Ann Skelton
Hoogleraar Kinderrechten in een duurzame wereld
- Naam
- Prof. A.M. Skelton
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0003-4320-8904

Ann Skelton is hoogleraar rechtsgeleerdheid en bekleedt de leerstoel Kinderrechten in een duurzame wereld. Ze is de opleidingsdirecteur van de Engelstalige advanced master International Children’s Rights.
Professor Ann Skelton is een internationaal gerenommeerd expert in kinderrechten. Ze is hoogleraar rechtsgeleerdheid aan de Universiteit Leiden waar zij tevens de leerstoel Kinderrechten in een duurzame wereld bekleedt. Ze is momenteel lid van het Kinderrechtencomité van de Verenigde Naties en ze werd verkozen tot voorzitter van het comité in mei 2023 voor een tweejarig termijn.
Ann Skelton heeft voor 30 jaar gewerkt als een kinderrechten advocaat in Zuid-Afrika. Ze nam het voortouw in de hervorming van kinderrechten door haar betrokkenheid bij de commissies van de South African Law Reform Commission die de Child Justice Act en de Children’s Act opstelden. Ann was tien jaar lang directeur van de Centre for Child Law, waar ze aanzet gaf tot procesvoering met een strategische impact. Ze is momenteel ook hoogleraar rechtsgeleerdheid aan de University of Pretoria, waar zij de UNESCO leerstoel bekleedt: Education Law in Afrika. Ze wordt internationaal erkend als onderzoeker en heeft verschillende onderzoeken gepubliceerd over kinderrechten, onderwijsrecht en herstelrecht. Ze is een gasthoogleraar aan de University of Strathclyde en heeft daar een eredoctoraat ontvangen in juni 2023. Ze is de eerste bekleder van de wisselleerstoel Enforcement of Children’s Rights aan de Universiteit Leiden.
Ze is een voorvechter en ze is opgetreden als raadsvrouw in vele belangrijke kinderrechtzaken in de Zuid-Afrikaanse hogere rechtbanken, waaronder 12 zaken voor het Constitutioneel Hof. Tot haar onderscheidingen behoren de ere World’s Children’s Prize, uitgereikt door koningin Sylvia van Zweden (2012) en de Juvenile Justice Without Borders award die werd uitgereikt door het International Observatory on Juvenile Justice (2017) en momenteel is ze internationaal ambassadeur voor de British Society of Criminology. Ze was voorzitter van de adviesraad van de United Nations Global Study on Children Deprived of their Liberty.
Hoogleraar Kinderrechten in een duurzame wereld
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Privaatrecht
- Jeugdrecht en Gezondheidsrecht
- Skelton A.M. & Witting S.K. (22 februari 2024), A child rights-based approach to adolescents’ sexuality. Leiden Law Blog. Leiden (Leiden University). [blog].
- Liefaard T. & Skelton A.M. (20 november 2024), 35 years of children's rights: time for renewed commitment. Leiden Law Blog (Leiden University). [blog].
- Skelton A.M. & Mutu P. (2024), Realising the right to basic education through strategic litigation in Kenya, African Human Rights Law Journal 24(1): 292-321.
- Skelton A.M. & Mutu P. (2024), Education. In: Sloth-Nielsen J., Fokala E. & Odongo G. (red.), The African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child: A Commentary. PULP Commentaries on African human rights law. Pretoria: Pretoria University Law Press (PULP). 157-178.
- Binford W., Bochenek M.G., Cernadas P.C., Day E., Field S., Hamilton M., Liefaard T., Mezmur B., Mulatu F., Skelton A., Sloth-Nielsen J., Stuart J., Loon H. van & Verhellen J. (2023), Report on enforcing the rights of children in migration, Laws 12(5): 85.
- Skelton A.M. (2023), The CRC perspective in the context of international child abduction and the 1980 Hague Convention. In: Freeman M. & Taylor N. (red.), Research Handbook on international child abduction: the 1980 Hague Convention. Research Handbooks in Family Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 279-297.
- Skelton A.M. (2023), Child rights jurisprudence without borders: developments in extraterritorial jurisdiction, De Jure Law Journal 56: 606-624.
- Skelton A.M. (2023), 20th Kilbrandon Lecture (University of Strathclyde, 8 December 2022): children of the beloved country - lives and legacies from Kilbrandon to Mandela, Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care: An international journal of group and family care experience 22(1): 1-15.
- Nolan A. & Skelton A.M. (2022), ‘Turning the Rights Lens Inwards’: the case for child rights-consistent strategic litigation practice, Human Rights Law Review 22(4): ngac026.
- Skelton A.M., Singh P. & Cornelius S. (2022), Protection of young athletes. In: Nafziger J. & Gauthier R. (red.), Handbook on international sports law. Research Handbooks in International Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 403-421.
- Skelton A. (2022), Children. In: Binder C., Nowak M., Hofbauer J.A. & Janig P. (red.), Elgar encyclopedia of human rights. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 244-248.
- Skelton A. (2022), Children being civilly disobedient: peaceful assembly and international children’s rights. In: Viljoen F., Fombad C., Tladi D., Skelton A. & Killander M. (red.), A life interrupted: essays in honour of the lives and legacies of Christof Heyns. Pretoria: Pretoria University Law Press. 347-363.
