024), The normative development of laws on asset preservation and confiscation: an examination of emerging best practices, International Journal of Constitutional Law 22(2): 514-537.
- Rose C.E. (2024), Magnitsky sanctions, corruption, and asset recovery. In: Rotberg R.I. & Hampson F.O. (red.), Grand corruption: curbing kleptocracy globally. Routledge Studies in Security and Conflict Management. London: Routledge. 224-243.
- Rose C.E. (2024), The progressive development of international law on the return of stolen assets: mapping the paths forward, European journal of international law 35(3): 701-726.
- Rose C.E. 21 oktober 2024, Tackling the Overflowing Caseload at the International Court of Justice. The Auxiliary Chamber [podcast].
- Becker M.A. & Rose C.E. (3 december 2024), The Return of Not-Quite “Phantom Experts”?: The ICJ Meets with IPCC Scientists. Verfassungsblog. [blog].
- Rose C.E. (2023), Introduction to Symposium: Public Interest Litigation at the International Court of Justice, Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 22(2): 229-233.
- Rose C.E. (2023), Bespreking van: Staiano F. (2022), Transnational organized crime: challenging international law principles on state jurisdiction. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. European journal of international law 34(3): 748-754.
- Rose C.E. (2023), Introduction to Symposium on the Proposal to Create an International Anti-Corruption Court, Transnational Criminal Law Review 2(1): 1-4.
- Helfer L.R., Rose C.E. & Brewster R. (2023), Flexible institution building in the international anti-corruption regime: proposing a transnational asset recovery mechanism, American Journal of International Law 117(4): 559-600.
- Rose C.E. (2023), Definitions and concept. In: Pieth M. & Søreide T. (red.), Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Corruption Law. Elgar Concise Encyclopedias in Law. Northampton, Massachusetts, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing. 178-180.
- Rose C.E. (2023), Soft law initiatives. In: Pieth M. & Søreide T. (red.), Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Corruption Law. Elgar Concise Encyclopedias in Law. Northampton, Massachusetts, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing. 394-397.
- Peat D.C. & Rose C.E. (2022), International law from the outside: insights from the Dutch Research Council (NWO), Leiden Journal of International Law 35(1): 1-8.
- Rose C.E., Blokker N.M., Dam-de Jong D.A., Driest S. van den, Heinsch R.W., Koppe E. & Schrijver N.J. (2022), An introduction to public international law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Rose C.E. (17 maart 2022), International Court of Justice orders Russia to immediately suspend military operations in Ukraine. Leiden Law Blog. [blog].
- Rose C.E. (2022), Enforcing the ‘community interest’ in combating transnational crimes: the potential for public interest litigation, Netherlands International Law Review 69(1): 57-82.
- Rose C.E. (18 oktober 2022), Equatorial Guinea v. France (No. 2): a first attempt at international litigation on stolen asset recovery. EJIL:Talk!. [blog].
- Rose C.E. (19 oktober 2022), What to expect in upcoming provisional measures proceedings in Equatorial Guinea v France (No. 2). CIL Dialogues: Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore. [blog].
- Rose C.E. (2021), Corruption and Global Security. In: Geiß R. & Melzer N. (red.), The Oxford Handbook of the International Law of Global Security. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 140-157.
- Rose C.E., annotatie bij: International Court of Justice 14 juli 2020. AJIL 115(2): 301-308 (Appeal Relating to the Jurisdiction of the ICAO Council under Article 84 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates v. Qatar); Appeal Relating to the Jurisdiction of the ICAO Council under Article II, Section 2, of the 1944 International Air Services Transit Agreement (Bahrain, Egypt and United Arab Emirates v. Qatar)).
- Rose C.E. (2021), The Origins of International Anti-Corruption Law: The Failed Negotiation of an International Agreement on Illicit Payments. In: Boister N., Gless S. & Jessberger F. (red.), Histories of Transnational Criminal Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 187-201.
