Annemieke Geluk
Hoogleraar Immunodiagnostiek van mycobacteriële infectieziekten, in het bijzonder lepra
- Naam
- Prof.dr. A. Geluk
- Telefoon
- 071 5269111
- 0000-0001-8555-2872

Annemieke Geluk is hoogleraar immunodiagnostiek van mycobacteriële infectieziekten, lepra en tuberculose. Daarnaast fungeert haar onderzoeksgroep in het LUMC als referentiecentrum voor serologische diagnostiek van lepra binnen en buiten Nederland.
Meer informatie over Annemieke Geluk
Annemieke Geluk is hoogleraar immunodiagnostiek van mycobacteriële infectieziekten, lepra en tuberculose. Daarnaast fungeert haar onderzoeksgroep in het LUMC als referentiecentrum voor serologische diagnostiek van lepra binnen en buiten Nederland.
De bredere maatschappelijke rol voortkomend uit Geluk’s leerstoel wordt met name geïllustreerd door onderzoek naar armoede gerelateerde, tropische ziekten zoals lepra en tuberculose. Voortbouwend op decennialang immunologisch onderzoek van deze infectieziekten, zijn er gebruiksvriendelijke POC-testen ontwikkeld en wereldwijd getest voor de detectie van verschillende ziektestadia voor lepra. Deze immunodiagnostische onderzoeksbenadering voor lepra heeft tevens geleid tot POC-tests voor het triageren van tuberculose, en tot gepersonaliseerde diagnostiek, d.w.z. het monitoren van patiënten om schadelijke immuunactiviteit vroegtijdig te detecteren of de efficientie van de behandeling te monitoren. Met name de POC diagnostische testen die infectie met de lepra bacterie kwantitatief kunnen detecteren in individuen zonder klinische symptomen, vinden toepassing in populatie screening voor transmissie.
Uitgaand van een OneHealth aanpak (mens, dier, omgeving) onderzoekt Geluk tevens mycobacteriële transmissie routes. Ook hierbij speelt immunodiagnostiek een centrale rol.
Uitgaand van een OneHealth aanpak (mens, dier, omgeving) onderzoekt Geluk tevens mycobacteriële transmissie routes. Ook hierbij speelt immunodiagnostiek een centrale rol.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Annemieke Geluk deed haar doctoraal Chemie aan de Universiteit van Leiden en the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA. Vervolgens specialiseerde zij zich tijdens haar promotie tot immunoloog bij de afdeling Immunohematologie en Bloedbank van het LUMC alsook bij Cytel Corporation in San Diego, USA. De titel van haar proefschrift (1995) luidt ‘HLA-DR3/ peptide/TCR interactions’. Als postdoc werkte ze oa aan de Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.
In 1996 ontving ze van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen een fellowship van 5 jaar waarin ze zich toelegde op de immunologie van lepra en tuberculose. Per 1 januari 2015 is zij benoemd tot hoogleraar Immunodiagnostiek aan het LUMC. De titel van haar oratie (23 oktober 2015) is “WhatsLep: prioritijd voor diagnostiek”.
Momenteel focust haar onderzoek zich op immunodiagnostiek van mycobacteriële infecties inclusief basaal-, translationeel-, toegepast- en veldonderzoek.
In het verleden was zij onder andere lid van de ILEP (International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations), de Temporary Expert Group on Leprosy Research, de Expert Group on M.leprae Transmission, de Novartis Foundation Expert Group on transmission, IDEAL consortium (Initiative for Diagnostic & Epidemiological Assays for Leprosy), diverse EDCTP consortia voor de ontwikkeling van immunodiagnostische testen voor TB en de WHO taskforce group on definitions, criteria and indicators for interruption of transmission and Elimination of Leprosy.
Binnen decennialange, internationale samenwerkingen met wetenschappers en clinici heeft Geluk diverse multi-center studies geleid in b.v. Bangladesh, Brazilië, Madagascar, Indonesië en Nepal waarin onderzoek en capaciteitsopbouw zij aan zij gingen.
Geluk is mede oprichter van het Nederlandse Expertise Centrum Lepra, bestuurslid van de Q.M. Gastmann-Wichers Stichting en lid van het TrenDxTB consortium (EDCTP/NIH) voor prospectieve evaluatie van point-of-care triage testen voor TB.
Prijzen en eervolle benoemingen
- Fellowship van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen (1995-2001)
- Nominatie "Herman Boerhaave" Award voor jonge wetenschappers in de Immunologie (1994)
- Van Walree (KNAW) beurs voor jonge wetenschappers (1993)
- Nominatie VIVA400 (2016)
- EDCTP’s Outstanding Research Team award: African European Tuberculosis Consortium; PI Walzl (2021)
Hoogleraar Immunodiagnostiek van mycobacteriële infectieziekten, in het bijzonder lepra
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 2
- Infectieziekten
- Szachniewicz, M.M.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Veen, S. van; Geluk, A.; Bouwstra, J.A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2025), Intradermal versus subcutaneous immunization: Effects of administration route using a lipid-PLGA hybrid nanoparticle tuberculosis vaccine, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 205.
- Zhou, Z.J.; Hooij, A. van; Dijk, J.H.M. van; Musch, N.; Pierneef, L.; Khalid, H.; Franken, K.; Holder, T.; Watt, N.; Michel, A.L.; Codee, J.D.C.; Vordermeier, M.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Heijden, E.M.D.L. van der; Hope, J.C. & Geluk, A. (2025), Anti-phenolic glycolipid antibodies in Mycobacterium bovis infected cattle, One Health 20.
- Szachniewicz, M.M.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Kavrik, E.; Jiskoot, W.; Bouwstra, J.A.; Haks, M.C.; Geluk, A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2025), Cationic pH-sensitive liposomes as tuberculosis subunit vaccine delivery systems: Effect of liposome composition on cellular innate immune responses, International Immunopharmacology 145.
- Szachniewicz M.M., Meijgaarden K.E.V., Kavrik E., Jiskoot W., Bouwstra J.A., Haks M.C., Geluk A. & Ottenhoff T.H.M. (2024), Cationic pH-sensitive liposomes as tuberculosis subunit vaccine delivery systems: Effect of liposome composition on cellular innate immune responses, International Immunopharmacology 145: 113782.
- Fareed, Z.; Rana, A.; Hadi, S.A.; Geluk, A.; Hope, J.C. & Khalid, H. (2024), A one health-focused literature review on bovine and zoonotic tuberculosis in Pakistan from the past two decades, One Health 18.
- Hasker, E.; Assoumani, Y.; Randrianantoandro, A.; Ramboarina, S.; Braet, S.M.; Cauchoix, B.; Baco, A.; Mzembaba, A.; Salim, Z.; Amidy, M.; Grillone, S.; Attoumani, N.; Grillone, S.H.; Ronse, M.; Grietens, K.P.; Rakoto-Andrianarivelo, M.; Harinjatovo, H.; Supply, P.; Snijders, R.; Hoof, C.; Tsoumanis, A.; Suffys, P.; Rasamoelina, T.; Corstjens, P.; Ortuno-Gutierrez, N.; Geluk, A.; Cambau, E. & Jong, B.C. de (2024), Post-exposure prophylaxis in leprosy (PEOPLE): a cluster randomisedtrial, The Lancet Global Health 12(6): e1017-e1026.
- Szachniewicz, M.M.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Veen, S. van; Geluk, A.; Bouwstra, J.A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2024), Cationic pH-sensitive liposome-based subunit tuberculosis vaccine induces protection in mice challenged with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 203.
- Szachniewicz, M.M.; Neustrup, M.A.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Veen, S. van; Koning, R.I.; Limpens, R.W.A.L.; Geluk, A.; Bouwstra, J.A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2024), Evaluation of PLGA, lipid-PLGA hybrid nanoparticles, and cationic pH-sensitive liposomes as tuberculosis vaccine delivery systems in a Mycobacterium tuberculosis challenge mouse model , International Journal of Pharmaceutics 666.
- Grijsen, M.L.; Nguyen, T.H.; Pinheiro, R.O.; Singh, P.; Lambert, S.M.; Walker, S.L. & Geluk, A. (2024), The Leprosy, Nature Reviews Disease Primers 10(1).
- Zhou, Z.J.; Hooij, A. van; Wassenaar, G.N.; Seed, E.; Verhard-Seymonsbergen, E.M.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Meredith, A.L.; Wilson, L.A.; Milne, E.M.; Beckmann, K.M. & Geluk, A. (2024), Molecular and Serological Surveillance for Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis in Wild Red Squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) from Scotland and Northern England, Animals 14(13).