- Nolan A., Skelton A. & Ozah K. (2022), Advancing child rights-consistent strategic litigation practice. Nottingham: Advancing Child Rights Strategic Litigation (ACRiSL) project.
- Schmidt E.P. & Skelton A. (2022), A developmental perspective on children who commit serious violent offences: from science to standards. In: Lynch N., Brink Y. van den & Forde L. (red.), Responses to serious offending by children: principles, practice and global perspectives. Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice. Oxford/New York: Routledge. 55-65.
- Skelton A.M. (2021), Incorporating the CRC in South Africa. In: Kilkelly U., Lundy L. & Bronach B. (red.), Incorporating the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into National Law. Cambridge: Intersentia. 147-176.
- Skelton A. & Batley M. (2021), A comparative review of the incorporation of African traditional justice processes in restorative child justice systems in Uganda, Lesotho and Eswatini. In: Gavrielides T. (red.), Comparative restorative justice. Cham: Springer. 245-264.
- Kangaude G.D., Bhana D. & Skelton A.M. (2020), Childhood sexuality in Africa: a child rights perspective, African Human Rights Law Journal 20(2): 688-712.
- Skelton A.M. (2019), International children’s rights law: complaints and remedies. In: Kilkelly U. & Liefaard T. (red.), International human rights of children. International Human Rights. Singapore: Springer. 65-91.
- Skelton A.M. (2019), Separation of children from parents in situations of migrancy: avoidable trauma, South African Journal of Psychology 49(1): 3-6.
- Veriava F. & Skelton A.M. (2019), The right to basic education: a comparative study of the United States, India and Brazil, South African Journal on Human Rights 35(1): 1-24.
- Skelton A. (2019), Too much of a good thing?: best interests of the child in South African jurisprudence, De Jure Law Journal 52(1): 557-579.
- Skelton A. & Mezmur B.D.. PHRG 3(3): 275-305.
- Skelton A. (2019), Children’s rights: social change through the application of hard and soft international law. In: Bradlow D. & Hunter D. (red.), Advocating social change through International Law: exploring the choice between hard and soft international law. Leiden: Brill. 55-83.
- Skelton A. (2019), A hiding to something: reduction of violence against children in South Africa’s justice system. In: O’Brien W. & Foussard C. (red.), Violence against children in the criminal justice system: global perspectives on prevention. Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice. Abingdon: Routledge. 145-163.
- Skelton A.M. (2019), Human rights and restorative justice. In: Gavrielides T. (red.), Routledge International Handbook of Restorative Justice. Routledge Handbooks. London-New York: Routledge. 32-42.
- Kangaude G.D. & Skelton A.M. (2018), (De)criminalizing adolescent sex: a rights-based assessment of age of consent laws in Eastern and Southern Africa, SAGE Open 8(4): .
- Skelton A. (2018), Child justice in South Africa: application of international instruments in the Constitutional Court, International Journal of Children's Rights 26(3): 391-422.
- Skelton A. (2018), Children’s rights. In: Brickhill J. (red.), Public interest litigation in South Africa. Claremont: Juta.
- Skelton A.M. & Kamga S.D. (2017), Broken promises: constitutional litigation for free primary education in Swaziland, Journal of African Law 61(3): 419-442.
- Skelton A.M. (2017), Strategic impact litigation: equal access to quality education. New York: Open Society Foundations.
- Skelton A. (2016), Balancing autonomy and protection in children’s rights: a South African account, Temple Law Review 88(4): 887-904.
- van der Merwe A. & Skelton A.M. (2015), Victims' mitigating views in sentencing decisions: a comparative analysis, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 35(2): 355-372.
- Skelton A. (2014), Leveraging funds for school infrastructure: the South African 'mud schools' case study, International Journal of Educational Development 39: 59-63.
- Skelton A.M. (2014), South Africa. In: Liefaard T. & Doek J.E. (red.), Litigating the rights of the child: the UN convention on the rights of the child in domestic and international jurisprudence. Dordrecht: Springer. 13-30.
- Skelton A.M. (2010), Girls' socio-economic rights in South Africa, South African Journal on Human Rights 26(1): 141-163.
- Skelton A.M. (2008), Restorative justice in child justice systems in Africa. In: Sloth-Nielsen J. (red.), Children's rights in Africa: a legal perspective. London: Routledge. 129-145.
- Skelton A.M. (2002), Restorative justice as a framework for juvenile justice reform: a South African perspective, British Journal of Criminology 42(3): 496-513.
- Skelton A.M. & Potgieter H. (2002), Juvenile Justice in South Africa. In: Winterdyk J.A. (red.), Juvenile justice systems: international perspectives. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press. 477-502.
- Skelton A. & Frank C. (2001), Conferencing in South Africa: returning to our future. In: Morris A. & Maxwell G. (red.), Restorative justice for Juveniles: conferencing, mediation and circles. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 103-120.
- Pinnock D., Skelton A. & Shapiro R. (1995), New juvenile justice legislation for South Africa: giving children a chance, Chronicle 4(1): 4-9.
- Co-Chair of the Committee on Enforcing the Rights of Children in Migration
- Tutor in the Masters in International Human Rights Law
- Editorial Board
- International Ambassador
- Editorial Board