Anton Raap
Hoogleraar Moleculaire Cytologie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. A.K. Raap
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 9263
- 0000-0003-1483-7816

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Mijn wetenschappelijk hart gaat sneller kloppen van beeldvorming in celbiologisch en genetisch onderzoek. Bij de letterlijke beeldvorming staan microscopie en moleculaire wetenschappen centraal: met een paar fraaie kunstgrepen worden de biomoleculaire processen in cellen en chromosomen in fraaie en kleurrijke beelden op het netvlies geprojecteerd. De hersenen gaan met die beelden aan het werk. Ze worden geinterpreteerd en geplaatst in het licht van celbiologische en genetische hypotheses. Meestal geven ze aanleiding tot verdere experimentele toetsing om tot nog scherpere denkbeelden te komen die de waarheid van de gezonde en zieke cel moeten weerspiegelen. En er zitten nog een aantal stimulerende aspecten aan dit werk: de stap naar diagnostische toepassing is goed te maken, de verschillende beelden dragen een eigen schoonheid in zich en het is een plezier die (denk)beelden te doceren.
Op 10 mei 2000 sprak hij zijn oratie uit, getiteld: 'Cellen en moleculen microscopisch in beeld'.
Hoogleraar Moleculaire Cytologie
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Divisie 4
- Janssen GMC, Schwertman P, Wanga TAT, Tafrechi RSJ, van den Broek PJA & Raap AK (2009), Transient and constitutive repression of cytoplasmic translation signaling in cells with mtDNA mutation, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 66(4): 721-730.
- Janssen GMC, Hensbergen PJ, van Bussel FJ, Balog CIA, Maassen JA, Deelder AM & Raap AK (2007), The A3243G tRNA(Leu(UUR)) mutation induces mitochondrial dysfunction and variable disease expression without dominant negative acting translational defects in complex IV subunits at UUR codons, Human Molecular Genetics 16(20).
- Tafrechi RSJ, van de Rijke FM, Allallou A, Larsson C, Sloos WCR, van de Sande M, Wahlby C, Janssen GMC & Raap AK (2007), Single-cell A3243G mitochondrial DNA mutation load assays for segregation analysis, Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 55(11).
- Maassen JA, Tafrechi RSJ, Janssen GMC, Raap AK, Lemkes HH & 't Hart LM (2006), New insights in the molecular pathogenesis of the maternally inherited diabetes and deafness syndrome, Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America 35(2).
- Raap AK & Tanke HJ (2006), COmbined Binary RAtio fluorescence in situ hybridiziation (COBRA-FISH): development and applications., Cytogenetic and Genome Research 114(3-4): 222-6.
- Dijkman R, Tensen CP, Jordanova ES, Knijnenburg J, Hoefnagel JJ, Mulder AA, Rosenberg C, Raap AK, Willemze R, Szuhai K & Vermeer MH (2006), Array-based comparative genomic hybridization analysis reveals recurrent chromosomal alterations and prognostic parameters in primary cutaneous large B-cell lymphoma., Journal of Clinical Oncology 24(2): 296-305.
- Raap AK & Tanke HJ (2006), COmbined Binary RAtio fluorescence in situ hybridiziation (COBRA-FISH): development and applications, Cytogenetic and Genome Research 114(3-4).
- Dijkman R, Tensen CP, Jordanova ES, Knijnenburg J, Hoefnagel JJ, Mulder AA, Rosenberg C, Raap AK, Willemze R, Szuhai KR & Vermeer MH (2006), Array-based comparative genomic hybridization analysis reveals recurrent chromosomal alterations and prognostic parameters in primary cutaneous large B-cell lymphoma, Journal of Clinical Oncology 24(2).
- Tong, M.; Jacobi, C.E.; Rijke, F.M. van de; Kuijper, S.; Werken, S. van de; Lowary, T.L.; Hokke, C.H.; Appelmelk, B.J.; Nagelkerke, N.J.D.; Tanke, H.J.; Gijlswijkh, R.P.M. van; Veuskens, J.; Kolk, A.H.J. & Raap, A.K. (2005), A multiplexed and miniaturized serological tuberculosis assay identifies antigens that discriminate maximally between TB and non-TB sera., Journal of Immunological Methods 301(1-2): 154-63.
- Guikema JEJ, Fenton JAL, de Boer C, Kleiverda K, Brink AATP, Raap AK, Estrov Z, Schuuring E & Kluin PM (2005), Complex biallelic IGH rearrangements in IgM-expressing Z-138 cell line: Involvement of downstream immunoglobulin class switch recombination, Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer 42(2).