- Pelser, S.; Geluk, A.; Vissers, W.H.P.M.; Knijn, N.; Hees, C.L.M. van & Hassing, R.J. (2024), A case of leprosy in an immunocompromised traveller, Journal of Travel Medicine 31(4).
- Pierneef, L.; Hooij, A. van; Jong, D. de; Wassenaar, G.; Verhard, E.; Fat, E.T.K.; Engel, N.; Khatun, M.; Soren, S.; Chowdhury, A.; Hees, C. van; Corstjens, P. & Geluk, A. (2024), Rapid test for Mycobacterium leprae infection: a practical tool for leprosy, Infectious Diseases of Poverty 13(1).
- , M. das; David, D.; Horo, I.; Hooij, A. van; Tió-Coma, M.; Geluk, A. & Vedithi, S.C. (2023), Mycobacterium leprae and host immune transcriptomic signatures for reactional states in leprosy, Frontiers in Microbiology 14.
- Pierneef, L.; Malaviya, P.; Hooij, A. van; Sundar, S.; Singh, A.K.; Kumar, R.; Jong, D. de; Meuldijk, M.; Kumar, A.; Zhou, Z.J.; Cloots, K.; Corstjens, P.; Hasker, E. & Geluk, A. (2023), Field-friendly anti-PGL-I serosurvey in children to monitor Mycobacterium leprae transmission in Bihar, India, Frontiers in Medicine 10.
- Khalid, H.; Pierneef, L.; Hooij, A. van; Zhou, Z.J.; Jong, D. de; Fat, E.T.K.; Connelley, T.K.; Hope, J.C.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M. & Geluk, A. (2023), Development of lateral flow assays to detect host proteins in cattle for improved diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis, Frontiers in Veterinary Science 10.
- Richardson, T.R.; Smith, B.; Malherbe, S.T.; Shaw, J.A.; Noor, F.; MacDonald, C.; Spuy, G.D. van der; Stanley, K.; Carstens, A.; Fisher, T.L.; Rensburg, I. van; Flinn, M.; Snyders, C.; Johnson, I.; Fransman, B.; Dockrell, H.; Thwaites, G.; Thuong, N.T.T.; Schacht, C.; Mayanja-Kizza, H.; Nsereko, M.; Fat, E.T.K.M.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Geluk, A.; Ruhwald, M.; Penn-Nicholson, A.; Chegou, N.N.; Sutherland, J.; Walzl, G. & TrENDx Consortium (2023), Field evaluation of a point-of-care triage test for active tuberculosis (TriageTB), BMC Infectious Diseases 23(1).
- Eckhardt, E.; Schinköthe, J.; Gischke, M.; Sehl-Ewert, J.; Corleis, B.; Dorhoi, A.; Teifke, J.; Albrecht, D.; Geluk, A.; Gilleron, M. & Bastian, M. (2023), Phosphatidylinositolmannoside vaccination induces lipid-specific Th1-responses and partially protects guinea pigs from Mycobacterium tuberculosis challenge, Scientific Reports 13(1).
- Younoussa, A.; Samidine, S.N.; Bergeman, A.T.; Piubello, A.; Attoumani, N.; Grillone, S.H.; Braet, S.M.; Tsoumanis, A.; Baco, A.; Mzembaba, A.; Salim, Z.; Amidy, M.; Grillone, S.; Snijders, R.; Corstjens, P.; Ortuno-Gutierrez, N.; Hoof, C.; Geluk, A.; Jong, B.C. de & Hasker, E. (2023), Protocol, rationale and design of BE-PEOPLE (Bedaquiline enhanced exposure prophylaxis for LEprosy in the Comoros), BMC Infectious Diseases 23(1).
- Pierneef, L.; Hooij, A. van; Jong, D. de; Fat, E.M.T.K.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Petruccioli, E.; Vanini, V.; Roukens, A.H.E.; Goletti, D.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Joosten, S.A.; Geluk, A. & BEAT COVID Study Grp (2023), Host biomarker-based quantitative rapid tests for detection and treatment monitoring of tuberculosis and COVID-19, iScience 26(1).
- Koeppel, L.; Denkinger, C.M.; Wyss, R.; Broger, T.; Chegou, N.N.; Dunty, J.M.; Scott, K.; Caceres, T.; Dutoit, E.; Ugarte-Gil, C.; Nicol, M.; Gotuzzo, E.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Geluk, A.; Sutherland, J.; Sigal, G.B.; Moreau, E.; Albertini, A.; Mantsoki, A.; Ongarello, S.; Walzl, G. & Suarez, M.F. (2023), Diagnostic performance of host protein signatures as a triage test for active pulmonary TB, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 61(10).
- Heutz, J.W.; Rogier, C.; Niemantsverdriet, E.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Jong, P.H.P. de; Lubberts, E.; Geluk, A. & Mil, A.H.M.V. (2023), The course of cytokine and chemokine gene expression in clinically suspect arthralgia patients during progression to inflammatory arthritis, Rheumatology.
- Khalid, H.; Hooij, A. van; Connelley, T.K.; Geluk, A. & Hope, J.C. (2022), Protein levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines as biomarkers of Mycobacterium bovis infection and BCG vaccination in cattle, Pathogens 11(7).
- Heutz, J.; Rogier, C.; Niemantsverdriet, E.; Eeden, S. van den; Jong, P. de; Geluk, A. & Helm-Van Mil, A. van der (2022), Expression of Cytokine and Chemokine Genes in Patients with Clinically Suspect Arthralgia; A Longitudinal Study During Progression to Inflammatory Arthritis or Non-Progression, Arthritis and Rheumatology 74: 504-506.
- Sutherland, J.S.; Spuy, G. van der; Gindeh, A.; Thuong, N.T.; Namuganga, A.R.; Owolabi, O.; Mayanja-Kizza, H.; Nsereko, M.; Thwaites, G.; Winter, J.; Dockrell, H.M.; Scriba, T.J.; Geluk, A.; Corstjens, P.; Stanley, K.; Richardson, T.; Shaw, J.A.; Smith, B.; Malherbe, S.T.; Walzl, G. & TrENDx-TB Consortium (2022), Diagnostic accuracy of the Cepheid 3-gene host response fingerstick blood test in a prospective, multi-site study, Clinical Infectious Diseases 74(12): 2136-2141.
- Jacobs, R.; Awoniyi, D.O.; Baumann, R.; Stanley, K.; McAnda, S.; Kaempfer, S.; Malherbe, S.T.; Singh, M.; Walzl, G.; Chegou, N.N. & AE-TBC Consortium (2022), Concurrent evaluation of cytokines improves the accuracy of antibodies against Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens in the diagnosis of active tuberculosis, Tuberculosis 133.
- Braet, S.M.; Hooij, A. van; Hasker, E.; Fransen, E.; Wirdane, A.; Baco, A.; Grillone, S.; Ortuno-Gutierrez, N.; Assoumani, Y.; Mzembaba, A.; Corstjens, P.; Rigouts, L.; Geluk, A. & Jong, B.C. de (2021), Minimally invasive sampling to identify leprosy patients with a high bacterial burden in the Union of the Comoros, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 15(11).
- Ortuno-Gutierrez, N.; Mzembaba, A.; Ramboarina, S.; Andriamira, R.; Baco, A.; Braet, S.; Younoussa, A.; Cauchoix, B.; Salim, Z.; Amidy, M.; Grillone, S.; Rasamoelina, T.; Cambau, E.; Geluk, A.; Jong, B.C. de; Richardus, J.H. & Hasker, E. (2021), Exploring clustering of leprosy in the Comoros and Madagascar, International Journal of Infectious Diseases 108: 96-101.
- Pierneef, L.; Hooij, A. van; Taal, A.; Rumbaut, R.; Nobre, M.L.; Brakel, W. van & Geluk, A. (2021), Detection of anti-M. leprae antibodies in children in leprosy-endemic areas: a systematic review, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 15(8).
- Zhou, Z.J.; Pena, M.; Hooij, A. van; Pierneef, L.; Jong, D. de; Stevenson, R.; Walley, R.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Truman, R.; Adams, L. & Geluk, A. (2021), Detection and monitoring of Mycobacterium leprae infection in nine banded armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) using a quantitative rapid test, Frontiers in Microbiology 12.
