Anikó Lipták
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. A.K. Lipták
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 3320
- 0000-0003-0196-4613

Aniko Liptak is universitair hoofddocent aan het Centre for Linguistics.
Meer informatie over Anikó Lipták
Universitair hoofddocent
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Taalwetenschap
- Lipták A.K. & Sybesma R. (2024), Missing and not found: what adjectival agreement reveals about determinerless headlines in Dutch and German, Linguistic Variation 24(1): 77–115.
- Lipták A.K. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2023), Missing and not found: what adjectival agreement reveals about determinerless headlines in Dutch and German, Linguistic Variation : 1-39.
- Griffiths J., Güneş G. & Lipták A. (2023), Reprise fragments in English and Hungarian: further evidence for an in-situ Q-equivalence approach to clausal ellipsis, Language 99(1): 154-191.
- Güneş G. & Lipták A.K. (red.) (2022), The Derivational Timing of Ellipsis. Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics nr. 79. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Lipták A.K. & Güneş G. (2022), The derivational timing of ellipsis: an overview of theoretical approaches. In: Güneş G. & Lipták A.K. (red.), The derivational timing of ellipsis. Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics nr. 79. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1-56.
- Lipták A.K. (2022), Sluicing. In: Bánréti Z. (red.), Syntax of Hungarian: coordination and ellipsis. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 139-154.
- Lipták A.K. (2022), Response particles and verbal identity, Journal of Uralic Linguistics 1(2): 239–278.
- Egressy J. & Lipták A.K. (2022), Bespreking van: Hegedűs V. & Kiss K.É., Syntax of Hungarian: postpositions and postpositional phrases. Syntax of Hungarian. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Folia Linguistica 56(2): 519-528.
- Lipták A.K. (2022), Predicate ellipsis. In: Bánréti Z. (red.), Syntax of Hungarian: coordination and ellipsis. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 155-186.
- Lipták A.K. (2022), Nominal ellipsis. In: Bánréti Z. (red.), Syntax of Hungarian: coordination and ellipsis. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 187-204.
- Lipták A.K. (2022), Fragments. In: Bánréti Z. (red.), Syntax of Hungarian coordination and ellipsis. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 205-227.
- Güneş G. & Lipták A.K. (2021), Nuclear prominence in ellipsis: evidence from aggressively non-D-linked phrases in British English, Journal of Linguistics 57(1): 83-121.
- Griffiths J., Gunes G., Lipták A.K. & Merchant J. (2021), Dutch preposition stranding and ellipsis: 'Merchant's Wrinkle' ironed out, Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 24: 269–318.
- Lipták A.K. (2020), Fragments with correction, Linguistic Inquiry 51(1): 154-167.
- Lu M., Lipták A.K. & Sybesma R. (2019), A structural account of the difference between achievements and accomplishments: evidence from Changsha Xiang Chinese, Journal of East Asian Linguistics 28(3): 279-306.
- Lipták A.K. & Saab A. (2019), Hungarian particle reduplication as local doubling, Acta Linguistica Hungarica 66(4): 527-574.
- Lipták A.K. (2018), Hungarian. In: Craenenbroeck J. van & Temmerman T. (red.), The Oxford Handbook of Ellipsis: Oxford University Press.
- Lipták A.K. (2018), Dissecting adpositional particle constructions: remarks from ellipsis. In: Bartos H., Dikken M. den, Bánréti Z. & Váradi T. (red.), Boundaries Crossed: Studies at the crossroads of morphosyntax, phonology, pragmatics, and semantics. Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory: Springer.
- Lipták A.K. & Kenesei I. (2017), Passive potential affixation: syntax or lexicon?, Acta Linguistica Hungarica 64(1): 45-77.
- Lipták A.K. (2017), A Pom Pom talány. Egy új érv a szigorú ellipszisazonosság ellen. In: Szécsényi Tibor & Németh Enikő T. (red.), Stratégiák és struktúrák. Tanulmányok Kenesei István 70. születésnapjára. Szeged: JATEPress.
- Hulst H. van der & Lipták A.K. (red.) (2017), Approaches to Hungarian 15. Papers from the 2015 Leiden Conference. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Kenesei I. & Lipták A.K. (2016), Bespreking van: Kiss Katalin É. (2014), The evolution of functional left peripheries in Hungarian syntax. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Language 92(4): 997-1000.
- Saab A. & Lipták A.K. (2016), Movement and deletion after syntax: Licensing by inflection reconsidered, Studia Linguistica 70(1): 66-108.
- Lipták A. & Kenesei I. (2016), Sur les critères d’identification des adjectifs en hongrois: le cas de –ható (–able). In: Spitzl-Dupic F., Grégoire M., Lebas-Fraczak L. & Ryan R. (red.), Sur les traces de l'adjectif. Clermont-Ferrand: Presses Universiteaires Blaise Pascal. 213-227.
