Ben Nieuwenhuys
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- Prof.dr. B.E. Nieuwenhuys
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- +31 71 527 4269

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Meer informatie over Ben Nieuwenhuys op zijn Engelstalige profielpagina.
Hoogleraar / gast
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- LIC/Energy & Sustainability
- Matveev A.V., Kaichev V.V., Saraev A.A., Gorodetskii V.V., Knop-Gericke A., Bukhtiyarov V. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2015), Oxidation of propylene over Pd(551): temperature hysteresis induced by carbon deposition and oxygen adsorption, Catalysis Today 244: 29-35.
- Juurlink LB.F., Koper M.T.M. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (red.) (2015), Fifty years of heterogeneous catalysis and surface science at Leiden University. Catalysis Today.
- Weststrate C.J., Bakker J.W., Gluhoi A.C., Ludwig W. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2010), Ammonia oxidation on Ir(111): Why Ir is more selective to N-2 than Pt, Catalysis Today 154(1-2): .
- Lippits M.J. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2010), Direct conversion of ethanol into ethylene oxide on copper and silver nanoparticles: Effect of addition of CeOx and Li2O, Catalysis Today 154(1-2): .
- Lippits M.J. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2010), Direct conversion of ethanol into ethylene oxide on gold-based catalysts: Effect of CeOx and Li2O addition on the selectivity, Journal of Catalysis 274(2): .
- Gluhoi A.C., Bakker J.W. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2010), Gold, still a surprising catalyst: Selective hydrogenation of acetylene to ethylene over Au nanoparticles, Catalysis Today 154(1-2): .
- Carabineiro S.A.C. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2010), Reactions of small molecules on gold single crystal surfaces, Gold Bulletin 43(4): .
- Georgaka A., Gavril D., Loukopoulos V., Karaiskakis G. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2008), H-2 and CO2 coadsorption effects in CO adsorption over nanosized Au/gamma-Al2O3 catalysts, Journal of Chromatography A 1205: 128-136.
- Lippits M.J., Gluhoi A.C. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2008), A comparative study of the selective oxidation of NH3 to N-2 over gold, silver and copper catalysts and the effect of addition of Li2O and CeOx, Catalysis Today 137(2-4): 446-452.
- Gluhoi A.C. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2007), Structural and chemical promoter effects of alkali (earth) and cerium oxides in CO oxidation on supported gold, Catalysis Today 122(3-4): 226-232.
- Vasylyev M.A., Tinkov V.A. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2007), Electro enrgy-loss spectroscopy of the metals Pd, Cu and the ordered Cu75Pd25(100) alloy, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 159(1-3): L53-L61.
- Aldea N., Marginean P., Rednic V., Gluhoi A.C. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2007), Crystalline and electronic structure of gold nanoclusters determined by EXAFS, XRD and XPS methods, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 9(5): 1555-1560.
- Lippits M.J., Gluhoi A.C. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2007), A comparative study of the effect of addition of CeOx and Li2O on gamma-Al2O3 supported copper, silver and gold catalysts in the preferential oxidation of CO, Topics in Catalysis 44(1-2): 159-165.
- Nieuwenhuys B.E. & Ross J. (2007), Gold 2006, New Industrial Applications for Gold Selected Papers on Catalysis from the 4th Internation Conference on Gold Science. . Catalysis Today: University of Limerick Ireland. 195-195.
- Gluhoi A.C. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2006), Catalytic oxidation of saturated hydrocarbons on multicomponent Au/Al2O3. Effect of various promoters, Catalysis Today 119: 305-310.
- Gavril D., Georgaka A., Loukopoulos V., Karaiskakis G. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2006), On the mechanism of Selective CO Oxidation on Nanosized Au/γ-Al2O3 Catalysts, Gold Bulletin 39(4): 192-199.
- Gluhoi A.C., Bogdanchikova N. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2006), Total oxidation of propene and propane over gold-copper oxide on alumina catalysts. Comparison with Pt/al2O3, Catalysis Today 113: 178-181.
- Weststrate C.J., Bakker J.W., Rienks E.D.L., Vinod C.P., Matveev A.V., Gorodetskii V.V. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2006), Ammonia oxidation on Pt(410), Journal of Catalysis 242: 184-194.
- Weststrate C.J., Bakker J.W., Rienks E.D.L., Vinod C.P., Lizzit S, Petaccia L., Baraldi A & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2006), Synchroton XPS and desorption study of the NO chemistry on a stepped Pt surface, Surface Science 600: 1991-2001.
