Anne Stiggelbout
Hoogleraar Medische Besliskunde, de rol van patiëntpreferenties
- Naam
- A.M. Stiggelbout
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 4575
- 0000-0002-6293-4509
Prof. Anne M. Stiggelbout is hoogleraar Medische Besliskunde bij de Afdeling Biomedical Data Sciences van het LUMC. Haar terrein is de rol van de patiënt in de besluitvorming, met name Samen Beslissen (Shared Decision Making). Zij kijkt met name naar de rol van zorgpaden en richtlijnen bij Samen Beslissen. Zij was president van de internationale Society for Medical Decision Making van 2011-2012. Ook verkreeg ze een VIDI-beurs van NWO voor onderzoek naar de waardering van gezondheid.
Meer informatie over Anne Stiggelbout
Prof. Anne M. Stiggelbout is hoogleraar Medische Besliskunde bij de Afdeling Biomedical Data Sciences van het LUMC. Haar terrein is de rol van de patiënt in de besluitvorming, met name Samen Beslissen (Shared Decision Making). Zij kijkt met name naar de rol van zorgpaden en richtlijnen bij Samen Beslissen. Zij was president van de internationale Society for Medical Decision Making van 2011-2012. Ook verkreeg ze een VIDI-beurs van NWO voor onderzoek naar de waardering van gezondheid.
Shared decision making
Het onderzoek en onderwijs van professor Stiggelbout hebben betrekking op gedeelde besluitvorming (Shared Decision Making) en risico-communicatie, op value-based health care (waardegedreven zorg) en op clinimetrie en psychometrie. Ze heeft vele subsidies ontvangen van onder andere KWF Kankerbestrijding, ZonMw en NWO voor onderzoek naar zowel het meten van voorkeuren, de versterking van de rol van de patiënt in de besluitvorming, gedeelde besluitvorming en risicocommunicatie, normatieve aspecten van de besluitvorming, als naar kwaliteit van leven, clinimetrie en psychometrie.
Haar onderzoek sluit aan bij de thema’s Gezondheidszorgonderzoek, preventie en behandeling en Personalized Medicine van de Nationale Wetenschaps Agenda (NWA).
Ze heeft met de implementatie van gedeelde besluitvorming impact op de kwaliteit van zorg, zowel lokaal, regionaal als nationaal. Met haar groep heeft ze hiertoe zowel e-learnings als trainingen ontwikkeld voor professionals.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Anne Stiggelbout studeerde af aan de Universiteit van Wageningen in 1987, waarna ze 15 maanden aan het WHO Kankerinstituut IARC in Lyon werkte, als trainee in kankerepidemiologie. Hierna was ze een periode als research fellow in epidemiologie aan het Nederlands Kanker Instituut verbonden. Ze vertrok in 1991 naar de Universiteit Leiden voor promotieonderzoek. In 1995 promoveerde ze aan het LUMC ('Trade-offs between quality and length of life. Methodological aspects of outcome valuation in cancer patients'), waarna ze lid van de wetenschappelijke staf van de Medische Besliskunde werd. In 2000 werd ze Universitair Hoofddocent, in 2007 Hoogleraar. Haar oratie in 2008 was getiteld: 'Kiezen of delen? Patiënten, percepties en preferenties'.
In 2012 werd ze gevraagd voor de Faculty van de NFU Executive Master Kwaliteit en Veiligheid in de Patientenzorg, waarvoor zij de module Patiëntgerichte Zorg ontwikkelde en doceerde (2014-2022). Zij was ook lid van de Opleidingcommissie (2014-2017) en examinator.
Prijzen een eervolle benoemingen
Anne Stiggelbout ontving the Eugene Saenger Distinguished Service Award van de Society for Medical Decision making, in 2015. In hetzelfde jaar kreeg zij de Vitaal Bokaal 2015, als ambassadeur van het LUMC-vrouwennetwerk.
Professor Stiggelbout heeft zitting (genomen) in vele wetenschappelijke adviesraden in Nederland, waaronder die van ZonMw en KWF Kankerbestrijding. Ze was lid van de Commissie Bevolkingsonderzoek van de Gezondheidsraad van 2013-2017.
Hoogleraar Medische Besliskunde, de rol van patiëntpreferenties
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Biomedical Data Sciences
- Staalduinen D.J. van, Bekerom P.E.A. van den, Groeneveld S.M., Franx A., Stiggelbout A.M. & Akker-van Marle M.E van den (2023), Differing professional perspectives on the interprofessional collaboration in IPUs: a mixed-methods Study, International Journal of Integrated Care 23(3): 1-12.
- Staalduinen D.J. van, Bekerom P.E.A. van den, Groeneveld S.M., Stiggelbout A.M. & Van den Akker-van Marle M.E. (2023), Relational coordination in value-based health care, Health Care Management Review 48(4): 334-341.
- Oueslati, R.; Reis, R.; Vries, M. de; Slager, M.; Sijp, J. van der; Stiggelbout, A. & Touwen, D. (2023), (WIP) Towards culturally sensitive shared decision-making in oncology: A study protocol, Patient Education and Counseling 109: 139-139.
- Oueslati, R.; Woudstra, A.; Reis, R.; Slager, M.; Touwen, D. & Stiggelbout, A. (2023), (WIP) What values steer the behavior of actors in shared decision-making? An analysis of the models, Patient Education and Counseling 109: 65-65.
- Bense, J.E.; Haverman, L.; Asmuth, E.G.J. von; Louwerens, M.; Luijten, M.A.J.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Lankester, A.C. & Pagter, A.P.J. de (2023), Late effects in pediatric allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for nonmalignant diseases, Transplantation and Cellular Therapy 29(3).
- Akkermans, A.; Prins, S.; Spijkers, A.S.; Wagemans, J.; Labrie, N.H.M.; Willems, D.L.; Schultz, M.J.; Cherpanath, T.G.V.; Woensel, J.B.M. van; Heerde, M. van; Kaam, A.H. van; Loo, M. van de; Stiggelbout, A.; Smets, E.M.A. & Vos, M.A. de (2023), Argumentation in end-of-life conversations with families in Dutch intensive care units, Intensive Care Medicine 49(4): 421-433.
- Kunneman, M.; Gravholt, D.; Hartasanchez, S.A.; Gionfriddo, M.R.; Paskins, Z.; Prokop, L.J.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Montori, V.M. (2023), Assessing collaborative efforts of making care fit for each patient: A systematic review, Health Expectations 26(4): 1391-1403.
- Uden, N. van; Engels, N.; Nat, P. van der; Stiggelbout, A.; Bos, W.J. & Dorpel, M. van den (2023), Development of a patient decision aid for kidney failure treatment modality decisions, Patient Education and Counseling 109: 44-44.
- Keij, S.; Stiggelbout, A. & Pieterse, A. (2023), Development of a questionnaire to measure patient readiness for shared decision making in oncology, Patient Education and Counseling 109: 137-137.
- Staalduinen, D.J. van; Bekerom, P.E.A. van den; Groeneveld, S.M.; Franx, A.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Marle, M.E.V. (2023), Differing professional perspectives on the interprofessional collaboration in IPUs, International Journal of Integrated Care 23(3).
- Kidanemariam, M.; Pieterse, A.H.; Staalduinen, D.J. van; Bos, W.J.W. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2023), Does value-based healthcare support patient-centred care?, BMJ Open 13(7).
- Horst, D.E.M. van der; Garvelink, M.M.; Bos, W.J.W.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Pieterse, A.H. (2023), For which decisions is Shared Decision Making considered appropriate?-A systematic review, Patient Education and Counseling 106: 3-16.
- Stiggelbout, A.; Griffioen, I.; Melles, M.; Rietjens, J.; Kolk, M. van der & Snelders, D. (2023), MetroMapping: Development of a methodology to redesign care paths to support Shared Decision Making, Patient Education and Counseling 109: 91-91.
- Stiggelbout, A.; Griffioen, I.; Brands, J.; Melles, M.; Rietjens, J.; Kunneman, M.; Kolk, M. van der; Eijck, C. van & Snelders, D. (2023), Metro Mapping, BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine 28(5): 291-294.
- Kunneman, M.; Laidsaar-Powell, R.; Lie, H.; Boer, J. de; Moaddine, S.; Stiggelbout, A. & Pieterse, A. (2023), Patient readiness for shared decision making: A scoping review of qualitative literature, Patient Education and Counseling 109: 9-9.
- Keij, S.M.; Lie, H.C.; Laidsaar-Powell, R.; Kunneman, M.; Boer, J.E. de; Moaddine, S.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Pieterse, A.H. (2023), Patient-related characteristics considered to affect patient involvement in shared decision making about treatment: A scoping review of the qualitative literature, Patient Education and Counseling 111.
- Horst, D.E.M. van der; Engels, N.; Hendrikx, J.; Dorpel, M.A. van den; Pieterse, A.H.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Uden-Kraan, C.F. van & Bos, W.J.W. (2023), Predicting outcomes in chronic kidney disease, BMC Nephrology 24(1).
- Staalduinen, D.J. van; Bekerom, P.E.A. van den; Groeneveld, S.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Marle, M.E.V. (2023), Relational coordination in value-based health care, Health Care Management Review 48(4): 334-341.
- Driever, E.; Stiggelbout, A. & Brand, P. (2023), SDM, patient-centered communication and patient satisfaction - a cross-sectional analysis, Patient Education and Counseling 109: 8-8.
- Veer, M.R. de; Hermus, M.; Zijden, C.J. van der; Wilk, B.J. van der; Wijnhoven, B.P.L.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Dekker, J.W.T.; Coene, P.P.L.O.; Busschbach, J.J.; Lanschot, J.J.B. van; Lagarde, S.M. & Kranenburg, L.W. (2023), Surgeon's steering behaviour towards patients to participate in a cluster randomised trial on active surveillance for oesophageal cancer, European Journal of Surgical Oncology 49(10).
- Wieringa, T.; León-García, M.; Suarez, N.E.; Hernández-Leal, M.J.; Jacome, C.S.; Zisman-Ilani, Y.; Otten, R.; Montori, V.; Stiggelbout, A. & Pieterse, A. (2023), The role of time in patient participation in cancer treatment decision making: A scoping review, Patient Education and Counseling 109: 43-44.
- Wieringa, T.; León-García, M.; Suarez, N.E.; Hernández-Leal, M.J.; Jacome, C.S.; Zisman-Ilani, Y.; Otten, R.; Montori, V.; Stiggelbout, A. & Pieterse, A. (2023), The role of time in patient participation in cancer treatment decision making: A scoping review, Patient Education and Counseling 109: 43-44.
- Bense, J.E.; Guilonard, N.; Zwaginga, F.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Louwerens, M.; Mekelenkamp, H.; Lankester, A.C.; Pieterse, A.H. & Pagter, A.P.J. de (2023), The value of using patient-reported outcomes for health screening during long-term follow-up after paediatric stem cell transplantation for nonmalignant diseases, Health Expectations 27(1).
- Bense, J.E.; Guilonard, N.; Zwaginga, F.A.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Louwerens, M.; Mekelenkamp, H.; Lankester, A.C.; Pieterse, A.H. & Pagter, A.P.J. de (2023), THE VALUE OF USING PATIENT-REPORTED OUTCOMES FOR HEALTH SCREENING DURING LONG-TERM FOLLOW-UP AFTER PEDIATRIC STEM CELL TRANSPLANTATION FOR NONMALIGNANT DISEASES, Bone Marrow Transplantation 58(SUPP1): 132-133.
