Bart Verkuil
Universitair Hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. B. Verkuil
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 3460
- 0000-0002-9991-0690
Bart Verkuil is werkzaam als Universitair Hoofddocent bij de sectie Klinische Psychologie, Universiteit Leiden. Hij is geïnteresseerd in de relatie tussen psychopathologie en fysiologie, onder andere in hoe onze zenuwen een rol spelen bij het in stand houden van chronisch piekeren. Daarnaast is hij werkzaam als GZ-psycholoog i.o. specialist.
Meer informatie over Bart Verkuil
Leiden Psychology Blog
Bart Verkuil is werkzaam als Universitair Hoofddocent bij de sectie Klinische Psychologie, Universiteit Leiden. Hij is geïnteresseerd in de relatie tussen psychopathologie en fysiologie, onder andere in hoe onze zenuwen een rol spelen bij het in stand houden van chronisch piekeren. Daarnaast is hij werkzaam als GZ-psycholoog i.o. specialist.
Kort CV
In 2010 promoveerde hij op dit onderwerp met het proefschrift "Perseverative cognition: The impact of worry on health". In 2014 ontving hij een Veni beurs van NWO voor het project “Effects of vagus nerve stimulation on perseverative cognition”. Hij bestudeerde daarmee of piekeren en angstreacties afnemen wanneer de vagale zenuw elektrisch wordt gestimuleerd. Naast onderzoek en onderwijs werkt hij als GZ-psycholoog i.o. specialist.
Online materiaal
Preview: Omgaan met stress en burnout
Lees meer op de Engelstalige medewerkerspagina van Bart Verkuil
Universitair Hoofddocent
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Klinische Psychologie
- Veenman M., Janssen L.H.C., Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Wever M.C.M., Verkuil B., Epskamp S., Fried E.I. & Elzinga B.M. (2024), A network study of family affect systems in daily life, Multivariate Behavioral Research 59(2): 371-405.
- Janssen L.H.C., Verkuil B., Nedderhoff A., Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Wever M.C.M. & Elzinga B.M. (2024), Tracking real-time proximity in daily life: a new tool to examine social interactions, Behavior Research Methods : .
- Dippel A., Brosschot J.F. & Verkuil B. (2024), Effects of worry postponement on daily worry: : a meta-analysis, International Journal of Cognitive Therapy 17: 160-178.
- Janssen L.H.C., Verkuil B., Van Houtum L.A.E.M, Wever M.. M., Wentholt W.G.M. & Elzinga B.M. (2024), A closer look into the affect dynamics of adolescents with depression and the interactions with their parents: an ecological momentary assessment study, European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 33: 4259–4272.
- Verkuil B. & Wekenborg M.K. (2023), A first examination of the link between heart rate variability and networks of anxiety and depression symptoms, Journal of Psychophysiology : .
- Smet S. de, Ottaviani C., Verkuil B., Kappen M., Baeken C. & Vanderhasselt M.-A. (2023), Effects of non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation on cognitive and autonomic correlates of perseverative cognition, Psychophysiology 60(6): e14250.
- Smith R., Versluis. A., Chuning A.E., Allen J.J.B., Weihs K.L., Brosschot J.F., Verkuil. B., Allam A. & Lane R.D. (2023), Early adversity and emotional awareness: a partial confirmation and extension of their relationship, Journal of Family Trauma, Child Custody & Child Development : .
- Janssen L.H., Sloan C.J., Verkuil B., Van Houtum L.A., Wever M.C., Fosco G.M. & Elzinga B.M. (2023), Adolescents' and parents' affect in relation to discrepant perceptions of parental warmth in daily life, Journal of Research on Adolescence 33(4): 1320-1334.
- Verkuil B. (2023), Opinie: Hoe een complexe traumatheorie een sterk verhaal bleek, GZ-psychologie 2: 26-29.
- Kivelä L.M.M., Riese H., Fakkel T.G., Verkuil B., Penninx B.W.J.H., Lamers F., Does A.J.W. van der & Antypa N. (2022), Chronotype, daily affect and social contact: an ecological momentary assessment study, Psychiatry Research 309: 1-7 (114386).
