Aurora Simionescu
Onderzoekwetenschapper / gast
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Onderzoekwetenschapper / gast
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- Jones A., de Gasperin F., Cuciti V., Botteon A., Zhang X., Gastaldello F., Shimwell T.W., Simionescu A., Rossetti M., Cassano R., Akamatsu H., Bonafede A., Brüggen M., Brunetti G., Camillini L., Di Gennaro G., Drabent A., Hoang D.N., Rajpurohit K., Natale R., Tasse C. & Weeren R.J. van (2023), The Planck clusters in the LOFAR sky: VI. LoTSS-DR2: Properties of radio relics, Astronomy and Astrophysics 680: A31.
- Cassano R., Cuciti V., Brunetti G., Botteon A., Rossetti M., Bruno L., Simionescu A., Gastaldello F., Weeren R.J. van, Brüggen M., Dallacasa D., Zhang X., Akamatsu H., Bonafede A., Di Gennaro G., Shimwell T.W., Gasperin F. de, Röttgering H.J.A. & Jones A. (2023), The Planck clusters in the LOFAR sky. IV. LoTSS-DR2: statistics of radio haloes and re-acceleration models, Astronomy and Astrophysics 672: A43.
- Cuciti V., Cassano R., Sereno M., Brunetti G., Botteon A., Shimwell T.W., Bruno L., Gastaldello F., Rossetti M., Zhang X., Simionescu A., Brüggen M., Weeren R.J. van, Jones A., Akamatsu H., Bonafede A., Gasperin F. de, Di Gennaro G., Pasini T. & Röttgering H.J.A. (2023), The Planck clusters in the LOFAR sky: V. LoTSS-DR2: Mass-radio halo power correlation at low frequency, Astronomy and Astrophysics 680: A30.
- Vries M. de, Mantz A.B., Allen S.W., Morris R.G., Zhuravleva I., Canning R.E.A., Ehlert S.R., Ogorzałek A., Simionescu A. & Werner N. (2023), Chandra measurements of gas homogeneity and turbulence at intermediate radii in the Perseus Cluster, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 518(2): 2954-2970.
- Mernier F., Werner N., Bagchi J., Gendron-Marsolais M.-L., Gopal-Krishna, Guainazzi M., Richard-Laferrière A., Shimwell T.W. & Simionescu A. (2023), Discovery of inverse-Compton X-ray emission and estimate of the volume-averaged magnetic field in a galaxy group, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 524(4): 4939-4949.
- Di Gennaro G., Brüggen M., Weeren R.J. van, Simionescu A., Brunetti G., Cassano R., Forman W.R., Hoeft M., Ignesti A., Röttgering H.J.A. & Shimwell T.W. (2023), The diffuse radio emission in the high-redshift cluster PSZ2 G091.83+26.11: Total intensity and polarisation analysis with Very Large Array 1-4 GHz observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics 675: A51.
- Zhu Z., Kovács O.E., Simionescu A. & Werner N. (2023), Investigating the outskirts of Abell 133 with Suzaku and Chandra observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics 678: A122.
- Kovács O.E., Zhu Z., Werner N., Simionescu A. & Bogdán Á. (2023), Outskirts of Abell 1795: Probing gas clumping in the intracluster medium, Astronomy and Astrophysics 678: A91.
- Zhang X., Simionescu A., Gastaldello F., Eckert D., Camillini L., Natale R., Rossetti M., Brunetti G., Akamatsu H., Botteon A., Cassano R., Cuciti V., Bruno L., Shimwell T.W., Jones A., Kaastra J.S., Ettori S., Brüggen M., Gasperin F. de, Drabent A., Weeren R.J. van & Röttgering H.J.A. (2023), The Planck clusters in the LOFAR sky: III. LoTSS-DR2: Dynamic states and density fluctuations of the intracluster medium, Astronomy and Astrophysics 672: A42.