- Hooij, A. van; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Khatun, M.; Soren, S.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Roy, J.C.; Alam, K.; Chowdhury, A.; Richardus, J.H. & Geluk, A. (2021), BCG-induced immunity profiles in household contacts of leprosy patients differentiate between protection and disease, Vaccine 39(50): 7230-7237.
- Hambridge, T.; Chandran, S.L.N.; Geluk, A.; Saunderson, P. & Richardus, J.H. (2021), Mycobacterium leprae transmission characteristics during the declining stages of leprosy incidence: a systematic review, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 15(5).
- Hooij, A. van; Fat, E.M.T.K.; Jong, D. de; Khatun, M.; Soren, S.; Chowdhury, A.; Roy, J.C.; Alam, K.; Kim, J.P.; Richardus, J.H.; Geluk, A. & Corstjens, P.L.A.M. (2021), Prototype multi-biomarker test for point-of-care leprosy diagnostics, iScience 24(1).
- Dijk, J.H.M. van; Hooij, A. van; Groot, L.M.; Geboers, J.; Moretti, R.; Verhard-Seymonsbergen, E.; Jong, D. de; Marel, G.A. van der; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Codee, J.D.C. & Geluk, A. (2021), Synthetic phenolic glycolipids for application in diagnostic tests for leprosy, ChemBioChem 22(8): 1487-1493.
- Mutavhatsindi, H.; Spuy, G.D. van der; Malherbe, S.T.; Sutherland, J.S.; Geluk, A.; Mayanja-Kizza, H.; Crampin, A.C.; Kassa, D.; Howe, R.; Mihret, A.; Sheehama, J.A.; Nepolo, E.; Gunther, G.; Dockrell, H.M.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Stanley, K.; Walzl, G.; Chegou, N.N. & AE-TBC ScreenTB Consortia (2021), Validation and optimization of host immunological bio-signatures for a point-of-care test for TB disease, Frontiers in Immunology 12.
- Zhou, Z.J.; Hooij, A. van; Vervenne, R.; Sombroek, C.C.; Fat, E.T.K.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Verreck, F. & Geluk, A. (2021), Quantitative rapid test for detection and monitoring of active pulmonary tuberculosis in nonhuman primates, Biology 10(12).
- Geluk, A. (2021), All mycobacteria are inventive, but some are more Daedalean than others, Immunological Reviews 301(1): 5-9.
- Hooij, A. van & Geluk, A. (2021), In search of biomarkers for leprosy by unraveling the host immune response to Mycobacterium leprae, Immunological Reviews 301(1): 175-192.
- Coppola, M.; Jurion, F.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Tima, H.G.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Geluk, A.; Romano, M. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2021), In-vivo expressed Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens recognised in three mouse strains after infection and BCG vaccination, npj Vaccines 6(1).
- Tio-Coma, M.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Mei, H.L.; Roy, J.C.; Wallinga, J.; Khatun, M.; Soren, S.; Chowdhury, A.; Alam, K.; Hooij, A. van; Richardus, J.H. & Geluk, A. (2021), Y blood RNA signature RISK4LEP predicts leprosy years before clinical onset, EBioMedicine 68.
- Niemantsverdriet, E.; Akker, E. van den; Eeden, S. van den; Geluk, A. & Helm-Van Mil, A. van der (2020), Whole blood RNA expression in clinically suspected arthralgia patients shows a potential added value in prediction of inflammatory arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79: 74-75.
- Richardus, J.H. & Geluk, A. (2020), Reply to: Single-dose rifampicin and BCG to prevent leprosy.
- Niemantsverdriet, E.; Akker, E. van den; Boeters, D.; Eeden, S. van den; Geluk, A. & Helm-van Mil, A. van der (2020), Whole Blood RNA Expression in Clinically Suspected Arthralgia Patients Shows a Potential Value in Prediction of Inflammatory Arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatology 72.
- Hooij, A. van; Tio-Coma, M.; Verhard, E.M.; Khatun, M.; Alam, K.; Fat, E.T.K.; Jong, D. de; Chowdhury, A.; Corstjens, P.; Richardus, J.H. & Geluk, A. (2020), Household contacts of leprosy patients in endemic areas display a specific innate immunity profile, Frontiers in Immunology 11.
- Niemantsverdriet, E.; Akker, E.B. van den; Boeters, D.M.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Geluk, A. & Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der (2020), Gene expression identifies patients who develop inflammatory arthritis in a clinically suspect arthralgia cohort, Arthritis Research and Therapy 22(1).
- Avanzi, C.; Lecorche, E.; Rakotomalala, F.A.; Benjak, A.; Rabenja, F.R.; Ramarozatovo, L.S.; Cauchoix, B.; Rakoto-Andrianarivelo, M.; Tio-Coma, M.; Leal-Calvo, T.; Busso, P.; Boy-Rottger, S.; Chauffour, A.; Rasamoelina, T.; Andrianarison, A.; Sendrasoa, F.; Spencer, J.S.; Singh, P.; Dashatwar, D.R.; Narang, R.; Berland, J.L.; Jarlier, V.; Salgado, C.G.; Moraes, M.O.; Geluk, A.; Randrianantoandro, A.; Cambau, E. & Cole, S.T. (2020), Population genomics of mycobacterium ieprae reveals a new genotype in Madagascar and the Comoros, Frontiers in Microbiology 11.
- Tio-Coma, M.; Avanzi, C.; Verhard, E.M.; Pierneef, L.; Hooij, A. van; Benjak, A.; Roy, J.C.; Khatun, M.; Alam, K.; Corstjens, P.; Cole, S.T.; Richardus, J.H. & Geluk, A. (2020), Genomic characterization of Mycobacterium leprae to explore transmission patterns identifies new subtype in Bangladesh, Frontiers in Microbiology 11.
- Coppola, M.; Villar-Hernandez, R.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Latorre, I.; Moreno, B.M.; Garcia-Garcia, E.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Prat, C.; Stojanovic, Z.; Galvao, M.L.D.; Millet, J.P.; Sabria, J.; Sanchez-Montalva, A.; Noguera-Julian, A.; Geluk, A.; Dominguez, J. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2020), Cell-mediated immune responses to in vivo-expressed and stage-specific mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens in latent and active tuberculosis across different age groups, Frontiers in Immunology 11.
- Lubbers, R.; Sutherland, J.S.; Goletti, D.; Paus, R.A. de; Dijkstra, D.J.; Moorsel, C.H.M. van; Veltkamp, M.; Vestjens, S.M.T.; Bos, W.J.W.; Petrone, L.; Malherbe, S.T.; Walzl, G.; Gelderman, K.A.; Groeneveld, G.H.; Geluk, A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Joosten, S.A. & Trouw, L.A. (2020), Expression and production of the SERPING1-encoded endogenous complement regulator C1-inhibitor in multiple cohorts of tuberculosis patients, Molecular Immunology 120: 187-195.
- Niemantsverdriet, E.; Akker, E.B. van den; Boeters, D.M.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Geluk, A. & Mil, A.H.M.V. (2020), Gene expression identifies patients who develop inflammatory arthritis in a clinically suspect arthralgia cohort (vol 22, 266, 2020), Arthritis Research and Therapy 22(1).
- Schilling, A.K.; Hooij, A. van; Corstjens, P.; Lurz, P.W.W.; DelPozo, J.; Stevenson, K.; Meredith, A. & Geluk, A. (2019), Detection of humoral immunity to mycobacteria causing leprosy in Eurasian red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) using a quantitative rapid test, European Journal of Wildlife Research 65(3).
- Hooij, A. van; Eeden, S. van den; Richardus, R.; Fat, E.T.K.; Wilson, L.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Faber, R.; Khatun, M.; Alam, K.; Chowdhury, A.S.; Richardus, J.H.; Corstjens, P. & Geluk, A. (2019), Application of new host biomarker profiles in quantitative point-of-care tests facilitates leprosy diagnosis in the field, EBioMedicine 47: 301-308.
- Teles, R.M.B.; Lu, J.; Tio-Coma, M.; Goulart, I.M.B.; Banu, S.; Hagge, D.; Bobosha, K.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Pellegrini, M.; Geluk, A. & Modlin, R.L. (2019), Identification of a systemic interferon-gamma inducible antimicrobial gene signature in leprosy patients undergoing reversal reaction, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 13(10).
- Tio-Coma, M.; Wijnands, T.; Pierneef, L.; Schilling, A.K.; Alam, K.; Roy, J.C.; Faber, W.R.; Menke, H.; Pieterss, T.; Stevenson, K.; Richardus, J.H. & Geluk, A. (2019), Detection of Mycobacterium leprae DNA in soil: multiple needles in the haystack, Scientific Reports 9.