- Staalduinen, D.J. van; Bekerom, P.E.A. van den; Groeneveld, S.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Marle, M.E.V. (2023), Relational coordination in value-based health care, Health Care Management Review 48(4).
- Staalduinen D.J. van, Bekerom P.E.A. van den, Groeneveld S.M., Kidanemariam M., Stiggelbout A.M. & Akker-van Marle M.E. van den (2022), The implementation of value-based healthcare: a scoping review, BMC Health Services Research 22: 270.
- Engels, N.; Graav, G.N. de; Nat, P. van der; Dorpel, M. van den; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Bos, W.J. (2022), Shared decision-making in advanced kidney disease: a scoping review, BMJ Open 12(9).
- Neve, O.M.; Jansen, J.C.; Koot, R.W.; Ridder, M. de; Benthem, P.P.G. van; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Hensen, E.F. (2022), Long-term quality of life of vestibular schwannoma patients, Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery.
- Verberne, W.R.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Bos, W.J.W. & Delden, J.J.M. van (2022), Asking the right questions, BMC Medical Ethics 23(1).
- Engels, N.; Nat, P.B. van der; Ankersmid, J.W.; Prick, J.C.M.; Parent, E.; The, R.; Takahashi, A.; Bart, H.A.J.; Uden-Kraan, C.F. van; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Bos, W.J.W. & Dorpel, M.A. van den (2022), Development of an online patient decision aid for kidney failure treatment modality decisions, BMC Nephrology 23(1).
- Driever, E.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Brand, P.L.P. (2022), Do consultants do what they say they do? , BMJ Open 12(1).
- Veenendaal, H. van; Peters, L.J.; Ubbink, D.T.; Stubenrouch, F.E.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Brand, P.L.P.; Vreugdenhil, G. & Hilders, C.G.J.M. (2022), Effectiveness of individual feedback and coaching on shared decision-making consultations in oncology care, JMIR Research Protocols 11(4).
- Keij, S.M.; Boer, J.E. de; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Bruin, W.B. de; Peters, E.; Moaddine, S.; Kunneman, M. & Pieterse, A.H. (2022), How are patient-related characteristics associated with shared decision-making about treatment? A scoping review of quantitative studies, BMJ Open 12(5).
- Bense, J.E.; Haverman, L.; Asmuth, E.G.J. von; Louwerens, M.; Luijten, M.A.J.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Lankester, A.C. & Pagter, A.P.J. de (2022), Late effects: Patient-reported and proxy-reported outcomes among pediatric allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for non-malignant diseases - what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, Bone Marrow Transplantation 57(SUPPL 1): 358-359.
- Poort, E.K.J. van der; Akker-van Marle, E. van den; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Hout, W.B. van den (2022), Leveraging the Similarities Between Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and Value-Based Healthcare.
- Bomhof-Roordink, H.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Gartner, F.R.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Kroon, C.D. de; Peeters, K.C.M.J.; Neelis, K.J.; Dekker, J.W.T.; Weijden, T. van der; Pieterse, A.H.; Boer, S.M. de; Boersma, L.J.; Huinink, D.T.; Buijsen, J.; Cloos-van Balen, M.; Gelderblom, H.; Leeuwen-Snoeks, L. van; Lips, I.M.; Ramai, S.R.S.; Roshani, H.; Slingerland, M.; Vanneste, B.G.L.; Wiltink, L.M. & iSHARE Study Grp (2022), Patient and physician shared decision-making behaviors in oncology, Patient Education and Counseling 105(5): 1089-1100.
- Pieterse, A.H.; Bomhof-Roordink, H.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Wieringa, T.H. (2022), Patient role in SDM models: Re: Berger Z, Galasinski D, Scalia P, Dong K, Blunt HB, Elwyn G, "The Submissive Silence of Others: Examining Definitions of Shared Decision Making" [Patient Educ Couns (2021) doi:].
- Heuvel, L. van den; Meinders, M.J.; Post, B.; Bloem, B.R. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2022), Personalizing decision-making for persons with Parkinson's disease, Journal of Neurology 269(7): 3569-3578.
- Heuvel, L. van den; Knippenberg, M.; Post, B.; Meinders, M.J.; Bloem, B.R. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2022), Perspectives of people living with Parkinson's disease on personalized prediction models, Health Expectations 25(4): 1580-1590.
- Heuvel, L. van den; Hoefsloot, W.; Post, B.; Meinders, M.J.; Bloem, B.R.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Til, J.A. van (2022), Professionals' treatment preferences in the prodromal phase of Parkinson's disease, Journal of Parkinson's Disease 12(5): 1655-1664.
- Siebinga, V.Y.; Driever, E.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Brand, P.L.P. (2022), Shared decision making, patient-centered communication and patient satisfaction, Patient Education and Counseling 105(7): 2145-2150.
- Engels, N.; Graav, G.N. de; Nat, P. van der; Dorpel, M. van den; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Bos, W.J. (2022), Shared decision-making in advanced kidney disease: a scoping review, BMJ Open 12(9).
- Driever, E.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Brand, P.L.P. (2022), Shared decision-making in different types of decisions in medical specialist consultations, Journal of General Internal Medicine 37(12): 2966-2972.
- Weijden, T. van der; Kraan, J. van der; Brand, P.L.P.; Veenendaal, H. van; Drenthen, T.; Schoon, Y.; Tuyn, E.; Weele, G. van der; Stalmeier, P.; Damman, O.C. & Stiggelbout, A. (2022), Shared decision-making in the Netherlands: Progress is made, but not for all. Time to become inclusive to patients, Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen 171: 98-104.
- Staalduinen, D.J. van; Bekerom, P. van den; Groeneveld, S.; Kidanemariam, M.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den (2022), The implementation of value-based healthcare: a scoping review, BMC Health Services Research 22(1).
- Oueslati, R.; Reis, R.; Vries, M.C. de; Slager, M.T.; Sijp, J.R.M. van der; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Touwen, D.P. (2022), Towards culturally sensitive shared decision-making in oncology, International Journal of Qualitative Methods 21.
- Driever, E.M.; Tolhuizen, I.M.; Duvivier, R.J.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Brand, P.L.P. (2022), Why do medical residents prefer paternalistic decision making?, BMC Medical Education 22(1).
- Medendorp, N.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Aalfs, C.M.; Han, P.K.J.; Smets, E.M.A. & Hillen, M.A. (2021), A scoping review of practice recommendations for clinicians' communication of uncertainty, Health Expectations 24(4).
- Neve, O.M.; Jansen, J.C.; Mey, A.G.L. van der; Koot, R.W.; Ridder, M. de; Benthem, P.P.G. van; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Hensen, E.F. (2021), The impact of vestibular schwannoma and its management on employment, European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 279.
- Neve, O.M.; Benthem, P.P.G. van; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Hensen, E.F. (2021), Response rate of patient reported outcomes, BMC Medical Research Methodology 21(1).
- Griffioen, I.P.M.; Rietjens, J.A.C.; Melles, M.; Snelders, D.; Homs, M.Y.V.; Eijck, C.H. van & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2021), The bigger picture of shared decision making, Cancer Medicine 10(17): 5907-5916.
- Kuijpers, M.M.T.; Veenendaal, H. van; Engelen, V.; Visserman, E.; Noteboom, E.A.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; May, A.M.; Wit, N. de; Wall, E. van der & Helsper, C.W. (2021), Shared decision making in cancer treatment, European Journal of Cancer Care 31(1).
- Akkermans, A.; Lamerichs, J.; Schultz, M.; Cherpanath, T.; Woensel, J. van; Heerde, M. van; Kaam, A. van; Loo, M. van de; Stiggelbout, A.; Smets, E. & Vos, M. de (2021), How doctors actually (do not) involve families in decisions to continue or discontinue life-sustaining treatment in neonatal, pediatric, and adult intensive care, Palliative Medicine 35(10): 1865-1877.
- Pieterse, A.H.; Brandes, K.; Graaf, J. de; Boer, J.E. de; Labrie, N.H.M.; Knops, A.; Allaart, C.F.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Bos, W.J.W. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2021), Fostering patient choice awareness and presenting treatment options neutrally, Medical Decision Making 42(3).
- Plas-Krijgsman, W.G. van der; Giardiello, D.; Putter, H.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Bastiaannet, E.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Kroep, J.R. de; Portielje, J.E.A.; Liefers, G.J. & Glas, N.A. de (2021), Development and validation of the PORTRET tool to predict recurrence, overall survival, and other-cause mortality in older patients with breast cancer in the Netherlands: a population-based study, The Lancet Healthy Longevity 2(11): E704-E711.
- Medendorp, N.M.; Hillen, M.A.; Visser, L.N.C.; Aalfs, C.M.; Duijkers, F.A.M.; Engelen, K. van; Ausems, M.G.E.M.; Verhoef, S.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Smets, E.M.A. (2021), A randomized experimental study to test the effects of discussing uncertainty during cancer genetic counseling: different strategies, different outcomes?, European Journal of Human Genetics 29(5): 789-799.
- Keij, S.M.; Duijn-Bakker, N. van; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Pieterse, A.H. (2021), What makes a patient ready for shared decision making?, Patient Education and Counseling 104(3): 571-577.
- Plas-Krijgsman, W. van der; Giardiello, D.; Putter, H.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Bastiaannet, E.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Liefers, G.J. & Glas, N.A. de (2021), The PORTRET-tool: A prediction tool for older patients with breast cancer that predicts recurrence, survival and other-cause mortality, Cancer Research 81(4).
- Post, C.C.B.; Mens, J.W.M.; Haverkort, M.A.D.; Koppe, F.; Jurgenliemk-Schulz, I.M.; Snyers, A.; Roeloffzen, E.M.A.; Schaake, E.E.; Slot, A.; Stam, T.C.; Beukema, J.C.; Berg, H.A. van den; Lutgens, L.C.H.W.; Nijman, H.W.; Kroon, C.D. de; Kroep, J.R.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Creutzberg, C.L. (2021), Patients' and clinicians' preferences in adjuvant treatment for high-risk endometrial cancer, Gynecologic Oncology 161(3).
- Someren, J.L. van; Lehmann, V.; Stouthard, J.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Smets, E.M.A. & Hillen, M.A. (2021), Oncologists' communication about uncertain information in second opinion consultations, Frontiers in Psychology 12.
- Baghus, A.; Giroldi, E.; Muris, J.; Stiggelbout, A.; Pol, M. van de; Timmerman, A. & Weijden, T. van der (2021), Identifying entrustable professional activities for shared decision making in postgraduate medical education, Academic Medicine 96(1): 126-133.
- Gelderblom, H.; Veelken, H. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2021), COVID-19 and systemic anticancer therapy: exploiting uncertainty, The Lancet Oncology 22(1): 3-5.
- Engels, N.; Graav, G. de; Nat, P. van der; Dorpel, M. van den; Bos, W.J. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2020), Shared decision-making in advanced kidney disease: a scoping review protocol, BMJ Open 10(2).
- Driever, E.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Brand, P.L.P. (2020), Shared decision making, Patient Education and Counseling 103(1): 77-82.
- Heuvel, L. van den; Dorsey, R.R.; Prainsack, B.; Post, B.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Meinders, M.J. & Bloem, B.R. (2020), Quadruple decision making for Parkinson's disease patients, Journal of Parkinson's Disease 10(1): 223-231.
- Bomhof-Roordink, H.; Gartner, F.R.; Duijn-Bakker, N. van; Weijden, T. van der; Pieterse, A.H. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2020), MEASURING SHARED DECISION MAKING IN ONCOLOGY: PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF THE ISHARE-PATIENT AND ISHARE-PHYSICIAN QUESTIONNAIRES, Medical Decision Making 40(1): E149-E150.
