Annaloes Fokkelman-Klip
- Naam
- J.E. Fokkelman-Klip MSc
- Telefoon
- 071 5274496

- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- LACDR/Toxicology
- Wink S., Hiemstra S.W., Huppelschoten S., Klip J.E. & Water B. van de (2018), Dynamic imaging of adaptive stress response pathway activation for prediction of drug induced liver injury, Archives of Toxicology 92(5): 1797-1814.
- Hiemstra S., Niemeijer M., Koedoot E., Wink S., Pip J.E., Vlasveld M., Zeeuw E. de , Os B. van, White A. & Water B. van de (2017), Comprehensive Landscape of Nrf2 and p53 Pathway Activation Dynamics by Oxidative Stress and DNA Damage, Chemical Research in Toxicology 30(4): 923-933.
- Fokkelman M., Balcioglu H.E., Klip J.E., Yan K., Verbeek F.J., Danen E.H.J. & Water B. van de (2016), Cellular adhesome screen identifies critical modulators of focal adhesion dynamics, cellular traction forces and cell migration behaviour, Scientific Reports 6: 31707.