- Dissel, J.T. van; Pieters, T.; Geluk, A.; Maat, G.; Menke, H.E.; Tio-Coma, M.; Altena, E.; Laros, J.F.J. & Adhin, M.R. (2019), Archival, paleopathological and aDNA-based techniques in leprosy research and the case of Father Petrus Donders at the Leprosarium 'Batavia', Suriname, International Journal of Paleopathology 27: 1-8.
- Veldhuijzen, N.; Lenz, S.M.; Collins, J.H.; Ray, N.A.; Deming, A.T.; Lahiri, R.; Adams, L.B.; Hooij, A. van; Eeden, S. van den; Richardus, R.; Wilson, L.; Franken, K.L.M.; Faber, R.; Khatun, M.; Alam, K.; Richardus, J.H.; Geluk, A.; Balagon, M.; Roferos, F.; Abellana, J.; Taborada, T.; Sanchez, R.; Maghanoy, A.; Engelbrektsson, U.B.; Magar, D.B.; Sserunkuma, M.C.; Moses, K.; Ssembatya, B.B.; LRI Scien Review Comm & LRI Steering Comm (2019), Meeting report: the Leprosy Research Initiative Spring Meeting, Leprosy Review 90(2): 183-200.
- Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Hooij, A. van; Fat, E.M.T.K.; Alam, K.; Vrolijk, L.B.; Dlamini, S.; Silva, M.B. da; Spencer, J.S.; Salgado, C.G.; Richardus, J.H.; Hees, C.L.M. van & Geluk, A. (2019), Fingerstick test quantifying humoral and cellular biomarkers indicative for M-leprae infection, Clinical Biochemistry 66: 76-82.
- Tio-Coma, M.; Sprong, H.; Kik, M.; Dissel, J.T. van; Han, X.Y.; Pieters, T. & Geluk, A. (2019), Lack of evidence for the presence of leprosy bacilli in red squirrels from North-West Europe, Transboundary and Emerging Diseases.
- Richardus, R.; Alam, K.; Kundu, K.; Roy, J.C.; Zafar, T.; Chowdhury, A.; Nieboer, D.; Faber, R.; Butlin, C.R.; Geluk, A. & Richardus, J.H. (2019), Effectiveness of single-dose rifampicin after BCG vaccination to prevent leprosy in close contacts of patients with newly diagnosed leprosy: A cluster randomized controlled trial, International Journal of Infectious Diseases 88: 65-72.
- Duffy, F.J.; Weiner, J.; Hansen, S.; Tabb, D.L.; Suliman, S.; Thompson, E.; Maertzdorf, J.; Shankar, S.; Tromp, G.; Parida, S.; Dover, D.; Axthelm, M.K.; Sutherland, J.S.; Dockrell, H.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Scriba, T.J.; Picker, L.J.; Walzl, G.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Zak, D.E.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Parida, S.K.; Golinski, R.; Maertzdorf, J.; Weiner, J.; Jacobson, M.; McEwen, G.; Walzl, G.; Black, G.F.; Spuy, G. van der; Stanley, K.; Kriel, M.; Plessis, N. du; Nene, N.; Loxton, A.G.; Chegou, N.N.; Suliman, S.; Scriba, T.; Fisher, M.; Mahomed, H.; Hughes, J.; Downing, K.; Penn-Nicholson, A.; Mulenga, H.; Abel, B.; Bowmaker, M.; Kagina, B.; Kwong, W.; Hanekom, C.W.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Klein, M.R.; Haks, M.C.; Ranken, K.L.F.; Geluk, A.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Joosten, S.A.; Baarle, D. van; Miedema, F.; Boom, W.H.; Thiel, B.; Sadoff, J.; Sizemore, D.; Ramachandran, S.; Barker, L.; Brennan, M.; Weichold, F.; Muller, S.; Geiter, L.; Schoolnik, G.; Dolganov, G.; , T. van; Mayanja-Kizza, H.; Joloba, M.; Zalwango, S.; Nsereko, M.; Okwera, B.; Kisingo, H.; Dockrell, H.M.; Smith, S.; Gorak-Stolinska, P.; Hur, Y.G.; Lalor, M.; Lee, J.S.; Crampin, A.C.; French, N.; Ngwira, B.; Smith, A.B.; Watkins, K.; Ambrose, L.; Simukonda, F.; Mvula, H.; Chilongo, F.; Saul, J.; Branson, K.; Kassa, D.; Abebe, A.; Mesele, T.; Tegbaru, B.; Howe, R.; Mihret, A.; Aseffa, A.; Bekele, Y.; Iwnetu, R.; Tafesse, M.; Yamuah, L.; Ota, M.; Sutherland, J.; Hill, P.; Adegbola, R.; Corrah, T.; Antonio, M.; Togun, T.; Adetifa, I.; Donkor, S.; Andersen, P.; Rosenkrands, I.; Doherty, M.; Weldingh, K. & GC6-74 Consortium (2019), Immunometabolic Signatures Predict Risk of Progression to Active Tuberculosis and Disease Outcome, Frontiers in Immunology 10.
- Tio-Coma, M.; Hooij, A. van; Bobosha, K.; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J. van der; Banu, S.; Khadge, S.; Thapa, P.; Kunwar, C.B.; Goulart, I.M.; Bekele, Y.; Hagge, D.A.; Moraes, M.O.; Teles, R.M.B.; Pinheiro, R.O.; Zwet, E.W. van; Goeman, J.J.; Aseffa, A.; Haks, M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Modlin, R.L. & Geluk, A. (2019), Whole blood RNA signatures in leprosy patients identify reversal reactions before clinical onset: a prospective, multicenter study, Scientific Reports 9.
- Chegou, N.N.; Sutherland, J.S.; Namuganga, A.R.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Geluk, A.; Gebremichael, G.; Mendy, J.; Malherbe, S.; Stanley, K.; Spuy, G.D. van der; Kriel, M.; Loxton, A.G.; Kriel, B.; Simukonda, F.; Bekele, Y.; Sheehama, J.A.; Nelongo, J.; Vyver, M. van der; Gebrexabher, A.; Hailu, H.; Esterhuyse, M.M.; Rosenkrands, I.; Aagard, C.; Kidd, M.; Kassa, D.; Mihret, A.; Howe, R.; Cliff, J.M.; Crampin, A.C.; Mayanja-Kizza, H.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Dockrell, H.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Walzl, G. & AE-TBC Consortium (2018), Africa-wide evaluation of host biomarkers in QuantiFERON supernatants for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis, Scientific Reports 8.
- Lubbers, R.; Sutherland, J.S.; Goletti, D.; Paus, R.A. de; Moorsel, C.H.M. van; Veltkamp, M.; Vestjens, S.M.T.; Bos, W.J.W.; Petrone, L.; Nonno, F. del; Bajema, I.M.; Dijkman, K.; Verreck, F.A.W.; Walzl, G.; Gelderman, K.A.; Groeneveld, G.H.; Geluk, A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Joosten, S.A. & Trouw, L.A. (2018), Complement Component C1q as Serum Biomarker to Detect Active Tuberculosis, Frontiers in Immunology 9.
- Geluk, A. (2018), Correlates of immune exacerbations in leprosy, Seminars in Immunology 39(C): 111-118.
- Hooij, A. van; Fat, E.M.T.K.; Silva, M.B. da; Bouth, R.C.; Messias, A.C.C.; Gobbo, A.R.; Lema, T.; Bobosha, K.; Li, J.L.; Weng, X.M.; Salgado, C.G.; Spencer, J.S.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M. & Geluk, A. (2018), Evaluation of Immunodiagnostic Tests for Leprosy in Brazil, China and Ethiopia, Scientific Reports 8.
- Silva, M.B. da; Portela, J.M.; Li, W.; Jackson, M.; Gonzalez-Juarrero, M.; Hidalgo, A.S.; Belisle, J.T.; Bouth, R.C.; Gobbo, A.R.; Barreto, J.G.; Minervino, A.H.H.; Cole, S.T.; Avanzi, C.; Busso, P.; Frade, M.A.C.; Geluk, A.; Salgado, C.G. & Spencer, J.S. (2018), Evidence of zoonotic leprosy in Para A, Brazilian Amazon, and risks associated with human contact or consumption of armadillos, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 12(6).