- Medendorp, N.M.; Hillen, M.A.; Maarschalkerweerd, P.E.A. van; Aalfs, C.M.; Ausems, M.G.E.M.; Verhoef, S.; Kolk, L.E. van der; Berger, L.P.V.; Wevers, M.R.; Wagner, A.; Caanen, B.A.H.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Smets, E.M.A. (2020), 'We don't know for sure', Familial Cancer 19(1): 65-76.
- Bomhof-Roordink, H.; Gartner, F.R.; Duijn-Bakker, N. van; Weijden, T. van der; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Pieterse, A.H. (2020), Measuring shared decision making in oncology, Health Expectations 23(2): 496-+.
- Boer, A.Z. de; Derks, M.G.M.; Glas, N.A. de; Bastiaannet, E.; Liefers, G.J.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Dijk, M.A. van; Kroep, J.R.; Ropela, A.; Bos, F. van den & Portielje, J.E.A. (2020), Metastatic breast cancer in older patients, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 11(6): 969-975.
- Medendorp, N.; Hillen, M.; Aalfs, C.; Stiggelbout, A. & Smets, E. (2020), Impact of the discussion of uncertainty on former counselees' outcomes. An experimental vignettes study, European Journal of Human Genetics 28(SUPPL 1): 139-140.
- Neve, O.M.; Soulier, G.; Hendriksma, M.; Mey, A.G.L. van der; Linge, A. van; Benthem, P.P.G. van; Hensen, E.F. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2020), Patient-reported factors that influence the vestibular schwannoma treatment decision, European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 278.
- Heuvel, L. van den; Evers, L.; Meinders, M.; Post, B.; Stiggelbout, A.; Heskes, T.; Bloem, B. & Krijthe, J. (2020), Estimating the effect of early treatment initiation in Parkinson's disease using observational data, Movement Disorders 36(2).
- Kunneman, M.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Pieterse, A.H. (2020), Do clinicians convey what they intend? Lay interpretation of verbal risk labels used in decision encounters, Patient Education and Counseling 103(2): 418-422.
- Vermeer, N.C.A.; Valk, M.J.M. van der; Snijders, H.S.; Vasen, H.F.A.; Hoop, A.G. van der; Guicherit, O.R.; Liefers, G.J.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Peeters, K.C.M.J. (2020), Psychological distress and quality of life following positive fecal occult blood testing in colorectal cancer screening, Psycho-Oncology 29(6).
- Huls, S.P.I.; Osch, S.M.C. van; Brouwer, W.B.F.; Exel, J. van & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2020), Psychometric evaluation of the Health-Risk Attitude Scale (HRAS-13), Psychology & Health 37(1).
- Gartner, F.R.; Marinus, J.; Hout, W.B. van den; Vleggeert-Lankamp, C. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2020), The cervical radiculopathy impact scale, Disability and Rehabilitation 42(13): 1894-1905.
- Engelhardt, E.G.; Smets, E.M.A.; Sorial, I.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Pieterse, A.H. & Hillen, M.A. (2019), Is There a Relationship between Shared Decision Making and Breast Cancer Patients' Trust in Their Medical Oncologists?, Medical Decision Making.
- Bomhof-Roordink, H.; Fischer, M.J.; Duijn-Bakker, N. van; Baas-Thijssen, M.C.; Weijden, T. van der; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Pieterse, A.H. (2019), Shared decision making in oncology: A model based on patients', health care professionals', and researchers' views, Psycho-Oncology 28(1): 139-146.
- Pieterse, A.H.; Kunneman, M.; Hout, W.B. van den; Baas-Thijssen, M.; Geijsen, E.D.; Ceha, H.M.; Muller, K.M.; Linden, Y.M. van der; Marijnen, C.A.M. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2019), Patient explicit consideration of tradeoffs in decision making about rectal cancer treatment: benefits for decision process and quality of life, Acta Oncologica: 1-8.
- Medendorp NM, Hillen MA, Murugesu L, Aalfs CM, Stiggelbout AM & Smets EMA (2019), Uncertainty related to multigene panel testing for cancer: a qualitative study on counsellors' and counselees' views, European Journal of Human Genetics 27: 703-703.
- Medendorp, N.M.; Hillen, M.A.; Murugesu, L.; Aalfs, C.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Smets, E.M.A. (2019), Uncertainty related to multigene panel testing for cancer: a qualitative study on counsellors' and counselees' views, Journal of Community Genetics 10(2): 303-312.
- Stiggelbout, A.; Copp, T.; Jacklyn, G.; Jansen, J.; Liefers, G.J.; McCaffery, K. & Hersch, J. (2019), Women's Acceptance of Overdetection in Breast Cancer Screening: Can We Assess Harm-Benefit Tradeoffs?, Medical Decision Making.
- Medendorp NM, Hillen MA, van Maarschalkerweerd PEA, Aalfs CM, Ausems MG, Verhoef S, van der Kolk LE, Berger LPV, Wevers MR, Wagner A, Caanen BAH, Stiggelbout AM & Smets EMA (2019), The discussion of uncertainty concerning multigene panel testing during cancer genetic counseling. An observational study, European Journal of Human Genetics 27: 1794-1795.
- Pieterse, A.H.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Montori, V.M. (2019), Shared Decision Making and the Importance of Time, Journal of the American Medical Association 322(1): 25-26.
- Rodenburg-Vandenbussche, S.; Carlier, I.; Hemert, I. van; Hemert, A. van; Stiggelbout, A. & Zitman, F. (2019), Patients' and clinicians' perspectives on shared decision-making regarding treatment decisions for depression, anxiety disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder in specialized psychiatric care, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice.
- Gartner, F.R.; Portielje, J.E.; Langendam, M.; Hairwassers, D.; Agoritsas, T.; Gijsen, B.; Liefers, G.J.; Pieterse, A.H. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2019), Role of patient preferences in clinical practice guidelines: a multiple methods study using guidelines from oncology as a case, BMJ Open 9(12).
- Bomhof-Roordink, H.; Gartner, F.R.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Pieterse, A.H. (2019), Key components of shared decision making models: a systematic review, BMJ Open 9(12).
- Dreesens, D.; Stiggelbout, A.; Agoritsas, T.; Elwyn, G.; Flottorp, S.; Grimshaw, J.; Kremer, L.; Santesso, N.; Stacey, D.; Treweek, S.; Armstrong, M.; Gagliardi, A.; Hill, S.; Legare, F.; Ryan, R.; Vandvik, P. & Weijden, T. van der (2019), A conceptual framework for patient-directed knowledge tools to support patient-centred care: Results from an evidence-informed consensus meeting, Patient Education and Counseling 102(10): 1898-1904.
- Louwe, L.A.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Overbeek, A.; Hilders, C.G.J.M.; Berg, M.H. van den; Wendel, E.; Dulmen-den Broeder, E. van & Kuile, M.M. ter (2018), Factors associated with frequency of discussion of or referral for counselling about fertility issues in female cancer patients, European Journal of Cancer Care 27(1).
- Veenendaal, H. van; Weijden, T. van der; Ubbink, D.T.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Mierlo, L.A. van & Hilders, C.G.J.M. (2018), Accelerating implementation of shared decision-making in the Netherlands: An exploratory investigation, Patient Education and Counseling 101(12): 2097-2104.
- Engelhardt, E.G.; Pieterse, A.H. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2018), Implicit persuasion in medical decision-making An overview of implicitly steering behaviors and a reflection on explanations for the use of implicitly steering behaviors, Journal of Argumentation in Context 7(2): 209-227.
- Medendorp, N.M.; Hillen, M.A.; Murugesu, L.; Aalfs, C.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Smets, E.M.A. (2018), Uncertainty in consultations about genetic testing for cancer: an explorative observational study, Patient Education and Counseling 101(12): 2083-2089.
- Pieterse, A.H.; Bomhof-Roordink, H. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2018), On how to define and measure SDM, Patient Education and Counseling 101(8): 1307-1309.
- Korfage, I.J.; Kwaadsteniet, E.W. de; Voorst, A. van; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Vries, M. de & Pieterse, A.H. (2018), Preferences for cervical cancer screening: The role of implicit associations, Patient Education and Counseling 101(2): 310-317.
- Gartner, F.R.; Bomhof-Roordink, H.; Smith, I.P.; Scholl, I.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Pieterse, A.H. (2018), The quality of instruments to assess the process of shared decision making: A systematic review, PLoS ONE 13(2).
- Rodenburg-Vandenbussche, S.; Carlier, I.V.E.; Vliet, I.M. van; Hemert, A.M. van; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Zitman, F.G. (2018), Clinical and sociodemographic associations with treatment selection in major depression, General Hospital Psychiatry 54: 18-24.
- Hamelinck, V.C.; Bastiaannet, E.; Pieterse, A.H.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Liefers, G.J. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2018), Preferred and Perceived Participation of Younger and Older Patients in Decision Making About Treatment for Early Breast Cancer: A Prospective Study, Clinical Breast Cancer 18(2): E245-E253.
- Hamelinck, V.C.; Bastiaannet, E.; Pieterse, A.H.; Merkus, J.W.S.; Jannink, I.; Hoed, I.D.M. den; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Liefers, G.J. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2018), A prospective comparison of younger and older patients' preferences for breast-conserving surgery versus mastectomy in early breast cancer, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 9(2): 170-173.
- Engelhardt, E.G.; Broek, A.J. van den; Linn, S.C.; Wishart, G.C.; Rutgers, E.J.T.; Velde, A.O. van de; Smit, V.T.H.B.M.; Voogd, A.C.; Siesling, S.; Brinkhuis, M.; Seynaeve, C.; Westenend, P.J.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M.; Leeuwen, F.E. van; Veer, L.J. van 't; Ravdin, P.M.; Pharaoh, P.D.P. & Schmidt, M.K. (2017), Accuracy of the online prognostication tools PREDICT and Adjuvant! for early-stage breast cancer patients younger than 50 years, European Journal of Cancer 78: 37-44.
- Fritz, L.; Dirven, L.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Zwinkels, H.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Pasman, H.R.W. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2017), ADVANCE CARE PLANNING IN GLIOBLASTOMA PATIENTS: PHASE I OF A FEASIBILITY STUDY, Neuro-Oncology 19: 169-169.
- Brom, L.; Snoo-Trimp, J.C. de; Onwuteaka-Philipsen, B.D.; Widdershoven, G.A.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Pasman, H.R.W. (2017), Challenges in shared decision making in advanced cancer care: a qualitative longitudinal observational and interview study, Health Expectations 20(1): 69-84.
- Engelhardt, E.G.; Pieterse, A.H.; Han, P.K.J.; Duijn-Bakker, N. van; Cluitmans, F.; Maartense, E.; Bos, M.M.E.M.; Weijl, N.I.; Punt, C.J.A.; Ufford-Mannesse, P.Q. van; Sleeboom, H.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Hoeven, K.J.M. van der; Woei-A-Jin, F.J.S.; Kroep, J.R.; Haes, H.C.J.M. de; Smets, E.M.A. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2017), Disclosing the Uncertainty Associated with Prognostic Estimates in Breast Cancer: Current Practices and Patients' Perceptions of Uncertainty, Medical Decision Making 37(3): 179-192.
- Garvelink, M.M.; Kuile, M.M. ter; Louwe, L.A.; Hilders, C.G.J.M. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2017), Feasibility and effects of a decision aid about fertility preservation, Human Fertility 20(2): 104-112.
