Brian Shaev
Universitair Docent
- Naam
- Dr. B. Shaev
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 6658
- 0000-0003-2683-4209
Brian Shaev is docent bij het Instituut voor Geschiedenis.
Meer informatie over Brian Shaev
Universitair Docent
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Instituut voor Geschiedenis
- History and International Studies
- Shaev B. (2025), Coal Miners in the Industrialisation and Deindustrialisation of France and Germany: A Comparative Synthesis of the Nord/Pas-de-Calais and the Ruhr. In: Betts O., Harrison L. & Price L.C. (red.), Doing Working-Class History : Research, Heritage, and Engagement: Routledge. 228-248.
- Shaev B. & Ramírez Pérez S.M. (2024), The development of European competition policy: social democracy and regulation. Routledge Explorations in Economic History. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
- Shaev B. (2024), Competition and industrial policy in the European Union. In: Schieder A., Andor L. Maltschnig M. & Skrzypek A. (red.), Progressive ambition: how to shape Europe in the next decade. Next Left nr. 15. Brussels: Foundation for European progressive studies and the Karl-Renner Institute. 166-183.
- Shaev B. (2024), Introduction. In: Shaev B. & Ramírez Pérez S. (red.), The development of European competition policy: social democracy and regulation: Routledge Explorations in Economic History. 1-29.
- Shaev B. (2024), "The Economy is our Destiny": Socialists and the Birth of European Competition Law, 1950-1962. In: Shaev B. & Ramírez Pérez S. (red.), The development of European competition policy: social democracy and regulation: Routledge Explorations in Economic History. 96-123.
- Šćepanović V. & Shaev B. (2024), Conclusion. In: Shaev B. & Ramírez Pérez S. (red.), The development of European competition policy: social democracy and regulation: Routledge Explorations in Economic History. 299-324.
- Shaev B. (30 juni 2023), H-Diplo|RJISSF Article Review 161: Shaev on Costa, “From East-West Balancing to Militant Anti-Communism". H-Diplo: H-Net network on Diplomatic History and International Affairs: NET Humanities and Social Sciences Online. [webartikel].
- Shaev B. (2023), Bespreking van: Brown B. (2022), The seventh member state: Algeria, France, and the European community: Harvard University Press. French Politics, Culture & Society 41(3): 112-121.
- Shaev B., Hackett S., Brunnström P. & Nilsson Mohammadi R. (2023), Refugees, expellees and immigrants: comparing migrant reception policies and practices in post-war Bristol, Dortmund and Malmö, Urban history 50(3): 509-528.
- Hackett S., Shaev B., Brunnström P. & Mohammadi R.N. (2022), Variants, race relations, and trend-setters : postwar Dortmund, Bristol, and Malmö in national migration histories. In: Cornelissen C., Kümin B. & Rospocher M. (red.), Migration and the European city: social and cultural perspectives from early modernity to the present: De Gruyter. 173-194.
- Shaev B. (2022), International Cartels in the Political Origins of German Competition Policy, 1949–1973. In: Shanahan M. & Fellman S. (red.), A History of Business Cartels International Politics, National Policies and Anti-Competitive Behaviour: Routledge. 89-102.
- Shaev B. (2022), Political order: from coercion to constitution. In: Duyvesteyn I. & Wal A.M. van der (red.), World history of international studies: Leiden University Press. 80-102.
- Shaev B. (2022), Bespreking van: Sparschuh O. (2021) Fremde Heimat, fremde Ferne. Italienische Arbeitsmigration in Turin und München 1950–1975, H-Soz-Kult : .
- Shaev B. (2021), A ‘melting pot’ city: migration and municipality in the reconstruction of Dortmund, Journal of Migration History 7(3): 272-301 .
- Shaev B. & Hackett S. (2021), Cities, migration and the historiography of post-war Europe, Journal of Migration History 7(3): 191-219 .
- Shaev B. (2021), Coal and common market: forecasting crisis in the early European Parliament. In: Lars Bluma L., Farrenkopf M. & Meyer T. (red.), Boom – crisis – heritage: King Coal and the energy revolutions after 1945: De Gruyter. 71-80.
- Shaev B. (2020), Rescuing the European welfare state: The Social Affairs Committee of the early European Communities, 1953–1962. In: Baár M. & Trigt P. van (red.), Marginalized Groups, Inequalities and the Post-War Welfare State: Whose Welfare?: Routledge. 9-28.
- Shaev B. (2020), Nationalism, transnationalism and European socialism in the 1950s: a comparison of the French and German cases, History of European Ideas 46(1): 41-58.
- Shaev B. (2020), From cradle to grave: The German trade union federation’s wage, welfare and competitiveness programme for the Weimar Republic. In: Coppolaro Lucia & Mechi Lorenzo (red.), Free Trade and Social Welfare in Europe: Explorations in the Long 20th Century. London: Routledge.
- Shaev B. (2019), Socialism, (neo)liberalism, and the Treaties of Rome, Renewal: A Journal of Social Democracy 27(1): 31-40.
- Shaev B. (2019), Bespreking van: Isser Woloch (2019), The Postwar Moment: Progressive Forces in Britain, France and the United States after World War II. New Haven: Yale University Press. Labour History Review 84(3): 305-307.
- Shaev B. (2018), The Algerian War, European Integration, and the Decolonization of French Socialism, French Historical Studies 41(1): 63-94.
- Shaev B. (2018), I socialisti europei, la libera circolazione dei lavoratori e i flussi migratori dall'estero nelle prime comunità europee. In: Laschi G., Deplano V. & Pes A. (red.), Europa in movimento. Mobilità e migrazioni tra integrazione europea e decolonizzazione, 1945-1992. Bologna: Il Mulino. 101-135.
- Shaev B. (2018), Liberalising Regional Trade: Socialists and European Economic Integration, Contemporary European History 27(2): 258-279.
- Shaev B. (2018), Inheriting Horror: Historical Memory in French Socialists' and German Social Democrats' Fight for European Democracy, 1945–1958. In: Späth J. (red.), Does Generation Matter? Progressive Democratic Cultures in Western Europe, 1945–1960. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. 171-195.
- Shaev B. (2016), Flowers but no Bouquet: The Common Assembly’s Relations with the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community under Presidents Jean Monnet and René Mayer, 1952-1956. In: Vainovski-Mihai I. (red.), New Europe College Yearbook 2014-2015 347-369.
- Shaev B. (2016), Opposition et Réconciliation: Les socialistes français, les sociaux-démocrates allemands et les origines de l’intégration européenne, L’OURS 74-75: 79-88.
- Shaev B. (2016), Workers’ Politics, the Communist Challenge, and the Schuman Plan: A Comparative History of the French Socialist and German Social Democratic Parties and the First Treaty for European Integration, International Review of Social History 61(2): 251-281.
- Shaev B. (24 september 2014), Estrangement and Reconciliation: French Socialists, German Social Democrats and the Origins of European Integration, 1948-1957 (Dissertatie. History, Arts and Sciences, University of Pittsburgh). Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh. Promotor(en): Chase William.
- Shaev B. (2012), The French Socialist and German Social Democratic Parties and the Future of the Working Class in the European Coal & Steel Community, 1948-1954, Diacronie : Studi di Storia Contemporanea 9(1): 1-19.
- Shaev B. (2011), Anticipating the Social-Democratic Schism: Theoretical Disputes within the SPD on Capitalist Evolution and the Nature of the Imperial German State, 1891-1914, Focus on German Studies 18: 19-52.