Universiteit Leiden

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Astrid Van Weyenberg

Universitair Docent

Dr. A.L.B. Van Weyenberg
+31 71 527 8003

Astrid Van Weyenberg is universitair docent aan het Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.

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Universitair Docent

  • Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
  • Centre for the Arts in Society
  • Literatuurwetenschap


Arsenaalstraat 1
2311 CT Leiden
Kamernummer B1.06


  • Weyenberg A.L.B. & Spaans D. (2023), Fortress Europe: “The Timeworn continent”, European Alternatives 2: 27-33. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Muffels N.Y.A. & Van Weyenberg A.L.B., Activating podcasts in university education. Media and Learning. [webartikel]. Web publicatie
  • Van Weyenberg A.L.B. & Spaans D. (2022), ‘What I shall miss’: European heritage in Tom Lanoye’s Fortress Europe (2005), Journal of European Studies 52(3-4): 272-288. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2021), Presentation expert meeting in the workshop "Podcasting as an effective tool for learning" by the Media & Learning Association. [overig]. Overig
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2021), Co-organizer and chair panel "European heritage and citizenship", 27th International Conference of Europeanists: Europe’s Past, Present, and Future: Utopias and Dystopias. [overig]. Overig
  • Weyenberg A.L.B van (2021), (Re)staging European Heritage: Tom Lanoye’s Fortress Europe. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van & Oleart A. (red.) (2020), Narrating “Europe”: A Contested Imagined Community. Special Issue Politique Européenne. Politique Européenne. Boekredactie
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2020), European History on Display, Politique Européenne 66(Special Issue Narrating “Europe”: A Contested Imagined Community): 44-71. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van, Antigone in Kinshasa. Leiden Arts in Society. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog]. Web publicatie
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2020), Invited speaker OpenEUDebate Discussion “The Politics of a Fragmented European Public Sphere”, a Jean Monnet Academic Network coordinated by Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain), the National School of Political Science and PublicAdministration (Romania), Institut d'études européennes de l'Université libre de Bruxelles, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) and Agenda Pública (Spain), Bucharest, 27-28 April 2020 (*Cancelled due to Corona pandemic). [overig]. Overig
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2019), Peer reviews: International Journal of the Classical Tradition, ed. Katherine Cecilia Harloe. [overig]. Overig
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2019), Peer reviews: South African Theatre Journal, eds. Sruti Bala and Mark Fleishman. [overig]. Overig
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2019), Organizer and chair panel “Narrating ‘Europe’: A Contested Imagined Community”, 26th International Conference of Europeanists, Sovereignty in Contention: Nations, Regions and Citizens in Europe, with Alvaro Oleart (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Madrid. [overig]. Overig
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2019), Symposium “Narrative, Heritage and Crises”, at the invitation of Magdalena Kmak, leader of the project “Migration and the narratives of Europe as an ‘Area of freedom, security and justice’ at the Centre of Excellence in Law, Identity and the European Narratives (EuroStorie), University of Helsinki. Seminar “Narratives, heritage and crises” In collaboration with EUROSTORIE Centre of Excellence (UHelsinki) 20 november 2019 - 21 november 2019. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2019), “’Sharing Heritage, Sharing Values’? A critical consideration of European Heritage Discourse”. Racial Orders, Racist Borders, Amsterdam Centre for Globalization Studies. University of Amsterdam. Sixth Annual ACGS Conference: Racial Orders, Racist Borders 17 oktober 2019 - 18 oktober 2019. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2019), “’Burgers van Europa’: Bedenkingen bij de Retoriek van Verbondenheid”, Collateral: Online Journal for Cross-Cultural Close Reading 21: . 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2019), Panel participant conference Re/Un-working Tragedy: Perspectives from the Global South, Cambridge University). [overig]. Overig
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2019), Peer reviews: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. [overig]. Overig
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2017), Europa als verhaal? Een kritische lezing van het Huis van de Europese Geschiedenis, Vooys: tijdschrift voor letteren 35(4): 20-30. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2016), "Repairing Europe: A Critical Reading of Storytelling in European Cultural Projects". In: Weyenberg A.L.B., Stuit H. van & Peeren E. (red.), Peripheral Visions in the Globalizing Present. Amsterdam: Brill. Boekdeel