- Derks, M.; Lonkhuijzen, L.R.C.W. van; Bakker, R.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Kroon, C.D. de; Westerveld, H.; Roovers, J.P.W.R.; Kenter, G.G. & Kuile, M.M. ter (2017), Long-Term Morbidity and Quality of Life in Cervical Cancer Survivors A Multicenter Comparison Between Surgery and Radiotherapy as Primary Treatment, International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 27(2): 350-356.
- Pieterse, A.H.; Kunneman, M.; Engelhardt, E.G.; Brouwer, N.J.; Kroep, J.R.; Marijnen, C.A.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Smets, E.M.A. (2017), Oncologist, patient, and companion questions during pretreatment consultations about adjuvant cancer treatment: a shared decision-making perspective, Psycho-Oncology 26(7): 943-950.
- Soulier, G.; Leeuwen, B.M. van; Putter, H.; Jansen, J.C.; Malessy, M.J.A.; Benthem, P.P.G. van; Mey, A.G.L. van der & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2017), Quality of Life in 807 Patients with Vestibular Schwannoma: Comparing Treatment Modalities, Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 157(1): 92-98.
- Bakker, R.M.; Kenter, G.G.; Creutzberg, C.L.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Derks, M.; Mingelen, W.; Kroon, C.D.; Vermeer, W.M. & Kuile, M.M. ter (2017), Sexual distress and associated factors among cervical cancer survivors: A cross-sectional multicenter observational study, Psycho-Oncology 26(10): 1470-1477.
- Hamelinck, V.C.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Liefers, G.J. & Bastiaannet, E. (2017), Treatment recommendations for older women with breast cancer: A survey among surgical, radiation and medical oncologists, EJSO - European Journal of Surgical Oncology 43(7): 1288-1296.
- Loon, Y. van; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Hakkesteegt, M.M.; Langeveld, T.P.M.; Jong, R.J.B. de & Sjogren, E.V. (2017), Utility approach to decision-making in extended T1 and limited T2 glottic carcinoma, Head and Neck 39(4): 779-785.
- Korteland, N.M.; Ahmed, Y.; Koolbergen, D.R.; Brouwer, M.; Heer, F. de; Kluin, J.; Bruggemans, E.F.; Klautz, R.J.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Bucx, J.J.J.; Roos-Hesselink, J.W.; Polak, P.; Markou, T.; Broek, I. van den; Ligthart, R.; Bogers, A.J.J.C. & Takkenberg, J.J.M. (2017), Does the Use of a Decision Aid Improve Decision Making in Prosthetic Heart Valve Selection? A Multicenter Randomized Trial, Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 10(2).
- Weijden, T. van der; Post, H.; Brand, P.L.P.; Veenendaal, H. van; Drenthen, T.; Mierlo, L.A.J. van; Stalmeier, P.; Damman, O.C. & Stiggelbout, A. (2017), Shared decision making, a buzz-word in the Netherlands, the pace quickens towards nationwide implementation ..., Zeitschrift f�r Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualit�t im Gesundheitswesen 123-124: 69-74.
- Derks, M.; Velden, J. van der; Frijstein, M.M.; Vermeer, W.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Roovers, J.P.W.R.; Kroon, C.D. de; Kuile, M.M. ter & Kenter, G.G. (2016), Long-term Pelvic Floor Function and Quality of Life After Radical Surgery for Cervical Cancer: A Multicenter Comparison Between Different Techniques for Radical Hysterectomy With Pelvic Lymphadenectomy, International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 26(8): 1538-1543.
- Vermeer, W.M.; Bakker, R.M.; Kenter, G.G.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Kuile, M.M. ter (2016), Cervical cancer survivors' and partners' experiences with sexual dysfunction and psychosexual support, Supportive Care in Cancer 24(4): 1679-1687.
- Vries, M. de; Emons, W.H.M.; Plantinga, A.; Pietersma, S.; Hout, W.B. van den; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den (2016), Comprehensively Measuring Health-Related Subjective Well-Being: Dimensionality Analysis for Improved Outcome Assessment in Health Economics, Value in Health 19(2): 167-175.
- Kunneman, M.; Engelhardt, E.G.; Hove, F.L. ten; Marijnen, C.A.M.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Smets, E.M.A.; Haes, H.J.C.J.M. de; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Pieterse, A.H. (2016), Deciding about (neo-) adjuvant rectal and breast cancer treatment: Missed opportunities for shared decision making, Acta Oncologica 55(2): 134-139.
- Snijders, H.S.; Kunneman, M.; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M.; Boerma, D.; Pieterse, A.H.; Wouters, M.J.W.M. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2016), Large variation in the use of defunctioning stomas after rectal cancer surgery. A lack of consensus, Acta Oncologica 55(4): 509-515.
- Wouters, H.; Dijk, L. van; Geers, H.C.J.; Winters, N.A.; Geffen, E.C.G. van; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Bouvy, M.L. (2016), Understanding Statin Non-Adherence: Knowing Which Perceptions and Experiences Matter to Different Patients.
- Hamelinck, V.C.; Bastiaannet, E.; Pieterse, A.H.; Glas, N.A. de; Portielje, J.E.A.; Merkus, J.W.S.; Hoed, I.D.M. den; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Liefers, G.J. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2016), A Prospective Comparison of Younger and Older Patients' Preferences for Adjuvant Chemotherapy and Hormonal Therapy in Early Breast Cancer, Clinical Breast Cancer 16(5): 379-388.
- Stiggelbout, A.M.; Jukema, J.W.; Engelhardt, E.E.; Bos, C. van den & Pieterse, A.H. (2016), Communicating risk to patients in the emergency department, British Medical Journal 355.
- Oosterhuis, J.J.; Gillissen, A.; Snijder, C.A.; Stiggelbout, A. & Haak, M.C. (2016), Decision-making in the referral process of sonographers in primary care screening centers, Prenatal Diagnosis 36(6): 555-560.
- Stubenrouch, F.E.; Pieterse, A.H.; Falkenberg, R.; Santema, T.K.B.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Weijden, T. van der; Aarts, J.A.W.M. & Ubbink, D.T. (2016), OPTION5 versus OPTION12 instruments to appreciate the extent to which healthcare providers involve patients in decision-making, Patient Education and Counseling 99(6): 1062-1068.
- Stiggelbout, A.M.; Kunneman, M.; Baas-Thijssen, M.C.M.; Neijenhuis, P.A.; Loor, A.K.; Jagers, S.; Vree, R.; Marijnen, C.A.M. & Pieterse, A.H. (2016), The EORTC QLQ-CR29 quality of life questionnaire for colorectal cancer: validation of the Dutch version, Quality of Life Research 25(7): 1853-1858.
- Engelhardt, E.G.; Pieterse, A.H.; Hout, A. van der; Haes, H.J.C.J.M. de; Kroep, J.R.; Ufford-Mannesse, P.Q. van; Portielje, J.E.A.; Smets, E.M.A. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2016), Use of implicit persuasion in decision making about adjuvant cancer treatment: A potential barrier to shared decision making, European Journal of Cancer 66: 55-66.
- Korteland, N.M.; Ahmed, Y.; Koolbergen, D.R.; Brouwer, M.; Heer, F. de; Kluin, J.; Bruggemans, E.F.; Klautz, R.J.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Bucx, J.J.J.; Bogers, A.J.J.C. & Takkenberg, J.J.M. (2016), Does the Use of a Decision Aid Improve Decision Making in Prosthetic Heart Valve Selection? A Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial, Cardiology 134(2): 160-161.
- Bakker, R.M.; Kenter, G.G.; Creutzberg, C.L.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Derks, M.; Mingelen, W.; Kroon, C.D.; Vermeer, W.M. & Kuile, M.M. ter (2016), Sexual distress and associated factors among cervical cancer survivors, Psycho-Oncology.
- Groenenberg I., Crone M.R., Van Dijk S., Ben Meftah J., Middelkoop B.J.C., Assendelft W.J.J. & Stiggelbout A.M. (2015), Response and participation of underserved populations after a three-step invitation strategy for a cardiometabolic health check, BMC Public Health 15: e854.
- Groenenberg, I.; Crone, M.R.; Dijk, S. van; Gebhardt, W.A.; Meftah, J. ben; Middelkoop, B.J.C.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Assendelft, W.J.J. (2015), 'Check it out!' Decision-making of vulnerable, groups about participation in a two-stage cardiometabolic health check: A qualitative study, Patient Education and Counseling 98(2): 234-244.
- Rodenburg-Vandenbussche, S.; Pieterse, A.H.; Kroonenberg, P.M.; Scholl, I.; Weijden, T. van der; Luyten, G.P.M.; Kruitwagen, R.F.P.M.; Ouden, H. den; Carlier, I.V.E.; Vliet, I.M. van; Zitman, F.G. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2015), Dutch Translation and Psychometric Testing of the 9-Item Shared Decision Making Questionnaire (SDM-Q-9) and Shared Decision Making Questionnaire-Physician Version (SDM-Q-Doc) in Primary and Secondary Care, PLoS ONE 10(7).
- Gartner, F.R.; Bekker-Grob, E.W. de; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Rijnders, M.E.; Freeman, L.M.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.M.; Miranda, E. de & Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den (2015), Calculating Preference Weights for the Labor and Delivery Index: A Discrete Choice Experiment on Women's Birth Experiences, Value in Health 18(6): 856-864.
- Garvelink, M.M.; Kuile, M.M. ter; Bakker, R.M.; Geense, W.J.; Jenninga, E.; Louwe, L.A.; Hilders, C.G.J.M. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2015), Women's experiences with information provision and deciding about fertility preservation in the Netherlands: 'satisfaction in general, but unmet needs', Health Expectations 18(5): 956-968.
- Vermeer, W.M.; Bakker, R.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Creutzberg, C.L.; Kenter, G.G. & Kuile, M.M. ter (2015), Psychosexual support for gynecological cancer survivors: professionals' current practices and need for assistance, Supportive Care in Cancer 23(3): 831-839.
- Engelhardt, E.G.; Pieterse, A.H.; Duijn-Bakker, N. van; Kroep, J.R.; Haes, H.C.J.M. de; Smets, E.M.A. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2015), Breast cancer specialists' views on and use of risk prediction models in clinical practice: A mixed methods approach, Acta Oncologica 54(3): 361-367.
- Kunneman, M.; Marijnen, C.A.M.; Baas-Thijssen, M.C.M.; Linden, Y.M. van der; Rozema, T.; Muller, K.; Geijsen, E.D.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Pieterse, A.H. (2015), Considering patient values and treatment preferences enhances patient involvement in rectal cancer treatment decision making, Radiotherapy and Oncology 117(2): 338-342.
- Kunneman, M.; Marijnen, C.A.M.; Rozema, T.; Ceha, H.M.; Grootenboers, D.A.R.H.; Neelis, K.J.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Pieterse, A.H. (2015), Decision consultations on preoperative radiotherapy for rectal cancer: large variation in benefits and harms that are addressed, British Journal of Cancer 112(1): 39-43.
- Vermeer, W.M.; Bakker, R.M.; Kenter, G.G.; Kroon, C.D. de; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Kuile, M.M. ter (2015), Sexual issues among cervical cancer survivors: how can we help women seek help?, Psycho-Oncology 24(4): 458-464.
- Kunneman, M.; Pieterse, A.H.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Marijnen, C.A.M. (2015), Which benefits and harms of preoperative radiotherapy should be addressed? A Delphi consensus study among rectal cancer patients and radiation oncologists, Radiotherapy and Oncology 114(2): 212-217.
- Garvelink, M.M.; Kuile, M.M. ter; Louwe, L.A.; Hilders, C.G.J.M. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2015), Validation of a Dutch Version of the Reproductive Concerns Scale (RCS) in Three Populations of Women, Health Care for Women International 36(10): 1143-1159.
