Cathelijn Waaijer
Beleidsadviseur Institutional Research
- Naam
- Dr. C.J.F. Waaijer
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 4936
- 0000-0002-1192-4909

Zie profiel Cathelijn Waaijer (in English).
Beleidsadviseur Institutional Research
- Bestuursbureau
- Informatiemanagement
- Bestuurlijke Informatie
- Waaijer C.J.F., Ommering B.W.C., Van der Wurff L.J., Van Leeuwen T.N. & Dekker F.W. (2019), Scientific activity by medical students: the relationship between academic publishing during medical school and publication careers after graduation, Perspectives on Medical Education 8(4): 223-229.
- Ommering B.W.C., Blankenstein F.M. van, Waaijer C.J.F. & Dekker F.W. (2018), Future physician-scientists: could we catch them young? Factors influencing intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for research among first-year medical students, Perspectives on Medical Education 7(4): 248-255.
- Waaijer C.J.F., Teelken C., Wouters P.F. & Van der Weijden I.C.M. (2018), Competition in Science: Links Between Publication Pressure, Grant Pressure and the Academic Job Market, Higher Education Policy 31(2): 225-243.
- Waaijer C.J.F. (2018), Geography of doctoral education in The Netherlands: Origin and current work location of recent PhDs from five Dutch universities, Research Evaluation 27(2): 82-92.
- Waaijer C.J.F. (2018), Why the public nature of university rankings torpedoes their value for benchmarking: an institutional researcher’s opinion. . Leiden: CWTS.
- Waaijer C.J.F., Belder R., Sonneveld H., Van Bochove C.A. & Van der Weijden I.C.M. (2017), Temporary contracts: Effect on job satisfaction and personal lives of recent PhD graduates, Higher Education 74(2): 321-339.
- Waaijer C.J.F. (2017), Perceived career prospects and their influence on the sector of employment of recent PhD graduates, Science and Public Policy 44(1): 1-12.
- Heuritsch J., Waaijer C.J.F. & Van der Weijden I.C.M. (2017), De waarde van de promotie-opleiding op employability: de lacune tussen vaardigheden opgedaan tijdens de promotie-opleiding en benodigde vaardigheden in de huidige baan. Onderwijs Research Dagen 2017, Antwerpen. Onderwijs Research Dagen 2017 28 juni 2017 - 30 juni 2017.
- Waaijer C.J.F., Macaluso B., Sugimoto C.R. & Larivière V. (2016), Stability and Longevity in the Publication Careers of U.S. Doctorate Recipients, PLoS ONE 11(4): e0154741.
- Waaijer C.J.F., Heyer A. & Kuli S. (2016), Effects of appointment types on the availability of research infrastructure, work pressure, stress, and career attitudes of PhD candidates of a Dutch university, Research Evaluation 25(4): 349-357.
- Heuritsch J., Waaijer C.J.F. & Van der Weijden I.C.M. (2016), Survey on the Labour Market Position of PhD Graduates. (red.), Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. STI Conference, 21st Int. Conf. on Science and Technology Indicators 14 september 2016 - 16 september 2016 741-749.
- Waaijer C.J.F., Macaluso B., Sugimoto C.R. & Larivière V. (2016), Stability and longevity in the publication careers of U.S. doctorate recipients, Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. STI Conference, 21st Int. Conf. on Science and Technology Indicators 14 september 2016 - 16 september 2016 766-770.
- Guler A.T., Waaijer C.J.F., Mohammed Y. & Palmblad M. (2016), Automating bibliometric analyses using Taverna scientific workflows: A tutorial on integrating Web Services, Journal of Informetrics 10(3): 830-841.
- Waaijer C.J.F. (24 november 2016), Quantized careers : origins and consequences of the preponderance of temporary and junior jobs in academia (Dissertatie. Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Promotor(en): Bochove C.A. van & Buitendijk S.E.
- Guler A.T., Waaijer C.J. & Palmblad M. (2016), Scientific workflows for bibliometrics, Scientometrics 107(2): 385-398.
- Waaijer C.J.F., Sonneveld H., Buitendijk S.E., Van Bochove C.A. & Van der Weijden I.C.M. (2016), The Role of Gender in the Employment, Career Perception and Research Performance of Recent PhD Graduates from Dutch Universities, PLoS ONE 11(10): e0164784.
- Waaijer C.J.F. & Palmblad M. (2015), Bibliometric mapping: Eight decades of analytical chemistry, with special Focus on the use of mass spectrometry, Analytical Chemistry 87(9): 4588-4596.
