Bert van Duijn
Hoogleraar Plantencelelektrofysiologie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. A. van Duijn
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 4932

Hoogleraar Plantencelelektrofysiologie
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Plant Sciences
- Boot C.J.M., Hille S.C., Korthout H.A.A.J., Libbenga K.R. & Duijn A. van (2021), Extracting relevant physiological information from polar auxin transport data in Panax ginseng, Journal of Plant Physiology 262: 153436.
- Zhang S., Habets M.E.J., Breuninger H., Dolan L., Offringa R. & Duijn A. van (2020), Evolutionary and functional analysis of a chara plasma membrane H+-ATPase, Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 1707.
- Xiong Y., Zhang Z., Zhang Y., Cui X., Yang Y., Duijn A. van, Wang M., Hu Y. & Wang C. (2020), Steamed panax notoginseng attenuates anemia in mice with blood deficiency syndrome via regulating hematopoietic factors and jak-stat pathway, Frontiers in Pharmacology 10: 1578.
- Suhl J., Oppedijk B., Baganz D., Kloas W., Schmidt U. & Duijn A. van (2019), Oxygen consumption in recirculating nutrient film technique in aquaponics, Scientia Horticulturae 255: 281-291.
- Janas R., Górnik K., Grzesik M., Romanowska-Duda Z. & Duijn A. van (2019), Effectiveness of pulsed radio frequency in seed quality improvement of vegetable plant species, International Agrophysics 33(4): 463-471.
- Hermans C.M.L., Vries S. de, Jeurissen L., Kraan J., Oppedijk B. & Duijn A. van (2019), Planten voor een prima binnenklimaat : Industriële spoor.
- Kolesnikov L.E., Popova E.V., Novikova I.I., Priyatkin N.S., Arkhipov M.V., Kolesnikova Yu.R., Potrakhov N.N., Duijn B. van & Gusarenko A.S. (2019), Multifunctional biologics which combine microbial anti-fungal strains with chitosan improve soft wheat (triticum aestivum l.) yield and grain quality, Agricultural Biology 54(5): 1024-1040.
- Budko N., Duijn A. van, Hille S.C. & Vermolen F. (2018), Modeling oxygen consumption in germinating seeds. Quintela P. (red.), Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2016. 19th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry 13 juni 2016 - 16 juni 2016 nr. 26. Chem: Springer. 193-200.
- Grzesik M., Górnik K., Janas R., Lewandowki M., Romanowska-Duda Z. & Duijn A. van (2017), High efficiency stratification of apple cultivar Ligol seed dormancy by phytohormones, heat shock and pulsed radio frequency, Journal of Plant Physiology 219: 81-90.
- Bruggink H. & Duijn A. van (2017), X-ray based seed analysis, Seed Testing International, ISTA News Bulletin 153: 45-50.
- Duijn B. van, Priyatkin N.S., Bruggink H., Gomes F., Boelt B., Gorian F. & Martinez M.A. (2017), Advances in technologies for seed science and seed testing. Santos Dias D.C.F. dos, Pizzolante de Padua G. & Krzyzanowski F.C. (red.), Informativo Abrates. . Informativo Abrates: Associacao Brasileira de Technologia de Sementes nr. 27. Londrina, Brasil: Associacao Brasileira de Tecnologica de Sementes. 18-22.
- Duijn A. van (2017), Avanços em Ciência e Tecnologia de Sementes, Seed News XX 21(5): 66-67.
- Gomes F.G. & Duijn A. van (2017), Three-dimensional (3-D) X-ray imaging for seed analysis, Seed Testing International, ISTA News Bulletin 154: 48-52.
- Boot K.J.M., Hille S.C., Libbenga K.R., Pelletier L.A., Spronsen P.C. van, Duijn A. van & Offringa R. (2016), Modelling the dynamics of polar auxin transport in inflorescence stems of Arabidopsis thaliana, Journal of Experimental Botany 67(3): 649-666.
- Zhang S., Boer A.H. de & Duijn B. van (2016), Auxin effects on ion transport in Chara corallina, Journal of Plant Physiology 193: 37-44.
- Maretto F., Vennik M., Albers K.I. & Duijn A. van (2013), TNFa Secretion of Monocytes Exposed to Pulsed Radiofrequency Treatment: A Possible Working Mechanism of PRF Chronic Pain Management, Pain Practice 14(5): 399-404.
- Boot C.J.M., Libbenga K.R., Hille S.C., Offringa R. & Duijn B. van (2012), Polar auxin transport: an early invention, Journal of Experimental Botany 63(11): 4213-4218.
- Sluijter Menno E., Teixeira Alexandre & Van Duijn Bert (2010), COMMENT ON: ERDINE S ET AL.; ULTRASTRUCTURAL CHANGES IN AXONS FOLLOWING EXPOSURE TO PULSED RADIOFREQUENCY FIELDS, Pain Practice 10(3): 262-262.