- Stiggelbout, A.M.; Pieterse, A.H. & Haes, J.C.J.M. de (2015), Shared decision making: Concepts, evidence, and practice, Patient Education and Counseling 98(10): 1172-1179.
- Groenenberg, I.; Crone, M.R.; Dijk, S. van; Meftah, J. ben; Middelkoop, B.J.C.; Assendelft, W.J.J. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2015), Response and participation of underserved populations after a three-step invitation strategy for a cardiometabolic health check, BMC Public Health 15.
- Kroep, J.R.; Werkhoven, E. van; Polee, M.; Groeningen, C.J. van; Beeker, A.; Erdkamp, F.; Weijl, N.; Bochove, A. van; Erjavec, Z.; Kapiteijn, E.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Nortier, H.W.R. & Gelderblom, H. (2015), Randomised study of tegafur-uracil plus leucovorin versus capecitabine as first-line therapy in elderly patients with advanced colorectal cancer - TLC study.
- Leeuwen, C.M.C. van; Edelaar-Peeters, Y.; Peter, C.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Post, M.W.M. (2015), PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS AND MENTAL HEALTH IN PERSONS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY: AN EXPLORATION OF CHANGE OR STABILITY, Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 47(6): 531-537.
- Kunneman, M.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Marijnen, C.A.M. & Pieterse, A.H. (2015), Probabilities of benefit and harms of preoperative radiotherapy for rectal cancer: What do radiation oncologists tell and what do patients understand?, Patient Education and Counseling 98(9): 1092-1098.
- Bastiaannet, E.; Hamelinck, V.C. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2015), Patient-related factors associated with treatment and outcome, Future Oncology 11(4): 10-10.
- Snijders, H.S.; Leersum, N.J. van; Henneman, D.; Vries, A.C. de; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Wouters, M.W.J.M. & Dekker, J.W.T. (2015), Optimal Treatment Strategy in Rectal Cancer Surgery: Should We Be Cowboys or Chickens?, Annals of Surgical Oncology 22(11): 3582-3589.
- Engelhardt, E.G.; Haes, H.C.J.M. de; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Smets, E.M.A.; Pieterse, A.H. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2015), Oncologists' weighing of the benefits and side effects of adjuvant systemic therapy: Has it changed over time?, Acta Oncologica 54(6): 956-959.
- Vet, H.C.W. de; Foumani, M.; Scholten, M.A.; Jacobs, W.C.H.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Knol, D.L. & Peul, W.C. (2015), Minimally important change values of a measurement instrument depend more on baseline values than on the type of intervention, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 68(5): 518-524.
- Gartner, F.R.; Miranda, E. de; Rijnders, M.E.; Freeman, L.M.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den (2015), Good reliability and validity for a new utility instrument measuring the birth experience, the Labor and Delivery Index, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 68(10): 1184-1194.
- Bakker, R.; Vermeer, W.; Stiggelbout, A.; Kenter, G. & Kuile, M. ter (2015), Factors Related to Sexual Distress among Cervical Cancer Survivors and Their Partners: A Cross-sectional Multicenter Observational Study, Psycho-Oncology 24: 242-243.
- Papageorgiou, K.; Vermeulen, K.M.; Schroevers, M.J.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Buskens, E.; Krabbe, P.F.M.; Heuvel, E. van den & Ranchor, A.V. (2015), Do individuals with and without depression value depression differently? And if so, why?, Quality of Life Research 24(11): 2565-2575.
- Snijders, H.S.; Kunneman, M.; Bonsing, B.A.; Vries, A.C. de; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M.; Pieterse, A.H. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2014), Preoperative risk information and patient involvement in surgical treatment for rectal and sigmoid cancer, Colorectal Disease 16(2): O43-O49.
- Overbeek, A.; Berg, M. van den; Louwe, L.; Wendel, E.; Kuile, M. ter; Kaspers, G.; Stiggelbout, A.; Dulmen-Den Broeder, E. van & Hilders, C. (2014), Practice, attitude and knowledge of Dutch paediatric oncologists regarding female fertility, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 72(5): 264-270.
- Laryionava, K.; Sklenarova, H.; Heussner, P.; Haun, M.W.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Hartmann, M. & Winkler, E.C. (2014), Cancer Patients' Preferences for Quantity or Quality of Life: German Translation and Validation of the Quality and Quantity Questionnaire, Oncology Research and Treatment 37(9): 472-478.
- Garvelink, M.M.; Kuile, M.M. ter; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Vries, M. de (2014), Values clarification in a decision aid about fertility preservation: does it add to information provision?, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 14(1): 68.
- Vermeer, W.M.; Bakker, R.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Creutzberg, C.L.; Kenter, G.G. & Kuile, M.M. ter (2014), Psychosexual support for gynecological cancer survivors: professionals' current practices and need for assistance., Supportive Care in Cancer.
- Engelhardt, E.G.; Pieterse, A.H.; Duijn-Bakker, N. van; Kroep, J.R.; Haes, H.C.J.M. de; Smets, E.M.A. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2014), Breast cancer specialists' views on and use of risk prediction models in clinical practice: A mixed methods approach.
- Kunneman, M.; Marijnen, C.A.M.; Rozema, T.; Ceha, H.M.; Grootenboers, D.A.R.H.; Neelis, K.J.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Pieterse, A.H. (2014), Decision consultations on preoperative radiotherapy for rectal cancer: large variation in benefits and harms that are addressed., British Journal of Cancer.
- Kunneman, M.; Pieterse, A.H.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Nout, R.A.; Kamps, M.; Lutgens, L.C.H.W.; Paulissen, J.; Mattheussens, O.J.A.; Kruitwagen, R.F.P.M. & Creutzberg, C.L. (2014), Treatment preferences and involvement in treatment decision making of patients with endometrial cancer and clinicians, British Journal of Cancer 111(4): 674-679.
- Edelaar-Peeters, Y.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Hout, W.B. van den (2014), Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Interviewer Help Answering the Time Tradeoff, Medical Decision Making 34(5): 655-665.
- Wouters, H.; Dijk, L. van; Geffen, E.C.G. van; Gardarsdottir, H.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Bouvy, M.L. (2014), Primary-care patients' trade-off preferences with regard to antidepressants, Psychological Medicine 44(11): 2301-2308.
- Wouters, H.; Bouvy, M.L.; Geffen, E.C.G. van; Gardarsdottir, H.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Dijk, L. van (2014), Antidepressants in primary care: patients' experiences, perceptions, self-efficacy beliefs, and nonadherence, Patient Preference and Adherence 8: 179-190.
- Glas, N.A. de; Water, W.V. de; Engelhardt, E.G.; Bastiaannet, E.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Kroep, J.R.; Putter, H.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Weijl, N.I.; Velde, C.J.H.V. de; Portielje, J.E.A. & Liefers, G.J. (2014), Validity of Adjuvant! Online program in older patients with breast cancer: a population-based study, Lancet Oncology 15(7): 722-729.
- Hamelinck, V.; Bastiaannet, E.; Pieterse, A.; Craen, A.; Velde, C. de; Liefers, G.J. & Stiggelbout, A. (2014), A Comparison of Younger and Older Patients' Preferences for Adjuvant Chemotherapy and Hormonal Therapy in Early Breast Cancer, Psycho-Oncology 23: 252-252.
- Glas, N.A. de; Water, W. van de; Engelhart, E.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Kroep, J.R.; Putter, H.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Portielje, J.E.A. & Liefers, G.J. (2014), Limited value of the online Adjuvant! Programme in older breast cancer patients, European Journal of Cancer 50: S164-S165.
- Hamelinck, V.C.; Bastiaannet, E.; Pieterse, A.H.; Jannink, I.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Liefers, G.J. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2014), Patients' preferences for surgical and adjuvant systemic treatment in early breast cancer: A systematic review, Cancer Treatment Reviews 40(8): 1005-1018.
- Wouters, H.; Dijk, L. van; Geffen, E.C.G. van; Geers, H.C.J.; Souverein, P.C.; Bouvy, M.L. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2014), Do the benefits of statins outweigh their drawbacks? Assessing patients' trade-off preferences with conjoint analysis, International Journal of Cardiology 176(3): 1220-1222.
- Engelhardt, E.G.; Garvelink, M.M.; Haes, J.C.J.M. de; Hoeven, J.J.M. van der; Smets, E.M.A.; Pieterse, A.H. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2014), Predicting and Communicating the Risk of Recurrence and Death in Women With Early-Stage Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review of Risk Prediction Models, Journal of Clinical Oncology 32(3): 238-+.
- Alden, D.L.; Friend, J.; Schapira, M. & Stiggelbout, A. (2014), Cultural targeting and tailoring of shared decision making technology: A theoretical framework for improving the effectiveness of patient decision aids in culturally diverse groups, Social Science and Medicine 105: 1-8.
- Gartner, F.R.; Freeman, L.M.; Rijnders, M.E.; Middeldorp, J.M.; Bloemenkamp, K.W.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Akker-van Marle, M.E. van den (2014), A comprehensive representation of the birth-experience: identification and prioritization of birth-specific domains based on a mixed-method design, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 14.
- Elwyn, G.; Lloyd, A.; May, C.; Weijden, T. van der; Stiggelbout, A.; Edwards, A.; Frosch, D.L.; Rapley, T.; Barr, P.; Walsh, T.; Grande, S.W.; Montori, V. & Epstein, R. (2014), Collaborative deliberation: A model for patient care, Patient Education and Counseling 97(2): 158-164.
- Wouters, H.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Bouvy, M.L.; Maatman, G.A.; Geffen, E.C.G. van; Vree, R.; Nortier, J.W. & Dijk, L. van (2014), Endocrine Therapy for Breast Cancer: Assessing an Array of Women's Treatment Experiences and Perceptions, Their Perceived Self-Efficacy and Nonadherence, Clinical Breast Cancer 14(6): 460-467.
- Edelaar-Peeters, Y. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2013), Anticipated adaptation or scale recalibration?, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 11.
- Fagerlin, A.; Pignone, M.; Abhyankar, P.; Col, N.; Feldman-Stewart, D.; Gavaruzzi, T.; Kryworuchko, J.; Levin, C.A.; Pieterse, A.H.; Reyna, V.; Stiggelbout, A.; Scherer, L.D.; Wills, C. & Witteman, H.O. (2013), Clarifying values: an updated review, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 13.
- Garvelink, M.M.; Kuile, M.M. ter; Fischer, M.J.; Louwe, L.A.; Hilders, C.G.J.M.; Kroep, J.R. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2013), Development of a Decision Aid about fertility preservation for women with breast cancer in the Netherlands, Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology 34(4): 170-178.
- Politi, M.C.; Dizon, D.S.; Frosch, D.L.; Kuzemchak, M.D. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2013), Importance of clarifying patients' desired role in shared decision making to match their level of engagement with their preferences, BMJ 347.
- Vermeer, W.; Bakker, R.; Stiggelbout, A.; Kenter, G.; Kroon, C. & Kuile, M. ter (2013), Sexual Issues Among Cervical Cancer Survivors: How can we Help Women Seek Help?, Psycho-Oncology 22: 96-97.
- Wouters, H.; Geffen, E.C.G. van; Baas-Thijssen, M.C.; Krol-Warmerdam, E.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Belitser, S.; Bouvy, M.L. & Dijk, L. van (2013), Disentangling breast cancer patients' perceptions and experiences with regard to endocrine therapy: Nature and relevance for nonadherence, Breast 22(5): 661-666.