- Wekenborg M.K., Schwerdtfeger A., Aust F. & Verkuil B. (2022), High-frequency variability in heart rate is related to COVID-19-associated worries six years later, Biological Psychology 173: 108404.
- Brown S.B.R.E., Brosschot J.F., Versluis A., Thayer J.F. & Verkuil B. (2022), Assessing new methods to optimally detect episodes of non-metabolic heart rate variability reduction as an indicator of psychological stress in everyday life: a thorough evaluation of six methods, Frontiers in Neuroscience : 156-166.
- Janssen L.H.C., Verkuil B., Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Wever M.C.M. & Elzinga B.M. (2021), Perceptions of parenting in daily life: adolescent-parent differences and associations with adolescent affect, Journal of Youth and Adolescence 50: .
- Verkuil B., Brownlow B.N., Vasey M.W., Brosschot J.F. & Thayer J.F. (2021), A brief scale of pathological worry that everyone already has, Current Psychology : .
- Versluis A., Verkuil B., Lane R.D., Hagemann D., Thayer J.F. & Brosschot J.F. (2021), Ecological momentary assessment of emotional awareness: preliminary evaluation of psychometric properties, Current Psychology 40(3): 1402-1410.
- Farmer A.D., Strzelczyk A., Finisguerra A., Gourine A.V., Gharabaghi A., Hasan A., Koenig J., Verkuil B. & et al. (2021), International consensus based review and recommendations for minimum reporting standards in research on transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (Version 2020), Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14: 1-47 (568051).
- Verkuil B. (2020), De gelukkige piekeraar. Waarom ieder mens weleens een nachtje wakker ligt (en waarom dat helemaal niet erg is): Ambo Anthos.
- Janssen L.H.C., Elzinga B.M., Verkuil B., Hillegers M.H.J. & Keijsers L. (2020), The link between parental support and adolescent negative mood in daily life: between-person heterogeneity in within-person processes, Journal of Youth and Adolescence 50(2): 271-285.
- Janssen L.H.C., Kullberg M.L.J., Verkuil B., Zwieten N. van, Wever M.C.M., Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Wentholt W.G.M. & Elzinga B.M. (2020), Does the COVID-19 pandemic impact parents’ and adolescents’ well-being?: An EMA-study on daily affect and parenting, PLoS ONE 15(10): e0240962.
- Tona K.D., Revers. H., Verkuil B. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2020), Noradrenergic regulation of cognitive flexibility: no effects of stress, transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation and atomoxetine on task-switching, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 32(10): 1881-1895.
- Burger A.M., Does W. van der, Brosschot J.F. & Verkuil B. (2020), From ear to eye? No effect of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on human pupil dilation: a report of three studies, Biological Psychology 152: 107863.
- Van der Ploeg M.M., Brosschot J.F., Quirin M., Lane R.D. & Verkuil B. (2020), Inducing unconscious stress: subliminal anger and relax primes show similar cardiovascular activity patterns, Journal of Psychophysiology 34(3): 192-201.
- Verkuil B. (2020), Piekeren leert ons wie en wat we écht belangrijk vinden in het leven, zodat we onze prioriteiten en waarden duidelijk zien, Knack Bodytalk 136: 16-19.
- Versluis A., Verkuil B., Spinhoven P. & Brosschot J.F. (2020), Feasibility and effectiveness of a worry-reduction training using the smartphone: a pilot randomised controlled trial, British Journal of Guidance & Counselling 48(2): 227-239.
- Burger A.M., Van Diest I., Van der Does W., Korbee J.N., Waziri N., Brosschot J.F. & Verkuil B. (2019), The effect of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on fear generalization and subsequent fear extinction, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 161: 192-201.
- Brown S.B.R.E., Brosschot J.F., Versluis A., Thayer J.F. & Verkuil B. (2018), New methods to optimally detect episodes of non-metabolic heart rate variability reduction as an indicator of psychological stress in everyday life, International Journal of Psychophysiology 131: 30-36.
- Burger A.M., Van Diest I., Van der Does A.J.W., Hysaj M., Thayer J.F., Brosschot J.F. & Verkuil B. (2018), Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation and extinction of prepared fear: A conceptual nonreplication, Scientific Reports 8: e11471.