- Vries RGJ, Bezrookove V, Zuijderduijn LMP, Kia SK, Houweling A, Oruetxebarria I, Raap AK & Verrijzer CP (2005), Cancer-associated mutations in chromatin remodeler hSNF5 promote chromosomal instability by compromising the mitotic checkpoint, Genes and Development 19(6).
- Tong M, Jacobi CE, van de Rijke FM, Kuijper S, van de Werken S, Lowary TL, Hokke CH, Appelmelk BJ, Nagelkerke NJD, Tanke HJ, van Gijlswijkh RPM, Veuskens J, Kolk AHJ & Raap AK (2005), A multiplexed and miniaturized serological tuberculosis assay identifies antigens that discriminate maximally between TB and non-TB sera, Journal of Immunological Methods 301(1-2).
- Tafrechi RSJ, Svensson PJ, Janssen GMC, Szuhai K, Maassen JA & Raap AK (2005), Distinct nuclear gene expression profiles in cells with mtDNA depletion and homoplasmic A3243G mutation, Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 578(1-2).
- Maassen JA, 't Hart LM, van Essen E, Heine RJ, Nijpels G, Tafrechi RSJ, Raap AK, Janssen GMC & Lemkes HHPJ (2004), Mitochondrial diabetes - Molecular mechanisms and clinical presentation, Diabetes 53.
- Raap AK, van der Burg MJM, Knijnenburg J, Meershoek E, Rosenberg C, Gray JW, Wiegant J, Hodgson JG & Tanke HJ (2004), Array comparative genomic hybridization with cyanin cis-platinum-labeled DNAs, BioTechniques 37(1).
- Ferber MJ, Eilers P, Schuuring E, Fenton JAL, Fleuren GJ, Kenter G, Szuhai K, Smith DI, Raap AK & Brink AATP (2004), Positioning of cervical carcinoma and Burkitt lymphoma translocation breakpoints with respect to the human papillomavirus integration cluster in FRA8C at 8q24.13, Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 154(1).
- Bezrookove V, van Zelderen-Bhola SL, Brink A, Szuhai K, Raap AK, Barge R, Beverstock GC & Rosenberg C (2004), A novel t(6;l4)(q25 similar to q27;q32) in acute myelocytic leukemia involves the BCL11B gene, Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 149(1).
- Wu Y, de Kievit P, Vahlkamp L, Pijnenburg D, Smit M, Dankers M, Melchers D, Stax M, Boender PJ, Ingham C, Bastiaensen N, de Wijn R, van Alewijk D, van Damme H, Raap AK, Chan AB & van Beuningen R (2004), Quantitative assessment of a novel flow-through porous microarray for the rapid analysis of gene expression profiles, Nucleic Acids Research 32(15).
- Wiegant J, Brouwer K, Bezrookove V, Smits S, Raap AK, Bout A & Tanke HJ (2004), Molecular cytogenetic characterization by combined COBRA-FISH and fiber-FISH: application to PER.C6 (R) cells, BioTechniques 37(2).
- Engels H, Ehrbrecht A, Zahn S, Bosse K, Vrolijk H, White S, Kalscheuer V, Hoovers JMN, Schwanitz G, Propping P, Tanke HJ, Wiegant J & Raap AK (2003), Comprehensive analysis of human subtelomeres with combined binary ratio labelling fluorescence in situ hybridisation, European Journal of Human Genetics 11(9).
- Heetebrij RJ, Talman EG, Von Velzen MA, Von Gijlswijk RPM, Snoeijers SS, Schalk M, Wiegant J, Von der Rijke F, Kerkhoven RM, Raap AK, Tanke HJ, Reedijk J & Houthoff HJ (2003), Platinum(II)-based coordination compounds as nucleic acid labeling reagents: Synthesis, reactivity, and applications in hybridization assays, ChemBioChem 4(7).
- Bezrookove V, Smits R, Moeslein G, Fodde R, Tanke HJ, Raap AK & Darroudi F (2003), Premature chromosome condensation revisited: A novel chemical approach permits efficient cytogenetic analysis of cancers, Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer 38(2).
- van de Rijke FM, Heetebrij RJ, Talman EG, Tanke HJ & Raap AK (2003), Fluorescence properties, thermal duplex stability, and kinetics of formation of cyanin platinum DNAs, Analytical Biochemistry 321(1).