- Tümer A., Wik D.R., Zhang X., Hoang D.N., Gaspari M., Weeren R.J. van, Rudnick L., Stuardi C., Mernier F., Simionescu A., Rojas Bolivar R.A., Kraft R., Akamatsu H. & Plaa J. de (2023), The NuSTAR and Chandra view of CL 0217+70 and Its tell-tale radio halo, The Astrophysical Journal 942(2): 79.
- Hoang D.N., Brüggen M., Botteon A., Shimwell T.W., Zhang X., Bonafede A., Bruno L., Bonnassieux E., Cassano R., Cuciti V., Drabent A., de Gasperin F., Gastaldello F., Di Gennaro G., Hoeft M., Jones A., Pignataro G.V., Röttgering H.J.A., Simionescu A. & Weeren R.J. van (2022), Diffuse radio emission from non-Planck galaxy clusters in the LoTSS-DR2 fields, Astronomy and Astrophysics 665: A60.
- Brienza M., Lovisari L., Rajpurohit K., Bonafede A., Gastaldello F., Murgia M., Vazza F., Bonnassieux E., Botteon A., Brunetti G., Drabent A., Hardcastle M.J., Pasini T., Riseley C.J., Röttgering H.J.A., Shimwell T.W., Simionescu A. & Weeren R.J. van (2022), The galaxy group NGC 507: newly detected AGN remnant plasma transported by sloshing, Astronomy and Astrophysics 661: A92.
- Botteon A., Shimwell T.W., Cassano R., Cuciti V., Zhang X., Bruno L., Camillini L., Natale R., Jones A., Gastaldello F., Simionescu A., Rossetti M., Akamatsu H., Weeren R.J. van, Brunetti G., Brüggen M., Groeneveld C., Hoang D.N., Hardcastle M.J., Ignesti A., Di Gennaro G., Bonafede A., Drabent A., Röttgering H.J.A., Hoeft M. & de Gasperin F. (2022), The Planck clusters in the LOFAR sky. I. LoTSS-DR2: I. LoTSS-DR2: New detections and sample overview, Astronomy and Astrophysics 660: A78.
- Chatzigiannakis D., Simionescu A. & Mernier F. (2022), The chemical and thermal structure of the hot atmosphere of the elliptical galaxy NGC 5813, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516(4): 6194-6209.
- Gu L., Shah C., Mao J., Raassen A.J.J., de Plaa J., Pinto C., Akamatsu H., Werner N., Simionescu A., Mernier F., Sawada M., Mohanty P., Amaro P., Gu M.F., Porter F.S., López-Urrutia J.R.C. & Kaastra J.S. (2022), X-ray spectra of the Fe-L complex. III: systematic uncertainties in atomic data, Astronomy and Astrophysics 664: A62.
- Bonafede A., Brunetti G., Rudnick L., Vazza F., Bourdin H., Giovannini G., Shimwell T.W., Zhang X., Mazzotta P., Simionescu A., Biava N., Bonnassieux E., Brienza M., Brüggen M., Rajpurohit K., Riseley C.J., Stuardi C., Feretti L., Tasse C., Botteon A., Carretti E., Cassano R., Cuciti V., Gasperin F. de ., Gastaldello F., Rossetti M., Rottgering H.J.A., Venturi T. & Weeren R.J. van . (2022), The Coma cluster at LOFAR frequencies. II. The halo, relic, and a new accretion relic, The Astrophysical Journal 933(2): 218.
- Plšek T., Werner N., Grossová R., Topinka M., Simionescu A. & Allen S.W. (2022), The relation between accretion rate and jet power in early-type galaxies with thermally unstable hot atmospheres, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517(3): 3682-3710.
- Mernier F., Werner N., Su Y., Pinto C., Grossová R., Simionescu A., Iodice E., Sarzi M. & Görgei A. (2022), The cycle of metals in the infalling elliptical galaxy NGC 1404, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511(3): 3159-3178.