- Engelhardt, E.; Pieterse, A.; Duijn-Bakker, N. van; Smets, E.; Haes, H. de & Stiggelbout, A. (2013), Dutch Oncologists' Views On and Self-Reported Use of Risk Prediction Models in the Breast Cancer Setting, Psycho-Oncology 22: 353-353.
- Brand, P.L.P. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2013), Effective follow-up consultations: the importance of patient-centered communication and shared decision making, Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 14(4): 224-228.
- Weijden, T. van der; Pieterse, A.H.; Koelewijn-van Loon, M.S.; Knaapen, L.; Legare, F.; Boivin, A.; Burgers, J.S.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Faber, M. & Elwyn, G. (2013), How can clinical practice guidelines be adapted to facilitate shared decision making? A qualitative key-informant study, BMJ Quality and Safety 22(10): 855-863.
- Kunneman, M.; Pieterse, A.H.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Marijnen, C.A.M. (2013), Which Treatment Outcomes Should be Addressed in the Pre-Radiation Consultation With Rectal Cancer Patients? A Delphi Consensus Study Among Patients and Radiation Oncologists, Psycho-Oncology 22: 8-8.
- Garvelink, M.; Kuile, M. ter; Louwe, L.; Hilders, C. & Stiggelbout, A. (2013), Pilot Study of a Decision Aid About Fertility Preservation for Breast Cancer Patients, Psycho-Oncology 22: 353-354.
- Garvelink, M.; Kuile, M. ter; Stiggelbout, A. & Vries, M. (2013), Use of a Values Clarification Exercise About Fertility Preservation Leads to More Clarity About Values and More Knowledge in Healthy Participants, Psycho-Oncology 22: 354-355.
- Kunneman, M.; Pieterse, A.H.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Marijnen, C.A.M. (2013), Which treatment outcomes should be addressed in the pre-radiation consultation with rectal cancer patients? A Delphi consensus study among patients and radiation oncologists, European Journal of Cancer 49: S523-S523.
- Wouters, H.; Maatman, G.A.; Dijk, L. van; Bouvy, M.L.; Vree, R.; Geffen, E.C.G. van; Nortier, J.W. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2013), Trade-off preferences regarding adjuvant endocrine therapy among women with estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer, Annals of Oncology 24(9): 2324-2329.
- Louwe, L.A.; Kuile, M.M. ter; Hilders, C.G.J.M.; Jenninga, E.; Tiemessen, S.M.; Peters, A.A.W.; Nortier, J.W.R. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2013), Oncologists' practice and attitudes regarding fertility preservation in female cancer patients: a pilot study in the Netherlands, Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology 34(3): 129-132.
- Hofstede, S.N.; Marang-van de Mheen, P.J.; Wentink, M.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Vleggeert-Lankamp, C.L.A.; Vlieland, T.P.M.V.; Bodegom-Vos, L. van & DISC Study Grp (2013), Barriers and facilitators to implement shared decision making in multidisciplinary sciatica care: a qualitative study, Implementation Science 8.
- Garvelink, M.M.; Kuile, M.M. ter; Bakker, R.M.; Geense, W.J.; Jenninga, E.; Louwe, L.A.; Hilders, C.G.J.M. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2013), Women's experiences with information provision and deciding about fertility preservation in the Netherlands: 'satisfaction in general, but unmet needs', Health Expectations.
- Blikkendaal, M.D.; Twijnstra, A.R.H.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Beerlage, H.P.; Bemelman, W.A. & Jansen, F.W. (2013), Achieving consensus on the definition of conversion to laparotomy: a Delphi study among general surgeons, gynecologists, and urologists., Surgical Endoscopy.
- Dirksen, C.D.; Utens, C.M.A.; Joore, M.A.; Barneveld, T.A. van; Boer, B.; Dreesens, D.H.H.; Laarhoven, H. van; Smit, C.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Weijden, T. van der (2013), Integrating evidence on patient preferences in healthcare policy decisions: protocol of the patient-VIP study, Implementation Science 8.
- Groot, I.B. de; Veen, J.I.E.; Boog, P.J.M. van der; Dijk, S. van; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Marang-van de Mheen, P.J. & PARTNER-Study Grp (2013), Difference in quality of life, fatigue and societal participation between living and deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, Clinical Transplantation 27(4): E415-E423.
- Louwe, L.A. ter; Kuile, M.M. ter; Fischer, M.J.; Garvelink, M.M.; Baas-Thijssen, M.C.M.; Hilders, C.G.J.M. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2013), DEVELOPMENT AND FIELD TEST OF A WEB-BASED PATIENT DECISION AID ABOUT FERTILITY PRESERVATION FOR BREAST CANCER PATIENTS.
- So-Osman, C.; Nelissen, R.; Brand, R.; Faber, F.; Slaa, R. te; Stiggelbout, A. & Brand, A. (2013), The impact of a restrictive transfusion trigger on post-operative complication rate and well-being following elective orthopaedic surgery: a post-hoc analysis of a randomised study., Blood Transfusion ==: 1-6.
- Pieterse, A.H.; Vries, M. de; Kunneman, M.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Feldman-Stewart, D. (2013), Theory-informed design of values clarification methods: A cognitive psychological perspective on patient health-related decision making., Social Science and Medicine 77: 156-63.
- Peeters, Y.; Vlieland, T.P.M.V. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2012), Focusing illusion, adaptation and EQ-5D health state descriptions: the difference between patients and public, Health Expectations 15(4): 367-378.
- Vos, J.; Gomez-Garcia, E.; Oosterwijk, J.C.; Menko, F.H.; Stoel, R.D.; Asperen, C.J. van; Jansen, A.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Tibben, A. (2012), Opening the psychological black box in genetic counseling. The psychological impact of DNA testing is predicted by the counselees' perception, the medical impact by the pathogenic or uninformative BRCA1/2-result, Psycho-Oncology 21(1): 29-42.
- Vermeer, W.; Bakker, R.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Kenter, G.G.; Kroon, C.D. de & Kuile, M.M. ter (2012), SEXUAL ISSUES AMONG CERVICAL CANCER SURVIVORS: HOW CAN WE HELP WOMEN SEEK HELP?, Journal of Sexual Medicine 9: 396-397.
- Edelaar-Peeters, Y.; Putter, H.; Snoek, G.J.; Sluis, T.A.R.; Smit, C.A.J.; Post, M.W.M. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2012), The Influence of Time and Adaptation on Health State Valuations in Patients With Spinal Cord Injury.
- Hamelinck, V.C.; Bastiaannet, E.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Pieterse, A.H.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Liefers, G.J. (2012), Older Patients' Preferences for Surgical Treatment in Early Breast Cancer: a Systematic Review, European Journal of Cancer 48: S53-S53.
- Hofstede, S.N.; Marang-van de Mheen, P.J.; Assendelft, W.J.J.; Vleggeert-Lankamp, C.L.A.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Vroomen, P.C.A.J.; Hout, W.B. van den; Vlieland, T.P.M.V.; Bodegom-Vos, L. van & DISC Study Grp (2012), Designing an implementation strategy to improve interprofessional shared decision making in sciatica: study protocol of the DISC study, Implementation Science 7: -.
- Groot, I.B. de; Schipper, K.; Dijk, S. van; Boog, P.J.M. van der; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Baranski, A.G.; Marang-van de Mheen, P.J. & PARTNER-study Grp (2012), Decision making around living and deceased donor kidney transplantation: a qualitative study exploring the importance of expected relationship changes.
- Groenenberg, I.; Crone, M.; Gebhardt, W.; Dijk, S. van; Stiggelbout, A. & Assendelft, W. (2012), "You check, I check"; social influences on decision-making of vulnerable groups regarding a health check, Psychology and Health 27: 53-53.
- Garvelink, M.M.; Kuile, M.M. ter; Louwe, L.A.; Hilders, C.G.J.M. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2012), A Delphi consensus study among patients and clinicians in the Netherlands on the procedure of informing young breast cancer patients about Fertility Preservation.
- Wulp, I. van der; Hout, W.B. van den; Vries, M. de; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Akker-van Marle, E.M. van den (2012), Societal preferences for standard health insurance coverage in the Netherlands: a cross-sectional study., BMJ Open 2(2): e001021.
- Stiggelbout, A.M.; Weijden, T. van der; Wit, M.P.T. de; Frosch, D.; Legare, F.; Montori, V.M.; Trevena, L. & Elwyn, G. (2012), Shared decision making: really putting patients at the centre of healthcare., BMJ 344: e256.
- Groot, I.B. de; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Boog, P.J.M. van der; Baranski, A.G.; Marang-van de Mheen, P.J. & PARTNER-Study Grp (2012), Reduced quality of life in living kidney donors: association with fatigue, societal participation and pre-donation variables., Transplant International.
- Vos, J.; Menko, F.H.; Oosterwijk, J.C.; Asperen, C.J. van; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Tibben, A. (2012), Genetic counseling does not fulfill the counselees' need for certainty in hereditary breast/ovarian cancer families: an explorative assessment., Psycho-Oncology.
- Hofstede, S.N.; Marang-van de Mheen, P.J.; Assendelft, W.J.J.; Vleggeert-Lankamp, C.L.A.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Vroomen, P.C.A.J.; Hout, W.B. van den; Vlieland, T.P.M.V.; Bodegom-Vos, L. van & DISC Study Grp (2012), Designing an implementation strategy to improve interprofessional shared decision making in sciatica: study protocol of the DISC study, Implementation Science.
- Groenenberg I., Crone M.R., Dijk S. van, Gebhardt W.A., Stiggelbout A.M. & Assendelft W.J.J. (2011), Decision-making of vulnerable groups in the Netherlands regarding participation in a cardiometabolic health check, Psychology & Health 26: 28-29.
- Hezewijk, M. van; Hille, E.T.M.; Scholten, A.N.; Marijnen, C.A.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Velde, C.J.H. van de (2011), Professionals' opinion on follow-up in breast cancer patients; perceived purpose and influence of patients' risk factors, EJSO 37(3): 217-224.
- Stiggelbout AM, Aaronson NK, Sprangers MAG & de Haes JCJM (2011), Onderzoek naar de kwaliteit van leven van kankerpatiënten. In: Van de Velde CJH, et al. (ed). Oncologie.
- [Anonymous] (2011), Salzburg statement on shared decision making., British medical journal.
- Vos, J.; Oosterwijk, J.C.; Gomez-Garcia, E.; Menko, F.H.; Collee, M.J.; Asperen, C.J. van; Jansen, A.M.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Tibben, A. (2011), Exploring the short-term impact of DNA-testing in breast cancer patients: The counselees' perception matters, but the actual BRCA1/2 result does not.
- Pieterse AH, Stalmeier PF, Kroep JR & Stiggelbout AM (2011), [Adjuvant cancer treatment: what benefit does the patient consider worthwhile?].
- Overbeek, A.; Berg, M.H. van den; Louwe, L.; Hilders, C.; Veening, M.A.; Lambalk, C.B.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Dulmen-den Broeder, E. van & Kuile, M.M. ter (2011), Practice, attitude and knowledge regarding fertility preservation techniques for women in the Netherlands (the PAK-study): reports of the pilot study, Human Reproduction 26: I266I267.
- Vos, J.; Oosterwijk, J.C.; Gomez-Garcia, E.; Menko, F.H.; Jansen, A.M.; Stoel, R.D.; Asperen, C.J. van; Tibben, A. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2011), Perceiving cancer-risks and heredity-likelihood in genetic-counseling: how counselees recall and interpret BRCA1/2-test results, Clinical Genetics 79(3): 207-218.
