Anne Gerritsen
Hoogleraar Asian Art
- Naam
- Prof.dr. A.T. Gerritsen
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 4692
- 0000-0002-3796-4810

Anne Gerritsen is hoogleraar.
Meer informatie over Anne Gerritsen
Hoogleraar Asian Art
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS China
- Gerritsen A.T. (2020), The City of Blue and White: Cambridge University Press.
- Gerritsen A.T. Chen S.-P. Hammond K.J. Wu S. Zhang J. (2020), Local Gazetteers Research Tools: overview and research application, Journal of Chinese history 4(Special Issue 2 (Digital Humanities)): 544-558.
- Biedermann Z., Gerritsen A. & Riello G. (2018), Global gifts: the material culture of diplomacy in early modern Eurasia: Cambridge University Press.
- Gerritsen A.T. (2018), Introduction to the Special Issue, Ming Studies 2018(78): 2-6.
- Gerritsen A.T. (2018), Afterword. In: Grasskamp A. & Juneja M. (red.), EurAsian Objects: Art and Material Culture in Global Exchange, 1600-1800. Transcultural Studies .
- Gerritsen A. & Riello G. (2018), The Global Exchange of Goods. In: Kümin B. (red.), European World: Routledge.
- De Vito C. & Gerritsen A. (2017), Micro-Spatial Histories of Global Labour: Palgrave.
- Gerritsen A.T. & Riello G. (2016), Global Lives of Things: The Material Culture of Connections in the Early Modern World: Routledge.
- Gerritsen A.T. & Riello G. (2016), ‘The Global Lives of Things: Material Culture in the First Global Age'. In: Gerritsen A.T. & Riello G. (red.), The Global Lives of Things: The Material Culture of Connections in the Early Modern World: Routledge. 1-28.
- Gerritsen A.T. (2016), From Late Ming to High Qing (1550-1792). In: Wasserstrom J. (red.), Oxford Illustrated History of China: Oxford University Press. 11-36.
- Gerritsen A.T. (2016), A damaged and discarded thing. In: Craciun A. & Schaffer C. (red.), The Material Cultures of Enlightenment Arts and Sciences: Palgrave. 199-201.
- Gerritsen A.T. (2016), Domesticating Goods from Overseas: Global Material Culture in the Early Modern Netherlands, Journal of Design History 29(3): 228-244.
- Gerritsen A.T. (2016), Review of Cambridge History of China: Volume 5 Part 2, Sung China, 960-1279, edited by John Chaffee and Denis Twitchett, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 79(2): 455-457.
- Gerritsen A.T. (2016), review of Asia Inside Out: Connected Places, edited by Eric Tagliacozzo et al.,, Journal of World History 27(2): .
- Gerritsen A.T. & Riello G.R. (2015), Writing Material Culture History. Writing History: Bloomsbury.
- Gerritsen A.T. (2015), The Potter’s progress, Apollo (10): 124.
- Gerritsen A.T. (2015), Pieces of Porcelain History, TLS: The Times Literary Supplement : .
- Gerritsen A.T. (2014), Material Culture. In: Wright T. (red.), Oxford Bibliographies Online: Chinese Studies. Oxford Bibliographies Online.
- Gerritsen A.T. (2014), Merchants in 17th-century China. In: Eliens T. & Campen J. van (red.), Chinese and Japanese Porcelains for the Dutch Golden Age. Zwolle: Waanders.
- Gerritsen A.T. (2013), Invloed, imitatie, en de materiële kunst van de 17e en 18e eeuw’, Aziatische Kunst (43): 23-41.
- Gerritsen A.T. (2013), ‘Not "Them," but "Us"’, Response to the AHA Roundtable, entitled ‘It's a Small World After All’, Perspectives on History : .
- Gerritsen Anne (2013), China and the Birth of Globalization in the 16th Century, The English Historical Review 128(534): 1220-1222.
- Gerritsen A.T. (2012), Scales of a Local: The Place of Locality in a Globalizing World. In: Northrop Douglas (red.), A Companion to World History: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Gerritsen A.T. (2012), Three Pots and a Historian: Jiangxi Ceramics in Global and Local Perspective’, Transactions of the Oriental Ceramics Society : .
- Gerritsen Anne (2012), Artistic and Cultural Exchanges Between Europe and Asia, 1400-1900: Rethinking Markets, Workshops and Collections, The English Historical Review 127(528): 1232-1234.
- Gerritsen A.T. (2012), Porcelain and the Material Culture of the Yuan Court (1279-1368), Journal of Early Modern History 16: 241-273.
- Gerritsen A.T. & McDowall S.J. (2012), Material Culture and the Other: European Encounters with Chinese Porcelain, ca. 1650-1800’, Journal of World History 23(1): 87-113.