Bart Vogelaar
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. B. Vogelaar
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 6022
- 0000-0002-5131-2480
Bart Vogelaar is universitair docent bij de afdeling Ontwikkelings- en Onderwijspsychologie van het Instituut Psychologie aan de Universiteit Leiden.
Meer informatie over Bart Vogelaar
blog bart vogelaar
Kort cv
Bart behaalde in 2008 zijn Master's titel in English Language aan de University of Manchester en in 2014 zijn Master’s titel in Child and Adolescent Psychology aan de Universiteit Leiden.
Tijdens zijn promotieproject, begeleid door Wilma Resing en Lianne Hoogeveen, onderzocht Bart het potentieel om te leren van hoogbegaafde en gemiddeldbegaafde basisschoolleerlingen. Hij promoveerde in 2017 aan de Universiteit Leiden met zijn onderzoek ‘Dynamic testing and excellence: Unfolding potential’.
Barts onderzoeksinteresses betreffen de cognitieve en intellectuele ontwikkeling van kinderen, met een specifieke focus op dynamisch testen en potentieel om te leren van hoogbegaafde kinderen, alsmede de factoren die het tot uiting komen van cognitieve potentieel faciliteren of verhinderen.
Daarnaast is Bart associate editor van PAIR, het tijdschrift van de European Network on Psychoeducational Assessment, Intervention and Rehabilitation (ENPAIR).
- Coaching in Inclusive Education
- Supervisor externe en interne praktische stages
- Dynamic Assessment
- 2017: Stichting Abbasfonds: Ontwikkeling van een digitale dynamische test geschikt voor hoogbegaafde kinderen
Relevante links
Universitair docent
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Ontwikkelings- & Onderwijspsychologie
- Graafeiland N. van, Veerbeek J., Janssen B. & Vogelaar B. (2023), Discovering learning potential in secondary education using a dynamic screening instrument, Education Sciences 13: 1-17.
- Veerbeek J. & Vogelaar B. (2023), Computerized process-oriented dynamic testing of children’s ability to reason by analogy using log data, European Journal of Psychological Assessment 39(4): 280-288.
- Veerbeek J. & Vogelaar B. (2023), Computerized process-oriented dynamic testing of children’s ability to reason by analogy using log data, European Journal of Psychological Assessment 39(4): 280-288.
- Veerbeek J. & Vogelaar B. (2023), Computerized process-oriented dynamic testing of children’s ability to reason by analogy using log data. ENPAIR, 3rd Network Meeting and Conference 14 april 2023 - 15 april 2023 nr. 3. Halle (Saale), Germany.
- Vogelaar B., Veerbeek J., Splinter S.E. & Resing W.C.M. (2021), Computerized dynamic testing of children's potential for reasoning by analogy: the role of executive functioning, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 37: 632–644.
- Kovalčíková I., Veerbeek J., Vogelaar B., Prídavková A., Ferjenčík J., Šimčíková E. & Tomková B. (2021), Domain-specific stimulation of executive functioning in low-performing students with a Roma background: cognitive potential of mathematics, Education Sciences 11(6): 285.
- Veerbeek J. & Vogelaar B. (2020), Hoogbegaafdheid en dynamisch testen: De perfecte match?, Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek 59(5): 4-10.
- Vogelaar B., Resing W.C.M. & Stad F.E. (2020), Dynamic testing of children's solving of analogies: differences in potential for learning of gifted and average-ability children, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 19(1): 43-64.
- Touw K.W.J., Vogelaar B., Thissen F., Rovers S. & Resing W.C.M. (2020), Progression and individual differences in children's series completion after dynamic testing, British Journal of Educational Psychology 90(1): 184-205.
- Brouwer-Borghuis M.L., Heyne D.A., Vogelaar B. & Sauter F.M. (2019), Early identification of school attendance problems: How helpful are Dutch laws, policies, and protocols?, European Journal of Education and Psychology 12(1): 47-61.
- Veerbeek J., Vogelaar B. & Resing W.C.M. (2019), Process-oriented dynamic testing in a complex figure task, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 18(1): 67-80.
- Resing W.C.M., Bakker M., Elliott J.G. & Vogelaar B. (2019), Dynamic testing: Can a robot as tutor be of help in assessing children's potential for learning?, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 35(4): 540-554.
- Vogelaar B., Resing W.C.M., Stad F.E. & Sweijen S.W. (2019), Is planning related to dynamic testing outcomes? Investigating the potential for learning of gifted and average-ability children, Acta Psychologica 196: 87-95.
- Touw K.W.J., Vogelaar B., Bakker M. & Resing W.C.M. (2019), Using electronic technology in the dynamic testing of young primary school children: Predicting school achievement, Educational Technology Research and Development 67(2): 443-465.
- Resing W.C.M., Vogelaar B. & Elliott J.G. (2019), Children's solving of 'Tower of Hanoi' tasks: dynamic testing with the help of a robot, Educational Psychology 40(9): 1136-1163.
- Veerbeek J., Vogelaar B., Verhaegh J. & Resing W.C.M. (2019), Process assessment in dynamic testing using electronic tangibles, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 35(1): 127-142.
- Stad F.E., Wiedl K.H., Vogelaar B., Bakker M. & Resing W.C.M. (2019), The role of cognitive flexibility in young children's potential for learning under dynamic testing conditions, European Journal of Psychology of Education 34(1): 123-146.
- Vogelaar B., Resing W.C.M., Stad F.E. & Verdel R. (2018), Dynamische tests en hoogbegaafden: ook zij hebben individuele instructie nodig, Tijdschrift voor Remedial Teaching 26(1): 20-23.
- Vogelaar B. & Resing W.C.M. (2018), Changes over time and transfer of analogy-problem solving of gifted and non-gifted children in a dynamic testing setting, Educational Psychology 38(7): 898-914.
- Vogelaar B. (18 januari 2017), Dynamic testing and excellence: unfolding potential (Dissertatie. Psychology, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Resing W.C.M., Hoogeveen L.
- Touw K.J.W., Vogelaar B., Verdel R., Bakker M. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Children’s progress in solving figural analogies: Are outcomes of dynamic testing helpful for teachers?, Educational and Child Psychology 34(1): 21-38.
- Vogelaar B., Bakker M., Elliott J.G. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Dynamic testing and test anxiety amongst gifted and average-ability children, British Journal of Educational Psychology 87(1): 75-89.
- Vogelaar B., Bakker M., Hoogeveen A.J.M. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Dynamic testing of gifted and average-ability children’s analogy problem-solving: Does executive functioning play a role?, Psychology in the Schools 54(8): 837-851.
- Stad F.E., Vogelaar B., Veerbeek J. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Young children’s transfer of series completion in a dynamic test setting: does cognitive flexibility play a role?, International Journal of School and Cognitive Psychology 4(4): 199.
- Vogelaar B. (2017), Column, HCO Nieuws 51: 6.
- Vogelaar B. & Resing W.C.M. (2016), Gifted and average-ability children’s progression in analogical reasoning in a dynamic testing setting, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 15(3): 349-367.
- Resing W.C.M. & Vogelaar B. (2016), Dynamisch testen: Ook begaafde leerlingen verschillen in instructiebehoefte. In: Gerven E.W.H.M. van (red.), De Gids: begaafdheid in het basisonderwijs. Nieuwolda: 47-58.
- GZ-pyscholoog iot Klinisch Psychololoog