- Lipták A.K. (2015), Identity in ellipsis: an introduction, Lingua 166(B): 155-171.
- Lipták A.K. (red.) (2015), Identity in ellipsis. Lingua: Elsevier.
- Lipták A.K. (2015), Relative pronouns as sluicing remnants. In: Surányi B., Kiss K.É. & Dékány É. (red.), Approaches to Hungarian 14: John Benjamins.
- Griffiths J. & Lipták A.K. (2014), Contrast and island sensitivity in clausal ellipsis, Syntax 17(3): 189-234.
- Lipták A.K. & Saab A.L. (2014), No N-raising out of NPs in Spanish: ellipsis as a diagnostic of head movement, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 32(4): 1247-1271.
- Lipták A.K. & Aboh E.O. (2013), Sluicing inside relatives: the case of Gungbe, Linguistics in the Netherlands 30(1): 102-118.
- Craenenbroeck J. van & Lipták A.K. (2013), What sluicing can do, what it can’t and in which language: on the cross-linguistic syntax of ellipsis. In: Cheng L.L. & Cover N. (red.), Diagnosing Syntax. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 502-536.
- Lipták A.K. (2013), The syntax of emphatic positive polarity in Hungarian: evidence from ellipsis, Lingua 128: 72-94.
- Lipták A.K. (2012), Correlative topicalization, Acta Linguistica Hungarica 59(3): 245-302.
- Lipták A.K. (2012), V-stranding ellipsis and verbal identity: the role of polarity focus, Linguistics in the Netherlands 29(1): 82-96.
- Lipták A.K. (2012), Strategies of wh-coordination, Linguistic Variation 11(2): 149-188.
- Lipták A.K. (2011), A fragmentumok mondattana a magyarban. In: István K. & Huba B. (red.), Új irányok és eredmények a mondattani kutatásban. Általános nyelvészeti tanulmányok = General Linguistic Studies nr. 26. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 317-349.
- Lipták A.K. (2011), The structure of the topic field in Hungarian. In: Beninca P. & Munaro N. (red.), Mapping the left periphery. The cartography of syntactic structures nr. 5: Oxford University Press.
- Rooryck J., Smith N., Lipták A.K. & Blakemore D. (red.) (2011), . Lingua.
- Lipták A.K. (2011) Review of “Adverbs and adverbial adjuncts at the interfaces". Bespreking van: Kiss Katalin É. (2009), Adverbs and adverbial adjuncts at the interfaces nr. 1. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Journal of Linguistics 47: 225-231.
- Lipták A.K. (2011), Word order in Hungarian exclamatives, Acta Linguistica Hungarica 53(4): 343-391.
- Rooryck J.E.C.V., Smith N., Lipták A.K. & Blakemore D. (2010), Editorial introduction to the special issue of Lingua on Evans & Levinson's “The myth of language universals”, Lingua 120(12): 2651-2656.
- Lipták A.K. (2010), On event operator movement in English factives, unknown FGW 36:1: 225-231.
- Lipták A.K. & Vicente L. (2009), Pronominal doubling under topicalization, Lingua 119(4): 650-686.
- Lipták A.K. (2009), The landscape of correlatives: an empirical and analytical survey. In: Liptak A.K. (red.), Correlatives Cross-linguistically. Language faculty and beyond nr. 1. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 1- 46.
- Bhatt R. & Lipták A.K. (2009), Matching effects in the temporal and locative domains. In: Lipták A. (red.), Correlatives Cross-linguistically. Language faculty and beyond nr. 1. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 343-372.
- Lipták A.K. & Rebuschi G. (2009), Types and Distribution of Northern Basque Correlatives. Nguyen C.D. (red.), The Fifth Asian GLOW Conference proceedings. The Fifth Asian GLOW Conference 5 oktober 2005 - 8 oktober 2005. New Delhi: Mysore & FOSSSIL. 194-218.
- Lipták A.K. & Rebuschi G. (2009), Les deux types de relatives libres détachées à gauche en basque du nord. Apothéloz D. & et al. (red.), Les linguistiques du détachement. : Peter Lang Publishers. 441-456.
- Lipták A.K. (red.) (2009), Correlatives Cross-Linguistically. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Lipták A.K. & Kenesei I. (red.) (2009), . Lingua.
- Lipták A.K. (2008), On the correlative nature of Hungarian left peripheral relatives. In: Shear B. & et al. (red.), Dislocated elements in discourse. Syntactic, semantic and pragmatic perspectives: Routledge. 398-430.