- Hagedoorn R, Joseph R, Kasanmoentalib S, Eilers P, Killian J & Raap AK (2003), Chemical RNA Labeling without 3 ' end bias using fluorescent cis-platin compounds, BioTechniques 34(5).
- Frei K, Szuhai K, Lucas T, Weipoltshammer K, Schofer C, Ramsebner R, Baumgartner WD, Raap AK, Bittner R, Wachtler FJ & Kirschhofer K (2002), Connexin 26 mutations in cases of sensorineural deafness in eastern Austria, European Journal of Human Genetics 10(7).
- Brink AATP, Wiegant JCAG, Szuhai K, Tanke HJ, Kenter GG, Fleuren GJ, Schuuring E & Raap AK (2002), Simultaneous mapping of human papillomavirus integration sites and molecular karyotyping in short-term cultures of cervical carcinomas by using 49-color combined binary ratio labeling fluorescence in situ hybridization, Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 134(2).
- Darroudi F, Bezrookove V, Fomina J, Mesker WE, Wiegant JCAG, Raap AK & Tanke HJ (2002), Insights into the sites of X ray and neutron induced chromosomal aberrations in human lymphocytes using COBRA-MFISH, Radiation Protection Dosimetry 99(1-4).
- Gevers EF, Van Der Eerden BCJ, Karperien M, Raap AK, Robinson ICAF & Wit JM (2002), Localization and regulation of the growth hormone receptor and growth hormone-binding protein in the rat growth plate, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 17(8).
- Nilsson M, Gullberg M, Dahl F, Szuhai K & Raap AK (2002), Real-time monitoring of rolling-circles amplification using a modified molecular beacon design.
- van de Rijke F, Zijlmans H, Li S, Vail T, Raap AK, Niedbala RS & Tanke HJ (2001), Up-converting phosphor reporters for nucleic acid microarrays, Nature Biotechnology 19(3).
- Szuhai K, Sandhaus E, Kolkman-Uljee SM, Lemaitre M, Truffert JC, Dirks RW, Tanke HJ, Fleuren GJ, Schuuring E & Raap AK (2001), A novel strategy for human papillomavirus detection and genotyping with SybrGreen and molecular beacon polymerase chain reaction, American Journal of Pathology 159(5).
- van de Rijke FM, Florijn RJ, Tanke HJ & Raap AK (2000), DNA fiber-FISH staining mechanism.
- Szuhai K, Bezrookove V, Wiegant J, Vrolijk J, Dirks RW, Rosenberg C, Raap AK & Tanke HJ (2000), Simultaneous molecular karyotyping and mapping of viral DNA integration sites by 25-color COBRA-FISH.
- van Gijlswijk RPM, van de Corput MPC, Bezrookove V, Wiegant J, Tanke HJ & Raap AK (2000), Synthesis and purification of horseradish peroxidase-labeled oligonucleotides for tyramide-based fluorescence in situ hybridization.
- Wiegant J, Bezrookove V, Rosenberg C, Tanke HJ, Raap AK, Zhang HG, Bittner M, Trent JM & Meltzer P (2000), Differentially painting human chromosome arms with combined binary ratio-labeling fluorescence in situ hybridization.
- Bezrookove V, Hansson K, van der Burg M, van der Smagt JJ, Hilhorst-Hofstee Y, Wiegant J, Beverstock GC, Raap AK, Tanke H, Breuning MH & Rosenberg C (2000), Individuals with abnormal phenotype and normal G-banding karyotype: improvement and limitations in the diagnosis by the use of 24-colour FISH.
- van den Ouweland JMW, de Klerk JBC, van de Corput MP, Dirks RW, Raap AK, Scholte HR, Huijmans JGM, Hart LMT, Bruining GJ & Maassen JA (2000), Characterization of a novel mitochondrial DNA deletion in a patient with a variant of the Pearson marrow-pancreas syndrome.
- Wiegant JCAG, van Gijlswijk RPM, Heetebrij RJ, Bezrookove V, Raap AK & Tanke HJ (1999), ULS: a versatile method of labeling nucleic acids for FISH based on a monofunctional reaction of cisplatin derivatives with guanine moieties.
- Rosenberg C, Schut TB, Mostert M, Tanke H, Raap A, Oesterhuis JW & Looijenga L (1999), Chromosomal gains and losses in testicular germ cell tumors of adolescents and adults investigated by a modified comparative genomic hybridization approach.