- Hezewijk, M. van; Ranke, G.M.C.; Nes, J.G.H. van; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Bock, G.H. de & Velde, C.J.H. van de (2011), Patients' needs and preferences in routine follow-up for early breast cancer; an evaluation of the changing role of the nurse practitioner, EJSO - European Journal of Surgical Oncology 37(9): 765-773.
- Twijnstra, A.R.H.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Kroon, C.D. de & Jansen, F.W. (2011), Laparoscopic Hysterectomy: Eliciting Preference of Performers and Colleagues Via Conjoint Analysis, Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology 18(5): 582-588.
- Vos, J.; Jansen, A.M.; Menko, F.; Asperen, C.J. van; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Tibben, A. (2011), Family communication matters: The impact of telling relatives about unclassified variants and uninformative DNA-test results, Genetics in Medicine 13(4): 333-341.
- Vos, J.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Oosterwijk, J.; Gomez-Garcia, E.; Menko, F.; Collee, J.M.; Asperen, C.J. van & Tibben, A. (2011), A counselee-oriented perspective on risk communication in genetic counseling: Explaining the inaccuracy of the counselees' risk perception shortly after BRCA1/2 test result disclosure, Genetics in Medicine 13(9): 800-811.
- Voorham-van der Zalm, P.J.; Berzuk, K.; Shelly, B.; Kamin, B.; Putter, H.; Nijeholt, G.A.B.L.A.; Pelger, R.C.M. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2011), Validation of the Pelvic Floor Inventories Leiden (PelFIs) in English., Neurourology and Urodynamics.
- Vos, J.; Menko, F.; Jansen, A.M.; Asperen, C.J. van; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Tibben, A. (2011), A whisper-game perspective on the family communication of DNA-test results: a retrospective study on the communication process of BRCA1/2-test results between proband and relatives., Familial Cancer 10(1): 87-96.
- Bossema, E.R.; Seuntiens, M.W.M.; Marijnen, C.A.M.; Baas-Thijssen, M.C.M.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2011), The relation between illness cognitions and quality of life in people with and without a stoma following rectal cancer treatment., Psycho-Oncology.
- So-Osman, C.; Nelissen, R.; Brand, R.; Brand, A. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2011), Postoperative anemia after joint replacement surgery is not related to quality of life during the first two weeks postoperatively., Transfusion 51(1): 71-81.
- Stiggelbout, A.M. & Timmermans, D.R. (2010), Revisiting Decision Aids: About Definitions and Classifications, Medical Decision Making 30(6): 696-698.
- Korfage IJ, Pieterse AH & Stiggelbout AM (2010), Decision Aids are inappropriate to facilitate informed uptake, British medical journal.
- Peeters, Y.; Ranchor, A.V.; Vlieland, T.P.M.V. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2010), Effect of adaptive abilities on utilities, direct or mediated by mental health?, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 8: 130.
- Weijden, T. van der; Legare, F.; Boivin, A.; Burgers, J.S.; Veenendaal, H. van; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Faber, M. & Elwyn, G. (2010), How to integrate individual patient values and preferences in clinical practice guidelines? A research protocol, Implementation Science 5.
- Peeters, Y. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2010), Health State Valuations of Patients and the General Public Analytically Compared: A Meta-Analytical Comparison of Patient and Population Health State Utilities, Value in Health 13(2): 306-309.
- Til, J.A. van; Drossaert, C.H.C.; Renzenbrink, G.J.; Snoek, G.J.; Dijkstra, E.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Ijzerman, M.J. (2010), Feasibility of web-based decision aids in neurological patients, Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 16(1): 48-52.
- Stiggelbout, A.M. (2010), Adjuvant! and Other Prediction Models in the Clinical Encounter with Cancer Patients, Medical Decision Making 30(4): 422-423.
- Vos, J.; Oosterwijk, J.C.; Gomez-Garcia, E.; Menko, F.H.; Jansen, A.M.; Stoel, R.D.; Asperen, C.J. van; Tibben, A. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2010), Perceiving cancer-risks and heredity-likelihood in genetic-counseling: how counselees recall and interpret BRCA 1/2-test results.
- Pieterse, A.H.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Marijnen, C.A.M. (2010), Methodologic evaluation of adaptive conjoint analysis to assess patient preferences: an application in oncology, Health Expectations 13(4): 392-405.
- Pieterse, A.H.; Berkers, F.; Baas-Thijssen, M.C.M.; Marijnen, C.A.M. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2010), Adaptive Conjoint Analysis as individual preference assessment tool: Feasibility through the internet and reliability of preferences.
- Voorham-van der Zalm PJ, Stiggelbout AM, Aardoom I, Deckers S, Greve I, Nijeholt GABLA & Pelger RCM (2009), DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF THE PELVIC FLOOR INVENTORIES LEIDEN (PELFIS), Journal of Urology, The 181(4): 86-86.
- Peeters Y & Stiggelbout AM (2009), Valuing Health: Does Enriching a Scenario Lead to Higher Utilities?, Medical Decision Making 29(3): 334-342.
- van Til JA, Stiggelbout AM & IJzerman MJ (2009), The effect of information on preferences stated in a choice-based conjoint analysis, Patient Education and Counseling 74(2): 264-271.
- Visser M, Verbaan D, van Rooden S, Marinus J, van Hilten J & Stiggelbout A (2009), A Longitudinal Evaluation of Health-Related Quality of Life of Patients with Parkinson's Disease, Value in Health 12(2): 392-396.
- Vos J, van Asperen CJ, Wijnen JT, Stiggelbout AM & Tibben A (2009), Disentangling the Babylonian speech confusion in genetic counseling: An analysis of the reliability and validity of the nomenclature for BRCA1/2 DNA-test results other than pathogenic, Genetics in Medicine 11(10): 742-749.
- Lange MM, Marijnen CAM, Maas CP, Putter H, Rutten HJ, Stiggelbout AM, Kranenbarg EMK & van de Velde CJH (2009), Risk factors for sexual dysfunction after rectal cancer treatment, European Journal of Cancer 45(9): 1578-1588.
- van Til Janine A., Dolan James G., Stiggelbout Anne M., Groothuis Karin C. G. M. & IJzerman Maarten J. (2008), The Use of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Weight Elicitation Techniques in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment A Pilot Study, Patient 1(2): 127-135.
- Pieterse AH, Baas-Thijssen MCM, Marijnen CAM & Stiggelbout AM (2008), Clinician and cancer patient views on patient participation in treatment decision-making: a quantitative and qualitative exploration, British Journal of Cancer 99(6).
- Stiggelbout AM, Molewijk AC, Otten W, Van Bockel JH, Bruijninckx CMA, Van der Salm I & Kievit J (2008), The impact of individualized evidence-based decision support on aneurysm patients' decision making, ideals of autonomy, and quality of life, Medical Decision Making 28(5).
- Molewijk, B.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Otten, W.; Dupuis, H.M. & Kievit, J. (2008), First the facts, then the values? Implicit normativity in evidence-based decision aids for shared decision-making., Zeitschrift f�r Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualit�t im Gesundheitswesen 102(7): 415-20.
- Jansen SJT, Otten W, Baas-Thijssen MCM, De Velde CJHV, Nortier HWR & Stiggelbout AM (2008), Stability of preferences with regard to adjuvant chemotherapy: impact of treatment decision, experience and the passing of time, European Journal of Cancer Care 17(1).
- Bossema E, Stiggelbout A, Baas-Thijssen M, van de Velde C & Marijnen C (2008), Patients' preferences for low rectal cancer surgery, EJSO - European Journal of Surgical Oncology 34(1).
- Van Osch SMC & Stiggelbout AM (2008), The construction of standard gamble utilities, Health Economics 17(1).
- Stiggelbout AM & de Vogel-Voogt E (2008), Health state utilities: A framework for studying the gap between the imagined and the real, Value in Health 11(1).
- Marinus J, Visser M, Jenkinson C & Stiggelbout AM (2008), Evaluation of the Dutch version of the Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire 39, Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 14(1).
- Tongeren R, Hamming JF, Fibbe WE, Van Weel V, Frerichs SJGC, Stiggelbout AM, Van Bockel JH & Lindeman JH (2008), Intramuscular or combined intramuscular/intra-arterial administration of bone marrow mononuclear cells: a clinical trial in patients with advanced limb ischemia, Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 49(1).
- Marijnen C, Pieterse AH, Marijnen CAM, Boas-Thijssen MCM, Van de Velde CJH & Stiggelbout AM (2008), Decision support in rectal cancer: Adaptive conjoint analysis as a measure of individual treatment preference, Annals of Oncology 19.
- Stiggelbout AM, de Vogel-Voogt E, Noordijk EM & Vlieland TPMV (2008), Individual quality of life: adaptive conjoint analysis as an alternative for direct weighting?, Quality of Life Research 17(4).
- Vos J, Van Asperen C, Garcia EG, Oosterwiil J, Menko F, Collee M, Jansen A, Stiggelbout A & Tibben A (2008), Recall and interpretation in genetic counselling, after intake and non-informative DNA-Test results in BRCA1/2: Discrepancies, explanations and consequences, Psycho-Oncology 17.
- Martin W, Klop C, Boermans PPBM, Ferrier MB, van den Hout WB, Stiggelbout AM & Frijns JHM (2008), Clinical relevance of quality of life outcome in cochlear implantation in postlingually deafened adults.
- Bossema ER, Marijnen CAM, Baas-Thijssen MCM, van de Velde CJH & Stiggelbout AM (2008), Evaluation of the Treatment Tradeoff Method in Rectal Cancer Patients: Is Surgery Preference Related to Outcome Utilities?, Medical Decision Making 28(6).
- Visser M, van Rooden SM, Verbaan D, Marinus J, Stiggelbout AM & van Hilten JJ (2008), A comprehensive model of health-related quality of life in Parkinson's disease, Journal of Neurology 255(10).
- Stiggelbout AM, Jansen SJT, Otten W, Baas-Thijssen MCM, van Slooten H & van de Velde CJH (2007), How important is the opinion of significant others to cancer patients' adjuvant chemotherapy decision-making?, Supportive Care in Cancer 15(3).
- Voorham-Van Der Zalm PJ, Pelger RCM, Deckers S, Aardoom I, Greve IJ & Stiggelbout AM (2007), Validation and standardization of the pelvic floor leiden inventories (PelFIs), European Urology Supplements 6(2).
- Verbaan D, Marinus J, Visser M, van Rooden SM, Stiggelbout AM & van Hilten JJ (2007), Patient-reported autonomic symptoms in Parkinson disease, Neurology 69(4).
- Pieterse AH, Stiggelbout AM, Baas-Thijssen MCM, van de Velde CJH & Marijnen CAM (2007), Benefit from preoperative radiotherapy in rectal cancer treatment: disease-free patients' and oncologists' preferences, British Journal of Cancer 97(6).
- Verbaan D, Marinus J, Visser M, van Rooden SM, Stiggelbout AM, Middelkoop HAM & van Hilten JJ (2007), Cognitive impairment in Parkinson's disease, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 78(11).
- Klop WMC, Briaire JJ, Stiggelbout AM & Frijns JHM (2007), Cochlear implant outcomes and quality of life in adults with prelingual deafness, Laryngoscope 117(11).
- Visser M, Verbaan D, van Rooden SM, Stiggelbout AM, Marinus J & van Hilten JJ (2007), Assessment of psychiatric complications in Parkinson's disease: The SCOPA-PC, Movement Disorders 22(15).
- Visser M., Marinus J., Stiggelbout A.M. & Hilten J.J. van (2006), Responsiveness of impairments and disabilities in Parkinson's disease, Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 12: 314-318.