- Versluis A., Verkuil B., Spinhoven P. & Brosschot J.F. (2018), Effectiveness of a smartphone-based worry-reduction training for stress reduction: A randomized-controlled trial, Psychology & Health 33(9): 1079-1099.
- Harrewijn A., Van der Molen M.J.W., Verkuil B., Sweijen S.W., Houwing-Duistermaat J.J. & Westenberg P.M. (2018), Heart rate variability as candidate endophenotype of social anxiety: A two-generation family study, Journal of Affective Disorders 237: 47-55.
- Brosschot J.F., Verkuil B. & Thayer J.F. (2018), Generalized Unsafety Theory of Stress: Unsafe Environments and Conditions, 3 and the Default Stress Response, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15(3): e464.
- Versluis A., Verkuil B. & Brosschot J.F. (2018), Converging evidence that subliminal evaluative conditioning does not affect self-esteem or cardiovascular activity, Stress and Health 34(2): 235-246.
- Verkuil B., Van der Does W., Thayer J.F., Brosschot J.F. & Burger A. (2018), Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation Reduces Spontaneous But Not Induced Negative Thought Intrusions In High Worriers, Psychophysiology 55: S75.
- Brosschot J.F., Verkuil B. & Thayer J.F. (2017), Exposed to events that never happen: Generalized unsafety, the default stress response, and prolonged autonomic activity, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 74(Part B): 287-296.
- Antypa N., Verkuil B., Molendijk M.L., Schoevers R., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Van der Does A.J.W. (2017), Associations between chronotypes and psychological vulnerability factors of depression, Chronobiology International 34(8): 1125-1135.
- Burger A.M., Verkuil B., Fenlon H., Thijs L., Cools L., Miller H.C., Vervliet B. & Van Diest I. (2017), Mixed evidence for the potential of non-invasive transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation to improve the extinction and retention of fear, Behaviour Research and Therapy 97: 64-74.
- Ottaviani C., Thayer J.F., Verkuil B., Critchley H.D. & Brosschot J.F. (2017), Editorial: Can't Get You Out of My Head: Brain-Body Interactions in Perseverative Cognition, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11: e634.
- Van der Ploeg M.M., Brosschot J.F., Verkuil B., Gillie B.L., Williams D.P., Koenig J., Vasey M.W. & Thayer J.F. (2017), Inducing unconscious stress: Cardiovascular activity in response to subliminal presentation of threatening and neutral words, Psychophysiology 54(10): 1498-1511.
- Ploeg M.M. van der, Brosschot J.F., Versluis A. & Verkuil B. (2017), Peripheral physiological responses to subliminally presented negative affective stimuli: A systematic review, Biological Psychology 129: 131-153.
- Brosschot J.F., Verkuil B., Van der Ploeg M.M. & Thayer J.F. (2016), Measuring the unreportable: tests of unconscious stress and cardiovascular activity, International Journal of Psychophysiology. Proceedings of the 18th World Congress of Psychophysiology (IOP2016) of the International Organization of Psychophysiology (IOP) 31 augustus 2016 - 4 september 2016. International Journal of Psychophysiology nr. vol. 108 15.
- Versluis A., Verkuil B. & Brosschot J.F. (2016), Reducing worry and subjective health complaints: A randomized trial of an internet-delivered worry postponement intervention, British Journal of Health Psychology 21(2): 318-335.
- Ottaviani C., Thayer J.F., Verkuil B., Lonigro A., Medea B., Couyoumdjian A. & Brosschot J.F. (2016), Physiological concomitants of perseverative cognition: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Psychological Bulletin 142(3): 231-259.
- Verkuil B. & Brosschot J.F. (2016), Piekeren en rumineren en fysieke gezondheid: Een meta-analyse, Directieve Therapie 36(1): 49-50.
- Van der Ploeg M.M., Brosschot J.F., Thayer J.F. & Verkuil B. (2016), The Implicit Positive and Negative Affect Test: Validity and relationship with cardiovascular stress-responses, Frontiers in Psychology 7: e425.
- Versluis A., Verkuil B., Spinhoven P., Van der Ploeg M.M. & Brosschot J.F. (2016), Changing Mental Health and Positive Psychological Well-Being Using Ecological Momentary Interventions: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Journal of Medical Internet Research 18(6): e152.