- Gluhoi A.C., Tang X., Marginean P. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2006), Characterization and catalytic activity of unpromoted and alkali (earth)-promoted Au/Al2O3 catalysts for low-temperature CO oxidation, Topics in Catalysis 39: 101-110.
- Gorodetskii V.V., Matveev A.V., Kalinkin A.V. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2003), Mechanism for CO oxidation and oscillatory reactions on Pd tip and Pd(110) surfaces: FEM, TPR, XPS studies, Chemistry for Sustainable development 11: 67-74.
- Cholach A.R., Bulgakov N.N. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2003), The role of NHn species in oscillation phenomena in the NO + H2 reaction on noble metal surfaces: semi-empirical calculations, Chemistry for Sustainable development 11: 47-54.
- Gluhoi A.C., Dekkers M.A.P. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2003), Comparative studies of the N2O/H-2, N2O/CO, H-2/O-2 and CO/O-2 reactions on supported gold catalysts: effect of the addition of various oxides, Journal of Catalysis 219: 197-205.
- Rienks E.D.L., Bakker J.W., Baraldi A, Carabineiro S.A.C., Lizzit S, Weststrate C.J. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2003), The reduction of NO on Pt(100) b H-2 and CO studied with synchrotron x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, The Journal of Chemical Physics 119: 6245-6252.
- Moest B., Helfensteyn S., Deurinck P., Nelis M., Gon A.W.D. van der, Brongersma H.H., Creemers C. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2003), The surface and step edge composition of clean and oxygen covered Pt50Rh50(511), Surface Science 536: 177-190.
- Carabineiro S.A.C., Noort W.D. van & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2003), A comparative study of the N2O-CO and N2O-H-2 reactions on the Ir(110) surface with emphasis on the oscillatory behavior, Catalysis Letters 84: 135-142.
- Hu Y.H., Han S., Horino H., Nieuwenhuys B.E., Hiratsuka A., Ohno Y., Ivan K. & Matsushima T. (2003), Different CO2 collimation on stepped Pt(112): a comparison of NO(a) and O(a) plus CO(a) reactions, Surface Science 526: 159-165.
- Carabineiro S.A.C., Noort W.D. van & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2003), Oscillations in the N2O-H-2 reaction over Ir(110). Route to chaos, Surface Science 532: 96-102.
- Rienks E.D.L., Bakker J.W., Baraldi A, Carabineiro S.A.C., Lizzit S, Weststrate C.J. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2003), Synchrotron XPS study of the NO-CO reaction on Pt(100), Surface Science 532: 120-125.
- Cholach A.R., Bulgakov N.N. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2003), Semi-empirical calculations on the stability and reactivity of NHx species on metal surfaces, Catalysis Letters 86: 9-16.
- Carabineiro S.A.C. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2003), Selctive oxidation of ammoia over Ir(510). Comparison over Ir(110), Surface Science 532: 87-95.
- Belousov V.M., Vasylyev M.A., Lyashenko L.V., Vilkova N.Y. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2003), The low-temperature reduction of Pd-doped transition metal oxide surfaces with hydrogen, Chem. Eng. J. 91: 143-150.
- Grisel R.J.H., Weststrate C.J., Goossens A., Crajé M.W.J., Kraan A.M. van der & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2002), Oxidation of CO over Au/MOx/Al2O3 multi-component catalysts in a hydrogen-rich environment, Catalysis Today 72: 123-132.
- Wolf C.A. de & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2000), The NO -H2 reaction over Pd(111), Surface Science 469(2-3): 196-203.
- Grisel R.J.H., Kooyman P.J. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2000), Influence of the preparation of Au/Al2O3 on the methane oxidation activity, Journal of Catalysis 191: 430-437.
- Wolf C.A. de, Hattink M.O. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2000), Hysteresis phenomena in the NO-H2 reaction over Ru(0001), Journal Physical Chemistry B 104(14): 3204-3211.
- Gorodetski V.V., Matveev A.V., Cobden P.D. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2000), Study of H2, O2, adsorption and CO + O2 reaction on Pt(100), Pd(110) monocrystal surfaces, J.Molecular Catalysis A: chemical 158: 155-160.
- Cobden P.D., Wolf C.A. de, Smirnov M.Yu, Makeev A.G. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (2000), Non-linear processes on Pt, Rh, Pd, Ir and Ru surfaces during the NO-hydrogen reactions, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 158: 115-128.