- Lubbers Rosalie, Sutherland Jayne, Goletti Delia, Verreck Frank A. W., Geluk Annemieke, Ottenhoff Tom H. M., Joosten Simone A. & Trouw Leendert A. (2018), Complement component C1q as serum biomarker to detect active tuberculosis, Molecular Immunology 102: 185-185.
- Coppola, M.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Robbins, N.; Wilson, L.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Adams, L.B.; Gillis, T.P.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Geluk, A. (2018), Vaccines for Leprosy and Tuberculosis: Opportunities for Shared Research, Development, and Application, Frontiers in Immunology 9.
- Richardus, R.; Hooij, A. van; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Wilson, L.; Alam, K.; Richardus, J.H. & Geluk, A. (2018), BCG and adverse Events in the Context of leprosy, Frontiers in Immunology 9.
- Blok, D.J.; Vlas, S.J. de; Geluk, A. & Richardus, H. (2018), Minimum requirements and optimal testing strategies of a diagnostic test for leprosy as a tool towards zero transmission: A modeling study, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 12(5).
- Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Dockrell, H.M.; Drager, N.; Ho, M.M.; McShane, H.; Neyrolles, O.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Patel, B.; Roordink, D.; Spertini, F.; Stenger, S.; Thole, J.; Verreck, F.A.W.; Williams, A. & TBVAC2020 Consortium (2017), TBVAC2020: Advancing Tuberculosis Vaccines from Discovery to Clinical Development, Frontiers in Immunology 8.
- Hooij, A. van; Boeters, D.; Fat, E.T.K.; Eeden, S. van den; Corstjens, P.; Helm-van Mil, A. van der & Geluk, A. (2017), LONGITUDINAL IP-10 SERUM LEVELS ASSOCIATE WITH THE COURSE OF DISEASE ACTIVITY AND ACHIEVING DMARD-FREE SUSTAINED REMISSION IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76: 215-215.
- Hooij, A. van; Boeters, D.M.; Fat, E.M.T.K.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Helm-van Mil, A.H.M. van der & Geluk, A. (2017), Longitudinal IP-10 Serum Levels Are Associated with the Course of Disease Activity and Remission in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 24(8).
- Hooij, A. van; Fat, E.M.T.K.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Wilson, L.; Silva, M.B. da; Salgado, C.G.; Spencer, J.S.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M. & Geluk, A. (2017), Field-friendly serological tests for determination of M. leprae-specific antibodies, Scientific Reports 7.
- Geluk, A. & Corstjens, P. (2017), CRP: tell-tale biomarker or common denominator?, Lancet Infectious Diseases 17(12): 1225-1227.
- Coppola, M.; Arroyo, L.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Geluk, A.; Barrera, L.F. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2017), Differences in IgG responses against infection phase related Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) specific antigens in individuals exposed or not to Mtb correlate with control of TB infection and progression, Tuberculosis 106: 25-32.
- Marcal, P.H.; Fraga, L.A.; Ottenhoff, T.; Geluk, A.; Duthie, M. & Teixeira, H.C. (2017), IMMUNE RESPONSE TO RECOMBINANT PROTEINS OF MYCOBACTERIUM LEPRAE POTENTIAL APPLICATION FOR LEPROSY DIAGNOSIS, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 97(5): 236-236.
- Richardus, R.A.; Zwet, K. van der; Hooij, A. van; Wilson, L.; Oskam, L.; Faber, R.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Pahan, D.; Alam, K.; Richardus, J.H. & Geluk, A. (2017), Longitudinal assessment of anti-PGL-I serology in contacts of leprosy patients in Bangladesh, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 11(12).
- Hagge, D.A.; Parajuli, P.; Kunwar, C.B.; Rana, D.R.S.J.B.; Thapa, R.; Neupane, K.D.; Nicholls, P.; Adams, L.B.; Geluk, A.; Shah, M. & Napit, I.B. (2017), Opening a Can of Worms: Leprosy Reactions and Complicit Soil-Transmitted Helminths, EBioMedicine 23: 119-124.
- Hooij, A. van; Fat, E.M.T.K.; Richardus, R.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Wilson, L.; Dood, C.J. de; Faber, R.; Alam, K.; Richardus, J.H.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M. & Geluk, A. (2016), Quantitative lateral flow strip assays as User-Friendly Tools To Detect Biomarker Profiles For Leprosy, Scientific Reports 6.
- Awoniyi, D.O.; Teuchert, A.; Sutherland, J.S.; Mayanja-Kizza, H.; Howe, R.; Mihret, A.; Loxton, A.G.; Sheehama, J.; Kassa, D.; Crampin, A.C.; Dockrell, H.M.; Kidd, M.; Rosenkrands, I.; Geluk, A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Chegou, N.N.; Walzl, G. & AE-TBC Consortium (2016), Evaluation of cytokine responses against novel Mtb antigens as diagnostic markers for TB disease, Journal of Infection 73(3): 219-230.
- Coppola, M.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Commandeur, S.; Dolganov, G.; Kramnik, I.; Schoolnik, G.K.; Comas, I.; Lund, O.; Prins, C.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Korsvold, G.E.; Oftung, F.; Geluk, A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2016), New Genome-Wide Algorithm Identifies Novel In-Vivo Expressed Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Antigens Inducing Human T-Cell Responses with Classical and Unconventional Cytokine Profiles, Scientific Reports 6.
- Chegou, N.N.; Sutherland, J.S.; Malherbe, S.; Crampin, A.C.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Geluk, A.; Mayanja-Kizza, H.; Loxton, A.G.; Spuy, G. van der; Stanley, K.; Kotze, L.A.; Vyver, M. van der; Rosenkrands, I.; Kidd, M.; Helden, P.D. van; Dockrell, H.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Walzl, G. & AE-TBC Consortium (2016), Diagnostic performance of a seven-marker serum protein biosignature for the diagnosis of active TB disease in African primary healthcare clinic attendees with signs and symptoms suggestive of TB, Thorax 71(9): 785-794.
- Idrissi, N.B. el; Hakobyan, S.; Ramaglia, V.; Geluk, A.; Morgan, B.P.; , P.K. das & Baas, F. (2016), Complement activation in leprosy: a retrospective study shows elevated circulating terminal complement complex in reactional leprosy, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 184(3): 338-346.
- Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Hooij, A. van; Fat, E.M.T.K.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Wilson, L. & Geluk, A. (2016), Field-Friendly Test for Monitoring Multiple Immune Response Markers during Onset and Treatment of Exacerbated Immunity in Leprosy, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 23(6): 515-519.
- Mayboroda, O.A.; Hooij, A. van; Derks, R.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Dijkman, K.; Khadge, S.; Thapa, P.; Kunwar, C.B.; Hagge, D.A. & Geluk, A. (2016), Exploratory urinary metabolomics of type 1 leprosy reactions.
- Bahmanyar, E.R.; Smith, W.C.; Brennan, P.; Cummings, R.; Duthie, M.; Richardus, J.H.; Saunderson, P.; Shwe, T.; Rosen, S. & Geluk, A. (2016), Leprosy Diagnostic Test Development As a Prerequisite Towards Elimination: Requirements from the User's Perspective, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 10(2).
- Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Fat, E.M.T.K.; Dood, C.J. de; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J.V. van der; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Chegou, N.N.; Sutherland, J.S.; Howe, R.; Mihret, A.; Kassa, D.; Vyver, M. van der; Sheehama, J.; Simukonda, F.; Mayanja-Kizza, H.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Walzl, G.; Geluk, A. & AE-TBC Consortium (2016), Multi-center evaluation of a user-friendly lateral flow assay to determine IP-10 and CCL4 levels in blood of TB and non-TB cases in Africa, Clinical Biochemistry 49(1-2): 22-31.
- Inkeles, M.S.; Teles, R.M.B.; Pouldar, D.; Andrade, P.R.; Madigan, C.A.; Lopez, D.; Ambrose, M.; Noursadeghi, M.; Sarno, E.N.; Rea, T.H.; Ochoa, M.T.; Iruela-Arispe, M.L.; Swindell, W.R.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Geluk, A.; Bloom, B.R.; Pellegrini, M. & Modlin, R.L. (2016), Cell-type deconvolution with immune pathways identifies gene networks of host defense and immunopathology in leprosy, JCI insight 1(15).
- Fraga, L.; Marcal, P.; Zandim, P.; Oliveira, L.; Ottenhoff, T.; Geluk, A. & Teixeira, H. (2016), Immune response to Mycobacterium leprae: potential application for leprosy diagnosis, European Journal of Immunology 46: 643-643.