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van, Stuit H. & Peeren E. (2016), Peripheral Visions in the Globalizing Present. Amsterdam: Brill. Boek
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2015), From Black Athena to Black Dionysus and beyond? Some thoughts on analysing African adaptations of Greek tragedy. In: D'haen T. & Goerlandt I. (red.), World Language(s) and World Literature(s). Amsterdam/New York: John Benjamins. Boekdeel
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2014), 'Narrating Europe': the European Institute for Cultural Routes. Revolting Peripheries. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2014), African Antigones: Pasts, Presents, Futures. In: Chanter T. & Kirkland S. (red.), The return of Antigone. New York: State University of New York Press. 261-280. Boekdeel
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2013), The Politics of Adaptation: Contemporary African Drama and Greek Tragedy. Amsterdam: Rodopi Publishers. Boek
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2013), Repairing Europe (Global Positioning Systems (Toronto)). Global Positioning Systems. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2013), Reparing Europe (Digitization and (Trans)-National Memory Workshop (Amsterdam)). Digitization and (Trans)-National Memory Workshop. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2012), Staging Transition: The Oresteia in post-apartheid South Africa. In: Bal M. & Ángel Hernandez-Navarro M. (red.), Art and Visibility in Migratory Culture: Enacting Conflict and Resistance, Aesthetically. Amsterdam: Rodopi Publishers. 69-90. Boekdeel
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2011), Wole Soyinka's Yoruba Tragedy: Performing Politics. In: Orrells D., Bhambra Gurminder & Roynon T. (red.), African Athena: New Agendas. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 326-342. Boekdeel
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van & Aroch Fugellie P. (2011), Looking in, from elsewhere. In: Peeren E. & Aydemir M. (red.), Eighty-eight: Mieke Bal PhDs 1983-2011. Amsterdam: ASCA Press. 199-208. Boekdeel
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2010), Globalisation and Adaptation. ASCA Summit. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2010), Revolutionary Muse: Fémi Òsófisan's Tègònni: an African Antigone. In: Wilmer S. & Zukauskaite A. (red.), Interrogating Antigone in Postmodern Philosophy and Critisism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 366-378. Boekdeel
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2009), Bespreking van: , Alma Parens Originalis? The Receptions of Classical Literature and Thought in Africa, Europe, the United States and Cuba. Acta Classica, Journal of the Classical Association of South Africa. Acta Classica : 135-138. Boekbespreking
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2008), Tègónni: A Nigerian Antigone. Year of Antigones. Chicago. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2008), Antigone on the African stage: 'Wherever the call for freedom is heard!'. In: Aydemir M. & Rotas A. (red.), Migrant settings Thamyris/Intersecting: Place, Sex and Race. Amsterdam: Rodopi Publishers. 119-137. Boekdeel
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van & Hardwick L. (2008), Rewrite this ancient end! Staging transition in post-apartheid South Africa, New Voices in Classical Reception Studies 3 (3): 31-46. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2008), Liz Lochhead and Mary Queen of Scots got her Head Chopped Off. In: Cody G. & Sprinchorn E. (red.), Columbia Grolier Encyclopedia of Modern Drama 873-874. Boekdeel
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2007), "'Rewrite this ancient end!': The Oresteia in post-TRC South Africa'. International Workshop 'Encuentro: Migratory Politics'. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2007), Greek Tragedy on the African Stage: 'Canonical Counter-Discourse' re-examined. Theatre in Africa/Africa in the Theatre. Stellenbosch, South Africa. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van & Smith C. (2007), Antigone as Revolutionary Muse: Fémi Òsófisan's Tègónni: an African Antigone, Journal of African Literature and Culture 4: A widening Frontier : 59-80. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2007), Of Comparison and Contradiction: Wole Soyinka's Yoruba Tragedy. ASCA Mini-Conferences: Ways of Writing: The Object Speaks Back. University of Amsterdam. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2006), Antigone as Revolutionary Muse: Fémi Òsófisan's Tègónni: an African Antigone. Interrogating Antigone. Trinity College, Dublin. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2006), Antigone Under Apartheid. Migratory Aesthetics. University of Leeds. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Weyenberg A.L.B. van (2003), Graduate journal: Ireland's Carthaginians and Tragic Heroines, Xchanges 2.2 Confrontation, Conflict, and Negotiations of National Space : Online. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift


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