- Wolf C.A. de, Bakker J.W., Wouda P.T., Nieuwenhuys B.E., Baraldi A., Lizzit S. & Kiskinova M. (2000), Direct observation of repulsive interactions between NO, O and N on Ir(110) surface by fast x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, J.Chemical Physics 113(23): 10717-10722.
- Schaak A., Nieuwenhuys B.E. & Imbihl R. (1999), Anisotropic Chemical Waves on a Stepped Surface: the NO + H2 and O2 + H2 Reactions on Rh(533), Surface Science 441: 33-44.
- Wolf C.A. de, Nieuwenhuys B.E., Slinko M.M. & Smirnov M.Y. (1999), Oscillations of the NO-H2 Reaction over Ir(110) in Activity and Selectivity, Surface Science 433-435: 63-68.
- Feijen-Jeurissen M.M.R., Jorna J.J., Nieuwenhuys B.E. & Hindermann J.-P. (1999), Mechanism of Catalytic Destruction of 1,2-Dichloroethane and Trichloroethylene over g-Al2O3 Supported Chromium and Pd Catalysts, Catalysis Today 54: 65-79.
- Esch F, Baraldi A, Comelli G, Lizzit S, Kiskinova M, Cobden P.D. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (1999), Atomic Nitrogen on Steps. A fast XPS study of the NO uptake on Rh(533), Rh(311) and(111), The Journal of Chemical Physics 110(8): 4013-4019.
- Wouda P.T., Schmid M., Nieuwenhuys B.E. & Varga P. (1999), Adsorbate Migration on PdAg(111), Surface Science 423: L229-L235.
- Cobden P.D., Nieuwenhuys B.E. & Gorodetskii V.V. (1999), Adsorption of Some Small Molecules on a Pd Field Emitter, Applied Catalysis A: General 188: 69-77.
- Cobden P.D., Gorodetskii V.V. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (1999), Field Emission Microscopy Study of the Initial Behaviour of Pd-Hydrogen System at Low Temperatures, Surface Science 432: 61-68.
- Dekkers M.A.P., Lippits M.J. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (1999), Supported Gold/MOx Catalysts for NO/H2 and CO/H2 Reactions, Catalysis Today 54: 381-390.
- Nieuwenhuys B.E. (1999), The Surface Science Approach to Understanding of Automotive Catalysis on the Atomic Level, Advances in Catalysis 44: 259-328.
- Dekkers M.A.P., Lippits M.J. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (1998), CO adsorption and oxidation on Au/TiO2, Catalysis Letters 56: 195-197.
- Ferri D, Forni L, Dekkers M.A.P. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (1998), NO reduction by H2 over perovskite-like mixed oxides, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 16: 339-345.
- Wolf C.A. de, Nieuwenhuys B.E., Sasahara A., Tanaka K., Slinko M.M. & Smirnov M.Y. (1998), Non-linear behaviour in the NO+H2 reaction over Ir(110), Surface Science Letters 411: 904-909.
- Makeev A.G. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (1998), Mathematical modelling of the NO+H2/Pt(100) reaction: surface explosion, kinetic oscillations and chaos, The Journal of Chemical Physics 108: 3740-3749.
- Cobden P.D., Nieuwenhuys B.E., Gorodetskii V.V. & Parmon V.N. (1998), Formation and decomposition of palladium hydride particles, Platinum Metals Review 42(4): 141-144.
- Wouda P.T., Schmid M., Nieuwenhuys B.E. & Varga P. (1998), STM study of the (111) and (100) surfaces of PdAg, Surface Science 417: 292-300.
- Cobden P.D., Nieuwenhuys B.E., Esch F., Baraldi A., Comelli G., Lizzit S. & Kiskinova M. (1998), A fast x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of the NO-H2 reaction over Rh(533), Surface Science 416: 264-273.
- Cobden P.D., Breugel Y. van & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (1998), Local independent oscillation centres present on an Ir field emitter during the NO+H2 reaction, Surface Science 402-404: 155-159.
- Cobden P.D., Nieuwenhuys B.E., Esch F., Baraldi A., Comelli G., Lizzit S. & Kiskinova M. (1998), A fast XPS study of the NO-H2 reaction over Rh(533), Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 16: 1014-1016.
- Makeev A.G. & Nieuwenhuys B.E. (1998), Simulation of oscillatory behaviour in the NO+H2 reaction on a partially reconstructed Pt(100) surface, Surface Science 418: 432-440.
- Nieuwenhuys B.E., Dekkers M.A.P. & Mergler Y.J. (1997), NO reduction over noble metal - MOx catalysts, Polish J. of Environmental Studies 6: 53-58.