- Thayer J.F., Ottaviani C., Verkuil B. & Brosschot J.F. (2016), The effects of perseverative cognition on diverse physiological responses: an integrative view, Psychosomatic Medicine 78(3): A12.
- Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F., Tollenaar M.S., Lane R.D. & Thayer J.F. (2016), Prolonged non-metabolic heart rate variability reduction as a physiological marker of psychological stress in daily life, 78(3): A13.
- Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F., Tollenaar M.S., Lane R.D. & Thayer J.F. (2016), Prolonged non-metabolic heart rate variability reduction as a physiological marker of psychological stress in daily life, Annals of Behavioral Medicine 50(5): 704-714.
- Brosschot J.F., Verkuil B. & Thayer J.F. (2016), The default response to uncertainty and the importance of perceived safety in anxiety and stress: An evolution-theoretical perspective, Journal of Anxiety Disorders 41: 22-34.
- Burger A.M., Verkuil B., Van Diest I., Van der Does A.J.W., Thayer J.F. & Brosschot J.F. (2016), The effects of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on conditioned fear extinction in humans, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 132: 49-56.
- Hamstra D.A., De Kloet E.R., Tollenaar M., Verkuil B., Manai M., Putman P. & Van der Does W. (2016), Mineralocorticoid receptor haplotype moderates the effects of oral contraceptives and menstrual cycle on emotional information processing, Journal of Psychopharmacology 30(10): 1054-1061.
- Sellaro R., Van Leusden J.W.R., Tona K.D., Verkuil B., Nieuwenhuis S. & Colzato L.S. (2015), Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation enhances post-error slowing, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 27(11): 2126-2132.
- Steenbergen L., Sellaro R., Stock A.K., Verkuil B., Beste C. & Colzato L.S. (2015), RETRACTED:Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS) enhances response selection during action cascading processes, European Neuropsychopharmacology 25(6): 773-778.
- Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F., Gebhardt W.A. & Korrelboom K. (2015), Goal linking and everyday worries in clinical work stress: A daily diary study, British Journal of Clinical Psychology 54(4): 378-390.
- Mossink J.C., Verkuil B., Burger A.M., Tollenaar M.S. & Brosschot J.F. (2015), Ambulatory assessed implicit affect is associated with salivary cortisol, Frontiers in Psychology 6: e111.
- Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F., Marques A.H., Kampschroer K., Sternberg E.M. & Thayer J.F. (2015), Gender differences in the impact of daily sadness on 24-h heart rate variability, Psychophysiology 52(12): 1682-1688.
- Sellaro R., Steenbergen L., Verkuil B., Van IJzendoorn M. & Colzato L.S. (2015), Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS) does not increase prosocial behavior in cyberball, Frontiers in Psychology 6: e499.
- Hamstra D.A., De Kloet E.R., Tollenaar M., Verkuil B., Manai M., Putman P. & Van der Does W. (2015), Mineralocorticoid receptor haplotype moderates the influence of female hormones and oral contraceptives on cognition, Biological Psychiatry, vol. 77, 9 Supplement. 70th Annual Scientific Meeting Society of Biologic Psychiatry 14 mei 2015 - 16 mei 2015. Biological Psychiatry.
- Verkuil B., Atasayi S. & Molendijk M.L. (2015), Workplace bullying and mental health: A meta-analysis on cross-sectional and longitudinal data, PLoS ONE 10(8): e0135225.
- Van der Ploeg M.M., Brosschot J.F. & Verkuil B. (2014), Measuring unconscious stress: The implicit positive and negative affect test and cardiovascular activity after anger harassment, Psychosomatic Medicine 76(3): .
- Putman P., Verkuil B., Arias-Garcia E., Pantazi I. & Van Schie C.C. (2014), Erratum to: EEG theta/beta ratio as a potential biomarker for attentional control and resilience against deleterious effects of stress on attention (vol 14, pg 782, 2014), Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 14(3): 1165-1165.
- Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F. & Thayer J.F. (2014), Cardiac reactivity to and recovery from acute stress: Temporal associations with implicit anxiety, International Journal of Psychophysiology 92(2): 85-91.
- Brosschot J.F., Geurts S.A.E., Kruizinga I., Radstaak M., Verkuil B., Quirin M. & Kompier M.A.J. (2014), Does unconscious stress play a role in cardiovascular recovery?, Stress and Health 30(3): 179-187.