- Rose C.E. (2021), Human Rights Law and the Return of Stolen Assets. In: Blokker N., Dam-de Jong D. & Prislan V. (red.), Furthering the Frontiers of International Law: Sovereignty, Human Rights, Sustainable Development: Liber Amicorum Nico Schrijver. Leiden: Brill Nijhoff. 294-306.
- Rose C.E. (2021), Corruption. In: Binder C., Nowak M., Hofbauer J.A. & Janig P. (red.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 377-383.
- Rose C.E. (2021), The Role of the Judge Ad Hoc in Interstate Litigation: Perspectives from the Law and Practice of the International Court of Justice. In: De Brabandere E. (red.), International Procedure in Interstate Litigation and Arbitration: A Comparative Approach. Studies on International Courts and Tribunals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 113-138.
- Rose C.E. (2021), An International Economic Law Perspective on the United Nations Convention against Corruption, European Yearbook of International Economic Law 11: 83-106.
- Rose C.E. (2020), The Creation of a Review Mechanism for the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime and Its Protocols, American Journal of International Law 114(1): 51-67.
- Rose C.E. (2020), The Dispute Settlement Function of the International Court of Justice in Croatia v. Serbia. In: Ruiz Fabri H., Nunes Chaib A., Venzke I. & Von Bogdandy A. (red.), International Judicial Legitimacy: New Voices and Approaches. Studies of the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law nr. 20. Baden Baden: Nomos. 129-146.
- Rose C.E. (2019), Money Laundering and the African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples’ Rights. In: Jalloh C.C., Clarke K.M. & Nmehielle V.O. (red.), The African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples' Rights in Context: Development and Challenges. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 505-528.
- Rose C.E., Kubiciel M. & Landwehr O. (red.) (2019), The United Nations Convention Against Corruption: A Commentary. Oxford Commentaries on International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Rose C.E., Kubiciel M. & Landwehr O. (2019), Introduction. In: Rose C.E., Kubiciel M. & Landwehr O. (red.), The United Nations Convention against Corruption: A Commentary. Oxford Commentaries on International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1-13.
- Rose C.E. (2019), Article 17: Embezzlement, Misappropriation, or Other Diversion of Property by a Public Official. In: Rose C.E., Kubiciel M. & Landwehr O. (red.), The United Nations Convention against Corruption: A Commentary. Oxford Commentaries on International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 182-191.
- Rose C.E. (2019), Article 19: Abuse of Functions. In: Rose C.E., Kubiciel M. & Landwehr O. (red.), The United Nations Convention against Corruption: A Commentary. Oxford Commentaries on International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 210-218.
- Rose C.E. (2019), Article 29: Statute of Limitations. In: Rose C.E., Kubiciel M. & Landwehr O. (red.), The United Nations Convention against Corruption: A Commentary. Oxford Commentaries on International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 294-300.
- Rose C.E. (2019), Article 1: Statement of Purpose. In: Rose C.E., Kubiciel M. & Landwehr O. (red.), The United Nations Convention against Corruption: A Commentary. Oxford Commentaries on International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 17-20.
- Rose C.E. (2018), Treaty Monitoring and Compliance in the Field of Transnational Criminal Law, Brill Research Perspectives in Transnational Crime 1(2-3): 40-64.
- Rose C.E. (2017), Non-Binding Instruments and Democratic Accountability. In: Cullen H., Harrington J. & Renshaw C. (red.), Experts, Networks and International Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 205-229.
- Becker M.A. & Rose C.E. (2017), Investigating the Value of Site Visits in Inter-State Arbitration and Adjudication, Journal of International Dispute Settlement 8(2): 219-249.
- Rose C.E. (2017), An Emerging Norm: The Duty of States to Provide Reparations for Human Rights Violations by Non-State Actors. In: MacEvoy K. & Mallinder L. (red.), Transitional Justice. III: Forms and impact of transitional justice. London & New York: Routledge. 278-306.