- Temi P., Gaspari M., Brighenti F., Werner N., Grossova R., Gitti M., Sun M., Amblard A. & Simionescu A. (2022), Probing multiphase gas in local massive elliptical galaxies via multiwavelength observations, The Astrophysical Journal 928(2): 150.
- Štofanová L., Simionescu A., Wijers N.A., Schaye J. & Kaastra J.S. (2022), Galaxy cluster photons alter the ionization state of the nearby warm-hot intergalactic medium, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515(3): 3162-3173.
- Brienza M., Shimwell T.W., de Gasperin F., Bikmaev I., Bonafede A., Botteon A., Brüggen M., Brunetti G., Burenin R., Capetti A., Churazov E., Hardcastle M.J., Khabibullin I., Lyskova N., Rottgering H.J.A., Sunyaev R., Weeren R.J. van, Gastaldello F., Mandal S., Purser S.J.D., Simionescu A. & Tasse C. (2021), A snapshot of the oldest active galactic nuclei feedback phases, Nature Astronomy 5: 1261-1267.
- Ishigaki M.N., Hartwig T., Tarumi Y., Leung S.C., Tominaga N., Kobayashi C., Magg M., Simionescu A. & Nomoto K. (2021), Origin of metals in old Milky Way halo stars based on GALAH and Gaia, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506(4): 5410-5429.
- Ichinohe Y., Simionescu A., Werner N., Markevitch M. & Wang Q.H.S. (2021), Substructures in the core of Abell 2319, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504(2): 2800-2810.
- Simionescu A., Ettori S., Werner N., Nagai D., Vazza F., Akamatsu H., Pinto C., de Plaa J., Wijers N.A., Nelson D., Pointecouteau E., Pratt G.W., Spiga D., Vacanti G., Lau E., Rossetti M., Gastaldello F., Biffi V., Bulbul E., Collon M.J., Herder J.-W. den ., Eckert D., Fraternali F., Mingo B., Pareschi G., Pezzulli G., Reiprich T.H., Schaye J., Walker S.A. & Werk J. (2021), Voyage through the hidden physics of the cosmic web, Experimental Astronomy 51(3): 1043-1079.
- Bonafede A., Brunetti G., Vazza F., Simionescu A., Giovannini G., Bonnassieux E., Shimwell T.W., Brüggen M., Weeren R.J. van, Botteon A., Brienza M., Cassano R., Drabent A., Feretti L., de Gasperin F., Gastaldello F., di Gennaro G., Rossetti M., Rottgering H.J.A., Stuardi C. & Venturi T. (2021), The Coma cluster at Low Frequency ARray frequencies: I. Insights into particle acceleration mechanisms in the radio bridge, The Astrophysical Journal 907(1): 32.
- Urdampilleta Aldama I., Simionescu A., Kaastra J.S., Zhang X., Di Gennaro G., Mernier F., de Plaa J. & Brunetti G. (2021), X-ray study of Abell 3365 with XMM-Newton, Astronomy and Astrophysics 646: A95.
- Hoang D.N., Zhang X., Stuardi C., Shimwell T.W., Bonafede A., Brüggen M., Brunetti G., Botteon A., Cassano R., de Gasperin F., Di Gennaro G., Hoeft M., Intema H.T., Rajpurohit K., Rottgering H.J.A., Simionescu A. & Weeren R.J. van (2021), A 3.5 Mpc long radio relic in the galaxy cluster ClG 0217+70, Astronomy and Astrophysics 656: A154.
- Zhang X., Simionescu A., Stuardi C., Weeren R.J. van, Intema H.T., Akamatsu H., Plaa J. de, Kaastra J.S., Bonafede A., Brüggen M., ZuHone J. & Ichinohe Y. (2021), Deep Chandra observations of merging galaxy cluster ZwCl 2341+0000, Astronomy and Astrophysics 656: A59.
