Annemarie Samuels
Universitair Hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. A. Samuels MA
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 1724
- 0000-0002-7379-5591
Annemarie Samuels is universitair hoofddocent aan het Instituut voor Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie van de Universiteit Leiden. In haar huidige onderzoeksproject bestudeert ze de globalisering en culturele bemiddeling van palliatieve zorgpraktijken, -beleid en -discoursen.
Het volledige profiel en al het nieuws en publicaties zijn te vinden op de Engelstalige profielwebsite van Annemarie Samuels.
Universitair Hoofddocent
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Culturele Antropologie/ Ontw. Sociologie
- Shohet M. & Samuels A. (2024), Revisiting and Revisioning Silence and Narrative in Psychological Anthropology. In: Lester R.J. (red.), Innovations in Psychological Anthropology. New York: Routledge. 103-124.
- Samuels A. (2024), Culture and Advance Care Planning. In: , Advance Care Planning in the Asia Pacific. Singapore: World Scientific.
- Samuels A. & Lemos Dekker N. (2023), Palliative care practices and policies in diverse socio-cultural contexts: aims and framework of the ERC globalizing palliative care comparative ethnographic study, Palliative Care and Social Practice 17: .
- Dragojlovic A. & Samuels A. (2023), Introduction: silent reverberations: potentialities of attuned listening, American Anthropologist 125(4): 880-883.
- Samuels A. (2023), Silence at the end of life : multivocality at the edges of narrative possibility, American Anthropologist 125(4): 892-895.
- Dragojlovic A. & Samuels A. (2023), Tracing silences: towards an anthropology of the unspoken and unspeakable. Oxon: Routledge.
- Dragojlovic A. & Samuels A. (2023), Silence, The Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology : .
- Giest S.N. & Samuels A. (2022), Administrative burden in digital public service delivery: The social infrastructure of library programs for e-inclusion, Review of Policy Research : .
- Samuels A. (2 december 2022), Memory, loss and living in a post-disaster village. Leiden Anthropology Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog].
- Giest S.N. & Samuels A. (2022), Pre-conditions for equal digital access policies the role of data practices and social infrastructure. Policy in Focus: A Publication of the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth. Brasilia, Brazil: International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth.
- Bloembergen M., Visscher S, Hoogenboom I., Protschky S., Samuels A., Dewi S.: Zakaria F. & Baker J. (2022), Editorial. [overig].
- Duijvenvoorde A.C.K. van, Fonteyn L., Giest S.N., Pluut H. & Samuels A. (22 juli 2021), Science is NOT like competitive sports. Voices of Young Academics. Leiden: Young Academy Leiden. [blog].
- Dragojlovic A. & Samuels A. (2021), Tracing silences: towards an anthropology of the unspoken and unspeakable, History and Anthropology 32(4): 417-425.
- Samuels A. (2021), Strategies of silence in an age of transparency: navigating HIV and visibility in Aceh, Indonesia, History and Anthropology 32(4): 498-515.
- Strassler K., Kloos D., Juliastuti N. & Samuels A. (2021), Bespreking van: Strassler K., Demanding images: democracy, mediation, and the image-event in Indonesia. Durham: Duke University Press. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 177(2-3): 379-393.
- Samuels A. (2020), Gendered Violence, Gendered Care: Nonintervention, Silence Work and the Politics of HIV in Aceh. In: Mcgregor K., Dragojlovic A. & Loney H. (red.), Gender, Violence and Power in Indonesia: Across Time and Space: Routledge. 181-196.
- Moretti I. & Samuels A. (23 maart 2020), Introduction: Leiden Anthropologists Reflect on the COVID-19 Pandemic. Leiden Anthropology Blog. [blog].
- Giest S.N. & Samuels A. (2020), ‘For good measure’: data gaps in a big data world, Policy Sciences 53: 559–569.
- Samuels A & Lemos Dekker N. (18 november 2020), Globalizing Palliative Care. Globalizing Palliative Care: European Association of Palliative Care. [blog].