- Lipták A.K. & Van Craenenbroeck J. (2008), On the Interaction between Verb Movement and Ellipsis: New Evidence from Hungarian. Chang C.B. & Haynie H.J. (red.), Proceedings of the 26th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. . Somerville, Massachusetts: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. 138-146.
- Lipták A.K. & Zimmermann M. (2007), Indirect scope marking again: a case for generalized question formation, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 25(1): 103-155 (103).
- Lipták A.K. & Reintges C.H. (2006), Have=be+Prep(osition): New evidence for the preposition incorporation analysis of clausal possession. In: Frascarelli M. (red.), Phases of interpretation. Studies in Generative Grammar nr. 91: Mouton de Gruyter. 112-128.
- Lipták A.K. & Rebuschi G. (2006), Left peripheral free relatives in Northern Basque, Archive for Basque and Typologically-related Languages Research. .
- Lipták A.K. & Van Craenenbroeck J. (2006), The cross-linguistic syntax of sluicing: evidence from Hungarian relatives, Syntax 9(3): 248-274.
- Reintges C.H., Lipták A.K. & Cheng L.L. (2005), The nominal cleft construction in Coptic Egyptian. In: Kiss K.É. (red.), Universal grammar in the reconstruction of ancient languages. Studies in Generative Grammar nr. 83. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 105-136.
- Lipták A.K. (2005), Relativization strategies in temporal adjunct clauses, Linguistic Variation Yearbook 5(1): 65-117.
- Craenenbroeck J. van & Lipták A.K. (2005), Ellipsis in Hungarian and the typology of sluicing. Choi K. & Yim Ch. (red.), Proceedings of the 2005 Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar. Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar. Seoul: Hankook. 103-134.
- Lipták A.K. (2005), The left periphery of Hungarian exclamatives. Bruge L., Giusti G., Munaro N., Schweikert W. & Turano G. (red.), Contributions to the thirtieth Incontro di Grammatica Generativa. . Venice: Cafoscarina. 161-183.
- Lipták A.K. (2004), Scope Marking Constructions in Dayal-type Indirect Dependency. In: Breitbarth A. & Riemsdijk H. van (red.), Triggers. Studies in Generative Grammar nr. 75. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 259-292.
- Lipták A.K. (2004), Scope marking with adjunct clauses: new arguments for Dayal's approach. Moulton K. & Wolf M. (red.), Proceedings of NELS 34. NELS 34 conference 7 september 2003 - 9 september 2003. Amherst, MA: GSLA. 405-423.
- Lipták A.K. (2004), On the correlative nature of Hungarian left peripheral relatives. Shaer B., Frey W. & Maienborn C. (red.), Proceedings of the Dislocated Elements Workshop, ZAS Papers in Linguistics, 35:1. Dislocated Elements Workshop, 2003 November, ZAS. Berlin: ZAS. 287-313.
- Lipták A.K. (2003), Conjoined questions in Hungarian. In: Boeckx C. & Grohmann K. (red.), Multiple wh-fronting. Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today nr. 64. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 141-160.
- Dikken M. den & Lipták A.K. (2002), On inclusive reference anaphora: New perspectives from Hungarian. Megerdoomian K. & Bar-el L.-A. (red.), WCCFL 20 Proceedings. . Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
- Lipták A.K. (2002) Review of Hungarian. Bespreking van: Kenesei I. (2002), Hungarian nr. 10. Londen: Routledge. Lingua 112.
- Lipták A.K. (2002) Review of Crossing Boundaries. Bespreking van: Kenesei I. (2002), Crossing boundaries nr. 1. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Acta Linguistica Hungarica 49.
- Lipták A.K. (28 juni 2001), On the syntax of WH-items in Hungarian (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Utrecht: LOT. Promotor(en): Rooryck J.E.C.V. & Cheng L.L.-S.
- Lipták A.K. & Zimmermann M. (2000), A crosslinguistic analysis of binominal each constructions. Haukioja T., Herlin I. & Kittilä S. (red.), SKY 13 (2000) proceedings. . Helsinki.
- Lipták A.K. (1998), A magyar fokuszemelesek egy minimalista elemzese. In: Büky L. & Maleczki N. (red.), A mai magyar nyelv leirasanak ujabb modszerei III 93-115.
- Lipták A.K. (1998), Focus and ECM. In: Cambier-Langeveld T., Lipták A. & Redford M. (red.), Proceedings of Console VI. Leiden: HIL.
- Lipták A.K. (1998), Er as a local expletive. In: Barbiers S., Rooryck J. & Weijer J. van de (red.), Small words in the big picture. Leiden: HIL. 61-64.
- Dikken M. den & Lipták A.K. (1997), Csoda egy nyelv - Nominal-internal prediction in Hungarian. In: Coerts J. & Hoop H. de (red.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 1997. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 61-72.