- Sutherland, J.S.; Mendy, J.; Gindeh, A.; Walzl, G.; Togun, T.; Owolabi, O.; Donkor, S.; Ota, M.O.; Fat, E.T.K.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Geluk, A. & Corstjens, P.L.A.M. (2016), Use of lateral flow assays to determine IP-10 and CCL4 levels in pleural effusions and whole blood for TB diagnosis, Tuberculosis 96: 31-36.
- Khadge, S.; Banu, S.; Bobosha, K.; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J. van der; Goulart, I.M.; Thapa, P.; Kunwar, C.B.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Wilson, L.; Kabir, S.; Dey, H.; Goulart, L.R.; Lobato, J.; Carvalho, W.; Bekele, Y.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Aseffa, A.; Spencer, J.S.; Oskam, L.; Otttenhoff, T.H.M.; Hagge, D.A. & Geluk, A. (2015), Longitudinal immune profiles in type 1 leprosy reactions in Bangladesh, Brazil, Ethiopia and Nepal, BMC Infectious Diseases 15.
- Coppola, M.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Wilson, L.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Geluk, A. (2015), Synthetic Long Peptide Derived from Mycobacterium tuberculosis Latency Antigen Rv1733c Protects against Tuberculosis, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 22(9): 1060-1069.
- Richardus, R.A.; Butlin, C.R.; Alam, K.; Kundu, K.; Geluk, A. & Richardus, J.H. (2015), Clinical manifestations of leprosy after BCG vaccination: An observational study in Bangladesh, Vaccine 33(13): 1562-1567.
- Crevel, R. van; Dockrell, H.M. & TANDEM Consortium (2014), TANDEM: understanding diabetes and tuberculosis, Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 2(4): 270-272.
- Berrington, W.R.; Kunwar, C.B.; Neupane, K.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Vary, J.C.; Peterson, G.J.; Wells, R.D.; Geluk, A.; Hagge, D.A. & Hawn, T.R. (2014), Differential Dermal Expression of CCL17 and CCL18 in Tuberculoid and Lepromatous Leprosy, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 8(11).
- Ouwendijk, W.J.D.; Geluk, A.; Smits, S.L.; Getu, S.; Osterhaus, A.D.M.E. & Verjans, G.M.G.M. (2014), Functional Characterization of Ocular-Derived Human Alphaherpesvirus Cross-Reactive CD4 T Cells, Journal of Immunology 192(8): 3730-3739.
- Geluk, A.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Wilson, L.; Bobosha, K.; Schip, J.J.V.D.P.V.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Quinten, E.; Dijkman, K.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Haisma, E.M.; Haks, M.C.; Hees, C.L.M. van & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2014), Longitudinal Immune Responses and Gene Expression Profiles in Type 1 Leprosy Reactions, Journal of Clinical Immunology 34(2): 245-255.
- Bobosha, K.; Fat, E.M.T.K.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Bekele, Y.; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J. van der; Dood, C.J. de; Dijkman, K.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Wilson, L.; Aseffa, A.; Spencer, J.S.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M. & Geluk, A. (2014), Field-Evaluation of a New Lateral Flow Assay for Detection of Cellular and Humoral Immunity against Mycobacterium leprae, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 8(5).
- Commandeur, S.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Dijkman, K.; Clark, S.O.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Wilson, L.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Williams, A.; Christensen, D.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Geluk, A. (2014), The in vivo expressed Mycobacterium tuberculosis (IVE-TB) antigen Rv2034 induces CD4(+) T-cells that protect against pulmonary infection in HLA-DR transgenic mice and guinea pigs, Vaccine 32(29): 3580-3588.
- Commandeur, S.; Coppola, M.; Dijkman, K.; Friggen, A.H.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Wilson, L.; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J. van der; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Geluk, A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2014), Clonal Analysis of the T-Cell Response to In Vivo Expressed Mycobacterium tuberculosis Protein Rv2034, Using a CD154 Expression Based T-Cell Cloning Method, PLoS ONE 9(6).
- Geluk Annemieke, van Meijgaarden Krista E., Joosten Simone A., Commandeur Susanna & Ottenhoff Tom H. M. (2014), Innovative strategies to identify M. tuberculosis antigens and epitopes using genome-wide analyses, Frontiers in Immunology 5.
- Bobosha, K.; Wilson, L.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Bekele, Y.; Zewdie, M.; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J. van der; Abebe, M.; Hussein, J.; Khadge, S.; Neupane, K.D.; Hagge, D.A.; Jordanova, E.S.; Aseffa, A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Geluk, A. (2014), T-Cell Regulation in Lepromatous Leprosy, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 8(4).
- Commandeur, S.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Prins, C.; Pichugin, A.V.; Dijkman, K.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Friggen, A.H.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Dolganov, G.; Kramnik, I.; Schoolnik, G.K.; Oftung, F.; Korsvold, G.E.; Geluk, A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2013), An Unbiased Genome-Wide Mycobacterium tuberculosis Gene Expression Approach To Discover Antigens Targeted by Human T Cells Expressed during Pulmonary Infection, Journal of Immunology 190(4): 1659-1671.
- Lampen, M.H.; Hassan, C.; Sluijter, M.; Geluk, A.; Dijkman, K.; Tjon, J.M.; Ru, A.H. de; Burg, S.H. van der; Veelen, P.A. van & Hall, T. van (2013), Alternative peptide repertoire of HLA-E reveals a binding motif that is strikingly similar to HLA-A2, Molecular Immunology 53(1-2): 126-131.
- Beijnum, F. van; Veldhoven, P.J. van; Geluk, E.J.; Dood, M.J.A. de; Hooft, G.W. 't & Exter, M.P. van (2013), Surface Plasmon Lasing Observed in Metal Hole Arrays, Physical Review Letters 110(20).
- Geluk A (2013), Challenges in immunodiagnostic tests for leprosy., Expert Opinion on Medical Diagnostics 7(3): 265-74.
- Geluk, A. (2013), Biomarkers for Leprosy: would you prefer T (cells)?, Leprosy Review 84(1): 3-12.
- Richardus, R.A.; Alam, K.; Pahan, D.; Feenstra, S.G.; Geluk, A. & Richardus, J.H. (2013), The combined effect of chemoprophylaxis with single dose rifampicin and immunoprophylaxis with BCG to prevent leprosy in contacts of newly diagnosed leprosy cases: a cluster randomized controlled trial (MALTALEP study), BMC Infectious Diseases 13.
- Geluk, A.; Bobosha, K.; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J. van der; Spencer, J.S.; Banu, S.; Martins, M.V.S.B.; Cho, S.N.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Kim, H.J.; Bekele, Y.; Uddin, M.K.M.; Hadi, S.A.; Aseffa, A.; Pessolani, M.C.V.; Pereira, G.M.B.; Dockrell, H.M. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2012), New Biomarkers with Relevance to Leprosy Diagnosis Applicable in Areas Hyperendemic for Leprosy, Journal of Immunology 188(10): 4782-4791.
- Martins, M.V.S.B.; Guimaraes, M.M.D.; Spencer, J.S.; Hacker, M.A.V.B.; Costa, L.S.; Carvalho, F.M.; Geluk, A.; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J. van der; Pontes, M.A.A.; Goncalves, H.S.; Morais, J.P. de; Bandeira, T.J.P.G.; Pessolani, M.C.V.; Brennan, P.J. & Pereira, G.M.B. (2012), Pathogen-Specific Epitopes as Epidemiological Tools for Defining the Magnitude of Mycobacterium leprae Transmission in Areas Endemic for Leprosy, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 6(4): -.
- Silva, L.C.R.; Geluk, A.; Arnone, M.; Romiti, R.; Franken, K.C.L.M.; Duarte, A.J.S.; Takahashi, M.D.F. & Benard, G. (2012), Infliximab partially impairs the anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis immune responses of severe psoriasis patients with positive tuberculin skin-test., Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.
- Bobosha, K.; Tang, S.T.; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J. van der; Bekele, Y.; Martins, M.V.S.B.; Lund, O.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Khadge, S.; Pontes, M.A.D.; Goncalves, H.D.; Hussien, J.; Thapa, P.; Kunwar, C.B.; Hagge, D.A.; Aseffa, A.; Pessolani, M.C.V.; Pereira, G.M.B.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Geluk, A. (2012), Mycobacterium leprae virulence-associated peptides are indicators of exposure to M. leprae in Brazil, Ethiopia and Nepal, Mem�rias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 107: 112-123.
- Geluk, A.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Dijkman, K.; Franken, K.L.M.C. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2012), A multistage-polyepitope vaccine protects against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in HLA-DR3 transgenic mice, Vaccine 30(52): 7513-7521.
- Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Dood, C.J. de; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J. van der; Wiesmeijer, K.C.; Riuttamaki, T.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Spencer, J.S.; Tanke, H.J.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Geluk, A. (2011), Lateral flow assay for simultaneous detection of cellular- and humoral immune responses., Clinical Biochemistry.
- Dockrell HM, Geluk A, Brennan P, Saunderson PR, Oskam L, Lockwood DN, Xiaoman W & Richardus JH (2011), Report on the sixth meeting of the IDEAL (Initiative for Diagnostic and Epidemiological Assays for Leprosy) consortium held in Beijing, China on 23-25 August 2010., Leprosy Review 82(1): 80-5.
- Geluk, A.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Dijkman, K.; Wilson, L.; Kim, H.J.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Spencer, J.S.; Pessolani, M.C.V.; Pereira, G.M.B. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2011), ML1419c Peptide Immunization Induces Mycobacterium leprae-Specific HLA-A*0201-Restricted CTL In Vivo with Potential To Kill Live Mycobacteria, Journal of Immunology 187(3): 1393-1402.
- Geluk, A.; Duthie, M.S. & Spencer, J.S. (2011), Postgenomic Mycobacterium leprae antigens for cellular and serological diagnosis of M. leprae exposure, infection and leprosy disease, Leprosy Review 82(4): 402-421.
- Lahiri, R.; Randhawa, B.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Duthie, M.S.; Spencer, J.S.; Geluk, A. & Krahenbuhl, J.L. (2011), Development of a Mouse Food Pad Model for Detection of Sub Clinical Leprosy, Leprosy Review 82(4): 432-444.
- Pena, M.; Geluk, A.; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J. van der; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Sharma, R. & Truman, R. (2011), Cytokine responses to Mycobacterium leprae unique proteins differentiate between Mycobacterium leprae infected and naive armadillos, Leprosy Review 82(4): 422-431.
- Commandeur, S.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Lin, M.Y.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Friggen, A.H.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Oftung, F.; Korsvold, G.E.; Geluk, A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2011), Identification of Human T-Cell Responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis Resuscitation-Promoting Factors in Long-Term Latently Infected Individuals, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 18(4): 676-683.
- Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Dood, C.J. de; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J. van der; Wiesmeijer, K.C.; Riuttamaki, T.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Spencer, J.S.; Tanke, H.J.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Geluk, A. (2011), Lateral flow assay for simultaneous detection of cellular- and humoral immune responses, Clinical Biochemistry 44(14-15): 1241-1246.
- Commandeur, S.; Lin, M.Y.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Friggen, A.H.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Korsvold, G.E.; Oftung, F.; Geluk, A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2011), Double- and monofunctional CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis DosR antigens and peptides in long-term latently infected individuals, European Journal of Immunology 41(10): 2925-2936.
- Spencer, J.S.; Kim, H.J.; Wheat, W.H.; Chatterjee, D.; Balagon, M.V.; Cellona, R.V.; Tan, E.V.; Gelber, R.; Saunderson, P.; Duthie, M.S.; Reece, S.T.; Burman, W.; Belknap, R.; Mac Kenzie, W.R.; Geluk, A.; Oskam, L.; Dockrell, H.M.; Brennan, P.J. & IDEAL Consortium (2011), Analysis of Antibody Responses to Mycobacterium leprae Phenolic Glycolipid I, Lipoarabinomannan, and Recombinant Proteins To Define Disease Subtype-Specific Antigenic Profiles in Leprosy, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 18(2): 260-267.
- Bobosha, K.; Ploeg-Van Schip, J.J. van der; Zewdie, M.; Sapkota, B.R.; Hagge, D.A.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Inbiale, W.; Aseffa, A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Geluk, A. (2011), Immunogenicity of Mycobacterium leprae unique antigens in leprosy endemic populations in Asia and Africa, Leprosy Review 82(4): 445-458.
- Joosten, S.A.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Weeren, P.C. van; Kazi, F.; Geluk, A.; Savage, N.D.L.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Flower, D.R.; Hanekom, W.A.; Klein, M.R. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2010), Mycobacterium tuberculosis peptides presented by HLA-E molecules are targets for human CD8 T-cells with cytotoxic as well as regulatory activity., PLoS Pathogens 6(2): e1000782.
- Parwati, I.; Alisjahbana, B.; Apriani, L.; Soetikno, R.D.; Ottenhoff, T.H.; Zanden, A.G.M. van der; Meer, J. van der; Soolingen, D. van & Crevel, R. van (2010), Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing Genotype Is an Independent Risk Factor for Tuberculosis Treatment Failure in Indonesia, Journal of Infectious Diseases 201(4): 553-557.
- Geluk, A.; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J. van der; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Commandeur, S.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Benckhuijsen, W.E.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Naafs, B. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2010), Enhancing sensitivity of detection of immune responses to Mycobacterium leprae peptides in whole-blood assays.
- Silva, L.C.R.; Silveira, G.G.; Arnone, M.; Romiti, R.; Geluk, A.; Franken, K.C.L.M.; Duarte, A.J.D.; Takahashi, M.D.F. & Benard, G. (2010), Decrease in Mycobacterium tuberculosis specific immune responses in patients with untreated psoriasis living in a tuberculosis endemic area.
- Joosten, S.A.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Weeren, P.C. van; Kazi, F.; Geluk, A.; Savage, N.D.L.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Flower, D.R.; Hanekom, W.A.; Klein, M.R. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2010), Mycobacterium tuberculosis Peptides Presented by HLA-E Molecules Are Targets for Human CD8(+) T-Cells with Cytotoxic as well as Regulatory Activity, PLoS Pathogens 6(2).
- Silva L, Silveira G, Geluk A, Arnone M, Romiti R, Takahashi D, Duarte AJ & Benard G (2009), Decrease in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Specific Immune Responses in Patients with Untreated Psoriasis Living in a Tuberculosis (TB) Endemic Area, Clinical Immunology 131: S66S66.
- Black GF, Thiel BA, Ota MO, Parida SK, Adegbola R, Boom WH, Dockrell HM, Franken KLMC, Friggen AH, Hill PC, Klein MR, Lalor MK, Mayanja H, Schoolnik G, Stanley K, Weldringh K, Kaufmann SH, Waltzl G & Ottenhof THM (2009), Immunogenicity of Novel DosR Regulon-Encoded Candidate Antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Three High-Burden Populations in Africa, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 16(8): 1203-1212.
- Geluk, A.; Spencer, J.S.; Bobosha, K.; Pessolani, M.C.V.; Pereira, G.M.B.; Banu, S.; Honore, N.; Reece, S.T.; MacDonald, M.; Sapkota, B.R.; Ranjit, C.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Zewdie, M.; Aseffa, A.; Hussain, R.; Stefani, M.M.; Cho, S.N.; Oskam, L.; Brennan, P.J.; Dockrell, H.M. & IDEAL Consortium (2009), From Genome-Based In Silico Predictions to Ex Vivo Verification of Leprosy Diagnosis, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 16(3): 352-359.
- Corstjens PLAM, Zuiderwijk M, Tanke HJ, Schip JJVV, Ottenhoff THM & Geluk A (2008), A user-friendly, highly sensitive assay to detect the IFN-gamma secretion by T cells, Clinical Biochemistry 41(6).
- Spencer JS, Kim HJ, Roa RL, Marques MAM, da Silva R, Groathouse NA, Williams DL, Ottenhoff THM, Geluk A, Cho SN, Gelber R, Dockrell HM, Cole ST, Britton WJ, Duthie MS, Ireton G, Pessolani MCV, Slayden RA & Brennan PJ (2008), The use of proteomics and bioinformatics to identify novel antigens of Mycobacterium leprae towards the development of a rapid diagnostic test for the early detection of leprosy, Infection, Genetics and Evolution 8(4).
- Savage NDL, de Boer T, Walburg KV, Joosten SA, van Meijgaarden K, Geluk A & Ottenhoff THM (2008), Human anti-inflammatory macrophages induce Foxp3(+)GITR(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells, which suppress via membrane-bound TGF beta-1, Journal of Immunology 181(3).
- Geluk, A.; Ploeg, J. van der; Teles, R.O.B.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Prins, C.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Sarno, E.N.; Sampaio, E.P. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2008), Rational combination of peptides derived from different Mycobacterium leprae proteins improves sensitivity for Immunodiagnosis of M-leprae infection, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 15(3).