- Putman P., Verkuil B., Arias-Garcia E., Pantazi I. & Van Schie C.C. (2014), EEG theta/beta ratio as a potential biomarker for attentional control and resilience against deleterious effects of stress on attention, Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 14(2): 782-791.
- Meerman E.E., Brosschot J.F. & Verkuil B. (2013), The effects of a positive health priming intervention on somatic complaints, Psychology & Health 28(2): 189-201.
- Brosschot J.F., Verkuil B. & Thayer J.F. (2013), Perseverative Cognition. In: Gellman M.D. & Turner J.R. (red.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. 1457-1458.
- Verkuil B. & Brosschot J.F. (2013), Intrusive thoughts. In: Gellman M.D. & Turner J.R. (red.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. 1118-1118.
- Brosschot J.F. & Verkuil B. (2013), Worry. In: Gellman M.D. & Turner J.R. (red.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. 2071-2072.
- Van der Ploeg M.M., Brosschot J.F., Revers H. & Verkuil B. (2013), Unconscious stress: Subliminally presented fear conditioned stimuli affect cardiovascular activity, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 82: S119.
- Meerman E.E., Brosschot J.F., Van der Togt S.A.M. & Verkuil B. (2013), The effect of subliminal evaluative conditioning of cognitive self-schema and illness schema on pain tolerance, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 20(4): 627-635.
- Verkuil B. & Brosschot J.F. (2013), Unconscious emotions and physiological activity during experimental and daily stress, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 82: S121.
- Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F., Koenig J., Hillecke T.K. & Thayer J.F. (2012), Heart rate variability during induced thermal pain is related to somatic health complaints and pain tolerance in young females, Psychosomatic Medicine 74(1): A26.
- Meerman E.E., Rehackova L., Verkuil B. & Brosschot J.F. (2012), Effects of implicit illness memory and self-related memory on pain perception: Preliminary results, Psychology & Health 27(S1): 277-277.
- Meerman E.E., Brosschot J.F. & Verkuil B. (2012), The effects of worry, stress and a positive health priming intervention on somatic complaints, Psychosomatic Medicine 74(1): A37.
- Brosschot J.F., Quirin M. & Verkuil B. (2012), Subliminally induced stress increases cardiovascular activity, Psychosomatic Medicine 74(1): A2.
- Verkuil B. & Brosschot J.F. (2012), Piekeren en lichamelijke gezondheid: Een Literatuuroverzicht, Gedragstherapie 45(1): 31-42.
- Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F., Meerman E.E. & Thayer J.F. (2012), Effects of momentary assessed stressful events and worry episodes on somatic health complaints, Psychology & Health 27(2): 141-158.
- Verkuil B. & Brosschot J.F. (2012), The online version of the Dutch Penn State Worry Questionnaire: Factor structure, predictive validity and reliability, Journal of Anxiety Disorders 26(8): 844-848.
- Meerman E.E., Brosschot J.F. & Verkuil B. (2012), The effect of priming illness memory on pain tolerance: A failed replication, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 72(5): 408-409.
- Meerman E.E., Verkuil B. & Brosschot J.F. (2011), Decreasing pain tolerance outside of awareness, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 70(3): 250-257.
- Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F., Korrelboom C.W., Reul-Verlaan R. & Thayer J.F. (2011), Pretreatment of worry enhances the effects of stress management therapy: A randomized clinical trial, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 80(3): 189-190.
- Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F., Gebhardt W.A. & Thayer J.F. (2011), Perseverative cognition, psychopathology and somatic health. In: Nyklicek I., Vingerhoets A., Zeelenberg M. & Denollet J. (red.), Emotion regulation and well-being: Springer. 85-100.
- Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F., Marques A.H., Sternberg E.M. & Thayer J.F. (2011), Impact of momentary assessed depresive symptoms on circadian heart rate variability: A focus on gender differences, Psychosomatic Medicine 73: A115.
- Thayer J.F., Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F., Kampschroer K., West A., Sterling C., Christie I.C., Abernethy D.R., Sollers J.J., Cizza G., Marques A.H. & Sternberg E.M. (2010), Effects of the physical work environment on physiological measures of stress, European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation 17(4): 431-439.