- Waaijer C.J.F., Van der Weijden I.C.M. & Wouters P.F. (2015), Publication and grant pressure: How they are perceived by early career researchers and influence on career choices, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. 20th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators 2 september 2015 - 4 september 2015. Lugano.
- Waaijer C.J.F. & Palmblad M. (2015), Bibliometric mapping: Eight decades of analytical chemistry, with special focus on the use of mass spectrometry, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. 15th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI), 29 Jun-4 July, 2015, Bogazici University, Istanbul (Turkey) 29 juni 2015 - 4 juli 2015. Istanbul 1250-1251.
- Güler A.T., Waaijer C.J.F. & Palmblad M. (2015), Scientific workflows for bibliometrics, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. 15th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI), 29 Jun-4 July, 2015, Bogazici University, Istanbul (Turkey) 29 juni 2015 - 4 juli 2015. Istanbul 1029-1034.
- Waaijer C.J.F., Belder B., Van Bochove C.A., Sonneveld H. & Van der Weijden I.C.M. (2015), Survey on the Labour Market Position of PhD graduates: Development of a Novel Questionnaire nr. CWTS-WP-2015-001. Leiden: Centre for Science and Technology Studies.
- Suijker J., Oosting J., Koornneef A., Struys E.A., Salomons G.S., Schaap F.G., Waaijer C.J.F., Wijers-Koster P.M., Bruijn-de Briaire I.H., Haazen L., Riester S.M., Dudakovic A., Danen E., Cleton-Jansen A., Van Wijnen A.J. & Bovee J.V.M.G. (2015), Inhibition of mutant IDH1 decreases D-2-HG levels without affecting tumorigenic properties of chondrosarcoma cell lines, OncoTarget 6(14): 12505-12519.
- Waaijer C.J.F. (2015), The coming of age of the academic career: Differentiation and professionalization of German academic positions from the 19th century to the present, Minerva 53(1): 43-67.
- Waaijer C.J.F. (2014), The influence of career perspectives on the job choice of recent PhD graduates: A survey of five Dutch universities, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. Science and Technology Indicators Conference 2014 3 september 2014 - 5 februari 2015 630-633.
- Waaijer C.J.F., Winter M.G., Reijnders C.M., Jong D. de, Ham S.J., Bovée J.V. & Szuhai K. (2013), Intronic deletion and duplication proximal of the EXT1 gene: a novel causative mechanism for multiple osteochondromas, Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer 52(4): 431-436.
- Waaijer C.J.F. (2013), Academic career structures - Historical overview Germany 1850-2013 , Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. 18th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators 4 september 2013 - 6 september 2013.
- Waaijer C.J.F. (2013), Academic career structures - Historical overview Germany 1850-2013, Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference 15 juli 2013 - 19 juli 2013.
- Waaijer C.J.F. (2013), Careers in science: Policy issues according to Nature and Science editorials, Scientometrics 96(2): 485-495.
- Jones E.A., Schmitz N., Waaijer C.J., Frese C.K., Remoortere A. van, Zeijl R.J. van, Heck A.J., Hogendoorn P.C., Deelder A.M., Altelaar A.F., Bovée J.V. & McDonnell L.A. (2013), Imaging Mass Spectrometry-based Molecular Histology Differentiates Microscopically Identical and Heterogeneous Tumors, Journal of Proteome Research 12(4): 1847-1855.
- Waaijer C.J.F., Andrea C.E. de, Hamilton A., Oosterwijk J.G. van, Stringer S.E. & Bovée J.V. (2012), Cartilage tumour progression is characterized by an increased expression of heparan sulphate 6O-sulphation-modifying enzymes, Virchows Archiv 461(4): 475-481.
- Waaijer C.J.F. (2012), Careers in science: Policy issues according to Nature and Science editorials. CWTS Working Paper Series: Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Leiden University.
- Waaijer C.J.F., Bochove C.A. van & Eck N.J.P. van (2011), On the map: Nature and Science editorials, Scientometrics 86(1): 99-112.
- Waaijer C.J.F., Van Bochove C.A. & Van Eck N.J.P. (2010), On the map: Nature and Science editorials. Leiden: SW Centrum Wetensch. & Techn. Studies (CWTS).
- Waaijer C.J.F., Bochove C.A. van & Van Eck N.J.P. (2010), Journal Editorials give indication of driving science issues, 463: 157-157.
- Reijnders C.M., Waaijer C.J., Hamilton A., Buddingh E.P., Dijkstra S.P., Ham J., Bakker E., Szuhai K., Karperien M., Hogendoorn P.C., Stringer S.E. & Bovée J.V. (2010), No haploinsufficiency but loss of heterozygosity for EXT in multiple osteochondromas, The American Journal of Pathology 177(4): 1946-1957.