Brenda Miranda Xicotencatl
- Naam
- B. Miranda Xicotencatl MSc
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0003-0714-6697
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
- CML/Industriele Ecologie
- Nielen S.S. van, Miranda Xicotencatl B., Tukker A. & Kleijn E.G.M. (2024), Ex-ante LCA of magnet recycling: progressing towards sustainable industrial-scale technology, Journal of Cleaner Production 458: 142453.
- Xicotencatl B.M., Kleijn E.G.M., Nielen S.S. van, Donati F., Sprecher B. & ukker A. (2023), Data implementation matters: Effect of software choice and LCI database evolution on a comparative LCA study of permanent magnets, Journal of Industrial Ecology 27(5): 1252-1265.
- Harpprecht C.I., Miranda Xicotencatl B., Nielen S.S. van, Meide M.T. van der, Li C., Li Z. & Steubing B.R.P. (2023), Future environmental impacts of metals: a review of impact trends, modelling approaches and challenges. [conferentie poster].
- Nielen S.S. van, Kleijn E.G.M., Sprecher B., Miranda Xicotencatl B. & Tukker A. (2022), Early-stage assessment of minor metal recyclability, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 176: 105881.
- Zhang C., Hu M., Yang X., Miranda Xicotencatl B., Sprecher B., Di Maio F., Zhong X. & Tukker A. (2020), Upgrading construction and demolition waste management from downcycling to recycling in the Netherlands, Journal of Cleaner Production 266: 121718.
- Zhang C., Hu M., Dong L., Gebremariam A., Xicotencatl B.M., Di Maio F. & Tukker A. (2019), Eco-efficiency assessment of technological innovations in high-grade concrete recycling, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 149: 649-663.