- Gebhardt W.A., Van der Doef M.P., Massey E.K., Verhoeven C.J.M. & Verkuil B. (2010), Goal Commitment to Finding a Partner and Satisfaction with Life among Female Singles; The Mediating Role of Rumination, Journal of Health Psychology 15(1): 122-130.
- Brosschot J.F., Verkuil B. & Thayer J.F. (2010), Conscious and unconscious perseverative cognition: Is a large part of prolonged physiological activity due to unconscious stress?, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 69(4): 407-416.
- Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F., Gebhardt W.A. & Thayer J.F. (2010), When worries make you sick: A review of perseverative cognition, the default stress response and somatic health, Journal of Experimental Psychopathology 1: 87-118.
- Verkuil B., Emmerik A.A.P. van & Holtrop R. (2010), Een patiënt met stress en burnout in de huisartspraktijk. Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum.
- Verkuil B. (27 januari 2010), Perseverative cognition : the impact of worry on health (Dissertatie. Psychology, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Maes C.M.J.G., Brosschot J.F.
- Verkuil B. (2010) Gepieker maakt je zieker? Een test van de perseveratieve cognitie hypothese. Bespreking van: , Perseverative cognition: the impact of worry on health nr. 2. Psychologie & Gezondheid 38: 102-103.
- Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F., Meerman E.E., Korrelboom C.W. & Thayer J.F. (2010), Testing the perseverative cognition hypothesis: the role of worry in the occurrence and treatment of somatic symptoms, Psychosomatic Medicine 72(3): A107-108.
- Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F. & Thayer J.F. (2010), The prolonged cardiac effects of public speaking: the role of anticipatory worry, Psychosomatic Medicine 72(3): A63.
- Brosschot J.F., Meerman E.E. & Verkuil B. (2010), Changing pain tolerance with unconscious illness memory, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 17: 221-222.
- Meerman E.E., Verkuil B. & Brosschot J.F. (2010), Changing pain tolerance with unconscious illness memory, Psychosomatic Medicine 72(3): A21.
- Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F., Putman P. & Thayer J.F. (2009), Interacting effects of worry and anxiety on attentional disengagement from threat, Behaviour Research and Therapy 47: 146-152.
- Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F., Beurs D.P. de & Thayer J.F. (2009), Effects of explicit and implicit perseverative cognition on cardiac recovery after cognitive stress, International Journal of Psychophysiology 74: 220-228.
- Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F., Borkovec T.D. & Thayer J.F. (2009), Acute autonomic effects of experimental worry and cognitive problem solving: Why worry about worry?, International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 9: 439-453.
- Hill L.K., Sollers III J.J., Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F. & Thayer J.F. (2009), Psychometric properties of a brief measure of worry in a multi-ethnic college student sample, Annals of Behavioral Medicine 37: S143.
- Jellesma F.C., Verkuil B. & Brosschot J.F. (2009), Postponing worrisome thoughts in children: The effects of a postponement intervention on perseverative thoughts, emotions and somatic complaints, Social Science & Medicine 69: 278-284.
- Brosschot J.F., Verkuil B. & Thayer J.F. (2008), Cardiac effects of experimental worry and problem-solving, Psychosomatic Medicine 70: A108-A108.
- Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F. & Thayer J.F. (2007), Capturing worry in daily life: Are trait questionnaires sufficient?, Behaviour Research and Therapy 45: 1835-1844.
- Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F. & Thayer J.F. (2007), A sensitive body or a sensitive mind? Associations among somatic sensitization, cognitive sensitization, health worry, and subjective health complaints, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 63: 673-681.
- Verkuil B. & Emmerik A.A.P. van (2007), Omgaan met stress en burnout, Psychopraxis 9: 264-269.
- Verkuil B. & Emmerik A.A.P. van (2007), Omgaan met stress en burnout. Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum.
- Brosschot J.F., Verkuil B. & Thayer J.F. (2007), Heart rate and heart rate variability during experimental worry and problem solving, Psychophysiology 44: S39.
- Gebhardt W.A., Van der Doef M.P., Verhoeven C.J.M., Massey E.K. & Verkuil B. (2007), Goal persistence, rumination and satisfaction with life among female singles, Health Psychology Review 1: 95-96.
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