- Geluk, A.; Lin, M.Y.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Leyten, E.A.S.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Klein, M.R. (2007), T-cell recognition of the HspX protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis correlates with latent M-tuberculosis infection but not with M-bovis BCG vaccination, Infection and Immunity 75(6).
- Iyer A, Hatta M, Usman R, Luiten S, Oskam L, Faber W, Geluk A & Das P (2007), Serum levels of interferon-gamma, tumour necrosis factor-alpha, soluble interleukin-6R and soluble cell activation markers for monitoring response to treatment of leprosy reactions, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 150(2).
- Joosten SA, van Meijgaarden KE, Savage NDL, de Boert T, Triebel F, van der Wal A, de Heer E, Klein MR, Geluk A & Ottenhoff THM (2007), Identification of a human CD8(+) regulatory T cell subset that mediates suppression through the chemokine CC chemokine ligand 4, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104(19).
- Lin, M.Y.; Geluk, A.; Smith, S.G.; Stewart, A.L.; Friggen, A.H.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Verduyn, M.J.C.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Voskuil, M.I.; Dockrell, H.M.; Huygen, K.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Klein, M.R. (2007), Lack of immune responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis DosR regulon proteins following Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccination, Infection and Immunity 75(7).
- Kuijl C, Savage NDL, Marsman M, Tuin AW, Janssen L, Egan DA, Ketema M, van den Nieuwendijk R, van den Eeden SJF, Geluk A, Poot A, van der Marel G, Beijersbergen RL, Overkleeft H, Ottenhoff THM & Neefjes J (2007), Intracellular bacterial growth is controlled by a kinase network around PKB/AKT1, Nature 450(7170).
- Geluk A & Ottenhoff THM (2006), HLA and leprosy in the pre and postgenomic eras, Human Immunology 67(6).
- Fortes A, Pereira K, Antas PRZ, Franken CLMC, Dalcolmo M, Ribeiro-Carvalho MM, Cunha KS, Geluk A, Kritski A, Kolk A, Klatser P, Sarno EN, Ottenhoff THM & Sampaio EP (2005), Detection of in vitro interferon-gamma and serum tumour necrosis factor-alpha in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 141(3).
- Geluk, A.; Klein, M.R.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Wieles, B.; Pereira, K.C.; Buhrer-Sekula, S.; Klatser, P.R.; Brennan, P.J.; Spencer, J.S.; Williams, D.L.; Pessolani, M.C.V.; Sampaio, E.P. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2005), Postgenomic approach to identify novel Mycobacterium leprae antigens with potential to improve immunodiagnosis of infection, Infection and Immunity 73(9).
- Geluk, A.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Wieles, B.; Arend, S.M.; Faber, W.R.; Naafs, B. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2004), Immunological crossreactivity of the Mycobacterium leprae CFP-10 with its homologue in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 59(1).
- Bivas-Benita, M.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Junginger, H.E.; Borchard, G.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Geluk, A. (2004), Pulmonary delivery of chitosan-DNA nanoparticles enhances the immunogenicity of a DNA vaccine encoding HLA-A*0201-restricted T-cell epitopes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Vaccine 22(13-14).
- Kriek NMAJ, van der Hout E, Kelly P, van Meijgaarden KE, Geluk A, Ottenhoff THM, van der Marel GA, Overhand M, van Boom JH, Valentijn ARPM & Overkleeft HS (2003), Synthesis of novel tetrahydropyran-based dipeptide isosters by Overman rearrangement of 2,3-didehydroglycosides, European Journal of Organic Chemistry.
- Subronto, Y.W.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Geluk, A.; Arend, S.M.; Sunardi, T.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Hisyam, B.; Vries, R.R.P. de; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Marzuki, S.; Verhoef, J. & Snippe, H. (2003), Interferon-gamma production in response to M-tuberculosis antigens in TB patients in Indonesia, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 531.
- Geluk A, Ottenhoff THM, Arend SM, Andersen P & Doherty TM (2002), ESAT-6 and CFP-10: What is the diagnosis? Authors' reply, Infection and Immunity 70(11).
- Geluk, A.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Subronto, Y.W.; Wieles, B.; Arend, S.M.; Sampaio, E.P.; Boer, T. de; Faber, W.R.; Naafs, B. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2002), Identification and characterization of the ESAT-6 homologue of Mycobacterium leprae and T-cell cross-reactivity with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Infection and Immunity 70(5).
- de Jong A, van der Burg SH, Kwappenberg KMC, van der Hulst JM, Franken KLMC, Geluk A, van Meijgaarden KE, Drijfhout JW, Kenter G, Vermeij P, Melief CJM & Offringa R (2002), Frequent detection of human papillomavirus 16 E2-specific T-helper immunity in healthy subjects, Cancer Research 62(2).
- Cardoso FLL, Antas PRZ, Milagres AS, Geluk A, Franken KLMC, Oliveira EB, Teixeira HC, Nogueira SA, Sarno EN, Klatser P, Ottenhoff THM & Sampaio EP (2002), T-cell responses to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis- specific antigen ESAT-6 in Brazilian tuberculosis patients, Infection and Immunity 70(12).
- Charo J, Geluk A, Sundback M, Mirzai B, Diehl AD, Malmberg KJ, Achour A, Huriguchi S, van Meijgaarden KE, Drijfhout JW, Beekman N, van Veelen P, Ossendorp F, Ottenhoff THM & Kiessling R (2001), The identification of a common pathogen-specific HLA class I A*0201-restricted cytotoxic T cell epitope encoded within the heat shock protein 65, European Journal of Immunology 31(12).
- Snijders A, Elferink DG, Geluk A, van der Zanden AL, Vos K, Schreuder GMT, Breedveld FC, de Vries RRP & Zanelli EH (2001), An HLA-DRB1-derived peptide associated with protection against rheumatoid arthritis is naturally processed by human APCs, Journal of Immunology 166(8).
- van der Burg SH, Ressing ME, Kwappenberg KMC, de Jong A, Straathof K, de Jong J, Geluk A, van Meijgaarden KE, Franken KLMC, Ottenhoff THM, Fleuren GJ, Kenter G, Melief CJM & Offringa R (2001), Natural T-HELPER immunity against human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) E7-derived peptide epitopes in patients with HPV16-positive cervical lesions: Identification of 3 human leukocyte antigen class II-restricted epitopes, International Journal of Cancer 91(5).
- Charo J, Sundback M, Geluk A, Ottenhoff T & Kiessling R (2001), DNA immunization of HLA transgenic mice with a plasmid expressing mycobacterial heat shock protein 65 results in HLA class I- and II-restricted T cell responses that can be augmented by cytokines, Human Gene Therapy 12(14).
- Arend SM, Geluk A, van Meijgaarden KE, van Dissel JT, Theisen M, Andersen P & Ottenhoff THM (2000), Antigenic equivalence of human T-cell responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific RD1-encoded protein antigens ESAT-6 and culture filtrate protein 10 and to mixtures of synthetic peptides.
- Geluk, A.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Drijfhout, J.W.; D'Souza, S.; Necker, A.; Huygen, K. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2000), Identification of major epitopes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis AG85B that are recognized by HLA-A*0201-restricted CD8(+) T cells in HLA-transgenic mice and humans, Journal of Immunology 165(11).
- Das P, Drescher KM, Geluk A, Bradley DS, Rodriguez M & David CS (2000), Complementation between specific HLA-DR and HLA-DQ genes in transgenic mice determines susceptibility to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
- Hiemstra HS, van Veelen PA, Willemen SJM, Benckhuijsen WE, Geluk A, de Vries RRP, Roep BO & Drijfhout JW (1999), Quantitative determination of TCR cross-reactivity using peptide libraries and protein databases, European Journal of Immunology 29(8): 2385-2391.
- Hiemstra HS, van Veelen PA, Geluk A, Schloot NC, de Vries RRP, Ottenhoff THM, Roep BO & Drijfhout JW (1999), Limitations of homology searching for identification of T-cell antigens with library derived mimicry epitopes, Vaccine 18(3-4): 204-208.
- Hiemstra HS, van Veelen PA, Schloot NC, Geluk A, van Meijgaarden KE, Willemen SJM, Leunissen JAM, Benckhuijsen WE, Amons R, de Vries RRP, Roep BO, Ottenhoff THM & Drijfhout JW (1998), Definition of natural T cell antigens with mimicry epitopes obtained from dedicated synthetic peptide libraries, Journal of Immunology 161(8): 4078-4082.
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