- van Der Zalm PJV, Pelger RCM, Stiggelbout AM, Elzevier HW & Nijeholt GABLA (2006), Effects of magnetic stimulation in the treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction, BJU International 97(5).
- Visser M, Leentjens AFG, Marinus J, Stiggelbout AM & van Hilten JJ (2006), Reliability and validity of the Beck Depression Inventory in patients with Parkinson's disease, Movement Disorders 21(5).
- Visser M, Marinus J, Stiggelbout AM & van Hilten JJ (2006), Responsiveness of impairments and disabilities in Parkinson's disease, Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 12(5).
- Stiggelbout AM, Elstein AS, Molewijk B, Otten W & Kievit J (2006), Clinical ethical dilemmas: convergent and divergent views of two scholarly communities, Journal of Medical Ethics 32(7).
- van Osch SMC, van den Hout WB & Stiggelbout AM (2006), Exploring the reference point in prospect theory: Gambles for length of life, Medical Decision Making 26(4).
- Jansen SJT, Otten W & Stiggelbout AM (2006), Factors affecting patients' perceptions of choice regarding adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 99(1).
- Van Til JA, Stiggelbout AM, Dolan JG & IJzerman MJ (2005), The use of multi-criteria decision methods in health care. Which method is most suitable for healthy and cognitively impaired population?
- Van Til JA, Dolan JG, Stiggelbout AM & IJzerman MJ (2005), The use of multi-criteria decision methods in health care. Does method used influence outcome?
- Stiggelbout AM, Marijnen CAM, van den Brink M, Putter H, Kranenbarg EK & van de Velde C (2005), The impact of (treatment for) rectal cancer on quality of life and societal functioning (final report Maag Lever Darm Stichting project SWO 02-15)., European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 17(1): A5-A5.
- Col NF, Stiggelbout A & Corso P (2005), Common adverse effects of short-term hormone therapy - In reply, Archives of Internal Medicine -New Series- 165(5).
- Marijnen CAM, van de Velde CJH, Putter H, van den Brink M, Maas CP, Martijn H, Rutten HJ, Wiggers T, Kranenbarg EK, Leer JWH & Stiggelbout AM (2005), Impact of short-term preoperative radiotherapy on health-related quality of life and sexual functioning in primary rectal cancer: Report of a multicenter randomized trial, Journal of Clinical Oncology 23(9).
- van den Brink M, van den Hout WB, Stiggelbout AM, Kievit J & van de Velde CJH (2005), What you may learn from the Dutch experience, Journal of Clinical Oncology 23(15).
- Putter H, Marijnen CAM, Kranenbarg EK, van de Velde CJH & Stiggelbout AM (2005), Missing forms and dropout in the TME quality of life substudy, Quality of Life Research 14(3).
- van den Brink M, van den Hout WB, Stiggelbout AM, Putter H, van de Velde CJH & Kievit J (2005), Self-reports of health-care utilization: Diary or questionnaire?, International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 21(3).
- Snoek GJ, Ijzerman MJ, Post MW, Stiggelbout AM, Roach MJ & Zilvold G (2005), Choice-based evaluation for the improvement of upper-extremity function compared with other impairments in tetraplegia, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 86(8).
- Jansen SJT, Otten W, Baas-Thijssen MCM, van de Velde CJH, Nortier JWR & Stiggelbout AM (2005), Explaining differences in attitude toward adjuvant chemotherapy between experienced and inexperienced breast cancer patients, Journal of Clinical Oncology 23(27).
- van den Brink M, van den Hout WB, Kievit J, Marijnen CAM, Putter H, van de Velde CJH & Stiggelbout AM (2005), The impact of diagnosis and treatment of rectal cancer on paid and unpaid labor, Diseases of the Colon and Rectum 48(10).
- van Osch SMC & Stiggelbout AM (2005), Understanding VAS valuations: Qualitative data on the cognitive process, Quality of Life Research 14(10).
- van den Brink M, van den Hout WB, Stiggelbout AM, Kranenbarg EK, Marijnen CAM, van de Velde CJH & Kievit J (2004), Cost-utility analysis of preoperative radiotherapy in patients with rectal cancer undergoing total mesorectal excision: A study of the Dutch colorectal cancer group, Journal of Clinical Oncology 22(2).
- Marinus J, Visser M, Stiggelbout AM, Rabey JM, Martinez-Martin P, Bonuccelli U, Kraus PH & van Hilten JJ (2004), A short scale for the assessment of motor impairments and disabilities in Parkinson's disease: the SPES/SCOPA, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 75(3).
- de Bock GH, Bonnema J, Zwaan RE, de Velde CJH, Kievit J & Stiggelbout AM (2004), Patient's needs and preferences in routine follow-up after treatment for breast cancer, British Journal of Cancer 90(6).
- Jansen SJT, Otten W, van de Velde CJH, Nortier JWR & Stiggelbout AM (2004), The impact of the perception of treatment choice on satisfaction with treatment, experienced chemotherapy burden and current quality of life, British Journal of Cancer 91(1).
- Visser M, Marinus J, van Hilten JJ, Schipper RGB & Stiggelbout AM (2004), Assessing comorbidity in patients with Parkinson's disease, Movement Disorders 19(7).
- van den Brink M, van den Hout WB, Stiggelbout AM, van de Velde CJH & Kievit J (2004), Cost measurement in economic evaluations of health care - Whom to ask?, Medical Care 42(8).
- Jansen SJT, Otten W & Stiggelbout AM (2004), Review of determinants of patients preferences for adjuvant therapy in cancer, Journal of Clinical Oncology 22(15).
- Timmermans D, Molewijk B, Stiggelbout A & Kievit J (2004), Different formats for communicating surgical risks to patients and the effect on choice of treatment, Patient Education and Counseling 54(3).
- van Osch SMC, Wakker PR, van den Hout WB & Stiggelbout AM (2004), Correcting biases in standard gamble and time tradeoff utilities, Medical Decision Making 24(5).
- van den Brink M, Stiggelbout AM, van den Hout WB, Kievit J, Kranenbarg EK, Marijnen CAM, Nagtegaal ID, Rutten HJT, Wiggers T & van de Velde CJH (2004), Clinical nature and prognosis of locally recurrent rectal cancer after total mesorectal excision with or without preoperative radiotherapy, Journal of Clinical Oncology 22(19).
- Visser M, Marinus J, Stiggelbout AM & van Hilten JJ (2004), Assessment of autonomic dysfunction in Parkinson's disease: The SCOPA-AUT, Movement Disorders 19(11).
- Bonnema J, de Bock GH, Zwaan R, de Velde CJHV, Kievit J & Stiggelbout A (2004), Patients needs and preferences in routine follow-up after treatment for breast cancer, EJC Supplements 2(3): 83-83.
- Marijnen CAM, Peeters KCMJ, Putter H, Kranenbarg EK, Stiggelbout AM, Leer JWH & van de Velde CJH (2004), Long term results, toxicity and quality of life in the TME trial, Radiotherapy and Oncology 73: S127-S128.
- Stiggelbout AM, Molewijk AC, Otten W, Timmermans DRM, van Bockel JH & Kievit J (2004), Ideals of patient autonomy in clinical decision making: a study on the development of a scale to assess patients' and physicians' views, Journal of Medical Ethics 30(3): 268-274.
- Marinus J, Visser M, Verwey NA, Verhey FRJ, Middelkoop HAM, Stiggelbout AM & van Hilten JJ (2003), Assessment of cognition in Parkinson's disease, Neurology 61(9).
- Marinus J, Visser M, van Hilten JJ, Lammers GJ & Stiggelbout AM (2003), Assessment of sleep and sleepiness in Parkinson disease, SLEEP 26(8).
- Marinus J, Visser M, Martinez-Martin P, van Hilten JJ & Stiggelbout AM (2003), A short psychosocial questionnaire for patients with Parkinson's disease: the SCOPA-PS, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 56(1).
- van den Hout WB, van den Brink M, Stiggelbout AM, van de Velde CJH & Kievit J (2002), Cost-effectiveness analysis of colorectal cancer treatments, European Journal of Cancer 38(7).
- Verburg RJ, Mahabali SD, Stiggelbout AM, Sont JK & van Laar JM (2002), High dose chemotherapy and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A study of treatment preference in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatologists, Journal of Rheumatology 29(8).
- Ramaker C, Marinus J, Stiggelbout AM & van Hilten BJ (2002), Systematic evaluation of rating scales for impairment and disability in Parkinson's disease, Movement Disorders 17(5).
- Marinus J, Ramaker C, van Hilten JJ & Stiggelbout AM (2002), Health related quality of life in Parkinson's disease: a systematic review of disease specific instruments, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 72(2).
- Marinus J, Visser M, Stiggelbout AM, Rabey JM, Bonuccelli U, Kraus PH & van Hilten JBJ (2002), Activity-based diary for Parkinson's disease, Clinical Neuropharmacology 25(1).
- Marinus J, Leentjens AFG, Visser M, Stiggelbout AM & van Hilten JJ (2002), Evaluation of the hospital anxiety and depression scale in patients with Parkinson's disease, Clinical Neuropharmacology 25(6).
- Jansen SJT, Kievit J, Nooij MA & Stiggelbout AM (2001), Stability of patients' preferences for chemotherapy: The impact of experience, Medical Decision Making 21(4).
- Stalmeier PFM, Goldstein MK, Holmes AM, Lenert L, Miyamoto J, Stiggelbout AM, Torrance GW & Tsevat J (2001), What should be reported in a methods section on utility assessment?, Medical Decision Making 21(3).
- Jansen SJT, Kievit J, Nooij MA, de Haes JCJM, Overpelt IME, van Slooten H, Maartense E & Stiggelbout AM (2001), Patients' preferences for adjuvant chemotherapy in early-stage breast cancer: is treatment worthwhile?, British Journal of Cancer 84(12).
- Post PN, Stiggelbout AM & Wakker PP (2001), The utility of health states after stroke - A systematic review of the literature, Stroke 32(6).
- Rothbarth J, Bemelman WA, Meijerink WJHJ, Stiggelbout AM, Zwinderman AH, Buyze-Westeryeel ME & Delemarre JBVM (2001), What is the impact of fecal incontinence on quality of life?, Diseases of the Colon and Rectum 44(1).
- Stiggelbout AM & de Haes JCJM (2001), Patient preference for cancer therapy: An overview of measurement approaches, Journal of Clinical Oncology 19(1).
- Jansen SJT, Stiggelbout AM, Nooij MA, Noordijk EM & Kievit J (2000), Response shift in quality of life measurement in early-stage breast cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy, Quality of Life Research 9(6).
- Jansen SJT, Stiggelbout AM, Nooij MA & Kievit J (2000), The effect of individually assessed preference weights on the relationship between holistic utilities and nonpreference-based assessment, Quality of Life Research 9(5).
- Tijhuis GJ, Jansen SJT, Stiggelbout AM, Zwinderman AH, Hazes JMW & Vlieland TPMV (2000), Value of the time trade off method for measuring utilities in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 59(11).
- van Mil AHM, van Klink RCJ, Huntjens C, Westendorp RGJ, Stiggelbout AM, Meinders AE & Lagaay AM (2000), Cardiopulmonary resuscitation preferences in Dutch community-dwelling and hospitalized elderly people: An interaction between gender and quality of life.
- Stiggelbout AM, de Haes JCJM & van de Velde CJH (2000), Adjuvant chemotherapy in node negative breast cancer: Patterns of use and oncologists' preferences.
- Jansen SJT, Stiggelbout AM, Wakker PP, Nooij MA, Noordijk EM & Kievit J (2000), Unstable preferences: A shift in valuation or an effect of the elicitation procedure?
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