- Giest S. & Samuels A. (1 december 2020), Studying Missing Data: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Data Gaps. Leiden Anthropology Blog. [blog].
- Samuels A. (2019), Narrative Navigation: HIV and (Good) Care in Aceh, Indonesia, Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry 43(1): 116-133.
- Samuels A. (14 februari 2019), AIDS and Islam in Aceh, Indonesia: Toward a Positive Turn?. AIDS and Islam in Aceh, Indonesia: toward a positive turn?. Leiden: Leiden Islam Blog. [blog].
- Kloos D. & Samuels A. (2019), Religious idioms of vulnerability, Inside Indonesia 136: .
- Samuels A. (2019), After the Tsunami: Disaster Narratives and the Remaking of Everyday Life in Aceh. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.
- De Maaker E. & Samuels A., Anthropologies of and with Asia, at Leiden University. Leiden Anthropology Blog. [blog].
- Samuels A. & Saptari R. (2019), Moral Politics of Nationhood: Constructions of Political, Sexual and Religious Others in Contemporary Indonesia, Inside Indonesia 138: .
- Samuels A. (2018), "This Path is Full of Thorns": Narrative, Subjunctivity, and HIV in Indonesia, Ethos 46(1): 95-114.
- Samuels A. (2018), Policy Brief Access to HIV Care in Aceh, Indonesia.
- Samuels A. (2017) Book review: Sex and Sexualities in Contemporary Indonesia: Sexual Politics, Health, Diversity and Representations (2015). Bespreking van: Bennet L.R. & Davies S.G., Sex and Sexualities in Contemporary Indonesia: Sexual Politics, Health, Diversity and Representations. Indonesia 103: 91-94.
- Samuels A. (30 mei 2017), Silence in the post-disaster ethnographic encounter. The Anthropology of Silince. [blog].
- Samuels A. & Dragojlovic A. (30 mei 2017), Website The Antrhopology of Silence. [webartikel].
- Samuels A. (2016), Seeing AIDS in Aceh: Sexual Moralities and the Politics of (In)visibility in Post-Reconstruction Times, Indonesia 101: 103-120.
- Samuels A. (2016), Embodied Narratives of Disaster: The Expression of Bodily Experience in Aceh, Indonesia, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 22(4): 809-825.
- Samuels A. (2016), Seeing AIDS in Aceh: Sexual Moralities and the Politics of (In)visibility in Post-Reconstruction Times, Indonesia 101: 103-120.
- Samuels A. (2016) Book review Simpson, Edward 2013. The Political Biography of an Earthquake: Aftermath and Amnesia in Gujarat, India. Bespreking van: Simpson E. (2013), The Political Biography of an Earthquake: Aftermath and Amnesia in Gujarat, India. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale (journal of the European Association of Social Anthropologists) 24(4): 543-544.
- Samuels A. (2015), Narratives of Uncertainty: The Affective Force of Child Trafficing Rumors in Post-Disaster Aceh, Indonesia, American Anthropologist 117(2): 229-241.
- Feener R.M., Kloos D. & Samuels A. (2015), Islam and the Limits of the State: Reconfigurations of Practice, Community and Authority in Contemporary Aceh. Leiden Studies in Islam and Society nr. 3. Leiden: Brill.
- Samuels A. (2015), Hikmah and narratives of change: how different temporalities shape the present and the future in post-tsunami Aceh. In: Feener R.M., Kloos D. & Samuels A. (red.), Islam and the Limits of the State: Reconfigurations of Practice, Community and Authority in Contemporary Aceh. Leiden: Brill. 24-55.
- Samuels A. (2013), "Aceh thanks the world": The Possibilities of the Gift in a Post-Disaster Society, Anthropology Today 29(4): 8-11.
- Samuels A. (2012), Moving from Great Love: Gendered Mobilities in a Post-Tsunami Relocation Neighbourhood in Aceh, Indonesia, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 36(4): 742-756.
- Samuels A. (29 november 2012), After the tsunami : the remaking of everyday life in Banda Aceh, Indonesia (Dissertatie. Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Promotor(en): Spyer P.E.