- Mezzetti B., Nestby R., Korbin M., Denoyes-Rothan B., Van Duijn B., Bodson M. & Laimer M. (2009), COST Action 863 "Euroberry Research: from Genomics to Sustainable Production, Quality and Health", Acta Horticulturae 842: 631-634.
- Holtman W., Oppedijk B., Graven A., Aaijer P., Van Duijn B., Graven P. & Van Buren J. (2008), Models of oxygen profiles in growing media and their use as a cultivation tool, Acta Horticulturae (779): 273-280.
- Badek B., Van Duijn B. & Grzesik M. (2007), Effects of water supply methods and incubation on germination of China aster (Callistephus chinensis) seeds, Seed Science and Technology 35(3): 569-576.
- Badek B., Duijn B. van & Grzesik M. (2006), Effects of water supply methods and seed moisture content on germination of China aster (Callistephus chinensis) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentun Mill.) seeds, European Journal of Agronomy 24(1): 45-51.
- Holtman W., Duijn B. van, Blaakmeer A. & Blok C. (2005), Optimalization of oxygen levels in root systems as effective cultivation tool, Acta Horticulturae (697): 57-64.
- Pauw B., Duijn B. van, Kijne J.W. & Memelink J. (2004), Activation of the oxidative burst by yeast elicitor in Catharanthus roseus cells occurs independently of the activation of genes involved in alkaloid biosynthesis, 55: 797-805.
- Pauw B., Hilliou F., Sandonis Martin V., Chatel G., Wolf C.J.F. de, Champion A., Pré M.R., Duijn B. van, Kijne J.W., Fits L. van der & Memelink J. (2004), Zinc finger proteins act as transcriptional repressors of alkaloid biosynthesis genes in Catharanthus roseus, Journal of Biological Chemistry 279(51): 52940-52948.
- Berecki G., Eijken M., Iren F. van & Duijn B. van (2001), Tonoplast anion channel activity modulation by pH in Chara corallina, Journal of Membrane Biology 184(2): 131-141.
- Bruggeman F.J., Libbenga K.R. & Duijn B. van (2001), The diffusive transport of gibberellins and abscisic acid through the aleurone layer of germinating barley grain: a mathematical model, Planta 214(1): 89-96.
- Schenk P.W., Epskamp S.J.P., Knetsch M.L.W., Harten V., Lagendijk E.L., Duijn B. van & Snaar-Jagalska B.E. (2001), Lysophosphatidic acid- and G beta-dependent activation of Dictyostelium MAP kinase ERK2, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 282(3): 765-772.
- Berecki G., Eijken M., Iren F. van & Duijn B. van (2001), Membrane orientation of droplets prepared from Chara corallina internodal cells, Protoplasma 218(1-2): 76-82.
- Meulen R.M. van der, Lamers G.E.M., Caspers M.P.M., Heistek J.C., Boer A.H. de, Duijn B. van & Wang M. (2000), Effects of fusicoccin and gibberellic acid on the germination of embryos from dormant barley grains: roles of starch degradation and external pH, Seed Science Research 10(2): 171-182.
- Korthout H.A.A.J., Berecki G., Bruin W., Duijn B. van & Wang M. (2000), The presence and subcellular localization of caspase 3-like proteinases in plant cells, 475(2): 139-144.
- Dzoljic M., Bene L., Krasznai Z., Damjanovich S. & Duijn B. van (2000), Ethanol and halothane differently modulate HLA class I and class II oligomerization. A new look at the mode of action of anesthetic agents through fluorescence spectroscopy, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 56(1): 48-52.
- Wang M., Bergen S. van & Duijn B. van (2000), Insights into a key developmental switch and its importance for efficient plant breeding, 124(2): 523-530.
- Berecki G., Varga Z., Iren F. van & Van Duijn B. (1999), Anion channels in Chara corallina tonoplast membrane: Calcium dependence and rectification, Journal of Membrane Biology 172(2): 159-168.
- Wang M., Oppedijk B.J., Caspers M.P.M., Lamers G.E.M., Boot M.J., Geerlings D.N.G., Bakhuizen B., Meijer A.H. & Duijn B. van (1998), Spatial and temporal regulation of DNA fragmentation in the aleurone of germinating barley, Journal of Experimental Botany 49(325): 1293-1301.
- Dzoljic M. & Duijn B. van (1998), Nitrous oxide-induced enhancement of gamma-aminobutyric acid(A)-mediated chloride currents in acutely dissociated hippocampal neurons, Anesthesiology 88(2): 473-480.
- Wang M., Meulen R.M. van der, Visser K., Schaik H.P. van, Duijn A. van & Boer A.H. de (1998), Effects of dormancy-breaking chemicals on ABA levels in barley grain embryos, Seed Science Research 8(2): 129-137.
- Secretaris-Penningmeester
- Secretaris-penningmeester
- Onderzoek op het gebied van planten en zaden
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