- Zhu Z., Simionescu A., Akamatsu H., Zhang X., Kaastra J.S., de Plaa J., Urban O., Allen S.W. & Werner N. (2021), A shock near the virial radius of the Perseus Cluster, Astronomy and Astrophysics 652: A147.
- Zhu Z., Simionescu A., Akamatsu H., Zhang X., Kaastra J., de Plaa J., Urban O., Allen S.W. & Werner N. (2021), A Shock near the virial radius of the Perseus Cluster. Galaxy Cluster Formation II (GCF 2021), Virtual. 14 juni 2021 - 18 juni 2021. [conferentie poster].
- Mao J.J., Zhou P., Simionescu A., Su Y.Y., Fukazawa Y., Gu L.Y., Akamatsu H., Zhu Z.L., Plaa J. de, Mernier F. & Kaastra J.S. (2021), Elemental abundances of the hot atmosphere of luminous infrared galaxy Arp 299, Astrophysical Journal Letters 918(1): L17.
- Zhang X., Simionescu A., Kaastra J.S., Akamatsu H., Hoang D.N., Stuardi C., Weeren R.J. van, Rudnick L., Kraft R.P. & Brown S. (2020), ClG 0217+70: a massive merging galaxy cluster with a large radio halo and relics, Astronomy and Astrophysics 642: L3.
- Zhang X., Simionescu A., Akamatsu H., Kaastra J.S., Plaa J. de & Weeren R.J. van (2020), X-ray study of the merging galaxy cluster Abell 3411-3412 with XMM-Newton and Suzaku, Astronomy and Astrophysics 642: A89.
- Breuer J.P., Werner N., Mernier F., Mroczkowski T., Simionescu A., Clarke T.E., ZuHone J.A. & Mascolo L. Di (2020), The mergers in Abell 2256: displaced gas and its connection to the radio-emitting plasma, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495(4): 5014-5026.
- Mernier F., Werner N., Lakhchaura K., Plaa J. de, Gu L., Kaastra J.S., Mao J., Simionescu A. & Urdampilleta Aldema I. (2020), How do atomic code uncertainties affect abundance measurements in the intracluster medium?, Astronomical Notes 341(2): 203-209.
- Gu L., Shah C., Mao J., Raassen T., de Plaa J., Pinto C., Akamatsu H., Werner N., Simionescu A., Mernier F., Sawada M., Mohanty P., Amaro P., Gu M.F., Porter F.S., Crespo López-Urrutia J.R. & Kaastra J.S. (2020), X-ray spectra of the Fe-L complex. II. Atomic data constraints from the EBIT experiment and X-ray grating observations of Capella, Astronomy and Astrophysics 641: A93.
- Botteon A., Brunetti G., Weeren R.J. van, Shimwell T.W., Pizzo R.F., Cassano R., Iacobelli M., Gastaldello F., Bîrzan L., Bonafede A., Brüggen M., Cuciti V., Dallacasa D., Gasperin F. de, Gennaro G. Di, Drabent A., Hardcastle M.J., Hoeft M., Mandal S., Rottgering H.J.A. & Simionescu A. (2020), The beautiful mess in Abell 2255, The Astrophysical Journal 897(1): 93.
- Li Y., Gendron-Marsolais M.-L., Zhuravleva I., Xu S., Simionescu A., Tremblay G.R., Lochhaas C., Bryan G.L., Quataert E., Murray N.W., Boselli A., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Zheng Y., Fossati M., Li M., Emsellem E., Sarzi M., Arzamasskiy L. & Vishniac E.T. (2020), Direct detection of black hole-driven turbulence in the centers of galaxy clusters, Astrophysical Journal Letters 889(1): L1.
- Urdampilleta I., Mernier F.D.M., Kaastra J.S., Simionescu A., Plaa, Kara S. & Ercan E.N. (2019), Iron abundance distribution in the hot gas of merging galaxy clusters, 629: A31.