Bram Renting Promovendus Naam Ir. B.M. Renting MSc Telefoon +31 71 527 2727 E-mail ORCID iD 0000-0002-4484-0584 Promovendus Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science Werkadres Gorlaeus Gebouw Einsteinweg 55 2333 CC Leiden Contact +31 71 527 2727 JavaScript is required to view this content. Renting B.M., Hoos H.H. & Jonker C.M. (2022), Automated configuration and usage of strategy portfolios for mixed-motive bargaining. In: AAMAS '22: Proceedings of the 21st international conference on autonomous agents and multiagent systems. Richland, S.C.: International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. 1101-1109. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie Geen relevante nevenwerkzaamheden Delen op Facebook Delen via Bluesky Delen op LinkedIn Delen via WhatsApp Delen via Mastodon