- Rose C.E. (2016), Justifying Arguments About Selection Procedures for Judges at International Courts and Tribunals: A Response to Nienke Grossman, AJIL Unbound 110: 86-91.
- Rose C.E. (2016), The Limitations of a Human Rights Approach to Corruption, International & Comparative Law Quarterly 65(2): 405-438.
- Rose C.E. (2016), Fraudulent Evidence at the International Court of Justice, Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting 110: 329-332.
- Rose C.E. (2015), International Lawyers as Public Intellectuals and the Need for More Books, Leiden Journal of International Law 28: 393-401.
- Rose C.E. (2015), International Anti-Corruption Norms: Their Creation and Influence on Domestic Legal Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Rose C.E. (2015) Corporate Obligations under International Law. Bespreking van: Karavias M. (2013), Corporate Obligations under International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. British Yearbook of International Law 85(1): 178-181.
- Rose C.E. (2015), The FIFA Corruption Scandal from the Perspective of Public International Law, American Society of International Law Insight 19(23): .
- Kumar S. & Rose C.E. (2014), A Study of Lawyers Appearing before the International Court of Justice, 1999-2012, European journal of international law 25(3): 893-917.
- Rose C.E. (2014), Corruption and Conflicts of Interests in the United Kingdom. In: Auby J. Breen E. Perroud T. (red.), Corruption and Conflicts of Interest: Comparative Law Insights: Edward Elgar. 150-166.
- Rose C.E., annotatie bij: Questions Relating to the Seizure and Detention of Certain Documents and Data (Timor-Leste v. Australia) Provisional Measures (Order of 3 March 2014) 3 maart 2014. CLJ 74: 231-234.
- Rose C.E., annotatie bij: Metal-Tech v. The Republic of Uzbekistan, ICSID Case No. ARB/10/3, Award, 4 October 2013 4 oktober 2013, nr. Case No. ARB/10/3. JWIT 15: 747-756.
- Rose C.E. (2014), Questioning the Role of International Arbitration in the Fight Against Corruption, Journal of International Arbitration 31(2): 183-264.
- Rose C.E. (2014) Corruption: A Violation of Human Rights and a Crime under International Law?. Bespreking van: Boersma M. (2012), Corruption: A Violation of Human Rights and a Crime under International Law?: Intersentia. Netherlands International Law Review 61: 445.
- Rose C.E. (2012), The Corner House Case and the Incomplete Incorporation of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention in the Kingdom, Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law 20: 351-383.
- Rose C.E. (2012), The UK Bribery Act 2010 and Accompanying Guidance: Belated Implementation of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, International & Comparative Law Quarterly 61: 485.
- Rose C.E. (2012) The Nuremberg Military Tribunals and the Origins of International Criminal Law. Bespreking van: Heller J.K. (2011), The Nuremberg Military Tribunals and the Origins of International Criminal Law: Oxford University Press. British Yearbook of International Law 82: 528-530.
- Rose C.E. (2011), The Application of Human Rights Law to Private Sector Complicity in Governmental Corruption, 24 Leiden Journal of International Law, Leiden Journal of International Law 24: 715.
- Rose C.E. (2010), An Emerging Norm: The Duty of States to Provide Reparations for Human Rights Violations by Non-State Actors, Hastings International & Comparative Law Review 33: 307-343.
- Rose C.E. (2009), Troubled Indictments at the Special Court for Sierra Leone: The Pleading of Joint Criminal Enterprise and Sex-Based Crimes, Journal of International Criminal Justice 7: 353-372.
- Rose C.E. (2008), Questioning the Silence of the Bench: Reflections on Oral Proceedings at the International Court of Justice, Journal of Transnational Law and Policy 18: 47-64.
- Rose C.E. (2008), Looking Beyond Amnesty and Traditional Justice and Reconciliation Mechanisms in Northern Uganda: A Proposal for Truth-Telling and Reparations, Boston College Third World Law Journal 28: 345-400.
- Member (Arbitrator) of the Award Review and Debarment Board, NATO Support and Procurement Agency
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- Editor